#Doctor Hendrick Joliet Easterman x reader
lumierexfics · 5 months
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Chat Log Name : I know why society had no use for you
chat log description : You can be reborn, can't you? You just need a little leap to it.
Online Users : Doctor Hendrick Joliet Easterman, Reagent! Reader, The Pusher (Mentioned), Mother Gooseberry (Mentioned)
!! CONTENT WARNINGS : Stockholm Syndrome, Unhealthy relationship, Power Imbalance, Manipulative behaviors, Minor & major descriptions of injuries. !!
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Your eyes watered at the sight since you accidentally dropped your private records; seeing the scattered papers and photographs of a happier time in life. Such a familiar warmth they gave but you needed to destroy them to be reborn. It was their fault, wasn’t it? Since they never helped as you needed to be reborn now.
You hurriedly stuffed the box with your private records. Watching the bloodied grinder, destroy the very last remnants of who you were or so you thought. You held your bloodied shoulder since Mother Gooseberry managed to grab ahold of you and drilled into your shoulder rather than your face.
The single shuttle was made of metal that had grates at the bottom of it in case of any blood. A brown leather almost orthodontic chair strapped you in, gears of the hanging television swung down.
“Doesn’t that feel better? All reamed out cleared and ready,” he said. “Everything perfectly under control kept tidy for somebody with just your dysfunctions.”
It felt like ages then restraints loosened and hatched open, rubbing your wrists to relieve the uncomfortable tension from it. You looked at the tube; the sole tube in the cramped shuttle and you stepped in the tube.
Your eyes tried to adjust to the bright lights of the hallway, the sleep room is what Dr. Easterman called it. Though it should be called the makeshift zoo due to the amount of windows and you wandered around the sleep room which in the process, you found your room. A plain room with a sink, desk, bed with a bedside table and a big window next to the door.
The terminal assigned a group and the core therapy lights near the home shuttle, once a iridescent hue now were a vibrant red.
Time lost its meaning in the Sinyala facility, it was a never ending circle. Being paired up in a group like test animals and having stitches sewn into the skin despite the old wounds barely closing before being opened once again. The small cuts on your hands gnawed at the skin while pouring the can of acid into the metal funnel of the fountain to get rid of the evidence.
You were the only one that failed the therapy that was meant for you to protect the ones that protected and guided you during this stage of growing in the stomach of the hostile womb. The revival medicine pumped your body with a wheezing to regain the loss of life and breath, antiseptic aroma continued with the mixture of pungent blood that had been engraved on polished floor. Faintly hearing the voices of the medical staff to alert the sanitization team to hose out the thin blue line or to fix the Rorschach tests in the police station.
Your heart aches with unbearable pain hearing the harsh words of Doctor Easterman from the speaker. Disappointment to nobody and everyone at the same time. Nobody would want you even if you were reborn, not even Doctor Easterman. He will want to get rid of you since you can’t do the simplest thing.
“We scraped you up off the streets,” He said. “I tried to make you better, reagent 124.”
Tears swelled up in your eyes, losing the ability to stand. His shoes clicked on the metal flooring that decorated the floor, his face etched into something very familiar, an expression of a disappointed parent or a disappointed man who simply wanted what was best for you. He got down to your fallen level, wiping away the stream of tears, desperately trying to say that he was wrong but it was muffled by the gag.
“I know that you’re trying your best but you need to try harder to not be a disappointment to me,” he said. “You’re still developing now but I know that you want to be reborn.”
Yet, you could still feel a sliver of your past self that wasn’t buried by the trials and you needed to keep it hidden from him—his bony hand gripped the lower half of your face, his tongue clicked, eyebrows furrowed; examining your face.
“I thought—never mind.” He let go of your face. “Return to the sleep room and take therapy to heart this time.”
You are near perfection in Doctor Easterman’s eyes but you needed a little more attention and a shove towards the end goal. To be reborn in the hostile world and how he always phrases it : Suffering is the cornerstone for greatness.
It happened all too fast. Sound of a door being broken and the small remaining pieces of glass that embedded into your skin and the familiar deranged laughter.
“Relax, baby.” He said,”Just…relax!”
And the familiar green gas that burned your lungs, twisting out the remaining bits of sanity that you had clung to. Antidote. Walls and flooring of the room where it distorted bending in and out almost to replicate breathing. In and out with the luminescent lights that now glowed with a mixture of reds, greens, blues, and a yellowish green. Opening the toolboxes to find the antidote till you found one. Unfortunately, the skinner man continued to walk and walk, his body morphed and twitched with every step. Screams—your screams echoed throughout the trial, scientists wrote on the clipboards.
Why wasn’t the medicine working? Why did it feel like the Skinner man was peeling your skin and forcing it to regrow at the same time. Surely there was something else living in your body, you needed to tear it out. Parasite. It was causing a significant problem in your birthing process, if Doctor Easterman found out…how disappointed he would be, how good you were behaving and you were finally starting to take the trials to heart.
Your eyes watered at the luminescent light being shined down at you, desperately trying to push up but the leather straps only dug further into your wrists. While the tears dribbled down your face, blurred vision how you desperately tried to look for someone or something familiar since you weren’t in your cell rather in a small medical room with a gurney that you were strapped into, being poked and prodded with scalpels and crudely stitches place on still bleeding wounds.
The infirmary aids shuffled out of the room seemingly scoffing at the sudden entrance of Doctor Easterman.
“You have disappointed me, greatly.” His face shifted into a permanent frown, walking closer to your face. “A child like you can never be born. You couldn’t seem to claw yourself out of this hostile womb.”
His hand caressed your face; so gently. As he suddenly took away the gentleness that you seemed to crave more.
“And I held you to such high praises which turned out to be a grave mistake. I coddled you too much which resulted in this.” He paced back and forth as he knocked on the steel door. “They will now begin your reclassification to the experimental population. You are too broken for society to handle. You cannot be reborn.”
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outlastrabbit · 3 months
This is weird but can i request sharing a bed with Dr easterman
I love ur works 🫶
Thank you!☺️💖
Doctor Easterman and Reader Share a Bed
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This was all Doctor Easterman wanted. He spent so long only talking to you through tv screens. He craved your closeness so badly, and to finally have had it? He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your chest into his.
Easterman stared lovingly at you in his embrace, as if he couldn’t believe you were really here. Dorris was right. He did have the eyes of a drowned man, and yet… the smallest glint of love sparkled within them.
He wished he could’ve made your cell nicer for you. Being inside it at last, he finally noticed how grotty it really was. Then again, you made everything look like shit in comparison.
Easterman’s smile was uneasy as he laid in your bed next to you. His arms were so snug around your body, you could barely budge. He whispered sweet nothings, telling you how he loved you and that he was never letting you go.
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outlastrabbit · 4 months
Can you do more nsfw of doctor easterman his character seems interesting i have never played the game before
Doctor Easterman x Reader NSFW Headcanons
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Doctor Easterman always watched you undress. Well, actually… when you were in your cell, he was watching you do everything. He breathed heavily as he stared at you intently through the screen. His heart pounded when you pulled your shirt up and off your belly. You slowly slipped it over your bare shoulders, tossing it to the floor and standing there topless.
Your beauty nearly brought Doctor Easterman to tears. He couldn’t help but touch himself as you pulled your pants off next. You stood there in your underwear and sighed tiredly, running a hand over your belly. He watched this intently, eyes set on the softness of your skin.
Easterman continued to touch himself while gazing lustfully upon your lovely figure. He craved your closeness. He really was on the verge of tears with how much he needed you. He did this every night. It was getting to be too much. He wanted the real thing.
“Let daddy…” Doctor Easterman panted softly as he moved his hand faster, imagining what it’d feel like to actually touch you. “Fill you up…”
His breathing grew ragged as he watched you lay down on your bed, your bare body on full display for just him. God, he had to get into that cell. He knew the camera didn’t do you justice. He groaned your name as he felt himself growing close, nearly losing it then and there just by saying it.
“Daddy… loves you.” Easterman gritted his teeth and screwed his eyes shut, but quickly opened them to look at you more. “Daddy loves you so… so much.”
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outlastrabbit · 5 months
Hii I love your writing sm, would it be okay if you did some more Easterman headcanons? Could be SFW or NSFW just any content in general I'm starving for
Thank you!🥺💖
Doctor Easterman x Reader Headcanons
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You were Doctor Easterman’s absolute favourite reagent. He had full faith that you were gonna make it out of this alive. You had to. It wasn’t for your sake anymore. It was for his.
While you were strapped to a chair in the shuttle, on your way to or from a trial, Easterman went on and on about his love for you. He purposely made the trip drag on so he could just keep talking to you. It gave him this new giddy feeling he never thought he’d have.
You always looked really unimpressed when he talked to you through the various intercoms and tv screens around the facility. Doctor Easterman was completely oblivious to your attitude and kept blindly confessing to you like a lovesick puppy.
He was always there for you. He made a great effort to assure you he was. Whenever you felt upset or hurt from a trial, just as you were to give up or cry, Doctor Easterman’s comforting voice cooed at you through the tv screen in your cell.
You slumped down on your bed with wet eyes and a series of new scars from your last trial. A sad smile made its way onto your tired features though as you glanced up at the tv in the corner of your cell. Easterman smiled back at you through the screen, but his face was shrouded by a dark shadow. He told you he loved you, and how you were gonna be okay.
One night after a particularly bad trial, you found a sex toy on your bed. Doctor Easterman had gifted it to you for your troubles, and you better have believed he was gonna watch you use it.
You purposely used it on yourself with the covers off your bare hips, putting on a little show. You could feel Doctor Easterman’s dark eyes bearing into you through your tv screen as you pleasured yourself. Over the sound of your soft moans, you could hear his own heavy breathing quickening.
Easterman wished so desperately to be in that grimy bed beside you. The things he would do to you… the things he knew you’d do to him… you had been stuck in this facility alone for so long without any physical touch. He knew that you were pent up too and would just go feral with him.
The doctor watched you sleep in nothing but your underwear, and touched himself while doing so. He panted softly as his lustful gaze focused on your relaxed face, and your chest that rose and fell with each breath. He muttered huskily to himself about how beautiful you were, and how much he loved you. You were so perfect. He never wanted you to leave.
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outlastrabbit · 6 months
Can I request easterman/reader fluff 🥲🥲🥲 ? Nothing specific
Doctor Easterman x Reader ‘Fluff’ Headcanons
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You only knew Hendrick Easterman via his voice. As soon as you were dragged into Sinyala Facility, his calming voice was there to guide you through the pain.
Easterman told you that you were special. He told you he loved you, and that you were safe. Even when you came back from trials beaten to soup, he still tried to convince you that it was okay. You could always hear the slight concern in his shaky tone when he saw you hurt bad.
The doctor watched you sleep in your cell every night. He even admitted this to you. He told you all he could think about was how much he loved you. Easterman was soon watching your every move.
He was never disappointed when you got hurt in trials. Only very, very concerned. Easterman needed you to survive. He didn’t think he could go on if you truly died. You soon became his obsession, and when he watched you sleep in your cell every night through the screen… he wished he was lying there next to you.
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