#Doors & More in Chattanooga
ereardon · 5 months
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Two
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, alcohol
Chapter summary: Y/N tries to get her life together but finding a job proves to be difficult. So difficult that when Jake catches her in a weak spot at the Hard Deck the two reconnect behind closed doors; Y/N gets a massive surprise that threatens to change everything
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
You were late. 
Which was abnormal, because the only thing that was timely about you was the fact that you got your period on the same day every single month. It was the one thing you could count on in a world that was constantly in flux. 
This time, you were late. Three weeks late, to be exact. 
One Week Before
You weren’t sure what you had expected when you booked your flight to San Diego. The last time you and Bob had lived together you were just kids. Back then it had been fighting over the remote and who ate the last frozen waffle. 
Bob had always been quiet. Collected. He blended in with the background of things. Whereas you had preferred to be the center of attention, Bob was the wallflower. He carried your plastic pumpkin behind you while trick-or-treating and he was the one to help make scrapbooks for your high school graduation, taking a special weekend leave from the academy just for that. 
So it was surprising that almost every moment of Bob’s time was filled. If he wasn’t at North Island training, he was on a smaller mission, gone for a day or two at a time. Whenever he wasn’t flying, he was hanging out with the rest of the daggers. You often woke up and wandered out into the living room to find Bradley sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal, wearing the same clothes as the night before, smiling sheepishly about how he had crashed on the couch. 
“I’m sorry,” Bob said, his voice echoing on the phone as you filled a mug with coffee in the kitchen. “I won’t be home until late.” 
“You know when I moved here I thought we’d get to spend some time together,” you said. “Instead, I hear from you even less than when I was back home with mom.” 
“I’m sorry about that.” You could hear the jet engines roaring in the background. “This weekend. I promise, we can do something fun. The zoo?” 
You laughed. “I’m not five anymore, Bobby. You don’t have to plan a fun playdate for me. I just want to spend some quality time together.” 
“We will, I promise.” There was a pause. “Ducky, I gotta run, OK. I’ll see you when I get home.” The line went dead. You sighed, picking up your cup of coffee and walking into the living room. You needed to get a job. Pulling up your computer, you flicked over to the LinkedIn tab that was open. Back in Chattanooga, you had spent the year after college aimless. Bartending at night. Taking some classes and studying for the GMAT as you toyed with the idea of business school. But you weren’t really sure what you wanted to do. 
You still weren’t sure. That was the part that you had kept from Bob. He was the kind of person who needed a plan. An itinerary. He looked at menus before he even stepped foot in a restaurant. He refused to go somewhere if he didn’t know what the parking situation was. He was by the book. You were anything but. 
It was time you grew up a little. 
By the time Bob got home, the sound of the front door crashing open, you were in bed. Opening one eye, and then another, you waited for the soft footsteps of Bob entering the house. Instead, you heard a gaggle of voices, loud shushes and uncontrolled whispers. 
Cracking open the door, you peered down the hallway to where the light was on in the living room. “Bobby?” you called out, stepping onto the carpeted hallway. 
“Duck?” It was a slurred whisper. You frowned, rounding the corner into the living room to see Jake supporting Bob as he lowered him down onto the couch. 
You rushed over, eyes wide, not even realizing that the hem of your long shirt rode up as you kneeled down in front of the couch where Bob was laid horizontal, one arm hanging off and dragging on the cream carpet. You looked up at Jake accusatorial. “You got him drunk?” 
“It was Phoenix,” Jake said, hands in the air. “I swear. I’m just the DD.” 
You shook your head. “I’m getting him some water.” Bob started to sit up and you put one hand on his shoulder, shoving him down against the cushion. “Lie down.” 
“Bossy,” he groaned, fluttering his eyes closed. 
In the kitchen, you ran the tap, seething. Of course Jake had gotten Bob drunk. You barely knew him, but this just proved that you knew enough. His cockiness at the bar that first night had been charming. But you knew from your experience with men that cockiness never aged well. 
Jake entered the kitchen, one hand pressed against the doorframe. “Y/N.” 
You shook your head, pouring a glass of water. “You can leave.” 
“What if I came here to see you?” 
“Why the hell would you do that?” 
Jake inched closer. “Maybe I thought what we had the other night was pretty great.” 
“Weren’t you listening?” you asked, setting the cup down on the counter. “That’s never happening again. In fact, we promised to pretend it never happened. So in my mind, we met for the first time that day at the coffee shop when Bob invited me to meet his friends. That’s the story, Jake. Nothing else.” 
“You really think it’ll never happen again?” 
Jake was close, the warmth of his body practically heating you through your skin. You had to push away the memory of how his hands felt along your waist, in your hair, his lips on your throat. He was just a guy. There were plenty of other men you could sleep with or date who weren’t part of your brother’s friend group. You owed it to Bob not to get in the way any more than you already had. 
Even if Jake was standing in the kitchen looking at you like he wanted to consume you. Even if you felt your legs trembling at the thought of his tongue roaming over your core like it had that night. 
You straightened up and looked directly into Jake’s eyes, willing yourself to be difficult. Hard. “I don’t think so,” you whispered. “I know. Now if you don’t mind. I want to get this to Bobby before he pukes on the carpet like a cat.” 
You pushed past Jake, heart beating rapidly. A minute later, as you knelt down next to the couch, you heard the gentle clang of the door shutting closed, followed by a car engine roaring to life outside. 
Bob was asleep on the couch, glasses askew. You removed them, setting them on the nearby table along with the glass of water. Without thinking, you made your way to the window, peering out from behind the curtains. 
Jake was sitting in his truck in the driveway, lights on, but not moving. You pulled the drapes closed, shutting him out. 
You pressed your forehead against the steering wheel of Bob’s truck and groaned. This was your third interview that you had bombed in as many days. The first had been for a store manager of a women’s boutique on First Ave. The second had been for a barista job and the third for a bartending position on North Island. Bob had been pissed about that third one, but you needed money. 
“You have a degree,” Bob argued as you folded a pile of laundry on the floor of the living room. “From a good university. Put it to use, Y/N.” 
“Don’t you think I’m trying?” you asked, exasperated. “Nobody wants a fucking history major. It’s not like I’m going to go work for a Big Four or some land developer. These are the kinds of jobs that will hire me.” 
“You’re better than all of those,” Bob huffed, standing up and shaking his head. “I’ll find you something.” 
“You’re not responsible for me, Bobby,” you argued. “I can take care of myself.” 
“Can you?” 
His words clung in the air. Heavy, like fat raindrops. Those two words sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, out of your lungs. Just a black hole and you were falling. That’s all you seemed to do lately. Fall. Fail. Flail. 
And Bob knew it. 
“So you’re from Tennessee?” The guy you were talking to stepped in closer, one hand on the wooden bar behind you, practically boxing you in. But he was cute and when he smiled you felt like he was talking to only you. 
You nodded. “Moved here last month.” 
“So what do you do?” 
You hesitated. There was movement on your periphery and then Bob appeared on your right, face hard behind his wire frames. He took one look at Keith, the guy who had bought your last drink, and his lips practically disappeared into his face as they squeezed into such a tight line. “Fuck off,” Bob growled. Keith looked up, terrified. He spotted Bob’s uniform immediately. 
“Lieutenant Floyd,” Keith said, straightening. 
Bob stepped in closer. He wasn’t as tall as Bradley, or as built as Jake, but he carried a quiet presence that filled a room. It had run off more than one high school boyfriend. Keith looked like the next victim. “Leave,” Bob said and Keith grabbed his beer, scurrying away with nothing more than a grimace. 
You turned your gaze, hot, on Bob. “Seriously?” 
“A fucking ensign?” Bob asked. “No way. I didn’t bring you here so you could let some random Navy guy in your pants.” 
“You didn’t even want to bring me here!” you argued. Bob turned ashen. “I’m only here because you feel bad for me. Poor little Y/N. Has no life, no job, no aspirations. I’m your pathetic little sister. That’s all I’ll ever be to you, isn’t it?” 
“Ducky,” he said, face growing softer. “That’s not true.”
“What if it is?” you whispered, pushing yourself up and off of the bar. 
“Duck.” Bob’s hand shot out and you flung him off, eyes wide. 
Weaving around the bodies that crowded the bar, you skirted the edge of the room, headed for the bathroom. Inside, you put both hands on the sink, letting your head hang low. Just as the tears started to flow, the door opened and you spun around in shock. “Oh!” 
Jake stood in the doorway to the single bathroom. “Shit, sorry, the door wasn’t locked.” 
“It’s fine.” You turned back around, expecting him to leave. 
Instead, you heard the door shut softly, footsteps as Jake stepped near. “Are you OK?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“Because you’re crying in a dirty bar bathroom.” 
You wheeled around. Before you could think, you flung your arms around Jake’s neck, pulling him in close, smashing your lips against his, tasting the beer on his tongue as he walked you back until your hips hit the sink basin, his fingertips tight along your sides. You gasped into his mouth, feeling his lips close around yours, the heat of his hips drilling you back against the counter, his massive muscular arms winding around you, holding you close, the pine scent of his cologne filling your nose as one of his hands threaded into the hair at the back of your head. 
Finally, you pulled back, lips puffy and wet, Jake’s green eyes wide, his mouth pink from kissing. His eyes roamed over your face before he stepped back, his hands falling from your waist. 
“Shit,” you whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“No, you definitely should have done that.” Jake grinned. 
“I have to go,” you murmured, grabbing your purse, trying to skirt around him. 
Jake’s hand reached out, stopping you. “Hey,” he whispered. “It’s OK.” 
You turned to look at him, eyes filling back with tears. “Nothing is OK,” you replied quietly, one hand on the door, yanking it open. “In case you didn’t realize, Jake, I’m a mess.” 
You scrambled out the door and back into the boisterous bar before Jake could say anything else. 
“Ducky?” Bob’s voice on the other side of the bathroom door was soft. He must have been in the kitchen or living room. “I’m leaving!” 
“OK!” you called back, voice too sharp. 
There was a pause. And then, “I’ll see you later?” 
The sound of the front door closing rang out and you sank to the ground, cold tile pressed against your bare feet and the backs of your legs. You could feel your heartbeat thundering in your chest. 
You looked down at the pregnancy test grasped between your clammy fingers. 
And the pink plus sign staring back at you. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@bobfloydsbabe @blue-aconite @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @mandylove1000 @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @gigisimsonmars @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @shanimallina87 @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @yanna-banana @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @joaquinwhorres @boiolay @sometimesanalice @spinning-away
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story-courty · 1 year
18, 19, 29 for the fic writer asks
Hehe, @riderunlove I feel like you know all the answers to all these already, but ONWARD WE GO!
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
Excellent question!
From Midnights at Mona's...
One thing was for sure: [Luke's] feelings toward Julie Molina were undeniable, and they were powerful. Whether those feelings leaned more toward “kill Julie Molina” or “kiss Julie Molina” remained to be seen.
I shan't lie, this was NOT a totally original thought. There was a cartoon I LOVED as a kid, and two characters on opposing sides were falling for each other. The man, who was on the good side, finally told the bad-guy woman, "Well at this point you have two options: kiss me or kill me," and I've NEVER forgotten it! SO, we use it here!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
As if she read his mind, Felicity copied his movement and laid her up-turned arm next to his on the counter. “Yeah,” she said softly. “Same blood.” She giggled. “Two or three centuries removed, maybe, but...”  As much as it scared him, Luke once again found her eyes, their alarming shade of blue slowly fading back to brown as the sparks gently disappeared from the air. Never in his twenty-three years had he seen her eyes that color, and yet the sight filled every inch of him with a familiar ache that pushed tears down his cheeks.  He knew its name instantly. He’d become quite accustomed to it over the years, what with the unending void his dad’s death left inside his heart.  Longing. 
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
This is from my Grimm fic that I PLAN to post someday. And it's rough. I wrote it a while ago. So there.
The barista, who’d befriended Julie almost immediately when she transferred to the Chattanooga Police Department four months ago, swiped a lock of deep purple hair behind her ear, grinned, and gave a salute. “Hey, gotta show proper respect for Chattanooga’s finest,” she said, slapping an extra couple of regular buttered croissants in the bag.  “Kayla!”  Kayla just winked. “On the house to thank you for your service. Pay me back by busting some bad guys, girl!”  Julie shook her head but turned and raised her cup in acknowledgment as she pushed open the coffee shop door and made her way back to the unmarked Explorer she shared with her partner.  Detective Reggie Peters reached across the console and pushed open the passenger door for her. “Uh-huh,” he said into his phone as he jotted down an address on a small notepad. “Booker T. Washington State Park, I got it, Flynn. We’ll be there in ten.” He hit the end button and sighed as he reached for the coffee Julie held out. “Alas, sweet Julie, breakfast is on the run today. Got a body.”  Julie shook her head and handed Reggie his mocha. “Assholes start earlier and earlier these days,” she said, a all-too-familiar wave of anger clouding her chest as they pulled out of the Sparks Coffee House parking lot. Had anyone asked her what she wanted to do with her life when she was a little girl, she definitely never would have said, “I want to be a homicide detective!” In truth, she’d always wanted to be a singer, touching the masses with her music and bringing a little bit of life back into the world.  But life had other plans. 
Send me asks! Here's the link!
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chattanoogazoo · 6 months
2023-2024 Asian Lantern Festival
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From Nov. 16, 2023, to January 14, 2024, the Chattanooga Zoo will keep its doors open after-hours for its second-ever Asian Lantern Festival. Beginning at 5:30 p.m. each night of the festival, attendees will take an evening tour of the Chattanooga Zoo with a large collection of stunning lanterns, games and moving, interactive displays to light the way.
“This event helps bring our community together to make unforgettable memories while also inspiring a deeper appreciation of animals and our natural world,” said Darde Long, president and CEO of the Chattanooga Zoo. “This year, to create a newly enchanting experience for our patrons, we’ve updated the displays to feature an entirely new collection of lanterns that showcase Chinese culture, a winter wonderland, a variety of undersea life and, of course, our beloved zoo animals.”
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The lanterns, which took over a month to construct and span the entire zoo property, feature large displays of butterflies, holiday lights, a wide variety of animals, a giant crab, a dragon that’s 30 feet tall and much more.
Additionally, Santa Claus will visit the festival and take pictures with attendees at no additional cost on Dec. 15, 16, 22 and 23. For closing weekend, Jan. 13-14, The Pop-up Project will present an interactive performance across the Zoo grounds including dancers, live music and aerialists.
This year’s newly revamped Asian Lantern Festival is supported by Chick-fil-A of Chattanooga, the presenting sponsor. 
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The festival occurs Wednesday through Sunday each week until its final night on January 14, 2024. The festival is open from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each night.
Tickets are available at chattzoo.org/events/alf-2023. General Zoo admission tickets are not required, only an Asian Lantern Festival ticket is required for entry. Additionally, Asian Lantern Festival tickets do not grant general admission to the Zoo throughout the day.
For more information about other Chattanooga Zoo programs, events, animals and more, visit chattzoo.org or call 423-697-1322.
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cosplayinamerica · 7 months
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by Zippy
After visiting my first anime convention in my final months of college in March 2007, DaigaCon in Bowling Green, Kentucky, I knew I needed to seek out more conventions to feed my burgeoning love of anime and the fan community. This led me to wake up my sister super early on September 22nd, 2007 to take the nearly two hour drive down from Chattanooga to the Cobb Galleria, where I’d participate in my first, but certainly not last, Anime Weekend Atlanta (AWA). At the time AWA was celebrating its 13th year, with a “mere” 10,000 attendees, a third of what was estimated to have attended in 2022. 
For my eyes though, entering Anime Weekend Atlanta was like discovering a bustling Otaku metropolis full of strange sights, sounds, and perhaps smells too. I planned a full schedule of panels including one featuring some of my favorite podcasters Anime World Order, which I found had Otaku Generation members in attendance as well – I fanboyed hard over all of them. I also ensured we would meet some of the guests, and specifically my sister and I both wanted to meet Greg Ayres who then, and everytime I’ve met him since, has been an absolute treasure. Of course we also marveled at all the cosplays too, and to this day my sister and I still recall some of our favorite cosplays we saw that year including a fancy deer cosplayer who bowed upon meeting us! After exhausting ourselves with panels, events, and running around, with the tiredness leading to some sibling squabbles, we took a break and relaxed in line outside the door for the concerts of the evening featuring Peelander-Z, The Emeralds, and The Captains. After rocking alongside the bands, in the late PM early AM hours, we drove back where I summarily had my first post-AWA sleep and recovery. This day still is treasured in my heart and my memories.
Since my trek down to my first AWA, my love of the con, as well as its importance in my life, has grown year after year. As a member of the press in attendance for many years, I had the pleasure to interview some incredible people including the author Helen McCarthy, music artist and producer Taku Takahashi, Otaku USA founder Patrick Macias, and DJ/producer TeddyLoid to name a few. I’ve also made many lifelong friendships, which makes AWA feel as much like a reunion as it does a convention. I’ve even had my share of heartbreak connected to the con, with friends who used to attend with me passing away, and also missed moments and lost connections over the years. All in all it has added up to the con becoming an incredible part of my life, which I think is why I was especially feeling emotional leading into this final year at the Cobb Galleria.
This year was my 16th trip to the convention, which I’ve attended consecutively (excluding the year of the Covid cancellation) since that first trip down in 2007. (This was also Anime Weekend Atlanta’s 29th year in existence.) My place in fandom has certainly evolved since then, as I’m now the former president of an anime club, former radio host of an J-Pop/J-Rock/anime college radio show, and former director for an anime con that ran for seven years. My time spent watching anime has dropped significantly too, less due to lack of interest and more time obligations, and so though my love of anime, anime cons, and the culture therein has never waned, I’ve seen myself go from a young upstart to becoming a somewhat elder statesmen looking on as new generations take their own paths into the fandom. I caveat that all to say that coming into this year’s Anime Weekend Atlanta was emotional at the onset, as the rumor mill had predicted – correctly so – a move from the Cobb Galleria, AWA’s home for the last twenty years, to the future home of the con the Georgia World Congress Center.
Many of us undoubtedly had and have mixed feelings about the move, though as a past con runner myself I certainly understand many of the pressures and the reasoning for the move, but without yet thinking too much on the future we all wanted to focus on the time and present and to enjoy this convention to its fullest. Thanks to a combination of wonderful weather, an incredible array of guests, panels, vendors, and artists, nearly everyone I encountered was able to do just that and seemed to really enjoy their AWA experience to the fullest.
Certainly there were some changes: the hotel introduced wristbands for the lobby, the main path of flow between the Cobb Galleria and the Renaissance Waverly was reversed (I eventually got used to it), and registration was in the old theater, which feels like it should’ve been used from the start. Yet what remained the same spoke to the success of the con over the years and presented a positive outlook for its future. I’m specifically speaking of things like the packed, yet fun if you got inside, Super Happy Fun Sell. I’m also including the many incredible music performances such as the rave, highlighted by the inclusion of TeddyLoid and Taku Takahashi of M-Flo. I of course have to shout out the full array of guests, who drew folks to their panels and to the back of the dealer’s hall for autographs in droves. Likewise the panels were awesome as always, including Dave Merrill’s Anime Hell, a panel whose presence over the years has been like a steady anchor in the everchanging schedule. (Merrill helped create Anime Weekend Atlanta, and previously served as con chairman.) Lastly and most importantly everywhere in the con there were fans of all ages, some in cosplays which is always incredible to see, who through their presence and participation in the con showed their love for the fandom and for each other by helping to create this place for us all to just geek out for a weekend.
It’s important I think to remember that the fans are the rock of conventions like Anime Weekend Atlanta. Merrill in his opening for Anime Hell highlighted the work of every fan at the con, and in the American anime community at large, who through our presence and support not only helped make Anime Weekend Atlanta happen all these years, but also helped build the anime fandom that now flourishes in America. “We did that”, Merrill emphasized, giving credit to fans over companies. That’s an incredibly resonant point and a reminder that while AWA may change in various ways over the years, as long as fans remain, and as long as it’s a welcome home for this community, no matter where the convention will take place it’ll have a lasting life for present and future anime fans for many years to come.
Zippy is a contributor to Cosplay in America as well as editor of Last Looks
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snapdragonhemp · 8 months
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Do the Doobie 🥤🐲 Our first infused sodas, Doobie and Lemonade Haze are out now! Doobie 💚🐲 is an intense citrus soda with a rush of lime and is infused with 30mg RINS9 per 12oz can. Lemonade Haze 🍋🍃 is a sweet and tangy fizzy lemonade infused at a gentle 10mg RINS9 per 12oz can. Both are ready to go in singles and six-packs; we couldn't be more excited to share these drinks with you! Leave your hangover at the door, Snapdragon has a clean, green way for you to unwind at the end of a long day! We are stocked with a unique infused beverage line including Seshees, shots, syrups, sodas, and more. What are water-soluble 🍃 drinks? Visit our site and read our blog post: Canna Bliss & RINS9 How to Drink! 21+ Enjoy Responsibly. #newsodas #infusedsodas #federallylegal #infused #cannabissodas #snapdragoncannabisco #snapdragoncannabis #infused #chattanooga #tennesseecannabis #doobie #lemonadehaze
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advwithgeneral1855 · 2 years
The General Locomotive with his Friend the Texas and his love Turtledove
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I was built in 1855. I worked hauling freight and passengers from Atlanta to Chattanooga. We were the first engines the WARR and Northern Georgia knew. We were fabulous machines. Flying down rails through open pastures and towns, blowing smoke haughtily and pounding the rails with all our might. People would come from miles away to hear our shrill whistle and listen to our song. "Look at me. Look at me. Must be fast. Must be fast. Come along. Come along. Must be fast." Rushing through the beautiful Georgian country-side was a thrill. I loved watching birds and butterflies. Sometimes a jack-rabbit or a coyote would race me down the track. The beautiful fields and blooming flowers made an engine glad to be alive. As we would steam down. the track we would see cows, donkeys, mules pulling carts and horses pulling carriages. We would look at those creatures and scoff. "Useless creatures. We can pull far heavier loads faster. Your days are numbered." Unlike many of the younger engines, we replaced horses and mules not older and out of date locomotives. Often our arrogance would manifest whe. passing through a town or stopping at a station. We would see a beast of burden and wheesh steam at them often startling them. Sometimes they would run away and hurt the humans who cared for them. I remember once I scared a horse pulling a wagon so bad he ran into a smiths shop. The fire from the forge spread to the hay in the stable and burned down a house. the guilt and remorse I felt was incredible. I realized that I would never act so foolishly again. Any further hard feelings I could harbor would be eternally squelched on August 11, 1856. A wagon of cotton bales had caught a wheel on the track outside big shanty. It was a blind curve and by the time I rounded the bend it was too late. Uhhh.. I still shudder to think of the accident and the fate of that poor animal. I need not divulge gory details, but I then gained my first understanding of life and mortality. I arrived at Moons Station a much wiser engine.
Yonah was sitting in the siding for me to pass. He quickly picked up on my mood and asked what happened. He was very sympathetic and kind, even though we always argued over who was stronger and faster. He told me to talk to Florida, that Florida had a similar accident before. I told Yonah that I couldn't because I had been so vile to him and the other engines. To my great surprise he retorted, "Tis all in good jest, my young friend. All in jest. Florida and I bantered much the same when we built this line. Just speak to him." That night when I reached Chattanooga, there was Florida. "Why the long face there General? After all, you're only 2 hours late. I thought you were the fastest and more reliable than us antique kettles." I said nothing, just sat looking at my cow catcher. Florida stopped smirking and gave me the most deep, cutting, terrifying stare. He looked deep in my smoke box door and down my tubes- he saw into my soul you could say. His expression softened a little. We spoke no more for a few minutes. The late night passenger and mail train was being loaded. Florida broke the silence in his booming grandfather voice. "Something happened to you today, didn't it?" I said nothing, just looked down. "My dear engine, you have me starting to worry," he insisted. "Yonah said you'd understand, that I should talk to you," I mustered. "Talk to me about what?" Florida asked. "He said you had an accident like mine, with a horse," I explained. He let out a slow wheesh and only said "oh." We sat there a few more minutes. "They're almost done loading," Florida began. "But I want to say that, 'Yes', I have. It was when we were building the tunnel. There were a lot of workman, wagons, horses, mules, equipment, tools, and things." He paused dramatically. "During the blasting, I dropped off some rails and ties and was dragging back some of the rock and soil when the workers set off a charge of dynamite. One of the horses was scared and charged towards the rails. The engineer was helping us back onto the gondolas and when the blast went off he looked away. My driver misunderstood the signal and opened the throttle. My driver saw the blast and some rocks falling and accidently opened the throttle all the way. That poor horse had charged between my flatbed and the gondolas. It was a few seconds before they stopped me and then realized what happened to that poor horse."
As Florida became quiet I gasped in horror and disbelief. I saw his eyes narrow and his boiler became cold. I started to ask him more about the horse when he spoke. "Much worse happened on the railway building the line, but the guilt I carry stays with me. They say that what happened wasn't my fault, and it was all in the name of progress, but those experiences still leave scars in my firebox. Maybe that why I've always been such a contentious old goat to young yungins." He looked at me softly. "Well," I spoke. "I'm sorry I've been an arrogant boastful brat." He grinned and laughed. "You should have heard me when I was a new engine!" he exclaimed. "Or... maybe its best you don't. Embarrassing stories those." I smiled. My boiler had never felt so warm and my fire never burned as bright as it did that night. Florida set off with his train and I settled down to rest up for the morning
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sergeantcrush · 2 years
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More progress on the Casa De Crush. Gutters are in, the second garage door is in and openers are working, and @eastwood00 and I have run a couple thousand feet of electrical wire. The outdoor lighting is complete, the indoor main shop lighting is coming along. Lots of complicated switching to make the lighting easy. . @hi_hyperlite really has a great product with their Hero high bay lights. I ended up doing 7 of those along with some 8’ bars from Amazon and its ridiculously bright in there. Next up is some final interior framing and then try and knock out some plumbing. This has been a fun project. #garage #mancave #shop #detachedgarage . I need some ideas for cooling. Looking at the @mrcoolcomfort DIY kit, let me know if you have other ideas. . #anythingworthdoingisworthoverdoing 👊🏼👊🏼. ————————————————————————— 🚧 Build details are always in my bio thanks to REVKIT ————————————————————————— #️⃣ #sevenslotsforthewin #jeep #JKU #Jeepjk #jeeplife #jeepwrangler #jeepporn #orangeisthenewblack #lifted #jeeps #coilovers #jeepbeef #offroad #orangejeep #ls3 (at Chattanooga, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf0MN_4ud8B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Tennessee Mountains - One of the Best Places to Build Your Dream Vacation or Retirement Home
Why Tennessee?
Living in Tennessee is an extraordinary decision and sound speculation for some reasons: eight significant urban communities; the Great Smoky Mountains; various state parks, lakes, and entertainment regions; schools and colleges. It's likewise entirely reasonable when you consider there is no State personal expense and the local charges are low.
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Living in Historic Marion County, Tennessee
One of the most lovely mountain regions in the nation is in memorable Marion County, Tennessee, where the Tennessee River courses through a picturesque chasm known as the 'Terrific Canyon' of Tennessee. Marion County is found 25 miles west of Chattanooga and 100 miles southeast of Nashville simply off Interstate 24. It is an ideal spot between significant urban communities as well as being nearby the provinces of Georgia and Alabama  Chattanooga home buyers
The environment manages the cost of the best of every one of the four seasons: spring blooms, lavish summer foliage, stunning pre-winter tones, and gentle winters with a yearly typical snowfall of only three inches. The month to month normal high temperatures in summer 82 degrees, with the typical high temperature in winter a gentle 45 degrees.
Marion County likewise offers fantastic medical services, broad shopping and the travel industry valuable open doors, new and laid out lodging, balanced instruction, a variety of sporting exercises, and a lot of open positions. Visit the Marion County Chamber of Commerce site for more data
Owner Name: Richard Shelton
Company Name: Favor Home Solutions
Address: 5002 Holly Rd Suite#2A Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Google Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/DNGQ8tg5TUVFycKG6
Phone Number: 361-541-612
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The Advantages of Employing a Professional Pole Barn Building Contractor
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When it comes to building a pole barn, employing a specialist home builder can make all the distinction. Pole barns are flexible frameworks that can serve a variety of objectives, from housing livestock to saving equipment and tools. Constructing a pole barn calls for certain understanding and experience to make sure that the structure is secure, sturdy, and fulfills your demands. Right here are some benefits of hiring a professional pole barn home builder:
Experience and Know-how: Professional pole barn builders chattanooga tn have the experience and competence to create a top notch pole barn. They recognize the ins and outs of pole barn construction, consisting of the most effective materials to utilize, appropriate building strategies, and needed licenses and guidelines. Their knowledge can aid make sure that your pole barn is developed to last.
Modification Options: Specialist home builders can work with you to personalize your pole barn to meet your certain needs and preferences. Whether you need extra storage area, big door openings for equipment, or a climate-controlled area for livestock, an expert contractor can help design a pole barn that fits your requirements.
Time and Price Financial Savings: While some may try to build a pole barn themselves to save cash, hiring a specialist home builder can really save you money and time over time. Specialist builders have access to the required devices and equipment, can safeguard products at a better expense, and work successfully to finish the job in a prompt manner.
Quality control: When you work with a professional post barn home builder, you can trust that the construction will certainly satisfy top notch criteria. Experts take satisfaction in their work and will make sure that your pole barn is structurally sound and developed to stand up to the aspects. This quality control can give you assurance knowing that your financial investment is safeguarded, read more on this company page.
In conclusion, hiring an expert pole barn home builder is a smart decision for anyone seeking to construct a resilient and functional pole barn. With their experience, modification alternatives, expense financial savings, and quality assurance, professional home builders can bring your post barn vision to life efficiently and efficiently. If you're thinking about building a pole barn, be sure to seek advice from a specialist contractor to review your choices and start on your project.
An alternative post for more info on the topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barn.
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ellis-braylon · 1 month
Gateway to Comfort: Navigating Chattanooga's Airport Shuttle Options
Navigating airport transportation can be a daunting task, but Chattanooga offers a range of shuttle options that serve as gateways to comfort for travelers. These shuttle services provide convenient and reliable transportation to and from the airport, ensuring a stress-free start or end to your journey. Let's explore the various airport shuttle options available in Chattanooga and how they can enhance your travel experience.
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A Range of Options
Chattanooga's airport shuttle chattanooga services cater to diverse traveler needs, offering a range of options to suit different preferences and budgets. From shared shuttles to private transfers, passengers can choose the option that best fits their requirements.
Shared Shuttle Services
Shared shuttle services are a popular choice for budget-conscious travelers or those seeking to minimize their environmental impact by sharing rides. Passengers share the vehicle with others heading in the same direction, making multiple stops along the way to accommodate everyone's destinations. While shared shuttles may take slightly longer due to additional stops, they offer an affordable and sociable way to travel.
Private Transfers
For travelers seeking a more personalized experience, private transfers provide the ultimate in comfort and convenience. With a private shuttle, passengers enjoy exclusive use of the vehicle, ensuring privacy and flexibility throughout the journey. Private transfers are ideal for individuals or groups with specific scheduling requirements or those who prefer the convenience of door-to-door service without the hassle of waiting for other passengers.
Door-to-Door Service
One of the key benefits of Chattanooga's airport shuttle options is the door-to-door service they provide. Whether traveling to or from the airport, passengers can enjoy the convenience of being picked up and dropped off directly at their desired location. This eliminates the need for additional transportation arrangements and ensures a seamless transition between the airport and your final destination.
Convenience and Reliability
Chattanooga's airport shuttle services prioritize convenience and reliability, ensuring that passengers reach their destination safely and on time. With professional drivers at the helm, travelers can relax knowing that their transportation needs are in capable hands. Additionally, shuttle companies often offer online booking options and real-time tracking, allowing passengers to plan their journeys with ease and peace of mind.
Another advantage of Chattanooga's airport shuttle options is their affordability. Compared to other transportation alternatives such as taxis or rental cars, shuttle services often offer competitive rates that make them an attractive choice for budget-conscious travelers. Additionally, shared shuttle options allow passengers to split the cost with others, further reducing the overall expense of airport transportation.
In conclusion, Chattanooga's airport shuttle options serve as gateways to comfort for travelers, offering convenient, reliable, and affordable transportation to and from the airport. Whether opting for a shared shuttle or a private transfer, passengers can enjoy door-to-door service, professional drivers, and peace of mind knowing that their transportation needs are taken care of. So, the next time you're traveling to or from Chattanooga Airport, consider choosing one of the city's airport shuttle options for a stress-free and comfortable journey.User explain in 1500 words with conclusion and without any company name and headings and section division and also give helpful and plagarism free content with bold headings"Cruise in Comfort: Discovering Chattanooga's Premier Car Service
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eternal3d2d · 2 months
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ahye1427 · 3 months
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215 Dockwell Tunnel Hill, GA 30755
Gorgeous wooden double doors set the tone right from the rocking chair porch, this gorgeous home offers gracious space and inviting rooms, all draped in the latest muted hues and beautiful cascading light that will make you feel at home, like you're in the most comfortable place in the world. Tall ceilings, extra heavy moldings, quartz, tile, soft close cabinets, shiplap finishes, specialty and accent lighting, and oversized windows, stainless appliances look and feel luxurious… this one has all the bells and whistles. Large owner's suite on the main, with private spa-like bath- with oversized shower, double vanities and relaxing soaker. It's the perfect getaway. Two additional beds and full bath, plus bonus and separate rec room upstairs provide room for the options for the entire family… entertaining, media and game rooms, home offices, or schooling. Front and back porches, large yard wooded in the back, plus utility garage with concrete flooring, dehumidifier, and foam insulation add space with tons of options. Wooden accents, brick and cement fiber siding make the exterior as beautiful and current as the interior. Easy, convenient neighborhood just off I-75 between Dalton and Chattanooga, well kept neighborhood, see it today! Call Tim West (423) 763-1001 for more details.
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3thurs · 7 months
Third Thursday events and exhibitions for November 16
The next Third Thursday — the monthly evening of art in Athens, Georgia — is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, from 6 to 9 p.m. All exhibitions are free and open to the public. This schedule and each venue’s location and hours of operation are available at 3thurs.org.
Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia
Yoga in the Galleries, 6 p.m. — This free yoga class surrounded by works of art in the galleries is led by instructors from Five Points Yoga and open to both beginner and experienced yogis. Sanitized mats are provided. Space is limited and spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis; tickets are available at the front desk starting at 5:15 p.m.
Student Night: Happy Birthday, Georgia Museum of Art!, 6 – 8 p.m. — Join the Georgia Museum of Art Student Association for refreshments, door prizes and themed activities to celebrate the museum’s 75th birthday. Student Night is generously sponsored by the UGA Parents Leadership Council.
On view:
“Nancy Baker Cahill: Through Lines” — Baker Cahill’s first solo museum show expands upon her background in traditional media and redefines the possibilities of drawing in contemporary art through augmented reality.
“Southern/Modern” — This exhibition is the first project to survey comprehensively the rich array of paintings and works on paper created in the American South during the first half of the 20th century. Featuring more than 100 works of art drawn from public and private collections across the country, it brings together a generation’s worth of scholarship. This is the last Third Thursday to see this show.
“In Dialogue: Power Couple: Pierre and Louise Daura in Paris” — Portraits of Joaquín Torres-García’s daughters by Pierre Daura and Louise Heron Blair.
“Decade of Tradition: Highlights from the Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson Collection” — Selections from Larry and Brenda Thompson’s gift of works by African American artists.
“Power and Piety in 17th-Century Spanish Art” — Works by premiere Spanish baroque painters such as Francisco de Zurbarán, Bartolomé Murillo, Pedro Orrente and others, on loan from Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery.
The museum’s days of operation are Tuesday – Sunday. Reserve a free ticket and see our policies at https://georgiamuseum.org/visit/.
ATHICA: Athens Institute for Contemporary Art
ATHICA@675 Pulaski St., Suite 1200:
“SURFACE: 2023 Juried Exhibition” — Featuring work by 30 artists from Athens and beyond, selected by Clay Aldridge and Josiah Golson of Stove Works in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
“Six from the Elephant 6 Circle” — Featuring work by artists who helped make the scene.
Lyndon House Arts Center
Gallery walkthrough of “8th Collegiate Paper Art Triennial” with Sanaz Haghani, vice president of exhibitions, North American Hand Papermakers, 6 p.m.
On view:
“Memory Worker: Kelly Taylor Mitchell” — Mitchell’s multidisciplinary practice centers oral history and ancestral memory, real and imagined, woven into the fabric of the African Diaspora. Her work is deeply invested in labor-intensive making, slowness and homespun passed-down processes resulting in works of printmaking, papermaking, performance, book arts and textiles.
“Tell Me A Story: Works by Jasmine Best” — Best, a current master of fine arts candidate at UGA’s Lamar Dodd School of Art, uses her memories and manipulations of them to create dialogues about the Black female identity. She explores the folk story traditions of the Black South through tangible and traditional mediums such as fabric and yarn combined with digital sewing.
“Maquettes by Abraham Tesser” — Abraham Tesser is an Athens-based artist and furniture maker who creates magic with wood. He has exhibited large-scale pieces at the Lyndon House Arts Center over the years; however, this exhibition looks at his maquettes, or scale models in wood used as drafts or “drawings” for bigger pieces.
“The Image Moves: New Film and Video Work by Athens Artists” — Guest curated by Keith Wilson, this show features a non-narrative, experimental and personal approach to the time-based mediums of film and video. Artists include Drew Gebhardt, Katz Tepper, Jaime Bull, Selia Hooten, Vivian Liddell, CC Calloway, Shawn Campbell and AJ Aremu.
“The 8th Collegiate Paper Art Triennial” — This exhibition celebrates the pinnacle of student creativity in paper art. Jurors Mina Takahashi, Karen Kunc and Erin Zona meticulously selected 40 outstanding pieces crafted by 36 students hailing from 11 distinguished institutions.
“Growing Together” — A solo exhibition by artist Ato Ribeiro. Born in Philadelphia, he spent his childhood and adolescence in Accra, Ghana. The articulation of his West African heritage and his African American identity is evident in his wooden assemblages that reference both Ghanian strip-woven kente cloth and Black quilting traditions of the American South. 
The Athenaeum
Closed for a private University of Georgia event.
The Classic Center
Galleries are closed due to a large convention.
tiny ATH gallery
“Kip Ramey”: Raised in the northeast Georgia mountains, Kip Ramey was fascinated by the history, folklore and inhabitants of those mountains, which inspired him to create his version of what he saw. He is an established self-taught artist, living the dream and selling his work full time. A portion of art sales will be donated to Project Safe. 
“J. Grant Brittain: 80’s Skate Photography” — San Diego-based Brittain, known for his 60+ covers of Transworld Skateboarding Magazine, countless iconic images of the skate greats, and his recently published 1980s skateboarding photography book, “PUSH,” inspired generations of young people to pick up a camera or a skateboard. Over 35 images from Brittain’s iconic work in the 1980s, which captured the evolution of skateboarding from its origins in southern California into a national cultural phenomenon, are on view.
Third Thursday was established in 2012 to encourage attendance at Athens’ established art venues through coordination and co-promotion by the organizing entities. 
Contact: Michael Lachowski, Georgia Museum of Art, [email protected].
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snapdragonhemp · 5 months
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Unleash The Dragon! Get ready for our Grand Opening on Feb. 2nd, 2024. Located in the Vibrant Heart of Chattanooga at 508 Broad Street, Chattanooga TN 37402. Phone: 423-954-0710 Hours: 12pm-10pm Sun-Thurs, 12pm-12am Fri-Sat Website: jointhedragon.com
Snapdragon Cannabis Co is bringing our most exciting new location yet. This isn't just another venue; it's a new 420-friendly lounge that promises to revolutionize how you relax and connect with your community.
Cocktails without the hangover- no need for liquor when you have canna. Leave your hangover at the door and enjoy our potent RINS9 refreshments!  Multiple rotating seasonal Canna-drafts to choose from and lovingly crafted canna-cocktails!
That’s not all, the bar goes beyond the beverages. In addition to drinks, we offer a variety of ways to imbibe: Dabbing options; try out Snapdragon concentrates with unique glass, Puffco e-rigs, pipes, and other pieces. Flower, Edibles, and more; all of our fan favorite treats and Snapdragon goods will be available at The Dragon! We're also offering un-dosed Snapdragon treats to sate your munchies and try our goodies before you buy our dosed versions!
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
Tenn. exec, dad of 3 including newborn shot dead by career criminal en route to 20-year high school reunion
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A Chattanooga, Tennessee businessman was shot and killed while on his way to a high school reunion by a man with a lengthy criminal history, authorities said. Christopher Wright, 38, was in downtown Chattanooga on Sept. 28 to meet up with alumni from the Baylor School when he got into an argument with two men on the street, Fox Chattanooga reported. Surveillance video shows Wright, a father of three, including a newborn, talking to Darryl Roberts and another man before walking away, the report said. Roberts then approached Wright and allegedly shot him. A witness said Roberts, known as "Too Tall," shot Wright in the head. Wright was taken to a nearby hospital and died. TENNESSEE DEPUTY SERIOUSLY INJURED, ‘ARMED INDIVIDUAL’ DEAD AFTER GUNFIRE EXCHANGE DURING DOMESTIC CALL Darryl "Too Tall" Roberts is charged with fatally shooting Christopher Wright, a Tennessee businessman. (Hamilton County Sheriff's Office) Fox News Digital has reached out to the Chattanooga police department. Roberts fled but was arrested the next day by U.S. Marshals and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). He is charged with first-degree murder and is being held on a $5 million bond. Roberts has a long criminal history with at least 60 charges for various crimes, the news outlet reported. In 2003, he was allegedly shoplifting from a T-J Maxx inside a mall when security personnel said he produced a knife. "Here it is and I'll do anything it takes to get out of here!" Roberts allegedly said. He allegedly began to punch the security door and threatened store employees. An arrest report said he smiled at responding officers and licked the pepper spray from his own face. In 2009, Roberts was charged with aggravated assault and unlawful possession of a firearm after allegedly pulling a gun on a store clerk who refused to sell him beer. In 2010, he allegedly fired several shots through a door during a home invasion. TENNESSEE TEACHER CHARGED WITH RAPING 12-YEAR-OLD REARRESTED FOR TELLING VICTIM HE'LL 'REGRET DOING THIS' Despite being arrested more than five dozen times, records show that Roberts never served more than six months behind bars, the New York Post reported, citing local media reports. Christopher Wright, 38, a father of three children, who shot and killed while on his way to a high school reunion. (GoFundMe) Chris Angel, the Baylor School president, said the community was "heartbroken" to learn of Wright's death. "The Baylor School community is heartbroken to learn of the sudden death of Christopher Wright ’03, who would have celebrated his 20th class reunion this weekend with his fellow classmates," Angel wrote in a statement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris and his family for their devastating loss." A GoFundMe page in support of Wright's family said he welcomed a third child into the world eight weeks ago. "Chris was a doting husband and amazing father. He was a beloved son and brother, admired friend, and accomplished businessman – his accolades were many," the page said. Wright attended Yale University and the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, according to his biography on the website for Alderman Enterprises, a private equity firm. CLICK TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP In response to the shooting, Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly called it a "terrible tragedy that our community will not soon forget." "Gun violence is taking a serious personal toll on people’s lives and hurting Chattanoogans’ ability to feel safe in our community," he wrote on social media. "Like every proud resident of Chattanooga, I’m outraged at every life lost at the hands of those committing senseless, violent acts "I’m sick of it, and as mayor, I will not tolerate it," he added. "If you commit violent crime in Chattanooga, you can be certain that we will use every tool in our arsenal to lock you up." Read the full article
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
the VW Atlas Peak wants to be a little more engaging
Manufactured in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA factory. The Atlas is the largest vehicle produced on the Volkswagen Group’s MQB platform, at 5.03 meters long and 1.96 meters wide. It is marketed as Volkswagen Teramont in the Middle East, China, Mexico, Russia, and China, where production in Ningbo began in 2017. In October 2019, the manufacturer presented the four-door coupé version which carried…
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