#DMT Media Brothers
conversationalist97 · 11 months
Peace. Glory. These two phrases have such entirely different meanings but share same contexts. Another word to convey this understanding is Amen, or brother. It’s okay to feel happy or try but what I can’t appeal is loss of direction. By refusing to lose hope, refusing to accept negativity, by always searching for truth we are engaging with our highest power, or divine timing. Another ways this idea is shown is by Om, DMT, Shaman, or another one floating around my media is “Acceptance.” Lions roam free, as men lust.
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I had a realization last night, about my work. It came from my brother and his absolute lack of fucks in a social situation, which although it can be awkward, I do admire him for.  
We were having a few drinks around a fire at Pendennis for a friend's birthday, and one guy was animatedly telling a small group of eager listers about this awesome and amazing show he was watching, and his words caught my ear, so I cheeped in asking what show he was talking about.  
He said “midnight gospel”, and launched in to a reiteration of how amazing it was, when to my surprise I heard the deep voice of my brother next to me, who doesn’t usually speak up too much in social situations when he disagrees, he tends to keep it to himself and just watch things unfold, but -  
“yeh, I watched that show and if I'm gonna be honest I thought it was total bullshit”  
I sprongled around a bit in the deathly silence that followed stuttering about how I had watched it a bit and to be fair didn’t think it was that great although it is Kinda cool in ways etc., until some defensive protests started to erupt from the group, questioning my brothers reasoning, what's wrong with it, etc.  
Because with a show like midnight gospel when you say you think its bullshit you're also essentially saying the person who likes it is stupid, because it's one of those pseudo intellectual shows that claims to be mega deep and fringe and psychedelic etc., pushing boundaries, edgy, whatever, and Theres a kind of gloaty sense of superior intelligence that’s associated with being really “into” the show like “yeah man, yeah, so deep, I get it, I totally get it”
And my brother finds it disgusting.  
I was interested at how visceral his reaction was, as he doesn’t really get fired up about much – he’s a very cool contained guy but something about this silly show and people's reactions to it really irked him something proper.  
He said yeah, yeah it makes me angry. His friends had all told him to watch it, he said, and he really tried, but it just irritated him and he couldn’t finish it – and its not because he disagrees with anything as per say in the show, just that it's all so... self-evident. Obvious. Typical. If there were layers of “deep” like a cake it would be the icing. Theres nothing novel or interesting about it really. And although I can see how he could be starting to sound a bit arrogant, bear with.
He said he just doesn’t understand, how the people presented in the sow, could be in any way legit, because if they are – for example this one guy was being interviewed who had taken loads of DMT over a few weeks or somehting, how could he then talk about it in this way, they way they do on the show?  
Sensationalised – and with this haughty air of superiority like ”
Yas I broke through the veil like 30 times and experienced total ego death like 40 times so, Umm, yah hear me out” etc.  
Like if you'd really been through that how could you be such a twat about it?
And the way people react, he said, is the worst part. As if they’ve never thought about things in this way, as if its new, and exciting.  
And I said yes Elmo but isn't the fact that their interested, and excited about it a good thing? And he said yeh its just so sad to see the state the world is in, its just upsetting that people are so disconnected from this kind of thinking, this kind of disposition
And I said yes, OK I agree but the filmmakers probably feel the same, that’s why their making this series – you see they are making it for an audience, for this audience, and so they have to package it in ways they understand, wrap it up in sensationalism and bright colors, pull at their heartstrings, stroke their egos by leading them through not very complex philosophical roadmaps by holding their hands every step of the way and makign them believe their special because they can understand.  
They hve to do this, I said, otherwise the people wouldn’t get it, and they wouldn’t get excited about it, and it wouldn’t be on Netflix – we should just be grateful that it is, because its better than nothing.  
I said Elmo you are not the audience... we are not the audience.  
And he said, yes, he does understand, but if I could just clarify  
That to be a film or media maker, if you want to talk about anything like this, essentially you always have to sacrifice a slice of your integrity, in order to make something that anyone will understand.  
And I said yes, basically.  
And then it clicked, that this is the crux of the problem that I have with my film, that Ive had since last hand in before Christmas. This is why I hated what I made so virulently, with such a sense of disgust. It’s the same disgust my brother feels to this show, its creators, and its reception.  
I couldn’t stand the way I had spoken about it – it was sensationalized, it was typical, it was myopic, it was embedded in familiar narrative tropes that just icked the whole thing out.  
Maybe to others it was bearable, even likeable, but would it be if they really understood what it was about, in the only way its possible to understand? And if they did, this film would not be for them, supposedly, as the audience has to be those who don’t already know... so, what does it matter?
A friend said, Caylon, you and your brother are a tiny minority, and you are not the audience, so what does it matter?  
I do not create for the pleasure and entertainment of others, never have, never will. I do not attempt to educate, or teach, only to share what I am learning.  
When you make Art, you don’t have to warp it and convolute it and fold it into a little box of familiar narrative and easy to understand language, manipulating the audiences' emotions to illicit engagement in order to trojan horse in your message.  
No, you just fucking make it and people resonate or they don’t.  
But not with film.
So what do I do?
I want to tell a story, to have a narrative, it is something that feels natural and right to me.  
But I just cant be obsessing about the audience, or trying to make it fit into something which will ultimately make me hate myself.  
I have to find a middle ground.  
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kevindurkiin · 4 years
Drum & Bass Icon Optiv Has Passed Away
Drum & bass artist Edward Holmes, more popularly known as Optiv, part of the group Cause4Concern, has passed away. News of his passing spread throughout the drum & bass community early yesterday morning.
The cause of death hasn’t been made known as of yet, but his legacy in the scene is known to all including pillars like The Prototypes, Phace and Andy C.
Cause4Concern posted a tribute too Optiv across social media, which you can read below.
Can’t even believe I’m having to write this but as many of you will already know by now it’s with great sadness that we have to announce that our beloved brother/friend Edward Holmes a.k.a Optiv has been tragically taken away from us over the weekend.
As you can imagine, this has come as a total shock to us and many of you that are reading this at the moment.
His output over the past 20 years has reached worldwide and his imprint will live on forever. He was a true pioneer to his craft.
A hugely respected human who was taken away from us far too soon. 
Please leave your thoughts and messages below. I know his family and friends would love to read them.
View this post on Instagram
Cant even believe I'm having to write this but as many of you will already know by now it’s with great sadness that we have to announce that our beloved brother/friend Edward Holmes a.k.a Optiv has been tragically taken away from us over the weekend. ————————————————————— As you can imagine, this has come as a total shock to us and many of you that are reading this at the moment. ————————————————————— His output over the past 20 years has reached worldwide and his imprint will live on forever. He was a true pioneer to his craft. ————————————————————— A hugely respected human who was taken away from us far too soon.
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————————————————————— Please leave your thoughts and messages below. I know his family and friends would love to read them. —————————————————————
A post shared by Cause4Concern (@cause4concernuk) on Jan 6, 2020 at 10:18pm PST
Just heard news that Optiv passed on
RIP. You shaped Drum & Bass to be the genre that it is today. You will always be remembered in the community
— CHEE (@wtfischee) January 6, 2020
Oh man…. so so sorry to hear we have lost Ed Optiv. He was a proper cool and genuine guy with so much talent. Gutted to hear this.
— Matrix (@MatrixLondon) January 6, 2020
R.I.P Optiv
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Thank you for the bangers. A really nice guy too. https://t.co/Ymw0nCgodN
— The Prototypes (@PrototypesDNB) January 6, 2020
Shit, RIP Optiv. He made some great music, but way more importantly he was a good guy.
— cyantific
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(@Cyantific3000) January 7, 2020
Absolutely terrible news. Such a gentle and polite guy who made some outrageously good music in his time. Always calm and cool and forever an inspiration. Rest in peace Ed Optiv. https://t.co/ehazYOG4cq
— El Hornet (@elhornet) January 7, 2020
So sad to hear of Optiv passing. Such incredible music and contribution to our scene. We sadly never met but the respect for his music from us both was immense
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— Technimatic (@TechnimaticUK) January 7, 2020
RIP Optiv. This man was such an amazing, genuine human. He will be remembered as a huge inspiration + the cleanest of sound designers. So many of my fav D&B tunes were produced by him. It’s an honor to have released music on his label but damn my heart rly breaks for his family.
— мayнəм (@mayhemSLR) January 6, 2020
Rest in Peace Optiv… never met you but one of the first vinyls I owned when I started DJing was C4C – Soul / Eurotrash. You will live on in your music
— Downlink (@downlinkmusic) January 7, 2020
— RUN Dmt (@THERUNDMT) January 6, 2020
I never got to meet Ed Optiv but I feel the sadness across the dnb community today and have read so many kind words
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— Katie KOVEN (@KatieKOVEN) January 7, 2020
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Drum & Bass Icon Optiv Has Passed Away
Drum & Bass Icon Optiv Has Passed Away published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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bluebuzzmusic · 4 years
Drum & Bass Icon Optiv Has Passed Away
Drum & bass artist Edward Holmes, more popularly known as Optiv, part of the group Cause4Concern, has passed away. News of his passing spread throughout the drum & bass community early yesterday morning.
The cause of death hasn’t been made known as of yet, but his legacy in the scene is known to all including pillars like The Prototypes, Phace and Andy C.
Cause4Concern posted a tribute too Optiv across social media, which you can read below.
Can’t even believe I’m having to write this but as many of you will already know by now it’s with great sadness that we have to announce that our beloved brother/friend Edward Holmes a.k.a Optiv has been tragically taken away from us over the weekend.
As you can imagine, this has come as a total shock to us and many of you that are reading this at the moment.
His output over the past 20 years has reached worldwide and his imprint will live on forever. He was a true pioneer to his craft.
A hugely respected human who was taken away from us far too soon. 
Please leave your thoughts and messages below. I know his family and friends would love to read them.
View this post on Instagram
Cant even believe I'm having to write this but as many of you will already know by now it’s with great sadness that we have to announce that our beloved brother/friend Edward Holmes a.k.a Optiv has been tragically taken away from us over the weekend. ————————————————————— As you can imagine, this has come as a total shock to us and many of you that are reading this at the moment. ————————————————————— His output over the past 20 years has reached worldwide and his imprint will live on forever. He was a true pioneer to his craft. ————————————————————— A hugely respected human who was taken away from us far too soon.
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————————————————————— Please leave your thoughts and messages below. I know his family and friends would love to read them. —————————————————————
A post shared by Cause4Concern (@cause4concernuk) on Jan 6, 2020 at 10:18pm PST
Just heard news that Optiv passed on
RIP. You shaped Drum & Bass to be the genre that it is today. You will always be remembered in the community
— CHEE (@wtfischee) January 6, 2020
Oh man…. so so sorry to hear we have lost Ed Optiv. He was a proper cool and genuine guy with so much talent. Gutted to hear this.
— Matrix (@MatrixLondon) January 6, 2020
R.I.P Optiv
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Thank you for the bangers. A really nice guy too. https://t.co/Ymw0nCgodN
— The Prototypes (@PrototypesDNB) January 6, 2020
Shit, RIP Optiv. He made some great music, but way more importantly he was a good guy.
— cyantific
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(@Cyantific3000) January 7, 2020
Absolutely terrible news. Such a gentle and polite guy who made some outrageously good music in his time. Always calm and cool and forever an inspiration. Rest in peace Ed Optiv. https://t.co/ehazYOG4cq
— El Hornet (@elhornet) January 7, 2020
So sad to hear of Optiv passing. Such incredible music and contribution to our scene. We sadly never met but the respect for his music from us both was immense
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— Technimatic (@TechnimaticUK) January 7, 2020
RIP Optiv. This man was such an amazing, genuine human. He will be remembered as a huge inspiration + the cleanest of sound designers. So many of my fav D&B tunes were produced by him. It’s an honor to have released music on his label but damn my heart rly breaks for his family.
— мayнəм (@mayhemSLR) January 6, 2020
Rest in Peace Optiv… never met you but one of the first vinyls I owned when I started DJing was C4C – Soul / Eurotrash. You will live on in your music
— Downlink (@downlinkmusic) January 7, 2020
— RUN Dmt (@THERUNDMT) January 6, 2020
I never got to meet Ed Optiv but I feel the sadness across the dnb community today and have read so many kind words
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— Katie KOVEN (@KatieKOVEN) January 7, 2020
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Drum & Bass Icon Optiv Has Passed Away
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/01/07/drum-bass-icon-optiv-has-passed-away/
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anywaythagod · 4 years
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I would like to give thanks and praises to The Most High God for permitting me another year of creativity and productivity in one of my loves being #music for blessing me with gifts and talents with all my faculties about me enabling me to take part in the art. Crafting my sound learning more and more getting through this year in one piece with my family witnessing all my brothers push the boundaries those who I was blessed to create with and make music with, share a stage with and engage with. Plenty souls to thank also including my Mother and Father my family my children their mothers my siblings for supporting me God in them keeping me grounded and humble. Here’s the music I’ve been blessed to be a part of and put out this year. So much to come next year Inshallah. In order above... #MagnumOpus @parkypix @giallopoint #Firmentum @gawd_status #WayWay @j0shcyrus #DMT @whereslefty #AllowGodToInterject #Initium @dtncollective #GAWD @joker_starr_suupah #Promise @kenei_b #Loudpak @pro2the3 @3enofficial #Nighthawks @decksterror @cosmsuper I thank all those who took the time to lend an ear and listen share support. I can’t thank you enough. My brothers you know who you are @iamkgchi @iammistae @ace__075 for the performance opportunities @dj.drez_ @coxyflow @minustonematt for the platforms to help encourage practice in getting back up to scratch and in gear though not quite there yet. My brother @deegrantmuzik @nadiaotshudi @minnie.a.rai for the encouragement and support through in-depth and insightful real conversations @mrnomfom @empowordslough @poetry_j_ my @lgnmusic gang everyone too many to mention all those above whose projects I been blessed to be a part of. I thank all those pushing for positive change putting the balance in these timelines with some sense like my brother @shenjisolar @brotherbenx @zaalzalla1 @fresharda amongst others making social media bearable. 2020 vision is clear let’s all keep going and pushing appraising our gifts and talents may we all succeed together. #keepsupporting #Allthebest #Love #AllahUAkbar https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tFUxZgkoJ/?igshid=1ksras01lh09k
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brodasweb · 4 years
Mark 4ord - "Rompiendo puertas" (Video)
Mark 4ord – "Rompiendo puertas" (Video)
Publicado por: undergroundhiphopblog
3 de julio de 2020
"Breakin Down Doors", nuevo primer video de Oxnard rima spitter Mark 4ord producido por illien rosewell, esquejes de DJ Yeti del álbum "Opioids LP: Good Ending". Disparo visual y edición por DMT Media Brothers.
Mark 4ord 2020-07-03
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instagrampho · 5 years
via Instagram Web Viewer Trend Posts
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childofbiglove · 7 years
Жизнь в биосфере
Благодаря небольшой магии современных технологий у нас есть возможность исследовать чудо биосферы и взаимосвязь процессов, протекающих в ней.
1. Home | «Дом». 2. How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? | «Сколько людей может жить на Земле». 3. The Magical Forest | «Волшебный лес». 4. «Муравьи: тайная сила природы». 5. Mt. Everest: How It Was Made | «Как создавалась Земля: Эверест». 6. Mariana’s Trench: The Deepest Spot On Earth | «Как создавалась Земля: Марианская впадина». 7. «Дикая планета: Анды, Хребет дракона». 8. Shining Mountains: The Rockies | «Сияющие горы»: серия 1 — «Древние», серия 2 — «Земля изобилия», серия 3 — «На краю», серия 4 — «Будущее дикого края». 9. Grand Canyon: How It Was Made | «Как создавалась Земля: Гранд-Каньон» 10. The Intelligence of Plants| «Царство растений»: эпизод 1, эпизод 2, эпизод 3.
Творчество и дизайн
Только посмотрите на эти чудо-вещи, которые создают люди благодаря своему воображению.
11. Everything Is A Remix | «Всё кругом ремикс». 12. The Creative Brain: How Insight Works | «Творческие способности: взгляд изнутри». 13. Teaching to See | «Удивительное рядом». 14. Design: The New Business | «Дизайн: новый бизнес». 15. PressPausePlay: Art and Creativity in the Digital Age | Press Pause Play 16. Infamy: A Graffiti Documentary | «Дурная слава». 17. Influencers: How Trends and Creativity Become Contagious | «Влиятельные». 18. RIP: A Remix Manifesto | «Манифест ремиксера»: часть 1, часть 2. 19. Design: e² — Sustainable Architecture | «Design: e2 — Зелёный Манхэттен». 20. The Genius Of Design | «Гении дизайна».
Образовательная система
Как государство загоняет молодые умы в стандартизированные шаблоны, штампуя новых обывателей.
21. The College Conspiracy. 22. Declining by Degrees: Higher Education at Risk. 23. The Forbidden Education | «Запрещённое образование». 24. Default: The Student Loan Documentary. 25. College Inc. 26. Education For A Sustainable Future. 27. Networked Society: The Future of Learning. 28. The Ultimate History Lesson With John Taylor Gatto: hour 1, hour 2, hour 3, hour 4, hour 5. 29. Education, Education. Why Poverty? 30. The War On Kids.
Цифровая революция
Интернет в настоящее время является движущей силой перемен и инноваций в мире.
31. Download: The True Story of the Internet | «Загрузка: подлинная история интернета». 32. The Age of Big Data | «Эпоха больших данных». 33. Resonance: Beings of Frequency | «Резонанс: жизнь в океане микроволн». 34. Life In A Day | «Жизнь за один день». 35. Networked Society: On The Brink. 36. Us Now: Social Media and Mass Collaboration. 37. WikiRebels: The WikiLeaks Story. 38. The Virtual Revolution: The Cost of Free | «Виртуальная революция: цена свободы». 39. How Hackers Changed the World.
Новая цивилизация
40. THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? | «Процветание. Что станет с Землёй?»: часть 1, часть 2. 41. Zeitgeist III: Moving Forward | «Zeitgeist III: движение вперёд». 42. Paradise or Oblivion | «Рай или забвение». 43. 2012: Time For Change. 44. The Crisis of Civilization | «Кризис цивилизации». 45. The Collective Evolution II. 46. The Quickening: Awakening As One. 47. Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition. 48. Collapse | «Развал». 49. The Awakening.
Какое влияние политика оказывает на нашу жизнь.
50. Owned and Operated | «Разделённый и эксплуатируемый». 51. UnGrip. 52. The Power Principle. 53. The True Story of Che Guevara. 54. Earth Days. 55. Capitalism Is The Crisis. 56. WikiLeaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower. 57. The Putin System | «Система Путина». 58. The War On Democracy. 59. Rise Like Lions: Occupy Wall Street and the Seeds of Revolution.
Биографии гениев
Биографии гениев, которые подтолкнули человечество вперёд.
60. Isaac Newton: The Last Magician | «Исаак Ньютон: последний из магов». 61. Nikola Tesla: The Greatest Mind of All Time. 62. The Unlimited Energy of Nicola Tesla | «Свободная энергия Николы Теслы». 63. The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla | «Утерянные секреты Николы Теслы». 64. Richard Feynman: No Ordinary Genius. 65. How Albert Einstein’s Brain Worked | «Загадка мозга Эйнштейна». 66. The Extraordinary Genius of Albert Einstein. 67. The Biography of Albert Einstein. 68. Da Vinci: Unlocking The Genius. 69. «Архивы да Винчи. Теневая сторона выдающегося человека». 70. Leonardo Da Vinci: The Man Who Wanted to Know Everything | «Леонардо да Винчи: человек, который хотел знать всё».
Война — старейший в мире инструмент для перераспределения ресурсов.
71. Psywar: The Real Battlefield Is Your Mind. 72. The History of World War II. 73. The Secret History of 9/11 | «Секретная история: трагедия 9/11». 74. Robot Armies in the Future. 75. The Never Ending War in Afghanistan. 76. Shadow Company: Mercenaries In The Modern World. 77. World War II From Space | «Вторая мировая война. Взгляд из космоса». 78. Why We Fight | «Почему мы воюем». 79. The Fog Of War | «Туман войны». 80. The Oil Factor: Behind The War On Terror.
Узнайте больше о мировой финансовой системе и о том, как люди и целые общества попадают в кредитное рабство.
81. The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power | «Корпорация: патологическая погоня за прибылью». 82. Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis | «Передозировка: следующий финансовый кризис». 83. The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of The World | «Восхождение денег: финансовая история мира»: серия 1, серия 2, серия 3, серия 4, серия 5. 84. The One Percent. 85. Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street | «Кванты: алхимики Уолл-Стрит». 86. The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers. 87. The Four Horsemen | «Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса». 88. Inside Job: The Biggest Robbery In Human History. 89. Capitalism: A Love Story | «Капитализм: история любви». 90. Money and Life.
Истории предпринимателей, которые используют технологии и меняют мир.
91. The Life Of A Young Entrepreneur. 92. Profile: Google’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin. 93. Profile: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. 94. Starting-Up in America. 95. The Biography of Bill Gates | «Билл Гейтс. Биография». 96. Steve Jobs: One Last Thing | «Стив Джобс: одна последняя вещь». 97. Steve Jobs: The Billion Dollar Hippy | «Стив Джобс: хиппи на миллиард долларов». 98. Elon Musk: Risk Takers | «Элон Маск: авантюрист». 99. The Story of Twitter.
Посмотрите вдохновляющие истории о самых удивительных спортсменах.
100. Fearless: The Jeb Corliss Story | «Бесстрашные: история Джеба Корлисса». 101. Carts of Darkness. 102. The Two Escobars. 103. Usain Bolt: The World’s Fastest Man. 104. Wayne Gretzky: The Life and Times. 105. When We Were Kings | «Мохаммед Али. Когда мы были королями». 106. Mike Tyson: Beyond the Glory. 107. Birdmen. 108. The Legacy Of Michael Jordan | «Наследие Майкла Джордана». 109. We Ride: The Story of Snowboarding.
Узнайте много нового о развитии технологий, их влиянии и скором достижении технологической сингулярности.
110. Ray Kurzweil: The Transcendent Man | «Трансцендентный человек Рэймонд Курцвейл». 111. How Robots Will Change the World. 112. Human 2.0: Mind Control Machine. 113. Technology of the Future. 114. Trance-Formation: The Future of Humanity. 115. The Venus Project: Future By Design | «Проект „Венера“: дизайн будущего». 116. Bionics, Transhumanism And The End Of Evolution. 117. The Singularity Is Near. 118. Car Technology Of The Future. 119. Powering The Future: The Energy Revolution | «Энергия будущего: энергетическая революция».
Истоки религии
Подборка фильмов об изучении истоков религии и жизни человечества на заре цивилизации.
120. Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within. 121. Manifesting the Mind: Footprints of the Shaman. 122. Ancient Egypt and The Alternative Story of Mankind’s Origins. 123. The Hidden Knowledge of the Supernatural. 124. Re-Awaken: Open Your Heart, Expand Your Mind. 125. Shamans of the Amazon. 126. The Root of All Evil: The God Delusion. 127. Ancient Knowledge. 128. The Naked Truth. 129. Before Babel: In Search of the First Language.
Западные вероисповедания
Поразительная история трёх авраамических религий: иудаизма, христианства и ислама.
130. Secret Quest: The Path of the Christian Gnostics. 131. The Secret Gate of Eden. 132. Forbidden Knowledge: Lost Secrets of the Bible. 133. Banned From The Bible: Secrets Of The Apostles. 134. The Life of Prophet 135. The Road To Armageddon. 136. The Most Hated Family In America. 137. Muhammad: The Legacy of a Prophet | «Мухаммед: наследие пророка». 138. A Complete History of God. 139. Gnosis: The Untold History of the Bible.
Восточные вероисповедания
Расширьте свой кругозор и узнайте много нового о мировоззрении религий Востока.
140. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds. 141. The Life Of The Buddha | «Жизнь Будды». 142. The Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World. 143. Mysteries of the Cosmic OM: Ancient Vedic Science. 144. Where Science and Buddhism Meet | «Там, где встречаются буддизм и наука». 145. The Yogis of Tibet | «Великие йоги Тибета». 146. Taj Mahal: Secrets To Blow Your Mind | «Тайна Тадж-Махала». 147. Light at the Edge of the World: Tibetan Science of the Mind. 148. Myths of Mankind: The Mahabharata. 149. Ayurveda: The Art of Being | «Аюрведа: искусство жизни».
Узнайте много нового об основах экзистенции и чудесах сознания.
150. Athene’s Theory of Everything. 151. Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons & The Illusion of Reality. 152. The God Within: Physics, Cosmology and Consciousness. 153. 5 Gateways: The Five Key Expansions of Consciousness. 154. Return to the Source: Philosophy and The Matrix | «Возвращаясь к источнику: философия и Матрица». 155. The Holographic Universe. 156. DMT: The Spirit Molecule| «ДМТ: молекула духа». 157. What Is Consciousness? 158. Kymatica | «Киматика». 159. Neuroplasticity: The Brain That Changes Itself .
Исследования загадок прошлого в стиле Индианы Джонса.
160. Alchemy: Sacred Secrets Revealed. 161. The Day Before Disclosure. 162. «Секретный код египетских пирамид». 163. The Secret Design of the Egyptian Pyramids. 164. Decoding the Past: Secrets of the Dollar Bill. 165. The Lost Gods of Easter Island | «Утраченные боги острова Пасхи». 166. Origins of the Da Vinci Code | «Вскрывая код да Винчи». 167. Forbidden Knowledge: Ancient Medical Secrets. 168. Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The New Atlantis. 169. Secrets in Plain Sight.
Массовая культура
Узнайте о том, как наши мысли и мнения влияют на массовую культуру.
170. The Century of the Self. 171. All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace. 172. The Power Of Nightmares. 173. The Trap: What Happened To Our Dreams of Freedom | «Ловушка. Что стало с нашей мечтой о свободе». 174. Starsuckers: A Culture Obsessed By Celebrity. 175. Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century. 176. Obey: The Death of the Liberal Class. 177. Brazil: In the Shadow of the Stadiums. 178. Bob Marley: Freedom Road. 179. Radiant City.
Откройте для себя удивительные факты о том, как средства массовой информации и реклама пользуются нашими мотивами.
180. Weapons of Mass Deceptions. 181. Secrets of the Superbrands | «Секреты супербрендов». 182. Orwell Rolls in his Grave. 183. The Century of the Self | Век личности 184. The Esoteric Agenda. 185. The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News. 186. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. 187. Symbolism in Logos: Subliminal Messages or Ancient Archetypes. 188. Edward Snowden: A Truth Unveiled. 189. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism.
Искусство и литература
Истории жизни известных деятелей искусства.
190. Lord Of The Rings: Facts Behind The Fiction | «„Властелин колец“: фильм о фильме».
191. Cosm: Alex Gray’s Visionary Art.
192. Banksy’s Exit Through The Gift Shop | «Выход через сувенирную лавку».
193. New Art and the Young Artists Behind It.
194. Salvador Dali: A Master of the Modern Era.
195. How Art Made The World: More Human Than Human | «Как искусство сотворило мир. Более человеческое, чем сам человек».
196. The Day Pictures Were Born.
197. Guns, Germs and Steel | «Ружья, микробы и сталь».
198. Off-Book: Digital Age Creativity.
199. This Is Modern Art.
Узнайте о том, как работает наше тело и насколько поразительна сила нашего мозга.
200. The Human Brain | «Человеческий мозг и его возможности».
201. The Truth About Exercise | «Вся правда об упражнениях».
202. How To Live To 101 | «Как дожить до 101 года».
203. Globesity: Fat’Globesitys New Frontier | «Ожирение — бич XXI века».
204. The War On Health.
205. The Beautiful Truth.
206. Food Inc. | «Корпорация „Еда“».
207. The Truth About Food | «Вся правда о еде».
208. Addicted To Pleasure: Sugar.
209. The Living Matrix.
210. «Вредный здоровый образ жизни».
Окружающая среда
Фильмы, заставляющие задуматься о состоянии окружающей среды и растущей угрозе для биосферы.
211. Earthlings | «Земляне».
212. Blue Gold: World Water Wars.
213. Tapped | «Вода в бутылке».
214. Shift: Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis.
215. All Things Are Connected.
216. The Fight For Amazonia.
217. Flow: For Love Of Water | «Поток: во имя любви к воде».
218. Here Comes the Sun.
219. The World According To Monsanto | «Корпорация Mosanto — создатель ГМО».
220. The Story of Stuff.
Расширяйте свой кругозор и наслаждайтесь неповторимой красотой космоса.
221. The Search for Planets Similar to Earth | «Космические путешествия: в поисках планет земного типа».
222. Inside the Milky Way Galaxy | «Путешествие по Млечному Пути».
223. Cosmic Journeys : The Largest Black Holes in the Universe | «Космические путешествия: крупнейшие чёрные дыры во Вселенной».
224. Beyond The Big Bang
225. The Mystery of the Milky Way | «Тайна Млечного Пути».
226. Fractals: The Hidden Dimension | «Фракталы: охота за скрытым измерением».
227. Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking: The Story of Everything.
228. Pioneer Science: Discovering Deep Space.
229. Carl Sagan’s Cosmos | «Космос с Карлом Саганом».
230. The Strangest Things In The Universe | «Самые странные вещи во Вселенной».
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da-ill-spot · 3 years
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New Music: Clockwize & dRty - Align Upon The Silence LP + “Mentally Armed” Music Video
Shout out to the homey Clockwize for always dropping heat! Check his latest LP, Align Upon The Silence, with producer dRty. The 10 track project includes guest vocals from his EOO Muzik affiliates, The Word Man, Mas1, and Roughneck Jihad plus Clock keeps it all in the family with Nat Key Cole and Aaliyah Stella. 
Stream above and support with a purchase of $12. Limited edition CDs are also available as well as some really ill t-shirts! Peep the package deals via Bandcamp. 
Also below peep the music video for the banger, “Mentally Armed,” shot and directed by DMT Media Brothers.
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