#But no no no Shirai can’t tell me shit!
emmaspolaroid · 1 year
referring to ur post/answer about norman being a ratri- firstly. "silly goofy mood" is a HILARIOUS reason for him to have a cattle child AKDBAJHD. fuck sexual desire or convoluted planning, he was just feeling silly :3 SECONDLY pleasee tell me more about the fifth theory (or literally any and all of them ill never get tired of talking about tpn)
LMAOOO the first theory I listed is honestly the least likely to me, as the the timeline doesn’t add up (James dying ~3 years before Norman was born and all) and literally why would it matter that James hid a child within the farms? Maybe if he’d been found out and disposed of only a few months prior to Norman’s birth I’d be more like “yeah no he’s Norman’s dad.”
But. From a writing perspective. I do think it matters that Ray is the only character whose story is tied in with his biological parentage and thematically, it needs to stay that way. In my personal opinion.
I also think it’s thematically important that Peter is left completely alone and desperate at the end of the series, and Norman being related to him in any direct way messes with that, for me.
Which is whyyyy that 5th theory hits just right for me! Norman looks like the Ratris, this character looks just like Norman…… there’s no reason for me to believe she wasn’t a Ratri.
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It’s my personal HC that she was born into the Ratri clan, and was potentially married off in order to forge a political alliance between the different factions of humans that existed at the time. We know that the Ratri Clan is inherently patriarchal, and considering this part of the story took place ~1,000 years ago, it makes sense. At least to me! But if that *is* the case, she also wouldn’t have been recorded as a Ratri but rather “(Man)’s Wife” and that teeny but important detail would have been erased.
Also because it’s me, this ties heavily into my “Noremma are soulmates who find each other in every lifetime” spiraling lmfaoo but without getting too much into that, I basically think their predecessors were married (political marriage or otherwise, choose your own adventure). Or at the very least were so aligned idealistically that Julius Ratri saw no issue with including her as part of the Foundation of Peace, despite her technically being related to him.
Anyway, I’m rambling haha! But that’s the jist of it! 🥰
14 notes · View notes
summerwritesfics · 2 years
⛓️What If I’m Weak And I Need You Tonight?
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi Length: 6574 Words Rating: Explicit 🔞 Warnings: Clothed Sex, Interrogation, Cunnilingus, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Past Abuse, Kissing, Threesome (F/M/M), Hand Jobs, Crying, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Gentle Sex, Praise Kink, Oral Sex, Past Sektor/Kuai Liang Kinktober Day 8: Clothed Sex + Interrogation Scenes + Cunnilingus
Kinktober Masterlist
Notes: Hm, my first SubScorpHarumi smut… and not a strap on dildo in sight. XD (Don’t worry, the strap on will come later in the month. I’m not gonna write Kuai with a cis woman and then not peg the ever loving fuck out of him, what do you guys take me for?) Again, for Kinktober, this one’s kinda soft, hurt/comfort. Once again, Harumi takes one look at Kuai Liang and goes “I want that one.” Title is from “Hate It When You See Me Cry” by Halestorm.
Well, this mission had turned into an absolute shit show.
Kuai sat in the middle of the room, his hands tied behind the back of the chair he was on. The room was mostly empty, aside from a variety of weapons on a rack attached to the wall. Kuai had no doubt they would be used on him, the Shirai Ryu would show no mercy for a Lin Kuei found scouting the surrounding area. Kuai knew he’d fucked this up, the Lin Kuei would not come to rescue him and he knew that even if he escaped, returning to the Lin Kuei would result in even more pain.
Really, he wasn’t sure if he just wanted to hedge his bets with the Shirai Ryu than return.
His attention was drawn to the door sliding open, and a silhouette of someone entering. Once the door shut behind, Kuai could make out that there was a woman stood opposite him, wearing a red Shirai Ryu uniform and her hands behind her back. Kuai eyed her nervously as she approached, her footsteps echoing through the empty room.
“Lin Kuei,” she addressed, stopping in front of Kuai. Kuai continued to look up at her, trying to steel his nerves, even as he could feel his arms begin to tremble. “Do you know who I am?”
“Am I supposed to?” Kuai muttered miserably. Really, how was he supposed to know every member of the Shirai Ryu by name? All he knew was the current Grandmaster, Hanzo Hasashi.
To Kuai’s surprise, she actually smiled slightly as she said, “Let me guess, you only know my husband’s name?”
Kuai tried not to react to that. He wanted badly to tell her he only knew the name of the Grandmaster, everyone else in the clan was irrelevant canon fodder and…
A realisation came to his mind.
“You are Grandmaster Hasashi’s wife?” Kuai questioned, hoping to god that wasn’t what was happening here. The laugh that came from her lips confirmed his fears.
“My name is Harumi Hasashi,” she confirmed, leaning forward to gently brush Kuai’s hair from his face. Kuai wanted to jerk away and yell at her to stop touching him, but god no one had ever touched him so sweetly before.
“So, your husband’s men find a spy, and he can’t even be bothered to interrogate them himself and sends his wife instead?” Kuai tried to hiss, but it was betrayed by the tremble in his voice.
“Oh, he will be joining us soon,” Harumi told him, as her hand moved from Kuai’s hair and down to his cheek. “He just thought sending me in first would be the best option.” Kuai wasn’t sure what that meant. “Now, why did the Lin Kuei send you?”
“I will not talk,” Kuai growled, even as he found himself craving Harumi’s touch and wanting so bad to nuzzle into her hand. “You can torture me until I take my last dying breath, and I will never talk.”
Harumi hummed, removing her hand. Kuai tried to not think about how pathetic it was that he missed it immediately. She was staring down at him with a look Kuai couldn’t place. It was almost like pity but not exactly. She took another step forward, spreading her legs and placing her feet either side of Kuai. The noise he made when she sat down on his lap was an alarmed whine.
“W-What- What are you-“
“We know,” Harumi softly interrupted, and Kuai felt himself falter, not knowing what she meant by that. “We know that even if we were to leave you in agony, that what we want to know will never make it past your lips.” Harumi’s fingers brushed against his lips as if to make a point. “You won’t be tortured, precious thing.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Kuai questioned, trying to ignore how his entire body was shaking. She was so close and her touch was still so soft, and Kuai was going to loose his mind if she continued to treat him so kindly. “When you have me tied to a chair in a room with items of torture on the walls?”
“I might be inclined to untie you if you assure me you won’t try to escape,” she offered as her thumb began to trace up the scar on his face. “The torture equipment is only for the worst of the worst, and I don’t think you meet that description.”
“I’ve killed people,” Kuai snarled, “I could kill you.”
“I don’t think you will,” Harumi confidently replied, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes as she looked closer at the scar. He could tell she was trying to work out how he got it. “You are not the type for that.”
“You don’t know me.” And how dare she assume she did from mere minutes of interaction.
“I know enough.” She brushed the back of her hand against Kuai’s cheek. He practically gasped at the feeling. “You aren’t used to being touched this kindly, are you sweetheart?”
Kuai screwed his eyes shut as if that would help him block out her presence. All it did was make the sensation stronger. He shook his head, feeling her hands finally retreat. He opened one eye slightly, glaring at Harumi as he felt tears begin to gather in his eyes.
He could hear the jeers of the elders and his peers echoing in his head.
Stop crying! Pathetic! Shut up and stop being a little bitch! You are a disgrace! You deserve this pain, remember that Tundra! You will never amount to anything at this rate.
Your Grandfather would be so disappointed in you.
“W-What Shirai Ryu trickery is this?” Kuai managed to get out, desperate for something to drown out those voices in his head. “T-This is… This is cruel!” He jerked in his bonds, hoping it would making get Harumi to get off him. “Just hurt me already. Send me to my maker and bury me in a too shallow grave.”
“Oh, honey.” Harumi’s thumb brushed against his cheek again, wiping away one of his tears. “What did they do to you?”
“S-Stop,” Kuai sobbed. Why was she being so patient and nice to him? Why couldn’t she just try to break him and leave him bruised and bleeding? “T-This… Why are you doing this?”
She sighed softly, as she lent forward. Kuai stopped breathing as her chest pushed against his. He felt her reach behind him, and wasn’t sure what she was doing, until he felt the ropes around his wrists loosen. Seconds later they were free. He brought them in front of him, with the full intent to push her off his lap. Yet that never came, even as she pulled away. He held his hands up, like he wanted to weakly defend himself if she tried anything.
“What is your name?” She asked sweetly, and Kuai swallowed, feeling a strange dread at the question.
“Tundra,” he replied and all she did was give him a sad smile.
“I mean your real name,” she clarified, and Kuai hesitated. He knew he shouldn’t, it was drilled into him to never reveal it. Yet, for some reason he could not explain, he wanted to tell her.
“Kuai Liang,” he muttered, turning to look away. He could feel his face heating up from the shame. He had sworn to never reveal any Lin Kuei secrets, including his true identity, and yet here he was.
God, the Elder’s are right. I really am pathetic.
“That’s a nice name,” Harumi commented, and god fucking dammit her hand was on him again, this time lightly gripping his chin and tilting his head to face her. “Can I kiss you Kuai Liang?”
“What?” Kuai exclaimed, pushing himself back as far as he could in the chair. Harumi’s smile never faltered. “I- Wh- Why?”
“I get the feeling no one’s ever shown you proper affection before,” she stated, tapping her fingertips against Kuai’s lips. “I would like to, if you’d let me.”
“Is- Is this some strange trap?” Kuai questioned, resisting the weird and sudden urge to let Harumi put her finger’s in his mouth. “Your husband comes in to find us in a romantic embrace, and has more personal reasons to take his anger out on me?”
“Like I said, he will be joining us soon.” Harumi’s fingers pushed against his lips. “And I assure you he will not hurt you.” Her hands went to both sides of his head, cupping his face. “So, can I?”
Kuai really wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on at this point. But, well, he was probably going to die soon, either by the Shirai Ryu’s hand or the Lin Kuei’s. He might as well be able to pretend someone loved him before he did.
Harumi looked pleased by his agreement, before leaning in to his face, and pushing her lips against his. Kuai couldn’t help but notice how much softer her lips were than his. He could also faintly taste something fruity on them, but Kuai couldn’t say what fruit it was. He was just thankful they didn’t taste of almond.
As her hand slowly made it’s way to the back of his head, all he could think was how nice this felt, even if his own movements were awkward. The only experience with kissing he had was Sektor and those were bruising suffocating kisses to shut him up. Sektor’s touch was hard and possessive in comparison to how gentle Harumi was, like she was scared of hurting him. He had no idea what to do with his hands, reaching down to grip the edges of the seat instead.
Harumi pulled away, and Kuai felt himself instinctively try to follow her. She pushed a finger to his lips to stop him.
“Can I touch you?” Harumi asked, and well, it was a little late to be asking that wasn’t it? He raised an eyebrow at that, and Harumi just smiled at him and looked down. He suddenly understood what she was talking about.
“O-Oh.” He swallowed. Everything told him not to. Harumi was a married woman who’s husband likely wanted him dead and was due to come in at any moment. If the Lin Kuei found out he had laid with a Shirai Ryu then even if he died here they’d find a way to kill him further. Despite that, the next word out of his mouth was “yes.”
Harumi lent in to kiss him again, both her hands reaching down for his belt and carefully undoing it. She pulled down his flyer, and moved his pants just enough for his cock to spring free. He hadn’t realised until it was out that he was already half hard. He felt fingers wrap around his shaft, and he moaned as the hand gently pumped.
“That’s it,” She softly encouraged, “just let yourself feel good.”
Kuai didn’t really know what else he could do. He wanted to do something with his hands and hold her close to him, but he didn’t dare. This was as soft as everything else, talented fingers trying to coax him into hardness. He wasn’t used to people touching him there, even when he tried to touch himself he couldn’t quite make it feel good. Harumi seemed to know exactly what to do however, to make him feel so much pleasure he began to quake.
He felt Harumi’s free hand touch his cheek, and it was only then he realised he was crying again.
Why was someone being kind to him enough to bring him to tears?
“Do you want me to stop?” She asked, gently trying to wipe away his tears.
“P-Please don’t,” Kuai sobbed. He should feel embarrassed by how he was acting, begging this woman not to stop touching his cock. Yet he couldn’t help it. “Please keep going.”
“Alright, if you want to.” Her thumb circled the head of his cock, causing him to choke slightly on the air. “If you need to stop at any point just say, okay?”
Kuai didn’t get that. He’d never been given the option to stop before. Still Harumi kissed the corner of his mouth, before tucking her head onto his shoulder and gently mouthing at his neck. He groaned, somehow that felt even better than just the normal kissing. He lifted a hand, forgetting himself for a moment, about to put it on her back. He quickly stopped himself when he heard the door open, hand returning to it’s spot on the chair.
He could see another person enter, and when the door shut, Kuai immediately recognised who it was.
Grandmaster Hanzo Hasashi.
And Kuai was sat on a chair with the man’s wife on his lap and stroking his cock.
Well, it had been good while it lasted, he guessed it was time to die now.
If Harumi heard her husband enter, she didn’t react like she had, her hand continuing to stroke his cock and leaving him shuddering and breathless. Hanzo began to march over towards them, and Kuai couldn’t help the high pitched whine that came out of his mouth.
“It’s okay, sweet thing,” Harumi whispered in his ear, twisting her hand and making Kuai cry out as fresh tears rolled down his cheeks. “He won’t hurt you.” Harumi looked over her shoulder towards he husband as she said, “his name is Kuai Liang.”
Hanzo hummed, and Kuai’s attempt to assess his facial expression but came up short from just how passive he looked. Kuai blinked and as quick as that happened, Hanzo was suddenly by his side, their eyes meeting for what felt like far too long. Harumi’s hand softly squeezed his cock, and he gasped and whimpered. Hanzo then reached out taking Kuai’s chin in his hand and pressing a thumb on Kuai’s wet cheeks.
“Kuai Liang?” He muttered, and Kuai could only stare up at him in trepidation. Something in the situation seemed to finally bring out emotion in Hanzo, as his face relaxed slightly. “You know who I am, do you not?”
“Y-Yes, Grandmaster Hasashi,” Kuai whispered, wanting to be polite despite Hanzo technically being his enemy and said enemies wife currently giving him a hand job. “I don’t understand what’s happening.” Hanzo’s fingers gently stroked his cheek, his skin a lot more calloused that Harumi’s but his touch was just as tender. “Why aren’t you trying to kill me?”
“That was never our intention,” Hanzo stated, his eyes flicking down to where Harumi’s hand was still working Kuai’s length. “When my men brought you in they raised some concerns about you.”
“Concerns?” Kuai questioned, before cutting himself off as Harumi lent in to kiss his cheek.
“Most Lin Kuei would fight to the death,” Harumi explained, “and you just let us take you.” Harumi trailed kisses down Kuai’s neck again. “I apologise, my husband sent me in first to test you.” Kuai felt himself tense. This was a trap, it really was, he should have known better. “You cry and tremble at the smallest of physical contact. Sweetheart that’s not normal.” Harumi pulled back to look him in the eye. “What did they do to you?”
Harumi had already asked that question once, and Kuai still didn’t know how to answer it. They didn’t do anything to him. At least, not anything he didn’t deserve for being a mouthy little bitch who couldn’t take orders.
He flinched when he realised that thought wasn’t in his voice, but the Grandmasters.
“Kuai Liang,” Hanzo softly whispered to regain his attention. Kuai hated how nice his voice was, and how he wanted him to just say his name like that forever. “You do not react like a normal Lin Kuei would. They would not have come quietly, they would not have sat calmly waiting for their doom, and they definitely wouldn’t have let my wife sit on their lap and stroke their cock.”
Kuai jerked his head away to look away, embarrassed by that last one, or rather, by the fact Hanzo actually acknowledged what she was doing to him. Hanzo was right though, no one else in the Lin Kuei would act like this, because the rest of the Lin Kuei was perfectly brainwashed to think the bullshit they went through was normal. Them going harder on Kuai than anyone else was also normal, because he couldn’t accept this was how things were supposed to be.
When his breathing hitched, he realised he was still fucking crying.
He heard Harumi sigh, and then she lifted herself off his lap, taking her wonderful hands with her.
“W-Wait-“ Kuai turned back, both Hasashi’s looking down at him like they were actually concerned about him.
“I think this is too much for you right now,” Harumi stated, smiling at him even though it looked really half hearted. “You’re clearly overwhelmed, and I over stepped my mark. Maybe we should go get you fed instead.”
Kuai tried to fight the tears coming harder, but he failed dismally. Finally, someone was wanting to touch him nicely and make him feel good, rather than just use and abuse him, and his stupid oversensitive emotions had driven them away.
“I-I’m sorry,” he sobbed, surprised by how his apology seemed to make both of them pause. “I- I know I’m bad but- but please, just let me pretend someone loves me for a while.”
The looks of abject horror on both Harumi and Hanzo’s face made Kuai feel like he’d said something wrong.
Hanzo crouched down until he was level with Kuai’s face. He reached out to take Kuai’s chin in his hands. Kuai stared into his brown eyes, heart in his throat.
“Do you really not have anyone?” Hanzo spoke like he found that hard to believe.
“My brother, but that’s not really the same,” Kuai answered in a whisper, because the love of a brother was not the same as what the Hasashi’s had. “I have a best friend too, but he doesn’t love me like that.”
“Have you ever been with anyone? Sexually?” Hanzo asked, and Kuai felt awkward about the question. He knew where it was coming from, but he realised in that moment that his experiences likely weren’t normal.
“There is someone but…” He hesitated if he should continue, he already had a feeling they were judging him, he wasn’t sure he could take any more. “He is not gentle.” He let out an annoyed huff as he bitterly added “and he certainly doesn’t love me.”
He was surprised when Hanzo lent in closer, and claimed his lips in his own kiss. Hanzo’s lips were more like Kuai’s than Harumi’s yet it was still as desirable. Kuai found himself moaning into his mouth as Hanzo’s hand wrapped around his cock again. A second pair of lips were on his neck, as Harumi had walked around to his other side. Her hand pressed against his chest, slipping under his armour and searching for his pecs. She squeezed and Kuai could feel the action even through his undershirt.
“I’m sorry,” Harumi whispered, between her kisses as Kuai squirmed between them. “I wouldn’t have stopped if I realised how much it meant to you.”
Hanzo broke the kiss, but patted Kuai’s head as he did. Kuai wanted those lips on him again, but his mind was brought off it when Hanzo twisted his hand in a way that Kuai bucked his hips.
“That’s it, just let us make you feel good,” Harumi kept muttering, finding Kuai’s nipple through his shirt and pinching. He gave another whine at how pleasing the action was. “That’s a good boy.”
Kuai wasn’t sure what the noise he made was, it was somewhere between a moan and a gasp, but it seemed it was loud enough to get both Hanzo and Harumi’s attention. One of his hands flew to his face, covering his mouth. The couple stared at him for a minute, before sharing a look, and Hanzo smiled.
“Do you like being a good boy for us?” Hanzo’s voice was deep and teasing and oh god, Kuai felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Yes.” He removed his hand to find Harumi took it from him, linking their fingers and squeezing. When had anyone ever told him he was good? All he ever got told was how bad he was. Worthless, difficult, pathetic.
He ended up clutching her hand harder as his other reached for Hanzo’s shoulder, and he let out a cry. He thrust his hips up into Hanzo’s hand and came. Feeling himself go limp, he panted as Hanzo used his hand to coax him into finishing. His hands dropped as he just sat and tried to breathe. Harumi was all over, kissing his face in a fervour and Kuai definitely wasn’t complaining.
“Was that good?” Harumi asked between her kisses and Kuai bit his lip.
“T-Thank you,” he quietly replied, even if internally he wished he’d lasted longer. He wanted more, didn’t want to go back to the reality that no one would ever touch him like this again. He wasn’t made for intimate love, he was made for rough hard fucking, and that was all he’d ever be able to have.
“Would you like more?” Hanzo offered, and Kuai looked hazily over to him as Harumi’s head snapped up. Clearly she hadn’t expected that, but Kuai wasn’t quite sure what he meant.
“More?” He queried, and Hanzo, ever the face of indifference, suddenly looked rather bashful. Kuai quickly looked him up and down, only for his eyes to be drawn to the other man’s crotch. Kuai could make out the shape of his dick through his trousers. “Oh.”
“You don’t have to do anything,” Harumi assured him, stroking his head and shooting her husband a glare. “My husband is just being selfish.”
Hanzo made a argumentative sound, but Kuai turned to look at Harumi instead. Given her anatomy, it was hard to tell from just looking at her if she was also aroused. Kuai wasn’t sure if he should ask if she was or not.
“Are- Are you?” Kuai left the question somewhat unfinished, hoping Harumi would understand without him saying it. He wasn’t exactly familiar with anything except dicks.
Harumi blinked a few times before admitting, “Yes.” She looked away and bit her lip. “But I wouldn’t expect you to do anything about that.”
“What if I want to?” He asked, and Harumi looked back at him with wide eyes. “I- I mean. I’ve never been with a woman but… I- I know how to take a dick.”
This confession made Hanzo begin to cough loudly. Harumi on the other hand took a deep breath, before very gently trying to encourage Kuai to get off the chair. He wasn’t sure if that was good until she sat down on the chair. Kuai felt Hanzo’s hands on his shoulders, pushing him down to his knees. Harumi opened her legs as Kuai settled between them. Her hands were undoing her trousers, pulling them down enough to bare herself to him.
Kuai really wasn’t lying when he said he had never been with a woman. He’d seen vaginas in medical books he’d stolen from the Lin Kuei’s library but hadn’t seen one in person before. He had put together the basics. Penis goes in, it feels good, everyone orgasms. He just wasn’t entirely sure the finer aspects of it. And given he was currently on his knees, he had a feeling his dick wasn’t going to be all that involved.
“I, um, I don’t know… What to do,” Kuai admitted, wishing to god he’d asked for more details whenever his peers had talked about when they mentioned fucking random sex workers during their missions.
“It’s okay, I’ll guide you,” she replied, reaching down to her pussy, and using her fingers to spread it. Her other hand reached to his chin, pulling him close. “We’ll start slow, just try to lick.”
Ah. He knew what felt good when it came to oral on a cock, so it couldn’t be too different right? Use the flat of the tongue and long strokes. His tongue escaped his lips, pressing it against her pussy. He wasn’t really sure what the taste was like, the only thing he could come up with was “not dick”. Still he tried his best to do what Harumi had said, a slow lick along the folds. His eyes flicked up to her face, seeking approval at what he was doing.
“That’s it,” she encouraged, her hand tangling into his hair. “Like that, my good boy.”
Kuai whined into her flesh, but did as he was told. He wasn’t sure how hard he should be licking, alternating between soft and hard trying to work out which she liked more. Both of them seemed to have her sighing and whispering sweet nothings. At least she was being nice with her instruction. First time he’d sucked Sektor’s dick the man hadn’t the patience to tell Kuai what to do and ended up just fucking his face so hard Kuai couldn’t breathe. It was a lot of trial and error from that point.
As Kuai tried to continue his efforts and Harumi gently told him where felt best for her, he felt Hanzo’s hands reach down for his hips. He let Hanzo rearrange him so he was lent forward with his ass sticking out. He brought his hands up, pressing them against Harumi’s thighs. Her hands kept his head in place, making sure his focus was on her, even as Kuai felt his trousers being pulled down and a hand groping his ass.
“You have a gorgeous ass,” Hanzo stated, as his fingers dug in and split his cheeks.
“And a talented tongue,” Harumi added, groaning as Kuai gave a long stroke. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart, keep doing it like that.”
Kuai could feel tears well in his eyes again. Why was everything making him cry today? People showing him basic human decency, someone giving him reassurance and praise. It made him want to do his best, to get Harumi to orgasm and make sure her encouragement was not misplaced.
He felt a wet finger tracing around the rim of his entrance, but he tried to not let himself get distracted. He pushed his mouth against her hard at the same time he felt Hanzo’s finger enter himself. He lapped at the entrance, screwing his eyes shut as that digit explored his inside’s, getting him nice and wet with lube. Don’t get distracted. He continued to lick, tongue flicking over Harumi’s clit, and action that had her rutting against his face.
When he felt a second finger enter him, his eyes shot open with surprise. He was rather used to just having a single finger and the bare minimum of lube as preparation. His shock seemed to gain Harumi’s attention, as she let him pull away from her.
“Has no one ever prepared your properly before?” She asked, Kuai only now realising how sticky his face was. He licked at his lips, trying to think of an answer.
“Mm, just a bit of oil and a single finger.” He tried to get back to working on Harumi but she kept his head up for now. “N-Never two.”
“They never stretched you properly then?” Hanzo asked from behind as Kuai felt a third finger begin to enter the mix.
“Ah, the uh, the cock usually does the stretching,” Kuai explained, closing one of his eyes and thinking about how this felt in comparison to that. Thinking about it, working him slowly up like this was definitely hurting a lot less. “I- I think I prefer this way, though.”
There was Harumi’s sad smile again, as she cooed “I’m glad to hear that.”
She finally let him back at her, as he deciding to try rolling his tongue in circles. He decided his experiment was successful when she hummed contently. He was starting to figure out the actions that caused her the most pleasure, slowly but surely. Returning his attention to her clit again, he decided this time to push the flat of his tongue along it harder, causing her to grip his hair tighter.
A forth finger entered him, and he felt his cock twitch. He hadn’t realised he’d been getting aroused again, but he supposed it was only natural. He felt Hanzo’s free hand reach down to touch him, giving a slow stroke.
“So responsive to us,” Hanzo complimented, as he continued to caress Kuai’s cock. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Y-Yes,” Kuai answered, pulling away just enough to answer before diving back in to lap around Harumi’s folds. And he was telling the truth. This was the best sexual experience he’d ever had and he didn’t want it to end.
“You’re such a quick learner,” Harumi complimented, rocking her hips in time to Kuai’s tongue. “I’m close, keep going, please.”
Her words spurred Kuai to go further, harder, making sure to lap his tongue along the entirety of her pussy. Fingers tightened in his hair, pushing him right up to her as she gave one final loud groan. Kuai felt his face getting wetter. It wasn’t quite what he was expecting, his peers often talked about women squirting and it being a sign they really liked it. He wasn’t sure how much he believed that, and was actually quite relieved it hadn’t happened like that. Maybe, if there was opportunity to later, he would ask Harumi about that, but for now, he could tell from the satisfied sigh she made that he had done the job.
“Did I do good?” He asked with bright eyes as Harumi looked down at him with admiration.
“You did better than good.” She lent down and kissed his forehead, missing his sticky lower face. “You were amazing.”
Kuai felt his cheeks heat up at that. The fingers inside him finally retreated, and Harumi stood up from the chair. She moved it out of the way as Hanzo reached for Kuai’s waist and flipped him onto his back. Harumi put her arms around his chest, pulling him to hers. Like this Kuai could see Hanzo’s own hard cock, just poking out from his trousers and he poured lube over it and spread it with his hand.
“Ready?” He asked, and Kuai bit his lip. Hanzo looked bigger than anyone he’d taken before, but with the preparation, at least it shouldn’t be as bad as others.
“Y-Yes.” As he said that Harumi held him closer, pressing her lips to his temple.
“He’ll take it slowly, let him know if it hurts,” She whispered, as Hanzo’s hand parted Kuai’s legs.
He felt Hanzo’s cock push against his entrance and began to penetrate him, Kuai realised just how easier it was going in compared to the other times. Even with Hanzo’s superior size, there was barely any resistance. Kuai moaned as he realised he’d never felt this full before. As Kuai didn’t tell him to stop, Hanzo kept pushing forward, until he was fulled sheathed inside.
“You take my cock so well,” Hanzo growled, his hands gripping Kuai’s hips and rubbing circles into Kuai’s skin. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Kuai whispered, mesmerised by Hanzo’s smile. Gods, he was so handsome. “Ah, you’re so big.”
“Oh, you can’t tell him that,” Harumi playfully chided. “You’re just going to feed his already too big ego.”
Kuai actually laughed at that, pushing himself closer to her. He kind of liked it like this, Harumi holding him gently while Hanzo had his cock just sat inside him. He knew that from this moment on, he’d crave this feeling for the rest of his life.
“Can I move?” Hanzo asked, and Kuai just purred in response. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Hanzo began to pull out, only about half way before he pushed back in. Kuai groaned, one hand darting around to find something to hold onto. He soon found one of Harumi’s hands, squeezing it so tight he was surprised she didn’t complain. Hanzo pulled out again, a little further this time, and as the drove in, he had changed his angle slightly.
It continued like this, Hanzo was slow with his movements, allowing Kuai to feel every inch of him going in and out repeatedly. Each time he changed the angle slightly, like he was searching for something. Kuai could feel himself beginning to shake again, and god damn there were those annoying tears again. This was so gentle, far more gentle than he deserved, and it felt so good.
Then, as Hanzo drove in another time, his cock brushed up against a spot that had Kuai arching his back and making the lewdest sound he’d ever heard himself make.
“Hm, was that a good spot?” Hanzo asked, yet again giving another soft thrust aiming directly for that spot. Another wave of pleasure shot all the way up Kuai’s spine. “I guess it was.”
When Kuai went to cover his mouth with his hand out of embarrassment, he found Harumi take his wrist and move it down.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to be shy, those sounds let us know we’re doing the right thing for you,” she said, as she put his hand against his chest, and she reached lower to grasp his cock. He made another needy whine as she began to stroke him. “There, see, you feel good, don’t you?”
“Y-Yes,” he gasped out as Hanzo began to rock into a slow rhythm, Harumi’s hand matching the pace.
Even though the movements were so gentle, they were precise, Hanzo making sure to hit that spot almost every time. Meanwhile, Harumi had already proven the talents of her hands, but in combination with Hanzo fucking him it was beyond anything he’d ever felt. His mind was going fuzzy as he just let himself melt into the pleasure. He could feel his chest heaving, his one hand still resting on it while the other was still tangled with Harumi’s. She kept whispering sweet words into his ear, telling him how good he was being for them, how well he was taking her husbands cock, how cute his noises were. Hanzo would interject with his own praises, how tight Kuai was around his cock, how beautiful he looked so blissed out, how sweet it was for him to cling to his wife like that.
Apparently, to them, everything he did was wonderful.
To them, he was wonderful.
His orgasm hit him rather unexpectedly, but he guessed it was to be expected when he’d already cum previously. His back arched completely away from Harumi and he felt himself instinctively clench around Hanzo.
“Good boy,” Hanzo whispered, leaning down to kiss Kuai’s lips, completely unbothered by how they still tasted of Harumi. “You are doing so well.” Another kiss and Hanzo began to slowly thrust again. “Can you wait a little longer for me to finish?”
“Y-Yes,” Kuai agreed, letting himself sink back down into Harumi, his limbs going slightly limp. He half expected Hanzo to drop the gentle act and pound into him without mercy, but that didn’t happened. He was as careful as he had been all throughout this.
“Do you want me to come inside you?” Hanzo questioned as Kuai relaxed into Harumi, her hands back in his hair stroking him gently. “Do you want me to fill you up?”
“P-Please,” Kuai begged, and Hanzo gave him that damned handsome smile again.
It was just a few more rolls of Hanzo’s hips before he gave a loud groan, and Kuai felt him release in his ass. Kuai whined at the feeling. He’d had people finish inside before, but somehow those times he didn’t feel as accomplished as he did now. Hanzo thrust in a few more times, before finally pulling out.
“Well done, you did so well, pleasing us both like that,” Harumi immediately began with the praise, her arms tightening around his chest.
“Can we do anything for you?” Hanzo asked, sliding across the floor to sit next to Kuai, his hands all over Kuai too now.
Kuai hiccuped. He’d never been asked if he needed anything after sex. Usually he was just left to clean himself up and cry. Granted he always felt better after that, but sometimes he wished someone would stay with him and just reassure him that he was good. The tears were back, and while he was sick of them, he was finally accepting that Hanzo and Harumi didn’t see his emotions as a burden. They had been so attentive to everything he was feeling.
Why were two people who were meant to be his enemy treating him better than anyone in the Lin Kuei ever had?
“P-Please, just stay with me,” Kuai sobbed, desperately trying to keep hold of both of them, fearful that if he didn’t they’d just walk away from him. “Please don’t leave me.”
“We aren’t going anywhere, sweet thing,” Harumi assured him, her lips yet again gently kissing parts of his face. Hanzo was following suite. “Why don’t we get you cleaned up, and then get you fed, and then you can rest, okay?”
“T-The Lin Kuei…” Kuai didn’t want to think about them right now, but there was a twisting in his gut. Still something inside him that was terrified of them and their wrath.
“Will not harm you,” Hanzo assured him, once more capturing Kuai’s lips with his own. “You can stay with us, we will protect you from them, they will never hurt you again.
Those words sounded so genuine, and Kuai so wanted to believe them despite all the Lin Kuei’s programming telling him that these were lies meant to trick and confuse him. But god, he was so tired of the Lin Kuei. So tired of the things they did to him. He just wanted some peace for a little while. He still would not tell them the Lin Kuei’s secrets, but there was one thing, he’d now feel terrible if he did not warn them.
“The reason I was scouting,” he slowly started, watching the way Hanzo’s brows drew together, “is because they are planning an attack, two weeks from now.” Hanzo’s eyes widened, but he otherwise didn’t react. Kuai wasn’t sure if he was surprised by the news of the impending attack or that Kuai was actually telling him this. “If I don’t go back, they’ll just assume I’m dead, but they might send more to take my place.”
“I see,” Hanzo said with a deep sigh. “You did not have to tell me that.”
“I know.”
There was silence for a few seconds, before Hanzo moved slightly, putting his hand behind Kuai’s back and hooking his arm under Kuai’s knees. He took little time hauling them both up, Hanzo carrying Kuai bridal style as Harumi followed them up.
“We can deal with that later,” Harumi announced, and Kuai wasn’t really sure this was something that should wait until later. This felt like something Hanzo should be taking care of immediately. “Let’s get you seen to first.”
Oh. Kuai wasn’t exactly used to being someone’s priority. He nodded, unsure what else he could actually say. Hanzo turned on his heel and began to walk to the door, Harumi by his side. Kuai closed his eyes, trying to resist the urge to fall asleep.
Maybe he wasn’t unloveable after all.
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chidoroki · 3 years
TPN - “Dreams Come True”
What better way to cheer up the TPN fandom after the second season’s final episode than with the special exhibition chapter finally being fully translated. I caught glimpses of a few pages here and there over the past couple months but seeing all the children live happily together in the human world in their own little village that they made close to Emma and Alex warms my heart. Of course I would’ve loved if we got to see more of the GP Resistance (because the anime denied us of them) but following the GF kids around the world as they experience their dreams is fair enough. We started the series alongside them so might as well finish strong with them too. I really loved seeing everyone grow up but no matter how old they get or how much time passes, I’ll probably never get used to seeing Emma without her iconic “63194.” It’s a bittersweet feeling for me, but her smiles bring me so much joy and I’m beyond happy that she accepted everyone into her life as they accepted her without her memories.
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I haven’t a clue on how much time passed since everyone found Emma in ch181 to now, but seeing her call out everyone’s names is a little detail that I love so much considering she had no idea who anyone was at first. Trying to remember 60+ names doesn’t seem like an easy task to me. No doubt I was just as shocked as our girl upon learning these mere children bought a goddamn plane! We learn in a couple pages that it’s because of Norman’s company that they can afford it, but still, he’s like 15 or 16 now? He’s still a child! And I’m impressed! Not only at him, but that Oliver and Violet became pilots as well! It’s especially cute when you remember that Lucas gave Oliver a little toy plane during their time at Goldy Pond.
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Speaking of GP, is it just me or does Emma’s current outfit resemble her GP one just a little bit? Sure we have no idea what color scheme this one has but come on, the short jacket, the dark shirt and jeans.. just imagine it! Jemima, Yvette, Alicia and Mark remade Gillian’s original GP outfit sometime before the Grace Field Raid arc (ch137 extra page) so I don’t doubt they could’ve done the same for Emma. Of course that’s just me being completely hopeful and missing the Goldy Pond arc to death but yeah! I’m also so happy to see Chris up and moving again! Seeing him wake up briefly in ch181 was nice but this is so much better. I imagine he and Emma have a lot to catch up on in terms of stories, with him being unconscious since ch105 and Emma not remembering anything.
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But here we go, the original 15 escapees plus Norman, Phil, Sherry, I believe I saw Carol somewhere and a couple other random kiddos ready to see the entire world. They get to accomplish so much.. and in a single day too I believe? At least that’s what Phil and Alicia say a bit later about everyone’s wishes, but aahh what a lucky bunch. Hell, I’ll say we’re lucky readers too to be able to see such a great story. Can’t thank Shirai and Demizu enough y’all. I wish we got to see more of Alex though. He’s such a kind soul but I’m sure he’ll be just fine staying behind with everyone else.
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This entire page where we learn about Norman as a CEO is gold. I still can’t believe this child successfully built up an entire multipurpose company not only to help their search for Emma but also because he didn’t want to live off the Ratri clan. I wish I knew about this last week when writing out Norman’s birthday post because hell yeah this deserves some praise! AND he managed to graduate school as well during all that! Well, by skipping grades which totally makes sense. I mean, if he managed to pass all the Grace Field and Lambda tests effortlessly I’m sure normal human world school was a piece of cake for him. Holy shit dude, keep on impressing me why don’t ya. Not only him but Nigel and Sonya too! I’m not surprised that Vincent helped out but I’m glad those two got a tiny moment to shine as well! Ray is another obvious choice when it comes to helping Norman, as they’re best friends and he’s always been good with machines.. but boy, I can’t take you seriously when you’re just sitting there unamused and eating chips! Hahah I love him so much! And the fact he replies to Norman’s idea with just a simple “kay” is an eternal mood.
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Okay boys aside, can we talk about our fabulous girls now? Because oh my god, they’re so darn beautiful! They’re more fashionable than I’ll ever be and it’s so cute how they drag Emma along to take advantage of the 3-for-1 deal. But our girl pulls off that sporty look so well! (r.i.p. goldy pond outfit ver2.0). I’m not at all surprised that Nat wanted to go see the opera. That's perfect for him and I’d like to think the anime did something similar with that one shot we see of him in the human world. We don’t see him in a theater like this but to me it looks like he’s on the streets of Broadway? At least that’s the vibe I get from it. I’m sure there was something music related on one of those signs.
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I can’t get over how adorable all the children look and how happy they are fulfilling their wishes, even if some of them aren’t as extravagant as others. Like eating a fluffy pancake and a ton of ice cream? We can do that whenever we want. But for these kids, it means everything and they absolutely deserve to experience such simple joys like that after all the harsh nonsense they’ve been through. I also love how Ray continues to be such a great older brother by still looking out for them too. The fact he remains completely unfazed by the haunted house is perfect. This boy has been haunted by his own nightmares and demons his entire life, there’s no way a couple of lousy jump scares are gonna spook him. Though I do find it funny that Alicia and Rossi still manage to get scared while Yvette is having the time of her life. I can’t help but laugh at Thoma’s “Shirai face” as well.
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I find it interesting that out of all the different kinds of exhibits they could’ve shown us while Rossi visits a museum, they give us dinosaurs.. like that seems so silly to me. Y’all have seen several demons in your young lives already and yet dinosaurs manage to amaze you too? God these kids are precious. And then our boy Phil finally gets to see and ride a train! Just look how happy he is! The poor kid can’t even sit still he’s so darn excited and I can’t help but smile with him! Thankfully the anime showed us this too.
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We eventually get to Ray’s wish and guys.. oh my fucking god. Tell me that this is not the absolute best and prettiest smile we get to see from him!! It honestly leaves me speechless okay? Ray never imagined he would ever get to see the outside world, let alone live past the age of 12, and yet here he is, seeing such a beautiful sight such as this, right in front of him instead of from inside a book. You can’t believe how happy and proud of him I am right now. Did you see how ecstatic I was when the anime kept Isabella alive? Multiply that feeling by ten and there ya go. That’s my level of happiness upon seeing my favorite boy smile like THAT! AAHHH!! That panel is gonna live rent free in my head until the end of time. I can’t get over how damn perfect it is. His smile is so pure and how he looks like he’s in complete awe is beautiful. He’s about to burst into tears and I swear I might do the same because I’m making myself emotional over this fantastic boy. Someone hold me.
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No seriously, hold me because we’re about to get into some angst as we move onto to Emma’s wish. We all know that ever since 2039 her one dream was to ride a giraffe once they got outside, so here we are, about ten years later and the animals in question are within reach. Our girl should be totally excited, right? Ha, not quite.
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That wish was something the old Emma wanted, but since demon god had to be such a bastard, this Emma doesn’t know what to think, let alone what to even feel. She hasn’t experienced the same hardships as her family. She hasn’t gone through hell and back while holding onto that one wish that would make all the suffering worth it. The amount of joy everyone else felt upon living out their dreams, she wonders if she would be able to feel it too.
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They brought her here to make her happy, but is this truly want she wants as well? This is old Emma’s wish after all. What about her and what she wants? Could this wish make her just as happy as her old self? She knows her family is only trying to help, but seeing her doubt herself does a number on my heart. Even without her memories, she’s still the same Emma deep down, as she doesn’t want to disappoint her family. She spends so much time worrying about living up to her family’s expectations, to try and be that Emma they all love so dearly.
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Little does she know that she acts the exact same as usual, almost as if nothing has changed when she finally expresses how much she wants to ride a giraffe. And that’s great considering when they first arrived at the giraffes, no on had even mentioned riding them. She came across that feeling all on her own and everyone else can’t help but laugh and feel relieved. Her mind may have forgotten but her heart remembers everything. There is no “old Emma” and “new Emma” to her family, just “Emma” and words can’t express how wholesome that is because they love her regardless. All that matters to them is Emma’s happiness because if anyone deserves to feel and experience that, it’s her.
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I just made myself tear up, damn it. I started this series with season one okay? I heard about this precious girl’s dream within the first minute of the first episode and here I am, a little bit over two years later, finally reading about it coming true and seeing that bright as hell smile on her face. Do you know how amazing it is to come full circle like that? My heart feels so full right now. I’m beyond proud of her and love her to death. Say what you want but I believe this to be the true manga ending in my eyes.
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(damn this series for always getting me emotional)
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mikasaluna · 3 years
a certain scientific railgun smut hcs
⚠ WARNINGS:nsfw ! smut !
「 Keep in mind your triggers and do not engage if it will provoke negative emotions. You are responsible for your own actions. 」
notes:gender neutral pronouns, AFAB character, fluff, adult characters, set after graduation
A Certain Scientific Railgun /とある科学の 超電磁砲
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Accelerator アクセレレーター
- needs to be in control at all times
- he’s not gonna let you on top so don’t even ask
- baby boy just wants to make you feel good <3 
- not that he will ever admit that to you
- holds you roughly by the hips and grinds you down on his thigh while you’re making out
- loves watching you being pleasured, and hearing your sweet moans
- “what a desperate little slut, getting off just from my thigh like that”
- the little shit immediately pushes you back onto the bed just as you’re about to finish, leaving you wriggling and whining beneath him
- his soft white hair tickles your stomach as he pushes his face between your thighs 
- really, really good with his tongue
- you were already so close, cumming embarrasingly fast as he sucks harshly on your clit
- rubs your sides mindlessly as he settles himself back on top of you, inspecting your already fucked out face
- you can feel his hard bulge through his pants pressed against your naked, wet cunt
- is super blunt about it
- “let me fuck you”
- “of course you’re letting me you filthy fucking whore”
- “I bet you love having your stupid slut cunt filled up, huh?”
- starts gentle and deep
- but soon enough he will flip you over and pound you into the matress like you’re his own personal little fuck doll
- when he’s about to finish he will push his face into the crook of your neck where you can hear his breathing falter, and feel his hot breath in your ear
- ...he bites
- you have to stop him after the third round, worried you wouldn’t be able to walk the next morning
- plot twist: you couldn’t walk for the next two days
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Kongou Mitsuko 婚后光子
- will try her best to act confident and self assured
- but quickly becomes a stuttering, blushing mess
- doesn’t mind showing off her body to you, she just wants to turn you on as much as you do to her
- asks you to please give her hickeys; on her neck, collarbone, breasts, and especially the insides of her thighs
- maybe give her a hickey on her clit too
- attempts to deny it, but she loves when you top her, and maybe even when you’re a little rough too
- “me, kongou mitsuko!? of course i am not a sub or anything...”
- it’s pretty obvious that isn’t true once you’re finger fucking her into the bed while she’s moaning and babbling out incomprehensible strings of words
- if she gets too loud you might have to be a bit more forceful and put your hand around her throat, but somehow this only makes her louder??
- “please, more there~”
- “h-harder, faster, please don’t stop”
- when you smack her thigh as a warning, you can hear her bite back a moan
- she won’t stop wriggling so you have to hold her thighs tightly, while you put your face between her legs
- the way her face scrunches up as you flick your tongue on her clit is absolutely adorable
- poor baby’s words get all scrambled until all she can do is pant and moan at how good you’re making her feel
- her legs start shaking when she comes undone on your tongue, wrapping her thighs around your head and grinding up into your face
- which she immediately regrets
- “I-I’m sorry for cumming before you said it’s okay”
- “I know I’ve been a bad girl”
- as her punishment, you sit on her face and make her eat you out :)
- she tries her best to make it up to you, holding her tongue out for you to use
- part of you thinks she enjoys this even more than you do
- the way her tongue rubs against your clit has you rocking your hips desperately into her face
- when your breathing starts to falter she will pump her digits into your sopping wet pussy to help you along
- which ends in you creaming all over her fingers
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Kamijou Touma 上条当麻
- very honest
- generally likes to start slow and let you take lead
- but sometimes if he’s really needy, he will come lie on top of you when you’re on your stomach, kissing your shoulders gently
- you know what he wants straight away, his bulge pressed into the back of your bare thighs though plain grey sweatpants
- you push him back against the headboard, climbing onto his lap to straddle his waist
- he grabs your hips, kissing you and roughly grinding up into you while pulling off your shirt
- soon he pulls of your panties too, your messy cunt drooling all over the fabric of his sweatpants, making a visible wet patch on the grey fabric
- “so you’ve been waiting all day for this too, huh?”
- he rubs your clit gently as you sink down on his member, your walls fluttering around his cock at the stretch
- having you on top of him and watching your face as he rubs tight circles around your clit turns him on more than anything
- he’d let you ride him all night
- as much as you want to, by the time he’s about to cum your thighs are sore and your core is throbbing
- since you’re too tired he’ll grab your hips and help you along
- mumbles out praise as he finishes, still bouncing you on his lap
- “you look so perfect like this”
- the king of aftercare, always makes sure you’re okay and gets you whatever you need
- he will cook for you, bring you a warm towel, run you a bath
- ...which sometimes leads to round two
- always checking that he did good and that you’re satisfyed
- if not, he will gladly go down on you, or make you cum around his fingers until you can’t form proper sentences anymore
- he secretly hopes you’re not satisfied yet
- gives you one of his shirts to wear after <3
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Mikasa Mikoto 御坂美琴
- tsundere, so tsundere
- “i-idiot, don’t touch me there...”
- “wait! no... actually, p-please don’t stop”
- blushes at every little touch you give her
- hickeys make her melt under your touch, especially on her neck
- and in return you get to hear all the cute moans and noises she makes <3
- at first she gets super shy about letting you see her body, so you only take off her shorts and panties
- before holding her against the wall and putting your face up her skirt :)
- you can feel her legs get shakey as you suck gently on her clit, so you make sure to hold her up well
- when she’s close she will grab your hair roughly and squeeze your head between her thighs while stuttering out apologises to you
- one time you even made her come so hard with your tongue that she shocked you with her electricity a bit
- but now she only uses her electricity whenever your vibrator runs out of charge, or occasionally on your clit if you ask her nicely
- kiss her and tell her how good she did for you
- while you’re on top of her distracted by her lips, she will slip her hand into your panties and finger you
- the way she works her hands on you is absolutely sinful, it’s obvious that she must practice on herself
- won’t let you pull away to catch your breath, because she’s embarrased of how red her face gets
- it helps her to get more comfortable knowing that she can return the favor for you though
- once she relaxes a bit, holding her on your lap and using your vibrator on her is like a sight from heaven
- you wrap your arms around her body and alternate between grabbing at her soft breasts with your free hand, and curling your fingers into her velvety walls
- the way that her eyes begin to water as she bites into her lip to stop herself from moaning is truly to die for
- naturally, you squish her cheeks and make sure she lets every last whimper and moan out of that pretty mouth of her’s
- “w-wait... but I -ah, can’t keep my voice down”
- it’s okay, that’s exactly what you wanted <3
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Sogiita Gunha 削板軍覇
- actually really sweet
- very enthusiastic
- he thinks you’re the most beautiful and precious person in the whole world and will absolutely make sure you know that
- mans will finger fuck the insecurity out of your body if you even think about being shy around him
- his number one goal is to make you feel as good as possible
- always asking for your consent before anything
- “please can I kiss you pretty baby?”
- “please can you sit on my lap?”
- “please can you sit on my face?”
- feeds off of your moans when he’s pleasuring you
- the louder you are, the harder and faster he’ll go
- whatever he lacks in experience, he makes up for with enthusiasm and stamina
- so much praise
- “you sound so pretty baby doll”
- loves when you scratch his back, or when you tell him how good he’s doing
- sometimes doesn’t realise when you’ve come so he accidentally overstims you
- lets you start on top so you can adjust to his size
- but always gets too excited and starts to bounce you up and down on his cock himself like you’re a stupid little fuck toy
- he’ll probably be moaning even louder than you are
- triple checks that you’re comfy before he grabs you by the ass, lifts you up and fucks you against the wall
- wants to pound you against everything; the couch, the bed, the kitchen counter, the window... you name it, he’ll do it
- lasts for so damn long without ever getting tired
- he can make you come at least three times in one round
- the angle of his pelvic bone hitting against your clit with every thrust doesn’t help that matter
- or his cock hammering repeatedly against your g spot
- when he is finally about to finish, he will hold onto your flesh hard enough to leave bruises, pushing himself as deeply inside of you as humanly possible until you can feel the tip of his cock hitting your cervix
- if you let him, he will breed you and stuff you full of his cum
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Shirai Kuroko 白井黒子
(A/N: the characters in ‘Kuroko’ directly translates to “black child” and it always makes me laugh whenever Mikasa is like “KUROKOOOOOO” cause literally no one would call their kid that in English)
- takes no shit, A+ brat tamer
- dresses up in the skimpiest little lingere sets she knows you love, and watches you get all flustered 
- things can go one of two ways:
- one, you act like her obedient little fuck whore and do everything she says
- two, she teases you for hours then makes you watch as she rides your thigh without ever letting you cum
- kuroko has so many toys... but don’t worry, she loves to share with you
- first she orders you to make yourself cum in front of her, observing how you work your fingers against your clit and blush in embarrasment at her gaze
- soon enough though she won’t be able to help herself anymore, perching herself on top of you so her ass is wiggling just above your face, your wet cunt in her full view
- presses her tongue flat against your clit and laps you up like it’s her last meal
- your moans make her go absolutely feral, even more so when you’re pushing your tongue between her folds
- the vibrations from her panting and moaning around your clit, and the view of her pretty pussy right in your face is almost too much for you
- especially when she is going down on you so well like that
- pumping one finger experimentally into her messy cunt, followed by a second, you continue to lick at her clit
- watching you play with your pussy really made her soaked huh
- as much as you want her to cream all over your fingers and cum on your face, she is insistent on making sure you finish first
- she gets off to you is just a giver like that <3
- puts you into the wildest positions and fucks you with a double sided dildo, a hitachi wand held on your clit
- very vocal, loves teasing you while her free hand is wrapped tightly around your throat
- “come on baby, use your words, tell me how much you like it”
- she’ll coo at you innocently, knowing damn well you couldn’t speak if you wanted to
- “i guess you don’t like this... i’ll just have to stop then, what a shame”
- you better believe she’s not gonna continue fucking you until you’re sobbing and begging for her to keep going
- of course that is exactly what she wants, to turn you into a submissive slut all for her own personal use <3
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thetrueweaveroffate · 3 years
Subscorp Week - Day Three - AU
The tea tray was placed on the coffee table outside with a resounding  thud  that seemed a bit angrier for the boy than what was typical. Kuai Liang knew Satoshi long enough now to understand that he was much more easy-going than his father - and significantly better at controlling and maintaining his anger, for that matter. Still, Kuai Liang pointedly ignored the quiet outburst to push the bandages and other medical supplies away to pour himself some tea. He brought it to his lips to blow at it, using his winter chill to cool the beverage until it was a suitable temperature, as they sat on the outer porch, watching fireflies blink in and out of the evening darkness.
"I'm thinking of sending you back to the land of the living."
Kuai Liang nearly choked on the tea as Satoshi plopped down in the seat next to them, "I'm sorry?"
"I'm thinking of sending you back to the land of the living," he repeated. Kuai Liang glanced down and realized that within his fist was the kunai from a few days past. He kept it, in the end, and kept fidgeting the sharp end between his fingers.
He slowly lowered his cup into his lap. "And what if I refuse?"
He could sense Satoshi giving him a disbelieving look under the dim light. "Why the bloody fuck would you want to refuse? You're not even supposed to be here with us in the first place."
"Thanks to you," Kuai Liang noted plainly.
"Oh shut it Uncle. You know damn well why I brought you here."
"Well?" he gently asked, "Do you think I've told you everything you've wanted to know about your father?"
Satoshi inhaled sharply through his nose, "No. But if I were you I would take the advantage of the fact that you're not completely dead to book it out of here. It's not worth the risk of the Shirai Ryu getting to you in the afterlife to ruin your chances of life  down there ."
"And the Tragedian?" Kuai Liang brought up before sipping on his tea, "She won't give up easily. It is likely she will turn to you for retribution if she cannot reach me anymore."
"We Gatekeepers can handle her," Satoshi said.
"Can you?"
Satoshi's hesitance to answer him was telling.
"The Tragedian is my responsibility. Her death is my fault. I won't have you suffer from the consequences of my actions, even if it was when I was a Revenant," Kuai Liang stated, and Satoshi understood from his tone that there was no room for argument.
"Fine," Satoshi relented, throwing himself back to lean against the backrest. He sighed loudly before Kuai Liang handed him the other cup of green tea, which Satoshi quietly accepted.
"I almost can't believe the Shirai Ryu are now a part of this."
Satoshi kept fidgeting the sharp end of the kunai between his fingers. Kuai Liang's blood had long been washed off, but he still felt like there was a shade of red still lingering on the metal. Satoshi knew it was just his imagination, like a phantom pain that isn't really there but still somehow can't be ignored. Satoshi felt too much like his past catching up to him, even though he was never personally involved in the first place - at least of his own volition.
"How is it that you are not with them?"
Satoshi sighed and put the kunai down. "Mom moved away from them when I was young. Probably because she didn't feel we were safe in the goddamn afterlife of all places? But then again wouldn't the safest place be surrounded by an army of assassins?"
Kuai Liang stared blankly into the distance. "That didn't save all of you the day you died."
"…I guess not."
Perhaps it was a bit too much. This was supposed to be a fun little adventure, albeit one entirely made on impulse, but every new day with Kuai Liang here only brought more questions than answers and more dangers than the ones he's used to as a Gatekeeper.
Kuai Liang frowned, "Satoshi, did… you know the Shirai Ryu was wiped out a second time?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "I know. They're not here in the afterlife though."
The boy gave Kuai Liang a curious look, "Y'know, I'm actually surprised that you haven't noticed, but, I'm supposed to be older than Takeda, and I'm not."
"Hm." Kuai Liang did notice. Although, he thought with amusement, he had just thought Satoshi was simply born shorter than Takeda… Or Hanzo for that matter.
"Ever since the first massacre, the Undertakers have avoided the Shirai Ryu like the plague. 'No amount of willpower can save a dying body'. And Father apparently returned to life from sheer rage alone. The Undertakers fear people who can just return to life like that."
"That's true." Though there was more to that story, that he figured, that would be for another time.
"That should have been their first warning. When the Shirai Ryu arrived here, the Weavers didn't immediately bring us to life. They said, my mother used to tell me, that there was a chance that my father could have brought us back to life. So, we were in stasis for a few years, and then," Satoshi wrung his hands, "Father failed. And we then woke up here. And the Undertakers didn't dare touch anything near the Shirai Ryu… and also the Lin Kuei, for that matter."
Kuai Liang frowned slightly in realization, "Raiden's offer…"
This time it was Satoshi's turn to look confused, "What?"
"Your father, he killed my brother," Kuai Liang turned but didn't look him in the eye, "Raiden said he could have restored the Shirai Ryu if my brother was spared."
Satoshi stared at him in disbelief for a moment. "Jesus," Satoshi breathed out, "The way my mother said it, she made it sound like he needed to fight some god not…" He made a tight, frustrated noise, "not… spare someone."
"I, too, would have preferred to not have him kill my brother but, well, we all live with our mistakes," Kuai Liang leaned forward to pour himself of the remaining tea to hide his grimace, "He regrets it to this day. He regrets what he did as Scorpion."
Satoshi leaned back into his seat, contemplating, "Uncle, I need your honest opinion on something."
"Which is?"
"Do you think my father is a good person?"
The question seemed so sudden that it stunned Kuai Liang into silence. "You know I would say yes," he started slowly, "so why ask me?"
"I believe you have the, uh, most objective view of him."
Kuai made a disbelieving noise, "I wouldn't love him if he weren't a good person."
"Well so would my mother," Satoshi answered, "But Mother made it sound like my father was the most noble and honorable samurai in all the worlds, instead of a  shinobi ."
"And how am I different from your mother?"
"Well," he started slowly, "The difference is that you were enemies with my father for a duration of time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, you hated him more than anything for a short while. I would assume that means you understood his flaws better than anyone else."
"Then what else is there to say? His own rage was his downfall, but," Kuai Liang pondered briefly what to say next, "He'd fought for vengeance. He'd made mistakes and fell to corruption, but made full use of the second chance granted to him. He rights his wrongs and rebuilds the old clan he lost. He's an honorable man committed to his principles."
"Hm. I used to think that. That we were honorable - they were honorable."
"Were they not?"
"Uncle, I didn't think I would need to remind you of this, but the Shirai Ryu was a clan of assassins," Satoshi said with some disdain, "The only difference between them and the old Lin Kuei was that they treated us as family instead of utter shit. But that doesn't excuse the fact they still killed  for a living. Christ, my father was sent to steal an important relic, client be damned."
Kuai Liang winced, not because he couldn't come up with a suitable counter, but at the sudden memory that Hanzo ended up dying at his brother's hands at that mission. And then the Shirai Ryu were wiped out not soon after.
"He's not the man he used to be," Kuai Liang insisted, "You know the Shirai Ryu has been reformed to the defense of Earthrealm. He takes in people of all walks of life, and gives them a home, and your father would have walked through hell and back to protect his family. Including me."
Satoshi sighed. "I guess you have a point. It just really irks me how you have renounced the sins of your old clan, but…" he cast a sideways glance onto the kunai on the coffee table, "But my father hasn't done the same. Not to my knowledge anyways."
"Perhaps not," he conceited, "Your father and I, we both killed innocent people, but he had a choice to decide who to devote his efforts toward. You have to understand that everything he does, he does for his family. Every good deed and every failure he committed was for you. He wanted to protect you, to avenge you. He - maybe he wasn't a good man by the Tragedian's standards, but I know he would have been a good father."
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This was the first of my Mortal Kombat guest character shit. Think I made this two or three weeks ago. I forgot, anyway, enjoy these. Mainly it includes Archie from Bioshock Rebirth. The last one was meant to be with Noob Saibot. But long ago, I changed it to Shao Kahn.
Archie: You know, you remind me of someone I really hate.
Kano: Ohhh, who was he?
Archie: Let’s say he was Irish at first. Then he became a Bronx motherfucker.
Archie: I knew a crime boss that would make the entire Black Dragon look like a bunch of bitches.
Kano: Those are fighting words mate. Where is this asshole so I can gut him? Or make good business with him.
Archie: He’s already dead because I hung him from a ceiling.
Archie: Don’t you dare get near Elizabeth.
Kano: Hey, a dog can’t stop sniffing.
Archie: You touch her, and I’ll rip that metal eye off of your face.
Archie: Sonya told me all about you and the Black Dragon.
Kano: I am the Black Dragon you yobbo.
Archie: The Black Dragon is nothing compared to the Demon Of Rapture. 
Archie: You remind me of someone who I have mixed feelings on.
Kabal: Wonder how I remind you of him?
Archie: He killed for money, and he was a Helluva Grim Reaper in Rapture for Ryan.
Archie: You being fast doesn’t scare me.
Kabal: Maybe I’ll visit those Little Sisters after this. They’ll probably like me.
Archie: Get near those girls and I’m gonna shove those swords up your ass.
Archie: I hate people like you. 
Kabal: Black Dragon pays good. Nothing personal.
Archie: That’s why I fucking hate killers like you.
Archie: You really think you, a fast asshole of a mercenary, can beat me.
Kabal: All I’m seeing is a punk ass kid who thinks being a soldier made him tough.
Archie: I’m gonna show you why Splicers and Sofia called me the Demon Of Rapture.
Archie: So the Shirai Ryu is more than a clan?
Scorpion: We’re a family. 
Archie: Me and the Vox highly commend that honestly.
Archie: You know, you’re one of my favorite characters to play as actually.
Scorpion: What do you mean by that?
Archie: I think you and everyone else would be shocked to learn what you are in my world.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu would be honored to have you.
Archie: I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll fit.
Scorpion: Trust me, we would welcome you.
Scorpion: So the Vox are than an army?
Archie: We’re a community in a way. Trying to take care of each other.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu commend the Vox for their goals.
Archie: I question why you would even praise me?
Scorpion: You’re unlike any soldier I’ve met. Imagine our combined forces?
Archie: A ninja and an Army Ranger...that’s a Helluva team up.
Johnny Cage: Come on, let me star as you in a movie based upon Rapture.
Archie: Sorry, I think you’re too old to play me now.
Johnny Cage: Okay, that hurt a little hearing that from you. We could change the age though.
Johnny Cage: Your story would make a perfect movie.
Archie: I don’t think I want you cashing in on the shithole that is Rapture.
Johnny Cage: You’re missing out on the Rapture cinematic universe.
Johnny Cage: So you’re telling me our world...is basically a video game in your world.
Archie: Yep.
Johnny Cage: Holy shit!
Archie: I think you may not want a cinematic universe based upon Rapture or something.
Johnny Cage: Come on, you know its genius.
Archie: You’re gonna have to get through Ken Levine if you really want that.
Archie: So, you have issues with your dad too?
Kitana: It’s more complicated than simply issues.
Archie: Understandable. For me, my dad was a Capitalist tyrant asshole.
Archie: Its time for your rule to end.
Shao Kahn: I’ll crush you with my war hammer. 
Archie: I’ll fuckin beat you to death with a God damn golf club to make your death look insulting.
Archie: You make Ryan, Fontaine, and and Sofia Lamb look like pansies.
Shao Kahn: Is that a compliment?
Archie: No, it means you make me more sick than any of them.
Archie: You really think you, a dictator, can stop me.
Shao Kahn: All I see in a man trying to be a warrior. Everyone you faced is nothing like me.
Archie: I’m the Demon Of Rapture you shit fuck.
Archie: I don't think you would last in Rapture probably.
Shao Kahn: Do you know who I am? I am mighty.
Archie: I don't think the Splicers, Big Daddies, and Big Sisters would give a shit.
Archie: What you did to Sindel was despicable.
Shao Kahn: I'll go for Jasmine and Tenenbaum next.
Archie: If you touch my mothers, I'm making sure your brains fall out when I beat you with a golf club.
Archie: You remind me of someone I highly respect.
Jacqui: How would you describe her?
Archie: A natural born leader, and the best damn sister I know.
Archie: I’m just...reminded of terrible things that happened to people looking at you.
Jax: You mean you know people who went through what I experienced?
Archie: No. I’m reminded that Rapture literally made slaves in diving suits. 
Archie: You’re not leaving this fight alive.
Joker: Awww, not going soft on me?
Archie: Do I look like your God damn Batman?
Archie: Unlike Batman, I’m going to kill you.
Joker: What makes you say that?
Archie: I’ve read The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns. You make me fucking sick.
Archie: I know a clown that I think scares me more than you.
Joker: Well who’s this other clown then?
Archie: The clown is from a video game, drives an ice cream truck, and has a flaming head.
Archie: Vietnam huh? I’m sorry you went through such Hell.
Rambo: What about you kid?
Archie: A little bit of Iraq, and Rapture itself. 
Archie: Green Berets, you have my respect John.
Rambo: Same to you as well. Always did respect the Rangers.
Archie: Brothers to the end am I right?
Archie: You lost your whole platoon? I’m sorry. No one should have to experience that. I feel the same.
Rambo: You lost anyone?
Archie: Even though I was a loner. I lost my whole unit. Was the only survivor from the aircraft. Damn Ryan.
Archie: You want peace as well after all the Hell you’ve been through.
Rambo: Do you feel the same?
Archie: Yes, I do. 
Archie: You really think you could last in Rapture?
Shao Kahn: All those you've mentioned mean nothing to me.
Archie: Eleanor Lamb would make you her bitch.
Edit just noticed I didn't put cream after ice...so there...hope you all love the references everyone. :)
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fyeahwildfire · 4 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 4
Summary: Scorpion demands a match with Sub-Zero to get his revenge on his family and clan. How will you save Sub-Zero’s life?
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader (later)
Warning: swearing, angst
A/N: Italics= thoughts
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You, Lui Kang, Raiden, Jax, Sonya, and Johnny were surrounded by other participants. You stood between Raiden and Liu Kang. 
Raiden looks over to the side and notices one of the guards standing beside Cyrax. He gets another vision, one of Kung Lao fighting against Baraka. He leaves you and Lui Kang as he goes over to Kung Lao. Uh oh.
“Kombatants! The next match will now begin!” Shang Tsung sat atop his throne, looking high and mighty.
A burst of fire suddenly erupts before your eyes, standing inside the fire is none other than Scorpion. You look at him with awe as the crowd claps. That’s fucking awesome. He looks like a total badass. 
Johnny and Lui Kang look at each other, their both wondering who is going to be facing him.
“Scorpion! Specter of the Netherrealm. Resurrected by the sorcerer Quan Chi! Who among you is worthy of this challenge?”
“Where is the Lin Kuei Sub-Zero? He killed my family and clan. I will have his head.” Scorpion looked among the competitors.
Aw shit. Damn it. Bi-Han stay the fuck away. You thought as you internally panic. You can’t lose your half-brother. You haven’t even gotten the chance to speak with him. 
You narrow your eyes at Scorpion. He will not touch your brother. Not if you have anything to say.
“I accept the challenge.” Kung Lao steps forward and throws down the spear.
“Kung Lao.” Lui Kang says his voice laced with disbelief.
“Never mind the Lin Kuei. Now you face a Shaolin.” Kung Lao runs his two fingers across his razor-sharp hat and assumes a fighting stance.
“You will regret your impulsiveness.” Scorpion gets into his fight stance as well.
“So how good of a fighter is your friend?” You whispered to Lui Kang.
“Uh, he could use more training.” Lui Kang was worried for his friend’s well-being.
“So, he’s gonna get his Shaolin ass kicked.” Johnny said bluntly.
You and your new friends watch as Kung Lao and Scorpion fight. You cringe the moment you hear the crack of bones.
“Oh that’s gotta hurt.” You watch in shock as the powers of Scorpion prove too much for Kung Lao.
The fight between Scorpion and Kung Lao continues for a good 13 minutes, however the former soon beats Kung Lao into unconsciousness. “You are not yet a warrior.”
Without thinking, you run over to Kung Lao and place his head in your lap. Lui Kang follows behind you and kneels beside his good friend.
“Listen when your elders speak! You could not win this fight.” Raiden stands on the other side of Kung Lao.
“Perhaps, you should lecture him after...you know when he’s not fucked up.” You narrow your eyes towards Raiden.
How could he say such things to a person, who clearly wanted to prove himself worthy? No matter what anyone says, you thought Kung Lao was brave to face Scorpion and for that he earned your respect.
Scorpion is staring directly at you. He sees how you comfort the man who he defeated. How you scolded Raiden for berating Kung Lao. It was impressive that you would say such things to Lord Raiden not many would.
You sense eyes on you and look up to see Scorpion taking you in. You want to glare at him and tell him to stay the fuck away from Kung Lao and Bi-Han, but you can’t. 
Scorpion had lost his family and clan, he believed your brother Bi-Han was responsible. You understood his pain, more than anyone else here, but you needed to find out the truth. For both their sakes.
You and Lui Kang help Kung Lao to his feet and drag him away. 
“I have defeated the challenger, Shang Tsung! I demand Sub-Zero!”
You have been keeping a close eye on Raiden’s visions. He had another vision only this time it was Scorpion holding the decapitated head of Bi-Han. You gasp as you feared that would be the fate of your brother. No. You have to try. Something. Anything to save Bi-Han.
But first you have to help Kung Lao. You and Lui Kang walk past Scorpion, to find a place where Raiden can heal Kung Lao’s wounds. You place him next to Johnny and watch the fight between Nightwolf and Scorpion. It was an impressive battle but Scorpion ended up taking the win.
“The spirits have forsaken you, Shaman.” Scorpion sees Nightwolf slowly rise back onto his feet.
“An impressive start?” Shang Tsung nods his head respectively.
“You waste my time, sorcerer!” Scorpion raises his fiery fist up in the air.
“Restraint, Scorpion.” A tall, well-built man with red eyes spoke. He was completely devoid of any hair. No hair on his head, face, and chest. He also had a strange symbol on his forehead. You also spotted an authentic amulet on his belt.
Scorpion huffs out a grunt and diffuses the fire in his hands. You raise your brow, finding it strange that the man had such a hold on Scorpion. Your attention is brought back to Kung Lao as he is all healed up.
“Are you alright, Kung Lao?”
Kung Lao registers the sound of your sweet voice. His breath hitches as his eyes meet yours. He’s flirted with many women in the past, but you, you weren’t just any women. You were the type of women who made men want to marry. Your beauty could not rival another’s. In his eyes, you were a Queen.
“Yes, Lady Y/N. I am alright.” He smiles warmly. “Lui Kang and Raiden have already explained your situation to me. It’s an honor to meet you.”
You smile, “Same. Not many would challenge a man such as Scorpion and for that you have my respect.”
Kung Lao eyes widen with shock and happiness. No one has said such words to him. His closest friends and mentors had constantly compared him to the “chosen one” Lui Kang. Even Lui Kang himself, but you, you respected him even though he was defeated.
“You respect him for losing.” Lui Kang asked curiously, it did not make any sense.
“For Bravery. Many would coward upon seeing a man like Scorpion, but Kung Lao didn’t.” You smile and turn to watch the interaction between Scorpion and Shang Tsung.
You are aware of the two Shaolin’s looking at you. However, your smile turns upside down the moment you hear your brother’s name.
“You will fight Sub-Zero soon enough.” Shang Tsung stands up from his throne and takes his leave, with Quan Chi following.
The two Shaolin’s are concerned with your sudden change in demeanor.
Scorpion lowers his head and ponders recent events. You and Raiden approach Scorpion with determination to save your brother Bi-Han.
“Scorpion, I understand your desire for revenge. But Nightwolf is right. There are other ways in which you may find peace.”
“Sub-Zero deserves death.” Scorpion replies back to Raiden.
“No, he doesn’t.” You fold your arms underneath your breasts.
“Defeat Sub-Zero if you must, but do not kill him. I fear his death will give rise to a more treacherous foe.”
Ignoring Raiden’s words Scorpion says, “I will have my revenge.”
“You know what?” You unfold your arms, to clench both of your fists.
You hear Raiden’s telepathic thoughts warning you not to anger this man before both of you. For your sake and Bi-Han’s.
You take long, slow steady breaths. “Spare Sub-Zero’s life, please. Do not kill him. Raiden can request that the Elder Gods return the Shirai Ryu to the realm of mortals.”
Scorpion looked between both you and Raiden for a moment, his eyes lingered on you a bit longer until he nodded.
You sigh with relief, oh sweet sweet Suzan. I’m so scared at the thought of losing Bi-Han, I can’t even swear right now.
You immediately realize Raiden had already walked off to meet with Lui Kang and Kung Lao. The two Shaolin’s await your return to their side. They all but beg you to stay away from Scorpion, but you can’t at least not now. You had to get to the bottom of what happened to the Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei.
You flash him a nervous smile. He doesn’t smile back. He watches you for a moment longer, but then he turns his back.
“You know I get it. I understand how you feel.”
Scorpion stops but doesn’t turn. You walk up to him and hear the thoughts of Lui Kang and Kung Lao telling you to get away and run.
“You know Nightwolf is right about many things.” You sigh sadly, you don’t exactly like bringing up your past, but if this was a way to get Scorpion on Earthrealms side then you would do what you have to. Not just for Bi-han, but for Kuai Liang, Tony, and Earthrealm. “You are not the only one whose people have been victimized. Would you care to join me for a stroll, away from prying ears?”
Scorpion nods and walks with you, you tell him all about how your family’s bloodline had been hunted down, all because they desired the Soultaker sword. How your mother was wronged. How she was killed by the Red Dragon clan.
“Do you no longer cling to the past?” Scorpion had listened intently, he hated how the Red Dragon clan took your mother away from you. You were just a child.
“No. I still find myself wishing the outcomes were different. What more could I have done to save her?” You have to suppress the tears from coming down. “Honestly, a part of me does want retribution. Not for honor or justice, but…for revenge. To see them suffer. To watch there empire burn.” You stay quiet for a moment, until you speak again. “But then I realize. If I do seek revenge…what would that get me? My mother won’t come back. I will only end up losing myself…my soul.”
Scorpion wanted to scoff, but he didn’t. The more he spoke with you, he realized you and he were from different worlds, yet you both shared similar pain. He once lived with a clan of assassins and you lived a somewhat-normal lifestyle outside of Mortal Kombat. Now, you both were thrown into the battles of Mortal Kombat, to reveal Earthrealms fate.
“Is that why you asked me not to kill Sub-Zero? For my soul?”
“Part of it.” You smile sadly.
Scorpion raises his brow, “Part?”
“Sub-Zero is my half–brother.” You look into his eyes, seeing shock and anger.
“Yes, he and I share the same mother. His father left my mother and took her sons away so they could join the Lin Kuei.” You explained, hoping to diffuse his anger.
“So you told me all of this just to save Sub-Zero. He murdered my family, my soulmate and clan…”
“We don’t know that. You’ve only heard one side of the story. Quan Chi could be lying to you.” I ball my hands into fists. “Let me talk to Sub-Zero and I promise you I will find out who killed your family.”
Scorpion’s eyes widen, he had just met you and yet you were willing to help him find the true killer of his family and clan. Why? What could you possibly gain from this aside from saving Bi-Han? Could Quan Chi be lying? Would you lie to him?
“I give you my word Scorpion. I will find out who killed your family. I may not have been able to save my mother, but I…”
“And If Quan Chi is right?”
“Then you’ll have to kill me, because I will not let you harm my brother. And if you do, you ruin any chances of having your clan restored.”
Scorpion nods, as his anger diffused as he remembers the agreement with Raiden. “How will you find out…?”
“I’m telepathic.” You smirk. “Just don’t tell Quan Chi. Don’t need that asshole to ruin any of my plans.”
“Very well. You have my word I will not tell Quan Chi and… I will spare your brother’s life.”
“Thank you.” You bow respectively. “You know how incredibly lucky you are? You have an actual chance to have the Shirai Ryu return to the living. Wow. Fuck, I wish I had that option.”
“For your mother.” Scorpion walked with you as you both headed back to Shang Tsung’s throne room.
You nod, “Yea. For my father and stepmother too.”
“Did the Red Dragons…”
“Oh! No, they died in a car crash.” You look down to the ground.
“I’m sorry for your losses.”
You shrug, “Why you didn’t kill them. It’s life. It happens. Now all I have left is Tony, Sub-Zero, and my other half-brother I have yet to meet.”
Scorpion looks at you carefully, you had lost so much and yet that loss didn’t make you into a vengeful woman. In fact, it made you kind, caring, brave, and strong. All you truly desired was to save the last living members of your family and for that Scorpion vowed to protect you.
His took notice of the tattoo on your forearm, “What of your soulmate?”
He nudges his head towards your forearm. 
“Oh. This. I have yet to meet him. I don’t know if I want to, to be honest. My life has been rather complicated and to involve him...” You shake your head. “...Its best if I avoid him all together.”
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Several kombatants are standing around discussing things with one another. You and Scorpion walk into the throne room together, both of you see Cyrax and Sektor huddled together.
“I understand there are benefits to the Grand Master’s plan…” Cyrax speaks with Sektor. “…but his plan goes against Lin Kuei principles.”
“We are Lin Kuei, Cyrax. We will obey the Grand Master’s commands.”
You roll your eyes upon hearing two Lin Kuei members. You huff a grunt and from the corner of your eyes, you see Scorpion looking at you. “What?”
“You do not like the Lin Kuei either?”
“What? What makes you think that?”
Scorpion shrugs, “Perhaps it’s the way you tense upon seeing them.”
“I do not tense.” You scoff playfully.
“You’re tense right now.”
You relax your shoulders and glare your eyes at Scorpion. “I’m starting to regret befriending you. Woah! Hey, where are you going?” You follow behind Scorpion as he makes his way over to Cyrax and Sektor.
“It means giving up our free will…our souls. It will turn us into…” Cyrax is interrupted by Sektor, who points out Scorpion’s presence with you in tow.
“Scorpion.” Sektor voice is laced with disgust.
“Your inferior clan is dead. Soon you will join them.” Cyrax holds his head up and threatens Scorpion.
“Excuse me, wannabe ninja…” You stand beside Scorpion and send a deathly glare at the two Lin Kuei members. “…if you don’t have anything nice to say than keep that fucking mouth of yours shut.”
The three men are surprised to hear you say such a thing. Sektor glares at you while Cyrax finds it humorous. He laughs and holds your chin with his two fingers. “How cute. Didn’t know Scorpion found a replacement?”
“Do your best to keep your bitch on a leash, Scorpion.” Sektor told Scorpion.
Bitch! He called you Bitch! You cracked your knuckles. “Oh. It’s about to get real!”
Before you can pounce and hit the bastard, Scorpion beat you to it. He grabbed Cyrax’s wrist and removed his hand from you. “You will keep your filthy mouth shut and keep your blood soaked hands off, Y/N!”
Cyrax pushes Scorpion backwards to which he immediately goes into a fighting stance.
“A challenge! Scorpion versus Cyrax and Sektor!” Shang Tsung announces with Quan Chi standing beside him.
“Your obsession with Sub-Zero ends here.” Cyrax goes into a fighting stance.
Before you could stand beside Scorpion and offer aid, Kung Lao grabs ahold of your hand and pulls you to stand next to him, Raiden, and Liu Kang. The three of you watch as both Sektor and Cyrax are defeated despite being formidable warriors.
“I will have my revenge, but I will not kill Sub-Zero.” Scorpion looks over to you and Raiden. Both you and Raiden smile and nod.
“Will not? Or cannot?” Sub-Zero walks into the throne room.
You groan mentally, Come on. Seriously!
“You.” Scorpion seethes as he stalks towards Sub-Zero.
While everyone watches the intense interaction between Scorpion and Sub-Zero, you had read Scorpions thoughts. 
Oh hell! I need to stop him before he does something he might regret. You thought.
“The Shirai Ryu are dead. You will suffer as they did.” Scorpion seethes.
“To hell with your clan.” Sub-Zero insults back.
“No…to hell with you!” Scorpion goes up in flames and grabs ahold of Bi-han, teleporting him somewhere else.
You try to find a way to get to Bi-han when you heard Quan Chi’s thoughts, he wanted to antagonize Scorpion and see him kill Sub-Zero. You quickly sneak past the other kombatants and just as he is about to teleport you grab ahold of his belt undetected.
You are teleported to a place that looked like hell. You look over Quan Chi’s shoulder to see Bi-han beaten into submission.
“I have avenged my family and clan.” Scorpion speaks over Bi-Han’s unconscious body.
“This is your retribution?” Quan Chi walks closer to Scorpion and doesn’t realize you behind him. “Scorpion. Kill him.”
“I…I will not. He has been beaten.” Scorpion looks at Bi-Han and can’t find it in himself to kill him. Not after his conversation with you.
“Have you forgotten?” Quan Chi shows Scorpion a vision of an entire village up in flames. The Shirai Ryu clansmen are cut down by a hail of arrows. Others are decapitated and murdered by the Lin Kuei clansmen. Among the horseback riders is Sub-Zero.
You stepped closer seeing all that had transpired, this was the reason why the Lin Kuei and Scorpion were at odds. But, it made no sense as you delve into the minds of Bi-Han and Quan chi you were able to realize the truth.
Bi-Han regains consciousness and sees the vision’s before him.
“Your clan. Your family.” Quan Chi showed Scorpion another vision, Scorpion’s wife/soulmate and infant child huddled in the corner of their home. The baby’s wail of terror breaks your heart and sends a chill up your spine.
The door opens to reveal your brother Sub-Zero with his sword in hand. He’s unmoved by Scorpion’s wife’s tears as he brings down his blade. Blood is splattered against the walls along with the petals of a rose worn in his wife’s hair.
“NOOO!” Scorpion yells with pure rage as the vision fades.
Bi-Han badly injured is up on his feet, holding his hand up in mercy. “That is not me!”
Consumed with rage, Scorpion rips off his mask and reveals his skull enveloped in flames.
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You knew then that nothing would be able to stop Scorpions rage, but you had to try and defend your brother, even if it were from Scorpion himself. You didn’t care about the consequences. All that mattered was Bi-Han’s safety.
You step out from behind Scorpion and Quan Chi, you then quickly rush over to stand in front of Bi-Han. Perhaps, you could try and reason with Scorpion. Only a fool would think to do such a thing.
Seeing you standing before Sub-Zero, Scorpion looks down at you. He can remember the conversation he had with you, but his rage had all but consumed him. He took a step forward, only for you to raise your glowing green hands.
“Move aside.” He growled.
“No. I told you before if it came to this, you would have to kill me too. I will not let you kill him.”
“He killed my clan! My wife! My son! He deserves death.”
“If Scorpion truly wishes to avenge his family and clan, then he must kill Sub-Zero.” Quan Chi looks at you. “Who are you to deny him that?”
You narrow your eyes at Quan Chi, “Someone who knows the truth, you liar. When all you have done is use Scorpion’s wrath to your advantage.” You look over to Scorpion. “Remember the promise you made to me and Raiden. You kill Bi-Han and that promise goes away.”
Scorpion takes a moment to think it over. You take careful slow steps towards him.
“Please Hanzo. Don’t kill him. I told you I would find the truth and I have….”
Scorpion looks up and you can see the flames in his eyes dimming.
“Truth? What truth?” Quan Chi spoke from beside Scorpion. “Enough of this! Kill the girl and Sub-Zero, so we can be on our way.”
“I gave you my word. I stand by that.”
Hanzo nods and places his mask back on. You sigh with relief as you don’t have to fight against Scorpion.
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Back in the throne room of Shang Tsung…
All the kombatants stand and talk amongst each other as they have no idea if either Sub-Zero or Scorpion will come back alive. Kung Lao and Lui Kang were both worried for your well-being, they had no time to stop you from teleporting away with Quan Chi.
Scorpion reappears in the throne room, he steps aside to reveal you supporting Sub-Zero.
You look up to see Raiden giving you a nod of approval. “Alright Bi-Han, let’s get you to my room so we can patch you up. I don’t think this place has an infirmary.”
Lui Kang and Kung Lao both ranted about how dangerous and careless that is was for you to sneak past them and teleport away with Quan Chi. They followed you out the room and continued their ranting. Raiden just shook his head, his two students were completely smitten with you and concerned for your well-being.
Sub-Zero listened to the never-ending rants of Lui Kang and Kung Lao. If he wasn’t struggling to walk, he would have kicked both of their asses, just to get them to shut up. He looked down at you and could nearly see a vein pop in your forehead.
Once you reached your bedroom chambers, you immediately closed the doors behind you. You could not hear another word from Lui Kang and Kung Lao.
Behind closed doors of your room, you placed Sub-Zero down on the bed and began tending to his wounds. The look on your face, resemble to that of his mother.
“A little advice, do not insult Scorpions family or clan. In fact, just stay away from Scorpion.” You moved around your room to grab all the necessities you need to bandage Bi-Han. “Fuck, if I not been there you would have died.” You mumbled the last part to yourself.
Bi-Han winces as he struggles to sit up from your bed. “I thank you….” He didn’t exactly know who you were or why you decided to save him.
“My name is Y/n.” You return to the bedside with your equipment in hand.
“Thank you, Y/n. I don’t understand how you were able to teleport to us? But…”
“I didn’t teleport to you. I snuck up behind Quan Chi and grabbed onto his belt.” You wring the soaked rag in your hands and begin to wipe all the blood of his chest.
“So you have mastered stealth. Impressive.” He grunts when you cleaned around his wound. He grabs ahold of your wrist to temporarily stop you from bandaging him. “Why did you interfere? Why did you save me?”
You narrow your eyes, “What you wanted to die?”
“It would have restored my honor and...”
You glared at Bi-Han, “Honor? There is no honor in dying because you lost a match. You are a fucking idiot to think so. Clearly you did not get our mother’s intelligence.” 
You rose from your position and paced around the room as you continued to rant angrily. “Not many get a choice whether they live or die and you want to die. Be fucking grateful that you are alive…”
Sub-Zero watched as you ranted and paced around the room. Despite your age, you were clearly wiser than most your age. But then he caught onto one bit of information that you ranted angrily about. What did you mean by “our mother.” It was then he pieced it together. This whole time he wondered why you looked so familiar. Why you looked so much like his mother.
“You are my sister aren’t you?”
You stopped mid-ranting and looked into his eyes. You looked like his mother, but your eyes were not hers.
“Yes.” Your shoulders become less tense. After a moment of silence, you speak again. “Our mother would not want this life for you. To easily throw your life away when all she tried to do was give us a life of normalcy.”
You move to sit on the bed, your back facing Bi-Han and your eyes casted downwards. You scoff to yourself. “Who am I to talk? When I’m forced to do the same. If only she can see me now. She would be ashamed…her sacrifice would have been for nothing. She…”
“Sacrifice?” Bi-Han leaned forward despite the pain he was enduring. “What do you mean? Our mother is alive…isn’t she?”
When he receives no response from you, he places his hand on your shoulder. “How?”
“The Red Dragon clan killed her. They… wanted the soultaker sword.” You rise from your position and move to the door. “I’ll get Raiden to come and heal you. It was nice meeting you Bi-Han.”
Before Bi-Han could respond you had left out the door. He could see you concealing all the pain underneath. How just the slightest mention of your mother changed your demeanor. He realized then you had witnessed her death.
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malicedragoness · 5 years
MK Baby Reactions Part 2
I was all up in my feels with this one. I’ve never actually cried while writing anything, but holy shit. I really hope y’all can forgive me for the Raiden one. I feel like I’m about to have a Q&A session about that one. 
I’m gonna post this and go cry myself to sleep. 
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Kotal Kahn - "I want to have a baby."
Kotal's face cracks into the biggest smile you've ever seen. He wraps you in his giant arms and kisses the top of your head. He's been waiting for this day to come. He's always wanted children, and as Khan he's expected to produce an heir. He just didn't want to put any pressure on you, or felt like you were obligated to give him children. He was going to wait until you were ready. No one was going to rush his Empress.
With Osh-Tekk culture, it is customary to paint eachother's bodies in colored paint blessed by the wisewomen before conceiving a child. It's supposedly a fertility ritual. You felt awkward at first, but Kotal assured you that you can wash your body after the paint settles on your skin for a while.
But feeling Kotal's strong hands and agile fingers caress your body was just magical. You're not sure if it's the paint or his touches, but your body was on fire. Kotal was feeling the same affect as you touched his arms and chest. Once you got to his powerful thighs, he couldn't handle it anymore and tipped you back onto the grass and pounded into you. That was one of the most erotic nights of your life.
Once you announce you're pregnant, Kotal assigns a group of midwives to attend to your every need. He will try not to leave the palace if he's able to send someone in his place. Although, that's not always possible. He will most likely take Erron with him while he leaves Ermac with you and the midwives.
As your belly gets bigger, Kotal loves to cherish your bump. He will never miss an opportunity to announce that the Pride of Osh-Tekk grows in your belly. He will keep asking if you're comfortable, are you hungry, do you need to rest. He just wants to make sure you're getting the best care possible.
As you and Kotal walk through the gardens, he constantly talks about how your child, wether boy or girl, will be trained as a warrior. He can't wait to teach them to fight and wield their first weapon. To teach them about Osh-Tekk culture and your culture. To see their first rite of passage.
He tells you he has always wanted to be father, and we would like to have more children in the future. If you ask how many children he wants, he will smile and cup your face and say "However many you wish to bless me with."
When you go into labor, Kotal reverts back to his general mindset. He's barking orders to the midwives and demands to get a physician in here immediately. There will be hell to pay if you don't follow a direct order from him to the 'T'! He's completely in control of his emotions and he never leaves your side. If he feels you're in too much pain, he'll get one of the wisewomen to help you through it. He hopes his confident demeanor will give you strength during the contractions and pushing.
Once the baby is born, you can't help but cry as you look at the tiny baby in Kotal's humongous hands. You've never seen him be so delicate with anything before. He holds you in his free arm and kisses your forehead while he's crying. He tells you over and over again how he loves you both and how he's so proud to have you at his side.
He pulls away and asks if you're ready to announce your child to the world. When you nod, he walks to the open balcony where a crowd of people wait down below.
A hush falls over the crowd as they see Kotal appear with your child.
"My people, I bring to you my child, the Pride of Osh-Tekk! Yaotl!" He holds up your baby as everyone cheers.
--- 'Yoatl' is a unisex Aztec name meaning 'warrior' and 'defender'. It sounded perfect for Kotal and it kind of sounds like his name a bit.
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Scorpion - "Hanzo, I'm pregnant."
Hanzo looks up at you with a look of shock on his face. He points to your stomach "You're..." and then to himself "Me?"
You nod hesistantly, unsure of how he would react to hearing this news. There were times when he talk about what it would be like to be a father again. He slowly walked to you and caressed your face with both of his hands. You watched as every emotion ran across his eyes. Surprise, happiness, sadness, guilt. Until he looked down at the floor for a few quiet moments.
He seemed so lost in thought and it terrified you that he may reject you. 
"Hanzo?" Your voice cracked and tears fell from your eyes as you tried to break him from his thoughts.
His head snapped up and he was surprised to see tears streaming down your face. He pulled you into a tight embrace and buried his face into your neck.
"I didn't mean to make you cry, my love." His voice was strained, as if he was trying to hold in all his emotions. He let out a shaky breath before he continued. "I... I am overjoyed to have the chance to be a father again."
You wrap your arms tighter around him and kiss his cheek. "I'm so happy. I was scared you were mad."
Hanzo pulled back to rest his forehead on yours. "Never. I am honored to father your children."
From then on he always keeps an eye on you. Whenever you're attending to the Fire Garden, he's close by and makes sure you aren't getting overheated. When you help prepare meals for the Shirai Ryu, he will check to see if the others are pulling their weight and helping you out.
Once you're further along in your pregnancy, he will try to make you stop with your duties. If you get mad and upset, he will just stand there patiently while you finish your tantrum. He's been through this with his late wife. He's well experienced with handling mood swings. When you're done he wraps you in his arms and kisses your forehead. He speaks softly and tells you that he didn't think you were uncapable of doing your work. He just wants to make sure you aren't overworking yourself.
The nursery will be set up across the hall from your room. Hanzo doesn't understand why people are obsessed with gender specific colors. He's not focused so much on color or decorating the room. He would rather there be minimal decorations, and instead have the necessities you need.
When you go into labor his face is the picture of discipline, but his shaking hands are what give him away. The cries you let out really shake him to his core. He never wanted to see you go through any pain, but he's both scared and in awe at how strong you are delivering your baby.
After the baby is all cleaned up and you have a moment to the three of you, while everyone else is patiently waiting. While you're slumped against his side and the baby in his arms, he admits his insecurities to you.
How he's afraid of losing you and your child like his previous family. The guilt he has from deciding to move on. How killing Quan Chi didn't solve anything, and still left an empty hole inside of him. How hard it was to finally let go of the hate and vengeance he's carried all these years. He was so afraid of how it took over his whole life that he wouldn't know what to do without it.
All of these pent up emotions came tumbling out and he cried in your arms. He told you that even with all the horrible things he went through, you still stayed by his side when he was at his worst and helped him change.
He vowed right there to you and your newborn that he will try his best to keep changing. He doesn't want such an innocent life to see him as such a hateful man like he used to be.
Like Kuai, Hanzo will teach your child the same principles: honor, discipline, and respect. Training helps the body, schooling strengthens the mind, and meditating cleanses the soul. These are the things he will teach any children you will have together.
He's not the fun dad that most kids want, but he knows you will fill the role as the 'fun' parent. And he's more than ok with that. If you two decide to pull a prank on Hanzo, he won't get mad. He'll just continue to eat as if that whoopie cushion he sat on wasn't even there to begin with.
It turns into game at this point to see what you and your kid can do to make Hanzo crack a smile at one of your silly pranks. So far nothing seems to do it. You two have tried about a hundred different things and he has yet to even get mad.
What the both of you don't know, it's that he's just happy to be a part of something you do as a family.
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Raiden - "Raiden, do you want children?"
Raiden is a bit shocked by the question and tells you that he honestly never thought about it. He never thought he would be romantically involved at all, much less have children. He understands the process and knows it's possible for the two of you to conceive a child.
What he's scared of is his children being power hungry demi gods. Kronika had Shinnok and Cetrion. One wanted to conquer Earthrealm, and the other followed their mother's plan of destroying all existence. Not exactly great examples of gods having children.
He tells you to give him time to think about this decision. It's not something he wants to take lightly. Of course you agree, and this gives you time to think about it as well.
Weeks go by and he still hasn't given you an answer. You notice he stares off at nothing in particular, and he does that when he's deep in thought. He spends more time to himself and meditates constantly.
After months go by, you finally confront him about it. He opens and closes his mouth multiple times, and he aviods looking into your eyes. You feel your stomach drop.
Suddenly, you have a feeling you're not about to like what he has to say. And he proves you right, when he tilts your chin up to look you in the eyes.
"I... My love," he hesitates as he cups your face. Wiping away the tears that you didn't realize were streaming down your face. "I'm sorry. I cannot give you what you ask for."
You couldn't help it. You fall to the ground and cry. You wanted to be a mother so badly with the man you love. And he just told you he won't do it.
Raiden holds you in his arms. He knew this would cause you great pain, and he tried so hard to avoid this from happening. Never once did he want you to feel like this.
He calmly explains that the child you would produce would never be safe. From enemies and from themself. The power they would have would go to their head. He's seen so many tragedies happen from power hungry individuals that had immeasurable power. Kronika, Shinnok, Cetrion, Rain, and others. Raiden himself even fell to temptation.
If he can be corrupted, then so can his offspring. If that were to happen and your child were to destroy Earthrealm, and he had to choose between his child and the realms, that would utterly break him.
The two of you sit there crying, not caring who would stumble upon you, as you mourn the loss of a child you will never have.
Days go by, and everyone notices that you and Raiden don't speak to eachother as much anymore. As soon as you both enter the room, awkwardness permeates the air, you each avoid eye contact and stumble over words.
Until one day, Raiden woke you up late at night. Liu Kang and Kung Lao were with him and you noticed a bundle in Liu Kang's arms. He said that someone had left a baby on the doorstep of the monk's monastery. They weren't sure what to do with an infant and decided to ask if you and Raiden wanted to adopt them.
That's when your whole world changed. An unexpected opportunity to be parents was literally handed to you. Your hands shake as Liu puts the baby in your arms. The little bundle of life currently asleep as you take in their features.
Raiden looked to you, nervous energy floated all around him. "We may not be able to bring life into this world, like we wanted," he speaks softly as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. "But instead, we could help the ones who have nothing."
You look into eachother's eyes as you both finally smile after what seems like forever. "I love you Raiden."
"I love you too."
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sasorikigai · 5 years
ASTERISK(*) IS VERSE DEPENDENT, Bold for Hanzo Hasashi, Italic for Kuai Liang 
Tagged by: @hxttrick
Tagging: @grimsouled, @paindealt, @spiritsgxideme, @pxlariis & @seidanguard
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MUSE:  Hanzo Hasashi & Kuai Liang 
FC:  n/a 
OCCUPATION: Shirai Ryu Grandmaster | Hellspawn specter* | Immortal Pyromancer* | Fire God* & Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Revenant* 
SEXUALITY:  Biromantic & demiromantic Demisexual (Hanzo strongly inclined towards heterosexual, Kuai more with bisexual tendencies)
I am 5'7" or taller
i wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes (when not using their respective powers)
I have short hair
My abs are somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
i love meeting new people
people tell me that i’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
there is something i would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss* (asterisk for Kuai Liang)
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxis
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship*
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship  
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them*
I get crushes easily  
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a best friend
I live close to my school (academy)
My parents are still together (both diseased)
I have/had at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone*
I have at least 15 CD’S
I share my room with someone* (with Cassie)
I have break-danced
I know a person named jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the last week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
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smooooothjazz · 5 years
Mortal Kombat Character Survey
Okay, I made a survey and I want to know about y’all more. Please fill this out, I wanna see some Mortal Kombat love. I want to know everything from the jerks you hate to the homies you miss. I will answer this myself!!! I want to see people’s opinions. AHEM * please ?
Don’t be scared I’m judgment free. This is a judgment free zone. If you’re here to judge you can’t play in the ball pit with the big kids!
Tell me about the character you would marry- Raiden, he’s sweet and caring, and just wants to keep Earthrealm safe. He’s immortal and I’m sure it’s been a while since he’s bumped uglies. He deserves some cooch and I like to be one to to give it to him. Also, I’d love him and take care him. I’d put him first since he’s he’s always putting everyone else first.
Tell me about your favorite male character (other than who you picked to marry)- Johnny Cage. I feel like I grew up with him. He was an asshole back in the day and I was young and dumb, so I love that shit. But now that he’s older, he’s more mature and and he’s jokes are more mature. I guess we also have Cassie to thank for that. AND Johnny is a great dad. All around great character development.
I’d like to give an Honorable mention to Meat. The one year he was a playable character, he stole my heart. If he kept being in games, he would definitely be my favorite character today . Shout out to Meat, wherever you are my skinless friend.
Tell me about your favorite female character (other than who you picked to marry)- Mileena. She just misunderstood. I wish Kitana would have nice to her. She would have joined the good guys. She just needed a friend, a sister. FeelsBadMan
Tell me about your your least favorite female character- Sonya Blade, her boring military character type, is so… Boring. Also She’s a bad mom and doesn’t deserve Johnny.
Tell me about your least favorite male character- Reptile. Everytime he’s on the screen, I fall asleep.
Tell me about a character that you haven’t seen in a few games and you wish they would come back- Well, Sheeva was in that most recent game but, as non playable side character. So I wish she would be playable in this game or the next.
Tell me about someone who was in the last game who isn’t/ might not be in the new one and it bums you out- MILEENA. They did a bunch of time stuff and they couldn’t bring my misunderstood Queen back? People just hate her because she has the face of a Tarkatan. FEELSBADMAN
Tell me about your favorite Kombat kid- Jackie, even tho she was so stupid in 11. She was much better in 10, character wise. She looks better in 11 tho.
Tell me about your least favorite Kombat kid- I don’t think I have one.
Tell me about a character you feel a personal connection with- Mileena, for all the reasons I listed above.
Tell me about your favorite boss- Shao Khan. Because he the OG boss
What about your least favorite boss- Blaze. Honestly, he’s like a fever dream.
Who’s the best villain- Shao Kahn. He’s just a classic evil boss. And I was so happy to see him in the new game.
If you could have a love triangle, who would fight over you- Hmmm.. I really don’t like love triangles because I’m always clear on who I want. I may like a different person but I always know who I’m going to choose to be in a relationship with.
Who has the best fashion- Mileena. I’d like to say she was Fresh to Death. 🥴
Who would you want to teach you offensive Kombat- Hanzo. He’s such a badass. He’s the best fighter, in my mind. Teach me all your knowledge Fire Senpai.
Who would you want to teach you defensive Kombat- Sub-zero, I guess. He’s been dodging Scorpion for half of his life, so his defense seems to be really good.
Who would teach you swordsmanship- I don’t want to fight with a sword. But if I have to choose, Evil Raiden™ can teach me how to wield his lighting sword… 🤓
And who would you have teach you specialty weapons- I don’t need weapons because if I were a fighter for Earthrealm I’d have some cool powers. But if I really needed a weapon, I’d ask Lui Kang to teach me the ways of the Nunchucks.
Would you join the White Lotus Society, Lin Kuei, special forces, Shirai Ryu, red dragon, black dragon, brotherhood of Shadow, Kotal Kahns team or Mileena’s- The White Lotus Society of course. 😎
Which realm would you prefer to live in- Earthrealm all day baby!
Any ships you like- RAIDEN AND I!… But seriously, I love Liu Kangs and Kitana. They belong together.
Any ships you don’t like- Reptile and anyone.
Get creative, if you were a ninja what would your code name be and what color- Fam. There’s too many ninjas.. The took all the good ideas and colors.
Would you have besties and allies- Yes. Jackie would be my bestie. And I’d long for Mileena to be my bestie and ally. So I’d try to ally with her.
What about your enemies- Even tho Noob Saibot has such a cool name he’d be my enemy because he’s a dick. I’d find a way to un-exist Reptile. Ermac gotta go for ripping off Jax’ arms. Of course, Shao Kahn. I’ll have fun killing him.
Good, evil, neutral, chaotic neutral- Good
Anyone you would date but it wouldn’t work out- Hanzo. Because my heart belongs to the one true Senpai, Raiden
Who would you want as a parental figure- Johnny Cage. He’s a good dad. 10/10 recommend as a parent.
Who do you get advice from- Raiden. So wise and so hot.
Who would you want to see more fanfiction on- Senpai Raiden. We need more Smut about him. No one mentions how ridiculously tall he is. He’s SEVEN Feet Tall. I have a thing for height, so finding that out about him has done things to me. He’s sweet and very Smart. And just wants to do right by Earthrealm. He deserves to get get his dick wet. #GiveRaidenSomeCoochie
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anxiety-trademark · 3 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/30 NXT 12/02 NXT UK 12/03 Smackdown 12/04 Takeover War Games 12/06 + Main Event 12/03
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...Yeah hi, what the fuck is with the doll trapped inside of the table? Is that a metaphor for Alexa??
I’m so happy for her being able to have segments with Orton. Good for her.
Alexa’s like a mere inch taller than me so she’s a nice gauge as to to how tall the men’s roster is in comparison, and Randy? Fucking tall.
So the writing was on the wall; Fiend cares about Alexa (whether the nature is abusive is irrelevant to this point) and Randy has figured out how to use Alexa as a pawn to manipulate Fiend. I was kind of hoping Fiend/Alexa were in control of the gameboard, but it seems I’ve been duped.
The only complaint I have about this is how... compliant and helpless Alexa was in this segment. She’s not only been possessed/traumatized into caring about Fiend, but furthermore she does care about him, so why wouldn’t she be fighting against Randy when she was in his arms? The writing of her character in this particular segment seemed shallow. I know she can play whatever emotion they want from her, so to not ask for any emotions at all is curious.
Also the only person who isn’t a heel here is Alexa, and I won’t really hear any argument on the manner. Fiend is a predator at best. Orton is a psychotic douchebag.
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My head hurts. Imagine Becky being stuck in a tag team with Lana rather than throwing a huge fit about not being able to defend her title for fucking months.
“Sarah you wouldn’t understand, but Shayna and I are about to-- *starts smiling like a fucking idiot*” Wow I want to defend wwe’s incessant need for giving Lana a storyline but I’m so fucking tired of abysmal promos. God. I. Miss. Becky. WHY is the Raw women’s champion wrapped up in this??
“First of all... ew.” lolololol
Shayna’s hatred for Lana is fucking hilarious.
Why is it, whenever Nia and Shayna do their dual barricade ragdoll move, Nia always gets the lighter one?
Nia fucking pummeled Lana lmao.
I kind of wish this story had a live crowd, I’d like to see if all of this was actually buying Lana some goodwill from the audience.
Hilarious watching Lana sit on the bottom rope for a few seconds before climbing through onto the apron, before slinking down to a sitting position, before finally collapsing onto the floor barely peering into the ring. Tf is she doing rofl.
Now she jumped up onto the apron lacking any enthusiasm, tagged herself in, and is climbing onto the turnbuckle while seemingly sobbing. What in the fuck lmao.
God Asuka is working overtime here.
*Bonus* online exclusive: how fun, Lana and Asuka are singing and dancing together. This division is turning into a garbage fire rq.
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Oh is Mandy still out with an injury in kf?
Love it when new debuts get no fucking entrance. Yikes.
Mia Yim had such a dope theme song and entrance, I can’t believe it’s been scrapped so that she can call herself “Reckoning” and hang out in some dead-end group. Shame.
Oh my god. Mia loses to Dana via rollup after taking virtually no offense. What a waste of everyone’s time. I see this going nowhere, absolutely nowhere.
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*Bonus* online exclusive: lmfao the Nikki Cross interview was worth a mention. First off, Nikki looks gorgeous. Second, I feel like this is the beginning of her run of not appearing on Raw because she isn’t deemed developed enough outside of a tag team, which is sad. Third, rofl @ her giving Sarah sheep’s stomach chicken to eat, I have no words. Anyway, she should be a solid midcarder. Get it together wwe.
Highlight: Probably the Nikki Cross online exclusive
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They got Shotzi something that glows. Wow.
Why is there a silhouette as if Io isn’t already added to the team? Why wouldn’t she be? Shayna was in last year’s, why wouldn’t Io be in this year’s? Is this supposed to be suspenseful?? lmao plz.
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Indi did not take a bullet for you, she was just an idiot. Also why does this bitch still have a neck brace on? It was an Eclipse, let’s get real for a second.
Why you acting like your team is cohesive anyway? Doesn’t Dakota hate you? Didn’t Toni just turn heel for virtually no fucking reason, after defending/consoling Shotzi and attacking Candice like a sore loser? *sigh*
I know fans are really into WarGames but I find the alliances really fucking weak every year. It’s as bad as Survivor Series, just with more weapons and brutality.
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So Xia Li lost some matches and now she’s being tortured... okay. I’m gonna keep my comments on this to a minimum cuz I can tell this will be some long-term story.
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Oh I really like how their respective team members are standing up in the back on balconies. I really fucking like the layout of this arena. Huge fan.
Why Shotzi vs Raquel though? Why is the team captain fighting? That’s not typical for these, is it?
Ugh failure to throw Shotzi through the ropes. There’s just... a skill gap in the division, you know? And Shotzi and Raquel are on the lower end of that gap. I don’t care if people love Shotzi, she’s MILES away from being a champion. What saves her is her risk-taking, but it’s just a matter of time before that bites her in the ass.
Shotzi’s offense is doing a minimal amount of potential damage to her opponent while taking herself out in the most convoluted way possible. She’s Sasha Banks on steroids.
You call it innovative, I call it foolish.
Raquel just standing there waiting with stairs in her hands. Beast.
Shotzi can’t have a kf leg injury, that negates 95% of her offense!
Limpy vs Gimpy
Setting up that ladder in the corner was clunky as shit.
A pure ladder stip is hard to have in a women’s singles match, but this match is a big pile of meh.
Honestly I’m not about to complain about all of these women getting involved because this is borderline boring.
AYYYEEE it’s Io! Io saved this match tbh. Love her, THAT’S my champion.
Give Shotzi’s team the advantage, I doubt they win anyway.
To be honest; you have former nxt champion Ember Moon, inaugural UK champion and former nxt champion who fought against Charlotte fucking Flair at WrestleMania Rhea Ripley, and current champion that beat Charlotte fucking Flair for the title Io Shirai. The idea of that team losing is laughable at best in kf. But they will, cuz fuck babyfaces.
*Bonus* online exclusive: What surprises could you possibly have in store aside from some random weapons? Also fuck your howl. Edit: she was talking about her stupid new tank, wasn’t she...
Highlight: Io showing up at the end of the ladder match
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Who’s this green-shirt bro and why did he run over there to break up the brawl as if there aren’t 2 dozen officials already? Men needlessly getting involved in women’s fights irritates the shit out of me.
He also got in the way of the shot for the majority of this clip. I hate him. 
I hope Jinny wins this future match.
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This Aleah girl is like a cross between Kacy and Alexa, and honestly I hate it. Which is odd cuz I love them. She pisses me off though. Not sure what to make of it.
So supposedly Valkyrie is undefeated? That’s good. Let’s keep that going.
Valkyrie has nice counters and is super athletic. I say this every time I watch one of her matches but she deserves more praise.
I hate that women on UK get so little time. Send Valkyrie and KLR to nxt and send Dakota and Rhea to the MR, thanks.
I’d pay to see Valkyrie vs KLR too!
Still not a fan of Valkyrie’s finisher. Love her gear though, it looks different.
Highlight: Always a pleasure watching Valkyrie
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Lmfao Bayley “fails” to break the count before rolling back outside, so she rolls back in and fucking stomps her feet while yelling at the ref. She’s good. She’s good at the basics, good at paying attention to her surroundings, and good at improvising.
Bayley and Nattie are smooth together. They’ve never had a match, right? Other than this?
Love how Bianca has all of Bayley’s attention.
Bayley just used Nattie’s discus clothesline against her lmao. What a troll.
I remember when Bayley tapped, her entire fanbase was crying claiming she was buried. Watching it myself, she is so obviously entering into a program with Bianca. Christ 90% of her attention was on Bianca throughout the match.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Bianca just told Bayley her hair ain’t even and she looks dusty, good fucking bye.
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mmmm not sure if Sasha has the admiration of the wwe universe. Look she’s a remarkable talent in the ring, but she is insanely annoying outside of it. She’s changed nothing from the time she was heel, other than no longer cheating to win. She obnoxiously cackles, she’s egotistical, she gets along with legit nobody. I’m not convinced the crowd would even cheer her, even if she’s one of the best bell to bell. Her fans can call her the number 1 babyface, but that’s a stretch if I’ve ever heard one.
“I won the first 2 women’s mitb” aaggghhhhh I hate that Carmella still claims that. Debatable. De-ba-ta-ble.
Lol “I can’t help if men are obsessed with me,” alright sure. That’s good tbh. Carmella is a notorious cheat but regardless, that’s good.
Well the reason y’all never faced one on one is because Carmella’s a Smackdown veteran and you just got here, but I digress.
So where’s the army that still runs around crying that Becky buried her when she called her the greatest woman to never be great (facts)? Where’s the outrage for Sasha demeaning Carmella and claiming she’s not in her league? Sasha fans are wild.
“With half the work I’m better than you. I held onto that Smackdown woman’s title longer than all of your title reigns combined.” omg she’s dead. Shots fired, target hit. Someone call Sasha a hearse. 
Instead of sitting there making ugly faces, Sasha really should’ve gotten up and left. Lick her wounds or something kekek.
Highlight: I’m into this Bayley/Bianca thing they’re building
Takeover WarGames:
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I just think it’s so cool that wwe shelled out the money for a Black Sabbath song. Of course they can afford it, but for a Takeover? Points.
Nobody wants to come take out Candice rq? No? Nobody at all???
Oh hell yeah Dakota gets to start? Good for her, since she skipped out on it last year.
I don’t fucking get Ember Moon’s persona, but I like her lit gear tonight.
“Aiming it square at Team LeRae” sometimes I wonder if Vic is simply blind.
The concept of this match is fun, but it always feels a little hollow until the match actually starts.
So cool that they got Wade Barrett on commentary in nxt.
Sloppy headscissors by Ember, but Dakota sold well per usual. Not sure why they’d have Ember run the marathon.
I’d pay so much money to see the 4hw in a WarGames match.
Oh that’s cool, Raquel put her hand up to protect Ember’s face from Dakota’s kick. We appreciate a performer that protects her coworkers.
That sunset flip powerbomb by Shotzi onto Raquel off the ropes was neat.
Toni up in here just removing all the turnbuckles. I wonder if running into exposed turnbuckles actually hurts that much.
Toni barely taps Ember with a kendo stick and she acting like she’s dying.
Man that 6 woman thing was so choreographed. Even did a countdown.
Io ma’am we don’t-- we don’t need ladders... okay. Okay.
Io scaling the cage and Raquel knocking her off like in Super Mario Brothers.
I feel like WarGames is convoluted enough, but sure, let’s get into the winter of overbooked women’s matches. New season, same bullshit.
AHAHAHAHAH IO’S FUCKING SMILE. She is standing on top of the cage putting a garbage can over her head, and has the audacity to wear a shit eating grin. I cannot, this girl is crazy and I love her.
Stupid spot? Maybe. Is Io batshit insane for jumping like 10 feet down completely blind? Absolutely. Points.
CLEAN ddt by Io onto Raquel. Spiked.
Candice is dumb. Got a trash can lid standing opposite Shotzi who’s wielding a chair. Candice throws the lid, says ‘hold on’, then climbs through the ropes to grab a kendo stick while crying ‘help’. Grabs her kendo stick, goes to bat against Shotzi, gets her hand smashed lmao. Idiot.
Oh that was perfectly timed. Dakota busts Shotzi with a chair strike and barely even begins to turn around before Io missile dropkicks the chair into her from out of nowhere.
Dakota stuck a trash can over Io and then did a double stomp that impacted the trash can so badly she couldn’t slide it off lol. eesh.
Is Ember gonna attempt to Eclipse someone onto a set of upright chairs... Omg no. You’re gonna take the brunt of this, jfc don’t.
Oh good god what a fucking beautifully bad idea. I hope you’re okay bro. Man Dakota FLIPPED over. Nasty, nasty move.
That Storm Zero through a trash can was ace. Honestly I see a lot more potential for Toni here in nxt than over on UK.
This is a really good match. 
It’s not that I hate the coffin drop off the ladder onto Candice, but Candice really ruined it by preemptively grabbing a chair and holding it on top of herself. Kind of spelled out exactly how that was gonna go.
Io and Rhea make an amazing team.
Rhea and being thrown into the cage on the outside of the ropes, name a more iconic duo. I’ve heard that’s the worst part about cage matches cuz your skin legit gets dragged against the links as you slide down.
Holy shit Io just got powerbombed through a ladder. OOF.
That’s the ending?? Raquel pinned Io for the ending??? Holllllyyyy shit.
Interestingly enough, I’d have to say the 2 team captains did the least amount of notable work.
What took out Shotzi: On screen the last bump she took was her coffin drop onto Candice, which kept her from saving Io. Mess.
Some great spots for sure. Recency bias might be a thing, but I feel like I enjoyed this one more than last year’s.
Highlight: That Eclipse onto the chairs to Dakota was WICKED
Main Event:
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Main event giving people promo time? Is this typical??
Okay look. You acknowledged Alexa is brainwashed. You acknowledged that she chose him (even though she’s brainwashed so you really shouldn’t be upset). Now you’re claiming SHE came out and slapped you, as if you haven’t been relentlessly bothering her about her boyfriend that she chose because she’s brainwashed, and as if you weren’t the one who came out and confronted her. Is this not super problematic to anyone else??? Nikki this doesn’t make you a victim or even a decent person/friend lmao.
It’s a good promo though. Good delivery, very buyable.
I know Lacey’s being a bitch, but it’s an awful hair style, Sarah. I’m sorry.
Lmao Lacey is so god damn funny when she has someone to play off of. I can see the appeal in her and Peyton, I can see it. I can see it. The pairing should absolutely not last long because Lord they’re abysmal in the ring together, but outside? Swell, just swell.
Lacey will always have a job solely for her character work if nothing else.
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Haha Lacey running from Nikki. She’s a treat.
Really thought that spinning heel kick was gonna be the end of it.
This match is definitely Main Event(tm) worthy, but I’m glad it has some semblance of a story going into it.
Peyton’s jump kick looks dumb.
Probably for the best that Nikki loses this, even if Peyton is awful.
*WarGames was definitely the highlight in an otherwise really lame week of wrestling. I don’t even have a runner-up, I’m just thankful for WarGames.
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chidoroki · 3 years
TPN - Isabella one-shot
Okay, so.. I have so many emotions right now it's not even funny. I don't care how many times I've said this since ch169, but I'm gonna say it again: Isabella is a goddamn QUEEN! I thought the side chapter was going to reflect the light novel like Krone's was last week (it was based on that, correct?), so being able to witness Isabella be that dangerous “iron woman” mastermind again was simply fantastic.
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As Krone's extra chapter reminded us, every woman in this mother/sister academy is fighting to survive by any means necessary, so seeing these ladies put on a pretty face one moment to praise Isabella on her promotion only to talk shit behind her back the next minute was of no surprise to me. What did make me a little stunned was that these women are unmistakably the same women who stood so proud and confidently behind Isabella once she revealed her wonderful revenge plan to the rest of the facility back in ch170.
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So, what changed? Oh, it's quite simple and a complete joy for me to talk about, so allow me. Isabella had a reputation of never making mistakes, as she always received perfect scores on both written and physical tests, so upon learning that she allowed 15 children to escape is a bit jarring, especially to the other ladies. The quality of her loss was such a huge hit to the farm's profit that they couldn't fathom why she of all people would be chosen to become the next Grandma. They believed it to be unfair, that Isabella must have had some sort advantage after working under Grandma Sarah that could've been kept under wraps. They both got rid of Krone with little to no explanation at all, so some rules must have been tweaked. It's no doubt the ladies saw Isabella as a major threat to their own survival, so they kept a close eye on her and waited for the perfect opportunity.. to create a fake lead to raise suspicion on this flawless woman.
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Too bad dearest Grandma was already ten steps ahead of them! HAA! Did they honestly think they could take her down? And Jessica, sweetheart, you even spoke about Isabella's training days a couple of pages ago and how “she calmly got revenge on all the girls when they tried to sabotage her.” That literally just happened again so y'all can't really be surprised by this outcome! She knows that Jessica, Sienna, Scarlet & Matilda, are the current top four choices to become mothers, so it was quite easy for Isabella to determine who would go after her and her new position, if anyone were foolish enough to think about such a thing.
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Luckily for them, Isabella has no intentions of killing them off. Since they're all quite intelligent and skilled, she decides to recruit them as allies in her pursuit to destroy Grace Field. Their reaction is similar to the other women we see from ch170. Everyone is apprehensive at first, as going against the farm is nothing but a crazy idea, and yet Isabella assures them that there is no bright future if they remain stuck in the system and obey their rules.
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They betray each other to give themselves the best chance at surviving, but it'll be an endless hell if you live out your entire life in fear. So if not for each other, what do these ladies have to live for? Oh, just their children they all chose so hard to forget about.
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By now it's no secret that Ray is Isabella's son, but ever since ch170 I couldn't help but wonder if any of those women were the biological moms of any of the other kids we know. You can't tell me the lady with that distinguished nose isn't Nat's mother. I also thought the others could be mothers of Rossi, Yvette, Anna and perhaps Don? Sienna might be Emma's, Matilda to Norman's, Scarlet to Phil's, and Jessica.. I'm not sure honestly? I know it could be any of the kids at GF plant #3, not just the 15 that escaped, but it is fun to think about though and I wasn't expecting to learn that their kids were all at the same house.
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It's quite convenient that Isabella had the chance to raise their children actually, because after a few more words of encouragement and the knowledge that their children are indeed still alive, the four ladies agree to support Isabella's plan. Well, once she guarantees to not double-cross them, which is reasonable. It's best for them to have some trust in each other in order to work together. Isabella gives them her word and some much better evidence of her mistake in the form of… aaaaahhh Ray's note.
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Bro, believe me when I was completely shooketh upon reading this. It's been a question we all had for so long that I was fairly certain we weren't going to get an answer for it after the series ended. Of course the knowledge of Ray being Isabella's true son was the weakness many of us thought the note contained, but I could've sworn I read somewhere, in some interview or whatever it was, that Shirai said it was something else Ray baited Krone with (right? or am I completely going crazy about this trivia). Anyways, I guess a farewell note is different enough but damn.. what a punch to my heart. Not only did he address it as “dear mother,” but the fact that Isabella kept it this entire time. Like wow.. I'm kinda speechless here. No doubt she still loves her son, just look at how fondly she holds it! If anything, I must know the full contents of said note! Shirai, please! I'm begging!
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And if that wasn't enough to make me emotional, Isabella's wish certainly had me tearing up. I hope she knows that her precious children are all happy together in a free world living the best life they possibly can. Honestly, if I had any power to change just one thing in this series, it would to let Isabella live. Having Emma keep her memories is a close second, but I've come to accept that inconvenience after seeing how happy she and all the other kids are post-series. Look at this precious family! I love them! (also I wanna see that full photo on top with her and ayshe darn it!)
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Seriously though, her death is still something I'm not over. I literally have not listened to her lullaby since ch177 dropped because I'm scared I'll become a tearful mess. Yes, sacrificing herself to protect Emma and that other girl from the demon was very admirable of her and helped with her redemption, but she didn't have to die from it! (hell, if emma could survive being stabbed then so could isabella, right?? damn plot armor! ) To me, I just feel like it wasn't necessary, especially now after learning what we just did from this extra chapter. Not only did she agree to become Grandma to help the children when they eventually returned to GF in two years, but Isabella also decreased the number of shipments in order to produce higher quality goods to make up for those that escaped, which is exactly what Emma believed would happen once she decided to leave the kids four and under behind. I love how Isabella adopted Emma's ideals and spirit in order to go against the system and rally everyone else up to accomplish the impossible. Personally, I forgave this woman the moment she retrieved the ropes in ch37 so the farm wouldn't know exactly where the children escaped from. She didn't have to die to prove she was a good mother who cared and love her children, because she showed that several times over and over again. She literally did everything in her power to help these kids secure a brighter future while remaining in the shadows.
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Yeah, it makes me happy that they did at least take her body to to the human world so they all can continue to pay their respects to her, but aaahhh.. how I wish she were still alive. She suffered so much, she deserves to live in peace with her children and love them all normally. Ray especially!! You can't just formally introduce these four brilliant women to me and then be like “oh yeah, they have GF kids too and now they're free in the human world with them” and not have Isabella with Ray! I'm sure their relationship would've been rocky at first, but I still would've love to see them at least give each other a chance to be a real family. Hmmmm.. this chapter, man.. so not good for my heart, but I loved every bit of it. Once again, rest in peace to the iron woman. What a queen.
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nahmooste · 7 years
take it all until there’s nothing left of me
pairing: Kazuchika Okada/Female OC warnings: swearing, almost alcohol abuse a/n: angst and smut, two things i write the best; more chapters incoming soon. kinda enemies to lovers trope. let me know if you want to be tagged in the rest :) 
Part 1
They hate each other; of that, she is completely sure. He hates her tattoos, mocks her every time he sees them— “unnecessary and, frankly, would suit someone else much better.” He hates her in-ring style, calls her brash and reckless, like he’s not the exact same when it’s him between those ropes. She hates his smug grin, arrogance seeping through every pore of his body, and she hates the way he thinks he owns everything he sees. She hates the fast cars, the obnoxious noise every time he rocks up to a meeting or a show. Emily hates him, mostly, because, even with all these things, even with him belittling her, she can’t stop thinking about him.
Kazuchika Okada, who has the world at his fingers, hates her because he can not have her. Hates her because she wears her tattoos like they mean something more to her than he ever could. Hates her, because then it means everyone else will, too. She hates him for that. Blames him for her lack of connections, even outside of the wrestling world, even when she knows she’s one of the best to ever step foot in that ring.
She hates his stupid Rainmaker lariat, the entire gimmick. She hates that he calls her weak. She’s not.
“You’re like a child, small and annoying.”
“And yet you’re the one who finds me.”
“I need to make sure you never forget.”
She wants to punch him in the face, but settles for giving him a look that makes the smirk fall from his mouth. “C’mon, princess,” he says, kneeling in front of where she’s stretching out. “You know I’m only joking.”
“I know you’re only being an asshole.”
Kazuchika rolls his eyes. When he starts to walk away, she lets out a heavy sigh. “Okada,” she calls, and he turns back to regard her with an eyebrow half raised. “You call me princess one more time and I’ll slap you so hard Gedo will feel it.”
He smirks at her, eyes cold. “I’ll call you whatever I want, princess.”
They’re in a secluded part of the training area, because she can’t go anywhere without eyes watching her and can’t train when she’s knows everyone’s looking. She doesn’t know how she’s still employed here if Okada’s opinion controls it all— maybe he wants her to feel so singled out she’ll leave on her own. It’s tempting.
She stands and stalks towards him, eyes burning, but her hand never makes contact with his face. He grabs her arm midair and turns her, crushes her body between his and a wall.
“You’re really going to strike the Rainmaker?”
“I’ll do more than just strike you,” Emily quips in English, struggling to free herself, half her face pressed against solid wall, arm twisted awkwardly behind her back. “Fucking get off me, you piece of shit.”
Kazuchika hums in her ear, drums his fingers next to her head. “For someone who prides themselves on being smart, you’re very naive, aren’t you?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“If you took one second to look outside of yourself instead of in, you’d notice that my actions are made for a reason.” Okada leans in and presses his mouth to her bare shoulder. “You think I wait for you to mock you? To tease you? Big picture, princess. What do I want?”
She hisses at the wall and tries to shove him off again, succeeds only in bashing her knee into his. “I don’t give a fuck what you want, what I want is for you to let me go before I press charges like sexual harassment and assault.”
He laughs at her. Laughs. She hates him for that, too.
It isn’t until well after he’s let her go and well after she’s finished a gruelling, rage induced workout that she lets herself think about what he said. She doesn’t spend too much time on it— he wants to get into her head and she’s not going to let it happen. She hates that it happens even when he says nothing.
The only person that comes near her as she’s walking out is Io. “Are you okay?”
“I need a drink.”
Io Shirai, the only Japanese woman that will talk to her, says that Emily is almost dependant on alcohol. She blames Okada. “The girls were thinking about going out later, as well. Do you want to join us?”
She gives Io a sidelong glance. “Do they know you’re inviting me?”
“No. They won’t care if they’re getting drunk.”
She’s not convinced that she’ll be welcome, but she doesn’t really want to disappoint Io again; the Japanese woman had invited her to many things, and she’d cancelled on her too many times already when she was only trying to be inclusive and supportive. She knew there would be other women going who would talk to her, at least, but the fact that she knew she was outnumbered by the people who stayed away from her because of Okada… she hates him for it.
So she goes. Puts on a little dress, the top half a dark red, the bottom half a floral skirt, and heels that will make her tower over the rest of the women going.
They stare at her with something close to apprehension— she’s attractive, and they know she knows it. Some want her to stay well away from them so their boyfriends won’t even look at her. Some want the attention that comes with being around her. And until the alcohol starts flowing more freely, conversation is strained. But then one shot becomes two, a drink turns into many more, and their laughter starts to turn her lips up. Io nudges her shoulder, almost a told you so. She wants to hug her.
She starts to enjoy herself. She laughs with the women and flirts with the bartender to get them free drinks, and more importantly, she forgets about her burning hatred for Okada.
Drunk enough, she pulls Io out towards the dance floor, laughing when the woman wants absolutely nothing to do with it— she’s no choice but to accept her fate when Emily starts shimmying against her. She laughs with the Japanese woman, grabs her hands, finds herself letting loose because she wants to.
But when they leave the crowd in search of the other girls, she stops short.
“Emily Maki, what a surprise!”
She wishes she could fade away into nothing. “Okada,” she finds herself replying, ducking past his gaze and heading straight for the bar. Frustration bubbles up inside her. She feels hot tears burning at the back of her eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” Io says. She hadn’t even noticed that the woman was beside her once more. “I didn’t know he was coming, I promise I would have told you—“
Emily shakes her head. “Not your fault.”
“Do you want me to—“ but Io stops dead, words falling short even over the sound of pounding music. She knows without looking that Okada is behind her. “I’m— I’ll talk to you soon, Emily.”
Even with her heels on, Okada towers above her. She turns and has to arch her head back to look at him, and then she’s taken aback by how attractive he looks in what he’s wearing. His hands are stuffed in his pockets, an eyebrow raised. Her hatred simmers for a moment. “Can I help you?” she asks.
“You’ve not thought about what I said.”  It isn’t a question.
Kazuchika purses his lips and steps towards the waiting bartender, asks him for three shots of something she doesn’t quite catch. She quickly learns that two of those are for her. “Drink,” Okada commands, and she stares at the shot glasses for a long moment. He grabs one and holds it out for her, and now she stares at him. His eyes are dark, asking her for something she doesn’t know she can give. The glass touches her bottom lip.
She wants to tell him to fuck off.
Instead, she covers his fingers with her own and tips the shot back, reaches straight for the other one and tips that back, too. It burns going down, but is sweet enough to not leave her gagging on the aftertaste. Then she watches as Okada swallows his own shot, can’t stop herself from looking at the way his arms strains against his shirt.
“Dance with me?”
She shorts at him. Even drunk, she’s sound of mind to think better of it. “So you can hold another thing over my head?”
He leans towards her and curls an arm around her waist, pulls her in against him. His breath is hot on her ear and she can feel it crawl down her spine. “I’m not asking.”
The two shots hit her while she’s dancing. One minute her head is fuzzy, words slurring, and the next all she can focus on is the way the beat of the song moves through her chest. There are so many bodies around her, so much noise, and she retreats into the one thing she’s familiar with, even if she would never do it sober. She steps closer to Okada and stares up at him with eyes half-lidded. Thin hair sticks to the back of her neck.
All the inhibitions she has when she’s sober, all the barriers she builds to keep him out— it all comes crashing down when his hands touch her waist. A gentle pressure drawing her closer, hot breath against her hair, and Emily’s hands twist into his shirt more gently than they ever had.
Her head tips back and rolls to his muscled shoulder and now his mouth is at her neck. She revels in the feeling of hot lips and hot tongue pressing to her skin, revels in the feeling of strong arms and strong grip holding her against him. And then she starts laughing.
“You know I hate you? I hate you so much. You make my skin crawl and you fuck me around like I’m nothing. And you hate my look, who I am, what I wrestle like, and you make me feel so small and insignificant and disgusting,” her words are slurring, but Kazuchika’s stopped kissing her neck now, holds them still in a moving crowd. “I hate you and you hate me and this is what this is and who we are. I wrestle my best matches to spite you, and then you tell me you’ve never seen worse, you insult me because you enjoy it and it makes me so angry because no matter how you hurt me, no matter what you do, I can never stop thinking about you.” Emily laughs then, opens her weary eyes to finally look at him. “You, Kazuchika Okada, are an asshole. You think you own Japan. You think you own me. But let me tell you a secret— you don’t own me, and you never will.”
Emily pats his chest, content with what she’s said and how she’s said it, and then pushes away from him. She finds Io and tells her that she’ll see her tomorrow. Stumbles down stairs, nearly breaks an ankle, and pushes her way out onto streets that she’s unfamiliar with.
Okada almost collides with her back. “Emily—“
She groans at him, the noise drawing attention from people walking by. “Don’t you get it? I just want you to leave me alone, please.”
When he grabs her wrist, the movement grounds her. Had she been swaying? “I’m driving you home.”
“You’ve been drinking.”
“One shot.”
Okada rolls his eyes at her.
Things blur as he drags her through Roppongi streets. She wants to rebel against him and swear at him, but she’s drunk and stumbling and can’t defend herself enough if he were to turn around and call her pathetic.
Next she knows, she’s in the front seat of a sports car, Kazuchika leaning across her to buckle her seat belt. His neck is at her mouth, skin subtle, soft— he smells good. Her eyes drift shut. “I’ll sleep.”
“Matte, Emily—“
Had she been speaking English? She doesn’t care. She’s asleep within seconds.
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exotine · 7 years
get to know me tag
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
Tagged by @seulgiofmylife thank you love! 💖
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses (only at night) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing (i have 5) I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (i mean i help them with... legal drugs) I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well (unless they’re sensitive) I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country (Mexico, Korea, Japan, and Canada!) I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (2x for TVXQ and 1x for EXO)
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity (MORE LIKE UTTERLY IN LOVE WITH THE SILVER BLUEBERRY) I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (terrible idea, btw) I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend (actually I still wonder if it was feelings or not.... but I’ll just leave it bold)
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling  I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce (but she was the best biochemistry professor ever!!! i loved her) I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (power~~~~) I have punched someone in the past week (my brother said smth stupid so I play-punched him) I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today (lmao this is so random. i had a bagel tho) I know what I want to do with my life (well kinda hard to rewind now..) I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Tagging: @kenzo-shirai @exordiam @tiny-myeon @byuntifuls @pcycho61 @overdosed-on-exo61 @discombobulatedx9 @dulcetyeoll
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bbkato · 7 years
get to know me tag
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
Tagged by @kenzo-shirai and @theres-hope-for-us coincidentally the two people i would tag sooooooo
I am 5'7" or taller (um i literally wish) I wear glasses  I have at least one tattoo (3) I have at least one piercing (5) I have blonde hair I have brown eyes (they’re like ?? hazel ish? but mostly brown) I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (like literally every annoying thing i say i started out saying ironically SIGH)
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head (or at least i used to be when i was studying for the gre lol) I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week (most of the time...i’m lazy) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game (when i was 9?ish i scored a goal in soccer on my own team and it was the winning point for the other team... does this count) I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country (ahhh i love traveling. i’ve been to ireland, thailand, cambodia, england, scotland, and the cayman islands in the past few years and i’m going to canada (montreal what what), barbados, ireland, and malawi in the next year) I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts 
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity (um hi have u seen min yoongi) I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships (this is literally shocking to me but i guess those were before i figured out that i am like gray aro and don’t really :) enjoy romantic relationships :)) pretty much at all :)))) (except for yoongi i’m pretty sure i’d enjoy a relationship with him)) I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (well i think anyway) I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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hobimillion · 7 years
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true Tagged by @kenzo-shirai APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses (contacts) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me  I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ABILITY: I can sing well (by that's I mean I can carry a tune) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (I was when I was in school but you could also say my bike crew is a team) I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months (I don't run, I bike) I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (Belle and Sebastian, Stars both multiple times!! Maybe I'll see bts one day) RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity (literally have a Hoseok blog lmao) I have a crush on someone I know (my partner lol) I have been in at least 3 relationships (I am surprised by this like wow I guess so???) I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (serendipity :)) I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (haha maybe) I speak at least 2 languages (I am trying!!) I have made a new friend in the past year Tagging:
@bbkato @mashasbeefarm @reallyuglylatina aka my only mutuals hi yes hello
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