longlostlobster · 1 year
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peachyqueenly · 2 years
PLEASE elaborate on sea n pom parallels I'm so curious
Quick shout out to this post and @pomegranatecookiez cause he put it so eloquently. I'll try not to repeat what he said too much but lknelksnfkl we'll see--
Also, putting this under a cut cause whoo boy did this get long--
To focus less on their relationships, Sea Fairy's relationship chart with Pomegranate was always fascinating to me and by god one day I'm writing a fic of these two interacting. But the gist of things is Sea Fairy seems to see her relationship to fate in Pom.
Sea Fairy and her powers threatened to plunge the seas into darkness or result in her becoming nothing but sea foam (which I could also go into the Little Mermaid parallels with Sea Fairy but that is for another post--), and yet someone such as she was still able to fight such a fate. Also, I have my own thoughts on why SF is the way she is but that's HC territory. So, she truly believe in her deepest of hearts Pom can change, and... that is because she sees herself in the priestess.
Basically, Sea Fairy is the legend most likely to give Pom the time of day and a second chance. Wind Archer would, let's be honest, shoot her on sighteth after the CotMT incident. Fire Spirit probably doesn't give too much of a shit, and I see Moonlight kinda be defensive for Sea Fairy since Sea Fairy is so forgiving. It'd take a while for Moonlight to warm up to Pom, is what I'm saying.
Their attachments to fate can also be read more generally as a metaphor for their WlW identities (again, will try not to focus too much on their relationships, that post put it great already). As their ties to fate, both good and bad, relate in some way back to how they love and attach themselves to others.
Pom's unhealthy devotion and '''love''' of DE can be read as her actually trying to define her own fate, despite it amounting to little more than unhealthy devotion. Something many WlW go through while trying to find a solid footing within their identity, albeit sometimes it goes wrong and leads to unhealthy habits. As is the case with Pom. She was convinced her previous life was merely holding her and others back and so rejected it in favor of a far more insidious methodology. I also have a lot of thoughts on Pomegranate society and the inherent WlW reading of it, but I will one day lay out my and my partner's thoughts on them in a separate post.
Sea Fairy meanwhile values the love she has for others, and particularly the first romantic love she ever had, above all else. Believing it to be something beautiful and worth sacrificing everything for. The belief in the right to love and the right to choose your own fate is a very loaded story arc that echoes many of the struggles gay people went through in achieving things like decriminalization and marriage equality.
This was unintentional, I should stress that I'm not giving devsis credit for this. But nevertheless it's something at least I've noticed as a lesbian myself.
Basically, their inherent parallels are directly related to their readings as WlW characters and again something I would love to see explored.
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