#Chad Allen
l-ultimo-squalo · 3 months
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Terrorvision (1986) dir. Ted Nicolaou
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fadedday · 7 months
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Tomahawk Tassels By Chad Allen
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romangoldendreams · 22 days
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Jaime & Brienne - Joan D' Arc & Jean de Metz
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amyadams · 8 months
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My Two Dads (1987–1990) “Blast from the Past” S02.E01
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
Here's a fun Hobby Lobby story:
It's 2005. I walked into Hobby Lobby. At the time, I had no knowledge of their evangelicalism, and the public didn't know about the massive antiquities theft.
Yeah, they were closed on Sundays so "employees can worship with their families" (literally on the sign on the door), but I lived in the Ozarks and had grown up there as well. "Closed for church" was just something people put on their signs sometimes.
Anyway, I walked in to buy yarn, and I looked up as I was walking in, and above me on a GIANT BANNER was Chad Allen. The giant banner was advertising End of the Spear.
And here's the thing: I knew three things at this exact moment in 2005:
Hobby Lobby had at least SOME connection to the "shouting our religion means we're better than you" crowd of Christians I'd grown up with. Fundamentalism as we understand it today was definitely AROUND, but the wider knowledge of it and the vocabulary to describe it wasn't easily available in 2005. We were a decade from the Duggers hitting TLC and taking fundamentalist Christianity mainstream. But, the point is, I knew Hobby Lobby was braggart Christians.
I knew Chad Allen was gay as fuck. I don't recall HOW I found this out. But he was outed in 1996 due to a paparazzo asshole, and he officially came out. I assume I knew this because I was a big fan of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, and I had a crush and looked him up online sometime in 1997 when we got the internet at the house.
I knew I was bisexual. I'd figured it out in high school, and this was a few years after. And so I knew first hand how "shouting religion" Christians felt about the queers.
With these pieces of information combined, I found myself just standing awkwardly on the little rug in front of the entrance and staring at the giant Chad Allen and suddenly understanding marketing on a level I had never known before.
End of the Spear was a religious movie (murdered missionaries, the "savage natives" turn to god" sub-type). Dr. Quinn was a TV show that regularly mentioned/showed characters praying to God (yes, it had aired on CBS, for anyone who had a sudden question). Chad Allen played the eldest son on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
This very religious movie was being advertised very loudly in the midst of a religious store because there was an expectation that people who liked Dr. Quinn shopped at Hobby Lobby and would see Chad Allen and go, "Oh, he's such a nice boy on Dr. Quinn! And it's a wholesome movie! We should check it out!"
And I was left there in butqueer.exe crashing, rebooting, and crashing several times in a row before I was able to go about my shopping. Because I had the sudden realization that my internet searches for a guy I thought was cute were NOT a universal experience.
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shannendoherty-fans · 4 months
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February 20, 1987 - The "Our House" stars at the Circus Vargas - New York City.
I was thinking a lot wether to upload these pictures or not but I decided to upload them in the end. Please note, Shannen was very young here (16) and the available information about animal cruelty in the circuses was not as widespread as now.
Today we all know that for this poor elephant in order to do that trick, s/he has been suffering cruelty. Please, don't go to circuses with animals, learn first how they are stolen from the wild, split from their fsmilies, and mistreated to do things they naturally won't do. Please, find better and more responsable choices in your way of co-living with animals. Thank you very much.
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filmjunky-99 · 8 months
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [suddenly human, s4ep4] 'Captain Picard and Jono'
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years
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classic wesley crusher |1990|
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Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Season 1 Episode 6:
Ethan: I don’t know how to write or read. 
Me How come it be the dudes who can’t read or write yet they the ones running things.
hashtag: somebody make it make sense other than telling me that that’s the way it was back then.
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serialkaleidoscope1 · 2 years
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Our House (1986 – 1988)
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michaelvarrati · 8 months
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Dance by the light of the TV screen! This week, Peaches and Michael are tapping into a broadcast from beyond the stars in celebration of 1986’s TERRORVISION! In addition to discussing this cult classic’s bead on 80s archetypes, our hosts delve into the slimy staying power of asymmetrical monsters. Joining the conversation is the legendary writer/director of the film, Ted Nicolaou, who shares memories and behind-the-scenes tales of bringing this fan favorite to life. Then, Knucklehead of the acclaimed HEBGB TV stops by to talk about his longtime love of TERRORVISION and the legacy of strange signals. From Mary Woronov’s swinger pad to cantankerous horror hosts, this episode has it all! Go! 
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deepredradio · 2 years
Story: Außerirdische TV-Signale können richtig Ärger bedeuten. Das müssen auch die schrägen Puttermans erfahren, die mit der super Satellitenanlage „DIY 100“ ihren Fernsehkonsum veredeln wollen. Doch nicht nur irdische Programme erreichen ihr geschmackssicheres Heim – ein extraterrestrischer Koloss wird durch die Schüssel gebeamt und verspricht ordentlich Trouble für die schnöselige Familie…
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positivexcellence · 1 year
keeoone:  tonight is a new episode of walker Here are the BTS photos I took on my leica Lots of horsin around! wish I could jump into these photos and do it all again Enjoy the penultimate episode of season 3!
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peacerisendove · 10 months
I was thinking more about Bart and the contrasting perspectives between him as his civilian self and as Impulse. And as I've alluded before Impulse always gets the short end of the stick socially.
He considered uncool and a NARC by the kids of Manchester, Alabama despite being a hero, and he's viewed under a general perspective of being unreliable by the older heroes of the hero community, which is pretty sad and typically the opposite of how having a secret identity works with other heroes/with the trope of secret identities and how they are a source of freedom or becoming someone who is more extraordinary than their civilian self.
In contrast, Bart Allen is BELOVED by his friends and the Manchester community. He is incredibly popular and considered the most popular guy in his junior high. His fellow students consider him more trustworthy and reliable than Impulse who is a well known hero.
And just following this perspective I think that the role of Impulse and the spirit of the Impulse legacy should follow a similar suit.
I think that instead of Irey becoming Impulse, that Jai should have been Impulse instead solely from how he CONSTANTLY gets the short end of the stick in contrast to Irey. Especially in New Earth canon. He's initially was the one who lost his powers, he was the one who had to watch his sister become a hero and take up the name Impulse while he was simply a civilian, in general he seemed to play second fiddle to her, and who in my personal opinion seemed like he was estranged from the West family/Flash Family in general. (How he appears unhappy and playing video games during that one comic with the big Flash parade comes to mind specifically). Irey just takes up the mantle of Impulse because Bart was her favorite person, and honestly while she's right and Bart is great, the spirit of Impulse, other than following the beat of your own drum, seems to be: A person who is not understood by his community and isn't as appreciated or liked as much.
Which in general feels like it fits Jai much more than Irey, even now. I know he and Irey have their own hero identities now (RIP the Impulse legacy), but in general I feel like he still plays a bit of second fiddle to Irey, and especially so when they appear as their younger selves in the comics such as when he didn't even have a role in the Flash: One-Minute War event and was instead used as essentially a human battering ram.
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camyfilms · 8 months
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You think the truth is this big shiny disco ball of purity? Then go ahead and try it. See what it gets you. Telling the truth to the wrong person at the wrong time is how I ended up where I did. Take it from me - you're always better off with a really good lie.
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