#Canonically Oobserving 9-1-1 Speaks
Hello! This isn't really a question, but I wasn't able to comment on the post I was looking at. But, I really want to tell you that all the writing you're doing is incredible. Unknowingly, I've read some of your fics, and they're amazing. And today, I found the "I'm still in love with you but..." fic, and it says you have over 1M words. I did a double take, because what? For us? For free? What??! And I think it's absolutely amazing how much work you've put into, not only this story, but your other stories as well. I've made my way through the "Evan 'Buck' Buckley/Eddie Diaz" tag on AO3, and so I'm down to about 15 fics to read, and then I can go back and look at was written after the season 6 finale, but I'm really excited to make my way through your stories (on AO3 and tumblr).
Anyways, sorry for my tangent. I just really wanted you to know that I appreciate your work and I'm really excited to read more of it
Thank you @aar-journey for you kind and encouraging comment and I'm so glad you've been enjoying reading some of my fanfics.
My 1.09M words (and counting) fic titled "I'm still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!", is my Buddie EPIC LOVE story and it's taking Buck and Eddie places the show refuses to go. I started writing it after season 6 ended and it's become a massive fic that I love and enjoy writing so much. I love all the fics I write but this one is my baby and it's allowed me to write Buck’s, Eddie’s and Chris' journeys as the Diaz family in such a wonderful way and I know I'm going to be sad when it ends.
I hope you enjoy reading it and currently I'm working on Chapter 28 and I'll have it posted soon.
Your ask is so sweet and thank you so much for sending it because it absolutely made my day.😊💕😁
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