#Demetrious De Sardet
spoopyghostgirl · 5 years
Character Sheet for my Greedfall Original Character
Will be a
Character’s full name: Ellowine Marea Della Morte
Reason or meaning of name: Named after her grandfather, Alwyn
Title: Princess of Theleme. Legate of the Theleme.
Character’s nickname: Winne, Ella, Sunflower, Princess, Snake Charmer
Reason for nickname: Winnie + Ella are short for Ellowine. Sunflower for her smiley disposition, Princess because she's a princess. Snake Charmer because she's charming.
Birth date: October 13th
Physical Appearance
Age: 22 years old
How old does he/she appear: 17 years old
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 5'7
Body build: Slim, muscular legs and arms
Eye color: Gold
Skin tone: Fair
Distinguishing marks: Marking on the left side of her face, like vines
Predominant features: Full lips, large eyes
Hair color: White/Pale Blonde
Type of hair: Long, wavy
Hairstyle: Normally wears it braided, sometimes straight down her back, other times it sits like a crown on top of her head
Voice: She has the kind of voice that can make anyone flush. Jokes about having a "sex worker" voice.
Overall attractiveness: 10/10
Physical disabilities: None
Usual fashion of dress: Wears lots of black, since Theleme seems fond of the color. Lots of frilly dresses in her youth that are slowly replaced by frilly jackets and form fitting pants, better for fighting.
Jewelry or accessories: Ears are double pierced with opals, a ruby pendent gold necklace, and two rings, one opal, one ruby.
Good personality traits:
Bad personality traits:
-shameless flirt
- short tempered
Mood character is most often in: Content
Sense of humor: Dry but is quick to laugh and make jokes
Character’s greatest joy in life: Fighting or Magic
Character’s greatest fear: Losing her family/deep water
She is royalty, it's easy to see why she'd be worried about assassination attempts.
Almost drowned as a child, hasn't recovered for the experience.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
- her older brothers death. If he died she would become heir to the throne and be expected to rule Theleme.
Character is most at ease when:
- she is dancing
- practicing magic
- reading
Most ill at ease when:
- dealing with her own family
Enraged when:
- people she likes are insulted
- people comment on her mark + compare it to the malichor
Depressed or sad when:
- her family fights
- learning and expanding her knowledge of magic
- expanding her familial agenda
- being happy
Life philosophy:
- Kind of a mash up of do what makes you happy and do whatever will expand your horizons
If granted one wish, it would be:
- to be free of Theleme and her familial obligations
- she's a magical prodigy and science lover. She feels held back because of how backwards her country is. Wishes her family would do more about it but her father is to her a figure head of arrogance and ignorance.
Character’s soft spot:
- Her brother
- Constantin d'Orsay
- Demetrius De Sardet
Is this soft spot obvious to others?
- She gives out nicknames to just about everyone and has a perfect political mask, so she likes to think not but... if you spend enough time with her, it becomes more and more obvious.
Greatest strength:
- Magic, short swords and daggers
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
- Physical strength
Biggest regret:
- Finding out she was taken from her family.
Minor regret:
- Treating her mother and brother poorly after she found out she was kidnapped.
Biggest accomplishment:
- Being able to convince her father to allow her to stay in Congregation territory to learn magic from a member of the bridge alliance.
Minor accomplishment:
- Making those she cares for smile.
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:
- none that she can recall
Character’s darkest secret:
- Being adopted. Her father trying to force her to marry her older brother and then Constantin. Sleeping with Vasco and Kurt at the same time and neither of them knowing.
Does anyone else know?
- She confines in De Sardet and Constantin about being adopted and her fathers marriage plans.
- Siora knows shes sleeping with both Kurt and Vasco though Ellowine doesnt tell her.
Drives and motivations:
- Escaping her father's grasp and becoming her own person. Protecting those she loves
Immediate goals:
- Becoming a renowned mage
Long term goals:
- *possibly* becoming Cardinal on the island and guiding those on the island into a more progressive and better future
Type of childhood: She is the "spare" child. She was raised to be the perfect diplomat and possible assassin and body guard.
Pets: A cat before they started killing cats thinking they spread the malichor.
First memory: Walking on a ship towards a man with gold eyes and a kind smile.
Most important childhood memory: Discovering her magical abilities
Why: It changed everything for her.
Childhood hero: Bartholomew Della Cruz, a man who broke from Theleme and became a successful Evoker and Alchemist in the Bridge Alliance.
Dream job: Unsure.
Religion: Technically, she was raised to believe in the enlightened one but she has always struggled with it, finding strength in magic, something the man seemed to be against.
Present (Game Start)
Current location: Teer Fradee, Saint Matheus
Currently living with: Within Castle with her aunt, the Cardinal. Has apartment separately that she part time lives in.
Pets: A raven she uses for sending messages
Religion: None
Occupation: Legate/Diplomat
Mother: Lucille Marea Della Morte
Relationship with her: Good. Her mother is her dearest friend. Has given Ellowine the freedom to be the person she wants to be.
Father: Alexia Alwyn Della Morte
Relationship with him: Bad. Is not above using Ellowine for political gain. Had Ellowine trained as an assassin "just in case".
Brother: Nicolai Alexia Della Morte
Relationship with him: Good. They're best friends. After the reveal that they aren't actually siblings their relationship became... complicated. Ellowine quickly nipped this in the bud when it came to light that her "father" was willing to force them to wed.
Other important family members:
Grandfather: Alwyn Nicolai Della Morte
Relationship: They had a great relationship. Despite his conniving and... questionable methods, he loved Ellowine greatly and did what he could to make sure her childhood was at least enjoyable.
Color: Red
Least favorite color: Brown
Food: Any sweet fruit, dried meats, soup
Literature: Softy for poetry and anything related to magic or history
Form of entertainment: A tie between fighting and dancing
Most prized possession: Opal ring that was her grandmothers. Her grandfather gave it to her for her 13th birthday.
Hobbies: Reading, painting, singing
Plays a musical instrument: Piano
How he/she would spend a rainy day: Reading in a library, practicing her magic, eating sweets and drinking hot drinks with her favorite people
Spending habits: Will treat herself and others because her family is very wealthy.
Smokes: Doesn't
Drinks: Likes spiced wine
What does he/she do too much of: Pick fights. Ellowine has a short temper.
What does he/she do too little of: Genuinely smile. Ellowine is a rather serious person. Her smiles are perfect, given her years of practice.
Extremely skilled at: Mage Craft, combat, dancing
Extremely unskilled at: Swimming, cooking
A picture that kind of looks like Ellowine(?)
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