#Destind: Mr. Almost Right Fan Fics
truelovevoltage · 4 years
His Confession - Takane Momochi
Y/N couldn’t believe that she would fall for someone she’s been in love for a long time. She thought that she would’ve gotten over her puppy love towards Takane but that wasn’t the case. Cupid’s Arrow brought them together once more and she finally thought she can be happy that it was someone she’s known for a long time. 
The rejection back in University didn’t even bother her but why was she so blind when it came to Takane? Why would she think that he’s perfect in all aspects? It’s as if nothing can taint her vision about Takane even though he himself has tried many things to ruin his reputation in her eyes and yet she still fell for him. 
She fell for all his so-called flaws, she fell for the hardworking man that he is now and she fell for the man who would do anything to make the customer smile while they’re flying with the airlines that he works in. It might’ve seemed stupid but sometimes, that’s love. Loving someone very much until the point where it hurts. 
Y/N thought that Takanee has changed but when she found out his true intentions of sleeping with her she couldn’t back down without a challenge. Although it was hard for him to fall for her, after all, she’s been chasing him for a long time. And when that time came Takane happily took the loss between their challenge. He was happy with her but there was this strange feeling building up inside him. He wanted to be with her and didn’t want to hurt her but yet, he’s letting her go. 
That may be one of his biggest mistakes, she was the light in his dark world. She was the only one who truly understood him and yet he pushed her away. Work was back to normal, but that’s sugarcoating it. People thought that he was pissed all the time and would often glare at his coworkers without his intentions. 
Y/N on the other hand still decided to go to New York, breaking up with Takane was just another stepping stone and it could be a sign that the two weren’t meant to be. She went to New York with a couple of her coworkers and they were excited to explore the city that never sleeps. “Man New York sure is incredible.” 
They went sightseeing and tried many restaurants. The food there was amazing, they couldn’t get enough of going to different restaurants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was definitely expensive but it was worth their stay. 
However their short vacation in New York has come to an end, it was time for them to go home and clearly they weren’t ready for it. They weren’t ready to say goodbye to the beautiful city but work is work. They’ve kept in touch with some of their coworkers and they mentioned that they’d go out once they got back. It might seem a lot but their arrival back home isn’t that late, they’ll have plenty of time to catch up. 
The flight back home will be a long one for sure but it was definitely worth it. Y/N couldn’t wait to be back home and see the pretty lights that’ll welcome her above the sky. Y/N and her coworkers were still jetlagged and therefore they decided to just sleep on the plane and at least have on of their meals because they knew they were going to eat with some coworkers the moment that they arrive home. 
One of Y/N coworkers did a video call through messenger, they needed to pay for wifi in case there was an emergency that they need to be aware of what was going on at the office at any given time. “Hey Y/N! Are you guys about to land? We’re already at the airport!” Y/N’s coworker announced. “Yeah! We’re going to land soon.” She replied. 
However, during their conversation, there was suddenly a huge turbulence that hit them. The captain ordered everyone to buckle up, it was a no brainer that one of the engines stopped working which was odd. It was perfectly fine until now. There was a sudden drop in altitude and the oxygen mask fell down, Y/N knew that she was supposed to help herself first but there was a minor traveling by themselves and she knew how scared they must be. It’s as if her life didn’t matter at this point and she wanted to save the boy instead before her own. 
Her coworkers started to panic and tried to get Y/N’s attention through the device but she wasn’t able to hear their cries. They also witness how she put the mask on the boy first before her own and they knew they were going to lecture her about it later. Someone happened to be in the area and heard the women screaming Y/N’s name and the figure was curious. “Excuse me is everything okay?” Takane asked. He glanced at the device that they were holding and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, Y/N was in an airplane and there was a terrible incident happening. “Sorry guys but I’m going to have to cut you off, I’ll see you guys later... I hope.” She whispered the last two words and ended the call. 
Takane started to panic inside but didn’t let the women in front of him show. He tried to get information from then and hopefully help them land safely. He went to the quarters and asked his peers what the status was with the flight that’s supposed to land soon. The crew members were shocked that he knew about the situation, they didn’t tell anyone about it. He asked who was the captain and who was the co-pilot. It was the flight that he refused to take back then when they asked him, now he regretted it. He suddenly blurted out that the love of his life is on that plane. If only he was the one co-piloting this wouldn’t have happened. 
Luckily there were no major injuries some people had a minor scratch but that’s about it. When the passengers came out, Y/N and her other coworkers we pulled into an embrace by their other coworkers. “We’re glad you guys are okay! You don’t know how worried we were.” Some of them cried. “We were scared too, we weren’t sure if we were going to survive.” 
They cried until they’ve calmed down. “Don’t think you’re going to get away with what you did in the plane Y/N. Why’d you save that little boy first over your own life?” There goes the lecture Y/N thought to her self. “Aw come on guys, he was just a little boy. He had a bright future ahead of him.”
“And you think yours don’t? You think your life doesn’t have any value?!?” Another figure approached them and by the tone of their voice, they were angry. The women's eyes widened, it was the same man who asked them what was going on with the plane. He was ready to burst out all his anger on Y/N. “Excuse me Sir but that’s none of your business. If this is how I want to run my life then so be it.” She snapped back at Takane. 
“Y/N you are insane! I know you’re not dumb but there was a video on what you should do in case there was an emergency on the flight. It was clear in the video that no matter how old or young you are you must look after yourself. I don’t think I’ll be able to take if I lost you on that flight. I should’ve been the one co-piloting that plane. If I was the co-pilot I’m sure I’m not going to let something like this happen on the flight that the person I love is on.” This shocked Y/N, never in a million years would she hear Takane say those words to her. 
Takane was about to say something when a little boy ran and called out for Y/N. “Miss! Look, Mom, this is the pretty lady I was talking about. She kept me safe during the flight she held me close to her and she never left my sight.” The little boy’s mother bowed her head. “Thank you very much miss for protecting my child. I’m sure he was scared and I wasn’t there to protect him but I’m pleased that they had someone like you on that flight.” Y/N smiled at the mom. She told her that there was nothing she should thank her for, she was just doing something to protect a life that is still blooming. “When I’m old enough I’m going to find you and marry you.” This only made Y/N chuckle but Takane wasn’t having it. “Hmm... I don’t know if that’s possible but maybe someday you’ll be able to introduce me to your love one.” Y/N ruffled his hair.  
“Excuse me little man but this lady is mine.” Takane pulled Y/N by her waist. It was a smooth and swift movement. “Hmph.. well you better treat her right Mister or someone else will take her away from you.” The two excused themselves and said their goodbyes. Y/N pushed Takane and glared at him. 
“Y/N I know I’m probably the last person you want to talk to after last time and let me tell you, I regretted that day. I shouldn’t have let you walk away that night, I should’ve gone after you but I was scared. It’s my first time experiencing love and I didn’t want to mess it up and gamble everything, but I’ve learned that in this game called love, I have to gamble. And now I’m asking you if we could start all over, I want you here by my side and we’ll go through this together. I love you Y/N. I’ve realized that I need you in my life Y/N, you’re the only one that truly understands me.”
Y/N was left speechless, she didn’t know how to respond to him. Is this real? This is really happening? Her heart says, yes but her mind says no. She didn't know what to do, she bit her lip down and slightly nodded. Some say it was a default action and her body just went with the flow. Takane embraced her tightly. “You’re so unfair Takane, but this is your last chance you know.” She mumbled. 
“I know, and I’m not going to waste this opportunity that you gave me.” He kissed the crown of her head and they could hear the crowd cheering for them. The two of them blushed due to the embarrassing moment. “Just to let you know, you’re the first and last one I’ll ever confess publicly like this.” 
“I hope so cause this is quite embarrassing if I do say so myself.”  The two chuckled and smiled at each other. Finally, she’s with her destiny.
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