#Clone Amalgam Ni Cuy' T'ad
mwolf0epsilon · 3 months
Summary: The man who had made it said it was loved. He lied, but that didn't mean it didn't want it to be true...
[Very quick drabble before bed, because today's OC lore infodump has cracked open the bottled on so many thoughts regarding Ni Cuy' T'ad's sense of identity, self-worth, grief at being forced into a wretched existence and yearning for affection]
The first time it opens its eyes, it's told that it is something precious. A someone. A brother. Wanted and cherished. So very loved that it was brought back from the very brink of oblivion.
The man who tells it this wears a pale gray coverall suit that is saturated in blood. His eyes full of a desperate kind of madness that causes him to grin from ear to ear, while exhaustion and giddiness partly cause his incessant quaking. There is love in those dark eyes of his, but no true direction. He is lost.
It doesn't think him a liar, but it doesn't entirely believe his words. They're far too kind, too personal, to be for it. Bare too much familial significance to be aimed at a wretched creature that only just came into being. But it doesn't deny him the solace his own lies brings him.
It feels like if it does, he might collapse in on himself. And it doesn't want to be alone. Choses to be kind, even if ultimately it is for partially selfish reasons.
It doesn't keep track of time. Has no innate sense to do so, because the days on Tantiss are all the same. As are the people and sights, to the point where it all blurs together into one giant smear of mind-numbing monotony. Trying to make sense of anything just made its head hurt, so it prefers it that way anyway.
It's easier to just stagnate and hide in the comfort of the known, rather than dwell on the unknown.
But one day someone new comes along and suddenly it and the man who'd made it are free. And oh how the man cries and cries. Won't stop crying. Screams and thrashed and practically howls in anguish as he's dragged kicking and screaming into freedom.
It doesn't understand why he is so upset, but it hugs him until its made to let go. Relegated over to others who cry just as hard when they see it for the first time. It wants to cry too, and maybe throw up, although it is not sure why seeing them makes it feel so sick.
It understands later, after two of them call it Conch, and the other calls it Syrup. Those are not its names. They never were. But alas, it came to understand very early on that it was made of spare parts.
Machinery and flesh. Brother and not.
It thinks the one who took the man who made it didn't mean to be so cruel as to leave it with the people that loved the original owners of its components. Maybe he thought he was being kind. It still hates him for it. Hates Fox for his misguided attempt at finding it a home, and its caretakes some kind of closure.
Because Tongue Twister had been wrong.
It was not precious. It was not a someone. It was not a brother. It wasn't even wanted or cherished or even loved. It was just a product of madness and exploitation. A terrible reminder of something it would never be.
And it wished Geoduck, Crayfish and Pox could see far enough past their grief to see how much they were hurting it. Because even tough it was not loved the way they clearly loved Conch or Syrup, it wanted to be.
It wanted to be their vod just as much as they had been. Was that too much to ask?
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