#Chief Librarian Altacoya
tlatia-the-radiant · 2 months
Dawn Legion Personnel Roster
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First Captain Laura, Master of the Tecuani
Personal bodyguard and champion of the Primarch, as well as the master of the Primarch's honour guard.
Tecuani Honor Guard: Nau || Cotaya || Xenhuan || Citalicue || Ixtli || Metzhli || Patli || Quetzalli || Teicuih || Tlanextic
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Second Captain Tozi, Quartermistress
Responsible for the inventory and distribution of the Legion's supplies. Also oversees food and water production.
Logistratum: Azti || Supply Team "Constellation" ||
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Third Captain Celaya, Master of the Fleet
Responsible for the Dawn Legion's fleet. Takes command of the fleet when the Primarch is indisposed. By technicality, also controls the Legionary Aeronautica; this job is usually deferred to the Overseer Aeronautica.
Naval Command Corps: Overseer Aeronautica Xihuitl || Flight Deck Overseer Eduin Waye ||
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Techmarine-Primus Xipil, Fourth Captain, Master of the Armoury
Responsible for the maintenance and preservation of the Dawn Legion's weaponry, armour, and vehicles. Also commands the Destroyer Cadres.
Armour Corps: Chicahua ||
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Fifth Captain, Lady-Outrider Anahuarque
Responsible for commanding the Scout Corps, also known as the Outriders, which performs overt reconnaissance and carries out raiding/harassment operations.
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Scout Corps: Nochtli || Jaguar Company || Panther Teams ||
Sixth Captain and High Watcher, Master of Sentinels Ohtli
Responsible for the majority of the Dawn Legion's combat deployments; in particular, commands the Sentinel Corps, the elite forces dedicated solely to the protection and evacuation of civilians and noncombatants.
Sentinel Corps: Ahuic || Xitalli || Necahual || Calmainoc ||
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Apothecary-Huntress Chimalma, Seventh Captain
Responsible for overseeing and commanding the Dawn Legion's medical corps, also known as the Apothecarion.
Apothecarion: Tochi || Hazardous Environ Unit || "Open Hand" Outreach Teams ||
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Eighth Captain, Forgemaster Eztli
Responsible for overseeing the creation of additional armours, weapons, and gadgets, as well as all Legionary R&D. Also inducts new Techmarines and Tech-Adepts. Works closely with the Selenar Gene-Witches.
Techmarine Corps: Amoxti ||
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Chief Librarian Altacoya, Ninth Captain, Master of Intelligence
Responsible for the Legionary Librarius. Due to all members of the Dawn Legion being psychic Blanks, the Librarius instead conducts spywork and covert intelligence-gathering.
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Tenth Captain Tayanna, Promise of Hope
Responsible for the oversight of all Dawn Legion spiritual and ritual activities.
Chaplaincy: Master of Rites Chimalli ||
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Additional Personnel
Inquisitor Kalli Asto || Farseer Taldeer || Liivi || Gunnery Chief Officer Kaiserin || Matriarch Amar-89 || Vox-Officer Lady Naisaiah Kell ||
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tlatia-the-radiant · 3 months
Write a Drabble about the two characters who don’t get along the most (if I recall it’s the librarian and Chaplin leads)
"Tayanna, if you remove that book from this room, you are being court-martialled and shot for violating hazardous and daemonic material guidelines and directives within the next two hours.
Chief Librarian Altacoya kept her voice low and neutral, trying to sound more honest than threatening. It was a threat, of course.
High Chaplain Tayanna set the Lectitio Divintatus back down on the table and rolled her eyes at her sister's overzealous adherence to quarantine procedures.
"I simply wish to attempt a cleansing ritual. The words within these pages could be valuable, if we manage to purge the daemons that rest between the lines and in the margins."
"Or, here's a thought," Altacoya countered, dry as a desert dune, "we burn that book and kill whatever comes crawling out of it."
Tayanna looked nothing short of horrified at the thought. "How shocking, that the Chief Librarian can't appreciate a good book!"
"A good--It's the Lectitio Divintatus! If I want to read a book I'll find some piece of fiction, not a treatise about the Cult of the Saviour Emperor!"
"This book is not just the foundational text of the Imperial Cult," Tayanna corrected. "This is the first edition that Lorgar wrote! It is the single most influential book in the Imperium, in front of even the Lex Imperialis!"
"That does not make it good!" Altacoya argued, sounding rather exasperated--this was not the first time the two had argued over the Lectitio Divintatus.
"If it's so popular, clearly something about it was effective!" Tayanna countered.
"Effective marketing, maybe," Altacoya snorted. "The actual words are tripe."
Tayanna sighed the sigh of someone that had this exact argument with this exact conclusion before, many, many times. "My own sister, completely incapable of appreciating a work of art."
"Get better taste," Altacoya responded. "And leave that karking book on the table."
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tlatia-the-radiant · 3 months
"Stiletto in position."
The Chief Librarian nodded as she watched the cogitatior-displays with a hawk's eye.
"Hurricane in position."
Two out of three.
"Bluescreen in position."
Jackpot. Altacoya nodded to the staffers and ensigns in the control room and leaned close to her microphone.
"All teams in position. Blackout, Blackout, Blackout."
Hundreds of thousands of kilometres away, aboard a Navis Nobilite station belonging to House Achelieux, all at once, three things happened: a power outage, a security failure, and a fire.
Bluescreen Squad's commander nodded to the two Tech-Priests attached to the team, who muttered canticles of sacred deactivation and injected scrapcode into the power supply that would take at least an hour to clear. The effect was near-immediate and instantaneous; lights across the station deactivated and switched to backup power, giving a brief, thirty-second window of pure darkness. Security systems disengaged. Door locks stopped functioning. The entire station was ripe for the picking.
Two members of Squad Hurricane kicked in doors on the opposite sides of the map vault and led the way in, followed by the other four members, and once they were satisfied they were clear, began systematically eliminating the Semanauaxunktli System from each of the star charts hidden within, burning most other maps while using more advanced methods to hide their homeworld.
The six Astartes of Stiletto looked to each other, nodded, and the moment that the power failed wordlessly drew cruel combat knives, coldly and cleanly assassinating the six carapace-armoured guards stationed around the room they were in before turning to eliminate the cold-hearted noble sitting oblivious on their throne a few moments later. Their last gurgled words were a threat. It would go wholly unfulfilled.
Altacoya leaned back in her chair. "Alea iacta est," she muttered.
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