#C'mon kid what's wrong with cultivating an aura of fear?
tswwwit ยท 7 months
Thinking about the incubus one shot you did a few years back and now I'm just imagining a series of unexplained deaths hitting the town, and the deaths have seemingly no correlation save for the fact that the victims all bullied Dipper at one point or another, and eventually figuring out that the incubus that would later try and seduce Bill disguised as Dipper used that same trick to suck the life force out of all the victims, and it worked every time because the ones who picked on Dipper the hardest were actually crushing on him 100%. It gets hairy because only one person survived their incubus encounter, and because the incubus was disguised as Dipper, they accuse him of being some kind of killer and the town gets suspicious of him and so Bill and Dipper have to clear his name. I hope that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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