#But that's where Gaea comes in - that's where Heron comes in
gingermintpepper · 17 days
You're not wrong, but all the gods are terrible in Blood of Zeus. It's why Gaea goes scorched earth.
Actually, I'd argue that we only see a case for the older Olympians* being terrible and even then, it's not all of them: Poseidon, for one, is a really good example of someone who understood that mistakes were made, that something had to give, and was more that ready to set old conflicts aside in order to move forward in the wake of Zeus' death. Hera also seems to be genuinely reflective and apologetic for the crimes she wrought and wanted, more than anything, to be given the opportunity to make amends for her actions by doing the one thing everyone thought she never could; give up her power.
Going down the line, the talking point of "oh, all the gods in Blood of Zeus are terrible" becomes weaker and weaker: Apollo's only actual crime is being too filial/his contempt of Hera, but he shows more compassion and understanding than anything - both while comforting Electra about the nature of her son and by welcoming and supporting Heron, Hermes is also similarly shown with a very strong familial loyalty, but prioritises his work above all else, Hephaestus is a councillor and assistant, Athena is protective and shown, not only rallying together her siblings in order to properly inform them of the nature of the foe they were facing (even when they had been on different sides of the Hera/Zeus conflict and even when it casts Hera in a good light and plainly makes it known that she's being framed) but also getting Persephone to fess up her part in the scheme without resorting to violence.
The only gods that were portrayed poorly in Season 2 were Ares, who feels like he'd be better off being called Damian Wayne with how intensely he's preoccupied with blood purity and being Zeus' legitimate son, Aphrodite who sides with him (but even then is shown feeling ill at ease at going along with his treachery prior to the Eleusinian Stone trial), and Demeter who is so far removed from simply 'being an asshole' that she's hurtled headfirst into being a sadistic supervillain.
(Of course Hades is also a tyrant and an asshole but I also consider him too wishy-washy and inconsistent to figure out what angle they were trying to take with him. I can't think of him as good or bad, merely confusing)
Anyway, I think people hold on to the idea that the gods in BoZ are all assholes too closely because Heron and Seraphim, our main characters, hold on to the idea that ALL gods are assholes due to being the pawn of -counts on fingers- exactly two of them. With the exception of Ares, all of the other gods have been nothing but welcoming and supportive of Heron! And what Hades does to Heron in S2 has nothing to do with his feelings about Heron himself but rather with his own goals and desperations that have been multiplied by Demeter's machinations and his own frustrations at being unable to keep his family together.
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theslay3d · 2 years
Percy Jackson x child of hades reader where they save Percy and he’s just whipped
Percy Jackson x Child of Hades!reader
Gender:Gender Neutral
Warnings:none besides like monsters lol
Word count:335
A/N sorry this is super short might do a part 2 if anyone wants one
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Why was Percy always in this situation? He was asking himself that right now. You may be asking what situation and that situation was being attacked by monsters. 
He was walking in the woods near camp but outside of the borders when he started getting attacked by cyclopes. As of right now he was fighting them. He was severely outnumbered though he took out a few and it felt like more just kept coming.
He was hiding near a tree for a little break when they found him again. He stabbed one and they exploded into dust he panted out in exhaustion. He just wanted a break from monsters for once. 
He got away from the tree he was at and started fighting four of them at once. Since he was so tired it wasn't easy he thought he might die until one monster just exploded. Right behind the monster after it exploded was you. 
You were a child of Hades who was new to camp. Nico found you before the war with Gaea and you helped them all with it.
You were walking near camp and hoping to get some alone time in the woods until you heard sounds of fighting. You went to investigate and saw Percy being outnumbered. You didn't know him other than him being a heron and well known around camp. You've talked in passing but that's about it.
You stabbed one of the monsters and turned around to stab another one. You and Percy put your backs to each other to fight the rest of them.
You finished them off and both sagged in relief at them being dead. “Thanks Y/N”.
“No problem Jackson”  “Oh? Last names ok L/N” You laughed at that and started walking away. 
“See you again soon?” He yelled out as you were already a little bit away. “Sure Jackson call me when you need anymore help” You turned and winked as you said that.
Percy really hoped he would see you again.
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