nights-flying-fox · 15 days
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[Art by @little-banjo-frog ; Twin-Sync (More Than You Think) by @little-banjo-frog , Sub-Zero by @noxvee6 , Captainx2 @veearrifarrariboom] [@tmntstorycomp]
[Callisto is Twin-Sync Leo, Ganymede is T-S Donnie, Hop is Dimension Hopper Leo, and Null is Sub-Zero Leo]
The portal family had just found each other in the fun chaos that was a competition. They were in a library where the the Twin-Sync twins had ended up imprisoned and eventually broke free with the help of Captains, and where Hop had accidentally opened two portals for different reasons. The first one had ended up flooding the place with comic books. The second one luckily didn’t drop any random items, and yet, he couldn’t understand why they didn’t work properly. There was something weird going on… 
Now Hop had found Callisto and Ganymede, and he saw Null around, so he must be somewhere around here. They were looking for him but luckily before they did find him, he did. 
“Null!” Hop greeted happily. 
“Monkey.” Null greeted back, approaching them. “Callisto, Ganymede.”
“Hey old man.” Callisto waved.
“I found the twins, and they are the reason the alarms are wild.” Hop grinned as he leaned on Null’s arm.
The oldest slider looked at the twins. “Not surprised.”
“Still salty about the bomb situation?” Callisto asked, not bothering to hide his smirk.
“Please for Galileo's sake don’t make this a ‘he threw me off a roof’ situation.” Ganymede groaned.
“But he did.” Hop pointed out.
“And we have every right to be salty about that.” Callisto added.
Null simply nodded.
Ganymede rolled his eyes. “Leos…” Then he noticed something. A colorful blur jumped out of the portal Hop had made near a window. “What the–”
The Leos turned to look at where he was looking. Callisto gasped and Hop’s eyes widened, “Oh!”
Null, however, seemed to simply be confused. He silently watched as the calico cat walked towards him, despite her small steps arriving in no time. She purred loudly, rubbing her head on his leg. Now the big slider was even more confused, “What?” he said out loud. Hop could bet he saw question marks fly around him. Then the kitty made the biggest, cutest kitten eyes.
Hop cooed, clasping his hands together. “Aww!!! Look Null! She chose you!”
Null gently took the cat in his palm. She was so small, tiny enough to fit a hand of his. She looked happy to be held, purring softly. Null looked at her, and then at the others. He looked puzzled.
“Null, the cat chose you. You gotta take care of her now.” Callisto announced.
Hop joined with a big grin. “You have no choice.”
“But– where did she even come from?” Null questioned. This didn’t make any sense. Wasn’t it bad for her to be away from her timeline or universe?
“She jumped out from that portal.” Ganymede pointed. “Do you know where that portal leads, Hop?”
He shook his head, “Nope. All I know is it failed to lead to the right place and won’t close for some reason.” He huffed. “None do!”
Callisto gasped. “Portal cat!”
Hop’s eyes brightened with excitement, “Portal cat!”
The two started cheering, “Portal cat! Portal cat!”
Ganymede sighed, “I’ll check the portal to see where she came from.”
“Wait! We need to name her first.” Callisto exclaimed, Hop nodded beside him. 
“Name her?” Null turned to them, he was cautiously petting the lil kitty.
“We can’t adopt her.” Ganymede said, “As much as I hate to say it, she is from who knows where. It might have side effects for her.”
“Or not.” Callisto responded. “Maybe this is her first time and she will be fine because when we hop we hop cautiously.” He booped the cat’s nose.
Ganymede sighed, he joined in petting the cat too. “Fine.”
Hop scratched her chin, “So what we’re gonna name the lil gal?”
“Oh I know!” Callisto grinned, “How about Blueberry?”
“Blue because her eyes are blue or blue because you all are blue?” Ganymede’s voice was flat, but it was clearly visible he was teasing by the smirk on his face.
“Yes.” Callisto answered.
“I love it!” Hop exclaimed. “Fits her.”
“It’s good.” Null said.
“Then it is set.” Callisto smiled. “Blueberry the portal cat!”
“Can I check the portal now?” Ganymede asked, but he was interrupted. 
“The second bracket theme is going to be… the Woods!” They heard Massy’s voice. 
“Ah. So much for knowing where she came from…” Ganymede gave up as the library changed.
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cutesyhunter · 6 years
Ink stained mirror Bonus
A bonus chapter that if you want can skip
*- are for important breaks in the story such as a time skip
Mary was helping Norman clean up a mess in the projection room, spilled a lot of stuff and they didn’t want to call wally since it didn’t seem that big to call him in.
“So how’s your wife?” Mary asked throwing some of the ruined bread in the trash
“She’s all good, just doing what she does best: ruinin' the house” Norman said, he looked proud
“That’s great! How are your kids?”
“They’re doing great, thriving wher’eva they plan to go”
“I’m happy for you then” Mary looks up with a grin as they finish up
“ ‘preciate it doll” Norman smiled back down at her, grinning face, helping her up.
Suddenly they hear vigorous steps coming and banging up the stairs.
“Mary! I got a great idea!” Minnie said her excitement clear
“Don’t shout, I’m right here” Mary said
“Sorry, I’m just super excited!”
Norman mumbled something about Minnie acting like one of his children on a sugar high
“What is it? And please don’t shout dear.”
“You remember that letter, our parents sent us?” How could she not? They’d just got it this morning.
“Of course”
“And how I wanted to send something more personal than another letter, telling them boring ol’ stuff like how we’re doing and stuff”
Mary raised an eyebrow like ‘don’t say that but continue’
“How about we show them!” Minnie said to Mary’s big eyed face
“What you going to send your parents a projector?” Norman asked, making both Mary and Minnie snort with laughter
“What? No” Minnie calmed down from her laughs “I was thinking a photo!”
Mary stopped laughing, saying in a quiet voice “Minnie we can’t afford that…we don’t even have a camera” she liked the idea but they couldn’t afford it, if they wanted to eat
“Weeee don’t” Minnie put emphasis on the ‘e’ “but I know someone that does”
“You do?” Mary was surprised that Minnie would know someone that owned something like that.
“Yeah I know someone who owes me some favors.” Minnie said proudly
“But aren’t photos expensive? I know they’re not as much a film” She looks at Norman proudly as he nods, her stupid grin coming back
“He owes me” Minnie said again
Mary looked about ready to repeat herself but Minnie beat her to it “He. owes. me. Biiiiiiiig”
How big did he owe her? Mary questioned to herself
“I called him about thirty minutes ago and he’s on his way” Minnie said
“wait what?” Mary mumbled, Norman was just being chill about their conversation
“Weeeee should probably make sure Joey doesn’t know, since he could fire us” Minnie gave a strained smile
“why didn’t you think of that earlier?!” Mary’s voice went higher at the realization, meaning she was mad
“well I thought our clothes are still clean, it’s pretty early and his schedule was open, and I really wanted to get a photo to the squirts n’ mom and dad as soon as we could”
Minnie was sentimental about things like that, hell she was still wearing the locket and cross their mother had given to her, Minnie wasn’t even religious.
Mary could only sigh since she did things like this far too often then she should
“Lets go greet him! Come on!”
“All right! All right! No need to drag me! Goodbye Norman!” Mary said Minnie pulling her down the stairs
“see ya” Norman waved goodbye to the girls
Minnie dragged Mary all the way up to the first floor, they saw Minnie’s friend before he saw them, he was just looking around curiously
“Salty! You found the place!” Salty looked down at Minnie words
“Little hard to miss there Tomato” “well considering you get lost to the bathroom I wanted to make sure my favorite Rag-a-Muffin made it here safe” They exchanged smirks at each other, then Salty picked Minnie up and gave her a big old bear hug, which she returned until Mary swore she heard a popping sound from both ends.
They both let go laughing their buts off.
“Um…hello salty, nice to see you again” She waved shyly, using her other hand to push her hair out of her face
“Always a pleasure” His hand had practically engulfed hers last time she shook his hand, salty was massive with few tattoos hidden somewhere, so to know he had a hobby that involved art wasn’t strange just unexpected.
“So we got you for an hour, so let’s get to it…and avoid our boss”
“Wait what?” Salty seemed just as surprised as Mary had been moments ago
“Your boss doesn’t know t’m here” Salty asked Mary since Minnie wasn’t going to give a straight answer when she knew she was in trouble
“No…and he might fire us if he sees you” Mary said
“Why? You’re not giving away secrets as far as I can tell”
“Our boss is an ass” Minnie told him
“Minnie hush!” Mary told her thinking the man would hear them
“Sound terrible…” Salty rubbed the back of his neck nervously
“Enough talk! Let’s go!” Minnie dragged Salty to the drawing nook to begin their operation: gift for parents and squirts
“I like this rooms energy” Salty said once he stepped into the drawing nook
“Thanks!” Minnie said “So we agreed three pictures one-“
“Hold up. We agreed only on two.” Salty told Minnie, Mary looked at Minnie waiting for the argument
“Yes we did, but I figured I’d go ahead and owe you big to give them another picture” Minnie told him, Mary looked back at Salty
“But what if I’d said no?” Salty pointed out, Mary looked at Minnie
“Then I’d be disappointed but I’d understand.” Minnie replied, Mary looked back at Salty, the big man had an amused look on his face
“Oh fine. I can’t say no to such a sappy request” Salty told her, making Minnie grin with a smug kind of happiness for a successful trade, Mary giggled at her face.
“So whatcha thinking you smug tomato?” Salty asked Minnie
“I actually do have an idea! Mary and I show some of the drawings we’ve been animating for the camera! Sound good?”
“I love it!” Mary told her
Salty shrugged “sounds good to me, get the pictures and hold them up”
The two looked through them and made their decision, Minnie held up two pictures, one with Bendy and Alice dancing, the other with Mary Mirror in a fortune telling booth, and Mary held up a picture inspired by a jam session all the characters at once l, including the butcher gang, she’d been inspired by Minnie’s drawing and drew it; Boris on the banjo, Bendy on the violin, alice on the microphone, Mary on the guitar and the butcher gang on different instruments; Edgar on a harp, Barley on accordion and Charley on piano.
Minnie had admitted that one looked better.
She’d gotten a few too many comments on the butcher gang, that there was no way they’d play those instruments, but Mary thought it was cute and the instruments suited them, honesty she was just proud she’d managed to finish it at home, it was a small scene but it made her happy.
Salty adjusted the camera, telling them to stand a little closer and snapped the picture.
“Cute scenes” He commented
“Thank you” They both said flattered, Minnie was grinning from ear to ear, Mary put her hair behind her ear
“All right let’s go take the next picture! I got an idea for the music room!”
* They’d only had to hide once in a room on the way there since Joey was walking in the opposite direction, waiting until his footsteps pass in the empty office
“You make it out like the guys scary, he doesn’t very big” Both the twins shush Salty
A few years shaved off their lives but they were finally there!
“I don’t like the energy in this room much…”
“Whaaaat! Why not?” Mary asked Salty
“It feels dark…”
She was about to question further what he meant but something else interrupted them
“Holy Moly!” They jumped to see Wally staring up at Salty
“Who’s the giant that looks ready to punch someone?” His wide eyes looking up at salty who just snorted
“The giants none of your concerned” Minnie said using a tone she never used with Wally,
“But-“ Wally began
“Who ‘re you?” Everyone jumped once again, Salty let out a curse since it was close to his head instead of below him
“Norman! Stop sneaking up on people” Minnie called up at the project room
Before Minnie could get more frustrated, Mary just introduced Salty “Wally this is Sylvester Woods, we call him Salty, Salty this is Wally Franks”
The two stared at each other awkwardly, Salty held out his hand and Wally shook it, they hear a cracking sound and a yelp from Wally
“Sorry” Salty said as Wally tried to shake the pain out of his hand
“Salty that’s Norman Polk up there, Norman this is Salty”
“How’ ya doin?” Norman waved casually
“I’m ok” Salty nodded up to him
“Moving on, I was thinking Mary with her guitar and-“
Salty started coughing “Bleh! What’s that terrible smell?”
Mary and Minnie could have turned to stone at that moment, and they could have cracked into a million pieces when someone else was coming through the door
“Hey what ar-“
Well, that explained the smell, it was Jack.
“….Hi?” He says seeing a really big guy and the twins staring at him
“Am I interrupting something?”
Before the twins could respond, Sammy came in looking like he was talking to Allison until he bumped into Jack and this scene
And they had the exact same questioning eyes as Jack.
“What the hells going on here?” Sammy turned his stare at the two red heads
“You wanna cover this one or should I?” Mary asked Minnie
“You please” Minnie said gritting her teeth in frustration since they didn’t mean to be seen by everyone in the office
Mary told them that they were taking pictures for their parents a few states away
“I see…” Sammy said, Jack tapped his chin
“That’s sweet” Allison giggled
There was a tension to the room
“Will this take long?” Sammy asked “I don’t think so” Mary told him
“come on!” Minnie said, she said frustrated
“all right” Mary said exasperated by Minnie’s behavior
“So I was thinking that Mary you could play your guitar and I could be that stick waver!” Minnie told her the idea
“Stick waver? You mean the conductor?” Sammy pointed out, making Minnie pout
“Yes that” She said, she points at Sammy without looking at him
“don’t point” Mary chided
“It’s kinda bland” Salty said getting Minnie a little more frustrated, looking down with a harder pout
Salty thought it over, looking down at the other few and looked up at the projectionist room but the man wasn’t there anymore making his shiver, clearing his throat
“Why not take a picture with these guys” Salty pointed to them
“Don’t point” Mary chided again
“No thanks I’m gonna go get some ice or a brace for my hand” Wally said going to the little nurses room
The three look at each other, Mary honestly liked the idea
“It can be like a jam session!” Mary smiled at them
Sammy huffed letting out a ‘fine’
“Yeah sure!” Jack shrugged
“I’d love to” Allison said
They got to the places with their instruments, and Allison at a microphone. Minnie tried to be the conductor but she still looked ridiculous so they gave her a tambourine and she looked good.
“Your parents will love this photo” Salty said making the twins really happy
“All right I got an idea now!” Mary pulled Minnie over to the front of the recording studio, Mary talked to her.
The two started giggling, Minnie put her arm around Mary, the smaller twin had to lift up slightly while Mary had to bend down slightly. Minnie pressed her cheek to Mary’s in affection.
It was a sweet sisterly photo, Which Salty immediately took.
“All right! Now we have to get you out!” Minnie said dragging Salty out
Mary let out a huffed laugh
“Still wanna jam?” Jack asked
“yes,” Mary nodded going to sit down.
Minnie didn’t know it would take forever for the photo’s to get done, they hadn’t heard in forever.
Until Salty came to the drawing nook and gave them the photo’s and a copy of the old one.
“thought you’d want it”
They did, so they both gave salty a kiss on his cheeks for being amazing.
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