#But Yuuri not winning gold....yeah that's definitely the elephant in the room to me
#okay. I've been giving this so much of thought and it's bugging me too much and I am just. Really conflicted about this#I've been lowkey whining about the same thing again and again and sorry for that djshdjdhhdhd#But like. yoi ep 12 has been really bugging me. A Lot. And I've talked about it earlier#And atp I have achieved peace with Victor's return (But even that's a bit shaky)#But Yuuri not winning gold....yeah that's definitely the elephant in the room to me#And the problem to me is just that.#I was and am not even bugged about it when I am WATCHING the show!! Or the episode It just...flowed (and I really need to rewatch)#But I've read a Lot of analyses of people laying out why it wasn't a good writing decision and they do have good points#But I just. CAN'T see it as entirely 'bad/flimsy' writing if that makes sense#Like. All of those posts were saying that it made the ending bad/underwhelming and was thematically a bit off#But I just can't bring myself to agree entirely with them??#And it's so frustrating because I just.#I just want to have a clear cut opinion on it. Like I wish I found it easier to accept that it was a narrative misstep#but I CAN'T because. The rest of the show is just SO good so it is just. Really hard to buy that they would mess up on something so vital -#The ending#(I know they can! and it's okay but still.)#And I don't feel like I'd be able to enjoy the show as much if I concluded that the ending was entirely bad#Because I don't necessarily think that's the case - there's definitely some nuance there#And I do understand what the writers were going for from the interviews and stuff#And though that wasn't exactly a valid enough reason to not give him the gold it is understandable#So then usually. I'd leave that and stop thinking about it and just go back to thinking about the rest of the show#But I CAN'T and it's just So. Ugh#Like I know everything doesn't have to be perfect for me to like or something - the show is also flawed but still very much lovable#But I simply can't agree with all the meta talking about how Yuuri not winning gold was plainly and truly#wrong and dumb and stupid#Because there's definitely just a middle ground there - saying it is good/bad just seems very...idk it just rubs off wrong on me#But I've also seen some takes justifying the gold win and I can't bring myself to agree with them entirely either.#and on one hand him not winning gold doesn't bothe me too much because that gpf isn't his last at all. And he's definitely going to#become a five time world champion just like Victor says#(and also I want him to compete and win against Victor directly soo)
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