#But then my brain went TIME TO OVERANALYSE KAYFABE
whysamwhy123 · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All Elite Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Orange Cassidy/Hook Characters: Orange Cassidy, Hook (Professional Wrestling) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Kayfabe Compliant, Cuddling, intense introspection, Confessions
When you try to write a short, dialogue-light hurt/comfort fic and it turns into your usual fare, complete with extended rambles, way too much dialogue, navel-gazing, and not a whole lot of hurt/comfort, all things considered. But it’s something at least, and hey, I wrote something semi-timely! Check it out, maybe? If you want?
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