#Boyd/Mist makes them even more of a tight knit family but it's also SO WHOLESOME
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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I love this alternate scene that replaces Titania with Boyd if Mist and Boyd have an A support. This version is so heartfelt and really fits in with the overall theme of the GMs being family. If they end the game with an A support they end up married, and that really feels like it fits in with this conversation.
I also love how different this scene is and how much they've all grown from the very beginning of Path of Radiance, which started with the three of them and Greil. I'm sappy! but! it feels like it was meant to be like this ever since PoR started!
I didn't put the whole conversation here because I didn't think it all needed to be in the post, but I'm not even sure how many people know about this scene. Especially considering the context and what's going on in the story, this is such a big and pretty dire event, and I love how well that reflects in this scene and how well you can see how close these three are.
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