actualsunflower · 1 year
You're not even a professional artist or modder. It doesn't matter if people love your art freelancers aren't as valuable in the community.
Forgot to answer this one as response to you saying I dont make enough money to matter- Listen Never Once did I say I was a professional at ANYTHING regarding art or modding. Ive done a couple big projects that I was paid for, and Ive joined organized events, but professionals actually go to school for this shit and get degrees. In fact I regularly mention how I'm literally just doing whatever the fuck and hoping it works. Like I could not make that any more obvious in any post I have ever made, I am literally always saying 'I'm just doing shit until it works, I have no idea, I'm just doing whatever,'
And look anon. This fucking community wouldn't exist without freelancers and hobby artists and modders. Fandom as a WHOLE wouldn't exist at all if it weren't for us. Go ahead lets just all get rid of freelancers and ppl who do this for enjoyment and see how fast everything disappears
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