#Bojan living in his mind and heart rent free
leopardom · 8 months
find someone who loves you the same way Jere loves Bojan
source: x
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mitochondriencocktail · 5 months
9, 22 and 28 for Bojere in the Space Plant au 👀 (which lives in my mind rent free)
Oh man, I'm so happy you asked about them!! They have such a special place in my heart <3 I actually waited to get to my laptop so I could type these out with more thought behind them hehe
9. Baths or showers together? Do they like elaborate ones with bubbles and flower petals?
I think post-infirmary, showers are easiest because there's less maneuvering around. They also probably don't have the fanciest accommodations afterwards because, in my mind for this universe, the space program is a major backbone of society. It's very rare to find well-paying work outside of it. So, after they leave, they definitely have some figuring out to do with where they go and what they want out of life.
In one of the places they bounce around to, perhaps a nicer one through sheer luck, there's a bathtub. By then, their bruises and bodies are healed, the luxury of it entices them. They make a whole evening of it; splurge on some nicer food, buy some cheap candles, scented soaps -- not just the hard bars of soap they've become accustomed to.
I think fresher things like roses are harder to come by at a good price, so Bojan is surprised when Jere actually manages to find some. They relax into the tub together despite it being just a hair too tiny, water overflowing, but they're laughing. Warm, bubbles flung around, realizing how unsexy it is to try and get off in the tub so they rinse off and move to their bed.
It's a meager life, but a meaningful one to them.
22. How do they apologize after arguments?
These versions of them, especially Bojan, have a lot of personal trauma they need to work through. But I think when the story ends, that's when Bojan's life really begins, so his communication skills are rocky at first. But he's just aware enough now to know when he's being unfair.
Jere has a stubborn streak too, but he's a bit older, just enough to have a solid footing to show grace to Bojan as well as demonstrate how to give grace.
Their apologies aren't bombastic or showy. They don't have energy for that. It's through the quiet things; sitting down, putting in the work to do better. Coming home with a pastry or a book or some bauble that they know the other will like.
28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
The Uno cards!! I also like to think that Bojan's phone background is a selfie of him and Jere in front of a sunset. One that they took a trip to go see with a nice overlook behind them.
Jere keeps one of Bojan's rings around his neck. It's not a formal proposal because in this world that's not something that's afforded to them financially as an option, but it's more than enough for Jere.
Thank you for this!!! I love them dearly so it made me happy to think about them again <3
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