#Dave is a hipster with a reddit who would absolutely have fallen down the nice guy pipeline if not for the apocalypse
deneveve-is-lost · 2 years
Listen homestuck is actually very good as long as you don't have the expectations if fandom tumblr clouding your judgement, it's an extremely stupid satire of teenage online behaviour in the 2010s delivered via an extremely stupid and complicated story made up of utterly random decisions chosen to fuel character conflict and shenanigans rather than be anything approaching a consistent story, my friend has been telling me all the lore about Minecraft streamers recently and I couldn't help but compare it to Homestuck because it's so absurdly similar in how convoluted and hard to follow it is, because it is a bunch of people playing a video game together and creating the "plot" through their interactions and what they want to do in the game. There are so many different perspectives to follow and each one will show you a different piece of the overarching story while also being a story in itself. Homestuck is absurdly similar, despite being a webcomic written by one person. Obviously with Homestuck it's hard to follow just one character's perspective and certain things are skipped over if nothing important is happening, but ultimately it's still just a bunch of teenagers playing a video game together with all of the chaos that involves. It still astounds me how well written the character interactions are, they're full of dumb bullshit and stupid jokes but also genuine conversations about identity and family and love and friendship and all the things that come along with that. All the things people talk about Homestuck being are in there, but if you go into it expecting it to start off that way or to not read thousands of pages of stupid jokes as well as that, you'll be disappointed.
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