#Chakotay: ~???? <- amused & bemused
bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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He truly can't let anyone have anything
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summahsunlight · 4 years
This Way Became My Journey, CH. 12
Pairings: Janeway/Chakotay, Paris/OFC
Characters: Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay, Tom Paris, Sarah Barrett (OC), Harry Kim, B’Elanna Torres, Kes, Neelix, the Doctor
Chapters 1-10 / Chapter 11
A/N: Here is the next chapter! I hope you like it :)
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Captain's Log, Stardate 48439.7
As we maintain a course back to the Alpha Quadrant, we're conducting what would be routine maintenance to the ship; routine that is if we had access to a starbase
"Engine efficiency is down another fourteen percent," Tom Paris reported later that afternoon at the senior officer's briefing, or the ones that had been hastily thrown together. They were still without a chief engineer and a chief medical officer. Tom moved slightly back to his seat, looking over his data on his PADD. Sitting down next to Sarah Barrett he remarked, "If we don't get more power to the warp drive, we're all going to have to get out and push."
"What about alternative energy sources?" Janeway asked. She looked at Harry, remembering the report he had issued to her last night, that had been sitting in her stack on her desk that morning, about his idea. She had unfortunately not been able to read through it thanks to Ava making a mess of her ready room. The broken vase had taken nearly an hour to clean up because she had to crawl along the floor to find all the tiny pieces. "Ensign," she said pushing memories of the regretful morning from her mind, "have you had any luck getting power from the holodeck reactors?"
He shook his head. "Not yet. We tried hooking them to the power grid and we ended up blowing out half the relays. The holodeck's energy matrix just isn't compatible with the other power systems."
"Captain," Chakotay said, getting her attention. "If we relocate all security personnel to deck seven we can shut down power on deck nine and reroute it to propulsion."
Tuvok looked intrigued. "That would be inconvenient, but acceptable."
"Fine," Janeway said, picking up a PADD. "Let's move onto the personnel situation."
She was about to say more when Neelix and Kes burst into the room, Neelix apologizing that they were late. Janeway and the rest of the senior officers seemed surprised to see them there. "Mister Neelix, this is a briefing for the senior officers," Janeway told them.
"Well I am the senior Talaxian on board and Kes is the senior Ocampa," He replied. "And I do know more about this region of space than any other member of the crew."
For a moment Janeway met Barrett's eyes. The young woman raised her eyebrows in response as if to say that Neelix was right.
"We have some excellent suggestions, Captain," Kes added, noticing the looks passing between Janeway and Barrett.
Janeway nodded. "Very well; you're welcome to join us, this time."
Tom got up and offered Kes his chair and went to stand with Neelix.
As Kes got settled, Janeway voiced, "To be honest, we could use some excellent suggestions right about now." She placed the PADD with the personnel needs onto the table.
"I've been thinking," Kes told her. "That you could convert one of your lower decks into a hydroponics bay; you'd be able to grow your own food. I understand that the replicators went down earlier today and that the emergency rations won't hold out much longer."
Janeway had to admit it sounded like an excellent idea, and since she was sick of peanut butter and jelly, the only thing she had left besides the emergency rations, she decided it was worth a shot.
"What about cargo bay two," Harry suggested, tacking onto what Kes was saying. "It was designed for organic storage, and it already has adjustable environmental controls."
Janeway was sold on the idea now, smiling at Kes, she said, "When can you start?"
"It's your idea, your project," Janeway told her.
Kes felt a smile form on her face, pleased that she had been able to offer some help to these people. "Right away," she told Janeway. Neelix went to babble on the things he could to with vegetables and how something called Feragoit goulash was known across twelve star systems. Janeway had learned to take everything that Neelix said with a little grain of salt however.
Smiling she went back to the PADD she had placed on the table earlier. "Okay, onto the personnel problem." She scrolled down the list on her PADD. "We've managed to find a replacement for the transporter room chief, but we still need an astrogation plotter, chief engineer, medical support staff…" she paused and let out a small, frustrated sigh. Being stranded out here was beginning to sink in fully with her and she realized that she had a lot of work ahead.
Chakotay was handing her a PADD, informing her that he had given her a list of Maquis that he thought would make good officers. Janeway scrolled down the list, each name registering in her mind, but no face, that is until she came across B'Elanna Torres name. Barrett had mentioned to her the other day that Torres was "volatile" and just recently she had struck Lieutenant Carey, breaking his nose. "B'Elanna Torres, wasn't she the one who was involved in that incident with Mister Carey?" she asked Chakotay.
"That's right," he said, looking accusingly at Sarah.
"Just what job do you think she's suited for?" Janeway asked.
"Chief Engineer," he replied.
Janeway studied him for a moment. "You're serious?"
Deciding that this issue was not going to be solved at the present time she placed the PADD he handed her down onto the table. "Regarding sickbay, we still need a chief medical officer."
"What about that electronic man?" Neelix questioned.
"It is an emergency medical hologram and its abilities are limited," Tuvok answered him. "It can only operate in the confines of sickbay."
"Not to mention its lousy bedside manner," Tom quipped to which Neelix nodded his head in agreement.
"Well couldn't you work with…him, Counselor," Neelix said, looking at Sarah.
Barrett gave him a bemused look. "It's a hologram, Mister Neelix, not a person. I can't put him through therapy to improve his compassion. He is what he is." She looked at Janeway then, "Although, maybe we should look into his programming to see if we can improve on it just a bit. I heard that Ava was terrified of him the other day."
Terrified wasn't the word that Janeway would have used, recalling how she had taken the baby down to sickbay to have the Doctor check up on the double ear infection. While the infection was all but gone, his cold tone and mechanical like way of dealing with people had caused Ava to go into hysterics.
"That still doesn't help us when the power runs out," Kim was pointing out, bringing Janeway's attention about to the meeting at hand.
"What if someone trained alongside the Doctor, as a field medic?" Chakotay offered.
"Good idea," Janeway said, with maybe a bit too much enthusiasm in her voice to make him feel better for her lack of trust in B'Elanna. Stealing a glance at Tom, she said, "Lieutenant I understand that you studied biochemistry at the Academy."
Tom looked worried. "Only two semesters," he told her.
"Close enough, you just volunteered to be field medic," Janeway told him, amused by the look on his face. "Report to sickbay as soon as we're finished here."
"But Captain," Tom started to protest as the ship shook violently. Somehow the senior staff managed to get to their feet and make their way out onto the bridge towards their stations.
Janeway gripped tightly to the railing at conn, screaming, "Report!"
Seska was manning the engineering console. "We're running into some kind of spatial distortions."
"Mister Tuvok!"
"The distortions are emanating from a highly localized disturbance in the space time continuum. Distance, twenty thousand kilometers off the port bow!"
"All stop!"
As soon as the ship came to a stop, the jolting stopped. Janeway let out a small sigh of relief and moved away from tactical which she had scrambled too when she asked Tuvok for his report. "On screen," she ordered and an image appeared on the view screen. Looking at the mass of blue and purple before she glanced at her personal screen, going over the readings it was giving. She had never personally seen this type of anomaly before, but she was pretty sure she knew what was out there. "If I'm not mistaken, we're looking at a type four quantum singularity."
"Captain," Tuvok said, "I'm receiving an audio transmission from inside the singularity."
"On speakers," Janeway ordered and the cabin was filled with a garbled message.
"I think I found the source of the transmission," Kim announced from ops. The image on the view screen magnified and the distorted image of a ship could be made out.
Janeway turned slightly in her chair and looked over her shoulder at Neelix and Kes who were standing at the rail behind her. "Does it look like any ship you're familiar with?"
Neelix squinted his eyes trying to make it out. "No, nothing I recognize. But then again, it's so hard to make out."
The Captain stood and moved towards conn. "They maybe trapped in the event horizon. Open a channel," she ordered Tuvok. When he signaled to her that it was open she began to speak again. "This is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Starship Voyager to the vessel near the quantum singularity. Do you need help?" While she waited for a response she heard Neelix telling Kes that a singularity was a star that had collapsed in on itself, and that the event horizon was a very powerful engery field surrounding it. She wasn't surprised that he next went into some story that he had encountered one before. She didn't hear the rest of the story though, because Tuvok was speaking to her.
"No response to our hail Captain."
"Can we tractor the vessel out?"
"No, the subspace interference is too heavy," Harry replied as Neelix made his way down the steps into the command station.
"Captain," the Talaxian said. "We're less than three light years from Ilidaria. They have sophisticated technology, they might be able to help, and they're quite friendly… most of the time."
Janeway shook her head at his suggestion. "No. It looks like its being pulled into the singularity. We have to get it out of the event horizon." She was startled to hear Chakotay contact Torres down in engineering, peering around Neelix at her new first officer she wondered if he realized just what he was doing.
"I was thinking we could remodulate a tractor beam to match the subspace interference, it might be enough to cut through the event horizon," Torres' voice interrupted her thoughts.
"A subspace tractor beam?"
"When can you have it ready?" Chakotay asked her, growing more aware that Janeway was not happy with him.
"Two maybe three hours."
"Get right on it, use whatever people you need," Chakotay told her.
Janeway pressed her lips together briefly before speaking, "Mister Carey what do you think?" The tension that passed between the two was not lost on the people nearest them, being Neelix who was sandwiched in between, and Sarah who was standing to the right of Janeway.
"With the right field modulation it might work. But we'll need more power to the emitter array," Carey's voice said over the comline.
"Very well," Janeway replied, glancing up at the ceiling momentarily. "You're in charge Mister Carey, report to me when the tractor beam is ready."
"Aye, Captain."
Janeway told Tom to hold their position and with one look at Neelix, which told the Talaxian to step aside, she moved towards Chakotay and dropped her voice into a tone that she often found herself using when she was frustrated with Michael. "I'd like to see you in private."
As she stepped off of the bridge into her ready room, Chakotay following behind her it became apparent to everyone that the tensions between Starfleet and Maquis were not solely restricted to Engineering.
"Michael take your sister and go sit out on the bridge for a moment," Kathryn ordered the children in perhaps too hostile of a voice, but she was not in the best of moods. She went to stand on the upper level of her ready room and waited for the children to leave.
"Mama, why did the ship move like that?" Michael asked her instead of moving. "It ruined the block house I was building."
Kathryn crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. She was not in the mood to argue with him, not when she had a bone to pick with her first officer. Michael knew that look all too well and the little boy eagerly took Ava by the hand, and proceeded down the steps of the upper level of the ready room, past Chakotay who was standing by the desk, and out onto the bridge.
When the door hissed shut behind the children, Kathryn glared at her new first officer. "We have a problem and I think it's time that we discuss this."
"Captain I appreciate your concerns about Torres, but I promise you-," Chakotay started to say, but she interrupted him.
"You don't understand Commander," Kathryn said, "This isn't about Torres, my problem is with you."
"Let me be blunt," Kathryn said, losing her patience. "What you tried to do just now was out of line."
"In what way?" he asked.
"When you decided to call Torres in Engineering," Kathryn snapped.
"I've worked with her. I know what she's capable of," Chakotay responded, feeling himself losing his own cool. "We needed an answer right away and I knew she could give us one."
"Carey is the senior officer in Engineering," Kathryn retorted.
"If you look at it that way, none of my people will ever have seniority," Chakotay argued.
Kathryn moved off the upper level of her ready room towards him. "That's the problem right there. They're not your people. You're treating the Maquis on this ship as if they're still your crew."
"I'm doing everything that I can to integrate them into your crew, but frankly, you're not making it easy for me, Captain."
"I can't make it easy Commander. Surely you can understand that. They don't have the discipline, they don't have the training."
"But some of them have the ability, like B'Elanna Torres!" he responded.
Kathryn moved away from him, towards her desk, but didn't sit down. "The Starfleet officers on this ship have worked all their lives to earn their commissions. How am I supposed to ask them to accept a Maquis as a superior officer just because circumstances have forced us together?"
"You're asking them to accept me," he told her.
"You're qualified. You're a graduate of the Academy and you have command experience," she argued.
"Permission to speak freely."
"Go ahead."
His eyes became dark. "I have no intention of being your token Maquis officer."
She was taken aback by the darkness of his eyes and his words. "Show me another Maquis candidate and I'll consider him."
"B'Elanna Torres."
"Who cannot control herself and could not make it through the Academy."
"She's the best engineer I've ever known!" he yelled, turning about to leave. "She could teach at the Academy!" He stopped before he got to the door and turned about to look at Kathryn. "You're right Captain, I do consider these my people because nobody on this ship will look out for them like I will. And I'm telling you, you're going to have to give them more authority if you want their loyalty."
"Theirs…or yours, Commander?"
"I'm trying to help you," he answered her. "I'm sorry that you don't see that. I strongly recommend that you get to know Torres before you chose a new Chief Engineer. Permission to leave."
"Dismissed," she whispered, watching as he stormed out of her ready room and back onto the bridge. Raising her eyes to the ceiling she studied it intensely for a few moments, what she wouldn't give to be able to go back in time and stop this all from happening. Trying to explain to High Command why they had suddenly disappeared for several days with no communication with Starfleet was looking a lot more pleasant then what she was facing right now; a seventy five year journey with two crews that just could not get a long.
Stop with the self-pity, Kathryn, she chided herself. Circumstances were what they were, and she was going to have to make the best of it. With a defeated sigh, she sat herself down behind her desk and called up B'Elanna Torres personnel file, perhaps she should take Chakotay's advice after all and get to know the woman better.
"Computer, activate the emergency medical holographic program," Kes commanded as she stepped into sickbay.
The hologram appeared before her, stating, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
"Actually, there is no emergency," Kes replied. "I'm creating a hydroponics bay; I was told you could provide me with some nitrogenated soil samples."
The Doctor didn't look too pleased. "That's it?" Her apologetic look told him the answer that he sought. "And so it begins. The trivial of medicine is my domain now; every runny nose, stubbed toe, pimple on a cheek becomes my responsibility."
"You are the only doctor we have," Kes pointed out to him while he prepared her samples.
"I'm not just a doctor!" He exclaimed, turning to look at her. "I've been designed with information from two thousand medical reference sources and the experience of forty seven individual medical officers! I am the embodiment of modern medicine." After the egotistical rant the hologram turned back to the shelf. "How much dirt do you need?"
"Four samples will be enough," Kes answered.
The Doctor sighed, frustrated and collected the samples for her. "Now I know how Hippocrates felt when the King needed him to trim a hangnail." He placed the three samples he had managed to carry from the shelf into a portable storage unit.
"You're very sensitive aren't you?"
"As a medical practitioner I require a certain sensitivity to properly address a patient."
"I'm talking about you as a person," Kes replied, gently.
The Doctor turned around, standing by the shelf once more, looking at Kes. "I am merely a hologram."
Kes was looking at him, studying his appearance intently. "Doctor, has your program altered your appearance since I came to sickbay?"
"No. Why?"
She moved towards him and joined him at the self. "When I first came in your head was at the same height as this cabinet. But now you look at least ten centimeters shorter."
He looked at her, concerned, and then went to sit at the desk, typing in a few keys on his console. "I've just run a diagnostic on my image processor. It shows that I've been reduced in height by ten point four centimeters." He tapped his combadge. "Sickbay to operations."
"This is Kim."
"The holographic projector in here is malfunctioning," the Doctor told him. "Can you send a repair crew down right away."
"We're a little busy right now, we'll get to it as soon as we can."
"It's just that-,"
"Kim out."
Dejected at being cut off, the hologram looked down at the desk before glancing up at Kes. "Well, it seems like a very busy day in operations."
"I'm sorry I bothered you," Kes said, turning to go, gathering up her samples.
"No trouble at all, just turn off the program before you leave."
Before she left though, she looked back at him one last time. "What's your name?"
"What purpose would a name serve a hologram?"
"I just wanted to know what to call you besides Doctor," she replied.
"I guess they never thought I'd be around long enough to need one," the Doctor said. "What's your name?"
The hologram smiled. "Well, Kes, I'm glad that I could help you today."
With a warm smile, she said, "Computer end program." As the hologram disappeared, she took the samples and proceeded to cargo bay two where she was going to begin her project of creating a hydroponics bay to help a crew that had helped her so much in the past several days.
With a troubled expression, Sarah Barrett stepped out of the turbolift onto the bridge just as Joe Carey's voice came over the comlink that they were ready to proceed with the tractor beam. Janeway was making her way across the back of the bridge towards tactical and where Sarah was standing. She had a hard, determined look on her face, and Sarah could see that she was tense. The information that the young woman was going to give her was not going to make present matters any better, either.
"Captain, can I speak to you for a moment?" the young counselor asked her, stepping into her path. Janeway shook her head and went to move around Sarah, but the counselor stepped in her way again. "Ma'am, it's very important."
Gently Janeway placed her arms onto Sarah's shoulders and moved her out of the way. "I'm sorry, Counselor, it's going to have to wait. We're about to attempt using the subspace tractor beam to free that trapped ship. I promise once this is all over I'll speak to you." Moving past Sarah, she pointed at Tuvok, "Mister Tuvok, lock onto that ship."
"Engaging tractor beam." A blue energy beam shot forth form the front of Voyager and locked onto the ship in the middle of the singularity. "It's working," Tuvok reported. "The beam is penetrating the event horizon."
Kathryn felt very little relief at this news, but when she heard Harry Kim contact engineering to check their power levels because he was reading massive fluctuations, she lost what little feeling of relief that she had possessed. Suddenly the ship lurched and she was thrown against the railing lining the back of the bridge. Immediately her leg began to throb in the area that had smacked against the rail, sending a wave of pain coursing through her veins.
"We're being pulled towards the singularity!" Tom Paris reported, anxiously, as he was thrown across his console.
"What's going on?" Chakotay asked Kim.
"Power to the tractor beam is down eighty percent. The gravimetric force of the singularity is pulling us in!"
Kathryn wasn't sure how she did it, with the ship shaking violently, and her leg throbbing in intense pain, but she managed to stumble to conn, clutching at the railing. "Impulse engines full reverse! Disengage the tractor beam!"
"I can't shut it down!" B'Elanna Torres said over the comlink. "The relays are locked!"
"I'm picking up hull stress all over the ship. If we keep the engines at full reverse it will pull the ship apart," Harry said.
"Cut the engines."
"We're moving forward again!"
"Engineering, get that tractor beam off line!"
Joe Carey's voice could be heard next over the comline. "Captain I can shut it down, but I'll have to get in there and physically cut the main power feed."
Kathryn didn't care how he did, not at this point. "Do it," she ordered him. The ship continued to shake for several seconds while they all held their breaths. Finally, after what felt like hours to Kathryn, the motion stopped and Tuvok was reporting that the tractor beam had been disengaged. Closing her eyes she let out a small breath of relief. "Move us to a safe distance, Mister Paris."
"Are we abandoning the rescue attempt?" Chakotay asked her as she joined him in the command station.
"No, but we're going to need help," Kathryn replied, and then ordered Tom to lay in a course for the Illdaria system. Glancing at Chakotay, she said, "Have Mister Neelix report to the bridge, it appears we're going to follow his suggestion after all." The first officer nodded his head and left the bridge. It was then that Kathryn noticed Sarah standing there and recalled that the young woman had something urgent to speak to her about before they had made the rescue attempt. "I suppose now is as good as any a time, Sarah, to talk. What can I do for you?"
"Engineering brought something to my attention, and they weren't exactly sure how to approach you," Sarah replied. "They found an object lodged inside a conduit on deck eleven."
Kathryn gave her a puzzled look even as a toy action figure was produced in Sarah's hand. Instantly the Captain recognized the toy as her son's. Visibly she kept her cool, but inside her head was swarming with emotions. It suddenly dawned on her that the children had never come back into the ready room after she had forced them to leave so she could speak to Chakotay alone. Kathryn had not even noticed that they were missing she had been so preoccupied. She cursed herself for being so careless. Snatching the toy out of her counselor's hand she wrung her fingers around it. "You didn't happen to find the culprit did you?"
Sarah shook her head. "No ma'am. I searched the deck myself, but found nothing."
"Computer, locate Michael and Ava Janeway."
"Michael and Ava Janeway are in the mess hall."
Wonderful, Kathryn thought. Who knows what they've gotten into there. We've only got two replicators left; I wouldn't be surprised if they've blown them out. "Mister Tuvok, you have the bridge," she ordered, storming up the steps and into the turbo lift. The day was seemingly getting worse and worse, if that was entirely possibly. She wasn't sure how much longer her mental being was going to hold up with if there were anymore broken computers, shattered vases, combadges tossed about, and toys lodged into power conduits. She was already in a fragile state as it was.
The doors to the lift opened and she proceeded to the mess hall. Briefly she wondered how many kilometers she had logged roaming the ship looking for the children the past few days. I need to put a homing beacon on them, she thought with mild amusement as the doors to the mess hall swished open.
Kathryn had expected to find Michael tinkering around in some conduit. However, the two children were seated at a table with another crewman; Ava snuggled up into the woman's lap, and from where Kathryn was standing, appeared to be sound asleep. The Captain reasoned that it was probably the baby's nap time and she felt miserable about forgetting them for a good two to three hours. Michael was savoring a hot fudge sundae and Kathryn prayed he had used one of her replicator rations to get the ice cream instead of the crewman who had suddenly been deemed baby-sitter.
"Captain!" the young crewman suddenly saw the older woman standing there and jumped to her feet. Ava stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. "I didn't notice you come in!" The crewman was a bajoran female, who had dark hair and eyes, and by Kathryn's estimate couldn't have been out of the Academy that long.
"It's alright, Crewman," Kathryn responded, with a tired tone to her voice. "I was actually looking for these two trouble makers. Sorry to inconvenience you, I should be keeping a better eye on them."
"It wasn't an inconvenience, ma'am," the young woman replied. "I found them roaming around on deck eleven and thought that they'd like to get some ice cream. They looked a little bored, ma'am."
Kathryn felt a smile lace her face. "I guess being cooped up in my ready room everyday isn't exactly the most interesting place for a five year old and a one year old. But you still shouldn't have felt obligated to take care of them. After all, it's not one of your duties to watch the Captain's children."
"Believe me Captain, I'm better suited for this than all those Starfleet algorithms," the young woman said, absentmindedly, and then her eyes gaped when she realized what had just left her mouth. "I mean…I've always enjoyed being around children, ma'am."
"It seems that children like being around you too, crewman, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know your name," Kathryn said, wishing that she had taken the time to go over more of the personnel files that had were scattered throughout her quarters so she could get to know her crew better.
"Tal Celes," the girl replied.
Kathryn held her arms out. "Well, thank you again Crewman Celes," she replied, standing there with her arms open. The young woman looked confused and Kathryn didn't know why but she just warmed her heart. "I think I can take it from here."
Realizing that the woman wanted her baby back, Celes snapped to attention and placed the sleeping Ava into her arms. Gesturing for Michael to come with her, Kathryn thanked the young woman again, and as she left, perhaps had found a solution to her childcare woes. But the first thing she had to do was to speak to Michael about wandering off and playing in a power conduit.
Kathryn waited until they were inside the lift the doors had firmly shut, and they were on their way back to deck one before speaking to her son. "There's something we need to talk about. You have to understand, Michael, that this ship, it isn't like our house back in San Francisco, and you can't just roam around it as you please."
"I wasn't roaming around, I knew exactly where I wanted to go," Michael replied with a huff.
"Michael, you could get hurt," Kathryn chided. "Someone in Engineering found one of your toys in a power conduit on deck eleven. Honey, you could have blown the conduit, getting yourself and Ava seriously hurt."
"I just wanted to see how it worked, Ava was the one who got the toy stuck in there," Michael told her. "You don't need to worry."
But that's all she found herself doing, especially now that circumstances had made her life as a mother much more difficult. They faced the prospect of all kind of dangers, threats that could harm herself or her children. What else was she to do but worry about them?
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ricepips-blog · 7 years
60 Minute Makeover
(I apologise for the length, I've been distracted today and I've just decided to throw this out there...) 60 minute make over Tom Paris creates another new idea to keep staff motivation at a high. Whilst scrolling through the ship's archives, he comes across an Ancient Earth TV programme called "60 minute make over" The premise is simple. A house is chosen (usually with a family in desperate circumstances) and a team move in and redesign their home in less than 60 minutes. Tom watches hours of episodes and he is hooked. He decides it would be great for the crew to attempt to redesign a fellow crewmates quarters in 60 minutes. The Captain agrees and names are randomly assigned to everyone taking part. Paris and Torres, sneakily fix some of the results, purely for the opportunity of betting it would encourage. Harry gets Seven Seven gets Tuvok . Tuvok gets Harry. Neelix gets the Doctor. The Doctor gets Neelix. Paris gets B'Elanna (she scowls at him for this) B'Elanna gets Tom (she punches his arm for this!) Chakotay gets Janeway. Janeway gets Chakotay. To his credit, Tom hides his amusement well, though he quickly bangs out a selectively crew wide betting pool entitled "Will he search her knicker drawer?" Harry shocks everyone with a resounding message,"Or just her knickers?" Tom reprimands the young ensign, he reminds him that vulgarity never gets anyone laid. The date is set for the challenge the following Saturday and everyone is abuzz with their plans and designs. Some people worriedly mention their least favoured colours and materials whilst others are just excited to see everyone's reactions. Chakotay is quietly confident he knows Kathryn well enough to redesign her quarters in a way that will make her happy. During their weekly dinner, she presses him to reveal his ideas, flirting outrageously over the wine and candles laid out on the table. Chakotay merely smiles coyly and tells her she will have to wait and find out. Kathryn's frustration with him grows and she even tries to order him into telling her. Chakotay laughs at her and moving into her personal space as he leaves her quarters merely whispering a, "Goodnight, Kathryn" his breath gently blowing the tendrils of her loosened hair around her ears. She groans in frustration as the door closes. The truth is, she wishes she hadn't signed up for this stupid challenge. She has literally no idea what to do with Chakotay's quarters (except sleep there, she thinks) and is worried about what will happen in the challenge when she stands there like an idiot with nothing to offer. She's also slightly angry with him for agreeing to take part in the first place. Why does he want his quarters redesigning when he's already got them perfect (in her eyes) anyway? Damn him and his irritating smile! Saturday dawns and the challenge begins. Everyone involved rushes around to the quarters they are redesigning, uniforms discarded in favour of work clothes. Over the ship's system, the computer merrily chirps the start of the competition. Tom is elaborate with his designs. There's lots of bright colours and cheap plastic involved, the replicator whirring happily with each command. He plays loud 20th century pop music to aid his creative juices. B'Elanna is brutal in her work. She attacks each wall with gusto, cursing in Klingon as she goes. She makes use of paint and her hypospanner and brutally punishes Tom's quarters. Harry works with shaky hands, taking time and care with his efforts. During the replication of his materials, he also replicates a protective vest in case Seven resents his troubles. Seven is methodical. She completes the task in 26 minutes and 25 seconds and is back at Astrometrics by 30 minutes. Tuvok is contemplative. He works with calmness and practicality. He too completes the task within the required 60 minutes and indulges himself in some meditation. Chakotay gets straight to work. He has stepped down to trousers only and he works solidly. He's planned all week and though not part of the rules, has been preparing things in advance. He approaches the task with love and affection, every detail carefully thought out. As the end of the challenge approaches, he adds the finishing touches and feels a warm swell of satisfaction. He's certain Kathryn will love it. Kathryn meanwhile has stood in the centre of Chakotay's quarters for 24 minutes looking lost. Finally, inspiration strikes. With a mad dash she races around, flustered and stressed and just makes it in time. Everyone reconvenes on the bridge and Tom leads the way to explore each creation. Harry's efforts are first up. The doors to the Cargo bay and Seven's accommodation swish open to reveal....pink. Everything is garish pink, right down to Seven's regeneration pod which is delicately adorned with fluffy pink lights. Seven raises an eyebrow. "The colour is offensive." she states. Harry's face falls, "I thought a bit of colour might brighten it up." Seven realises her reaction was perhaps not in keeping with her humanising lessons and she forces herself to add, "I'll adapt. I thank you." Tom whistles at Seven's restrained reaction and smirks at Harry, mouthing, "Pink?!" at him. Harry turns a dark shade of red and shuffles his feet. Tuvoks quarters are next. Seven leads the way with purposeful strides. As the door opens there are a few gasps of unrestrained horror. Seven has dismantled everything she deemed, "unnecessary" and left the bare minimum. Namely one chair and a bed, a single unlit candle remains on the floor. "It is....efficient." Tuvok states, his Vulcan restraint pushed to the limits. "There's no need for frivolous furnishing. Simple is the way," Seven states. "Indeed." Tuvok replies, his reaction clearly perturbed, even if he would never admit it. Tom quickly moves the group on, sniggering with Harry and B'Elanna as they leave. Harry's quarters are next. Tuvok keys in the code and steps back. Harry moves in and looks about himself. Nothing seems different. Except his furniture has moved about. "Your quarters were not conducive to a clear mind. I have moved things in order to make use of the natural flow the environment requires. You will find your music will improve." Tuvok explains. "err, thanks, Tuvok." Harry says, disappointed at the lack of pink. Tom guffaws and leads the group onwards. B'Elanna's quarters are next. Tom elaborately unveils her new living space. B'Elanna gapes in horror. Tom has turned her living space into a 1950's style diner complete with leatherette booths and a jukebox. The only colours are red and black. The language is rather blue. She moves towards her bedroom and yells a series of harsh Klingon curses as she spots the heart shaped bed and red velvet furnishings. Tom tries desperately to appease her, B'Elanna shoves him hard and calls him a pig. She's also currently regretting her own choice of furnishings for Tom's quarters. The Captain suggests they move on before B'Elanna kills her best pilot. B'Elanna growls under her breath all the way to Tom's quarters. She steps back as the doors open to reveal.....a 1950's style diner complete with leatherette booths and blue and white tiles. Tom looks at B'Elanna. She shrugs. She smirks. He smirks back. They move closer. Harry recognises the signs and quickly suggests they leave them to their differences. Seven takes the opportunity to announce this activity is irrelevant and decides to return to work. Tuvok concurs that he has had enough furnishings and departs back towards his own quarters. Harry makes a quick escape, not wanting to be anywhere near Tom's quarters when things really kick into gear. This leaves Chakotay and Janeway standing together outside Tom's door both looking a little bemused. Chakotay leans closer and smiles, "We didn't get chance to share our creations with each other." Kathryn flushes at the closeness and replies, "No, I guess we didn't." "Shall we?" Chakotay suggests. Kathryn gives a short nod and he steps aside, signalling her to lead the way. As she walks past, she feels the comforting presence of his hand on her lower back. As they reach Chakotay's quarters, Kathryn stops and turns to him, nervously glancing about herself. "I...struggled with this," she admits. Chakotay cocks his head to one side and gazes at her, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I apologise if it's not something you like," Kathryn adds. Chakotay smiles, "I'm certain it'll be lovely." Kathryn huffs and turns back towards his door. She keys in his code, (Chakotay smirks at the fact she uses his actual code rather than her override). The doors swish open and Chakotay feels his jaw fall slack. What was once his living room, gently decorated with artefacts from his former life, has now been transformed into what can only be described as a jungle of large, lush green plants. There's a path leading from the door that draws Chakotay forward. He walks slowly, breathing in the fresh scent of lung breathing plants. He hears the sound of water running and peering through the foliage, he spots a simulating waterfall. There are small chairs dotted about and Chakotay realises they are placed perfectly to enjoy the natural beauty of the plants. The pathway opens out into a small clearing where his dining table now resides, the replicator blinking nearby but decorated with dark red flowers and further greenery. His artefacts can be found, positioned in places to enhance their own natural beauty and only adding to the spectacle before him. Until now he hadnt heard Kathryn behind him but he turns to her, gaping in awe. Kathryn flushes, "You hate it," she sighs. He steps closer to her, "Are you kidding? I love it!" Kathryn's head snaps up and she searches his face for any signs that he is joking or trying to be polite. "You do?" "Of course! It's magnificent! But....where did you get the idea?" Kathryn looks around and flushes slightly, a shy smile pulling at the corner of her lips. "I wanted to create something that would help you keep in touch with your heritage. You have often spoke of the impact your visit to Central America had on you as a child, I wanted to try and recreate that place," Kathryn explains. "I wanted to create a sanctuary for you. One that isn't all technology and Starfleet but something that is just....you." Chakotay feels his heart soar at her words. The fact she recalls their early conversation of his experiences with the Ancient Rubber Tree people, he had no idea she had held onto that story all this time. This act gives him real hope for the future. "I am honoured, Kathryn," he says honestly. "This must have taken you far longer than 60 minutes. Are you sure you haven't cheated? Fiddled with time again?" His eyes glint at her with humour and Kathryn can't help but laugh. "Sadly, I didn't, but why I didn't think of that, I've no idea!" she grins at him. "Actually, I probably wasted most of that hour stood here with no idea what to do! Inspiration finally struck me and I only just managed to finish in time. It's not exactly how I wanted it all to turn out, but...." "It's perfect as it is, Kathryn," he says softly. "Thank you." Kathryn smiles and pats his chest, "Well you can hardly tell your Captain you hate her designs for fear she'll bust you down to Ensign," she jokes, hoping to alleviate the building tension in the air. "I'm being honest Kathryn. I'll only ever be honest with you, always." Kathryn smiles softly and reaches for his hand. He takes her offer and squeezes it, smiling back. "Now, I think we need to visit my quarters and see what you created," she quirks her eyebrow. He huffs slightly and pulls her back towards the doors of his quarters. A short walk and they are stood outside Kathryn's door. Chakotay runs a hand through his hair, "I hope you like it," he says, genuine concern flooding his features. "I'm sure it's perfect," she smiles, patting his arm. She keys in her code and steps inside. Suddenly her senses are overloaded. Her quarters are nothing like her quarters. Instead she steps back in time to New Earth. To the place where for too few days, she knew what true happiness was. There's greenery everywhere, flowers and that wonderful scent that belonged only to that planet. In the corner, tomato plants grow and she feels tears pricking at her eyes as she sees the painted image of the monkey on her wall. Something draws her forwards towards her bedroom and she gasps as she sees the beautifully carved wooden headboard adorning her bed. She looks to her right and sees her bathroom door ajar and she knows. Knows it in her bones. She moves forward as if in a dream and sure enough, there is the bath he had lovingly made for her. She turns back, mouth open. "Why?" she breathes. He looks embarrassed and shuffles his feet. "It made you happy," he says simply. Her mind races back to that night. Their last night before Tuvok returned for them. The night that started with a bath and ended up in her bed, his body over hers. The memories flood hard and fast. The heat, the passion, the love. "Chakotay," she breathes. He steps closer, "I miss you, Kathryn," he says softly, "I can't forget that night." She swallows hard, "I can't either," she admits. He moves closer again, "You looked so beautiful that night." She feels her chest pound and closes her eyes, "Chakotay...." "I know, we can't..not in the real world, but here..." his voice is barely there. "But here..." she repeats, her mind whirling. "It's not Starfleet. Not here. You're not Captain. I'm not your Commander," he adds. "We're equal," she finishes. He moves into her space and reaches his arms around her. "I love you," he whispers. She closes her eyes and leans into him, "I know....I..." "You love me too," he breathes into her hair, "here you love me too." "Yes," she answers. He claims her mouth and she falls once more into the pure and heady sensations of him...
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