#Death might be the exception but we know and Dream knows it's her Roderick wanted to capture
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beobhcm · 4 months
Chapter: 2/?
The Sandman (Comics)The Sandman (TV 2022)
Desire of the Endless/Original Male Character(s)Desire of the Endless & Dream of the Endless | MorpheusDesire of the Endless & Dream of the EndlessDeath of the Endless & Dream of the EndlessDesire of the Endless/Roderick Burgess
Desire of the EndlessDream of the Endless | MorpheusDream of the EndlessDeath of the EndlessDespair of the EndlessOriginal Male Character(s)Roderick BurgessAlexander BurgessPaul McGuire (The Sandman)(mentioned)
Additional Tags:
AngstHurt No ComfortDesire of the Endless has a Bad TimeImprisonmentDark Dream of the Endless | MorpheusManipulationAlternate Universe - Canon DivergenceDysfunctional Family
“Dream, I am standing in my gallery and placing my hand on your sigil. Come, quickly.” Death was calling her brother to join in an emergency meeting.
“Well meet, my sister. You seem a bit hurry. Is there anything I could do?” Dream appeared next to her.
“What have you done to Desire?” Death crossed her arms while confronting Dream. She was uneased and Dream could see the annoyance on her face.
“I did nothing, my sister.” He denied.
“Nothing? You helped Roderick to entrap Desire! And you said it’s nothing?”
Death had known everything because she was there, too. Turned out, at the night before the ritual happened, her brother had gone through Roderick’s dream. He felt that foolish mortal’s ‘desire’ to capture Death was very strong. Dream and Desire were similar, but he recognized it was his sibling’s meddling since he could tell the differences. Without hesitation, he decided to teach Desire a lesson, the one they would never forget in their life. By interfering with Dr. Hathaway’s dream and changing one item in the Grimoire, he had changed the target successfully. Everything went smoothly than he thought.
“It was the one started all of these first. It ‘made’ Roderick eager to capture you. The ritual was actually meant to target me but it could have been you. I am just showing it the consequences for meddling with us.” He was about to argue with Death when he felt like she was defending for their horrible sibling.
“Listen up, Dream. I know our brother-sister is usually up to no good, but I don’t want any of our family members to be put in such danger.” She rubbed her forehead as she tried to explain to Dream.
“It could call us for help.”
“You know full well he-she wouldn’t. Desire is as stubborn as you are. Not to say you even challenged him-her in another shitty twisted game? He-she rejected though Despair is begging them to call her because you had badly hurt his-her pride.” Death scolded.
“It was Desire’s choice. We must respect it since we endless have our own rules.”
“Go and tell him-her this foolish game is over. The universe is losing its balance owing to the loss of desire. The same thing used to happen when I abandoned my job, remember?” She quit her role once millions years ago. At that time, none creature could die, and the world had been put into chaos. Each Endless carried one important role. Without them, the whole galaxy would never be the same anymore.
“You or Despair should talk to it. It will listen to anyone except its big brother. Am I right? If there is nothing left, I might leave, my sister. I got many things to take care in my domain.” He disappeared, not wanting to debate any longer.
Death sighed. The conflictions between Dream and Desire always gave her headache. It was because of their nature or Desire was cruel themselves? They always found the way to harm her brother, then Dream took revenge on them, which created an infinite loop would never end. After all, she just wanted her two idiotic siblings to get along well as they used to be.
"Desire, could you please put everything aside and let us help you?"
Death and Despair had been asking their sibling to call their family to lend them a hand. They both received the rejection from Desire due to their goddamn stupid pride. How could they be this childish? Losing the game was not even a problem. Meanwhile, their absence had caused serious consequences to the entire universe. Could they at least think about their own responsibility?
“Rubbish!” Roderick was utterly furious. The jewelries he stole did not contain any magic or power. It meant he gained nothing from the ritual, and he had to carry a dangerous creature that could kill him instantly if it was set free. He prepared everything necessary to constrict the endless as much as he could according to what the pale man had shown him. Since the Magus still felt insecure, he hired many people to guard them. He paid the guards well with conditions: Not telling others about this stuff, not crossing the circle and not interacting with the figure.
“I wonder what kind of creature we are watching, Bernard.” There were three men sitting together in the dark and misty chamber. They were discussing about the figure laying and being bounded in front of their eyes.
“The Magus said it was something more than a god, an entity, I guess?”
“Entity? It looks…exactly like a human. I feel a little creepy when we are…keeping a woman in a basement…you know.” Two of the guards got worried since they were paid to do such thing that would lead them to a decade in jail, while the third was completely opposite.
“No one will know, pal.” The brown-hair man hummed as he seemed excited. He slightly grinned, and we could see the wrinkles on his face clearly. His blue eyes kept gluing itself on the creature with enthusiasm. While his fellows were reading newspaper or taking a quick nap to kill time, he repeated doing many meaningless things like tapping his fingers on the table, shaking his legs, standing up and sitting down for no purpose. In spite of his weird behaviors, he was the only one to focus on this assignment most.
Benard Bradley was one of Roderick’s followers and he also participated in the ritual. That was the most fascinating thing he had ever witnessed in his life. Though their group had failed to summon Death and got another endless instead, it still succeeded to him at least. For the first time he saw ‘it’, he was stunned immediately by its strange and remarkable beauty. That was the reason why he volunteered to be the night guard. Bernard had no idea whether it was a man or a woman since it usually changed its body shape according to his mood, but it didn’t matter. From now on, he could watch over this gorgeous creature every day.
The 2 guards worked with Bernard in his shift, and even himself, had their own mission to remind one another not to violate the rules, which was extremely hard for him to approach Desire. Furthermore, he was afraid, afraid of Roderick’s warnings, or maybe he wasn’t ready to face such powerful thing. Sometimes, he could hear it grunt and try to move. Surely, it had been struggling to find a way to escape, but the chains held too tight so it always failed entirely. Bernard kept doing his job, obeying the rules as he only spectated the endless from distance.
Months after months, years after years, Roderick had aged, and Alex, his son was in his adulthood. One day, Benard received a surprisingly shocking news: The Magus had died. At first, he had no idea and didn’t bother to care the reason why, until Alex, his current master, paid a visit to the basement. During Benard’s years of guarding there, neither Roderick nor Alex moved their feet to this chamber. He even found it even stranger when his young master stepped closed to the circle that entrapped the creature.
“Thanks for helping me. But I am afraid I couldn’t release you as I promised.” Alex Burgess felt guilty after saying those words. That was why he started to visit and check on the Endless more often.
Benard was extremely curious. He heard a rumor from the servants: That entity had granted Alex’s wish as he had a better life then, source of. Granting people wishes? So basically, the Magus wanted to capture these figures, which were called the Endless, to use for his own good? That old man must receive tons of rewards and he had been hiding this from everyone. What a rascal old man. But now he had found out the secret. Maybe he should give it a try, too. That night, he finally had a chance as his fellow guards were falling asleep. Benard approached the figure in silence. He gulped and took a look closely. Its golden eyes were the thing to catch his attention first in a peculiar way, which made he couldn’t stop. The more he looked at it, the more it evoked something inside him. Something he had been hiding for a long time. Yes. He remembered he used to get aroused every time he tortured…an animal. Benard was perfectly aware it was very sick of him, but he couldn’t stop those feelings. As he grew older, he finally gave up on doing horrible things thanks to the early treatments. Then, this entity once again reminded him about his most psychotic and deepest desire. Ruining its beautiful body, torturing it, making it suffer, those thoughts kept flowing as they turned into a voice echoed in his mind. Those were all what he wanted to do now.
“Hey, Bernard! What are you doing? We are not supposed to cross the line!” His fellow guard shouted at him.
“Oh, sorry.” He startled as he realized he had made a sound and woke his friend up “I…I drop my stuff there so I am picking it up.” He returned to his seat and planning for something. No one knew what was in his head.
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hekate1308 · 6 years
That Vanished Abode There Far Away, A Season 13 Drowley AU - Chapter Eight
Whatever Sam expected from working with Rowena once more, it was certainly not nothing.
“What do you mean, nothing? You told us the spell should even let you know if Dean were dead –“
Much as the thought hurts, he’d find it hard to believe that this would mean he’d never see his brother again. Death doesn’t stick when it comes to them.
“I say nothing and I mean nothing. Wherever he is, alive or dead, he must have been warded or warded himself very carefully.”
“But who’d have that kind of mojo?”
“You’d be surprised. All it needs is a good understanding of the old runes. Fergus was always very efficient when it came to –“
She breaks off and looks away, and it’s still strange to see raw unfiltered emotion on her face. Sam wonders if she is hurting because she can’t use him anymore or because she’s actually grieving, then chides himself for the thought. If Crowley and Rowena had wanted each other dead, one of them would have been killed by now –
Well, by the other one. No one could have foreseen Crowley sacrificing himself. Except maybe Dean. But to ask his brother about that, he has to find him first.
“But this means we’re looking for someone with extensive rune knowledge, right?” Sam can’t read runes, and he’s rather sure Dean can’t either. He turns to Cas.
“Protections against other supernatural beings was never a priority in my garrison” Cas says, “But Sam is right.”
“Well” Rowena answers, “There aren’t many covens who specialize in things like that, I doubt many even know about protections that old. Surely with our angel pal here, it can’t be difficult to find them – unless they don’t want to be found.”
Sam snorts. “You think? You’re here.”
“I came to you, not the other way around. I’d waited long enough for Crowley.”
It’s the first time she’s ever used his chosen name when speaking about him, and Sam wonders what his reaction would be. Dean would probably laugh about it.
He nods, and she seems glad that he doesn’t answer.
When did things ever get so complicated that he’s trying to comfort the mother of the deceased King of Hell?
Michael is busy making breakfast, having offered to prepare their meal apparently rather out of embarrassment than appetite.
Roderick can empathize. Even though he’ll never admit it, he woke up a few minutes before Michael, and he spent them staring at him as the rising sun slowly illuminated his face.
It’s one thing to be stuck with someone rather pleasant on an island; quite another when this someone also happens to be handsome, charming, funny and kind.
He could have asked about his dreams last night. He didn’t.
He’ll have to tell him eventually, but first he has to make sense of them himself.
There was fire, and pain, and blood; but more, there was a joy about those things that was unsettling, and it’s left a heavy feeling in his stomach that somehow feels wrong, like he’s not used to... having a conscience, he supposes.
He kicks a pebble, utterly frustrated, and here’s somewhat giggle behind him. Giggle.
He turns to find the wraith Michael described. “Greetings, Mistress of the Waves.”
She nods approvingly. “Is there news?”
“No harm has befallen the island.”
She nods again. “There you go. Teach it to your pretty friend, alright?”
“I will do my best.” Not that he’ll have to try very hard. Michael could probably figure it out on his own if he gave him a little time.
“I wanted to talk to you in private” she says, stepping up to him, studying him with eyes of an unidentifiable colour. The gaze that lands on Roderick feels much older than she looks like, but she’s a wraith, the true embodiment of the water she spring from. She’s probably been on this earth for centuries at least... but time would mean nothing to her if he asked.
“I was right” she pronounces. “Your soul has this shine to it... like a newborn’s. As if it hadn’t existed until recently.”
His throat is suddenly dry. He swallows.
What she tells him confirms a suspicion that’s begun to form in his mind.
Sure, after they left Rosemary’s place, they tested themselves to make certain neither of them was a monster masquerading as man; but, human as he is now, he cannot help but think – but assume –
That he wasn’t always. And if his dreams are anything to go by...
“You are a strange one” she says, shaking her head. “But then, your companion isn’t quite what humans call normal either, is he. That’s fine. None of us nature spirits are, I think. Otherwise, we’d have given up long ago, with everything the humans are doing to destroy their planet.”
A sorrow older than either Roderick’s or Michael’s soul settles over her face. “Your souls though... they are clean.”
He shakes his head.
“You don’t agree?”
“What you see might be clean now, as you put it... but I don’t know what it was before.”
“Is that important?”
“You don’t understand” he says, then hastens to add, “And you can’t, Mel – if I may call you that?”
She told Michael it was her name, but who knows with these water spirits? Maybe she’s chosen a different one today.
She nods however, and he takes a deep breath before he continues, “You are ever-changing because that’s who you must be. What you must be. But us humans... We care who someone has been.”
“And neither of you know that” she replies, her eyes wide and curious.
“Maybe you should try and find out who you are before you figure out what you were.”
It’s the closest he’ll get to useful advice with her concerning this, he knows. So he takes it.
“Thank you. Now, there are a few things we’d like to purchase...”
Breakfast is done by the time Roderick returns. “I met Mel. Told her what we needed.”
“Good. Thanks. Scrambled eggs okay?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Sometimes when Roderick thanks him, Michael feels weirdly surprised, as if he didn’t really expect him to. It doesn’t make much sense, but he’s getting used to that. After all, things are looking up from the field they arrived on.
“Say, do you know anything about a ritual we’re supposed to – I don’t know, use with Mel? She said something yesterday...”
“Oh yes, the old greeting. Don’t worry I can teach you:”
“You sure you were a hunter? Professor seems more likely.”
“Professor of what?”
“Mythology? Religion? No idea. Don’t think i went to college.”
“You’re smart enough” Roderick says, frowning, handing him to plates. Michael fills them quickly to hide his blush.
“Oh, I got that, don’t worry. If I weren’t, I’d hardly be alive now. I have to be, what, pushing forty?”
“You don’t look older than thirty-two” Roderick snorts. “I’m the one who has the experience here.”
“Of course, peaches” he answers lightly, handing him his plate. It almost feels... domestic. “Did Mel say anything that could shed light on our problem?”
“Which one?”
He rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“If you think I am a professor, I think I’ll have to ask you to specify.”
Michael definitely does not imagine Roderick as a professor then, maybe wearing glasses –
Oh God, he didn’t even know he was into that sort of thing. As if this wasn’t complicated enough already.
“What I meant is, did she see anything on your soul that might indicate who or what placed the spell on us?”
“No. She just told me exactly what you said she would.”
“The whole newborn thing?”
Roderick nods and pushes his plate away. “Look” he says, “I know this is far from ideal, but we have to trust one another unconditionally if we want to figure out what has been happening.” It’s obvious he’s forcing the words out, that he’d rather keep some of his cars close to his chest, but he’s right. They have to trust one another if they want to survive.
“I agree” Michael replies.
Another sharp nod. “Then you should know that... I might not have been human before all this happened.”
He stares at his companion. The thought certainly never occurred to him. Roderick acts very human. Smart, sometimes grumpy, sometimes downright joyful (his laugh is one of those things Miechal is determined not to talk about, no matter how honest they want to be with one another). “What else do you think you were? Werewolf? Vampire? Ghost?”
“Judging from my dreams... it could be something worse than that” he says slowly.
“You were terrified in your dreams, right?”
“Of course. Someone slices into you –“
“But I was – doing things” he’s wording this carefully so neither of them will have an episode, Dean realizes, “And I was enjoying them. I think it might be possible that I was – evil. In some capacity.”
Silence falls over the table.
Finally, Michael makes a decision. “Look, I get what you’re saying. But right now? It doesn’t matter. As you said, we have to be honest with one another and – you’re human. That’s what matters. If we find out anything... we can deal with it.”
The look Roderick bestows on him is as astonished as it is grateful.
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