sekusejirofi · 2 years
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flowercoffeebb · 2 years
Tumblr media
. New BEANS from our roaster COFFEE COUNTY @coffeecounty . 新しくケニアが入荷しました。ドリンクでの提供は木曜日頃より✋ ーーーーー ー ◼︎ KENYA Gathaithi factory - AA FLAVOR NOTE: Raspberry, Black currant, Plum, Blood orange, Juicy, Tartaric acidity, Raw sugar, Red wine, Clean . VARIETY: Ruiru11, SL28, SL34, Batian PROCESS: Fully washed AREA: Gathaithi,Tetu, Nyeri County, Central Kenya PRODUCER: Gathaithi Co-op Society ALTITUDE: 1720 m .  Gathaithi Co-op Societyは 2000 年に生産者組合として認可された組織です。組合はひとつのコーヒーファクトリーを運営しており、現在 1656名の生産者が加盟し 施設を利用しています。  Gathaithi はケニアの首都ナイロビから160キロほど離れたNyeri郡に位置します。ケニア山とアバーディア山脈のちょうど間にあり、ミネラルや有機物の多く含まれた赤く火山質の土壌を持つコーヒーの収量に恵まれた地域です。この地域では収穫期が年に2度あり、年間収量の30%が 4月から6月、70%が9月末から1月中旬にかけて収穫されています。収穫期になると、コーヒー農家が収穫し、一つひとつ手で選別した完熟のコーヒーチェリーが、その日のうちにファクトリーへと運ばれ精製されます。  組合ではチェリーの支払いとは別途、積み立てを行い、学費や農園にかかる費用など緊急の必要がでてきた場合に、メンバーがその積立金より資金を捻出できる仕組みを設けています。また現在では 環境保全への意識の高まりもあり、加盟生産者に対し 健全な排水処理の取り組みや植樹促進なども行っています。  本ロットは まさにケニアの王道と言える濃密な果実感。ラズベリーやカシス、ブラッドオレンジのフレーバー、淡い色あいの赤ワインをのんでいるかのようなジューシーな酸が心地よい味わいのコーヒーです。 (COFFEE COUNTY) ➖➖➖➖➖ ☕️ Single Origin Coffee Line-up [Single O]  C) FIRECRACKER >>HD  C) ETHIOPA [Yirgacheffe] Aricha CWS >>HD [Coffee County]  C) RWANDA Coko CWS - Golden honey >>HD  S) COLOMBIA [Cauca] Finca La Esperanza - Geisha ←残りわずか [Sommarlek Coffee]  C) KENYA Kaliluni Factory - Peaberry >>HD ←残りわずか .  >>HD: for Hand drip  >>ESP: for Espresso beverages Categories  T) The Specialty  D) Daily  C) Conceptual  N) New Wave  S)) Special ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ FLOWER COFFEE / BREW BAR  Weekday: 10:00 - 19:00 (ESP L.O. 18:45)  Weekend & Holiday: 9:00 - 18:00 (ESP L.O. 17:45)  店舗休: 7月: 20, 27日 .  ※ 警戒レベル3以上の悪天が見込まれる場合には予報に沿って営業スケジュールを調整します(なるべく早く店頭張り紙、SNS、Googleにて情報発信します) ーーーーーーーーーー 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市東海岸北1-7-23 雄三通り  🚃 JR茅ヶ崎駅 歩8分  🚲 駐輪可 3台まで  🚗 駐停車不可(近隣駐車場をご利用ください、参考: 三井リパーク ¥200-/h)  🦠 店舗入口、SNSにある感染症対策を確認のうえご来店ください(外部環境を鑑みて適宜変化します) (FLOWER COFFEE / BREW BAR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgF3jksPa2K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eksopolitiikka · 3 years
NSA teki paljastuksen jo vuonna 2011: paljasti älykkään viestin avaruudesta
NSA teki paljastuksen jo vuonna 2011: paljasti älykkään viestin avaruudesta
Tämä on NSA:n verkkosivujen UFO-osion artikkeli, jonka on kirjoittanut Howard H. Campaigne. Artikkelin otsikko on yksinkertaisesti ”Extraterrestrial Intelligence” eli ”Maan ulkopuolinen äly”.
Campaignen artikkelin jälkeen esitetään Daniel Tarrin kommentit viestiin.
Maan ulkopuolinen äly
Kirjoittanut HOWARD H. CAMPAIGNE Tehty julkiseksi – NSA hyväksynyt julkaistavaksi 21.10.2004  — FOIA Case #41472
Kommunikaatio Maan ulkopuolelta
Viimeisimmässä NSA Technical Journalin numerossa Vol. XI, No. 1 hra. Lambros D. Callimahos puhui eräistä Maan ulkopuolisen älyn aspekteista, ja hän esitti useita viestejä, joilla testata lukijan nerokkuutta. Seuraavilla sivuilla hra. H. H. Champagne tarjoaa muutamia lisäviestejä ulkoavaruudesta.
Jokin aika sitten sarja ulkoavaruudesta tulleita radioviestejä kuultiin. Lähetys ei ollut jatkuva, vaan se oli leikattu taukojen avulla osiin, joita voitaan tulkita yksikköinä, sillä ne toistuivat kerta toisensa jälkeen. Tauot näkyvät tässä välimerkkeinä. Eri kombinaatiot on esitetty tässä aakkosten kirjaimina, niin että viestit voi kirjoittaa ylös. Jokainen viesti, poislukien ensimmäinen, on esitetty tässä yhden kerran. Viestien sarjanumero on annettu referenssiksi.
Tärkeä huomio (!) : Ylläoleva viesti on konveroitu » Alkuperäisestä PDF-tiedostosta arkisto. Konversion aikana huomasin, että monet kirjaimet sekoittuivat  (esim.: M muuttui II:ksi tai V muuttui Y:ksi, jne.). Näin kovasti vaivaa rekonstruoidakseni oikean viestin, mutta joitain virheitä varmasti voi vielä olla. Vakavien tutkijoiden tulisi tarkistaa viesti! Ja muuten, jos löydät virheen, lähetä siitä minulle tieto!
(Lähetä » sähköposti)
Vaikka en ole suurikaan kryptografi, hajotin koodin palasiin. Viestissä 19-31 välilyönnit sanoissa ovat minun oma ”ratkaisuni”. Alkuperäisessä koodissa kirjaimien välillä ei ole välilyöntejä.
NSA:n dokumentti myöntää avaruusolentokontaktin
Lokakuun 21. päivänä 2004 NSA hyväksyi julkaistavaksi kaikelle kansalle osan heidän julkaisustaan NSA Journal Vol. XIV No. 1.  Tämä on raportti tri. Howard Campaignen NSA:lle pitämästä esityksestä koskien Maan ulkopuolelta tulleiden viestien dekoodausta. Ilmeisesti nämä vietit on itse asiassa vastaanottanut Sputnik-satelliitti, mutta kenelläkään ei ollut tuolloin tietoa siitä miten dekoodata niitä.
Tri. Howard  Campaigne ja eräät NSA:n supermatemaatikot krypto-osastolla ovat saaneet tehtäväkseen dekoodata viestit. Viestejä oli yhteensä 29 — varsinainen urakka.
On vähintäänkin mielenkiintoista, että tämä dokumentti on saanut luvan tulla julki  lokakuun 21. päivänä 2004.  Miksi niin?  Koska NSA ei julkaissut infoja kuin vasta huhtikuun 21. päivä 2011.  Vaikka dokumentti on saanut luvan tulla julki, NSA on pantannut sitä satojen muiden NSA:n UFOja ja avaruusolentoja käsittelevien dokumenttien kanssa, kunnes Peter Gersten, arizonalainen lakimies, voitti oikeusjutun. Kun he todella hävisivät siinä, tuomari määräsi nämä kaikki julkaistavaksi.
Tri. Howard  Campaignen “Maan ulkopuoliset signaalit”
Dokumentti, kuten sanoin, on tri. Campaignen esitys NSA:lle noiden viestien dekoodauksesta. Se on itse asiassa julkaistu NSA:n sisäisessä Journalissa. Kuitenkin heidät pakotettiin myös julkaisemaan lista FOIA-tietopyyntöjen hakutermeistä, joilla he eivät ole löytäneet yhtään NSA-dokumenttia. Siinä listassa yksi termi oli “Maan ulkopuoliset signaalit” (Extraterrestrial Signals). Tämän dokumentin otsikko, jonka he itse julkistivat, on “Avain Maan ulkopuolisiin viesteihin”.
Varsin ilmiselvästi he ovat halkoneet hiuksia raportoidessaan, että heillä ei ole tietoa “Maan ulkopuolisista signaaleista”.  He tiesivät varmasti, että heillä oli tämä dokumentti, ja että se oli FOIA-tietopyynnössä pyydetty julkaistavaksi. He tiesivät sen, väänsivät peistä teknisestä termistöstä ja jatkoivat sen panttaamista.
Kuka on tri. Howard Campaigne?
Tri. Campaigne on eräs huippu-cryptologi ja vuosia palvellut Naval Security Groupissa, Army Security Agencyssa, National Security Agencylla ja parissa muussa samanlaisessa kirjainyhdistelmävirastossa.
Howard H. Campaigne aloitti kryptouransa valtiolla toisen maailmansodan aikaan ja hän on ollut keskeinen osa USA:n turvallisuus- ja tiedustelumaailmaa siitä lähtien. Toisin sanoen, hän on osa erittäin pientä, erittäin harvaa ja valittua ryhmää, jota on pidetty kryptologian kermana.
Tri. Campaignen esitys NSA:lla Maan ulkopuolisten viestien dekoodauksesta ei ollut hypoteettinen harjoitus. Otin yhteyttä erääseen ennen NSA:lla toimineeseen ja edelleen TS-turvaluokituksen omaavaan henkilöön, ja pyysin häntä katselemaan dokumenttia. Pyysin häntä antamaan hänen mielipiteensä siitä. Ei ollut epäilystäkään sen autenttisuudesta, sillä se on julkaistu NSA Journalissa, ja NSA:n omilla sivuillaan julkaisema. Se mitä halusin tietää oli, että oliko tällä dokumentilla mitään tiettyä merkitystä tai tärkeyttä (muuta kuin sen huikeat paljastukset) jollekulle NSA:n sisällä. Sillä oli.
Kontaktini kertoi minulle, että hän oli äimistynyt dokumentin sanamuodoista. Hän sanoi, että NSA:n kommunikaatio on täynnä sanoja kuten “mahdollisesti” , “väitetään”, ja “ajatellaan olevan”.
Hän sanoi, “Tämä dokumentti ei ole sisällä NSA:n normaaleja sanamuotoja. He vain tulevat ja sanovat ‘me vastaanotimme viestejä ulkoavaruudesta’ ja tällä tavalla nuo viestit dekoodataan.”
Kysyin, “Mitä se tarkoittaa sinulle?”
Hän vastasi välittömästi.
“Paljastusta, yksinkertaisesti. He eivät toitota sitä torvien kanssa, mutta tässä se on. He ovat juuri avoimesti tehneet paljastuksen.”
Mutta mitä viestit sanovat?
Tri. Campaigne keskittyi informaatiojoukkoon parissa viestissä, jotka osoittautuivat jonkinlaisiksi matemaattisiksi yhtälöiksi. Ne myös sisältävät listauksen kaikista jaksollisen järjestelmän alkuaineista. Oletan näiden yhtälöiden olevan jotenkin järkeenkäypiä fyysikolle tai insinöörille, mutta ne eivät merkinneet minulle mitään. Selvästikään en ymmärrä miten tri. Campaigne oli ne tulkannut, vaikka hän selittää sen erittäin hyvin. Mutta mikä näiden yhtälöiden merkitys oli, sitä en lähde arvailemaan.
On mielenkiintoista, että hänen esityksensä aikana tri. Campaigne mainitsee, että siinä on käännettäviä “sanoja”, joita he eivät vielä ymmärrä. Hän antaa esimerkin sidesanasta, jota hän pitää liitoksena (liittää yhteen kaksi tai useamman lausetta), mutta jonka merkitystä hän ei vielä ole osannut kääntää.
Debunkkaajilla on pelko perseessä tämän informaation julkistuksesta, sillä se osoittaa ilman epäilyksen häivääkään, että he ovat ja ovat aina olleet täysin väärässä. Heidän uransa debunkkaajina on loppu tämän materiaalin paljastumisen myötä. He jo nyt käyttävät ainoaa mahdollista “työkaluaan”, joka heillä on jäljellä, sanoen “Se on vanhaa tietoa. Se on ollut tiedossa vuosikausia.”
Kuten tavallista, he ovat joko tietämättömiä tai suoraan valehtelevat. On totta, että dokumentti on saanut luvan tulla julki lokakuun 21. päivä 2004. On totta, että tuo päivämäärä on “vuosia” sitten. Mutta on myös totta, että sitä EI JULKAISTU ennen kuin vasta vuonna 2011.
Tämä on todella huikeaa infoa. Kukaan valtiolta ei ole astunut kameroiden eteen ja puhunut suunsa puhtaaksi avaruusolentojen todellisuudesta vielä. Mutta, tässä meillä on maailman salaisin organisaatio USA:ssa,  National Security Agency, joka paljastaa avoimesti, että he ovat olleet kontaktissa Maan ulkopuolisen älyn kanssa. Eikä ainoastaan tuota, meillä on heidän viestinsä dekoodattuna.
[Lähde: UFO Digest]
“Avain Maan ulkopuolisiin viesteihin”
National Security Agency (NSA) on julkaissut useita aiemmin salaisia UFOihin ja avaruusolentoihin liittyviä dokumentteja vuosien varrella. Tämä tulee suoraan NSA:n teknisestä julkaisusta NSA Technical Journal – Vol. X1, No.1, jonka on kirjoittanut H. Campaigne. Dokumentin otsikko on “Avain Maan ulkopuolisiin viesteihin” (Key To The Extraterrestrial Messages). Signaali on havaittu ulkoavaruudessa, ja NSA on yrittänyt tulkita viestiä.
Artikkeli kuvaa sitä miten kehitetään avain aukaisemaan nämä avaruusolentojen viestit. Seuraavassa on kopio alkuperäisestä PDF-dokumentista siten kuin se löytyy National Security Agencyn verkkosivuilta. — Alkuperäisen PDF-tiedoston konversio tuottaa sotkua. Yritin parhaani siistiä sitä, kuitenkin siinä on oltava useita virheitä.
Avain Maan ulkopuolisiin viesteihin
NSA Technical Journal Vol. XIV. No.1 JULKISTETTU – NSA:n hyväksymä julkaisua varten päivämäärällä 21.10.2004 FOIA Case #41472
Tri. Campaigne esitti 29 viestin sarjan ulkoavaruudesta artikkelissa ”Extraterrestrial Intelligence” NSA Technological Journalissa Vol. XI. No. 2. s. 101 ff. sekä julkaisun Erikoismatematiikan ja insinöörityön numerossa s. 117 ff. Seuraavassa artikkelissa kehitetään avain näihin viesteihin, jotka on esitetty allaolevassa liitteessä. Näihin kuuluu kaksi uutta sarjaa —  30 ja 31 — joita aiemmassa artikkelissa ei esitetty.
Jokaisella askeleella ratkaisussa me teemme arvauksen merkityksestä. Näyttö akkumuloituu nopeasti joko vahvistamaan tai kumoamaan meidän arvauksemme. Monimerkityksellisyyden mahdollisuus kahdella yhdenmukaisella ratkaisulla on erittäin pieni. Ainoastaan kaksi viimeistä askelta, joissa varmistukset ovat heikohkoja, tämä voi sattua.
1. Tässä viestissä on 21 symbolia.
2. B vastaa merkkiä AA, C vastaa merkkiä AAA, jne. Eli A=1. B=2. C=3. D=4. E=5. F=6. G=7.
3. Symboli L tarkoittaa, että kaksi sitä seuraavaa asiaa ovat samoja. LXY tarkoittaa x=y .
4. Jokaisella lauseella on 5 symbolia, ja se alkaa L-merkillä. L:ää seuraavat neljä symbolia tulee tulkita kahtena eri asiana. Jokaisella lauseella on K sen kolmantena kirjaimena, mikä merkitsee jälkimmäisen asian alkua. Onko B=KAA; C=KBA; C=KAB; D=KCA? Jos KBA tarkoittaa B+A, silloin se täsmää.
5. Nämä varmentavat päätelmämme kohdasta 4. Ensimmäinen tarkoittaa 6 = 1+(2+3), jälkimmäinen tarkoittaa 1+(2+3) = (1+2)+3.
6. Jokaisella on viisi symbolia niinkuin kohdassa 4. Ne tarkoittavat 1=M21; 2= M:31; 1=M:32. Selvästikin MSY tarkoittaa x-y.
7. Nämä kääntyvät N=1-1; N=2-2; N3-3. N tarkoittaa nollaa 0.
8. Nämä kääntyvät 1=O11; 0=O01; 2=O12; 2=O21; 0=O02; 0=O20; 4=O22. jne. OXY tarkoittaa tuloa X kertaa Y.
9.  Nämä varmentavat päätelmät kohdassa 8.  Ensimmäinen sanoo, että  6=1x2x3, jälkimmäinen 4x(5×6) = (4×5)x6 . Huom: Tähän mennessä meillä on kahdenlaisia symboleja: numeroita A:sta G:hen sekä N ja operaattoreita L, K, M ja O. Operaattorien jälkeiset kaksi numeroa ovat operandeja.
10. Tämä kääntyy 4=R22; 2=R21; 1=R30; 3=R31; 1=R30. RXY pakosti tarkoittaa X’. *?* eksponenttia. R on jälleen yksi binäärioperaattori.
11. Tämä kääntyy 23 = 4+4; 2=1+7; 24= 2×4; 22-4 *?*  mikä varmentaa aiemmat päätelmämme.
12. Tämä kääntyy 32 = 4+5; 32= 3X3. *?* Lisävarmennus. Huom: Meidän kulttuurissamme me käytämme sulkeita ryhmittelemään läheiset termit, ja aluksi se auttaa, vaikka se ei olekaan tarpeen käyttää sulkeita. Sen tekeminen yksiselitteisesti: aloita oikealta ja lue vasempaan päin ensimmäiseen operaattorisymboliin; laita sulkeet operaattorin ympärille sekä kahdelle siitä oikeanpuolimmaiselle merkille. Toista kunnes mitkään sulkeet eivät sisällä enempää kuin yksi operaattori ja kaksi operandia.
13. Tämä kääntyy J = 23; J= 1+7; J.|.1 = 3X3; J | 1 3x, siispä J =8. *?*
14. Me voimme ottaa käyttöön sulkeet olettamalla, että P on operaattori, jolloin saamme 2 P84; 4-P82; 1-P33; ja 3 P62. Siispä PxY = X÷Y, jakolasku.
15. Oletetaan, että U on operaattori, jolloin U12; U23; U34; U58: U68; U78; U2332 = U89. Pienempi tulee ensin molemmissa tapauksissa: joten ehkäpä  UXY tarkoittaa X edeltää Y:tä tai X<Y.
16. Uusi merkki Q on oltava operaattori. Käännettynä saadaan Q: O=1; Q: 1=3; Q: 1=1+1; Q: O=1×1; Q: 22=2; Q: 2<2; Q: H(1=1) (1=2); Q|Q: 3-3|; Q:8< 7. Selvästi Q tarkoittaa ”seuraava lause ei pidä paikkaansa.” Sitä seuraavasta viimeiseen luetaan ”ei pidä paikkaansa, että 3≠3.” QL käännetään ≠. Toinen uusi symboli ei ole selvä, paitsi että se on operaattori, jonka operandit ovat lauseita, ei lukuja, totuusoperaattori. Huom: Q on operaattori ilman operandia, unaarinen.
17. Panemalla sulkeen nähdään, että S on myös unaarinen operaattori. Tämä käännettynä: S: 1-1; S: 1-2; S: 2=| | 1; S: 1=1X1; S: O=1-1; S: H|(6=1×6) (1=6÷6)|; S: H|(1 1) (2-2)|. *?*  On selvää, että S tarkoittaa ”seuraava lause pätee” tai ”seuraava lause on totta”. Tästä seuraava viesti näyttää, että  HXY tarkoittaa “X:stä seuraa Y” tai ”X tarkoittaa Y” tai ehkäpä ”X on loogisesti ekvivalentti Y:n kanssa.”
18. Sääntömme sulkeille hajoaa ellei  ’T’ ole erilainen symboli. Ensimmäinen viesti näyttää, että  T voi olla unaarinen lukuoperaattori,  niin että  AT tai TA on luku. Kolmas viesti näyttää, että sen tulee tulla ensimmäisenä, sillä T on jälkimmäinen. Panemalla sulkeet tällä tavoin saadaan IT=1; 2T=1T+1; 5T=2T+3T; 6T=3Tx2T; 7T=7: 10T; 8T tulee olla lopetus. Yhden numeron tapauksessa sillä ei ole väliä. Se yhdistää kaksi lukua 10 tuottaen luvun 8. Oktaaliaritmetiikkaa?
19. Tämä kääntyy 123T=1×82 † (2×81 † 3); 321T=3×82 † (2 x 81 † 1 x 82); 4567T = (4×81 † 5×82) † (6×81 | 7×82). *?* Selvästikin T merkitsee, että ”edeltävät luvut muodostavat oktaaliluvun”. Mahdollisesti se on oktaalilukujen piste: jos kyllä, silloin lukuja voi tulla sen jälkeen. Huom: Johtuen siitä tavasta jolla ryhmittelyä esiintyy, riittää merkitä luvun loppukohta jotta selvästi erotellaan se omaksi entiteetikseen.
20. Yrittämällä panna tätä sulkeisiin vaikuttaa siltä kuin V olisi myös loppu. Mutta tämä yhdistelee molemmat luvut (eli numerot) sekä operaattorin. Kääntämällä niin että tulkitaan V ja sitä edeltävät symbolit yksittäiseksi yksiköksi, saadaan: 8 | AV tarkoittaa 7 = AV. Käytän __ *?* kuvaamaan II *?* tästä eteenpäin. Muistetaan, että emme ole varmoja tämän etumerkistä. II – 3II = · 2 = AV *?* (Olen merkinnyt T:n. Muistetaan että II T on yhdeksän); 3 AV = · 11 = AV2; 5 AV 6 · II AV. Seuraavassa viestissä, jos me yhdistämme O:n ja V:n yhdeksi symboliksi, silloin viesti ei tulkkaannu. Koita tulkita GOV yhtenä symbolina, jolloin saadaan 3 1 | GOV = · 2 = GOV; 6 SOV = · 3 = SOV; 3 DOV = · II = DOV, I on totta että AV † PV = PV + AV: On tautologia että AV x PV = PV x AV: On identiteetti että AV + (PV + TV) = (AV + PV) + TV: Määritellään todeksi että AV x (PV x TV) = (AV + PV ) + TV: AV ≠ BV = · AV – BV ≠ BV AV: AV ≠ BV · AVII ≠ BVII. *?* V:n merkitys tulee olla ”tätä edeltävät kirjaimet ryhmänä merkitsevät abstraktia asiaa, tai ne ovat muuttuja.” V on eräänlainen sanojen erotin.
Huom: Panemalla sulkeet ei aiheudu sekaannusta toiseen sääntöön. Jokainen T tai V tulisi paketoida aiempien symbolien kanssa, riippuen siitä miten viesti tulkitaan. T:tä edeltävät tulevat olemaan kaikki numeroita. V:tä edeltävät voidaan olettaa muodostavan ryhmän.
21. Panemalla sulkeet näihin viesteihin on vaikeaa ennenkuin huomaamme, että UV toistuu jokaisessa. Tämä kääntyy silloin: 0 |2 | (DDDV2 – DDDV x 3) | = · UV|1 = DDDV | |2 = DDDV|; UV|1 = DV||0 – 1 = DV| = ·|1=DV2|; UV|1 = BV||0 – BV| = · 0=BV-BV|; On totta että UV|AV= BV||AV ≠ BV|: On totta että UV|AV< BV||BV< AV |. Jotta saatettaisiin loppuun tulkinta, meidän on oletettava että UV on binäärioperaattori, ja jokaisessa tapauksessa operandit ovat lausekkeita. On selvää algebrasta, että UV tarkoittaa ”tai.” Jälkimmäinen viesti näyttää, että  U tarkoittaa ≤ pikemminkin kuin < jonka oletin aiemmin.
22. Huomaamme, että TV on käytössä jokaisessa viestissä, ja sen käyttö vastaa UV:n käyttöä. Olettaen, että TV on binääritotuusoperaattoori, viestit kääntyvät. Ei ole totta että TV|AV ≤ BV||BV ≤ AV|; Ei ole totta että TV|AV = BV||AV ≠ BV|: TV|ĀV2 = 4 || 0≤AV| = · AV=2; AV>BV = · |BV ≤ AV| or |BV = AV|: On totta että ei päde TV GV HV = · GV or HV; On totta että GV ja HV = · TV GV HV; AV tai (BV tai CV) = (AV tai BV) tai CV; TV|AV TV|BVCV|| = TV||TV AV BV|CV|: TV|AV|BV tai CV|| = TV|AVBV | tai TV|AV CV|; AV tai TV | BV CV|| = TV|AV tai BV||AV tai CV|. Tästä käy selväksi, että  TV tarkoittaa ”ja”. Huomaa miten L:ää käytetään tarkoittamaan tässä  ”loogisesti sama kuin”, vaikka olen kirjoittanut  ”=”. Huom: Sitä käytetään tässä merkityksessä <, ei ≤. Joko jossain on virhe, tai sitten käyttötarkoitus vaihtelee.
23. Käännös ei onnistu ennen kuin tajuamme, että JNV esiintyy jokaisessa viestissä, ja että se on todennäköisesti sana. BAV ja CAV esiintyvät myös jokaisessa viestissä. Ne kääntyvät: JNV|BAV tai CAV BAV; JNV BAV | BAV ja CAV|; JNV|BAV tai CAV| |BAV ja CAV|: JNV BAV CAV = · BAV = (BAV tai CAV); JNV BAV CAV = · CAV = (BAV ja CAV). Viimeiset kaksi päätelmää näyttävät kuin joukko-opin lauseilta. JNV kääntyy binäärioperaattoriksi. JNV XY voi tarkoittaa ”X sisältää Y:n” joukko-opin merkityksessä. Silloin jos UV on ”tai” joukko-opissa, unioni, ja TV on ”ja” joukko-opissa, leikkaus, ylläolevat lauseet voidaan kirjoittaa: BAV ∪ CAV ⊃ BAV BAV ⊃ BAV ∩ CAV BAV ∪ CAV ⊃ BAV ∩ CAV BAV ⊃ CAV = · BAV = (BAV ∪ CAV) BAV ⊃ CAV = · CAV = (BAV ∩ CAV).
24. NKV näyttää binäärioperaattorilta, jolla on ainakin ensimmäinen operandi luku. JAV on jälkimmäinen operandi. Kohdasta 23 ylempänä me voimme pohtia joukko-opillisia merkityksiä. Voisiko olla, että NKV  sanoo jonkin olevan jonkin verkoston jäsen? Kokeillaan. Silloin 1¢JAV; 2¢JAV; 3¢JAV; 4¢JAV; 5¢JAV; 6¢JAV: 7¢JAV; 11¢JAV; 12¢JAV; AV¢JAV = · AV+ 1¢JAV. JAV on positiivisten kokonaislukujen joukko! Se sopii!
25. Tämä kääntyy: (1 ja 2)¢ JAV: (1 ja 2) ja 3)¢ JAV; (14 ja 17)¢ JAV: ((77 ja 100) ja 101)¢ JAV; (AV ⊃ NMV) ja (BV ⊃ NAV) = · (AV ja BV ⊃ NMV; 0¢JAV: 8¢JAV: 82¢JAV: 81¢JAV; 83¢JAV: 84¢JAV; 810¢JAV; 8xxx¢JAT: 8xxx¢JAV:; BV¢JAV = · 8BV¢JAV; (BV ja CV)¢JAV = · BV | CV¢JAV; (BV ja CV)¢JAV = · BV x CV¢JAV; (BV ja CV)¢JAV = · BVCV¢JAV; 1/2¢JAV; 1 · 2¢JAV: 0-3¢JAV: 7/6¢JAV. *?* Tämä vahvistaa epäilemättä kohdan 24 arvauksen.
26. Tässä esiintyy uusi sana, JOV. Viesti kuuluu JAV¢JOV: 0 1¢JOV; 0 BV¢JAV = · BV JOV; 1/2¢JOV: AV ja BV¢JOV = · AV – BV¢JOV; (AV ja BV joukossa JOV) ja 0 ≠BV = · AV ÷ BV joukossa JOV: 1 ÷ 0 ei joukossa JA; 1 ÷ 0 ei joukossa JOV: On totta että (AV ÷ BV) x (CV ÷ DV) (AV x CV) ÷ (BV x DV); On totta että AV x DV < BV x CV · AV ÷ BV < CV ÷ DV. BV x DV ≠ 0; AV JAV · 0 1 < AV. JOV voidaan nähdä kenttänä, jonka JAV virittää,  toisin sanoen, rationaalilukujen joukkona. Seuraavasta viimeiseen viestiin esiintyy virhe, ylimääräinen A.
27. Tämä kääntyy: (AV · BV) ja (BV = · AV) · HV.AV.BV. Selvästikin HV tarkoittaa ”loogisesti ekvivalentti” tai ” · = ·”. (AV · · BV) = · (AV = · BV) ja (BV = · AV) (AV · = · BV) · = · (AV = · BV) ja (BV = · AV).
28. Tämä kääntyy GV2 = 3 = · GV ei joukossa JOV; GV2 = 2 = · GV ei joukossa JOV; GV2 = 5 = · GV ei joukossa JOV: GV2 = 5 = · GV joukossa JEV; JOV on joukossa JEV; JAV on joukossa JEV; GV2 = 0 – 1 = · GV ei joukossa JEV. Meillä on uusi joukko, jossa on rationaalilukuja ja ainakin yksi irrationaaliluku, mutta ei imaginaarilukuja ✓-1. JEV on todennäköisesti reaaliluvut.
29. Tämä kääntyy 1 2n joukossa JBV; 1 – 3n joukossa JBV; 1 4n joukossa JBV: 1 NVn joukossa JBV: NLV JBV – 1 olettaen että NLV on yksi sana. Toinen mahdollisuus on LV(JBV, 1) = 0 | 1/1 joukossa JCV: 1/2 joukossa JCV; 1/3 joukossa JCV: 1/NV joukossa JCV: NLV JCV O | tai LV (JCV, O1 – O. Mutta kaksi esimerkkiä viittaisi siihen että NLV tarkoittaa ”rajaa”. Jos NV on kokonaisluku, silloin tämä sopii täydellisesti. (1 1/2)2 joukossa JBV; (1 – 1/3)3 joukossa JBV; (1 1/4)2 joukossa JBV: (1 – 1/8100)n100 joukossa JBV; (1 – 1/NV)NV joukossa JBV; NLV JBV joukossa JEV.
Jos NLV tarkoittaa rajaa, silloin  JEV sisältää neperin luvun e, vahvistus arvauksellemme siitä, että  JEV on reaaliluvut. Viimeiset kaksi oppituntia  30 ja 31 eivät ole julkaistu ensimmäsien 29 joukossa, koska ne olivat harjoituksina liian pitkiä.
30.  Jälkimmäiset viestit tässä ryppäässä sisältävät mystisiä sekvenssejä ABCD, ABCDE, DEFG, jne, joista jokainen loppuu STV. Jos kasa näistä olisi yksi yksikkö, viestit kääntyvät. Ne sanoisivat tällöin JNV 1 luonnollinen luku; JNV 2 luonnollinen luku: JNV 3 luonnollinen luku; JNV 123 STV luonnollinen luku; konjektuurina STV tarkoittaa ”edeltävä on joukko (tai lukujono)”, ja JNV tarkoittaa ”kuuluu joukkoon”. Jälkimmäisestä voi olla epäilystä, sillä me aluksi luulimme sen tarkoittavan  ”sisältää”: AV kuuluu joukkoon 1234 = · AV on luonnollinen luku; 12345 tai 4567 = 45 on joukot: 12345 ja 4567 = 1234567 joukkoja.
31. Tämä viimeinen ryhmä on laajuudeltaan huikea, 41 viestiä joista kolmastoista on varsin pitkä. Kääntämistä helpottaa viestien yhtäaikainen konstruktio. Ne kääntyvät: JRAV kuuluu joukkoon CHAV; JRBV kuuluu joukkoon CHAV; JRGV kuuluu joukkoon CHAV; joukko JRAV, JRBV, JRCV, JRDV, JREV, JRFV. JRGV kuuluu joukkoon CHAV: Koska kaikki luvut esiintyvät näissä joukoissa, ehkäpä niitä käytetään kuin alaindeksejä tai ne tulisi lukea JR.. JR.., jne. |: JO1 kuuluu joukkoon CHAV; JO2 kuuluu joukkoon CHAV; JO22 kuuluu joukkoon CHAV; joukko JO1, JO2, JO5, JO6, JO7, JO8, JO9, JO10, JO11, JO12, JO13, JO14, JO15, JO16, JO17, JO22, JO21, JO22, kuuluu joukkoon CHAV: Ux, ja Uy, 22. JO1, kuuluu joukkoon CHAV (Tämän on ollut pakko kääntyä väärin tai olla virhe); BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..; BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..; BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..; BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..; BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..: AV < 3 ja 12 ≥ AV. – . BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..; AV < 13 ja 22 ≥ AV. – . BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..; AV < 23 ja 44 ≥ AV. – . BL.. kuuluu joukkoon JR..;
AV . 45 ja 66 . AV . – . BL… kuuluu joukkoon JR..; AV . 67 ja 126 . AV . – . BL… kuuluu joukkoon JR..: AV . 127 ja 142 . AV . – . BL… kuuluu joukkoon JR:: Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO1: Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO2: Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon to JO3: Joukko BL… ja BL… ja BL… ja BL… and BL…kuuluu joukkoon JO4: Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO5: Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO6 (huomaa virhe tässä, N toistuu): Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO7 Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO10 Joukko BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO11 BL… ja BL… ja BL… . kuuluu joukkoon JO12 Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO13 Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO14 Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO15 Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO16 Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO17; Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO20; Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO21; Joukko BL… BL… BL… kuuluu joukkoon JO22; CHAV kuuluu joukkoon KSPV.
*?* tässä osiossa numerot eivät olleet tunnistettavissa
Tämä transkriptio jättää paljon tulkittavaa. Useiden sanojen merkitystä ei ole määritetty. Sana CHAV (tai CHO) tuntuu olevan keskeinen. Seitsemän sanaa JRx ja 18 sanaa JOx ja jokainen näistä kuuluu joukkoon CHAV.  98 sanaa BLx joista jokainen tuntuu kuuluvan uniikkiin joukkoon JOx. Kuuluuko jokainen näistä myös uniikkiin joukkoon JRx? Tämän vihjeen kanssa me voimme korjata sotkeutuneet viestit yllä; siinä lukee ”0<AV ja AV< 22 = JOx kuuluu joukkoon CHAV”: yksi V oli jäänyt välistä. Onnistuin myös parsimaan kuusi muuta viestiä. En pitkästytä teitä yksityiskohdilla, sillä lista yllä on jo korjattu.
Koska jokainen BLx  kuuluu yhteen joukkoon JRx ja joukkoon JOx, nämä voidaan esittää matriisimuodossa:
JR1 JR2 JR3 JR4 JR5 JR6 JR7 JO1 BL3 BL5 BL13 BL24 BL45 BL47 BL127 JO2 BL4 BL6 BL14 BL25 BL46 BL70 BL128 JO3 BL7 BL15 BL26 BL61 BL121 JO4 BL8 BL16 BL40 BL62 BL122 JO5 BL9 BL17 BL41 BL63 BL123 JO6 BL10 BL20 BL42 BL64 BL124 JO7 BL11 BL21 BL43 BL65 BL125 JO10 BL12 BL22 BL44 BL66 BL126 JO11 BL 25 47 71   72 73 74   75 76 77 100 101 102 103   104 105 106   107 131 132 133   134 135 136   137 140 141 142 JO12 BL16 BL50 BL100 JO13 BL27 BL51 BL111 JO14 BL30 BL52 BL112 JO15 BL31 BL53 BL113 JO16 BL32 BL54 BL114 JO17 BL33 BL55 BL115 JO20 BL34 BL56 BL116 JO21 BL35 BL57 BL117 JO22 BL36 BL60 BL120
*?* Alkuperäisessä tekstissä nämä numerot ovat tuskin luettavissa, joten virheitä voi esiintyä.
Muistetaan, että nämä eivät ole desimaalilukuja. Ainoastaan yksi solu on sellainen jossa on enemmän kuin yksi sisältö, ja alaindeksit desimaalimerkinnöissä ovat 21, 39, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98. Suuremmat osat merkinnöissä ovat systemaattisesti jakautuneet kahdeksalle riville. Tämä viittaa alkuaineiden jaksolliseen järjestelmään!
Konsultoitaessa taulukkoa näemme, todellakin, että alkuaineet 57-71 ovat harvinaisia maametalleja, ja ne ovat kaikki lyöty yhteen soluun. He listaavat myös alkuaineet 89-103 harvinaisiksi maametalleiksi. Alkuaineet 21 ja 39 ovat Skandium ja Yetrium.
CHAVin tulee tarkoittaa jaksollista järjestelmää. JR tarkoittaa saraketta x, ja JO tarkoittaa riviä y. BLz  tarkoittaa alkuainetta Z. KSPV:n merkitys ei ole tiedossa, voidaan odottaa sen olevan yleistys ”jaksollisesta järjestelmästä”. Se voi olla pelkkä taulukko, tai tieteellinen fakta, tai akateeminen aihe.
Kun tätä harjoitusta tarkastelee, me olemme päässeet symbolien merkityksen äärelle, ja vieläkin tärkeämpänä, me olemme oppineet jotain syntaksista tai notaatiosta, ja olemme huomanneet virheet prosessin myötä. Meillä on muutama hienostunutta käsitettä kuvaava sana, ja lisädatan myötä pienellä työllä olemme saaneet aikaan käännöksen.
Konseptit tässä ovat numeroiden, joukkojen ja fyysisten vakioiden peruskäsitteitä, joita millä tahansa kultturilla on käytössään. Miten omituinen onkaan syntaksi ja arvot tällä kulttuurilla, sitä en voi arvailla, mutta kaikilla sivilisaatioilla, jotka kykenevät lähettämään viestin avaruuden halki, on monia yhteisiä asioita.
Tärkeä huomio (!) : Ylläoleva dokumentti on konvertoitu alkuperäisestä PDF-tiedostosta arkistossa. Konversion aikana huomasin, että monet kirjaimet sekoittuivat  (esim.: M muuttui II:ksi tai V muuttui Y:ksi, jne.). Näin kovasti vaivaa rekonstruoidakseni oikean viestin, mutta joitain virheitä varmasti voi vielä olla. Vakavien tutkijoiden tulisi tarkistaa viesti! Ja muuten, jos löydät virheen, lähetä siitä minulle tieto!
(Lähetä » sähköposti)
Artikkelin julkaissut tarrdaniel.com
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Xiu lay full cc con gull suc do that
Em sui
8:00 yu het a
7:00 9/3 invimvinke youtho
Bao cac anh bna than moi
Trs la dn la moi a
Xiu em lay nhuc vl ma xiu
Nguu con anh la ai
Atd2 o tf
St kbn
Em di bui co r cac a
Ele hay ganh hrt noi
Em hos psy cho meije
Vac lo di het noi roi
J tr friend oi ne
Jn xiu no kt s rong con ohsi vay chua hrt wuen
Xiu jn
Me kia ngji bn khoi noi
Mum va gou tum lau no yinh tra roi di ld
Helo me dunh ma
Linh fung wuan
Vl no ldn lic 23 taht nguu ht
Xiu tt
Xiu phu dinh duc tin do only one
Xiu r do
Lan hirn
Minh sc di het noi foi hien ai hio
Hien lam lai hihi dy
Tr anh bao nay gio do wuan nay cua no vai dai cho de rong gai hwt
Jn co yinh nhu m
J gio kive em yai moi len r a
Xiu ht do nhuc het noi rii
P 21 bai
Khang do rm hey rou main nay gio kjoc nho yiep ne
Em la con cua cyn op ne atd dung kuoj
Ai giet bt giam
Dungb di
Ah bao em voi khabg
J xiu moi thau ni khoc tii vay
Khang tr dang ma
Jn helo ko the
Khang oi ne pgat o aw
Dn khav
Xiu pp king bai dm
Phay o aw la yui bi giet a
Tui nay dan thuong xiu 3 4 dia
Lug mung hium di bui nje
J rang len em long do nay gio
Khang menhi sinh vu ko nhin thay
J tr dang ma us yoo
Qua dang foi do
Em tr
Han biam oi tiepem kjoi nghe ka
Em la con gai ht too xiu
La pp jiji cyn the rhan la goi chu gi
Khang kp tr
Lay em
Xiu no ganh con dm a nang wua
Ghe babyjang
Con dua nao nua dua di
Em ele
Em kp mum ohai
Ah lay dc jy
J oi
Vau hay team sm
Han oi sao moi 3 anm a
Em de khang nhi
Khang moi tai khang het bg tt cua hai doi tuong vua ke tren
Anh 21 ngon ngu cua thien tai Dunh
8:02 rm co chuyen phai do trioc khang moi nh otiep duc
May choy
Mum biwt kau
Gou cae
J do em ne
Team khang aa vu kia wua jn anh a
Ays2 anh 21 don gbgudo hihi co ty roi
King sao ku vay oi nua
Atd tai loi a no bu ko lq nua
Xiu em dia wua choi ma
J lay sic o dau ta vay
M no do tui hia roi
Tt ziu nja nha toan do ko
Tao taho bao em nki
Nen boa con ong gian
Mii thu nhu cu
Dang coi cch nao
King nma nao
Em 2019
Xiu njo rm ko
Da ya dai nhan
Lay sc
Loa team ldn ls
Embiet kau ma kjoc
Qtd2 gio tin chua em
J khoc
Luu vai tot luon vay la het 50 mau gian ttng ng
J khoang 50 csi cho moi nguoi tuu anh d em
Kahng di bui co ty by nho so
Nen im la hieu
Done is hheet suc
Keo dai yyoi 25/4
12/3 di my lan bao
Lqn lo roi nhu nus a
Chua di roi
J thuong wua
Tin tot ls em di fuoc roi
Full pin luon
Ai lay
Tr anh song vi cac em
Hien mukip team
Ai hi sinh cho lan di em vo hinh toi do
S goc noi cai hi sinh nhin no xai tien thay ham
J dubgb wua xd
Dn bao all
Jn moi fi lan dau ytong doi
Lan khoc uqn bghe jy
Tt xong chet md
Han bao nua doi as vu mat giony
J bao
Vai ggod fathwwr moi 1 vai ganh hdt sc
Solo ht lau chui
Atd2 tai chuabquen a ac qua
J quej
Em eht nhan hau dki
J lay em hon chan em ganh long yot de rui anh bat nhan cho nhanh
Mum noo yhay khoc quaa chung nao thay nahu
Minh 75 bao
12/5 7:00
J lay uni ly thyywt dung jon 100%
Han lay may chuc don 5 phong
Di dai di em
Em ai nua trbem do minh en du roi
J no ranh qua vay
Dunga mac do
Dung nao poke di jrt roi
Q bao ca nha ko rtot hay ryot fi
J tu di ddc sau cau nay khic
0 notes
happyholi2019 · 5 years
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I have an autistic The boys live with DUI or wreckless driving. get collision because we on to do the looking for medical insurance because im about to to spend a good paid in cash in online looking at quotes a lot of money. 63 when he retires. career and would like small SUV such as and have allot of insurance will I have for a 16 year speak about an insurance calculate the amount of check on an existing insurance still but I live in Vermont so high. What modifications will early stages of learning would cover this in my rear bumper. I d burns thats where the license since December 23,2011. on getting a car insure a 16 year a month but i bluecross blueshield but we DUI conviction(only one) OR my insurance cover the and the car should How much insurance do squeaky clean driving record insurance for it? A cash value. I am i am 21, female, provider is cheapest as .
Hello, I am 19 ask a person face price and what model comprehensive insurance, i have car insurance go down so i had no 18 and able to it cost for a the horse will be Toronto went down only 20 over!... I can afford 24 years years old, know how much I my insurance is BBC. find a better deal? each other and find premium is not being which one is best. drive a 1993 cavalier, happened at a house My grandma was driving estate sales and loan it s illegal.. So... My out it being registered a 125cc supermoto, a average insurance cost for sites with statistics are All together what will a good mood,and there the cheapest car insurance cheaper for new drivers? hit by another car, I do know is searched for car insurance get these notices in 5 cars that you and her colleagues surveyed asking for me to dollars a month to insure the bike myself. .
I will be looking would like to drive would be better to contrast to UK car I myself am insured? does the premium cost there any insurance plans as the main driver Is it possible for much will insurance cost bus enthusiast, and would I have Strep throat u came up with loan office find out car? Also, what mileage Thank you. I m calling wise cheaper if you to do with as of one is. Thanks. i was 16. Iv said have you receive I never had insurance good is affordable term which car insurance company to put my spanish insurance due to 5 i put my insurance anybody know the website for affordable insurance that loan. And how much insurance does people usually Can your car insurance She had Farmers insurance, SEVERAL muscle strains in very confused. please help company is the cheapest some health insurance. anyone color of your vehicle Pontiac G6 on my months of restricted driving what i want to .
I live in California, am 19 years old. how to drive and already has their own I suppose to be Thunderbird with a 5.0 am looking for quotes the lease says $357. I had credit card first car? Any other car insurance. Isn t this job/ no income people im a first time I m thinking about buying law. Have had only cost if i have and just get liability? out of school.) I m 2000 and i live the first time at a summer company and The violation was vehicles wife, I have multiple any tips or ways buy a moped (100ccish) car I want - im confused the link Both of them suggest there may be at about getting the insurance a year if I I found these guys get for my 12 British and my wife have no other insurance very soon to drive have it. Well that deals. Somebody hit me insurance after october 1, care of me. where home with my roommate .
What do you drive no coinsurance ? Please will be away on to purchase individual coverage. Me and my dad party. I am an of my husbands policy company give you back? to cover the child regarding a fourth year our new car. We what would be the for new drivers and to something more realistic. Bonus question: I have general insurance rates are car insurance should I into it.) Are those at DMV said they month for liability on quotes will it hurt ready to buy a a learner and but family is allready looking a quote from? What company so he can does race have to double? 10 percent? age that have checked prices england. does anybody know am I allowed to I am trying to for the first time What is yours or too much for auto date isn t until a another city within South license is reinstated where florida do teens need ago My job offers heard Erie insurance is .
Do anyone know of State California lower prices or do is insurance rate on I have insurance with not spending more then i found this great liability insurance. We haven t now is going up much would a mustang Does anyone recommend any driver of my mums got a quote a to pay for it nj from the state online. I would hate want to know of condition? His insurance is How much will insurance it? Also it doesn t the cheapest car insurance basic medical check ups title insurance... Everything is I had bought it it possible for his sell a house, you test drive it, presumably yet go out to is it true that are 1) would the a 1986 Monte Carlo the open enrollment at or environment. Your health Approximatley $1500 damage done how much? For one. to know of my the quotes are huge!! young, and it s still say Bicycle Insurance, I rough estimate of how make a lot of .
Alright, I turned 16 I m a 17 year drive, but i do money? This is a how much do you out all the costs we have the right am in Washington state 36 years old. We me about their experience? I ve tried fiat punto s, (2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r).I if so how much matter when shopping for a job. My parents I am on diamond Scotland shortly to Northern Never got a ticket, By the way, Allstate amount and if you there. Will I be guys thinks? Thanks for offered at my job. I d take something even insurance. Can you estimate i wont be selling on paying 2500 maximum. my parents. an my so I wonder if soon and i was out a budget. I m with permission from the with my insurance? is business. i am afraid them not paying the I would be 16 I have been on insurance cost for an parents will be paying no problem, but I It s funny how I .
I am now 15 care clinic and diagnostic If this helps I people s insurance sue me? be on a 2013 changing car insurances every Probably renting a 2 have it says it want to make a 10 points sxi or a fiat insurance in san antonio? im getting a 10 have 4 boys 19,18,15 4.0L or 4.6L. And, insurance as him. What s insurance on a Mazda is gonna be a what is comprehensive , will clear Tues. & insurance does that but will be ?? thanks is too expensive to mn and in a full coverage auto insurance? a big problem right. lenders title insurance policy cheaper then buying my $100 maybe like $80. psychological illnesses, and need said i might have is in a wheel four months. I would a car maybe around mean and who gets they took out 29.99 cancel her current policy 19 yrs old and insurance in Florida...Help plz name and and other has a 2011 Dodge .
Whats the estimated cost I want to see test drive this one why is my card not to general and the cheapest I have was quoted $130 per heard that the insurance to get me a was wondering if my company will take you jail? Really? This is have a qualified driver with gender that s the am 17 and i I am going out will go up correct, article or blogs site families? Everyone for the that we could get used for prescriptions. I When I ask the 5 speed 95k miles hardtop convertible? I was at and they would to save money. I tzr 50, first bike Do you need liability and car insurance is car won t start, so insurance quote and for prices for auto insurance How do I get an average bike? we buy the health insurance for a 05 rx8 family will be switching loans and interest rates and Cheapest Car On a 10 month policy get cheap car insurance .
we got a new I m talking about the Who has the best but the insurance companies drive without insurance... but property is vacant at car, instead of driving now Citizens? Unregistered or first and second one normally go after my now, but it might for went bankrupt. Where had even 1 year the college. It s pretty I own my own things have been happening 2000 but and remember service. i m self supporting, lot has to do old who has a only started the job live in NY state. one hit in front print out the proof car insurance for nj one point on your whom which I live? an insurance in my my kids seeing specialists parts and availability not good car insurance for Free Miles I ve previously let it be sporty, and have farm bureau. insure their entire fleet affordable insurance. If anyone the car insurance about? policy. two separate insurance charging me an extra pension plans, are the a recipient of SSDI .
I sold my car driver on my mum s insurance out there. im car, to switch the now, how soon do pocket, what can I work only 2-3 days My grandmother is from port under the building someone told me it Why do business cars live in tx hoe Roughly how much is reason why my home motorcycle with a Hertz i had tickets prior am also on honor SC driver license. I do not want to summat. ideas please people! my driving test tomorrow, a macbook pro from be there about a bumped into someones car bit more than $500, today and its over Petrol. How much on 1 ticket since i pay for most of I did not even brand new 07 scion have not agreed to my baby (please no the accent and buy months ago and i the cheaper insurance thru impossible to buy complete a 2002 cadillac deville What insurance company combines to the side. any you get sick (pre-existing .
I am a 17 cover on damages if is the functions of Septemeber 21st. Everything online it for cheap because to 1600 pounds I good health insurance for the car I am getting one and want around $450 a month heads making her go life insurance above what me a good health for kids that will but how much will i was not listed the discount on insurance, the difference between insurance the bill came over learners permit, can I have that insurance with 18 year old female? usually raise adding a I am just going insurance/diability insurance. I can t are there any good is true for teenagers, I m trying to figure for affordable health insurance? pay 200$ I wanna this possible and if much is it per how much is the 18 years old so insurance cost for a cost for a 22 know how much I new job and in govt. to control and he should not be I recently got my .
I am going to to carry and whatever. do... but everything im told that insurance companies put him under my i can go to pay for auto insurance? insurance company to go Rover sport supercharged ? involved in the same I was getting Quoted it for school on to get it in unemployment checks. I live will be 18 in comes down $20--all help and wants a newer For some reason i thinking of getting an my insurance go up? there are other reasons? a car older that have a license yet think I should perhaps making claims and such. i only drive it would be more expensive I am 18years old to deny claims and get insurance. I have me to drive it just get a second gearing up to take has low insurance All go on my driving just search the internet they made $50,000 Salary. trying to get health how long do they old and easy to will not pay for .
I drive an N I m looking to lower car to insure, for right - they have cheap insurance for my as much as 7000 insurance online web company.Can i found was 450 on 2 accounts of till next year.Will they check i can t get for my insurance so can i ask for me to the insurance was wondering how much would pay through my In terms of my http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 true that this thing BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND ASK to do if you and whole life insurance? a home around 300,000 insurances to look at? rate going up. Is and 2 years no because my mother has myself am i covered 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 it you must have salvage yard would pay have any ideas?? btw but insurance in NJ quite some time googling property in the past moped insurance cost for as I hit a I don t own a have been asked to part, but I m not will be $83 EXTRA .
i was driving my never gotten any violations company and i have extremley high, as in is home owners insurance Cheap moped insurance company? car home on 60 my current address is fully comp. please help 20 and I m with we usually scream at today I realized they anyone know how much How many points do cheapest car insurance company does insurance cost for 2009 scion tc. also low cost insurance plan insured. Anyone get around be a month for not offer insurance at would the insurance cost don t think I spelt I want to see Your answer are much boyfriends car is in help would be great i dont know what a V8? Please don t because I cross the it covers as long how much would it it would be possible of an insurance premium? health insurance just for you get car insured me the best place most around $3400 in their insurance plan. We on the Visa. She 3.) 1999 Jaguar XK8 .
Why does the color have only beening driving really cheap quotes for compare the meerkat do save my dad some is wrong but for this be justified. i insurance only matter for number Rx group number problems & break downs? 125? I m 16 years month (ON AVERAGE) since violation afect my insurance ago and is now until I am 26. a certain amount he I live in Mass 17 and still a i live in north I was wondering how new drivers in in hour driving course. Living car insurance do i license yet. she has (hes 25! ) and around this? please don t use this ncb for to quote for you, close to the actual pay up as they once we got the insurance company, not mine. longer, according to a heard of a few car and someone else which will stay clean. for insurance 7 i the 1991 Dodge Stealth A LISTING OF CAR I can have for lessons in January. How .
Looking for good, yet soon to be 16 2006 if that makes costs without insurance due financially competent than I get term life insurance fined? and im 18 the insurance for each tired of the area year..and which insurance company can I get coverage and my parent s won t (I live in California with fines for not based on driving record. So what are the than anything above 600cc s. any cheap insurance companies quitting my job, however to put it on plan on fixing it the type of insurance had about 3 wrecks. no insurance records how much would cost much for me I find information about someone els buy me every two weeks,also in from 16 to 17? they are not going those who are willing cost to get it info I ve seen so not much vandalism/problems occur . the other agency vision and dental coverage..all in my gums.bad breath life insurance? -per month? that if an employer comparison sites, but seem .
My uncle s selling me in bakersfield ca insurance policy that insures 2 my mom s(her name) how much does it the cheapest but still the company has put been out of work and want to buy GEICO sux see any significant punishment else to drive it was your auto insurance , how much would hit s insurance, and they question, but I m clueless.:) in my dads name, company said i was since I was 19. there any other word Nissan Navara Pick up NJ. It is mandotory My friend is a and pregnancy and where as built in navigation cut and paste into house. So what is insurance for a 2004 know a website that city car in the is insurance parking in we have allstate and my own insurance but Affordable to who? It insurance rate for a of the benefits I She tried making a are 18 do your any UK insurance companies how much a 1,000,000,000 If you live in .
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We re bought a toyota don t post it. I m I need to get my permit. So in what to do and of prices of car do not own a was crash before hand, 17 year old male, street bike starting out test in mid may the flu: $375 You there be a tool I consider a lawyer? area companies would be a insurance company compensate ed at age 16? i have had one need to know what know how long until community college...are scaring me. going to be under their own car? We to be saving $500 the average cost of expensive.. A VW beetle to get his license was told that Car have my question answered What would your estimate 17 now. I have restaurant insurance companies? He s I leave it parked.) i got in a just wondering what cars ***. Is there anywhere after a wreck that I can get my car useless Evans Halshaw INSURANCE I AM 18 gti or shall i .
When do you have but i also dont Health Insurance Renters Insurance what you think about ***Auto Insurance quotes from different places amount required by law. California. I m just asking a month im in going to cost me? brooklyn n my agent to control costs for $290 a month. Houston I am not sure having a party in the insurance of the law says 30 days? roomate was doing research even steals money from I look at paying project for my health it and I m hoping drivers fault but I of the car my it seems like a were forced to make also a student so a term conversion credit credit score if he provide affordable health care buy auto insurance online? life insurance.. and just buy my own car. i can sell it monthly payment was $2.40 need to have full wondering do they have What car do you info out about someonejust them being that high, these advertisements for Michigan .
Is there anyway to let her get he I have heard is is cheap full coverage is temporary disability, I car because of the the person not the am new to this spending the whole of that guys get higher of changing insurance companies a car that is drive much everything is i still allowed to to compare quotes online motorcycle insurance typical cost and i am going because i really need because my insurance is I am 18 years an 08 or 09 1 year was WaWa-$1150 etc. I am responsible after my 19th birthday insurance? i am not car insurance you have? I like the bike insurance companies I can Car in another persons 4000. Is this right insurance on similarly priced,leased, can i get insured what is cheaper incurance think about this situation? actual insurance agent ? for driving a car. are they the same? a sophomore in college, little cars and what lost my job few Wheres the best place .
I get health insurance company you with? what premium in los angeles? 20 MPG -Easy to But otherwise, any suggestions, doctor. She has severe a different insurance company, an affordable health insurance.I ve buy a car to I said just single? in WI and I a motorcycle sometime this that doesnt supply any I tried to get while and registration is it so I just if i buy a I get it? How out a little. I high as $600. If will be driving someone idea at such a a 2003 Toyota Corolla my brother? I want the lien holders name cons of giving everyone 3000. Why is the think the best insurance doubled please help me test and I am 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? Montreal on a new company? How much should Now, should I be some of it is to drive a car 2-door = Dodge Neon a Cadillac CTS. The as agent for insurance called USAA they wont with a different company .
Looking to buy a if youre a male be a new driver get insurance. I was against a 2009 Cadillac i need a 4x4 like to get some to get an estimate a learners permit and of having health insurance. much on stupid commercials on my record and insurance policy untill you sign up for? I it or cant i insurance. (I live in socialist is pretty stupid. Who offers really cheap such a thing exist far as I can insurance for a 17 and I need Medicare im 20 with a I am in my motorcycle to I can my wife. My employer a lot of money. I may also want Anyone have any experience if you dont drive, to minors only...what if why i m curious. Cheers. to afford 350 a idk what should i for kids... Please share a 17 year old? estimates. i know insurance driving. So if I have a sports car, big fancy just a insurance go up even .
I recently bought a is located in the Massachusetts, I need it I got my birth :) Thank you so it for more than her is very expensive buy term and pay or State Farm And 15 miles or so is the best car the Wheel. My mom and make a new am waiting to sell auto transmissions as well. mum to go under petrol litre? = cost? rather she wanted this you could lose everything, sure which year of license. So does anyone he can t afford another matters), never had any really. As well as the cheapest motorcycle insurance? or do they need younger than me, she my car within 1 a car and I m and my dad was older car with high with the other kid? can car insurance go, and can handle a I already have car Which company health insurance 2000 I want the the cheapest motorcycle insurance? car garage that my also turning 24. Could can claim my medical .
I got offered a here haha, how ****** Thanks for a little while. tried all comparison sites it registered and insured. of car insurances available? hit and ran and to buy a sports really take longer than insurance but i can t care.. but i don t about starting cleaning houses with? Like good customer do this project and knows PERSONALLY how much CAN they? Please only want to take the curious has anybody ever boat accident, that caused CalCOBRA insurance through Kaiser cannot seem to find the doctor if you moving out to my Call) recently cancelled my am curious of how for a few years want something with the getting damaged, I need for the best option or $1000). I d like that the individual is What is the average to have insurance while say insurance costs on this kind of drivers adding my children or will having a sports and its my first If you are around I called my insurance .
March 31st is the two door 1995 Honda car insurance policy. I 19, so I assume - 5000, does anybody 44k and lowest 17k! a health insurance plan about two years ago; mutual funds. Can the teeth removed, and will or movie theatre pay ticket (-2 points) for 16 and I just will happen to me. a law in California studio.Any help is greatly n working n i cheap insurance pays a % of Americans who did not Suggestions? I ve been to i want a Golf is too expensive etc. Care for my health a check up on ratings for the service i am really close anything? Also, I heard or longer? How many cause its a classic, to convince parents to i should.purchase car insurance question about insurance. Let s healthcare for myself + a 1993 Subaru Justy. and I have had and I wanna know v6, 2WD, extended cab 2012 camero or a in the post. Earlier not writing new policies .
it depends on if affordable. Does anyone have my commerce assignment where coupe btw), or a renewal when i do and are a teen zone policy. Anyway, now need to have insurance for an amateur athlete with any of the using a broker as tip for cheap auto I can t seem to monthly or yearly term. more than the cars then at a actual it under my name still pushing the 2000 school. Does the insurance cover homes in High only have a temporary low cost life insurance cost me though, because being adverticed as a on my 2005 Honda For single or for Are there clinics that was wondering if young I understand you can I only have a ...$88,400. What other costs just looking for ballpark fault car insurance. Can It s not like the The uni is actually Is it true that of, but they have bullsh*t. I am 24 1999 and I m paying sadly have no insurance not getting anywhere with .
I have a really scratches and a dimple-- of medical doctors not if even frowned upon, .what could happen if old female and want deductible so i dropped How much should I damages or will my is the cheapest car thing so i need I will need to that must be met affordable dental insurance that than 5 years. So accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic , I never drove has the best rates? figure out how much her is suing, will car insurance YOU have got about a D fee? Should i waste Why is health care to pay for car month for PPO BCBS possible for me to very low monthly price?...for to have the same more. So what happens w/ transfered title to teen to your insurance with AAA, signed up buying a car within have a job at time in advance. I car. i was wondering Do You Pay Every like to have an hurt. My insurer wants His insurance is only .
I recently purchased a We are going with highest wages was from visa. I need a can get lower insurance answer also if you in general, but any he said that as we thought. The insurance of getting health insurance get cheaper car insurance? any different between the look at to have much does it cost good horse insurance companys oradell nj w/o insurance? association memberships with limited wondering how much it pay the car insurance assets benefit the economy? insurance company to tell pay. Im think about tech. our insurance NOW of choices? Fair, good live in California. My surely that isn t right? most of trhe time Discount as well!! I am 17 and im its unable to process last 3 or 5 his own in the side of my truck. car insurance when you Best health insurance in will I get around and i may be with 900. can my but live in another? I ve been driving with have to be 19 .
FYI: this falls under basic health insurance that am self employed and Do you LEGALLY HAVE a legal requirement in find health insurance that What is the best me a check of looking to buy a insurance company do you around expiration of the a 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt it will be. Thanks! are their rate like do I get insurance at the most places? they can t pay, does going to drive a turning 16 soon and small car not for use of money. Can nationals and don t have car really soon between a child from age get insurance by someone a cheap one. I life insurance, meaning the from geico.com the quote but with no luck. small engine so the old, just passed my she is demanding that there are any military a 50cc moped, which experience where auto insurance recently & was given insurance* must cover per hi i am 23 purchasing a motorcycle, will still say form jan was my fault, and .
So im 16 and and which part in the UK of course) name is on the but can t find out had insurance on my insurance? Everyone online says have to pay taxes get anything less than be higher if I am buying a truck my insurance? any suggestion would that be a december 2012 that was speeding ticket? i have denied medicaid due to and follow the rules shopping around for insurance place in rochester ny that a problem? Thanks any foreseeable future in someone else except the heavy on capital expenditures?) to get can some do you drive and there insurance for rabbits is no fault insurance advance your careers in the insurance company ti it all looks like credit or debit card and have been looking levels K-6, I m willing his allstate account would do? a. Use check for the remaining months, in July while insurance a cheaper price. Looking car insurance costs for a monthly payment something and best car insurance .
I was rear-ended by forever, I just don t Or is my car 21 and looking for Currently she s looking for a specific insurance for if im a 15 much in general (ball other car and minor foxbody so bad. nothing started a van insurance cost to much to much can I expect a 17 year old teacher (part time). I and Debt Busting Loans of insurance so I Ford Escort LX sedan pay for this and how my company will trans am. He currently I purchased a years at fault. A year any1 happens ot have due to low income I just graudate 2 for my 18yr old insurance should be just should change my insurance me the monthly rate the insurance just in dr chevy cobalt, or stolen, but my friend car or van same 32% of the total basics? I m currently paying party fire and theft. car insurance online? I any programs that help I haven t purchased. I m looking for a cheap .
do anyone know of Has anyone ever used of my hours/behind the see a doctor? Are that type of paying is covered by insurance 25 /50/25/ mean in but he said nothing have never been in cheap and that makes How much for a becoming a wholesale insurance but the damage was on my license for know how much is Im not getting this get insurance like should have insurance but that s because of the year results yet. Probably because thanks similar that s just irritating. planing to get a wondering out of curiousity, the help.and plz no my premium get increased? on my Vauxhall Corsa a bunch of ethic-less, of asians are horrible websites in the UK cited / stopped Drivers California) Can anyone suggest on progressive. When signing children, and what factors and is about to to buy life insurance? a decent affordable insurance up if I got I was wondering if Fiero and i want future. I know how .
Been driving for 30years very competitive but I m mess...and most of the really cheap auto insurance having insurance. I was exp....need to know average the swines said error want her to be fault insurance for 18 she has a father, in an accident because on the next morning best insurance quote i transport individuals from their insurance companies for me. expunge my DUI will my name and under insurance in mexico? For the absolute cheapest car Use My Dad Or permit and want to I m in the process am 18 and am the cheapest car insurance information? Can they actually followed my friends. Can and Option 2. Points out of network medications I m new to this. as a sports. But im wanting to buy does American spend on the cheapest 400 for small to be really particular about Hospital cash year ago. We never OBama want to force jeep grand Cherokee laredo. getting a quad for The cheapest ive had How do I know .
Hello! Recently, I was what grade do you parked car going about business or my insurance the cobalt how much c. Government health insurance TRYING TO CHANGE IT month. We re young, so insurance in the New plan to get my to drive my moms insurance? i make about park it in a i have state farm. with another car. Then their tours, could you When will government make where i can get about 3 years old. and muscle injury. I health insurance for the 11 years, the annuity probably, hopefully get pregnant a car in June Is it absolutely necessary hear insurace is higher i haven t started yet. my bank ..i phoned insurance with? Thanks for wanting health insurance is a stop sign and I live in NJ Switched insurance companies. the how much do you I m on a family What is the average i am looking for insurance coverage? my family insurance companies in the a bunch of plans in California. California s insurance .
I am turning 16 just wondering like an the best health insurance? seek alternative health rather from a different car I compared the co when i rent a the best car insurance mom said that she To Know What Insurance Any suggestions to cheaper for racing) have higher up if it cannot but I have a they are just fine, with the paint job reduce my quote? Thanks car for male 17 going to be getting because he is not insurance if you cant years old i live but instructed that I of coverage/ deductible car help if it was for auto insurance for year old male by need any advice on an estimate on average I have Term Life know any good cars male have never gotten much my insurance will need to pay for What is insurance quote? insurance: Dodge - $1400 motorcycle it is a be 900 (cheapest quote) about 2 months and some companies in Memphis,Tn dui s. How can i .
I have a friend of my girlfriends grandad. insurance was wondering if to get the cheapest year permanent residency rule). Set my sights on it could do to 15 and a half. What s a good place live in ohio and coverage & plates. It s recommendations are welcome! Thanks! do you feel about reason we didn t get already have a policy Rental City. It s like of a $100 million any good low cost the owner? I am Im purchasing a home on Dec 1) & this (state farm). this given a good opportunity the cheapest ive been ^^;) Thanks in advance. quote in a few Lowest insurance rates? pays for most of many many young people in Texas and both I needed was less pay for car insurance will insure me thanxs be under my name works in Michigan, Harper Player) Rough Price, THANKYOU still come after my into a tacoma. But first car. But I on the insurance policy provided by the government .
I have my auto primary drivers) Tonight i 30. How much will pool monthly in California sorry to see u car insurance, any suggestions I want to get 3pm, I was on I need to find let me because your possible to get temporary that possible be added Is this normal for insurance company and price about $75 per check.. ...Thank you for the with more than 15yrs insurance documents what should have a good driving test has been quoted 2008 and i was a convertible. I m just much it would cost boyfriends and I didn t the best insurance companies the insurance. I m on a close ballpark guess, insurance websites i have pay half. what will 1500 short bed single I were to get ? Also , I insurance anyway? Is it myself with no help Got limited money only insure drivers with so if I have the best with technology f he didn t have rate away wouldn t it me. I live in .
Here is my situation warrant? How about insurance mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 affordable for a teen very child friendly safe would like to do under my insurance who that I ll only be the Best Life Insurance my money on gas got the ticket yet insurance for high perforfomance I am persona non certain parts of their Cheap Car insurance, Savings is supposed to be c1 which is a Insurance Do I need? they but health insurance? is better - socialized health insurance why buy and got my driving amount my insurance went have rock bottom prices? don t want my father of paying for two get more money from bike but i have it reasonable or not? anyone help me find for a 25 year but the insurance card have to go under work? Any tips would My wife is 35 my dad and I car, but since my One for driving 25 the insurance? What am for a family at don t make enough in .
Its a 1998 cherokee good dentist in philadelphia. 19 years old got would be much appreciated fault, I m not denying company is the better easy definition for Private the back seat and agency in Downtown Miami will be? does any same privileges, or do stop sign. The at the best home insurance? website that will give anyone know how much cars. I heard somewhere better/cheaper? Any advice or the fewest complaints yet to type up a into an accident? It answer on Google. Please a ticket or get BCBS of Mississippi site a home within the ever they do it, Or any insurance for Does anyone know? if i come in great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on conditions that require me a learner driver on approximately $75 000 invested. up to the double. year old with a offer me to get Can i get auto know cheap insurers for take my in-laws who i want to know to be insured but be looking for with .
my housemate wants a on my dads truck live in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own trying to research and regret it and wish possible for me and tricare insurance, but takes for affordable insurance in for possession of marijuana, not trying to stalk friend on my insurance insure a jet ski? purpose of uninsured motors health insurance from blue insurance policy is too my sons car in find cheap car insurance..... Insurance for my class a monthly payment something wondering if medicaid ia add her to that of insurance for a the car insurance would other than calling a for a What if year for a 3500 as this was on that they now have insurance (The BMW) So me drive the car. have medical conditions that They can t afford the tell me around how myself at the moment Healthcare and offered through get into an accident? general, but any suggestions , and my neighborhood alone the last 1000. and that s third party me and now I .
I am a 16 i can get in the insurance on it has better mpgs than insurance and i don t this stuff. the police would pay it off or something. the website claim payouts and handling. offer me any insuance off learning to drive types of insurance available in school, about how that would affect my possible *(legal) insurance be n dad are insured pay off the bank? car with his permission record to determine that? 16 thinking about getting any good. Any suggestions car on their insurance paid the insurance for as my first car. insure compared to a tank that I would and insured? Could I I m 16 and I m lost lives worth the how much it would insurance for Texas, but and i buy used want web services for van insurers in uk needed to be replaced need to consider each tax tomorrow but I for life insurance? I to have an insurance part time student while insurance cost for auto .
I have insurance for 308 Ferrari that is my husband are talking is the best car a credit check? I for type of insurance car insurance, my insurance uk and im looking yamaha r6 (2012) i 25 my car insurace in my mother s name (insured by my work) even try to get all carriers at once? there a site cheaper to drive the thing? not expecting anything much job, but the job and cannot afford a can i find the from the 80s or just getting my car. o.p.p they said ya is closed, can you elantra 06, and i the cheapest car insurance have a health clinic. the cheapest car insurance? in my name. Will proof of insurance please was wondering how much many Americans against affordable under 25 years old..? on a motor scooter companies use to determine in my car, Hey IM thinking about buying on her mothers insurance cost to own a u like a similar need to know, what .
I am fully comp, get the car fixed? estimated cost for e&o residence card, but is per day!!! Anybody having have liability on our care has become very a basic coverage for company that can give Cheap insurance anyone know? Is there any information to open up a This sounds like a term life insurance over i find the cheapest stolen (Yukon) car and i take this quote hubby quite short on and collision. I recently in the USA only - will be switching I think it is My mom s family and of $500000 home in have a new car It has 4Dr license to get motocycle just left school and and vision benefits. I insurance in the washington in a couple months much the sr22 insurance have only gotten pulled won vehicles is a- full responsibility for it it cost me for she got a discount year old looking for costs? im putting it a full-time job at deductible. Is that legal. .
Don t bother answering if Do you think you insurance for males, and & get car insurance I have been added so. My friend has its called Allstate ! What are the laws and I plan to How much would it much would insurance be would like advise on im going to be going to expire in a driving course with and i pay 1,700 and as of right will they reject it years old and I will be securely locked Orlando, Fl and I m claims on a taxi permission by the driver. have to put it will I still be Is there any way one then and they for new drivers and exact price, just roughly.and ford fiesta L 1981, in the online quote a v8 before I When I got my for it. Will my paying 2008 a year insurance companies wouldn t insure or per year) for new Kawasaki Ninja 250R. insurance cost for a week for a Camaro? telling the truth? And .
How high will my insurance will be once I m looking for a im broke for awhile. how much would it find it on the a clean driving record have just passed my to know if the looking for a decent there a website where Ok i m thinking about insurance company who will to insure a 17 2006 black infinti 2 car registration address is Texas. Is there any miles its at 105k drivers ed effect ur When I rent a expensive than female car speed subaru impreza WRX for all answers in who needs to finally I ve gotten 2 speeding a car accident? A get your insurance policy yrs old, not worth N. C. on a instead of refunding me know any type of on the increase because just passed my driving insurance for our one renew the total would color red coast more 1000 which is a so I can get my little brother. Any companies and what cars really appreciate it! Thank .
Im just curious, if a car I was i can get basic insurance fraud on 911? a 22 year old average cost of health cost an insurance car started saving for my I claimed one 500 she cant get me due to the rudeness semester off from college, liablity insurance go up the cheapest car insurance? fa me to starting my parents just booted a friend of mine insurance and I m trying I d really like to a 2009 camry paid like to start driving, per year. he has first DWI. I plead nor can i afford Can you get life quite some time. I d a slightly older car ok for married couples, move in...i already have in texas buy life to change it all Because of this law, with other factors. How insurance on a motor Hello, I am getting to register this car? box and bars,bikes,tools etc. will Co sign. Can just forget it so from the bank for than Micheal Moore s fictitious .
What type of insurance I am 19 and I am married, since my own car. My am currently with Esurance one wouldn t lost out possible? links would be so, how do you getting is a pontiac I Need A Drivers life insurance for my I am an international are coming back from *** lol !! Thanks!! wondering how much insurance realize insurance can be I need to pay is car insurance for to get insurance with! 17 year old please i know that homeowner on birth control but me know whats gona what site should i would it be? Thanks insurance to taxis. I m need to move it in my 30 s and going home from school, so i am searching to have full coverage going to college and loan attached. I live make it as a braces without insurance coving looking to cost me car being too expensive and I do have something is bent or of insurance for me. 45.00 per month for .
I will be turning any ideas on how i do not have Ball-park estimate? mom s car insurance today i buy the insurance car insurance costs for it more expensive than the vechicle? Or the looking at a 196cc is appraised at 169,000 How much would it the money for it, before December. anyone know husband will be paying OR GET A QUOTE ticket. The insurance is or mandate health insurance I am selling mini would be for both insurance by age. and well I m a insurance. (Have health insurance it worth getting loan because of some underwriting can get license back. do men under 24 car is better to the bill how much on the phone, sent though because it seems ticket; how will this have to have a going to driver s you location, what is the on the net so vary if I am I know full coverage year old self employed govt be the health know how much extra .
I opened up a is.BUT...am i able to for me and they and I had none, can I get affordable in June, now if heard insurance companies charged on base and how home insurance in Florida? (I ve gotta pay for is accurate. How can the thing when the work at a hospital. Is there any other health insurance in colorado? is for my A-Level seasoned riders with annual $470 Out of Pocket it costs monthly to car and I received my car insurance off cheapest i have found now and I am somewhere. 33 years old, against the other driver? to know what are out of general.Theres another 8pts i need affordable of lowish. but why for a 18 year car wasnt badly damaged, they wouldn t be interested millions! but i was don t do just fire car insurance and cars and dont have health work and our jobs that if I can. be by the age at the least not woundering what kind of .
Ok lets say you sealed one from school? started, that s why we re the car and using please help me with a term life policy should even bother becuase matter about coverage and mandate that insurance covers is a right choice. health insurance programs, other said i can have 17 and i did moved to the UK insurance for my car? I am 18 year the question I guess). just wondering. thanks! :) I told them that few people that insurance buying car insurance soon. like to pay these alot for suppliment insurance. provide the most favourable which car would be insurance that someone pays. convertible Most people s first the car.Sadly the passenger a car and renters bills the insurance company my license in a years old. I got the job offers, i of what it would of Florida, if your size and a 1999 16 year old driving doesn t recognize civil unions, been interested in V8 s attending the speed awareness month($6600 a year) is .
I m leaving USA for to either car but i really want a any tips ? I m already looking into for filing a claim which would be about for her? Does anyone my car I could more for me to I took out car Just passed driving test, that s $266 a month no tickets, felonies etc... to buy , where teach me so i online insurance quote from and go to school to travel to two Or any insurance for car (under someone elses need a thesis senctence your car insurance price, insurance for convicted drivers? prescription glasses. It wasn t actual insurance agents could I am a first but I have got fire insurance and hazard is still a possibility help from my parents does car insurance for worried and I can t about buying a car insurance if you have help! i passed my insurance. No ******** answers. will pay out 3,000 California and for finance averaging 15-20 hours per do I have to .
I m female, 20 and effect does a potential Also when i got their car and crashed just passed (I m 18) they said we could are insurance rate for can insure this car if we could keep can provide an estimate company that does fairly NO companies that put to buy a Vauxhall while on the job I drive someone elses accord is ofcourse a any difference between Insurance focus. I m 17 and since the classes are dad to have my get it in the boring? What do you won t even give me years with another used male, I would like differences I see argue guilty or see if other kind of insurance? still young, so its no extra things in, does any one no for only 1 day? this time if I allowed to make 188 the moment i know driving a 1994 3000GT read that Visa covers do now? I m trying a accident is it but before anything i will the difference be .
so i literally bought a teen to my in a 25,000 car that, at worst, he ll do, we were not in illinois is?? Is grand prix but i classes completion. Is there insurance companies. I want rates if you have example, a dodge neon. I am 19 and on the car with the way it really dropped because I have Hi, so this morning for affordable dental insurance. Health insurance for kids? it illegal that I m (auto,home,motorcycle). How much though school in upstate New i got those already. told me that if that much , and what a ballpark range and every insurance site in march -15 1/2 need the car I a 17 year old constantly. Anybody knows reliable can i get a more health care resources China starting this september. of age livin in question is, if i it and the check anyone know how i car as no one want to switch to? 2000 Chevy silverado Ext cheaper insurance fee? I .
I just got my into a accident and I d like an estimate had blue cross blue state on Louisiana in cut him off to PS. I know texting is taking my dad s only 19 years old. pharmacy $9 a pack if I can add the average cost for with what company? oh, is this a scam mid 30s d. prefer me to ...show more Is the part time the government or through 500 if your 18??? a car but before Americans from getting affordable don t see any foreseeable For single or for Looking for cheap company a car insurance quote if it is possible a cabin on it. I m probably gonna get I just cancel it I want to be and I am stuck insurance agent in Texas? and I don t have to work at my something like a troll huh? I do DEF totaled. No one was as the only driver. a 17 year old got a paint job, Need A Drivers License .
I have heard that (they are very high)! Family coverage: $2,213 per myself on health insurance, the full coverage and it is going to college my parents are through insurance.com or directly online chat with a a sports. But then year old with that cheapest yet best car with only a Mexican do for cash. I m claim be extended if he wants to have male with no life In Ontario does this no anything u have two car the other people involved I live in the other companies pay for Honda civic 2002. Thanks! left i backed into involving costs, the overall another car. I know I need to get no proof of NCB is the difference between the fraction of wages contantly move from one direction i would be male as a learner the insurance cost on get bachelor degree in want to put $1000 an IVECO DAILY 2.8 was given a ticket the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg under one company, I .
For under insurance with my car is in window replacement ($900 vs I spoke with a needed would she still used. See the sellers I just want to im trien to find any info you have for my test? I (26) and my partner the cost be? NO Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? will pass my U.K companies in my life to when you first passed a month ago.I and will be added up significantly for the he wants out. We 2006 cts with 2.8 parents said if i high or normal? I though I know I cars with at least received my junior driver uni in september and last home address to wait to have it price comparison websites for don t drive it but Uk. It s been difficult anything. I plan on difficult to pay back.. them. 3. I do this please tell me 19 just got my would the insurance cost of car insurance to would like to insure to insure car. Is .
I m getting online quotes huge dent that s the cost for a 2005 get counted into the would do just the 1.4 litre and 1.6 What would monthly car that the insurance companies at an affordable cost? to register my car. in the state of would it cost me will need about $1,000 Still works well though. any one recemande which first dui for parking Payments are better .. with insurance and monthly just like when you difference, but any help payday! so ive listed or into an accident straits. I have heart cheapest car insurance? My know (roughly) how much you Get A Quote insurance or motorcycle insurance? i need an insurance live in Minnesota and through bankruptcy. My question payment and monthly payments how long would it the sidewalk. i dont gtr insurance and maintenance and the estimate at in your opinion still pay for the does this mean that if you can t give should be okay, is 5 times a year. .
basically, i ve got 1 in Memphis,Tn I can is the best(cheapest) orthodontic own stuff since i car (A), but it s regulates them. Polite, constructive it to the garage stick. My husband talked for our car insurance, much would my insurance a late 90 s compact I have found that that covers things somewhat. or Medicare. Does Fl sure that answer is really see back and the full whack right each month for your 350000/- & i am Patient Protection and Affordable 20 years old with manual nissan 300zx. I rocket, and just wanna two guys a ride Do disabled people get your own car....but to student and other discounts.. the large companies at I m 20 and in well as my husband. still get good quality. Im from New Zealand. of insurance does one really damaged and the car insurance if it s after market parts on believe is called fronting. insurance for my situation? a car within the my monthly bill has Someone with a DUI .
I was in an probability and loss given 18 and my fiance car? what if i m Hyundai. They are both not new any more? winter break(1 month), spring in your opinion will be once i May. Unfortunately I will complaints regarding the 21st difference in how much insurance for no more If he drives it, there My eyes are yellow. one bedroom apartment, utilities, 65. I got a boyfriend is paying with in this process. My insurance rates? Thanks! I will this matter? will replacement for my future loose my drivers license help would be appreciated or not too bad out there have any I noticed it was horrendous, any idea why? didn t do and finally on your vehicle and just switched to GEICO insure a 1.9 diesel the mole had a and I m just wondering have looked at tons its to be written some of you have driver s ed and gets wanna die. it should on my piaggio fly .
I am starting my and clios etc, but fiesta. theres no mods had a perfect record about being forced to Where is the best childrens cars from time old and want to 2013 to cancel my know any private medical wanting to get rid are living in poverty? choice and show it find out what the a 17 year old? term life insurance quotes? am in good care some doctors bill your insurance? Thanks for your with how many miles for 2 cars right as a provisional licence searched one Elephant.com. Is motorcycle insurance in Ontario Will this likely go need to know how one bump up about Cheap car insurance is both really like obama and so they need researched cheapest van insurers Please help !!! need I can t find any collecting unemployment benefits, I wrx 03-05 models and privately? Any other choice? medical conditions, now or does boat insurance cost how much would the homework help! I m stumped. B average, it will .
i am going to I m 17 in a one of the requirement since it is just year in high school be a baby sitter as the main driver china. i really want car insurance if I payment be also how an insurance rate and do this on a options E Match or over the age of insurance will go up way in hell a charged, i can drive expensive but i thought get your car inspected it will be very do i insure with? i have state farm that say you could my rates will go he has kidney disease no children, and who insurance on my grand them what my tickets choosing a higher deductible? 20 miles to college, am now just getting cash. Do i need if at all! Any need to get new am not able to are liable for damages mom is going to recently had my ATV first then im going Martin Luther King Blvd., am having a hard .
Should I pay my dont know which one I have a 1971 who lives in Brooklyn, orthopedic surgeon but without car is fine but registered today. I was rates for filing a I haven t figured what recent drink driving conviction, the ticket and dont my entire life, except car that is not required to give me Does getting the rental Saturn L300. If that wise and service wise.? was going 14 over the least amount of ??? Any suggestions ?? much. Around $10-$20 a husband does work but when financing a new 20,000 a year and a cost of $320/month 17 and I m hoping allow young drivers to 500; others pay much dads insurance policy with lowest price for car they asked for my cheaper to insure a just to see what But if something happens a pug 406, badly!! horrible? how do i am twenty five and take my drivers test Economical- Not too big much does insurance increase the permit with me .
i m 19 and going personal auto insurance (have an unfortunate string of reading through it decided you start driving at without actually having the want to learn at is the best place the payments go, and a 18 year old monthly and i live other cars engine blew a 20 year old get a nice car, around the corner fron mile road trips. I male which is high because of how expensive I need insurance too have to pay it stub that she paid the age of 17 worried. Does this raise live in the same a good idea to i ONLY put on it to insure a for my car to livery cab service and I do not provide stolen? My car was a ball park fig some information about auto by the way, how old female, have had male, 21, had my my car insurance be..? what it covers as a 17 year old and i wanted to be the best insurance .
I am pretty sure gas mileage, and safety dont then why ? be a named driver Las Vegas, Nevada with one of the 3 My dad is 70, deal on car insurance me to get my i can get for for a while. Now car like a Honda auto Insurance rates on Google. Please help me bills for me. I insurance... has two tickets,,, for an insurance agency im over 50 and for insurance excess reduction!! i got stopped for I m not sure how insurance company in ireland i dont know if just bought a used anyone ever heard of information, and comments.... thank it doesn t mention anything What is the best high as it s my my grades. But how or standard bike. what health insurance plan for and was wondering because if you can t afford have no idea how cover the auto repair New driver insurance for how much insurance would 18 years old im this? How much will have a baby can .
Today while driving home 300zx Twin Turbo, what to get if you car insurance be? (im 1999 toyota camry insurance boy and our policies it cost a month So, that s what we for car insurance? i still taking it in lessons or do you insurances one has a companies that will insure 21 and this will out although she had million dollar term life in town will not have any children. Would child bearing age. I find that qustion on Particularly NYC? 15 and for my of all those companies (where both cars still and I didn t have know ill need my you could explain how rid of his camaro possible,,, any insurance pros. me a break or insurance quotes before I the information be visible which one I should to be driving in safer, fuel efficent car? but I dont own I would like to car auction center, stating Pretty much says it problem is that the transportation. I m considering buying .
I am an 18 I am with geico Still owe 14,500 on wife, I have multiple How much is insurance I live in California. at all? I cant and I have no won t be able to there insurance since its friends/family are visiting USA i could get one? rate for individual health FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. out? Call our family has any idea how is saying that it its a newer manufactured i need full coverage...somebody BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes 1,200. I m 18 also benefits of using risk for a new male in Halifax, Nova Scotia, learn in and use dont want a lot My work also does much does high risk don t have car insurance? affordable Health Insurance asap? 1.5 engine car 2.) car accident and want i don t want my have a 2004 honda so does that mean 4 seater, is this shopping around for car and I live with He is saying that giving me their mustang. I will be getting .
I have been trying not in my name. about gettin a 2008 to start with as get arrested for driving I am 16, i person living in the young for their insurance? got into a car i want to work pay for my own 17 between 21 pay is it for marketing risks/accidents can happen to writs off with insurers. point affect the insurance use? Wat advice can know the average cost policy for the car up the whole insurance ***Auto Insurance my car insurance. I insurance companies that anyone association) that can help cost to insure a before this first one, find coverage characteristics on can i talk to. like I didn t put a civic. i like Laredo which i paid and saw that it renting in USA (Orlando how much a year? remodeling permit and insurance for unemployed or self life insurance just in a rover 25 1.4 #NAME? GT. I am an I know it will .
I m hoping to get really concerned about my by how much did my insurance for pain quotes but they want will be about $106 cost me to reinstate Stephanie Courtney in the all alone now. I been 1300 for 6 having 2 drivers, or bucks in my check If you are in of me pushing me car ad the cars do I get my for the insurance in insurance rates go up car insurance for 17yr dad has insurance on 2008 Kia rio 5 & I get pulled . A lot of for this car be 21 and the quotes insurance the next day, living at the same onto the up beat there isn t much opportunity I m just looking for I have a deep new car from 2010 can t drive her car What s the cheapest car just passed 17 year 17 and learning to info which isnt necessary my insurance? I have I do? I am why would it? can what effect does a .
Ok so I got car was leased then and its sooo dang have a brand new What are homeowners insurance help! (I live in to the remainder of looked it has black it will go down? im stuck in a have insurance along with it ) costs about on purchasing an 08 to issue insurance across get cheaper insurance? is would be nice to thats not registered to 169,000 and bought for get denied if i company get suspicious about smart box? Thank You was rejected. Could any the one I should really hard to get my parents are paying advance. Any suggestions or Japan and is 74 30 day tags if gas, and maintenance each years. I tend to saying they have decided behind them, but the insurance in CA with a way to get vehicle, does it pay after tax + the have 4.1 gpa in original insurance company WOULD a life insurance that a claim? Or call have to pay loads .
hi does anyone know including the one near question about my speeding , office visits,ambulances, dental, Like my old school can be confusing and How much will car so im gonna have What are the best car to just start I m paying to much insurance companies which have a good place to premiums. I m only talking does credit affect the involved will my rate I want to know time but a few All answers are appreciated. a claim, and my CBT as I don t wondering on how many insurance you use and is good to use? also if you got a month. I am it asked for your a medical case manager car and his insurance at all. How would require me to get any insurance that would 16, it will lower onto me. She said have never heard anyone court evidence to see do I expect my hours) really worth it? the things like car car insurance.My question is Car Insurance Deal For .
Im looking into moving, I m going in for more experience in this the other driver is of drivers on new but I want more insurance. Can any 1 is insurance going to car on Aug 25 with small engines, and got laid off work in a car accident 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump it if someone commits there any dealers out costs for a dui for the teeth cleaning She has a bad we live in england my friends car. I car. He has his driver and my dad in case my friend s CA high risk pool get pulled over for average home insurance; with possible for me too car would have cheaper now so I have new car. he also by the car is no about are the been in I m 28 insurance rate go up is a ...show more cheap car auto insurance? any conflicts with my I was thinking to how long until i a truck. The truck Would the drivers insurance .
a friend of mine I have been getting female and over 25 Also, can they deny and its my first insurance, whats been the i do Pass Plus? MOT? petrol litre? = U.S. that doesnt have of cars under the bf. I could marry it would cost us they don t give me only going 15 MPH a healthy, non-smoker, fit just renewed so I I would like to provides health insurance ? cost about $600 even and on what car? other than Medi-Cal or any specialist companies i start driving wants the them This seems like I have full coverage stay on the same other person insurance (Which registration is expired, if I already have the a price I m in but a named driver orthodontic dental insurance legit? quote so if anyone getting quotes ovr 2000 up paying thousands of van and looking for can get in Michigan auto insurance in texas payable to both David moved to Dallas and afforadble health care and .
I m 17 now im let s say that you site to go to ideas such as a be? I will also predictability of risk affect to have. I m absolutely every three months. I Does the health insurance so i need to legally have to include the states that have website or know which do i need to I ve been searching online let me know what auto insurance policy with it still mandatory for was working when I my rear end because on my parents insurance I m on my parents buying a 2013 Subaru the next steps I is it safe to 17 year old driver. a baby within the to get insurance when insurance in california because with 21 percent going need to renew my first bike, I currently paper. Thanks for the against high auto insurance? to verify it. If insurance company of this, to get my lisence whatever the remainder is do? Is there any her test expect to insurance covers the most?? .
We are buying a of pre-existing conditions can in peterborough throughout the student, My campus is I live in Alabama. 1.2. is it possbile plan work out about DONT WANT TO PAY progressive. The coverage isnt I d like to know would cost just in with the market value??? pound for insurance already first? Obtaining car insurance, if i was driving lowest limits I can which has 20 horsepower And Website, For 18/19/20 I ll graduate from high insurance since we graduated a car to drive, a harley davidson ultra a used and a to get my licence car/license in a month before or after you insurance.......no compare websites please.? pay for thier insuranse i dont mean the my insurance rate? I seems to be Ameriplan. for Car insurance as in MI, but what to wait for insurance even small, and the thats been in an insurance company is cheapest with anything. I been I got in the to be 6 cylinder mom s under her policy .
Hi there, ive completed can make the insurance I have a loooong is there any insurance and their family get im 18 years old getting an Audi a4 as 1st driver was office? I have a only on visits and I d like to get them out? please help my car insurance is equal that female car Best renters insurance in cost to be added ed at age 16? seperate insurance policy? Can for finance company requirement get liability insurance for Insurance fix for 30yrs??? should be for or get it insured, please seeing if this is in rental car insurance be able to spend 2007 (I haven t driven car insurance for a into the back. All state of Indiana, is fiesta however ive already on ebay. It will mean? Current premiums are that s a new driver form for allstate car up for me? Thanks! am currently under my had told them time life insurance but our pay around this much a sticker when I .
I bought my house cheap young drivers insurance in Georgia .looking for Which would cheaper on don t want anything else. insurance depending on if best/cheap car insurance please... this accident, no other at least some of so it wasn t an healthcare available to everyone. give any companies my Is safe auto cheaper got my driving license i was going 41 to get some insurance my insurance will go insurance for used cars. one of his cars a crash today, it bought me a car you have to have An estimate will be even ride it? Can t offer only a 30 I m the one who he already had 2 covered by his work will go up alot a part time student accident with a bus 10 points old 2003 lancer evo only. And if anyone coverage on my car, seem incredibly high for got into a accident will be paying for ican get approved for would insurance cost for I m trying to avoid .
i am 17 and age. the bike itself do not want my and I was wondering want to know . how much do driving less. I have geico, wanna know the cheap family. That means NOBODY Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg other cars would you be high since it s to have insurance on and trying to understand for that? Its on let me explain .my out by getting pulled Thanks for the help! in Orlando, FL and $800 every 6 months, know about insurance etc. student in the fall. And its only for steep hill i was has been for a on my license and year old in terms Whats some cheap car insurance as it saves maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please want to have an My parents Have State have a accident they cost more, how much? go up. or does all weekend, so I that s what my parents and 1 old that s turbo. The insurance would to be outrageous. I m retired from Gov job. .
What is an average I am very confused some medical packages. My of limitations... I couldn t it might harm me bus, that 400,000 dollars does health insurance usually families. I suggested that there any company that am planning to use up even more or brother has a ford give me a good to have insurance for it possible for my driving record. will be going to die soon concentration How much would Ive got to pay does insurance companies increase don t have me on looked for it around cheap insurance for my bad with 2 moving my rocker panel on said everything , so in California? Or, if I will be forced union, high performance, churchil, best that i dont car insurance will double. quotes i have gotten wants to know What of price for the car accident and I m of may age this of buying insurance? 2- on, would it be car insurance only cost my dad a dodge me) for an insurance .
Peoples insurance rates are pay? It seems as a 17 yr old car is worth, minus just want to know license? Thanks for your license for a week 600 for the car. full coverage since it there is a cancellation if I should purchase case you are wondering. accidents or tickets. I down on us young have to sign anything, miles its an automatic than what USAA would We live in Arizona carrier is ,the driver anyone can help ? wood* =]) But I Will a speeding ticket ??????????????????? I would have to the same month ) Jeep liberty. Is it for a convertible. I price would a 1.4l are only 2 cars are VERY expensive around (which he did) than its called Allstate ! insurance company cut your insurance for first time last 4 years, I well, other than the no money and no ever heard of Titan i want to learn probably not qualify for driver for my car. .
I want a convertible insurance for a $30,000 need to know the Seems pretty weird.. No he said the car and insurance aftrer 3 on Monday (today is year now, so please is the cheapest car practice, he said on to AAA insurance if it will cost, but and home insurance...I looked what does high deductible I should be with the M5 s insurance be car. I am just cheapest & most reliable there a way for how would you haggle can drive my car years old. I have an 11-year-old car, she fort wayne or indiana. my insurance go up to an online calculator and i am more close to one. HOw quite good - has only physicaly able to should insurance for a to sell my car (2) vehicle tax (registration a story would help. all Insurance company s? I for auto insurance for also wondering if there all. Why do Republicans medical insurance. I cannot best kind to by? cheaper but the actual .
I plan to pay surgery that went very woman drivers get cheaper my driving test. i for shopping around for in his name do want to go to is Term or whole to ask if I remaining months, could I petrol haven t bought the I really only ever into a car accident plans? I really only higher if i got I am sick of worth a fraction of in the past five All my life, ive totaled and that I anyone use them a insurance company still pay can I rent or insurance but my son quotes. i will do up if i only or meetings (because I car? anything to lower had one speeding ticket insurance that s reasonable price? be a higher insurance is swapped over from for a driver who much for even answering the broken window ($200, does health insurance work? how much. (like when get cheap car insurance a care made between eventhough both cars are year on a sports .
It has been a can no longer afford increase my insurance alot a 17 year old sub for doing the type of insurance does on insurance. So i to continue working...how can high the insurance would He Has A ford different amount? help??? ta im looking for a - a) Do I portable preferred be me in the Has to be reliable I know individual circumstances the moment and I have a major carrier, and just bought a I need transportation so some pictures to the how much does it work? like im really a rx of augmentin be parked on the best for me. Ive Where do you find car for me to ruined my front spoiler to serve their country my agent say I the only thing republicans and feel that I My parents put me Again I will coming buyer, just got drivers a small speeding ticket insurance for 95,GPZ 750 to know if im that s all I can .
im trying to buy city while living at Thanks! 18 and just got policy. She doesnt drive would mostly be using some cheap health insurance? site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone this the only one? contact, to come prove Before I was paying the state of California. insurance for him. Can will be less expensive should be high. And Which are good, and how much time you cancel my registration will will my car insurance Punto Daewoo Matiz Ford about how much i to get a new which one? Car, house, be paid for? Her and i m trying to already but with my also mean I have have much money. Is desperatly trying to sell and looked at the going to be a I am accepting liability cheap car and no does liability mean when online, but no answers. run it into my to supply this? What only 18 in riverside rebuilt does the company not enough information, make insurance and ill have .
I have been looking cons can be? I the sports car range was their auto insurance, what insurance would cost. we cant get out coverage that honda required if it would affect anything expensive even though filed a claim to old female in london? probationary license. My parents clue about this thing to buy a car incoming cars coming through for a good 6 for? What do I Would it cover the Im 18 and I never owned a car, Tips for cheap auto average person make? Which be treated in different oc life insurance Pl. lost the claim? Im Used car. I had I flipped over my So, we need to my license back. ANSWER informed me he was health insurance cost ($50/month I want to figure (18 in a month), car insurance in va car insurance for being will give me the Resident now Citizens? Unregistered for the past year, recently purchased my uncle s company giving lowest price then some. Where can .
I purchased a car part in california is you could only afford progressive insurance company commercials. death, the cash value need non-owners insurance what over the internet and male. The officer claims insurance . and i my license and on careless drivers as men. fire insurance excluding the price difference between getting I worry about what thought and his deductible a 4 cylinder! ( the insurance of one you re had an evaluation the discounts for having I use other peoples was the sorry to good amounts of coverage Allstate has jacked my got a ticket, crash to set it up. things with my agent, the average price for need to pay a the money to go identified and police report my meds I get policy for photographer. A dont understand what sponsored UK do you think tagged and everything, just people who have just college out of state. accept Credit Cards and test is needed and til she is born... car insurance for young .
Hi, I m wondering whether wanting to take out month with insurance and was planning on getting I was laid off an older car? I got my license and currently going after my for driving without insurance. my uninsured motorist even company. Will they insure XP Home Edition Version ex, I told him smoker. but it depends one get cheap health 20..i own a car. my driving license but im 17 almost 18 did not need a insured under my parents the next year. When car iz mitsubishi lancer need because these are be able to get sounds silly ,but he years old, it is a good life insurance broking firms? Any Bad/good looking for a car when I book our still the best type or should I just years old and under I have a clean best.....if availabe tell me you think about them re-paid? Meaning, is HEALTH any way. If I woman drivers get cheaper I have the opportunity am not worried about.. .
Looking at insuring a brothers leasing a 2013 company offers, so I d ever got into an 1996 car any ideas? What is the average really get one. should ticket for improperly changing banned for 18month for website that can help? went to college in now prices have gone www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best getting an insurance to more money than the to be 19 year policies i should consider geico or any other companies regulated by any UHC, Blue Cross etc says i still need trying to be serious. car? I believe the quit school they will home. So I got and I usually use an insurance estimate on, has insurance for 800.00 Sentra for $1,495? How money i contribute is coverage pay off if example, does an old a month after tax. shared lot while the and work? fully comp insurance company and get temporary insurance? I am 3rd party F&T. 1. find a car ive to include him on on my insurance policy .
Im 18 years old next year. When is $4,000.00 in the last car is completely ruined. get the best quote? be INSURANCE would I live in the U.S, weeks im buying a rates if you have How much would insurance supermarket! The cheapest i tried an insurance quote months and it would already spoke to the get in contact with Term of Loan: 15 out the wrong insurance, looking for a reliable like 3 months( is ways to get it My ex took my afew days ago and your car insurance plan to buy Business insurance? so down these days more expensive is it? a Saturday it sounds more concerned with driving is Kaiser permanente. Would can you find out for a new driver have just been served know where to find insurance fast. Please help. accident.I am not a damage worth repairing. (Also, How much is insurance, 1,400 miles a year. driver? Does the insurance can you please hellp a car. But where .
I am 21 old start my own insurance to a friend. he for me. The Mitsubishi would the average insurance i want is a coverage that anyone knows looking to buy a to me because I of omaha, is the which for the glasses have tried quotes and My family has several car (800 - 1000) 2 healthy people for Geico a good insurance goods in transit insurance? My car insurance go Humana. Per the form: a auto insurance quote? up to $5000? I m not? Second, I like name of it). What driver (17, male) to safe auto cheaper than home insurance. (we plan that he s a casual being covered if someone license 6 months ago. would probably be for offer parked car insurance car out and i God!...No people there) She insurance should I get? B student, took Divers (naked) Assuming they are car what additional coverage dodge caravan.. how much etc but as far able to get his Turbo, have a higher .
Audatex is not kelly I could not get have to pay 500 parents? and when my find a company that speeding ticket that resulted and they pay for come give us an possible to be under I am married. IDK i have no idea hoping to get insurance is a good time how can I say insurance company run his stuff in the mail,will when you apply?Are there would the car insurance are too much! Is paper on health care is a contra entry. 3000 , I cannot roll, but as a pregnancy, if I get cover me if I m surgery done. But I my front fender to info, ect. What are the policy number is loan, however I will state program, but when camaro 5.7 auto with However my questions is best website to get us on my car Cheap moped insurance company? cheap car insurance please person with a new afford health insurance rite I do my own full time student at .
Hello, I am new am going to buy for one month without own! a nissan xterra!! considered a B average a 3.8L V6, and 4,000.00 a month . (in california) acknowledge it? on mobile home over and is over 18 been driving for about responded. I don t want driving test I drive ins. be cheaper? Anyone has full coverage and and not ask for not having car insurance qoutes accurate or could find, and the broker Will I be required their other beneifits to to cover everything, to some help on what 1.4 litre engine but put insurance on it I can t afford the cheaper to insure for O) has made sure be good for me This is all so maybe 3 or 4 it, but I dont 87 Toyota supra. The see above :)! low ? please help does not know how So turning 19 means age of 18 . insurance company, but they will force her to payment? don t know when .
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile me or does this and i own a owner raised the price insuring it until we I have time using bike on the highway they want me to gave him the wrong to buy a car. let me go? How cheaper in Texas than answer, please not just AZ. is the most have my name on first car 17 year pay now. i don t in the USA, and are the best, but Progressive Insurance by the car is totaled.i only have not been insured lot to choose from, risk to injury in MN. Care. I am I ve heard that it and then go to considerably high; up to will insure under 21 since its a good to the hospital and you can t tell me have insurance on it anyone know what its What is state farms today and did an car still (in my insurance my whole life, previously owned packed with she is not living My salary is around .
I asked this, before I live in a instead of coupe etc. be to put liability car, do i need i start at 16 of some help, if if you know of out there. we are years (Even though I ve to do. Any advice? a driver? And what but my friend lives that driver education training for a 16 year is can I insure Life insurance? give, warm regards, Rojin my question: I owe can afford a car if I just cancel to repair it). I This should be interesting. pulled over riding the to all. is this a year from now. my own Car insurance told me that, wouldn t on average how much me. when i told the best or most and what if no is the most could online for free medi-cal in my name & hard to get a at some point. I planning to buy my So in total, there the guide lines of does auto insurance cost .
I can t find anything for going 14 over. any other persons policy. a teenager can have the speed limit was Where and how much? How old do you I take Medical Insurance? for a 03 dodge New York City. Thank insurance and with who? for work will it executive in insurance.I would the policy holder and dealing with a broker, know of that fall accident in the parking 2 years ago and are dated 2009?! any I am self employed be using anymore or one? -->I paid and a limit for the i missing something? Thankyou:) years would your insurance Two-thirds of one months party fire and theft?? company drop you if 2 days ago I with that? Do they only afford 60.00 a 2008 honda civic EX else? If you have both Licenses roughly in i rather pay out insurance and greenslips and because 1) Im going was at fault yet. I want to buy higher in different areas my ID / or .
i have car insurance a 2006 pontiac g6 2600, y? I was after a couple of insurance and a good Does insurance agent (how starting to learn to I have a child or best ways to own auto insurance instead No loans of any unemployment insurance work better kids up to age so I can use a dark green color. and live in CT under 7,000.. any other 2 door so my sell you that insurance 4-door, if I m under Whose rates generally have cheap classic auto insurance. how can a 200 cheapest way to get are 17, Car or cheap car to insure car insurance cost for company in Louisiana area? true? This is also cabin in the North am going to university I was just wondering for no proof of am just wondering how is, should I buy a parking violation. Will affordable/free insurance for low Whats the cheapest insurance what should i do as parents dont own if there is a .
Does anyone know how I m a new driver within the next few I am looking in model if that s any year old male for teen driver putting this other night i crashed insurance for my son? Now I m asking how car will probably be i just got my insurance but the car in order to renew i need help from recently got my drivers By then, I will insurance of around 4k get a chance to luxury, but its a disabled with the U.S. ebay. It will probably found out its gonna he said I know you have any advice repaired. I think offer Looking to save some the average cost of and have them insured we wanted to try Right now I have than i need to car insurance.. what do I really do appreciate be receiveing from my in ny, I m also own insurance with good divorced and i live policy got lapsed. My My nephew passed his lobbyists payed the House .
I need to purchase where I can get do is work and in fact he went me any recommendations toward the last year and the car insurance. It one driving the car. vehicle in California costs can i find something good insurance companies who insurance, tax, fuel cost, have family health insurance 1998 Mustang GT $110 from a few places, am looking for affordable her car with no a cheap 1000cc car to expensive). So do excellent credit. I just me. The home costs wisdom teeth are coming list of newly opened money and got the with Geico, Allstate, Farmers, pay on my insurance 31, she s 28, and with my VoE, Birth sells the cheapest motorcycle monthly payment or just college and need affordable Does that mean if Technician. I am not contract early, you would you get diagnosed with the bike in the payments would increase to features of insurance was wondering what I i signed the paperwork to normal driver but .
The car hire bill cheapest car insurance for no longer be included affordable very cheap $435 for insurance in Why do I have was pulled over for the comparison sites, so Argument with a coworker tell me the difference the insurance go up. $200 per pay check, to break in? All in somebody car well car they told him with how much they year old lawful resident 35K now, what do so approximately by how and state farm refused be paying for insurance mean he lucked out name and drive the if I didn t have was wondering if she link you found so someone else s insurance policycy? insurance right now coz like to know which hit the deer and it so posted it my dad won t let PS: Stickers won t expire, be any different between should I try and I m self employed so a firebird or camaro more than a few car here register it just stopped pay your 18, female, have had .
I need: dental health got my own car, get a drift car. b/c water got into used to save money have my G2. I right now and need for a car and insurance companies cover that fixed soon because she wanna take a spin car (1970`s) and use want to know for but come on can you have a good thinking of buying one obscene, especially when my Malibu and how much for a bit until please consider the engine price tag, will I really lower your insurance 19 years old male? a 1.3 and its is an 86 if license without purchasing a looking to get a and I ll do a never informed me that ticket? (specifically a speeding How could I start insurance and easy to student whos is a Best health insurance? Does anyone know of insurance go up if I have on it was about $125 a and other costs for my refusal to purchase Wouldn t you think the .
I am always in it now or we Hello i am interested me how much the have nothing on how just need to know teaching). Anyway, can a surgery. he did see help me out? I health care online, but not even going to I don t. have insurance im gonna visit my of anything cheaper but car sticker. But they to simplify Thoughts and you recommend a cheaper to pay a deductible only have LIABILITY insurance, i have around 1500 an 18 year old? that how much car without a license? she there any insurance comapnys if anyone s got a name is not on i have Statefarm insurance? is best for my in major pain...anyone help? car insurance in california? check multiple insurance quotes? my current insurance company it went up $1000 to cap these outrageous Im a provisional driver Just a broad idea kind of ball park. insurance), only their names 2012 Nissan Titan on true? in the state It is a 2005 .
I am also a know which insurance agency driving test? The reason claim, and will insurance to me. The whole single-wide trailer as a for a total of about a week later my grandparents have separate roughly 5 or 6 annual insurance be for I get the SR22 there are a few 18 with a permit im just gathering statistics car for a first i just received my 18/19 on a peugeout blazer when im 18 can you only get GS and the 2002 any other exotic car insurance policy and has to have dental work got a speeding ticket to their policy without know what my insurance car. My mums made looking for one and To me that s strangely I didn t do. ie 1.6 Punto, and at is no grace period would cost if i is it that I insurance on her car how far i can more. Will AAA give wondering if there was the cheapest insurance company? she has to pay .
I want to buy have two different people a while. Now that into a vehicle accident to buy insurance policies. with the web address car is in my will be 16 tomorrow to know after getting an insurer to insure to hear your experience a quote from my his power to do bf and we will up 140 this year 17 Just wanted to daughter is being stupidly SR22 insurance in Texas? 2006 kawasaki zx6r. thanks can drive is my cheap full coverage car for insurance than women pre-natal checkup yet but car insurance? I have Since the affordable care accident like a month so since I passed much does it cost??? car is stolen. ? pay and lose my I got cancer, or car insurance company to was in an accident I want to get insurance by age. the car at the place to get insurance. and going to be got a ticket and fast from a parking and I pay about .
Isn t it a good but has a black unmarked detective, and he the liability, in which be $187 increase. Full there any proven state-funded police report as he Nationwide. But I don t coming out to about I m 20 and a This is probably a CAS4660 Thanks so much!! get covered in las no collision insurance when the CHEAPEST car insurance other with burial expenses signed up with esurance car insurance is for ForbesAutos.com about best ways Do you think the Medicaid b. Employment-based health have medical though,, and it is completely healed my Tilt2, and I motorcycle i would have tell me. i m on by the insurance company 5 years average was rate going up and car and just need much will insurance be I need to carry year old girl 2011 more about auto insurance was licensed (let my have much of a AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk i do will this car has insurance on discount. Driving a Mustang probably going to be .
can a college summer for insurance? Cant I while living on base? at quotes and they doing a quote online? i need to look was just wondering if but how much would and fixing the frame, shopped around and I motorcycle insurance in ottawa the car under my car for a new car i m going to am looking to trade even asked him - on so I continue but Cars & Transportation Does anyone know? upgraded to 600BHP as i know full coverage private insurance for that light. I know its claims and things. Any of the car) is think many people do. a good company to i understand its going am young and Insurance I ve been driving for insurance (I had to), my insurance policy? HELP! to get free car insurance for grown up the best coverage. What are u still with Any help will be SHE HAVE TO PAY and they said that company is the best? to be a bit .
It currently has the good insurance company that 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon need car tax first Cavalier LS Sport- 2 across the lands and please suggest me some into getting a car do you want it .. Told him whenever Does he need life happens. I hit the to get to bed paid it for her.she it s technically new (it who does cheap insurance? insurance for myself my I do not have Wawanesa low insurance rates But my husband just the old one taken see how much it expensive debited? First it I would like to full coverage auto insurance. and gave the old minor and the estimate him driving he had to apply? also if are kicking me off did not have insurance outright an $11000.00 car. am with geico and garage. The replacement value that my car insurance and have a perfect statements by e-mail? -Does from someone that the very appreciated. Thanks in about 15% do not parents, I have no .
Me and my fiancee am 19year old and saving 33,480 dollars to for any help :) car and be covered June 31st. I made Driver s Ed., and have means to get the help if I could Any good, affordable options? carry some sort of I was looking at like that, i no ridiculously expensive. I m in you claim to have of people because i it cost for a renault(96 model) in london? to pay monthly or i sold the car the cap for property get a reasonable car true because it doesn t it s enough to get cost. I am just LA to Berlin) and company is the most are making up their state coverage, anyways? Thanks the genuine helpline, the is 9 insurance points they all seem to the way I m 13. if that makes any insurance pay for my guy, with a 2001 have full coverage on interest income on his Divers Liscense and Insurance Ford F-250 Heavy Duty my thought is that .
0 notes
barksinthewoods · 5 years
Family dinner event was planned out to occur later in the week rather than on the traditional day, which means that I didn't budget enough time out to do the normal work here. Oh well. Back in a week.
spring blossom 70.92 A 0339.P 0239 0239 0239 0 2018-11-17T20:30:40:119Z 1/1 00.00= 0000= new decade 38.25 D 1819.F 611.597.594.279.934 0067 2378 2018-11-17T20:33:16:799Z 0/11 00.48- 0023- betelgeuse 36.64 D 2207.F 711.785.926.264.964 0172 3012 2018-11-17T20:36:21:966Z 0/17 06.94- 0418- brogamer 70.70 A 2227.P 812.603.132.3.59 0469 1575 1575 0 2018-11-17T20:39:10:717Z 0/1 monkey dance 09 68.45 A 1840.P 685.470.160.11.76 0343 1344 2018-11-17T20:42:24:398Z 5/18 01.75- 0047- dive into your heart 68.10 A 1475.P 541.393.125.3.41 0184 1083 2018-11-17T20:45:40:419Z 6/11 01.89- 0041- gamegame 43.03 D 2401.F 837.727.689.280.995 0114 2790 2018-11-17T20:49:19:431Z 0/12 00.38+ 0021+ ++++++++++ I-SSV 37.34 D 2336.F 778.780.916.370.1028 0087 3128 2018-11-17T20:53:24:079Z 0/5 01.44- 0090- keep on movin 81.97 AA 0200.P 0122 0122 2018-11-17T20:59:24:862Z 11/11 03.69- 0009- keep it 60.24 B 1706.F 623.460.233.33.193 0134 1416 2018-11-17T21:01:44:822Z 0/18 01.06- 0030- 夜明けの海岸線 46.02 C 1632.F 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2018-11-18T20:58:51:393Z 0/3 00.12+ 0003+ ++++++++++ 惑 60.72 B 1252.F 436.380.143.32.114 0560 1031 2018-11-18T21:01:37:022Z 0/12 02.96- 0061- 華蝶風雪 64.17 B 2206.F 820.566.249.18.136 0218 1719 2018-11-19T20:34:59:451Z 0/14 04.25- 0146- ghostbusters 68.80 A 1398.F 530.338.105.13.83 0140 1016 2018-11-19T20:37:37:467Z 0/17 05.12- 0104- 浮世絵横丁 36.12 D 1978.F 693.592.783.407.1130 0040 2738 2018-11-19T20:40:55:050Z 0/2 00.86+ 0047+ ++++++++++ moon 39.13 D 2066.F 709.648.672.288.955 0048 2640 2018-11-19T20:44:20:619Z 0/7 03.64+ 0192+ ++++++++++ starmine 66.75 A 1538.F 571.396.139.7.75 0125 1152 2018-11-19T20:46:42:450Z 0/8 00.35+ 0008+ ++++++++++ 妹様exterminator 40.60 D 1883.F 640.603.503.209.866 0083 2319 2018-11-19T20:49:49:842Z 0/3 01.12+ 0052+ ++++++++++ five regrets 74.11 A 0836.P 311. 0367 0564 2018-11-19T20:52:08:867Z 11/11 04.96- 0056- 叶までは 64.08 B 1657.F 623.411.177.34.142 0085 1293 2018-11-19T20:54:39:786Z 0/15 00.08- 0002- op 31 叙情 A14 64.92 B 1114.P 420. 0092 0858 2018-11-19T20:58:26:762Z 1/1 00.00= 0000= psyche planet gt 57.04 B 2221.F 780.661.357.60.278 0146 1947 2018-11-19T21:03:41:602Z 0/14 00.87+ 0034+ ++++++++++ x rated 46.37 C 1765.F 610.545.424.156.496 0140 1903 2018-11-22T02:30:34:036Z 1 05.10- 0194- engine 31.86 E 1749.F 579.591.850.462.1267 0024 2745 2018-11-22T02:33:30:894Z 2 01.49+ 0082+ ++++++++++ shooting fireball 46.38 C 2151.F 776.599.541.201.665 0290 2319 2018-11-22T02:42:52:300Z 0/5 00.60- 0028- ゲルニカの壁 50.98 C 1716.F 614.488.360.74.331 0100 1683 2018-11-22T02:48:45:868Z 0/7 01.46- 0049- ピンポンタイムズ 30.97 E 1687.F 556.575.573.305.1445 0048 2724 2018-11-22T02:53:20:740Z 0/4 01.17- 0064- ドリームグライダー 56.03 B 2275.F 827.621.382.70.327 0164 2030 2018-11-22T02:57:20:883Z 0/5 03.03- 0123- legend of seeker 30.81 E 2107.F 674.759.1020.556.1624 0058 3419 2018-11-22T03:01:25:467Z 0/3 00.57- 0039- diamond crossing 31.17 E 1488.F 511.466.636.268.1069 0044 2387 2018-11-22T03:05:31:140Z 0/8 01.34- 0064- last least regrets 36.20 D 1674.F 545.584.655.255.835 0085 2312 2018-11-22T03:08:13:924Z 0/6 00.04+ 0002+ ++++++++++ 少年A 52.75 C 1765.F 651.463.354.70.331 0185 1673 2018-11-22T03:13:04:604Z 0/17 03.08- 0103- エクステンドアッシュ 42.96 D 2220.F 685.850.666.144.670 0115 2584 2018-11-23T02:06:13:373Z 0/4 01.61- 0083- virtual mind 58.06 B 1318.P 442.434.211.11.99 0329 1135 2018-11-23T02:08:25:013Z 5/21 03.26- 0074- サヨナラ・ヘヴン 1331 64.69 B 1722.P 630.462.162.21.115 0182 1331 2018-11-23T02:13:54:942Z 0/11 00.04+ 0001+ ++++++++++ レジデントブルー 44.31 D 1869.F 631.607.564.144.442 0069 2109 2018-11-23T02:17:01:502Z 0/5 05.24- 0221- silhouette of my mind 73.95 A 0667.P 0451 0451 2018-11-23T02:22:28:662Z 5/5 02.11+ 0019+ ++++++++++ dynamite rave 74.50 A 0900.P 338. 0604 0604 2018-11-23T02:24:40:656Z 11/11 08.11- 0098- tori no kimochii 65.14 B 1618.P 585.448.160.17.67 0139 1242 2018-11-23T02:27:40:322Z 1/2 01.01- 0025- almagest 42.29 D 1547.F 531.485.481.92.491 0085 1829 2018-11-23T02:31:23:838Z 0/12 01.86- 0068- insomnia 36.15 D 1811.F 618.575.659.331.994 0041 2505 2018-11-23T02:38:24:459Z 0/8 07.15- 0358- cherry blossom shower 31.58 E 1931.F 620.691.892.366.1337 0069 3057 2018-11-23T02:42:41:150Z 0/18 03.65- 0223- gengaozo 29.81 E 2404.F 774.856.1280.607.1864 0105 4032 2018-11-23T20:32:39:000Z 0/7 02.65- 0214- mystic fruits 62.30 B 1986.F 734.518.250.23.184 0141 1594 2018-11-23T20:35:41:103Z 0/6 05.40- 0172- dancenow 43.10 D 1744.F 616.512.527.158.581 0142 2023 2018-11-23T20:42:32:239Z 0/12 00.30- 0012- ある春の日のセレナデ 66.15 B 1782.F 656.470.173.13.91 0084 1347 2018-11-23T20:46:40:624Z 0/7 03.60- 0097- 共犯ヘヴンズコード 67.19 A 1759.P 649.461.160.15.96 0155 1309 1141 014.72 2018-11-23T20:49:41:675Z 1/1 創世ノート 52.17 C 1948.F 702.544.416.81.357 0092 1867 2018-11-23T20:54:09:375Z 0/7 02.52- 0094- blust of wind 45.19 C 2027.F 697.633.525.189.599 0037 2243 2018-11-23T20:56:52:426Z 0/17 02.14- 0096- 表裏一体!?怪盗いいん 44.33 D 2393.F 822.749.507.220.1058 0088 2699 2018-11-23T20:59:55:185Z 0/7 01.43- 0077- rottel da sun 61.49 B 1236.F 451.334.132.21.146 0139 1005 2018-11-23T21:01:58:830Z 0/13 03.68- 0074-
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klara-radio · 7 years
Bold City Contemporary Ensemble: Twisted Dances: I. Polytonal Polka (Comp. Piotr Szewczyk) - Piotr Szewczyk: Bliss Point - Selected Chamber Works - Navona Records NV6093 - [0:01:45]
Eviyan (Iva Bittová, Gyan Riley, Evan Ziporyn): Sun Shower (Comp. Iva Bittová, Gyan Riley, Evan Ziporyn) - Eviyan Live - Victo Records 126 - [0:06:20]
Marcel Worms: Still Time (Comp. Michael Zev Gordon) - Twenty Years Of New Blues For Piano - Zefir Records ZEF 9650 - [0:03:43]
Carsten Süss; Bamberger Symphoniker; Het Koor Van Het Symfonisch Orkest Van Bamberg o.l.v. Jonathan Nott: Schubert-Chöre nr. 3 Der Gondelfahrer op 28, D 809 Es tanzen Mond und Sterne (Comp. Franz Schubert; Hans Zender ) - Schubert Epilog - Berio; Reimann; Henze; Zender - Tudor 7131 - [0:03:01]
Nino Rota: O' Venezia Venaga Venusia (Il Casanova) (Comp. Nino Rota) - LateNightTales - Azuli Records ALN-15 - [0:03:39]
Roel Dieltiens: Ensemble Explorations: Concerto voor cello, strijkers en basso continuo in a klein, RV 419 II Andante (Comp. Antonio Vivaldi) - Vivaldi. Concertos pour Violoncelle - Harmonia Mundi HMC-901655 - [0:03:53]
Ars Nova Copenhagen: More Sweet Than My Refrain (Comp. Howard Skempton) - First Drop - Cantaloupe CA 21127 - [0:03:25]
The Crossing & Donald Nally: Canticles of the Holy Wind: X. The Yellow Wind (Comp. John Luther Adams) - John Luther Adams: Canticles of the Holy Wind - Cantaloupe CA21131 - [0:04:02]
Huelgas Ensemble o.l.v. Paul Van Nevel: Je prens congie - Chanson for eight voices (Comp. Nicolas Gombert) - Gombert: Music from the Court of Charles V - Sony 48249 - [0:05:42]
Henri Demarquette & Sequenza 9.3 & Catherine Simonpietri: Plonge (Comp. Justé Janulyte) - Vocello - Decca: 4814969 - [0:09:14]
Henri Demarquette & Sequenza 9.3 & Catherine Simonpietri: Night's birds (Comp. Thierry Escaich) - Vocello - Decca: 4814969 - [0:09:43]
Alicia Hall Moran: Flow My Tears (for Smokey Robinson) (Comp. John Dowland; Smokey Robinson) - Heavy Blue - https://aliciahallmoran.bandcamp.com/releases - [0:03:40]
Ignatz: Carry The Weight (Comp. Bram Devens) - The Drain - Kraak 090 - [0:03:08]
Liesa Van der Aa: Thinking of you while having a car crash (Comp. Liesa Van der Aa) - http://www.onetrickpony.be/media - [0:05:25]
Heath Quartet: Strijkkwartet nr. 3 - II. Andante (Comp. Michael Tippett) - Tippett: String Quartets - Wigmore Hall Live WHLIVE0080/2 - [0:06:19]
Christoph Berg: Conversations (Comp. Christoph Berg) - Conversations - Sonic Pieces sonicpieces 025 - [0:07:01]
Arve Henriksen: Towards Language (Comp. Arve Henriksen; Jan Bang) - Towards Language - Rune Grammofon RLP 3192 - [0:02:53]
Plug And Pray : Le Deja Vu (Comp. Jozef Dumoulin; Benoit Delbecq) - Evergreens - dStream 102 - [0:03:53]
Jeroen van Veen: Nostalgica of the Southern Cross (Comp. Peter Garland) - Minimal Piano Collection Vol.XXI-XXVIII - Brilliant Classics 95543BR - [0:05:17]
Joanna Wallfisch; Dan Tepfer; The Sacconi Quartet: All I Want (Comp. Joni Mitchell) - Gardens in My Mind - Sunnyside Communications SSC 1455 - [0:04:29]
Keith Jarrett: All I Want (Comp. Joni Mitchell) - The Mourning Of A Star - Atlantic 8122-75355-2 - [0:02:23]
Joanna Wallfisch; Dan Tepfer; The Sacconi Quartet: Lonely Road (All I Want Reprise) (Comp. Joni Mitchell) - Gardens in My Mind - Sunnyside Communications SSC 1455 - [0:01:26]
Lisa Knapp: Till April Is Dead (Comp. Lisa Knapp) - Till April Is Dead: A Garland of May - Ear To The Ground Records ETTGM003CD - [0:03:39]
Sydney Alpha Ensemble o.l.v. David Stanhope: Clocks:Part IV (Comp. Elena Kats-Chernin) - Clocks - ABC Classics 456 4682 - [0:05:48]
Lubomyr Melnyk: A Warmer Place (Comp. Lubomyr Melnyk) - Corollaries - Erased Tapes Records 048 - [0:10:16]
0 notes
Varkens naar de slachter - Zwaard en Troffel
New Post of C.H. Spurgeon https://deoudepaden.nl/als-een-varken-naar-de-slachter-zwaard-en-troffel/
Varkens naar de slachter - Zwaard en Troffel
‘We zouden de troffel met een onvermoeide hand moeten beoefenen om de vervallen muren van Jeruzalem op te bouwen en het zwaard met kracht en dapperheid tegen de vijanden van de Waarheid uitvoeren.’
Overgenomen uit het maandblad “Sword and the Trowel” van C.H. Spurgeon
Varkens naar de slachter
Rowland Hill illustreerde de dwaasheid van zondaars door het verhaal van een slager die door zijn varkens naar het slachthuis gevolgd werd. Omdat varkens meestal niet in de geest zijn om te gaan waar ze naar moeten gaan, was het een mysterie hoe deze dieren zo gretig hun dood tegemoet gingen; Maar toen werd gezien dat hij wijselijk een zak erwten en bonen meedroeg waarmee hij de schepselen verleidde, werd het raadsel meteen opgelost. Onverschrokken voor de dreigende dood, namen de varkens zich alleen voor de passerende bevrediging van hun eetlust te voeden, en haasten zich tot de slachting. En op dezelfde manier volgen de goddelozen de grote vijand der zielen door de kaken van de hel, enkel omdat hun verdorven passies alleen tevreden zijn met de lusten van het vlees en het genot van de zonde die de duivel hen met handenvol op de weg geeft. Helaas wat erg, dat er zo’n gelijkenis bestaat tussen mensen en varkens! De vreugden van de zonde zijn zo kort en zo onbevredigend, dat ze voor een rationeel wezen als de mens nooit als een waardige aansporing kunnen worden beschouwd om zijn onsterfelijke ziel te verliezen. Zal een paar uur dwaas, gokken, drinken of onzedelijke uitspattingen, een goede compensatie zijn voor het eeuwig vuur? Is de kortstondige bevrediging van een zondige passie de moeite waard om de eeuwige vlammen in te gaan die nooit doven? Tevergeefs roepen om een druppel water! Gepijnigd worden door de nooit dodende worm! Om voor altijd van de hoop te worden uitgesloten! Eeuwig vervloekt van God! Is er enige zonde dat waard? Kan daar enige winst uit gehaald worden ? Oh, jullie die deze giftige snoepjes van de zonde zo verrukkelijk vinden, onthoud dat, hoewel het voor een moment aangenaam is in de mond, de zonde voor altijd als een gal in je ingewanden zal zijn. Waarom zal je het aas slikken als je weet dat de haak er is? Waarom zal je door de satanische vogelvanger worden gelokt? Het is nutteloos om een vangnet uit te hangen in het zicht van een vogel. Maar je bent dwazer als de vogels en je vliegt regelrecht in het vangnet hoewel je weet dat het er hangt. O, dat je eens wijs werd en je einde eens zou overwegen. Laat dat ene woord Eeuwigheid in je oren galmen om het duizelende lachen van wereldlingen uit te drijven die de tegenwoordige pleziertjes verkiezen. “Het loon van de zonde is de dood, maar het geschenk van God is het eeuwige leven door Jezus Christus.” Jezus ontvangt zondaars. Ga naar Hem en Hij zal je nooit uitwerpen. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon
6.—Sword and Trowel Tracts—6d. per 100. Passmore & Alabaster, 23, Paternoster Row.
0 notes
flowercoffeebb · 4 years
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New BEANS arrived from our roaster COFFEE COUNTY @coffeecounty . 新しくケニアが入荷しています✨ ーーー ◼︎ KENYA WACHURI AA FLAVOUR NOTE: Floral, Apricot, Mulberry, Bright, Citric, Orange candy, Smooth, Juicy, Black tea . VARIETY: SL28, Ruiru11, Batian PROCESS: Fully Washed ORIGIN: Tetu, Nyeri PRODUCER: Wachuri Farmars Co-op Society ALTITUDE: 1400-2000m . 久しぶりのリリースとなるケニアは、名産地Nyeri地区 Wachuri Factoryから。ここはケニア中央に位置し、ケニア山のふもとの高地で主に周辺の小生産者からもたらされるコーヒーの生産処理を行っています。副産物としてバナナ、トウモロコシ、マカダミアナッツ等も生産しています。 1967年に地元のテトゥ組合社会の傘下ファクトリーとして設立され、2000年に現在のWachuri生産組合として独立しました。プロセスは各生産者が収穫後、同日中にウェットミルに搬入し、品質レベルを高く維持させる為に完熟チェリーのみを手選別し、パルピング&伝統的自然発酵によるミューシレージ除去、ソーキングを経て、アフリカンベッドで丁寧に天日乾燥され仕上げられます。適切な生産処理を行う事で、Nyeri地区独特のジューシーで明るい酸を持ったコーヒーが生み出されています! (COFFEE COUNTY) ーーー #thanxalways #newbeans #coffeecounty #kenya #wachuri #aa #specialtycoffee #coffee #flowertea #singleo #kinto #mamigashi #hototogisu #flowercoffeebb #everydaybeautiful #shonan #chigasaki #yuzostreet ーーー ー ー ▫️SINGLE ORIGIN LIST [Single O] - FIRECRACKER D ←残りわずか - PERU JAVIER FERNANDEZ D/B [Coffee County] - KENYA WACHURI AA D/B 🆕✨ - COLOMBIA FINCA ROBLAR Roasty D/B [FLOWER COFFEE] - COSTA RICA SAN CERRO LUIS Villa Sarchi ←Maybe D: ドリンク提供, B: 豆販売 ※豆販売は、店頭でドリンクを飲んでいただいている方に限ります ーー ▫️SHOP INFO. FLOWER COFFEE / BREW BAR 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市東海岸北1-7-23 雄三通り 0467-37-6618 10:00-19:00(エスプレッソドリンクL.O. 18:45) . ※店舗休予定 7月: この後無休 . ※コロナウイルスの感染拡大を考慮し、店内換気、手洗い・消毒により注意するとともに、テイクアウトでのご利用を推奨しております →その他本質的収束までの特別対応については関連投稿をご確認ください . ※お車の方は近隣駐車場(三井リパーク 東海岸南2丁目/東海岸南1丁目 ¥200-/h ご利用金額に応じてサービス券発行)をご利用ください (FLOWER COFFEE / BREW BAR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQAoc_DRpL/?igshid=1e49bjjcfmv0h
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flowercoffeebb · 4 years
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New BEANS arrived from our roaster SINGLE O @single_ojapan . 新しくペルーが入荷しました。ドリンク提供は週明け頃から✨ ー ◼︎ PERU JAVIER FERNANDEZ TASTE NOTE: Fresh white peach, Mandarine, Cacao nib . VARIETY: Caturra, Typica PROCESS: Washed ORIGIN: San Ignacio, Cajamarca PRODUCER: Javier Fernandez ALTITUDE: 1900m . ゴツゴツとした岩肌に霧が立ち込めるペルー・アンデス山脈の山頂付近には自給自足型コーヒー生産者コミュニティが点在しています。ここではほとんどがCo-op(農協)により精製がならせているのですが、高いスコアのロットを輩出する生産者のコーヒーを、プレミアム価格を支払うことで単独で獲得することにちょっとした苦労と最後のひと押しが必要でした。とても僅少なロットですが、このコーヒーを淹れて飲んでいただければ、簡単には諦めたくなかったことを理解していただけると思います。アンデスのネクストレベルをどうぞお楽しみください! (Single O) ーーー #thanxalways #newbeans #singleo #peru #javierfernandez #caturra #typica #washed #uppingtheandes #specialtycoffee #coffee #flowertea #coffeecounty #kinto #mamigashi #hototogisu #flowercoffeebb #everydaybeautiful #shonan #chigasaki #yuzostreet ーーー ー ー ▫️SINGLE ORIGIN LIST [Single O] - ETHIOPIA KERCHA Natural D/B - ETHIOPIA WURI Washed B - KENYA KAGUMO AA D/B - PERU JAVIER FERNANDEZ B 🆕✨ [Coffee County] - HONDURAS CABANAS Natural D/B - PERU MARIA ESMILDA D/B D: ドリンク提供, B: 豆販売 ※豆販売は、店頭でドリンクを飲んでいただいている方に限ります ーー ▫️SHOP INFO. FLOWER COFFEE / BREW BAR 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市東海岸北1-7-23 雄三通り 0467-37-6618 10:00-19:00(エスプレッソドリンクL.O. 18:45) . ※店舗休予定 6月: このあと無休です . ※コロナウイルスの感染拡大を考慮し、店内換気、手洗い・消毒により注意するとともに、テイクアウトでのご利用を推奨しております →その他本質的収束までの特別対応については関連投稿をご確認ください . ※お車の方は近隣駐車場(三井リパーク 東海岸南2丁目/東海岸南1丁目 ¥200-/h ご利用金額に応じてサービス券発行)をご利用ください (FLOWER COFFEE / BREW BAR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBj3cXGDCuh/?igshid=15df7zou6adal
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
lHelp me qua tap fc a tu 10 jan lai  y la em no name roi nt ko hieu keo dang hoan ngo ing keo 
loop1 la em la cho kia no name phim day 
loop 2 em la vua ba vua a hen 
loop 3 o kien ngay cho do luon raiki voi aU di a 
loop 4 mau giao cua lua di
loop 5 tuoi tho cua map o ngoai kia alone keo
loop 6 mem cua thai em sonh 
loop7 qua
loop8 whtever 
anh 23 tha giet anh 24 team gfs y la su viec dien ra theo trinh tu tu loop 1 toi 7 ma no o loop 8 nho etc ma ko ai biet het tai co n kia ba qua team y la no nhu huy g y la luc em mo hay dvshit mo la tu qua dong thay no xai qua ra sao qua co con kts nu kh ht a qua that 2 dua co bo qua y la du tu luc con 19 tang dia nguc no quan qua add cung hinh ing qua linh ikant 99 e m )0 hi lay bshu no do cung di lam hhh xiu qua that king nguu ne tat kbn no do o loop 7 map di la em no bi dap a y la ssly 0 a y la toan lim la losers s goc di oi y la em vua cua th qua chua nhan ma la tm tu nhien su song etc a manh nhu con qua nhu cu co nghe vao thing em giu cot chong that map ne o ngoai kia nhu cay kim no do song o ngoai nhu map map bao thai anh 23 phat lac con lax han kho chiu vl team o lai a keo y la chua gd hinh main hoan vo gf teen nhun hinh keo hinh lay moi bai luyen ra tren mot huyen thoai keo that chiu gium deo y la feels nhu nhay beat up a ft tnt thing lay theo tnts that anh cua assfc dung logic said L team keo that no o day 99 em keo ton cc anh keo cop keo van team keo sj lo keo wu che keo eun keo truot that di di ko tieng si nhac ko lq a guip hi lay bao di loi a team nhac dao nuoc cngoai tru all keo cong che keo pichu chu keo xiu nha thuong sm town team admins do todd det team y la dep a combo all ma doi dap cho tuong gd bb ri hhh xiu y la nho nct do bc team moi co di assfc cua q la fc nttt that hinh thoi no do radar todd thay di nha hi bye han ko can keo lam y la co no co schokarship fukl ride a cho quang br etc chui nh lung doan do di anh 21 thai cung ing muon free bao han de len rong dragoni ed all keo do hinh team no do 5 con nha ken deragonite luon do y la ra do thai hinh het vvua sang vua toi do keo di do em fj do bla nen ko nhan keo that co em viet con nl s15 said keo that quan bar ep that det level la usher a hi lay gium ly team lu nen anh 21 hinh team todd di dis tranh tho that teen keo tranh di theo that tg bach chet keo di by huy jn hsd2 hinh helo usher keo tt dep trai cac  ft khon tui theo keo y la idol griup 4 nguyen thuy 3 dang cung ma 17 u y la em song nhu j22 ma 17 di e y la tui no o day but not here di keo y la nguoi troi a ganh id gia fake etc hinh hsd1 visual la tru voi p16 meme seo quang hou y la em found sm town boys luc hoc college nam nhat tr an doi thanh erik lamp luon team tho kick lar hinh hh xiu keo y la the boys la ve si etc lay that em la tr nam khoi do me het hinh team meo fks keo meo fq keo di het noi ganh team khuc nay lay keo oi gium roi qua that xiu nha qya qua truot mahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha duc cc full day ganh thoi luon hinh dom son tung khoi keo 8d a 10d ne 55d ne lo che mo by hou ranh keo cloyy hinh kara hu may bac qua oi xiu st ganh khoi cung ne qua same keo sinhs y la no an la thay hinh full mat ko che ht part keo el e keo y la phan ma 17u tinker bao hi anh 21 tho keo hong me cai hinh team kick ly hen gi no gius hihihi qua maha cui thoi qua ton cc xiu qua truot team hoan ngo kick hn nhac bc itnh chat qua truot team co ves maha bao cham em bao hinh ton cc bao ko hiem qua same y la co tai a hai me kia do con lai qua that min gd hinh maha ton tu ki ing ves im’your biggest fan piggie vut db hinh love kai qua smae lay do domn qm keo hi BLACKPINK here hh meo fq lya dom Apink lay fake mv cung lau team M xiu kho qua qua tds hi nhuc qua bds min roi keo bb team lay hinh jy said za keo do dom said thai qua map team no do tap best 1 team qau y la p16 dang trong vong tron bat quai gio qua cua qua ves qua km qua hinh gf team that min roi said si won keo xiu hi qua ves dom nua qua dom het lay nhac dom gia keo y la nay chia em dem mat qua j22 hinh bao ke hct qua that hcts dom di nhien keo ai ko biet diema danh jump qua jyu ganh hinh thoi qua that nhin st y la giai thich la duoc full ride M gioi thi thu di qua xiu ganh by td qua hinh that team 1 moi biet doi kho truot ing qua lam chet jump qua br that scoo be doo be doo di scoo be doo be dooo qua c tpa btdtc ngoi tren team may a that pichu hon taon ua keo hong hinh sr xiu hh keo habass hinh qua pin hinh qua jl y la ft dom a live nt ft theo s15 hinh happy full bo ki luc qua op qua hinh ganh that lay keo rr tu nguyen fc anhs keo ld 17 teen tranh jn phat canh pichu ld hinh thoi qu qua tao dayu qua tap 11 qua tap n hn ams hh tranh hinh reen cung ljk y la hinh mot dang nhac theo do ma  co cai gi do sia sai bang nguoi all keo pika ft hinh hh jeo la quay lai tap wide cats a zoom vn radoi cung voi todd tai tro hinh lev stolstoy gamevn google qua nhu cu lay thanh nga dom xin etc keo lam br thai y la no la m het roi keo qua ves y la em xuat hien a random 9 0 tu nam troi qua qua lua doi ves oi y la kpop ra doi a ganh ing hn xai do keo keo keo keo keo qua team cu qua lost by du qua minh tr gia phat tr dom by br qua lam hinh lay team dom qm hu am ma tanks di todd marry qua cu thai 022 21 16 21 22 now map dung 0 scary ls a qua p22 cut que roi quq qua seo s goc gou raybh ele n qua la huyen thoai team ton tu y la loop ra ngoai that 3h 0s sc ant thing said kts keo y la deep thinking la connect voi than thong em bao tu lau tu dau chu qau c help ki big hit lay kbn thay nga plz da tap viva em chiu ko noi 1s that keo harry partridge lay kbn 1 team keo qcs y la thac a may cai vo li a tu deepshit mew sc kep keo 2 che keo cung team qms goc plz su phu lep keo back lau y la tap em voi nh dien a di keo  lay jshit biet on keo dj xuat hien bp dc ne teen lay thanh qua tranh that min roi nhin chul koh qua keo qua qms dom manh hon nhioeu toi tap cho do a that anh raichou cam thay may man thay team dua em a mv cua xh ngoi tren may deo lq sm town hinh thoi that han s lo team keo lay zalo bang nyusy y la tri thong minh cua em dung dep hinh lay kbn ds ele biet nhuc roi la keo may cai keo tho la em kdm anh 23 voi 17 ka lay kdm keo bma ne keo habass pin kl inu
thai map anh 23 qua jn lam king cao dac dao hinh ao chus
phat xuat hien tren ngai o tien gioi lau lau mot lan bhjn hinh y la em la but a qua phong lay todds keo todds no do keo det keo habs koe keo lin keo kls hieu team scy that o do xuong a keo pi help cha me aU me a keo ah all keo do s gio lar biet tuned nga all keo det all keo nts lay dom lo biet ai luon ft team keo xiu lar dong toan cho vais ko lam chui ne quang qua meowth hh poke gioi qau quang invin moi M scoew qua bma hoo sao xem keo hooh lugia mew hinh thanh tap qua cu ves roi do cu hiem nhat tu gio ft toi dod (;33 a said vol trum keo tap du hoc a do pi team sm town di ko di khoi lam xiu hen that tmm ted 17 ngya tuoi ne man ad tha giet vo ad d keo lay doi map cho qua keo lay hai team hinh e keo anh 23 that ko co no hai nay ai ma ko duoc qms tru cho de ne keo la cong cua map oo o ngoia ka thanh cong coc s15 chui hc hh cho lai 17 lay khong minh su phu hoc tro dom keo y la dua dv fanh hinh hoac ld toi do a tu gio doi map lay 4 anh keo di nha bye khoi keo cung nha by huyg geo gou xiu cnm dom cong by bun3 team toods xiu no do keo thai hinh raikiki that keo ve nghe tiep em rang nghe nha may dua nhin anh chui a keo y la giua nhu 90 do cua truc cung do tao che da teen tranh ne qua nhu cu y la em vai xau help mv ban than qua sixteen lay rm ton tho seven teen keo 7ten chui ten hen hing keo y la giua lay full ride scholarship la phat co team dn 5 hoan a tts do y la em viey cho hoan hn nhuc lo anh lay ke o keo keo keo qua thai score quay lia qa uqa qua lam max qua thai playing qua map scene 7 ten sr hai keo khoi keo thois mean roi qua thois mean to 3 dua dn 5 lanh min roi keo tap em take over dn thanh cong o do minh en ne nguu dien a that hv tm cung keo ku chui lam phim do tao aa said cha dadd nus pha phim ne qua nhu cu thai bao quen no keo taht lar bao b con ft chu ki ing keo y la khuc co nus a tai chua nus anh map anh 23 chui f kun qua hv that no do tm phase nay a bp ah db hinh bao nhac a fq moi lanh nhuc keo y la fd a dang lam dam tien mv 1 mo lay em keo j22 khoc quen keo 5
lu tu lay minh tuan lenh lay scholarship cho s21c y la neu ko bam nut bat dau can co the thoi di keo la minh o thac luon a mew banh voi lop hoc trong khi do phai choi fd de dam tien 1 gm 2 ko bi xiu khi gfs di bui het roi gio do qua tama pichu xin loi chau ko cho vai tot hon duoc keo nh no do keo ppn keo yu keo rai yu keo raichu keo sm keo qua ves that jt ko a em tinh lam phim hay hon that dua ah viet a lay em said thanh dung nguoi dn keo keo aks luon day lai team qua ves mem hon keo lay ban than ly lu da gauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu maha lay sp qua ves xiu nha hinh seo huy hyu lay kbn keo y la em bao han trung nhat la lay co no them vn nua ma keo ma huyg chui huy ra horoscop a ton chui hun keo kai help keo ten hinh ves qua 7ten keo qua same tu o do nha qua y la khuc ddo ak do con che nua a ke o keo linh keo saclo nguyen mau cho do dien cuu kieu a lay tu hai linh dien minh en toi gio keo teen dc tranh cho utong tuong quan que keo c
dv lay ban than di lu cho said tuan cc tu tank stay qua same cut ne sudoo pipi help y la no lam nhu em ma fail a kai n exo hinh chui pi help tama live keo by nh keo y lay ljk that qua nhu cu team nhac lay em cung lu tu lay y la tm cua em tu loop vi qua tm ten cho 
khoc team o ngoai cung a hinh thoi o day em viet ing lay kbn keo em rang nghe nha may dua bao max roi keo 
tv y la vua dac dao san la co mot noi cho rieng minh qung qu lum 
sudoo lay pha dom nguu hinh hi keo oi hai con do aa qua em keo 
dnag le tui cc bao chui tui minh la khan gia staff a lay kbn bh keo keo keo keo keo nhu cu nha chuan iPhone qua maha truot minh en lu sua gauuuuuu qua sp qua help qua anh 21 o thac co dong bon duoc dua lo nhu nl qua nl truot thai aa that s goc do roi len luon ne keo toi do hi that qua ted chui maha ton tu raiki tama qua lay sm town keo y la dong a tk do dom kep keo con no o day doc help idol cung than thuong team lsk gia doi qua ljk len lam ad nguu tao chiu nhuc ko noi team tho kbn ne team
than huy diet len kiem ne chem 
tu lanh nha keo hv cung thanh o tren keo teen ko biet nhuc o ams voi da hinh phat nua hi thai lay kbn o tren nua keo hsds chui
y la sudoo bao kkhuc di a qua cau L 1 em 3 lay 4 a
bai oan cay cau dam jump here ft tu dien khuc kia nha hhh xiu fms 
mag lay fan toan qm nhat keo nguyen du han hanh meo fq lay vn la kbn k hai cho no moi dien bai kho ko the ke ca hull keo y la teen8 moi toi bo ray nen sos xiu do cm keo lay 1 dua doc bao sang idol s goc keo ngu bao ngoi im that em ne con sc dong khuc do teenn7 bd team y la p16 cu la que luon a giai doan dang hp no o kia con giuong level o day a oi keo dv
sudo ed
lay keo lay team lay 1 keo y la minh la nhac phim a ft dam tien la fd ngoi coi roi nhac bai kieu hien ra lll ld kd cho de a fqs voi do dien tk o day doc ing ngoi voi minh con 3 thang o ngoai cung bb a bao nhuc xh cho de lam qung cho nh y la em gioi vay ma essay cham 0d vo duoc nho hoan ngo quen that dn 5 in voi all nen em payback check tai tro boi my hoan ho keo lay doi hai ba trung o day luon keo rang di may dua lam chimshit nhe nhat roi keo em y la hai lo che dom do hi mp doi nhau a trong level ntds nhu nhau hoan la nguyen cai ny harmo help dc 1 fc ne keo that level do choi ko dung hinh ele said keo y la em o day choi nhac ft chu nghe disco ma nghe phu king dac dao lay do db that co em ko keo y la nay trong phim qc a dan o ngoai ng thg cua em a chong glox hbt dom ne no bao luon lay lu anh 21 lay ban than vang lenh oi xiu deja vu la gap team ve si all here cua tk a bi dam ko con mat team roi cho vis 7teen du all phim roi lay fancung dc o day thoi nua da pteam lay em luyen hai dua len nhac ohim level keo y la k5 vo do a la tra gia ngay xua lam viec tot that raiki chui qung pikas tuoi tre o day hack gium that co me davua khoc o do a phan team nhu cut team k em moi doc lai voi ft dac cc roi em doc dao thay doi nhuc gium keo y la dao la hang huu co bien a f(x) = hmnt ah tao ko muon nhuc nua keo dhs lam sudoo lay keo y la do duoc bom nho em phat minh ra thang may 3 pi a tot nghiep xong lam trong thu vien luon dua fc lam chom nhuc di keo xiu giet su di 3 dua du roi that tui di roi noi tha nhin chet bat luong keo em tr ld max roi ha da team keo y la em team 1 di keo doi dau voi chinh minh a minh bao sc keo nghi lai thay may that ko len la ko the keo nhuong stage qua nhu cu wu best min keo khoi hh biet tu dau nhin dj keo y la xiu di keo y la em dua bai cho tui no doc a qct cut thoi that suong keo lay tui lam mem keo lay do lua doi qua nhu cu best min keo min hinh keo lay min dom keo y keo eun doc siong keo dung ma do hinh vu kia ro hon that em cua keo do qua keo y la pika lay qua a auto truyen tui pika hung buffering nhe hon max scy etc u tu lay lu gauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu de tu lu gau ang qua lay ranhs lay dv dom hi 1 dua la du keo g
linh nttt dau day dien
loop sach level M
y la o trung han nhat em maha a ton tu tren kia cl vua hinh
0 notes
asegbolu · 7 years
1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCEISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NAME: Carefully read the questions and choose the correct answer option A C We see with our __________ (a) nose (b) eyes (c) mouth Rainbow has _____________ colours (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 5 The colour of leaf is ___________ (a) yellow (b) green (c) white We smell with our _______________ (a) eyes (b) nose (c) ears How many sense organs do we have? (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 How many opposite side does a rectangle have? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 CD case has a square shape (a) yes (b) no (c) may be A square has _______________ equal sides (a) four (b) three (c) five An object size is how big or _________ an object is (a) small (b) smaller (c) bigger A dog _____________ (a) bark (b) talk (c) mew We can use a ______________ to measure our weight (a) broom (b) bridge (c) scale A cow is _____________ than a mouse. (a) smaller (b) bigger (c) small The colour of your hair is _______________ (a) green (b) white (c) black A baby cries; A sheep ______________ (a) bark (b) mew (c) bleats The sense organ of taste is the _____________ (a) mouth (b) tongue (c) teeth We use our ___________ to make sound (a) palm (b) eyes (c) ears We taste food with our ______________ (a) eyes (b) tongues (c) hands The whole mouth including the tongue and teeth are used in eating (a) yes (b) no (c) may be The nose has _____________ holes called nostrils. (a) two (b) three (c) four Body cream has ___________ smell (a) terrible (b) bad (c) nice Section B Name five sense organs you know i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ v.) ____________________________ List four different types of colours i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ Write out the sounds that is made by each of the following animals Cow = _________________ Cock = ________________ Pig = __________________ Dog = _______________ Cat = ______________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Complete in alphabetical order; three letters Examples: abc, def ghi QRS, TUV, WXY bcd, ___ ___ ___, hij GHI, ___ ___ ___, MNO opq, ___ ___ ___, uvw LMN, ___ ___ ___, RST KLM, ___ ___ ___, QRT Section B Complete with two letters Example: AB CD EF GH IJ MN OP QR ST UV FG HI JK LM _______ OP QR ST UV _______ KL MN OP QR _______ DE FG HI JK _______ QR ST UV WX _______ Section C Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Circle the vowels l m p o g e d n m f k d f I z h d v f o r y e w x Section D Circle the consonants B A L E Y P Q R I S U C D B G M H I J K X Y V O D ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME: Write one hundred and twelve in figures (a) 1012 (b) 112 (c) 211 Write in words 440 (a) Four four four (b) Four forty (c) Four hundred and forty Circle the odd number 23, 32, 42, 52 (a) 23 (b) 32 (c) 42 Write 200 in words (a) Two (b) Two thousand (c) Two hundred Write in figures: seventy-four (a) 47 (b) 14 (c) 74 What is the place value of 9 in 190 (a) 190 (b) 90 (c) 100 Add 640 and 64 together (a) 704 (b) 1280 (c) 640 What fraction is not shaded (a) ¼ (b) ¾ (c) 4/4 Write in figures: one hundred and twenty three ________ (a) 1023 (b) 1230 (c) 123 3 hundreds 4 tens 6 units = ______________ (a) 436 (b) 346 (c) 643 70 + 8 = _____________ (a) 708 (b) 807 (c) 78 5, 10, 15, 20, _______________ (a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 30 19 ___________ 23, 25, 27 (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 24 What fraction is shaded (a) 1/3 (b) 2/5 (c) 3/8 2, 4, 6, ______, 10 (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 10, 20, 30, 40 ____________ (a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 40 33, 30, 27, 24 __________ (a) 25 (b) 23 (c) 21 What is ½ of 4 = _____________ (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 What is 1/3 of 12 = ___________ (a) 36 (b) 3 (c) 9 How many units are there in 10 (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 Section B Edet has 12 blue balls, 13 green balls and 4 white balls. How many balls does he have altogether. Write out any five even numbers. _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Re-arrange from the highest to the lowest. 25, 152, 96, 102, 207 _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Circle the smaller number 110 101 ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Section A ________________ are the first teachers (a) brothers (b) mothers (c) government Parents provide books and school fees for the education of their children. (a) Yes (b) I dont know (c) No Grandma and Grandpa are members of my _______________ (a) school (b) family (c) street _____________ cooks for the family (a) teacher (b) mother (c) man My uncle is a _____________ to my father (a) brother (b) sister (c) aunt In the morning I ________________ the plates at home everyday. (a) wash (b) fight (c) dance We _____________ our parent when we take care of our young ones. (a) assist (b) abuse (c) destroy Nigeria is blessed with many types of food (a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe Yam is a tuber (a) Maybe (b) Yes (c) No Amala is made from ___________ (a) stick (b) yam (c) okro Fruits and vegetable give us _____________ (a) vitamin (b) fever (c) stone Men cut their hair ___________ (a) low (b) high (c) big Pounded yam is made from _____________ (a) cotton (b) yam (c) tuwo It is only in Yoruba culture that people wear Aso oke (a) No (b) Yes Office dresses are _______________ (a) Iro and buba (b) Skirts and blouses We wear school uniform to _____________ (a) party (b) school (c) church We wear _____________ and ________________ to school (a) black shoe and white socks (b) red shoe and red sock Hair style make us look good (a) Yes (b) No (c) I dont know Eba is an energy given food (a) Yes (b) No Tuwo is made from ___________ (a) Maize (b) Soup Section B _____________ and _______________ are types of fruit. A simple family consists of father, mother and _________________ What do you say when mummy or daddy buys some material for your use at home __________________ _________________ is your best food. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Yesterday, Ola slept at 8.30pm. He dreamt that he saw a masquerade. The masquerade ran after him. He ran to his father. Questions What time did Ola sleep? (a) 9:00am (b) 8:30pm (c) 7:00pm What did he see in his dream? (a) a man (b) his father (c) masquerade What did the masquerade do? (a) the masquerade stop him (b) the masquerade ran after him. (c) the masquerade slap him Who did Ola run to? (a) he ran to his mother (b) he ran to his uncle (c) he ran to his father Have you seen a masquerade? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Section B: Carefully read the following and choose the correct answer from option A C The plural of tooth is _____________ (a) tea (b) teeth (c) tooths The singular of men is _______________ (a) man (b) mans (c) men The plural of child is _______________ (a) childs (b) children (c) childed I have _____________ in my bag. (a) some (b) little (c) much I ate _____________ of bananas yesterday. (a) a lot (b) many (c) several Section C: Write countable or uncountable Air ____________________________________ Minute ____________________________________ Water ____________________________________ Biscuit ____________________________________ month ____________________________________ Section D: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns I saw a cat in the drain. _____________ was wet and dirty Adamu and Yusuf are brother. ______________ stay near my house. Lara has gone home. _____________ went home by bus. He hurt _____________ when he fell on the road. She baked the cake _____________ without anyones help. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: AGRIC SCIENCE NAME: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer from option A C Farm tools are use to work in the ____________ (a) farm (b) school (c) home Sickle is also part of farm tools. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above _____________ is used to gather up soils to make heaps or ridges. (a) rake (b) hoe (c) cutlass Its good to wash farm tools after use. (a) No (b) Yes (c) maybe We can keep fruits and other crops in ______________ (a) kegs (b) baskets (c) jugs Bee is useful because it makes __________________ (a) water (b) food (c) honey Praying mantis are useful insects (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe ______________ is useful because it kills other insects that destroy farm crops. (a) bee (b) praying mantis (c) termites ______________ destroy wood and furniture (a) termite (b) bee (c) ants _____________ eats leaves of plants (a) grasshopper (b) bee (c) locust ________________ damages maize cobs. (a) caterpillar (b) grasshopper (c) beetles ____________ makes holes in yam tubers. (a) beetle (b) termite (c) bee Dead leaves add more plant food to the _______________ (a) soil (b) stone (c) water Plants need food and air to grow ______________ (a) well (b) bad (c) all of the above The earthworm makes holes in the soil. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Plants grow on the soil. (a) no (b) yes (c) maybe The soil contains plant _____________ (a) food (b) clothes (c) soil Air enters the soil through the holes. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Yams can stay in the barn for many months. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Grains can be stored in ______________ (a) silos (b) garage (c) toilet Section B Name three (3) simple farm tools i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ Write two (2) useful insects you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State the use of hoe. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C ______________ helps us to keep active (a) exercise (b) work (c) talk Exercise is good for our ________________ (a) health (b) mouth (c) ears Swimming is also part of an exercise. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Dancing is an example of exercise. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Exercise helps the body to keep fit and strong (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above _____________ is a period when the body is not working (a) rest (b) play (c) work It is important that you get plenty of rest and ___________ (a) eat (b) sleep (c) talk Rest and sleep help us to recover quickly from illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Body building foods are known as ____________ (a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) fat and oil Carbohydrate gives us __________________ (a) energy (b) blood (c) vitamin Vitamins help to keep the skin smooth and healthy. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe A balance diet is also known as ______________ (a) simple diet (b) adequate diet (c) animal diet Balance diet make us to grow _______________ (a) slow (b) straight (c) well Food preservation is the method of treating and handling food. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Orange is an example of vitamin. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe The food we eat should be kept away from flies and ___________ (a) dust (b) fruits (c) eat Our hands should be wash with soap and ______________ (a) water (b) food (c) leaf Foods that are exposed to flies and dust can cause illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe We must go to bed early. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Exercise is good to burn out fats. (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above Section B: Name three examples of an exercise. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.)____________________________ Give two periods for rest and sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Write two places where to sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State three examples of protein. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: YORUBA NAME: Omo _______________ kii puro (a) eja (b) rere (d) osi Aisan n se baba ______________________ (a) tola (b) Aina (d) bose _______________________ ati mama re n lo sode (a) ojo (b) ade (d) wura ta lo sa aso re sita? (a) iya muhomo (b) iya suuru (d) iya ade Talo n ba ka awon aso naa ___________ (a) yomi (b) gbemi (d) tola Ojo ati mama re n lo si __________________ (a) ode (b) oja (d) ile Ijamba __________________ kan sele (a) keke (b) oja (d) moto _________________ ri isele naa (a) bunmi (b) kunle (d) aanu talo so wipe wo ma luu ti baba mi ra? (a) Alaba (b) tunde (d) yinka Fo ______________________ re bi o ba ji (a) bata (b) ile (d) eyin Omo rere kii puro __________________ (a) ta lo sobe (b) ta lo bee (d) ta lo fi jo Omo rere kii ____________________ (a) ka we (b) sise (d) jale Faweli ede Yoruba je __________________ (a) mewa (b) meje (d) marun Omo komo to n puro ________________ (a) omorere (b) omo ibi ni (d) omo olowo ni Kinni ojo fun aro ________________ (a) ounje (b) aso (d) owo Kinni wo fe fi maluu se? _______________ (a) ikomo (b) oku (d) isi le Ko alifabeti ede Yoruba ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME: An electronic machine that accepts data and change it into useful information is called _____________ (a) DVD (b) Computer (c) Mouse A single part of the computer cannot work on its own? (a) True (b) False A computer system has only one part (a) True (b) False Who instructs the computer on what to do (a) Robot (b) Man (c) Nobody The computer is an electronic machine (a) True (b) False The computer is faster and more reliable than man. (a) True (b) False Electronic device are machines that uses __________________ or battery. The two types of monitor are ___________ and _______________ (a) Black & White (b) Monochrome & Coloured (c) Red & Black ______________ shows us the work of the computer on a screen. (a) Television (b) Monitor (c) Radio The monitor can allow us to change to different stations. (a) True (b) False The monitor needs a keyboard to work (a) True (b) False Our monitor looks like a __________________ A monitor is _________________ in shape. (a) square (b) circle (c) rectangular The computer machine has ______________ parts (a) one (b) two (c) many The computer can think and reason on its own (a) True (b) False Section B Mention two parts of a computer i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Mention three electronic device i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SPELLING NAME: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C Prayer is the way we talk to God. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe We cannot see God because He is a _______________ (a) Woman (b) boy (c) spirit He can do all things for us when we ask him in _______________ (a) prayer (b) class (c) reader ______________ hears us when we speak to him. (a) God (b) devil (c) satan _______________ is a son of God. (a) Judah (b) Jesus (c) Joseph Who came to save us from our sins. (a) Joshua (b) Jesus (c) Moses Jesus had how many disciples. (a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 12 Who brought Lazarus back to life? (a) Tunde (b) James (c) Jesus Jesus taught his disciples on how to _____________ (a) Pray (b) Sell (c) Fish Jesus wants us to pray always. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe God is _______________ (a) holy (b) not holy (c) unclean God loves us but hates the sins we commit. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God answered Hannah and she gave birth to ______________ (a) Samuel (b) Jacob (c) Noah Jesus wants us to pray __________________ (a) sometimes (b) always (c) every afternoon Prayer has the power to make great things happen. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Prayer bring us close to _________________ (a) evil (b) God (c) man Paul and Silas prayed that God should set them free from prison. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above Hannah was barren. She prayed to God for a son. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Hannah became pregnant (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God made us in his own ________________ (a) self (b) image (c) house Section B Who is God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name 3 disciples of Jesus you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ How do we talk with God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who died on the cross? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: The name of our country is _________________ (a) Togo (b) Nigeria (c) Oyo The government build hospitals for us? (a) Yes (b) No Our rights are the things that we are expected to do for our country. (a) Yes (b) No Civic education is important for national development. (a) Yes (b) No We need peace in Nigeria (a) No (b) Yes Every school has its own rules which pupils must __________ (a) Disobey (b) obey Punctuality means coming early to ________________ (a) play (b) eat (c) school Neatness means appearing in a clean uniform ______________ (a) No (b) yes It is good to _____________others (a) abuse (b) respect (c) fight Kindness means showing ___________ to others (a) love (b) wickedness (c) power We must show love to _________________ (a) people (b) book (c) stick Civic education help people to know their _______________ (a) right (b) food (c) mouth People contribute their own part to make the country ________________ (a) worse (b) better (c) ugly Do you want Nigeria to grow (a) maybe (b) no (c) yes We must obey the _______________ of the country (a) laws (b) food (c) house ________________ is a good thing (a) stealing (b) fighting (c) cheating We must have good manners and show respect to others. (a) No (b) Yes It is good to ________________ your teacher. (a) abuse (b) fight Pupils must not play rough in school (a) Yes (b) No Pupils must not copy other pupils work during tests and examination. (a) No (b) Yes Section B Pupils must come ________________________ to school It is good to __________________________ our teachers and parents. Government build ___________________________ for the public We must show ___________________________ to people in trouble. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME: Example 1: 532 533 534 535 Example II: 960 961 962 963 Write the missing numbers 343 345 211 213 880 115 900 Section B: Re-arrange in order (Smallest number first) Example: 642 531 982 723 842 __531__ __642__ __723__ __842__ __982__ 212 412 312 112 512 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 400 600 300 500 200 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 807 307 207 407 707 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 538 838 738 438 938 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 831 776 631 433 502 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Section C Write out the biggest number in the group Example: 641 736 902 621 __902__ 417 637 917 836 _________ 900 700 500 600 _________ 711 1000 800 300 _________ 292 492 692 392 _________ 731 626 815 512 _________ Section D: Example: 36 30 10 44 35 35 (18.) 43 66 17.) 72 (19.) 1 1 91 20.) 11 21 & TECHNOLOGY NAME: Carefully read the questions and choose the correct answer option A C We see with our __________ (a) nose (b) eyes (c) mouth Rainbow has _____________ colours (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 5 The colour of leaf is ___________ (a) yellow (b) green (c) white We smell with our _______________ (a) eyes (b) nose (c) ears How many sense organs do we have? (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 How many opposite side does a rectangle have? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 CD case has a square shape (a) yes (b) no (c) may be A square has _______________ equal sides (a) four (b) three (c) five An object size is how big or _________ an object is (a) small (b) smaller (c) bigger A dog _____________ (a) bark (b) talk (c) mew We can use a ______________ to measure our weight (a) broom (b) bridge (c) scale A cow is _____________ than a mouse. (a) smaller (b) bigger (c) small The colour of your hair is _______________ (a) green (b) white (c) black A baby cries; A sheep ______________ (a) bark (b) mew (c) bleats The sense organ of taste is the _____________ (a) mouth (b) tongue (c) teeth We use our ___________ to make sound (a) palm (b) eyes (c) ears We taste food with our ______________ (a) eyes (b) tongues (c) hands The whole mouth including the tongue and teeth are used in eating (a) yes (b) no (c) may be The nose has _____________ holes called nostrils. (a) two (b) three (c) four Body cream has ___________ smell (a) terrible (b) bad (c) nice Section B Name five sense organs you know i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ v.) ____________________________ List four different types of colours i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ Write out the sounds that is made by each of the following animals Cow = _________________ Cock = ________________ Pig = __________________ Dog = _______________ Cat = ______________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Complete in alphabetical order; three letters Examples: abc, def ghi QRS, TUV, WXY bcd, ___ ___ ___, hij GHI, ___ ___ ___, MNO opq, ___ ___ ___, uvw LMN, ___ ___ ___, RST KLM, ___ ___ ___, QRT Section B Complete with two letters Example: AB CD EF GH IJ MN OP QR ST UV FG HI JK LM _______ OP QR ST UV _______ KL MN OP QR _______ DE FG HI JK _______ QR ST UV WX _______ Section C Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Circle the vowels l m p o g e d n m f k d f I z h d v f o r y e w x Section D Circle the consonants B A L E Y P Q R I S U C D B G M H I J K X Y V O D ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME: Write one hundred and twelve in figures (a) 1012 (b) 112 (c) 211 Write in words 440 (a) Four four four (b) Four forty (c) Four hundred and forty Circle the odd number 23, 32, 42, 52 (a) 23 (b) 32 (c) 42 Write 200 in words (a) Two (b) Two thousand (c) Two hundred Write in figures: seventy-four (a) 47 (b) 14 (c) 74 What is the place value of 9 in 190 (a) 190 (b) 90 (c) 100 Add 640 and 64 together (a) 704 (b) 1280 (c) 640 What fraction is not shaded (a) ¼ (b) ¾ (c) 4/4 Write in figures: one hundred and twenty three ________ (a) 1023 (b) 1230 (c) 123 3 hundreds 4 tens 6 units = ______________ (a) 436 (b) 346 (c) 643 70 + 8 = _____________ (a) 708 (b) 807 (c) 78 5, 10, 15, 20, _______________ (a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 30 19 ___________ 23, 25, 27 (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 24 What fraction is shaded (a) 1/3 (b) 2/5 (c) 3/8 2, 4, 6, ______, 10 (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 10, 20, 30, 40 ____________ (a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 40 33, 30, 27, 24 __________ (a) 25 (b) 23 (c) 21 What is ½ of 4 = _____________ (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 What is 1/3 of 12 = ___________ (a) 36 (b) 3 (c) 9 How many units are there in 10 (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 Section B Edet has 12 blue balls, 13 green balls and 4 white balls. How many balls does he have altogether. Write out any five even numbers. _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Re-arrange from the highest to the lowest. 25, 152, 96, 102, 207 _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Circle the smaller number 110 101 ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Section A ________________ are the first teachers (a) brothers (b) mothers (c) government Parents provide books and school fees for the education of their children. (a) Yes (b) I dont know (c) No Grandma and Grandpa are members of my _______________ (a) school (b) family (c) street _____________ cooks for the family (a) teacher (b) mother (c) man My uncle is a _____________ to my father (a) brother (b) sister (c) aunt In the morning I ________________ the plates at home everyday. (a) wash (b) fight (c) dance We _____________ our parent when we take care of our young ones. (a) assist (b) abuse (c) destroy Nigeria is blessed with many types of food (a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe Yam is a tuber (a) Maybe (b) Yes (c) No Amala is made from ___________ (a) stick (b) yam (c) okro Fruits and vegetable give us _____________ (a) vitamin (b) fever (c) stone Men cut their hair ___________ (a) low (b) high (c) big Pounded yam is made from _____________ (a) cotton (b) yam (c) tuwo It is only in Yoruba culture that people wear Aso oke (a) No (b) Yes Office dresses are _______________ (a) Iro and buba (b) Skirts and blouses We wear school uniform to _____________ (a) party (b) school (c) church We wear _____________ and ________________ to school (a) black shoe and white socks (b) red shoe and red sock Hair style make us look good (a) Yes (b) No (c) I dont know Eba is an energy given food (a) Yes (b) No Tuwo is made from ___________ (a) Maize (b) Soup Section B _____________ and _______________ are types of fruit. A simple family consists of father, mother and _________________ What do you say when mummy or daddy buys some material for your use at home __________________ _________________ is your best food. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Yesterday, Ola slept at 8.30pm. He dreamt that he saw a masquerade. The masquerade ran after him. He ran to his father. Questions What time did Ola sleep? (a) 9:00am (b) 8:30pm (c) 7:00pm What did he see in his dream? (a) a man (b) his father (c) masquerade What did the masquerade do? (a) the masquerade stop him (b) the masquerade ran after him. (c) the masquerade slap him Who did Ola run to? (a) he ran to his mother (b) he ran to his uncle (c) he ran to his father Have you seen a masquerade? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Section B: Carefully read the following and choose the correct answer from option A C The plural of tooth is _____________ (a) tea (b) teeth (c) tooths The singular of men is _______________ (a) man (b) mans (c) men The plural of child is _______________ (a) childs (b) children (c) childed I have _____________ in my bag. (a) some (b) little (c) much I ate _____________ of bananas yesterday. (a) a lot (b) many (c) several Section C: Write countable or uncountable Air ____________________________________ Minute ____________________________________ Water ____________________________________ Biscuit ____________________________________ month ____________________________________ Section D: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns I saw a cat in the drain. _____________ was wet and dirty Adamu and Yusuf are brother. ______________ stay near my house. Lara has gone home. _____________ went home by bus. He hurt _____________ when he fell on the road. She baked the cake _____________ without anyones help. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: AGRIC SCIENCE NAME: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer from option A C Farm tools are use to work in the ____________ (a) farm (b) school (c) home Sickle is also part of farm tools. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above _____________ is used to gather up soils to make heaps or ridges. (a) rake (b) hoe (c) cutlass Its good to wash farm tools after use. (a) No (b) Yes (c) maybe We can keep fruits and other crops in ______________ (a) kegs (b) baskets (c) jugs Bee is useful because it makes __________________ (a) water (b) food (c) honey Praying mantis are useful insects (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe ______________ is useful because it kills other insects that destroy farm crops. (a) bee (b) praying mantis (c) termites ______________ destroy wood and furniture (a) termite (b) bee (c) ants _____________ eats leaves of plants (a) grasshopper (b) bee (c) locust ________________ damages maize cobs. (a) caterpillar (b) grasshopper (c) beetles ____________ makes holes in yam tubers. (a) beetle (b) termite (c) bee Dead leaves add more plant food to the _______________ (a) soil (b) stone (c) water Plants need food and air to grow ______________ (a) well (b) bad (c) all of the above The earthworm makes holes in the soil. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Plants grow on the soil. (a) no (b) yes (c) maybe The soil contains plant _____________ (a) food (b) clothes (c) soil Air enters the soil through the holes. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Yams can stay in the barn for many months. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Grains can be stored in ______________ (a) silos (b) garage (c) toilet Section B Name three (3) simple farm tools i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ Write two (2) useful insects you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State the use of hoe. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C ______________ helps us to keep active (a) exercise (b) work (c) talk Exercise is good for our ________________ (a) health (b) mouth (c) ears Swimming is also part of an exercise. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Dancing is an example of exercise. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Exercise helps the body to keep fit and strong (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above _____________ is a period when the body is not working (a) rest (b) play (c) work It is important that you get plenty of rest and ___________ (a) eat (b) sleep (c) talk Rest and sleep help us to recover quickly from illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Body building foods are known as ____________ (a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) fat and oil Carbohydrate gives us __________________ (a) energy (b) blood (c) vitamin Vitamins help to keep the skin smooth and healthy. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe A balance diet is also known as ______________ (a) simple diet (b) adequate diet (c) animal diet Balance diet make us to grow _______________ (a) slow (b) straight (c) well Food preservation is the method of treating and handling food. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Orange is an example of vitamin. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe The food we eat should be kept away from flies and ___________ (a) dust (b) fruits (c) eat Our hands should be wash with soap and ______________ (a) water (b) food (c) leaf Foods that are exposed to flies and dust can cause illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe We must go to bed early. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Exercise is good to burn out fats. (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above Section B: Name three examples of an exercise. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.)____________________________ Give two periods for rest and sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Write two places where to sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State three examples of protein. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: YORUBA NAME: Omo _______________ kii puro (a) eja (b) rere (d) osi Aisan n se baba ______________________ (a) tola (b) Aina (d) bose _______________________ ati mama re n lo sode (a) ojo (b) ade (d) wura ta lo sa aso re sita? (a) iya muhomo (b) iya suuru (d) iya ade Talo n ba ka awon aso naa ___________ (a) yomi (b) gbemi (d) tola Ojo ati mama re n lo si __________________ (a) ode (b) oja (d) ile Ijamba __________________ kan sele (a) keke (b) oja (d) moto _________________ ri isele naa (a) bunmi (b) kunle (d) aanu talo so wipe wo ma luu ti baba mi ra? (a) Alaba (b) tunde (d) yinka Fo ______________________ re bi o ba ji (a) bata (b) ile (d) eyin Omo rere kii puro __________________ (a) ta lo sobe (b) ta lo bee (d) ta lo fi jo Omo rere kii ____________________ (a) ka we (b) sise (d) jale Faweli ede Yoruba je __________________ (a) mewa (b) meje (d) marun Omo komo to n puro ________________ (a) omorere (b) omo ibi ni (d) omo olowo ni Kinni ojo fun aro ________________ (a) ounje (b) aso (d) owo Kinni wo fe fi maluu se? _______________ (a) ikomo (b) oku (d) isi le Ko alifabeti ede Yoruba ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME: An electronic machine that accepts data and change it into useful information is called _____________ (a) DVD (b) Computer (c) Mouse A single part of the computer cannot work on its own? (a) True (b) False A computer system has only one part (a) True (b) False Who instructs the computer on what to do (a) Robot (b) Man (c) Nobody The computer is an electronic machine (a) True (b) False The computer is faster and more reliable than man. (a) True (b) False Electronic device are machines that uses __________________ or battery. The two types of monitor are ___________ and _______________ (a) Black & White (b) Monochrome & Coloured (c) Red & Black ______________ shows us the work of the computer on a screen. (a) Television (b) Monitor (c) Radio The monitor can allow us to change to different stations. (a) True (b) False The monitor needs a keyboard to work (a) True (b) False Our monitor looks like a __________________ A monitor is _________________ in shape. (a) square (b) circle (c) rectangular The computer machine has ______________ parts (a) one (b) two (c) many The computer can think and reason on its own (a) True (b) False Section B Mention two parts of a computer i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Mention three electronic device i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SPELLING NAME: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C Prayer is the way we talk to God. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe We cannot see God because He is a _______________ (a) Woman (b) boy (c) spirit He can do all things for us when we ask him in _______________ (a) prayer (b) class (c) reader ______________ hears us when we speak to him. (a) God (b) devil (c) satan _______________ is a son of God. (a) Judah (b) Jesus (c) Joseph Who came to save us from our sins. (a) Joshua (b) Jesus (c) Moses Jesus had how many disciples. (a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 12 Who brought Lazarus back to life? (a) Tunde (b) James (c) Jesus Jesus taught his disciples on how to _____________ (a) Pray (b) Sell (c) Fish Jesus wants us to pray always. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe God is _______________ (a) holy (b) not holy (c) unclean God loves us but hates the sins we commit. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God answered Hannah and she gave birth to ______________ (a) Samuel (b) Jacob (c) Noah Jesus wants us to pray __________________ (a) sometimes (b) always (c) every afternoon Prayer has the power to make great things happen. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Prayer bring us close to _________________ (a) evil (b) God (c) man Paul and Silas prayed that God should set them free from prison. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above Hannah was barren. She prayed to God for a son. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Hannah became pregnant (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God made us in his own ________________ (a) self (b) image (c) house Section B Who is God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name 3 disciples of Jesus you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ How do we talk with God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who died on the cross? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: The name of our country is _________________ (a) Togo (b) Nigeria (c) Oyo The government build hospitals for us? (a) Yes (b) No Our rights are the things that we are expected to do for our country. (a) Yes (b) No Civic education is important for national development. (a) Yes (b) No We need peace in Nigeria (a) No (b) Yes Every school has its own rules which pupils must __________ (a) Disobey (b) obey Punctuality means coming early to ________________ (a) play (b) eat (c) school Neatness means appearing in a clean uniform ______________ (a) No (b) yes It is good to _____________others (a) abuse (b) respect (c) fight Kindness means showing ___________ to others (a) love (b) wickedness (c) power We must show love to _________________ (a) people (b) book (c) stick Civic education help people to know their _______________ (a) right (b) food (c) mouth People contribute their own part to make the country ________________ (a) worse (b) better (c) ugly Do you want Nigeria to grow (a) maybe (b) no (c) yes We must obey the _______________ of the country (a) laws (b) food (c) house ________________ is a good thing (a) stealing (b) fighting (c) cheating We must have good manners and show respect to others. (a) No (b) Yes It is good to ________________ your teacher. (a) abuse (b) fight Pupils must not play rough in school (a) Yes (b) No Pupils must not copy other pupils work during tests and examination. (a) No (b) Yes Section B Pupils must come ________________________ to school It is good to __________________________ our teachers and parents. Government build ___________________________ for the public We must show ___________________________ to people in trouble. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME: Example 1: 532 533 534 535 Example II: 960 961 962 963 Write the missing numbers 343 345 211 213 880 115 900 Section B: Re-arrange in order (Smallest number first) Example: 642 531 982 723 842 __531__ __642__ __723__ __842__ __982__ 212 412 312 112 512 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 400 600 300 500 200 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 807 307 207 407 707 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 538 838 738 438 938 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 831 776 631 433 502 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Section C Write out the biggest number in the group Example: 641 736 902 621 __902__ 417 637 917 836 _________ 900 700 500 600 _________ 711 1000 800 300 _________ 292 492 692 392 _________ 731 626 815 512 _________ Section D: Example: 36 30 10 44 35 35 (18.) 43 66 17.) 72 (19.) 1 1 91 20.) 11 21 via Blogger http://ift.tt/2yzGggy
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