#Civ v
anderswasrightt · 6 months
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i haven't played Civ V in over a year but it's still my most-played game by far. in fact, it beats disco elysium, my second most-played game, by over 3000 hours. i used to play this game all fucken day on my days off as well as before and after work, for several years.
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idkaguyorsomething · 2 months
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okay sid meier’s civilization twitter account, you win this one
(IMAGE ID: a screenshot of the Sid Meier’s Civilization Twitter account. It displays six different images of Alexander the Great from six different Civilization games which look drastically different, ranging from lionlike leader to rat-faced little bitch to alpha chin man to blonde guy I guess to that dude that’s on the cover of every paperback romance to discarded Shrek human design. The account has captioned these images “Did you do something with your hair, Alexander?”)
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very-uncorrect · 7 months
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just bought civ v because I've heard it's a really good game
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Since I’m not as much of a gamer now, I usually don’t get the usual criticisms that people give to gaming YouTubers playing games. For example, I’ve never played “Wind Waker”, so I’m not sure if the Game Grumps are bad at the game or just average. For games that I’m unfamiliar with, I just listen to the commentary.
That said, I will say that the only times I’ve understood these kinds of criticisms was when Steam Train played “Civ V” and RDCWorld played “Resident Evil 4”. I could feel my eye twitching every time Ross made a bad decision, or when Leland and Dylan kept making the wrong assumptions about “Resident Evil” lore.
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polyphonetic · 10 months
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resuming silly modded civ 5 and my roommate is hanging out on Twitch in 30 min! :)
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foremanissleepy · 6 months
No, I don't see anything wrong with building the Hagia Sophia in London
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faerabbit · 3 months
Len'en Civ5 WHAT?
Comes in Shrine Team and New Emperor Team flavours!
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corpsegirlforever · 1 year
Paradox: Civilization, a game where you can build your own nation, build relationships with others, and reach scientific enlightenment
Me: WAR ON GHANDI WAR ON SULLOMAIN WAR ON ELIZABETH WAR ON WASHINGTON WAR ON POLAND no war on Theodora though she's my girl. War on Bismark.
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princecharmingtobe · 4 months
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Aw, dude. ALL of my trade routes are with Attila. You're putting me in a really tough spot Enrico.
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smol-blue-bird · 2 years
man, i love byzantine history but Theodora is an IDIOT in this game 😭 250 turns in, she’s still in the Rennisance era when everybody else is at least industrial, she has a grand total of 0 gold somehow, she lost Constantinople to Spain and is currently down to one tiny ass city in the Arctic that isn’t generating anything useful, and I can’t even trade anything with her because she has jack shit in regards to resources. She’s at the bottom of every. single. list. and my stupid ass keeps gifting her military units out of pity because she’s the only leader that’s still nice to me after I killed Dido. Every time I load up her leader screen she’s like MELIMAAA~~~ and it’s like, no, not melima!!!! your country is falling apart!!! i’m going to leave you behind for alpha centuri in 12 turns and then what are you going to do? go! build! any! improvements!!!!
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decaffinatedplease · 2 years
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I got a steam deck y’all and I cannot express enough how much I love this thing
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sharkymcsnarkface · 2 years
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First time talking about my civ 5 mods on Tumblr or anywhere for that matter but I’m sharing it anyway :p
Decided to delve into my childhood for this one. Thank the stars for all the dedicated fans who maintain the Storm Hawks wiki to help my research out. This one was particularly fun and unfun in many ways. Fun in that I got to pay homage to a part of my childhood. Unfun in that finding music from this show was rather difficult, and I had to settle for some things I would rather not have due to them not really fitting as well as something else would. But as is, I’m proud of the result. Maybe I should learn how to synthesize my own music, huh?
link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2836818010
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starryspeculation · 1 year
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ngl this is hilarious
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pastelsapphy · 2 years
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gean-grey-blog · 29 days
Christopher Tin leading the Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra and ~1,200 audience members singing along, in his music from Civ 5 at the Kennedy Center
I'm from the DC area, I've seen a lot of shows at the KC. This one was special. It felt like magic we made together
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Game 256 - Sid Meier's Civilization V by Firaxis Games
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What did I think it was at first? no idea! I think I got this in a Steam sale in like 2013. No clue why I picked this up.
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How was the character creator? You can customize your game in a lot of ways. You can choose the map surface you play on, the difficulty level (I played on Settler, which is basically baby), and the world leader you play as. I played as Queen Elizabeth!
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How was the game? It was surprisingly more board gamey than I thought it would be! Your goal is to establish your empire and secure a millitary victory, a cultural victory, or a scientific victory.
You are competing against NPC-controlled (or I guess in multiplayer they are people) nations with their own aims and goals in mind. I generally had peaceful relationships with my neighbors except for one time I went to war by accident and doubled down for funsies.
The first part of the game is very granular and requires cautious management of your expansion and resources. However, by the time my empire hit the modern age, I was able to zoom out and focus on improving my cities. I ended up handily clinching a scientific victory and probably could have played on a tougher difficulty level.
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What did I not love? This game takes so long to play. My one playthrough took me like 6 hours. I cannot imagine playing this with live people in one sitting. It was fun, but I don't think I have any desire to do it again.
At 6.3 hours and $7.49, was it really worth it? I think this is just not a genre I care for, though I did enjoy Democratic Socialism Simulator. There was a lot of crunch that I didn't love managing. Maybe if there was a more simplified experience I would like it more?
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