dimiclaudeblaigan · 11 months
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Ranulf is by far one of the characters with the most potential that I wish they went more in depth with. He's such an important and prominent character, but the fact that you don't even hear he's been having these nightmares for the past three or so years now unless you get this specific dialogue is such a shame.
I think he's a perfect comedy relief/plot serious balanced character, but the amount of personal information we have about him/his feelings/his life are minimal. We see a completely different side of him when they went to Gritnea Tower in PoR, but it's something we only see again one more time, and that's in this chapter.
It's basically like, he has a lot of depth and personality, but they only sprinkle it very sparingly. I just find that to be so odd considering his importance in both games, and the fact that he's one of the central characters in RD in general (that is, he's even more prominent in RD than he was in PoR, and he was still relatively important in PoR). He's no less filled with characterization than other main characters like Ike and Soren, but we're given it so infrequently that it's much easier to gloss over and not think much about again.
I wish they did more with the other facets of his character, outside of him being one of the most kind, intelligent and empathetic characters (especially among the beast laguz, since the general impression we're given is that the bird tribe uses logic over emotion in comparison to the usually emotional and erratic beast laguz, and those are the two most prominent laguz species in the story).
Like, it's great that he has those qualities, but people get angry. They get aggressive. They get enraged. No person is just a solid funny and nice person, and Ranulf has all of those kind and angry qualities, but they skimp so much on this amazing writing of him. You learn so much about him and what he's been going through from these few brief instances of him becoming angry, but they just don't touch on it enough. They had a chance to continue his first base conversation with Ike and bring it up to him. It would've been the perfect time, because we have this dialogue in their first conversation:
Ike: You can come talk to me anytime you want. Don’t think you’re alone in all this. Ranulf: Heh… What are you, an inquisitor? Ike: A guy’s got to do something between battles. Talk to you later. Ranulf: …
At first Ranulf was talking about feeling bad for bringing beorc into a laguz affair, and then they discuss that Skrimir is giving Ranulf a headache with his behavior. That could've been their first conversation, but then they could've had a follow up based around the end of their conversation (the above). It would've been the perfect opportunity to give us another base conversation where Ranulf does go to talk to him because of these nightmares and all the stress he's been having. Imo the way they end the conversation with "...", makes it sound like there's more on Ranulf's mind than just what he was open about.
If you consider that he's been having nightmares about what he saw at Gritnea Tower for the past few years, then you consider that the laguz all just found out from Rafiel that the Begnion senators started the rumor about the herons to get them all killed, it's reasonable imo to consider that Ranulf is intelligent enough that he may have been starting to put the pieces together.
We learn late into part 3 that Izuka was working with the senators, and I feel like Ranulf's suspicions should've been raised. I don't think it's necessarily bad writing that he didn't catch on, but more of a missed opportunity. The whole situation affected him very deeply and they were very expressive about that in both games, but it's just that we don't see enough of that side of him, as in, we don't see it enough times.
In a way I feel like it also hits harder when you have the fun/funny, friendly, kind person experience something that tragic - witnessing the result of his race having been used for experiments and seeing their rotted corpses. Knowing people see his race as expendable and on top of that, left their carcasses to rot after pure torture. He saw innocent lives that had been taken and after all that horror, not even given any sort of burial, let alone a proper one.
There's also the fact that he's a cat - he has a very good sense of smell, and that's how he realized who the Black Knight was before anyone else. The smell of rotting corpses alone would be a lot to handle, but to be able to smell it better than anyone else in the room would have been absolutely traumatizing.
Again - the fun and funny, friendly, kind person experienced something horrible enough that he had a breakdown over it (and (presumably extreme based on context) subsequent emotional distress for years following). Tibarn and Reyson had their own ways of dealing with it that we were also shown (Tibarn was more much collected about it, and he put his rage into his strength, which Reyson similarly did, versus Ranulf's very outward emotional response), but Ranulf has never been subjected to anything that horrendous through the events of the game prior.
To have it be a one off situation in both games (as detailed as they were at the times they happened) is a huge shame imo and deserved to be expanded upon. It's clearly not something he got over over the years, and may never have gotten over post RD (even if he did feel better about it after killing Izuka or, if you didn't have him kill Izuka, if he felt better about it knowing Izuka had been killed for his crimes by the army Ranulf was part of).
I just wish they went more into detail about his feelings, because they were very powerful and emotional and felt like they should've been a stronger part of his character as a whole. Considering his role in RD is about as important if not more important than Elincia's PoR presence, it's something he really deserved as a central character. I love this battle dialogue because it shows you his raw feelings outside of that good ol' sweetheart guy. We can see something he's been struggling with, and we can see him express that so well in the scene they did give him that it would've been amazing to have more of that.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 7 months
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this one's for you @randomnameless
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 3 months
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I know you all know by default how much I love this conversation, but in RD at least, a lot of characters fall out of relevancy after a certain point (whereas in PoR you could argue that having full supports prevents this). Shinon is one of the only side characters who doesn't really do this, having three base conversations throughout part three (which is pretty fucking good considering several of the chapters aren't even with the Greil Mercenaries).
Back in PoR, Shinon asks for praise/gratitude. Expects it. By this point he doesn't want it anymore. He didn't want it when he was selling bows for emergency income (which Rolf took up as well) and he doesn't want it here either. His personality has chilled out so much from being a hothead and he's much more expressive of his actual feelings (even if you compare his standard death quotes in both games, he's much more emotionally expressive in RD).
A lot of characters - most honestly, including even the GMs (barring Boyd if he A supports Mist which gives him more content and expresses a whole lot of maturity compared to PoR Boyd) tend to drop off in development. They might stick around (ex. PoR puts all the major groups in the spotlight until the next group shows up and goes through all of them), but the development eventually stagnates outside of supports (including in base conversations, which this one is such).
Since RD doesn't get supports with full conversations, you only get snippets of development/characterization through them, while the base conversations may offer insight into the characters and show you how they've changed over the years but don't truly develop them. Shinon is a very lucky situation for his character because he keeps returning in both games, and it helps develop him across both games with a full timeline (similar to Naesala, who has a fully fleshed out story and personality development over both games and never stops dead at any point in the pair of games).
In PoR Shinon was distant and selectively a bit cold (Greil, Rolf and Gatrie excluded from that, and Mist to an extent as well). RD gives the impression that he just... doesn't care about all that anymore. He's fine where he is and has learned he can live with these people and not have to expect betrayal. He doesn't have to anticipate being on his own ever again. There's no real reason for him to keep up the walls and barriers to protect himself, and he's not living just to survive anymore.
Most times when I end up loving a character it's because of the content given to me and what have I to work with, rather than loving a character and searching for things to love. I fully expect that that's why I finally, after years of being unable to decide who my Tellius favorite was because I loved several of them too dearly to decide, found myself able to settle on Shinon.
When I got older and gave it more thought, considering all the development and traits of each of them and how responsive I was to them, one day I asked myself, well okay, what if someone asked you who your favorite was? What if you still did love the same ones as your number one, all of them, but could only give one name quick and simple? Who would you pick? The first name that instantly hit me was Shinon. That was enough for me to decide okay, there's a reason he's the first person who instantly came to me if I had to truly settle on one. I hadn't quite figured it out yet, but I knew there was a reason that if I had to pick a single standout, it would be him.
A lot of it harkens back to this conversation. It is development in and of itself, and also very expressive of who he is. The fact that he also doesn't fall off in conversations and is more recurring than not also gives me more to examine about him and more to think about. It puts him in a more likely position to think about him and who he is than I would for characters the writers didn't really bother developing (including other recurring characters like Marcia, who keep coming back in both games similar to Shinon, but see no development as a person - unfortunately in her case, in either game).
He has a very rich, detailed and unforgotten-by-the-writers character and one whose story ends on a very high note. I say "ends" in the sense of main story/base content, but it technically continues if he's taken to the Tower and gains the ability to A support various other characters who he otherwise could not support or could only reach a B support with, such as Sanaki, Tibarn, etc. This conversation is like an accumulation of his growth between both games, including the subtle things you can only pick up on through actions/other character lines.
Ike says he (everyone, which includes Shinon) chose to stay with them when he told everyone who their next employer was/what they'd be doing/etc, and Ike gave him and Soren an out if they weren't comfortable with it. They weren't all forced to go. That says by itself that Shinon made that choice on his own. He chose to stay with them when he was not yet totally comfortable with laguz and was still working on that part of himself (the fact that he uses the term "laguz" at all is already a huge step up from where he leaves off on his A support with Janaff, which did not leave off poorly at all).
Last time Shinon was uncomfortable with something in the Greil Mercenaries, he made the choice to leave. When he did come back, he was not exclusively surrounded by only the GMs and otherwise, purely laguz (which prior to meeting Janaff I would argue he was not ready for at all at the time). Here, he was, and he still made the choice to stay with them knowing exactly what his situation would look like.
Another thing worth considering is how much of a hothead Shinon was in PoR, but he still took Rolf on as a student. While I'm not sure exactly how accurate Mist's statement is about "forcing" Rhys to teach her (it's possible she was pushy about it because he didn't want to, such as because it might mean she might end up on the battlefield), we do know Rolf wanted to learn and was accepted.
We can easily infer through their conversations that Shinon would rather teach him to survive and have a safety net rather than worry about him being on a battlefield. Shinon saw that he was motivated to learn and, regardless of the fact that he was still in survival mode himself and not of the mind of "I'll be with these people forever and want to help them", taught him while apparently having told him "things like this happen" with mercenaries (i.e. different employers, separation, etc). If they ended up on opposite sides but Rolf could wield a weapon, that could endanger him, but he does it anyway. His priority is always survival, but it's also the survival of children and anyone he cares about. He also dies begrudgingly in his PoR death quote, which is completely opposite of his death quote against Rolf.
Another thing for me: he's also very confident and aware of his capabilities as a marksman. He knows what he's worth and at this point, he no longer brags about it (he used to all the time in PoR). He sees no reason to have to prop himself up. There's no insecurity in him that makes him feel the need to try to be open about being better than anyone else. He knows and accepts what he's worth without feeling the need to tell people about it.
If someone asked him what he thought of himself/his own worth, yeah, he'd admit his skill and capability without being too humble, but he also wouldn't go overboard with it or say it during instances that don't really warrant it (basically, if absolutely nobody asked, he'd say it anyway in PoR. In RD he doesn't really seem to give a shit anymore about letting the whole world know how good he is). He's lost the whole pick me, look at me sort of attitude. Imo it's also due to a higher amount of respect he has for himself now, and a much healthier one. He doesn't care about being the best anymore (he'd be perfectly happy if Rolf was instead) and is just satisfied knowing his skill on his own. He's satisfied not being alive just to survive, but to be with this mercenary group and actually able to live.
As a side note, we never actually see him having drunk or in the middle of drinking in RD, so... it's also likely he's worked on his possible PoR drinking issue too!
All in all, he's just one of the few non-main characters who came a whole long way with a full story. He feels very different in RD, but not so much that he feels like a different character entirely. For me, I can feel the growth in who he is, and that to me is an excellent handling of a character. When I can feel how different they are from beginning to end, I can feel the intent of character growth behind it. I can't tell you with certainty that the writers took a liking to him and so biasly kept sticking in dialogue for him (and singlehandedly made him one of the solidly best units in RD, for that matter...), but he's definitely repeatedly present and has hefty, story/backstory littered implications.
His dialogue feels meaningful to his own personal story in all his conversations. In other words, he doesn't have a conversation that feels devoid of meaning. It comes across more as all of his content exists for a reason/has meaning behind it. There's no wasted dialogue with him. When he's there, it means something for his character (comparatively to other side characters who may have lengthy conversations but you walk away having gotten nothing out of it, be that in PoR and/or RD).
He has fewer supports than most of the cast in PoR, but every single one had some kind of direction to it. Even if you look at his C support with Janaff and go "well that's just classic early PoR Shinon", the point of that is exactly that: that he starts out who we recognize and develops from there. That support alone goes from that to a lot of growth in three conversations, and beneficially so on both sides.
Simply put, he has more content the average Tellius character (including all of his boss quotes in chapter 18), and everything leads up to who he is by this conversation. It's a full story for a side character, later including personalized support dialogue for A supports, and he just happens to exhibit a lot of growth and traits that I already lean toward (hence why he was in my top spot all along, just tied with others. Now he's not tied with others and has the top spot to himself!).
I think it's likely it's the fact that as mentioned, none of his conversations are throwaway conversations. You never walk away from his conversations having gotten nothing (I mean, I'm sure people who refuse to see it don't notice precisely because they are willing themselves to refuse to see it to find excuses to keep hating him). Even in his first RD base conversation, the fact that he acts as you'd expect but drops a "laguz" in there is already a hint for his growth direction on top of being there at all. It's really just up from there, as is the case with all his content.
I tend to lean toward characters with a whole fountain of insightful conversations and depth, and in FE games you often don't find those characters outside of the mains. While I'd argue Tellius is a lot less tropey than modern FE (there were some tropey types like Makalov and Ilyana whose characters are basically nothing without their tropes), a lot of its side characters are still reduced to very surface level characterization with no real growth.
Shinon was very lucky to get as much as he did, and I'd say he has just as much if not more personal depth and lore than even some of the mains themselves. Imo he's a very lucky and rare find in FE games, when there are so many goddamn characters that the writers can't flesh them all out (reasonably of course, but it makes it even more special when it happens for non mains). Even with the Fodlan games and all its content, a lot if not most of its characters are full on tropes with little to nothing in the way of anything else. Engage suffers from it too, with a few diamonds in the rough and not much else.
That's not to say I hate the games or their characters, because obviously I would not still be playing new titles to the franchise if I hated it. I'm saying it makes the ones with as much depth as Shinon a gold mine to be found amidst a very large cast of characters that don't usually get that treatment.
anyway i will always talk abt shinon more when able so this is Not The End but i will end this post here lest it turns into another 20+ paragraphs.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 6 months
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having soren enter this tent is the funniest shit
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 6 months
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I love this scene because even after everything, the first thing Naesala does when he gets into the room is react in panic about Reyson and Leanne being unconscious. In that short moment, he just reacted on the instinct that he's always cared about them, despite how shaky things had gotten with Reyson a few years ago and how he was forced to do the things he did (including with the Laguz Alliance in RD).
If he was thinking logically and had a moment to process the situation, he might've stood back and pretended to care less than he actually did, as is usual for him. In this case he didn't hesitate to react and ran to them as soon as he walked in, because it was a knee jerk reaction.
If he sat back and thought about it, he would've known Tibarn was going to start making threats and trying to pick a fight, but his genuine desires overcame logic for just a second long enough for him fear for Reyson and Leanne. As long as the two of them are alive and well, he can continue putting on that mask and faking his way through it. If there's any chance they're in life threatening danger, he'll change course to make sure they're safe (such as refusing to fight Reyson when he was in service to the Crimean army, even at his own expense).
Since Naesala wasn't aware how badly the herons were being affected by the medallion, he wasn't aware in advance that they were in any danger. He doesn't know what happened here, so he walks in and suddenly sees them unconscious on the floor. For all he knew, it could've been life threatening - hence his instant response that didn't wait for his brain to register that he's supposed to be playing the bad guy. I think the only reason he could calm down and conclude it wasn't is because nobody else was panicking/grieving with the implication of a possible death.
(And fwiw, yes, he did have to technically sell Reyson to Oliver in PoR. If he didn't abide by something the senate wanted, Oliver could just make up some story to Lekain to get him to trigger the Blood Pact. Naesala knew he was being a snake to get the whole thing to happen, but he did technically have to go through with it the moment anyone from the senate wanted something from him)
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 7 months
A post in honor of General Jarod Fire Emblem my precious.
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#DCB RD Run#Jarod Fire Emblem#idk if he has a tag but he has one now if not#also i had to put some pics together and make them one bc tumblr stops letting me arrange pics after 16 pics it's so fckn annoying#now pls if you would take a seat while i go on a small tangent (small bc i am limited to thirty tags per post!)#now so you see aside from him being a total hoot with awesome resolution/determination#smth i love about general jarod fire emblem my precious is his relationship with alder#bc you see jarod is clearly scum like fuck him yeah??? and then you get whacked with this emotional scene with alder#i love how they wrote two total scum villains as being just... human. i feel bad for them in that moment#as a human being even knowing everything they did i feel bad for them and respect them both#it doesn't change that they're scum and doesn't erase what they've done but it still elicits an emotional response from me#it makes me wish jarod was better and not an enemy. it makes me wish in a way that that could've been his atonement arc beginning#but i know that can't happen and wouldn't - he's too far gone. but as a human that's just the emotion i get seeing that scene#and then RIGHT as jarod is going back to his batshit villainy he dumps THAT fuckin' speech on us#MIND YOU with this really badass music playing. all his soldiers get into position#and you watch them move to the spots you'll start off with them in on the map when the battle starts#also man was hilarious right to his grave and i love all the shade he threw at bk that's among my love languages#and yes i did actually in fact start this file the same day i beat part one#anyway enjoy your general jarod fire emblem bc fe heroes sure isn't
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 7 months
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this guy would fit right in with a fodlan game.
"don't point your fingers at us. we're just doing our job. if you're upset, blame it on faerghus and the central church!"
buddy should relocate with how much mileage he'd get with that in fodlan, seeing as it ain't workin' out so well for him here.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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i will never not kill valtome with ranulf explicitly for this line
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 7 months
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ike has his A support with soren open right as his C support with ranulf opens up STOP
i promised ranulf... i would give him a chance this time... bc soren has been hogging ike for the past fifteen playthroughs...
but i feel bad bc soren's A support is open and it feels like a breakup is abouta happen so ike can be with ranulf 😂
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 10 months
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sometimes the rd support system is a fucking hoot like
the kicker is "sure, sounds good"
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 10 months
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mentioned previously how one of their B support conversations was just plain hilarious
but this time! look! this time we are graced with character development! we are graced with our birb boys having come such a long way!
sometimes we get genuinely great sounding conversations, and I also love that it brings with it the possibility that Tibarn has forgiven Naesala after realizing all his actions weren't done for selfish reasons, and that with Lekain dead Naesala is free of the Blood Pact and won't be doing those things anymore.
if you consider the conversation to have any meaning (i.e. most support initiations and/or responses are impersonal) Tibarn went from wanting to kill him and Naesala accepting that (even refusing to let Skrimir kill him when he felt he deserved it, because Tibarn had more reason to want to kill him himself) to Tibarn refusing to let Naesala die before him!!! I mean, how many times did Tibarn threaten him? and here he is, saying he's ordering him not to die before him!!!
also! I love Naesala's conversation initiation (especially after Tibarn saying that!). on one hand, if Tibarn initiated his end of the support conversation first, this sounds like Naesala is worried after Tibarn mentioned "not dying before him"! but also! Naesala knows death and hopelessness better than most people there, if not all of them (he was under the Blood Pact waaaaay longer than Daein was).
that Blood Pact made him realize that as long as he was alive, there was still hope in saving Kilvas - and now as long as they're still alive, there's hope in preventing Ashera from destroying humanity. as long as they're alive, they can still find a way out of what seems hopeless. in this case too, repairing his relationship with the other bird tribes probably did seem hopeless to him until the moment he ripped the Blood Pact.
ALSO also! Tibarn assuring him he won't die after just saying "nah you can't die before me" basically says "nah you're not dying"! like, "you have to wait until I die to die, and since I'm not dying that, neither are you"! and like! sure that's cool anyway! but! when he's saying that to Naesala, after all the fights, squabbles, backstabbing, distrust and literal threats of death?! after he's saying that to Naesala after Naesala is literally finally a free man?! !!! !!!
RD support conversations may be impersonal, but somehow sometimes they're packed with character development that I don't know that the devs even meant to have in there.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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i want ike to be in three houses
for science
#DCB RD Run#y'all know what i'm talking abt if u follow me lmao#ike rly does say all the most perfect shit but most ppl don't even get to see it these days#bc intsys won't make the games accessible and they cost hundreds of dollars for a used copy jfhsagjdg#BUT ALSO this line? REALLY fuckin wish they said to zelgius too with someone anyone even if it wasn't ike#would've been really awesome tho for it to be ike who said it so that zelgius couldn't uwu my teacher his way out of being a villain#what is it with them making ppl be like uwu my teacher and that suddenly make them not a villain fhajgdgsj#like WHERE WAS THIS LINE WHEN IN REBIRTH 2#we had tibarn with us! ranulf! shinon! oscar! SOMEONE could've said it!!!#hecky schemcky if OSCAR said it? that would be like DAMN u fucked UP tho#if OSCAR couldn't forgive you for something? d a m n sonny that one would cut d e e p#but also?! shinon! being calm about it! and just telling him outright! look! nah! you did all that shit! and now you want to uwu us to death#nah! what you did was unforgiveable and you kept doing unforgiveable things!#i mean come on there's a line out the door of ppl who wanted to get or deserved to get revenge on that guy#YES I HAD TO LET IT OUT AGAIN I'M STILL MAD THAT SEPH GOT THE WHOLE NO U DID BAD#BUT ZELGIUS DID ARGUABLY WORSE BC HE DIDN'T DO IT AFTER LOSING HIS ENTIRE FUCKING MIND#AND HAVING HIS ENTIRE FAMILY SLAIN AND HIS FOREST HOME BURNT TO DEATH#LIKE. COME ON. SEPH AT LEAST HAS A LEGIT REASON TO HAVE LOST HIS MIND BUT ZELG?#siiiiiiiiigh. anyway put ike in three houses so he can teach all the dumb stans how to be a proper mc#yeah that's right i said it A PROPER MC#blorbo is in the corner hiding bc he doesn't like these tags. see his bow? see it? it's poking into the pic#ALSO HOW COME REYSON DOESN'T GET ANY LINES WITH SEPH ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENED POST BATTLE#this post has gone in three entirely different directions in the tags good for me good for me
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 6 months
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i repeat: i fucking love this game's dialogue
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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I love this alternate scene that replaces Titania with Boyd if Mist and Boyd have an A support. This version is so heartfelt and really fits in with the overall theme of the GMs being family. If they end the game with an A support they end up married, and that really feels like it fits in with this conversation.
I also love how different this scene is and how much they've all grown from the very beginning of Path of Radiance, which started with the three of them and Greil. I'm sappy! but! it feels like it was meant to be like this ever since PoR started!
I didn't put the whole conversation here because I didn't think it all needed to be in the post, but I'm not even sure how many people know about this scene. Especially considering the context and what's going on in the story, this is such a big and pretty dire event, and I love how well that reflects in this scene and how well you can see how close these three are.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 5 months
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I just got Shinon for the first time in this file. 🤣
#DCB RD Run#the story behind this is that I played PoR for a friend on stream but the Wii stopped working#it's not dead but it has a hardware problem that I have yet to determine. however I had a backup Wii#so I tried that. unfortunately it ALSO decided to have a problem and wouldn't risk discs anymore#this meant I couldn't play RD on console and had to use an emulator instead#meaning I couldn't carry the data over from my latest PoR file if I had to use an emulator to play RD for said friend#so I decided I'd do a bit of a cheat run where I just flew through PoR on an emulator#levelling people up quicker and just going through it chapter by chapter to retain the supports I had#this was the US version on emulator... and the cheats randomly stopped working correctly around chapter ten#at this point I was very fed up and I knew the EU version on emulator did keep my cheats and everything was fine there#so I decided after all the technical trouble that I was going to aggressively promote every. single. unit. in PoR. with infinite BEXP#and I was going to get them ALL to level 20 so they would ALL get stat bonuses carried over#I was originally just leaving the natural stats - what ppl got from the natural level ups is what I'd carry over#after all that I was like I deserve this it's been hell working this out. but then I had an additional idea#I decided that since I found a code for infinite usage of items that I'd bump up anyone who was#a point or two off from a stat cap for all stats like that so I did that. but THEEEEN I thought of ANOTHER thing#I was like... you know WHAT. after all this? I deserve one more thing#I stat capped ALL of Shinon and Oscar's stats knowing full well they are my absolute best MONSTERS in RD /anyway/#I used other cheats to get through the game very very very speedily to hurry to just get the cheat file done with#but toward the end I finally snapped and handed out stat boosters to those two until they were demons LOL#and uhhh... yeah Shinon took it pretty fucking well!!!
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 6 months
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I love this because it shows just how chilled out Shinon has become in ~three years.
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He used to have an ego. He used to say things with the implication that he was such a good shot that people had to respect him. He acted like he was above everyone else. That wasn't all there was to him, no, and he definitely still had a gentle side... but to get to that gentle side you needed to wade through all the walls he hid behind.
By RD he still knows his worth, but he's not as in people's faces about it. He doesn't really care for being complimented like that anymore. He doesn't want nor expect people to suck up to him. Rolf genuinely believes he's "the best" etc, but in RD Shinon just think it sounds a bit over the top.
He went from nudging others about his worth and being egotistical about it to not wanting someone to fawn over him/his capabilities. He thinks someone fawning over him/his capabilities that much is exaggerating and is, essentially, over the top.
In RD, people don't owe him anything. He's there to help and tends to keep quiet about assisting anyone. That's in stark bitch ass contrast to how he used to be.
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He doesn't care about compliments or people knowing any goodwill of his. He's not looking for acknowledgement. He's comfortable with who he is and who he's with.
In PoR he has more complicated feelings toward being a mercenary, believing that betrayal was always a possibility in that life. It definitely kept him from truly being comfortable with everyone and viewing them as family. It definitely made him keep them at arm's length.
In RD he doesn't care about that anymore. He wants to be with them, knows that and he doesn't make excuses anymore. He does things in secret to help them, whereas three, four years ago he would've done it and expected thanks and validation.
He goes where they go, sticks with them, and the concept of betrayal due to the mercenary business never even crosses his mind again. By RD he's fully accepted himself as one of them and never considers changing his alignment based on financial benefit or position. Even while still struggling to accept laguz, he went with everyone else even when given the blatant choice not to go to aid the Laguz Alliance.
It doesn't matter where he is, as long as he's with the Greil Mercenaries. He doesn't seek validation anymore because he's comfortable with who he is and where he is. He doesn't need to put up a front anymore to protect himself. He doesn't need to wonder why these people rely on him and think it's useless to form bonds because they may one day be broken. He never attempts nor even thinks about trying to break those bonds in RD. He's calm, relaxed, and overall happy with where he is in life now.
In PoR he doesn't want to get close to anyone. He essentially expects to live his life alone, just surviving and not forming permanent connections. In RD he's accepted that these are his people and they are his permanent connections. He knows that he's not living for just himself anymore and that he can trust other people. He's not living just for survival anymore, so all those tough exteriors have fallen.
Instead he's much more upfront and honest and doesn't make excuses for trying to be nice. Before, he would've thought being nice could be seen as a weakness. That being nice might make him fall victim to caring about others and ending up hurt later. Now he knows it's not a weakness. Now he knows he can be good and do good without being hurt later. He doesn't need to force himself to be emotionally alone.
In PoR in his supports with Rolf, he struggles with saying things that prove any goodwill from him. He struggles with the idea that someone might think he's a kind person. In RD he doesn't hide what he does for others quite as deeply. It's not hidden behind a wall of bravado that he thinks makes him feel tougher. He doesn't care about looking tough anymore. He can just live now.
I love his development and it's so extensive. I feel like he's even lucky, because a lot of side characters don't get the depth of development he got. Main characters, yes. Side characters, not really. They have growth in their supports and whatnot, but some of them overall gave exactly the same vibes in both games. Shinon feels like he's become more comfortable and peaceful and can finally accept himself for who he is.
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