#EVERYDAY this is a mantra. thank god i am an adult
7.8.23 Saturday
7:24 am
Special Note: Last food today and the dog food as well.
I feel bitter coz the handle of Uncle DD is so chipay ( cheap )... How can he say that he can be a father figure on Aunt Karen's son, or is it only for Aunt Karen's son....I thought they will lift me up but everything is lie ( plus, fake character at my back ) like what he said on my nana about me " that let her be alone..." Scary fake character...
No wifi here,only data....I feel frustrated and bitter... I wanna leave the hometown and hating the fake people in Cavite....They just took away everything from me....I feel hurt for 16 years...
Uncle Jun is still sleeping, still sick I guess...
How can I meet or get a support system someone alien here and mature and hoping to see colored....I hate this fake mantra on me coming from Cavite!
I feel fat,ugly and old here... I need a support system....
8:17 am
I have priformis/ pelvic/ sciatica pain...Still, no alms for my massage therapy on Elsie ( this is bullshit! ) I missed 3 sessions already...
10:18 am
This uncle Jun went to the bathroom awhile ago and peed on the cover support bowl and it is dirty, probably coz he is sick so I let it pass... Now , he is sleeping and still sick... But I hope it is not intentional and the next time he will lift the cover support bowl...
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12:04 noon
Uncle Jun seems having amnesia, I asked him about the toilet bowl cover he said he didn't do it but he is confirmed sick... I just remind him to lift the toilet bowl cover coz I cleaned it... I hate dirty bathroom angels...In spite of I still need a lot of cleaning materials here... whew! Self-pity here...
I still have windblow trap and I'm self-pitying angels...I need a support system here, so badly...
Repeat recipe fried Egg Plant, see how good I'am to fry and cook it justly... Last food for today!
Still have hotdogs and sometimes breakfast is the new dinner..
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1:50 pm
I feel bitter... I hate being cheap... I need a colored alien bf who can be my support system here... I can't exist and I can't even see my exes just for the help... Or how can I be a friend of Lopez that I need a lift...
I'm not happy for 16 years... I feel hurt for some women who always took my crown or seat..
6:55 pm
The small baby oil is gone on the place where I put it and my ointment is as well gone... I feel irritated and I know where I put it, angels...
Who done it???
In the Nutshell:
I hate immature people...I hate copy cats on me... But I love friends who are like me like my best friends/ gf's Dra. MITCH was my in a way mirror image as well as my 3 main exes...
I think Lopez can be my mirror image... gets,Angels...
7:34 pm
Hmm....Hmm... Someone put it inside the cotton buds case...
The baby oil is for John for his ear cleaning as always coz of the ear mites and I took everything out... And the ointment it is for my skin allergy, pimple ( inflammation ) or skin rash or scratch... It is the chinese version of my japanese ointment Restamin Kowa but who put it inside the cotton buds case??? THANK GOD IT IS HERE...
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8:19 pm
I still have windblow trap... I wanna leave the hometown... By posting here the name of Lopez it means I need help coz I have a windblow trap... My story is here on the pages... I have etiquette and I'm a true friend and I'm genuine... Lopez can be my mirror image as well...
I know Lopez is a gentleman and matured! A real adult in mind...
I badly need a support system but how can I exist here though there are so many aliens in Cavite...
How can I gain friends who can lift me and I'm self-pitying...I feel bitter... I want friends who are having a serious mindset...
I'm thinking of money and job/ self-fulfillment... I wanna buy starbucks everyday... I wanna remove my deep smile lines and my collagen even down there...
10:42 pm
I have windblow trap.. I feel insulted coz I'm just petite they don't take me seriously... I feel bitter coz I lost a crown... It's been 16 years, even my original crown in Kalibo Aklan, we let go of it and the rest of the exes coz it's been 16 years and I feel left out and alone... I'm just trying to defend myself coz I'm aging and there are so many younger beauty queens these days even other people in the society... I'm not fixing now and I feel that they don't take me seriously, I'm becoming ugly... Of course being a Queen meaning you have at least the beauty to share on the society and being the Queen of let's just say supposed to be Queen Kalibo Aklan you have the full maturity, full maturity it doesn't mean only being a "doctor"....
But I still need to have a job/ professional...
I feel bitter!
I will order my King to stop the beauty pageant if my King truly loves me....I lost my moment for 16 years....They just gave pain on me! I feel bitter and jealous! I will tell my King to billboard me...
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The Queen of Brunie but she is not a doctor... Good thing she got it during her younger years...
There was this funny story that women go there in Brunei just to get golds after they sleep with the King but a lot didn't know that there is a Queen! It was just a joke!
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0 notes
#Motivation Mondays
In life there are many reasons to quit or feel defeated. Sometimes the overwhelming pressure of pursuing perfection causes people to become worse than they would otherwise be if they just decided to be mediocre. However, recently I’ve begun to contemplate the idea of imperfection as a strength. If life was perfect it would be boring, there would be no adventure or passion. Everything would be bland because there would be nothing to challenge us. This year I set many goals for myself. I reached a lot of them but have failed miserably at the others.
One of my goals was to keep an active blog. With this post being my fourth blog entry of 2019 I realized it was a goal I wasn’t properly prepared to meet. I also set a goal of reading 100 books this year. I think I’ve made it to about 12. Now my goal is to get to 30 books read by the end of the year and 54 in 2020. All this is to say that often times people (speaking of myself here) set goals that they are not ready or unprepared to meet. That being said I don’t believe that setting smaller goals is the answer but that we must all face our ego and question why we do things. Maybe our ego wants more than it’s willing to work for. I believe one of the great challenges of life is mastering the ego and taming your fears so that you are not a slave to inaction, indecisiveness, and mediocrity. 
I say all this to say my new challenge to myself is to make one blog post a week. Although I am a musician and educator by trade I realize my connection to these vocations is based on a shared believe that art and education have the capacity to change one's life for the better. So I’m starting this series called motivation Monday’s which I already know is a popular hashtag (algorithm points!!!) so maybe people will pay attention. In these posts I’ll share what I’m learning, researching, and consuming in hopes to motivate myself and others to be excited for the day, the week, and life in general. So if you don’t like reading I’ll share the mantra that I’m setting for the week and you can take it or leave it. I hope it helps and I thank you for joining me on this journey of personal growth and self discovery. 
Monday Mantra: My greatest gift to the universe is to know myself completely and to live every moment as the actualization of my highest self. 
I’ve been resonating with this concept recently as I reflect on opportunities I’ve lost as well as my great successes in life. Most of my perceived failures in life fame when I chose to ignore that little voice in my head/gut and try to act strictly from a place of logical analysis. Of course there’s nothing wrong with logic but from a spiritual perspective I believe logic is all that is contained within the understanding of our human capabilities. Whereas intuition draws on a force that is higher (astral) than our physical bodies or mental processing. In short every truly amazing experience that has happened in my life came from acting on instinct and intuition even when the decisions I made seemed to be the most uncertain. I believe the barrier between the life we dream of and want and the life we have is the relationship we have with our ego. 
In Eric Berne’s seminal work “The Games People Play” he speaks of a concept of three ego states: the Parent, Adult, and Child. He proposes that most social interactions are conducted with people operating from one of these three ego states. The subtle influence of our parents rules and regulations or patterns of being, the vulnerabilities of our inner child, and the rationalization of our adult mind all play a part in our sense of self. While I do believe this to be true, I also believe that each person is made up of the same energy that forms the celestial bodies and that our souls and spirits operate in communion with the universe. That at a macro and micro level we are all interconnected and that when you connect to your essence, soul, life force, God, divine purpose, etc you can move in harmony with the universe instead of against it. So I offer this mantra as a reminder to myself that the life that I desire and the person I desire to be already exist. My job is to walk down the path of inner discovery so that everyday I show up as my highest self. This is the only way I’ll have something worthwhile to contribute to myself, my family, my community, the world, and to the universe. 
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
-Marianne Deborah Williamson
P.S. watch this Black Thought Speech that inspired this blog post:
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3rd Comedy Monologue
“Do any of you remember Rugrats?”
“The 90s cartoon about talking babies that went on adventures”
“Yeah well you know Angelica the whiny,spoiled character?”
“I actually kind of liked her maybe it’s because I related to her when I was little or maybe it’s because I liked how cool she was she was able to tell the babies about stuff they didn’t know about, playing a part in their imagination.”
Anyways speaking of children,they’re alright and they are usually one of the following
“Mummy Daddy why do they get to pick a sweet not me what did I do?”
“Waaaa I want that I want that”
“Hi there, do you want to play?
“Your good at art,I couldn’t draw like that”
“Thank you young soul you are too pure for this world”
Me on the other hand,was a whinging cowardly little sod
Now I’m not a child anymore but I am still mistaken as one
Yeah,that happens
17/18 years old,old enough to vote,old enough to drive,old enough to move house & old enough to realise my phases of being a tory “skeptic” were pointless
Yet sometimes people still think I’m someone who likes ice-cream,toys and video games
Well I mean I do like those things I’m sure some of you like those things too
We are children at heart but physically and mentally we evolve and learn with time
I’ll be an young adult,and I love it I might not have a place of my own yet but I love being able to learn new things and see new places I couldn’t see when I was a kid.
Then again my teenhood wasn’t that good either because I had a developmental condition that made me different than others mentally,my interests were very intense and I got panic feelings when around crowds or in difficult situations
My primary school classmates liked JLS,Partying and other things that I didn’t like or couldn’t do
While now I’m warming up to certain things I’m still happy I didn’t like JLS.
I on the other hand, liked the sims 3,dolls,the 1980s,old cartoons and films.
So...a game where you become God,plastic models,the age of neon graphic design, and innovative video games and...yeah that hasn’t changed has it?
Well I don’t play the sims anymore,my laptop has no cd rom drive,I used up the data on my old one, from downloads I’d buy from the exchange store
Sims also was one of the few things that got me into my “emo” phase
I’d be looking at sims videos on youtube they’d usually be very sad and in the background there’d be evanescence,my chemical romance or avril lavigne
I’d be sitting at the back of the living room at a gathering and I’d be listening to Sims 2 sad story part 1 because it had good music. I later learned the names and that I was a bit of a goth,a emo,a metalhead because I liked gothic and j-metal any of that.
now this was embarrassing I’m sure we all have those songs where as soon as you hear them you feel a film reel of negative memories return. For me that was
Barbie Girl by Aqua, weird because aqua are a good band,but that song oh that song it was so annoying
Picture this
Someone in their final primary school years, who still collects dolls,
Now!  Would you ignore that or would you use that outdated song as a way to mock them because they were still enjoying a thing, meant for children.
I received the latter,because of that when I’d hear people sing that song simply just because they liked it I’d get confused and offended a similar thing happened with my little pony
I used to sing and perform for people in the playgrounds other times I’d keep to myself
I loved my little pony before the new wave I loved rewatching episodes of the old 80s mlp series of goblins,witches and giants...oops that was a different show I was describing there
And one of the songs I’d perform was the original theme song
My Little Pony~ My Little Pony~
What will today’s adventure be?
My Little Pony…My Little Pony
Will there be exciting sights to see?
Nope to some of my primary school audience the lyrics were
“My little pony skinny and boney”
*sarcastic deadpan laugh*
Ha ha ha,  
Then again I wasn’t much better
I used to make youtube videos with those “dolls”
They weren’t very good
They had bad editing and barely any plot beyond badly structured fourth wall jokes
Yet I wanted the whole internet to know about them even if they weren’t interested
I was a easy target and while I did get tired of that,change interests and go into a different fandom direction
Some things were still the same
I was still cowardly,weak and timid and that was a problem
I was always following others,I didn’t make my decisions often,because of the condition and my own loneliness I couldn’t do things other teenagers could.
I never had a sleepover,I never had a crush that wasn’t one-sided and I didn’t have much independence
Even when I did have “friends” those friends I would later learn were not nice making me believe I had wasted years that I couldn’t get back.
On...the topic of regrets, dance  something I sometimes enjoy but when I studied performing Arts it was what I dreaded…
Note I’m ok with  anyone who does like to dance,party or do any of those things
I would just try to take part like everyone else but many times I was put aside or embarrassed in front of the others because of either me having a meltdown or because “my timing was off”
Yes,he did teach me some cool moves and I am more supple now but that was the content and even if I was crap I knew it and tried to practice
Everyday I’d practice each technical exercise and routine but it was still not good enough.in fact it was because of that and other reasons that I couldn’t do that course anymore
All because of,of….Craig Revel Hor not him but he was like him.
Because of that I had to take saturday dance classes...those weren’t fun
The most fun I had was from the songs we danced to and the few positive examples of small talk I attempted with the people there.
Otherwise it was not good...me and little kids specifically loud hyper kids don’t always go well when in the same place..again my timing was off it wasn’t told but I could tell
One of the moments I hated the most was the headshot day
Now we were supposed to just be getting photos taken but the photographer noticed I was shorter than she thought.I laughed it off because I know I’m short but then what did she say in response…
“Your a wee bit vertically challenged”
Now,I may be short but in a class of kids and teens of different ages and heights I was far from the shortest person there.
When I was a teenager I wasn’t a proper teenager the only things that made me a teenager was my age,my angsty attitude and the drama I got into involving political meme posters and anime roleplayers.
The less I say about that the better
So while all the “adults” were telling me to beware of the adult years because of
Oooh responsibilities...ooooh independence ooooh….education
Honestly  it’s ok for me so far I’m a fairly organized person so studying is good,I did a assistant stage managing gig for a west side story production which was class by the way and I think i’ll feel a lot happier as a adult.
I have not much to mock about today my political jabs are sometimes good other times they’re like a bad Ben Elton joke on Saturday Live.
“Ha teresa may is like the wicked queen from snow white when she’s in disguise”
yeah? …..and  You look like you could front the band Wings mate
Speaking of a bad Ben Elton joke
“Oh I never really understood the whole “comedy” business I always prefered being a bit of a writer and I think now with Bohemian Rhapsody being out that those critics will think
We Will Rock You wasn’t that bad.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a show that layered it’s satire of the mainstream establishment under a sitcom narrative about alternative young adult characters where the comedy was good
for once
Once in every life time
Comes a moment like this
Oh I need you, you need me,
Oh my darling can't you see.
Young Ones.
Darling we're The Young Ones.
The Young Ones.
That show,oh I only watched last year but I have so many words
The jokes,the satire,the characters,the setting,the fact it still holds up
I found that show at the right time
It was august 2017
I had finished my GCSE’s,I had left a manipulative friendship and I felt horrible
When I’d go to the cinema people were making noise and I would remember the panic more than the film itself *coughs* Spiderman homecoming
I felt like I didn’t know how to laugh anymore
Summertime sadness
When edgy me came across ben elton’s ronnie barker memorial lecture
Being a fan of Porridge and Open All hours I listened and after hearing about a certain sitcom  I started watching...The Young Ones...and it was out of this world
I roared with laughter with each episode,I related to the characters and I felt a connection of some sort
Researching more about the “alternative comedy” genre and I saw a familiar name
I learned I had seen some of his work before,he was the andrex puppy,he was in that king Arthur cartoon and he was in that drop dead fred movie I didn’t watch just because internet critics said it was one of the biggest cinematic flops ever….
Yet I never knew his name until then and I’m still not over that
I looked up his other work,where he was richie,richie rich,lord flashheart and a b’stard of a conservative
(which I would later try to do an impression of, on my final girls brigade show.)
So many thoughts,so many emotions he changed my life
Many things and people have. He is one of them  
his work was incredible and iconic  and his mantras are very inspirational and useful. He made me realise a lot of things about life,my love of his work also resulted in me meeting most of the friends I have now.
It’s 2019 and I’m now the anarchist I always wanted to be,I’m out of my shell, a bat out of hell,I followed others for too long but I’m my own person now that’s who I will always be
Now say it with me   Young Ones..
You shouldn't be afraid.
To live, love, there's a song to be sung.
Cause we may not
Be The Young Ones
very long.
Oh,Doctor Rik.Mayall we miss you,you bastard
The world wasn’t as much of a crap place when you were there to cheer us up
But your still here spiritually in her hearts
As you said yourself we still have your shows  and poems
Now!  all you punks,skins,rastas,emos,hipsters,creators,viewers,performers,entertainers,observers and fellow peoples poets
let’s gather round and hold our hands in sorrow for our fallen leader
Love is the answer!  Goodnight
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0262: Would You Like To Know Wealthy Contractor's Selling Secrets?
This Podcast Is Episode Number 0262, And It Will Be About Wealthy Contractor's Selling Secrets
I was raised in a great environment. My parents were wonderful people who always did their best and could always be counted on to provide food, clothing, shelter, and opportunity to attend school where I earned my High School Diploma. After that, I attended several Colleges and Universities to further my education. 
The point of this article is for contractors who are having any financial struggles is to provide you with the time-tested and proven answer to more cash flow and profits as soon as possible!
I was raised in a great environment. My parents were wonderful people who always did their best and could always be counted on to provide food, clothing, shelter, and opportunity to attend school where I earned my High School Diploma. After that, I attended several Colleges and Universities to further my education. 
The Simple Answer Is Sell Your way Out!
When I was growing up there wasn't money for allowance so I developed my own. I tried many things and discovered nobody would hire an eight-year-old kid part-time after school. So I started acquiring things I could sell door-to-door in our neighborhood.
Retailing Pecans $0.35 A Pound Door-To-Door - I purchased brown paper lunch bags from the supermarket. Then I Gathered up pecans that fell on the ground under the tree in our yard, put them in a brown paper bag on the bathroom scale and increased pecans until it equaled one pound, rolled up the top of the bag and repeated the process until I had ten pounds. Then I walked door-to-door in our neighborhood selling them, and I did not stop until I had sold them all.
Selling Puzzles Door-To-Door - Our next door neighbor, an industrial parts salesman, had access to small puzzles. I purchased them for $0.05 each and sold them door-to-door for $0.10 each. Every weekday after school I would sell all ten before arriving back home.
Selling Pencils Door-To-Door - I purchased 20 pencils from the local office supply store $.0025, two for a nickel. I sold them door-to-door in our neighborhood for $.05 each and I did not stop until I had sold them all.
I always had money for comic books, toys, milkshakes, birthday presents, Christmas presents and even opened a savings account.
Those life lessons served me well into adult life as a contractor, business owner, entrepreneur and real estate investor.
How Does This Help You?
It All Comes Down To Cause And Effect – You will accomplish what you anticipate. For many years people believed the world is flat and some people still believe it. For many years people believed it was unimaginable for a human to run a mile under four minutes. That is until May 06, 1954 when Roger Banister did it.
Condition Yourself For Success!
Be-Do-Have - Be The Person, Do The Work, Have The Results. In life contractors generate reasons or results and, reasons don’t count.
The Secret Is In Thinking Patterns And Habits
Success is a few simple disciplines practiced everyday
Failure is a few errors in judgment repeated everyday
Over the years I have accomplished great things and generated some spectacular malfunctions in construction. Success lands whenever I have procured mentors that are already at where I am headed. Failure always comes from engaging people who cannot produce results but think they can.
Though the dogs (negative people) may bark, the caravan (long line of successful contractors) moves on. - Randalism
Choose wisely the six people you invest the most of your time with as The Leveling Process Operates 24/7/365
Leveling Is Key To Your Success As A Contractor
Birds And People - Flock together with others like themselves because it is comfortable. It only makes sense to soar with eagles rather than keeping your head down pecking at the ground with the chickens.
Your Income - Is typically within 20% of the average of the six people you spend the most time with. 
Leveling Down - If you spend most of your time at the “Contractors Business Round Table”, this is a little round table in a tavern with a pitcher of beer and several contractors all earning $40,000 a year or less telling each other how to run their businesses then your income will hover between $32,000 and $48,000 (20% plus or minus $40,000). Leveling Up - As you develop your Business Strategy for your construction company your income is likely to increase. The impact on your friends will not be pleasant as you will be proving that good people can win in the construction game by playing it with high moral and ethical standards and the willingness to try something different.
The Simplest Way To Level Up - is read about successful people. Watch movies about successful people. Surround yourself with successful people and understand "You Alone Stand Guard At The Portals Of Your Mind" - Randalism
The Salesman's Prayer By Og Mandino
This bit of text one of my mantras. It's extremely powerful and if you interpret it carefully you will discover the hidden meaning.
"Oh creator of all things, help me. For this day I go out into the world naked and alone, and without your hand to guide me I will wander far from the path which leads me to success and happiness.
I ask not for gold or garments or even opportunities equal to my ability; instead, guide me so that I may acquire ability equal to my opportunities.
You have taught the lion and the eagle how to hunt and prosper with teeth and claw. Teach me how to hunt with words and prosper with love so that I may be a lion among men and an eagle in the market place.
Help me to remain humble through obstacles and failures; yet hide not from mine eyes the prize that will come with victory.
Assign me task to which others have failed; yet guide me to pluck the seeds of success from their failures. Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit; yet endow me with courage to laugh at my misgivings.
Spare me sufficient days to reach my goals; yet help me live this day as if it were my last. Bathe me in good habits that the bad ones may drown; yet grant me compassion for the weaknesses in others. Suffer me to know that all things shall pass; yet help me to count my blessings of today.
Expose me to hate so it be not a stranger; yet fill my cup with love to turn strangers into friends. But all these things be only if thy will. I am a small and lonely grape clutching the vine yet thou hast made me different from all others.
Verily, there must be a special place for me. Guide me. Help me. Show me the way Lord. Let me become all you planned for me when my seed was planted and selected by you to sprout in the vineyard of the world.
Help this humble salesman…..Guide me, God."
From: The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Get everything Og Mandino has ever written, interpret it, study it, appreciate it, apply it. You will be rewarded!
In Conclusion:
Helping Contractors around the world is one of the reasons we added the FastEasyAccountingStore.com Follow our blogs, listen to Contractor Success M.A.P. Podcast. We Appreciate Our Visitors, Listeners, and Subscribers. – Thank You!!
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About The Author:
  Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant, and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/randal-dehart/ to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+ 
We are here to Help “A Little or A Lot” depending on your needs.
I trust this podcast helps you understand that outsourcing your contractor's bookkeeping services to us is about more than just “doing the bookkeeping”; it is about taking a holistic approach to your entire construction company and helping support you as a contractor and as a person.
We Remove Contractor's Unique Paperwork Frustrations
We understand the good, bad and the ugly about owning and operating construction companies because we have had several of them and we sincerely care about you and your construction company!
That is all I have for now, and if you have listened to this far please do me the honor of commenting and rating the Podcast  www.FastEasyAccounting.com/podcast Tell me what you liked, did not like, tell it as you see it because your feedback is crucial and I thank you in advance.
You Deserve To Be Wealthy Because You Bring Value To Other People's Lives!
I trust this will be of value to you and your feedback is always welcome at www.FastEasyAccounting.com/podcast
This Is One more example of how Fast Easy Accounting is helping construction company owners across the USA including Alaska and Hawaii put more money in the bank to operate and grow your construction company. Construction accounting is not rocket science; it is a lot harder than that, and a lot more valuable to construction contractors like you so stop missing out and call Sharie 206-361-3950 or email [email protected]
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Thank you very much, and I hope you understand we do care about you and all contractors regardless of whether or not you ever hire our services. Bye for now until our next episode here on the Contractors Success MAP Podcast.
About The Author:
Randal DeHart, PMP, QPA is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood Washington. He is the leading expert in outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services for small construction companies across the USA. He is experienced as a Contractor, Project Management Professional, Construction Accountant, Intuit ProAdvisor, QuickBooks For Contractors Expert and Xero Accounting Specialist. This combination of experience and skill sets provides a unique perspective which allows him to see the world through the eyes of a contractor, Project Manager, Accountant, and construction accountant. This quadruple understanding is what sets him apart from other Intuit ProAdvisors and Xero accountants to the benefit of all of the construction contractors he serves across the USA. Visit http://www.fasteasyaccounting.com/randal-dehart/ to learn more.
Our Co-Founder Randal DeHart - Is a Certified PMP (Project Management Professional) with several years of construction project management experience. His expertise is construction accounting systems engineering and process development. His exhaustive study of several leading experts including the work of Dr. W. Edward Deming, Michael Gerber, Walter A. Shewhart, James Lewis and dozens of others was the foundation upon which our Construction Bookkeeping System is based and continues to evolve and improve. Check out our Contractor Success Map Podcast on iTunes and Follow Randal on Google+ 
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Late night thoughts July 9th 2017
Hello everyone Just a post about me and my reevaluation of my self esteem If you have no interests in other being’s thought process, physcology, nor ambitions, please proceed to the next post with the press of the button J. Those that have stayed, thank you for reading, please enjoy the pleasurable ride. First of all. Background. 2 things to keep in mind for the juicy story.  Mantras are important because they remind you in the moment. Quotes remind you everyday. I have acquired a reminer in my life and it is thanks to be raised in a religious house. One habit of carrying a book around with you and reading it everyday. It was always interchanged between two types of books, the religious, usually the bible, and then the non fiction or “worldly” books. Now that I've thrown out the bible and religious all together, I have now two span open spot for the moral readings. I have placed scientific readings, questionnaires, business books, biographies, and even encyclopedias as my alternative to the bible. The contemporary still stands, with my interests in fantasy such as the Hunger games, young adult books, Harry Potter, plays, scripts, and even the occasional childrens book. At age 20, i noticed the trend of books and why i continued reading them. In search of knowledge, wisdom, and what to do/ say in circumstances and situations. That and being entertained. Thankfully to a watching of a top 10 fav movie and a recent founding of a new author and mentor Tim Ferriss, he describes what i DO NOT WANT to be like with an example of said fav movie. “Good Will Hunting” Particularly the bar scene where a ponytail dude cites books and Matt Damon comes in saying hes just bullshitting and wants a proper opinion.  That type of man is “pseudo intellectual”  Oh god, have I faced my own moments and found people like that.  Keep that in mind. Books and how they influence me.  Second thing that has sparked my train of thought.  Online facebook quizzes.  Do i share em? Nope.  I have done possibly all of them. Why? Because my companion, my phone presents the results. AN algorithm takes your cookies and behaviors and spits out a somewhat accurate yet vague answer to a question.  I have saved over 300 quiz answers to my phone because they are so true.  Why do i trust my phone? Because *conspiracy alert* governments can look at your phones and see who you are through internet history. If a disaster happens, they alert you through phone.  So... if anyone wants to ell em anything, ti would be through my hone.  And what answer has it given me.  The latest quiz was the question: “What message does God have for you”  The answer: “You. Aint. Shit.”  Let us begin my story:  Occasionally, i morph my two category of books into one. I have been reading my favorite book lately, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Please hold your tongues about what you’ve heard about her. I’ll put the context of it.  My question lately has been who have I seen truly healthy, sane, and happy?  A few come to mind, but with the romantics of my book, my mind roams to the one girl who is above all other girls.  Kayla Bunson.  This girl is in a happy family, is confident, intellectual, emotionally intelligent, and her passion is acting. Where i met her. At a theater production. Where she terrified the living shit out of me. My fellow tumblrs. I do not know how to act rigth in front of gorgeous women, especially the ideal one. Lately Ive been examining how I can be liable to ehr. Thats the crazy thing.  SHE. LIKED. ME!! DURING THE DAM PRODUCTION. 
But nooo.. Im so chicken shiet!!
This is why the quiz answer hurts. I aint shit because Im not at her level. I thought i could, i would, and i can. How am I taking this message? Time to strive to being the shit.   I have found my self-esteem.  Now its time to adjust my life to what I want.  And what I want, is a life that I can call my own.  When someone curses at me and tells me harsh truth like i aint shit, i take personally but also as a lesson I can better myself with.  My favorite book tells play by play on how to be the shit. My mentor tells you day by day how to become the shit.  Why do i want to become the shit? So i can get with Kayla? Nope.  So I can have a possibility with her, and with the other equal women who are like her.  To have control to create your own playpen to be innocent is what I am striving for.  Shit I’m growing up. Its strange thought.  I want to.  I always knew this day was gonna come. Ive been preapring for it. Now Im ready. No games.  Its terrifying knowing its here.  Its scary how stoic I have become these days.  My early life section in wikipedia has ended. My early career section is about to begin. 
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