#Breast Uplift Surgery in Gurgaon
priyasharmasblog · 2 months
Post-Surgery Instructions for Breast Lift 
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A combination of weight fluctuations, gravity, and the natural aging process can make your breasts deflated, uneven in shape, and lacking in fullness over time. In such cases, the apt solution lies in breast lift surgery.
Most patients experience discomfort, pain, or soreness within the first week after breast uplift surgery. If you are planning for breast uplift surgery or have already undergone it but are stressed about the post-surgery instructions, don’t worry; we are here to help you out. This blog contains detailed information taken from one of the renowned plastic surgeons in Gurgaon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani who provides the best breast uplift surgery in Gurgaon. This will provide you with comprehensive knowledge of what steps to take and how to plan your life after breast surgery. 
What Noticeable Changes Can You Experience after Breast Surgery?
The breasts will appear bruised and swollen. 
Your nipples can appear to be retracted due to inflammation.
A small amount of blood on the dressing is considered normal. 
After surgery, patients may notice the bottom of the breast appearing flat initially. As they will soften and take their final, more natural shape over the following months.
Incisions may have a “ruffled” or bumpy experience at first-this will smooth and flatten with time.
How does your Breast Feel, and What Pain do you Experience Post-surgery?
Your breasts will feel swollen, tight, and bruised at first. Moreover, sensations such as numbness, burning, and swelling are expected to gradually decrease over time.
If you are thinking about pain, you can expect breast surgery discomfort to subside within 1-2 weeks postop. You are advised to take your pain prescription as instructed, and with time, as you start to feel comfortable, your need for medication will diminish.
What Tips to Follow After Breast Lift Surgery? 
If you have recently undergone breast lift surgery, remember to take it easy after your surgery. Allow your body to recover and heal, and follow these vital tips to avoid any negative effects after post-surgery.
Keep your arm movements to a minimum for the first 48 hours.
Try to sleep on your back for at least two weeks, keeping your head slightly high. 
While resting, keep your head and shoulders slightly uplifted on at least two pillows for the first 24 hours. 
You should avoid heavy lifting. 
Besides following the above-listed tips, you should also make certain changes to your lifestyle. To know what exact changes you need to make in your lifestyle, keep reading more. 
What Lifestyle Tips to Follow after Breast Uplift Surgery?
You can return to driving yourself typically 4-7 days after surgery. 
Following a light diet is best for the surgery day. You may return to a high-protein and low-sodium diet following the day.
Avoid drinking alcohol post-breast-uplift surgery. It is best if you don’t resume it for 1-2 weeks. 
Avoid using very hot water when going for a bath.
The breasts will be tender after surgery. Wash them gently and pat dry them with a clean towel.
When taking a shower, do not rub the incisions or let the water hit the area directly. 
Avoid returning to your work for at least two weeks. 
For sleeping, it is advised that for the first few weeks, try to sleep on your side or on your back to avoid too much pressure on your breasts.
After knowing what tips are needed to follow, you should also know the don’ts of breast lift surgery. Below, we have covered the same information for you.
What are Do Nots after Breast Lift Surgery?
Do not take Aspirin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, or other blood thinners unless your plastic surgeon advises you it is safe.
Do not apply hydrogen peroxide to incision sites. Try to keep postop dressings in your place until follow-up.
Do not apply ice packs or heating pads to the treated areas unless instructed to do so by your plastic surgeon.
Do not soak in jacuzzis, baths, or hot tubs until all incisions have fully healed.
If you are still left with any doubts, it is best to consult your plastic surgeon and know the answers to all your questions. 
Consult with the Best Plastic Surgeon Today!
A breast lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to change the shape of your breasts. After the surgery, you will notice a change of appearance in your breasts. Their shape will continue to change and settle for the next few months. Consulting a plastic surgeon will give you better insights into breast lift surgery and post-surgery instructions.
If you want to make changes in your appearance, you can consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani the best plastic surgeon in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics. To take the best step towards a healthier you, book your appointment with her today!
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lamidas1 · 3 years
Body augmentation, one can benefit from this advancement in medical science, not only to correct deformities, but enhance and improve one’s appearance that not only has a physical impact but uplifts the person psychologically too. Breast augmentation surgery is one such type of cosmetic procedures that can be performed nowadays. For breast augmentation appointments contact the breast lifting clinic in Gurgaon.
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priyasharmasblog · 7 months
How Long Does Breast Uplift Last?
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Breast uplift is a cosmetic surgery to improve the elasticity, droopy appearance of the breast. While considering this breast lift, effectiveness of the treatment along with its expiry is one of the major concerns of many. 
Concerning this we have taken insights from various plastic surgeons of Breast Uplift Surgery in Gurgaon and prepared this guide. After reading this article you might be able to understand the lifespan of this cosmetic surgery. But, before delving into the tenure of breast lift, it is essential to learn about the procedure in detail. So continue to read. 
What is Breast Lift/Uplift?
A breast lift, referred  to mastopexy in medical terms, is a surgical treatment used to lift and reshape sagging breasts. Women who have had their breast shape and position altered by aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, or genetics frequently opt for this surgery.
Procedure of Breast Lift
Examination of candidates overall health
Administration of anaesthesia
Incisions are made vertically, anchor and around areola
Lifting of breast is performed
If required artificial pads are used to implant to give full coverage to the breast
Closing of incision.  
Type of Incisions
Depending on the individual anatomy and objectives of the patient, many surgical techniques may be utilised during a breast lift. Numerous incision patterns are frequently used, including as the periareolar (around the areola), vertical (lollipop-shaped incision), and anchor (inverted T-shaped incision) techniques. 
Factors Influencing the Longevity of Breast Uplift Results
The longevity of breast uplift results can vary from person to person and is influenced by several factors:
1. Age and Genetics
The age and genetic predisposition significantly affect how long the breast uplift results will last. Younger individuals with good skin elasticity tend to experience longer-lasting results. Additionally, genetics can influence the breast shape and how susceptible you are to sagging over time.
2. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Pregnancy and breastfeeding can have a significant impact on the breasts. The stretching and engorgement that occur during pregnancy, as well as the changes that come with breastfeeding, can lead to breast sagging. If you undergo a breast uplift before having children and subsequently become pregnant, it may affect the longevity of the results.
3. Weight Fluctuations
Fluctuations in body weight can affect the breasts. Significant weight gain and loss can cause the skin and breast tissue to stretch and contract repeatedly, which may impact the results of a breast uplift. Maintaining a stable weight can help prolong the effects of the surgery.
4. Lifestyle and Habits
Lifestyle choices can also influence how long the breast uplift results last. Smoking, for example, can hinder the body's natural healing process and accelerate skin aging, potentially reducing the longevity of the procedure's effects. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can help support the overall health of the body and skin.
5. Surgical Technique
The surgical technique used during the breast uplift procedure can impact the longevity of the results. A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon will use precise techniques to minimize tissue trauma and ensure that the breasts are well-supported during and after the surgery. Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is crucial to achieving optimal and long-lasting results.
Tips to Prolong the Results of a Breast Uplift
While there are factors beyond the control that can affect the longevity of breast uplift results, there are steps you can take to help maintain the rejuvenated breasts:
1. Follow Post-Operative Care Instructions
The plastic surgeon will provide patients special post-operative care recommendations after the breast uplift procedure. One must strictly adhere to these instructions. This includes using advised compression devices, taking prescribed medications, and attending any further appointments to track the healing process.
2. Guard the Skin Against the Sun
Overexposure to the sun can age skin more quickly and change how the breasts look. Use sunscreen with a suitable SPF and stay out of the sun for as long as possible to protect the results. While tanning, using supportive swimwear or a bra can assist keep breast form and contour.
3. Keep the Weight Stable
As already discussed, weight changes might affect how well a breast uplift works. To prevent stretching the breast tissues, work to maintain a steady and healthy weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
4. Consume a Balanced Diet and Stay Hydrated.
For healthy skin, proper nutrition and hydration are crucial. The flexibility of the skin and the general health of the breasts can be supported by getting enough water and eating a diet high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
5. Take Into Account Support Bras
The results of a breast uplift can be maintained by using supportive bras that fit appropriately. A well fitted bra offers the support required to reduce sagging and discomfort.
6. Stop Smoking
Consider stopping smoking, or at the very least, cut back on the smoking. Smoking has been linked to premature aging of the skin, slowed healing, and impaired blood circulation.
7. Consistent Breast Evaluation
The look of the breasts and any changes that might take place over time should be monitored carefully. Consult the plastic surgeon for advice if you detect any substantial changes or are concerned about the outcomes of the breast uplift lasting a long time.
Age, genetics, lifestyle, and surgical technique are some of the factors that can affect how long breast uplift effects last. Although results may vary from person to person, maintaining a steady weight, living a healthy lifestyle, and adhering to post-operative care recommendations can all help to extend the effects of a breast uplift. Moreover, it is crucial to speak with a qualified plastic surgeon about the goals and worries if you want to achieve and retain the results you want. Ultimately, with the right care and attention, a breast uplift can offer long-lasting advantages, enabling you to maintain a refreshed and assured appearance for years to come. 
Regarding this, you may get in touch with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the best plastic surgeon in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics. The surgeon is renowned for providing the best possible care as she determines the most suitable treatment option and best-suited technique. Altogether, her aim is to provide excellent outcomes for the patient. To learn more, consult her now!
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priyasharmasblog · 7 months
The Procedure and Benefits of Breast Uplift Surgery
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Over time, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and gravity can lead to changes in the appearance of breasts, causing them to sag and lose their youthful shape. For women seeking to restore the natural beauty and firmness of their breasts, breast uplift surgery offers a transformative solution.
This blog delves into the world of breast uplift surgery, its benefits, available techniques, and the procedure itself. The insights used to draft this blog have been taken from renowned experts like Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a leading surgeon for breast uplift surgery in Gurgaon. Let’s start by understanding what breast uplift surgery is?
Breast Uplift Surgery
Breast uplift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is designed to address the effects of sagging and drooping breasts. The procedure involves lifting and reshaping the breasts, repositioning the areolas, and eliminating excess skin. Women who desire breast augmentation or reduction can also opt for a combined approach, achieving a harmonious and youthful breast appearance.
Techniques for Breast Uplift
Several techniques are available to cater to varying degrees of sagging:
Anchor Method: Ideal for severe sagging, this technique involves incisions around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease, and along the crease itself. While scarring is more extensive, the results are long-lasting and provide significant lift and firmness.
Lollipop Lift: Suitable for moderate sagging, this technique combines peri-areolar and vertical incisions. It is beneficial for those who do not want implants but desire moderate lifting.
Donut Lift: Utilized for mild sagging, this method involves incisions solely around the areola. It can be used with breast implants for enhanced results.
Crescent Lift: Designed for mild sagging, this technique features an areolar scar and offers a minor degree of lift.
The Breast Uplift Procedure
Breast uplift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves the following steps:
Removal of excess skin and tightening of the breast envelope
Reduction of the areola size.
Repositioning of the skin above the areola to its new location.
Stitching to support the breast tissue and skin envelope.
Concealing scars beneath the breast, with minimal visibility.
Benefits of Breast Uplift
Restored Confidence
Breast uplift surgery can boost self-esteem by revitalizing the breasts' appearance and contour.
Improved Proportions
The procedure can restore balance and proportion to the body, enhancing overall aesthetics.
Enhanced Clothing Fit  
Lifted and firmer breasts can improve the fit of clothing, allowing for greater wardrobe choices.
Youthful Contour  
Breast uplift surgery rejuvenates the breasts, providing a more youthful and natural contour.
Minimal Disruption  
The ability to breastfeed is typically not affected by breast lift surgery, offering peace of mind for new mothers.
Breast uplift surgery is a transformative journey that empowers women to regain their confidence and embrace their bodies. As a solution for sagging and drooping breasts caused by various factors, this procedure offers a personalized approach to address individual needs.
By choosing the proper technique and collaborating with skilled professionals, women can achieve remarkable results and rediscover their self-assuredness. Whether opting for a more extensive method or a subtle lift, breast uplift surgery offers a renewed outlook on beauty and self-esteem. It proves that every woman deserves to feel comfortable and proud in her own skin.
If looking for the best cosmetic surgeon in Gurgaon, they can consult with Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics. The doctor will examine the patient thoroughly and suggest the most suitable type of breast uplift to ensure excellent outcomes.
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priyasharmasblog · 1 year
Breast Uplift Surgery: When To Go For It?
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Breast lift surgery is an excellent technique to achieve fuller-looking breasts, adjust their placement, and regain body confidence. It is also known as mastopexy that reshapes the breasts by removing extra skin, tightening breast tissue, and positioning the areola.
Visit SB Aesthetics, and consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at her clinic SB Aesthetics for Breast Uplift Surgery in Gurgaon,
Read on to know more on for whom breast lift surgery is recommended for:
Women who have lost breast firmness owing to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss
Asymmetrical Breasts
Tuberous breast deformity, characterized by a thin and tubular breast shape
Breast alignment following mastectomy (breast removal due to breast cancer)
Breasts that are flat or extended
Nipples and areolas that are low-lying or pointing downward (fixed with nipple raising)
An ordinarily healthy woman with stable blood pressure who is not pregnant or breastfeeding is often an excellent candidate.
Most importantly, one should be in the age range where the breasts have fully matured, which is at least 18 years old.
Various breast lift techniques can be used to achieve the best results.
Anchor lift: It involves making an inverted "T" incision from the areola down the breast crease.
Crescent lift: To execute the breast lift surgery using this minimally invasive technique, the surgeon makes a crescent-shaped incision at the top of the nipple.
Periareolar lift: The surgeon makes a doughnut-shaped incision to remove the tissue around the areola.
Lollipop lift: This method involves a downward vertical incision from the areola line.
When to go for breast lift surgery?
A breast lift surgery is performed to relocate and stiffen the breasts and nipples to a higher, more central position on the chest and breast. It improves the appearance of the breasts, making them appear younger and perkier.
A breast lift is ideal for a woman who is satisfied with the size of her breasts but not their sagging, drooping appearance and wishes for them to be higher and firmer. If a woman has drooping nipples and/or areolas, or if one of her breasts is in a different position than the other, a breast lift (which includes a nipple lift) can help to rectify those concerns as well.
Suppose a woman wishes to change the dimension and positioning of her breasts. In that case, she must combine the breast lift with breast augmentation or breast implants, known as “augmentation mastopexy,” or with breast reduction surgery, known as “reduction mastopexy.”
Breast lifts are also performed following a mastectomy (the removal of a breast due to malignancy) to align both breasts and address asymmetries.
A nipple lift frequently accompanies a breast lift surgery, and it is also combined with inverted nipple surgery or nipple reduction for nipple hypertrophy.
Most women want to improve their self-image and self-confidence by making their breasts look younger.
If one has any query on any type of female breast cosmetic or plastic surgery. They can schedule a visit at SB Aesthetics, best plastic surgery clinic in Gurgaon.
Do visit at the clinic to learn more
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priyasharmasblog · 1 year
Best Surgeon for Breast Uplift Surgery in Gurgaon
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Pregnancy, breastfeeding, surgeries, weight gain or weight loss, and sometimes genes can lead to sagging breasts. In such conditions, a woman may require breast uplift surgery. This surgery can help in restoring the curves and shape of the breasts. For the best results of breast uplift surgery in Gurgaon, one can visit Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics. Dr. Bhadani makes sure to make her patients comfortable and provide successful breast uplift surgery with minimal risks. Book appointments now.
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priyasharmasblog · 9 months
What is Breast Uplift and Who Should Get One?
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Breast lifts are also known as mastopexy. It is a cosmetic plastic surgery for rejuvenating breasts that look droopy and saggy. This trending surgical procedure removes extra skin and tightens the tissue to develop a more youthful appearance. 
Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the most famous Breast Uplift Surgeon in Gurgaon, also believes that chestfeeding, pregnancy, excess weight gain, or weight loss, aging, and hereditary reasons have been impacting the look of breasts.
Further, a breast lift doesn’t impact the size of one’s breasts but removes excess skin without touching the breast tissue. Thus, ensuring a fuller look and a better shape as an outcome. 
Why Consider a Breast Lift?
Every individual has different needs. A breast lift may mean different things to different people. However, given below are the common outcomes one can get with the surgery: 
Makes one’s breasts more identical and symmetrical to one another. 
Reduces one’s areola’s size (the darker area around the nipple) while making them face upward. 
Removes excess skin which might have stretched with time. 
Gives one’s breasts a more rounded appearance. 
Tightens breast tissues for better support. 
When to Consider a Breast Lift?
When one’s breasts feel sag due to aging, weight gain, weight loss, gravity pull, etc.
When one desires breast implants but the surgeon doesn’t believe it will give the desired results. 
When one’s nipples and areola are stretched. 
When one has downward-pointed nipples. 
Excellent Candidates for a Breast Lift
Women with saggy breasts feel too conscious about their looks. Thus, a consultation with a renowned plastic surgeon like Dr. Shilpi Bhadani can make them feel better. Often, breast augmentation or breast reduction may seem suitable to women, but it is better to let the doctor decide what is best.
One should consider breast uplift if: 
One has pendulous breasts with good volume
Low firmness
Nipples hang below the chest crease
Different-looking breasts
Asymmetrical breasts
Anyone with a positive outlook towards the procedure and overall good health is good to go for the surgery 
Breast Uplift Procedure
Breast uplift is typically performed with general anesthesia. There are various techniques, and it is best to let the surgeon find the best option after careful consideration. The process is simple: 
The surgeon tightens the chest envelope by removing the excess skin.
The size of the areola is reduced. 
The skin over the areola turns into the skin below it. 
Stitches are made to support the chest tissues and skin envelope around the breasts. 
The scars won’t be easily visible; they are hidden under the breast crease. 
There is no change in the ability to breastfeed.  
Those with droopy and saggy chests who believe surgery will ensure the desired results must get breast lift surgery. One may contact Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, the best breast uplift surgery in Gurgaon. She provides the best results using the latest tools and modern techniques.
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