#Bonus Romani would just get huffy and slightly snippy with rival and Goetia will Stare into Their Soul lmao
iyohme · 9 months
Something something guda who notices their servants' tendency to splay hands over where their uterus/womb would be and thinking "Haha okay kinda weird, but maybe it's a god/old custom/demigod/faerie/eldritch being thing to pray for or bless for good health," but in reality it's just sending large red neon signs of all caps saying "BACK THE FUCK OFF, THIS CUTIE IS MINE" signals to any people present
Worst offenders include the Clairvoyance Trio (Solomon, Merlin, Casgil), Obebegirl, Cu Alter, Kiyohime, Raikou, and maybe a lil bit of Morgan and a riled-up Bedivere
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