#Bob taking the piss out of Fred's corpse after they make him into a guard zombie was a serious dick move
Today on my lone Laundryverse shitposting crusade we commemorate a very special group of characters:
People who had no idea what was going on and did not deserve what happened to them.
This list includes:
Random OCCULUS Soldiers Who Got Murked By Whatever Supernatural Nonsense We’re Dealing With Today
The OG Cassie Brewer, sent to Super Hell so Firstie could have her Dracula-themed whirlwind romance
That one cleaning lady Oscar and Mhari just flat out murdered
The old dude from Atrocity Archive that got killed by the summoning grid and his corpse puppeteered whose only crime was to not understand computers in the early 2000′s
Unicorn victims
The victims of the inevitable K-Syndrome dementia pandemic (has that kicked off yet I don’t remember and I haven’t read the spinoff books)
Various protagonist’s constantly slandered offscreen family members
Sarah Schwartz’s trans girlfriend who got subjected to microaggressions by a literal elf
Pete. Literally just Pete he didn’t deserve that shit
and many more...
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