#Credits to @imadumdumjewel for the wonderful fic
remlovespancakes · 10 months
Hello today I made a few scenes from a fanfic of my friend
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This is a crossover of rc9gn and MTprecure where ha-chan gets possessed and randy tries to save her even without his mask if you wanna know more about the fanfics just click here https://www.deviantart.com/precure/gallery/ and check out her gallery filled with beautiful fanfics of rc9gn and precure anyways thank you @imadumdumjewel for collaborating with me this was so fun to draw but I don't think I can make more scenes like this since our school year's about to start and I'm gonna be more busy but again thank you for letting me draw fanfic scene it's an honor to collab with an actually author and I hope you keep up the good work anyways I hope all like this drawing
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