#Cotl PYOS
luis-block · 1 year
Pick your own smut adventure: Cult of the Lamb addition!
Hello friends! I thought this would be a fun bigger writing project. This will be the star of the story, and as time goes on, I will add other characters from the game that you can pick as a path! These might take me longer that some other writings I do, but I hope you guys will enjoy it none the less!
⬇️Start Here⬇️
‘I cannot believe I just did that! You had this all planned out: as if they were interested, if yes? Ask them on a date! Simple right? I guess not!’ You thought as you ran back to your home through the woods where you resided. Your embarrassment is evident on your face as you walk into your small dwelling next to the river. Throwing yourself on to your cot, your face in the pillow as you contemplate what got you to this point.
You meant to start out with your plan, of course. You had been spending time with them for the last few hours and it was going well. You two always do this on Saturdays, hang out with a drink and chat until you fall asleep, then you go home in the morning. It had become routine for you both you never miss. So when you though the time was right, you tried to execute your plan. But one look into their eyes and your plan was out the window.
You have no idea what came over you, but you let your feelings for them fall from your mouth. You don’t remember all of what you said, but the quotes ‘I would love to start a family with you.’ And ‘I hope we could be together forever.’ are bold in your mind. You fall asleep, hoping you didn’t just ruin the closest friendship you have had in the land of the old faith over this.
You wake up to a bird pecking at your door in the morning. You groan at the mail bird that you two used, slipping out of bed and trudging to the door. The little black bird chirped happily, flying to your shoulder once you grabbed the note from her beak. You sigh seeing the note writers name on the front but know you must face the consequences of your actions. You slowly open it and start reading….
Who wrote to you?
*Characters so far*
Part 1
Part 2
Kudaai *one WIP*
Part 1
Part 2
Chemach *both WIP*
Part 1
Part 2
Narinder*Both WIP*
Part 1
Part 2
More options to come!
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luis-block · 1 year
Pick your own Cotl Smut: 🔞Clauneck part 1
First part (and first fic) for the project! I will make the stories into two parts for all of them for more build up and content. Enjoy!
Warnings: NSFW 🔞, Scent kink, aphrodisiac kink, VERY suggestive but no full action
‘My dear friend, I am so very apologetic for my lack of words last night. T’were not my intent to run thou off crying. Please forgive my foolishness and come to talk with me. I have thought about what you have said and would like to talk about this with you.
Yours sincerely, Clauneck’
You stare at his beautiful handwriting with mixed emotions. Knowing the fortune teller, he looked at his cards and already knew what would come of this conversation. But you wish you also knew right now as well. You gather your bearings as you write back, saying you will be there in the afternoon. You needed to prepare yourself. Sure he has never even been rude to you, or had been malicious to anyone, but you knew he would only say what the truth was and not sugarcoat things.
The afternoon comes to fast as you make your way to where Clauneck has been camped out with his fortune telling set up in Darkwood. You walk slower than normal, preparing for the possible heart break you were about to face at the hands of the fortune teller that you have called a friend for so long. The smell of orchid incense leads you to his tent. You note this isn’t a scent he has used before but has probably been in his collection for centuries. It calms you and gives you a feeling you can’t quite explain.
But not the less you quietly walk up to him, as it seems he is meditating. He seems on edge for some reason or another, which is out or character for the being of tarots. He opens his eyes to look at you, softly smiling as he pats to the extra pillows, he has for you to sit in front of him. “Lovely to see you, my friend. Please come and sit with me so we can talk.” he says calmly. You feel much more at ease, a stark contrast to your travel over here.
You sit in front of him, closer than you usually would as the pillows are situated almost under him as well.  “So, I want to say I’m sorry for the mess of emotions that came out last night. I really didn’t mean for that to happen...” You mutter as you look down. “It’s quite alright, my orchid. Sometimes our emotions are like a hurricane in our minds, waiting to come out and flood our words. I am not upset at all by what you said.” He hummed, moving closer to you without you noticing. “Are you sure Clauneck? I don’t even know what I said for the most part, only a handful of comments came to mind when I thought about it.” You blush and look away, as you notice him looking down at you from him tall stature. “And I hope I didn’t say anything to embarrassing.”
He chuckles as you fall from the pillows on to the ground as you make a noise of surprise. “My apologies! I suppose I could have gotten more pillows for the occasion. But I have a solution.” You look mildly confused as he picks you up with no effort, setting you on his warm lab. “That is better than the ground, yes? Are you felling ok, my friend?” He asks as you lean into him and sigh. The smell of his usual go to incense invades your senses, as well as something else. You had never been close enough to smell the mucky undertone he has, the more you smell it the more you relax into his touch.
“Yes, this is fine… But what did you what to talk about? It’s ok if you don’t return my feelings. As long as we can still be friends?” You look up at him with hopeful but dazed eyes, hoping to get a solid answer. “Of course, I thought my response was evident enough with the room's aura and smell. But I realize your species also don’t communicate with scent markers. So, I’ll give you a hint.”
He leans down to your ear, his breath fanning down to your shoulder as you shutter. “Most scents of incense have meaning to them; do you know what orchids scent is associated with?”
“I-I don’t know, what is it.” You can now guess that your feelings are reciprocated by his actions, but the scent thing was unexpected. You lean your forehead to his as he sighs, obviously smelling you scent as he leans back into you. “Well, they are associated with Love, Passion and, well, fertility.” He purrs out, enjoying the dark blush that has settled on your face.
“Our fates intertwine and will stay like that for the rest of time as we know it. We also have a family in our future as well… If you want to begin our ties sooner rather than later.”
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luis-block · 1 year
HI QUESTION ABOUT PYOS are you going to include chemach??? Or is it just going to be kudai and clauneck? Asking for. A friend (me)
I absolutely can! I am going to add the main cast of characters that people would like to see so I can work on my writing. So any character anyone wants to make sure is on the list leave a message on my request and I'll put them on! 😄
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