#Bronson Caves
gloombeauty · 1 month
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bandaidpennylane · 1 month
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littlequeenies · 7 days
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Pam and Jim posed for Edmund Teske the 30th March 1969 at the Bronson Caves in the Hollywood Hills. Scans from Italian F magazine (5th November 2014).
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The CRAMPS at Bronson Caves, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles © 1987 Youri Lenquette
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oldshowbiz · 2 months
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Inside Bronson Cave.
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toseefarardenagain · 1 year
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The Doors at the Bronson Caves, by Bobby Klein.
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jonesbrianshining · 5 months
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Pamela Courson and Jim´s hand (Bronson Caves 1969)
© Edmund Teske
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whiskyblvd · 4 months
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Jim Morrison & Pamela Courson near there apartment in Bronson Canyon, Los Angeles photographed by Edmund Teske, 1969
“At first, Edmund Teske was photographing them at their apartment nearby. They eventually moved to the caves for a more natural setting. Teske liked the idea of Jim moving out from the dark caves and into the light. He viewed Morrison as more of a poet, than a rockstar, and that was the inspiration behind the shoot”. (WorthPoint)
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sjnjournal · 1 year
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"She breathes in me." Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson photographed by Edmund Teske at Bronson Caves in the Hollywood Hills in 1969.
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thenevvcreatures · 1 year
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pamela courson at the bronson caves by edmund teske, california 1969.
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burnyanocs · 5 months
Finally, the 3rd and final trio to show the Robot Guardians! Robots that help with a certain set of npc robots. They also serve to teach the player about the mechanics of the game (as we know some could use a lesson from them /j)
First, we have R3AP3R, also known as R3A. Made to be an admin of the server made to serve as a sort of afterlife to the ghost robots as they can't rest peacefully due to being unnatural. The other design is a rare skin, R3AP3R's casual form, and the form normally used in the digital world.
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Next is Rebol, a robot that refused to be decommissioned and went to the scrapyard as a result. He improved his body with scraps and led a group of robots that refused to go down in the same fate, known as the Scrapyard Robots or ScrapBots for short. He comes with a free skin where he wears his cape (similar to hat Mortis.)
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Finally, we have a familiar face. It's the robot destroyed by Sam! He's somehow back, now known as Bolter, and takes charge of the robots, also having one goal in mind, destroy Sam Bronson!
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Now about the thing I mentioned in the beginning, each one will teach you about a certain mechanic of a brawler. R3A teaches Gadgets, Rebol: Gears and Star Powers, Bolter: Hypercharge, as seen in this chart below. Their Starting Bralwer class is due to their unique unlocking condition, though I guess they aren't really a "starting brawler", huh?
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For older players, the quests the unlock them will appear based on the highest Power Level they have. Also I like the idea there would also be an improved training room that helps showcase some things unable to be showcased in the current training cave (Eve going over water, anything with allies, etc.)
And that's all the brawler concepts, I have some reworks and redesigns planned for later this month, so stay tuned!
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Frozen Memories
Halloween/Holiday OneShot 2023
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For Halloween this year, I DM'd a OneShot called Frozen Memories (Guide Online), but because of scheduling issues, it had to be pushed back to the end of November. Given it is a winter themed OneShot, I guess it counts as a Chrismas adventure too.
The adventure began with a bounty. Elemine Hemlock, a famous monster slayer, has gone missing while on a mission in the north. This group of four heroes accepted the quest to retrieve Elemine alive, or if she was killed, find the thing that killed her and slay it. Here is the party:
Voradox, a Vedalken Necromancer. She goes super goth, and is somewhat regretting her outfit in this cold north. She carries a unique magic box, that allows her to carry corpses in her pocket for when she wants to reanimate them. She is inquisitive and curious, observing every detail with a fine-toothed bone comb.
Bronson, a Bugbear Bug Keeper Bow wielder. He is a master tracker, able to follow his quarry at range, sharpshooting with the help of his swarm of bees. Bronson feels most at home in the forest, but his sharpened senses help him to read the lies of men.
Herejana, a High Elf ice witch who serves a patron of glaciers and death. Her past connects her with the frigid north, and her haunting appearance wards strangers off her. Her imp familiar Brotis speaks for her patron, and he has a cheeky unhelpful streak in him.
Zorr, a Kobold sneak thief and trickster. The only member of the group that fights up close, but uses pack tactics to synergise with the summons of his magickly inclined allies. When not in the mood to be in danger, Zorr uses mind tricks and illusions to trick his foes.
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The session begins with the group having travelled a couple weeks towards their destination, and are now a day or so away from the town she was last seen, Brumendall. Bronson finds a shortcut under the ice that could cut their arrival time down to a few hours, and then enter a cave. Awaiting them is an ambush of Goblins, led by a Hobgoblin. Thanks to a careful approach, the adventurers actually do the surprising, and a combination of Web, focused fire, and strategy leave the party victorious. Voradox takes the hobgoblins corpse for later.
When they arrive in Brumendall, all seems well. Their first stop is the local pub, where they book rooms for the night and query the barkeeper, Ruby, for rumours. As they get more info, they notice a strange lack of fire in what should be a respite from the cold, and patrons eyeing them suspiciously. Ruby gives the group a list of points of interest in Brumendall and they head out.
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The main image was based on a joke in the session where Voradox stuffed the Hobgoblin into her mini casket.
The next stop is a curiosity shop, where they meet Rilke. This elf is not a native the area, but has her worries about the rumours. She sells Voradox 2 magic items and promises the party another job should they finish their current one. After that, the party head to the Apothecary, where they meet a nervous Gladessa, and her strange husband Armand. Bronson smells something strange, and Zorr spots a strange cauldron in the back. It is also way too cold in here too.
Satisfied with their initial investigation, they retire to the tavern for the night. In the middle of their sleep, Herejana and Voradox's room is invaded by what seems to be some of the suspicious characters they spotted in the tavern earlier. The other two are roused and begin a brief bout of combat that ends with the attackers collapsing into goo. Bronson saw similar goo in the cave before town and Voradox saw this goo coating the inside of the town well. The noises rouses Ruby who helps them move into another room, and starts to clean up the goo.
The next morning, the party discuss some possibilities about what this goo means, and after talking to Ruby once more, they decide she's probably in on whatever conspiracy is afoot. They leave town towards a small mountain, where Ruby and Gladessa say Elemine is likely to have headed, searching for a dragon's hoard. The first couple days are tense, but they encounter no trouble. The night before they reach the mountain, they are attacked by a large horde of green and red ooze monsters. Through the use of fire and illusions, they manage to survive the onslaught, and finish an uneasy rest.
At the base of the mountain, the group finds remains of a camp, and equipment nearby reveals this is probably Elemine's last stand. They gather what equipment of hers they can find and head up the mountain. At its peak is a few idols and shrines to various local deities, but no sign of treasure, and no sign of Elemine,=. Ruby had lied to them. Herejana happens to find a shrine to her own patron, and prays for some answers. She is told their quest will end back in Brumendall and that Elemine is no longer living. They conclude their attack the previous night was probably similar to Elemine's fate, and they need to end this infestation on Brumendall.
Their return trip to Brumendall is less dangerous, and when they arrive back, the residents they see seem to be behaving like nothing has happened. Herejana's familiar Brotis scopes the area for way into the tunnels under Brumendall, where they previously saw masses of slime via the well. One sneaky infiltration later, they are in the caves fighting more of the small red oozes.
After this fight, they finally confront the cause of it all, two large red slime monsters known as Oblex. Each has used the memories of people they killed and absorbed to create puppets, connected to the main body by an almost invisible string. Their puppets included some of the bar patrons, Ruby, as well as Armand and Elemine. After a difficult battle, the Oblex and their puppets are destroyed. The party still find some of their smaller spawn as they're leaving town however, and work with Gladessa and Rilke to clear around the rest of the tunnels over the next couple days, ensuring the infestation will not rise again.
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On the right is Official Art of the a Oblex from Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse
Although thankful the nightmare is over, the townsfolk wish the strangers to leave them to rebuild. They accept Rilke's job to escort a supply cart down south to get supplies for Brumenhall, then continue onward to their next adventure.
Originally when organising for this session, I had 4 more friends making characters for if they could join, but in the end we decided to just run for whoever could make it. Although I'm not constructing a greater campaign for this group of characters, I think my friends are keen to reusing them for more Oneshots in the future under a very loose canon. So hopefully sooner rather than later, we might see more of this group.
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littlequeenies · 5 months
Why do we Love...
Pam Courson
We always liked 60s bands and we discovered The Doors watching Forrest Gump when we were little, so when we had internet and we were in our teens, we wanted to know more about those great 60s bands, their members and their couples, and looking for Jim Morrison through Internet, we came across a photo showing him in Paris with a mysterious red-haired woman. Who was she?
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[Jim and Pam pictured at Saint Leu d'Esseurent by their close friend Alain Ronay, 28th June 1971]
We found out that this mysterious girl was three years younger than Jim and sadly, she passed away when she was 27 in 1974, just three years later than him. Everybody called them cosmic couple and Ray Manzarek said they were two halves of the same coin. We decided to search for her over the internet... but there was a problem... there wasn't enought information about her and all the pics were the same and with really low quality...
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[Pam close-up photo by Raneanne Rubenstein taken at her shop Themis, November 1969]
Then we saw there was a forum where people shared Pam pics and interesting information, and we found out that Pam was a very clever girl, very creative, she had a boutique that Jim gave to her, she encouraged him to write poetry, she loved travelling and she had the nerve to stand besides him. In this forum there were also very intersting quotes from her friends and we saw there was a book too, so when my sis and we went to London, we bought that book because we wanted to know more about Pam.
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[March 1969, Pam pictured at the Bronson Caves by Edmund Teske]
Reading "Angels Dance and Angels Die" by Patricia Butler, we discovered the real Pam, she was quite shy but she had lots of friends, everybody know knew her said she was special, she had a great sense of humour adn she was really wild, she was petite but with a great personality and everybody felt very protective towards her.
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[Pam pictured at a Doors backstage concert, 14th or 15th April 1967 by Bobby Klein]
As with the other 60s girls, we decided to make a site on her at piczo and later at webs, we found out she and Jim lived in Laurel Canyon in the 60s where a great communuty of musicians lived there, such as The Mamas and the Papas and Joni Mitchell. Surely living there was a pure dream!! We wanted to know more about her and in tumblr we met a couple of girls that knew a lot of Pam and in fact were writing a book about her not only to dignify her but also to let everybody know her true being.
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[Pam pictured in Rome, September 1968]
We befriended these girls and we shared a common aim, to dignify Pam and to tell everybody how creative and unique she was. For years and years Pam was blamed for Jim's passing, when he was a full grown-up man, and lots of people just disliked her for that but people tend not toremember that Pam was just 24 when she lost the love of her life and she was alone in a big city with no one to help her. Pam had to endure a lot in a really short time, and although at the end she met the same fat as him, she had to be strong and she really tried to survive ...
On this day that marks what would have bee Pam's 77th birthday, we want to share why we find her really special.
Here we share:
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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Think these bases turned out more “Bronson Caves” than “a quarry we slapped a filter over” but the idea is definitely there
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oldshowbiz · 8 months
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The filming location of Robot Monster (1953).
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thedurvin · 1 year
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Knowing that the stock American sci-fi rocks are the Vasquez Rocks and Bronson Canyon in California, I was curious about other film industries' equivalents. Toku likes to film its sentai series around Mount Iwafune's quarries, while the BBC filmed a fair amount of Doctor Who and Blake's 7 in the caves of an area called Wookey Hole, now a massive tourist trap.
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