#Carlota’s later life is super interesting and I am honestly considering picking up one of the maxis myself but I have too many muses already
diexeinzige · 4 years
Wanted! Habsburg Rpers
Interesting historical characters people should consider picking up aka Flora and I will love you forever and probably bribe you if you bring us: 
Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, 18. August 1830 - 21. November 1916
Count Gyula Andrassy, Prime Minister of Hungary and Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary, 8. March 1823 - 18 February 1890
Ida Ferenczy, lady in waiting to Empress Elizabeth, 7. April 1839 - 28 June 1928
Princess Sophie of Bavaria, 27 January 1805 - 28 May 1872
Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria, 21 August 1866 - 20 April 1939
Joseph Radetzky von Radetz, Bohemian nobleman and Austrian Field Marshal, 2. November 1766 - 5 January 1858
Anna Sacher, famous hotelier in Vienna,  2 January 1859 - 25 February 1930
Empress Elisabeth - Sisi, December 24 1837 - 10 September 1898 
Archduchess Gisela of Austria, 12 July 1856 - 27 July 1932
Princess Stéphanie of Belgium, 21 May 1864 - 23 August 1945
Maximilian I of Mexico, Archduke of Austria-Hungary and only Emperor of the Second Mexican Empire, 6 July 1832 - 19 June 1867
Carlota of Mexico / Charlotte of Belgium, princess of Belgium and Empress of Mexico, 7 June 1840 - 19 January 1927
Mizzi Kaspar, royal mistress to Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, 28 September 1864 - 29 January 1907
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 18 December 1863 - 28 June 1914
Duchess Helene in Bavaria, 4 April 1834 - 16 May 1890
Princess Louise of Belgium, 18 February 1858 - 1 March 1924
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 4 February 1508 - 12 January 1519
If you have questions about any or all of these characters feel free to message me and I shall throw some information your way. Gimme all the k.u.k people pretty please
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