#D&D 3.5 elves are all about martial skill
hdawg1995 · 30 days
had a thought about my D&D party and how everyone goes about their grooming/self care routines and the end result is my new headcanon for elves in fantasy settings.
the reason why elves have long hair is because its a social status- not of good breeding or anything, but because braids and styles of braid indicate status.
are they married? are they in the military? are they single and looking to mingle? are they single and NOT looking to mingle? are they a noble? are they a baker?
a military man who is single will wear hair totally different from a man who is a baker and married.
anyway cute idea of the party's former military elf braiding a "married" braid into his crush's hair only to panic and want to unbraid it when they come to his home town.
"did you hear? while he was on leave he got married!" "No, really? how do you know?" "the teifling girl- look at her braids!" "oh... my.... and he didn't invite his own mother!"
"Mother, its not what you think-" "it looks like it! she is a lovely lady, very polite, if only i could have braided your hair! indeed who DID braid it for the ceremony?" "no one, mother, listen-" "YOU DIDN'T BRAID YOUR HAIR FOR YOUR OWN WEDDING???"
"Lady vantis, if I may ask, who died?" "I am mourning my son's love for me!" "Mother the wedding hasn't happened!" "I can still hear him some times! which reminds me i must teach his widow the mourning braid!"
"I don't see what the problem is, we practically are married." "The problem is there is a "to be married" braid and that would have been more accurate." "but THIS is accurate." "Please don't say that around my mother, there is also a braid for "betrayed by child" and i don't wants the neighbors talking."
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pathfinderreforged · 2 years
Changes in PathFinder 1E - Post Three
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So this is post three and gets into the changes of Pathfinder from D&D 3.5. The first post was essentially why I am doing this and the second post was about D&D 3.5 and the major flaws of that system. This post is about the many changes of Pathfinder 1st Edition. I loved the 3.5 system as flawed as it was it was also very elegant in its design and a good DM could easily work around those flaws with some additional structure, limits and guard rails. Pathfinder 1st edition was about bringing more structure to an unstructured out of hand set of overly complex rules and way to many options that included power creep. In all honesty they didn't hit the mark but they got close.
What Changed in Pathfinder from 3.5
First if you want to dig into what specifically changed I suggest going to DandD WIKI as it has the full conversion and goes over the change comparison between 3.5 and PF1E. It is well worth the read if you are interested in the many changes made.
Rebuilt races with all of them getting a streamlined ability modifier set up. Basically every race gets two +2 modifiers and one -2 modifier. With humans, half orcs, and half elves getting +2 to any single ability and no negative modifiers.
Major over haul in the classes. I am not going to go into specifics but if you are interested go the above link.
Skills were condensed down from forty skills to twenty six skills. This was much needed but I do think Pathfinder went to far. I will go into the specifics later but there are few skills I think should not have not have been consolidated and a few others that I think should be added.
Feats received a major overhaul including the amount of feats a character received. It went from one feat every three levels to one feat every odd level. So from six feats to ten feats over the level progression from first to twenty. One of the major problems with the 3.5 system and the Pathfinder system is the reliance on feats. Especially martial classes and in my opinion this is one of two major reasons for the power disparity between casters and martial classes. Dependency on combat feats for martials to progress in power and ability while casters didn't need feats to increase their powers only enhance them. More about this later.
Combat Maneuvers received a very nice overhaul but the over use of Attacks of Opportunity more or less stifled the use of them. All of the primary combat maneuvers were combined into one simple mechanic called combat maneuvers. The change is elegant and efficient but a much better job in this area would have made combat maneuvers more effective. I would also add that there should have been limitations on who could use attacks of opportunities based on martial and caster classes as well as monster types and HD. Not every single class or creature should have access to AoO. It created a lot of issues in regards to combat and making it boring and static.
Spells pretty much stayed the same except for a few spells like polymorph and such. The problem with magic is more of and issue of no guard rails around the overuse or abuse of its use from the casters. Even the XP cost was removed so really powerful spells had no actual cost to the player tied to it (causing even more power creep at higher levels). My point being in just about every story, novel, movie there is a cost to the use of magic. It is a natural guard rail in its over use. The game needs to have a mechanic that accounts for that. More to follow on that as well.
Experience tables changed and frankly was another underlying issue with the power scale of casters compared to martials. In the first iterations of D&D classes didn't scale in experience the same. A matter of fact casters actually progressed more slowly over the length of their level progression and for good reason.
So those are major changes more about the flaws of Pathfinder 1E in my next post, Post Four.
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