#Douglass Renetti x Tina Lewis
soft-persephone · 8 months
Viva Las Vegas! • Doug x Tina
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Just a lil blurb.
“Don’t you got somewhere to be?”
Doug rolled over in bed to face Tina with a frown.
The long lines of his mouth were pulling down at the sides in such a way it was almost comical.
It made him look like an anamorphic realistic drawing of a child’s frowny face.
Tina thought of the time Richie called him a turtle and she smiled.
“Oh, so my pain is funny to you now.” Doug almsot smiled.
“Yes,” she smiled back. “It’s hilarious.”
He pushed himself into her and wrapped his arms around her. His head buried into her chest as he sighed.
It was low and heavy.
It was the weariest most defeated sigh she’d ever heard from any human being. As scary as it sounded on its own, the sound coming from Doug felt much worse.
“Look you’ll find an in or an out or whatever you need.”
“I don’t want that. . . It’s probably time I hang it up.”
Tina pulled back too look at his face.
Her brows pulling up as her mouth drew into a line.
“I’m tired.” He smiled a bit.
It was a little funny to him.
Doug considered himself the cockroach under peoples feet that wouldn’t die. When this whole thing started out, he knew he would get under Constance’s feet and maybe her skin. He was crawling around doing whatever the fuck he condo think of. Hopping one out of the endless others who do stick, and he’d somehow get back in top.
It was who he was, it was what he did.
Tina didn’t smile…. But she didn’t frown either.
She pushed his hair out of his face in thought.
She was worried. More important, she was worried about him. That was enough. The sign that his heart of hearts still cared about him. That they were still on the same team, working it out and facing it together.
“I still have you.” He looked up into her eyes. His thumb tracing at her side through the old family Regi ion tshirt she insisted on calling pajamas. “And these days.. I think it’s enough.”
“Joyce and Constance can have it. . .God bless ‘em .
Tina didn’t say anything and kissed him on the forehead before pulling him closer into a more comfortable position as they settled back into the sheets.
The silence was comfortable and affirming.
“You still need to go Vegas.”
He sighed.
“I was hoping you’d forget and let me ditch it.”
“You know Joyce is fucked without you and the people there are only waiting to speak to you! They won’t survive a conversation with her!”
“Alright, alright. .” His eyes brows scrunched in amusement, “I was only half kidding, Tins. Calm down. . .I’m going.”
“I know,” she smiled. “I’m just fucking with you.”
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soft-persephone · 11 months
The emotional roller coaster that episode two put Tina through is absolutely insane! Like they really went there with the writing!!! They’re trying to break our hearts aren’t they? But all that aside. . . was it kinda sexy or is that just me?
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