#Blog Maintenance | I’m Gonna Burn This City Burn This City
oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((Excuse me if i mess around with narrated parts of my writing for a bit--and maybe ghetsis's character too, but that's like. 90% muse and ghetsis does whatever he wants as usual so even idk if anything is changing or if he's just doing his thing.
Part of what i wanted to do with my portrayal of ghetsis is show his condition a fair amount--he's old, his mental and physical health is not great, and while I put him in a position of 'vaguely getting better maybe' it's supposed to be very one step forward two steps back three steps forward then taking a depression and chronic pain nap on the floor.
So i may point out things like the way the right side of his face doesn't move now and then and things like poor balance, reference him sitting or lying in bed or something, and maybe fuss with his dialogue presentation to show how much he often struggles with speaking clearly at present--stuttering, slurring, forgetting words in the middle of a sentence, etc.
I don't want to make it feel like idk a quirk??? Because it's an aspect of his life and one that people do go through irl and my dad went through and i want to be able to present it respectfully and clearly and sometimes comedically because my humor is 100% 'everything is funny if you think about how ridiculous everything is,' but not make it like. The entirety of his character???
I wanna find a good balance and i'm in a place in my head/rping that i'm like 'have i been watering him down or glossing over things too much for the sake of delicate subjects or having problems oocly? Isn't being dishonest something i've been trying to stop doing lately?' And i wanna see what adjustments i can make.
As always if anything is concerning or confusing please feel free to ask!! It's no burden or problem for me to clarify something or explain if it needs to apply or to discuss 'hey please don't's in threads with certain people or be asked to tag things!! And if things are ever beyond your comfort zone, beyond the help of blacklists and explanations/discussions, you're always welcome to softblock/unfollow or block with no problems!!! I'd like to be told just so i can make sure i avoid contact for your comfort, but i also understand if you'd orefer to do it quietly and subtly o/
Thank you for understanding and following and interacting and asking and plotting and being alive!!!))
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
I’m bouta post some long ass posts
they gonna be behind cuts but like
I know how mobile gets
so I’m sorry in advance if these don’t cut because i have no fucking clue what makes it acvtually work on mobile and what doesn’t there is 0 consistency with the goddamn app))
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
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Thank you all so much!!  Thank you for following, for asking questions, for playing with me, for interest in playing with me, for interest in my portrayal or my headcanons, for interest in the overall contents of this blog, for sharing things with me, or just flat out interest in Ghetsis despite his absolute bastardism.  Ghetsis loves you!  And if he doesn’t, he loves the attention you’ve given him by being here.  "From the bottom of my heart, thank you with the utmost kindness!!
“But this isn’t just a victory for me!  It’s a victory for all of you, as well!
“A victory for a perfect new world! A perfect new world, in which you are all kings and queens and non-gendered members of monarchy, a perfect new world that we will rule together!  A perfect new world that we will make beautiful together!!
“With your help and your support and your love and my command ambition and expertise, with the strength and aspirations of us all, with our collective desires for change, for the acceptance of the Truth, for the accomplishment of Ideals, we will usher in this perfect new world!  Peacefully!  With minimal harm or conflict!  With text and images on screen words alone! With the support of Pokémon deified, Pokémon called Legendary!  The Mythical, the powerful, the weak, the dumb, the slightly less dumb intelligent, the powers we’ll gain and the powers we know, the powers we’ve abandoned and the powers we've yet to understand--with all the power we all have, with all that we want to see, we will make a difference!!
“So, my friends!  I implore you!  Look alive, look curiously to the future--whether you see it as near or distant, whether you see it as existing for you at all!  Whether you see war on the horizon or peace beyond your field of view, whether you see fire and lightning and ice or quenching rains and freeing breezes and fertile lands, whether you see science and technology or tradition and piety or magic and mysticism!  Whether that future is lively or empty, bright or dark! Whether it’s for your friends, your family, or for yourself!  Face the future; make your steps with me towards what will be! What we will make it be!
“Look forward to the victories--the losses, the stalemates, the setbacks, the progress--all that is before us!  Give it thought!  Give it action, big or small!
“Be prepared.
“For we are coming upon a new day.  More chances. The infinite and the unknown.  Things worthy of fear, that we will face whether they leave us quaking or standing brave and tall.
“Continue to follow me. You are all being drafted part of this motion.
“Prepare yourselves. Or come before you can overthink it, before you can let your fear and anxiety tell you you can’t.
“For every day I will lead you we will march on. Steps big and small, beats of wings and turns of waves.
“The future is always a mere second away. You’ve made it this far into it--numerable seconds, and I promise you will make it innumerable seconds more.
“The future of Truth.  The future of Ideals.  The future of Ambition.
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“The future of us.”
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    “This future of mine.”
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((tag change: NPC Shadow Triad tag
This tag indicates content featuring the Triad speaking or as active characters, with or instead of Ghetsis.  This includes IC content, drabbles, answers, headcanons, musings, aesthetics, etc. The regular Shadow Triad tag should contain images that relate to the Triad specifically as characters(fanart, official art, others’ fics, others’ headcanons?) and not specifically as they are on this blog.
NPC Shadow Triad | Keep Your Head Down Until I Tell You To Speak
Song: Porcelain Black/Porcelain And The Tramps - King Of The World
Chosen from Ghetsis’s perspective.  It sounds harsh but it’s more a reflection of the Triad’s behavior--silent and invisible and hidden in the shadows using what is actual ninja technique.  They act only on Ghetsis’s instruction and approval(and N’s as well.)
NPC Shadow Triad | Wherever You Go We Will Be By Your Side For The Spirit Of Ninja Will Carry The Night
Song: DragonForce - Strike Of The Ninja
Reason For Change: I decided to make the NPC tags from the perspective of that character rather than something more from Ghetsis’s perspective, to show that the NPC tag typically indicates the post containing something relating to them or their actions
Chosen from the Triad’s perspective.  Explains itself, really.  They’re Ghetsis’s ninja bodyguards and are practically with him at all times.  In present day verse, with Ghetsis in his current condition, they’re also his caretakers.  They refuse to leave or give up on him and have no desire to do so.
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((Does anybody else have an incomplete, 20-something page google doc that they plan to have serve as their muse’s about and rules page because it seems easier to keep in order and change on the fly?
No? Of course not?
Totally. Me too. Big ass google doc about/rules page? Definitely not something I’ve been doing.
Is this even accessible for slow computers lmao. . . .
I. . .haven’t even gotten started on the associated pages for Loch or Matori lol maybe I should. . .leave Ghetsis’s and finish it later and get started on the one for, y’know, my fucking OC that doesn’t really have any associated canon info beyond his handful of lines from the games.))
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((I wrote out a detailed physical description of Ghetsis--at least, what you're most likely to see of him, so none of the more intimate details. I just like writing descriptions and I think it's nice to have them lol
You can read it here if you want. I may put it on his profile in the future. . .? But I'm also considering just hosting everything on docs lol either way, have me trying to describe my muse. I tried to include his physical description, obvs, and how he dresses, as well as a little bit of posture. . .idk if there are other things i should add lol))
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((Whoops apparently my internet bill is past due? Good job tellig me at 6am on a saturday comcast.
Idk when their customer support is actually up so idk if i'll be able to call them yet. Rather, i tried, got an automated thing, and it didn't help but didn't connect me to anybody so i'll have to call later i guess. . .assuming they're around on weekends.
So until this is resolved(hopefully in a couple hours) i may be mobile bound or entirely absent? We'll see. But it's just a heads up.))
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oppressiveliberator · 5 years
((Oh right i forgot i temp listed new years as ghetsis' birthday
I wanted to give him an "important day" type of birthday because he'd be real snooty about it, but I didn't wanna use christmas lmao i figured it was too. . .on the nose maybe.
But i never did go back to that thought of his birthday hm. Maybe i should look into that later today, check out holdays and shit and decide which'd be good))
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
(TE information is only used once and are mostly often written in the voice of the character. FC questions may be repeated or omitted, and are from any dialogue or external sources like books or signs. You can check out Bulbapedia for the in-game text of the Trainer’s Eye or Fame Checker to see how it looks!) (like HTML? Here’s a pastebin link.)
Trainer: Team Plasma Leader Sage Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius
Location: Unknown, presumably Unova
Strategy: It's unfortunate that we must fight at all, wouldn't you say? The harder you hit them, the harder they'll hit others. Discipline is the most masterful teacher. N/A
Favorite Pokémon: All of them deserve better than we've given them. They'll all obey me in time. The bigger their appetite and the more difficult to train they were, the more I'd enjoy them when I was young. But they're all tools. They all leave. It hardly matters.
Trainer Message: Just you wait. Wherever it is you came from, however it is you got here. . .I suppose I appreciate the company.
Fame Checker
Family and friends? Concordia(Pkmn B2W2, Driftveil City): "N was an orphan. I heard that right after he was born, he upset people with behavior that suggested he could talk to Pokémon. When he was living in the woods with Darmanitan and Zorua, Ghetsis took him in. We are also orphans Ghetsis took in."
What is this person like? Shadow Triad(Pkmn B2W2, Giant Chasm): "Lord Ghetsis has. . .lost control. . ."
What is this person like? Shadow Triad(Pkmn B2W2, Icirrus City): “Ghetsis won't do anything anymore. . . No, to be more precise, he can't do anything anymore. . ."
What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, Accumula Town): "I am here representing Team Plasma. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about Pokémon liberation."
What is this person like? / What does this person do? Concordia(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "Pokémon that were betrayed, mistreated, and hurt by bad people. . . Ghetsis deliberately brought only those poor Pokémon closer to N." 
What is this person like? / What does this person do? Anthea(Pkmn B2W2, Driftveil City): "The one he groomed to help him further his nefarious aims was N."
What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, Accumula Town): "Pokémon are subject to the selfish commands of Trainers. . . They get pushed around when they are our "partners" at work. . . Can anyone say with confidence that there is no truth in what I'm saying?"
What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, Driftveil City): "We only free Pokémon from wicked people."
What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, Driftveil City): "Don't worry, my fellow servant of the king. . . We are two of the Seven Sages, are we not?"
Family and Friends? / What is this person like? Ryoku(Pkmn BW, Relic Castle): "But we don't know much about Ghetsis or our lord N! We haven't even figured out if they are father and son. . ."
Family and Friends? / What is this person like? Shadow Triad(Pkmn BW, Marvelous Bridge): "Ghetsis is gone. He went off somewhere alone after we rescued him from the castle." "From the day Ghetsis saved our lives, we have sworn to be loyal to him. Even now, after he ordered us not to search for him.[...]" "We, the Shadow Triad, have always been and will always be the loyal servants of Ghetsis. And Ghetsis's ambitions will never cease!"
What is this person like? Shadow Triad(Pkmn B2W2, Giant Chasm): "Lord Ghetsis spoke of Pokémon liberation two years ago simply for his own ambitions, but. . .if his plans had succeeded, many Pokémon would have been saved."
What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn B2W2, Plasma Frigate): "How fortunate for you! Few get to be the sole audience member for one of my speeches."
What is this person like? / What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, Relic Castle): "I'm doing this out of kindness. Yes, kindness. I'm making sure the Champion doesn't get hurt for no reason. Granted, the moment when someone loses all hope. . .I really do love to watch that moment."
Family and friends? Ghetsis(Pkmn USUM, Episode RR): "It wouldn't do at all to have you get in [Giovanni's] way, especially when I must establish him as my king!"
Family and friends? Ghetsis(Pkmn USUM, Episode RR): "The Colress of this world! But you should have no reason to meddle in my plans!"
Where was this person born? (Map description of Abyssal Ruins in eastern Unovan sea): "An ancient tomb that is said to be the resting place of an ancient king." (inscription on 4F of Abyssal ruin's walls. The name of the king is represented in-game as "●●●●●●●●", the same number of letters as 'HARMONIA', Ghetsis and N's surname, leading to speculation that Ghetsis and/or N are descendants of the ancient king of Unova, further supported by other inscriptions in the ruins): "The great King 𝕳𝕬𝕽𝕸𝕺𝕹𝕴𝕬"
What is this person like? Shadow Triad(Pkmn BW, Marvelous Bridge): "Ghetsis. . . Where did he find these? What was he planning to do with them? Why did he give them to you? There's no way to know now. Is he testing you? Or. . .using you?"
What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "I created Team Plasma with my own hands. I'm absolutely perfect! I AM PERFECTION! I am the perfect ruler of a perfect new world! "Mwa ha ha! Since I couldn't become the hero and obtain the legendary Pokémon myself. . .I prepared someone for that purpose--N! He's nothing more than a freak without a human heart. Do you think you're going to get through to a warped person like that!?"
What is this person like? / Family and friends? Rood(Pkmn BW, Route 18): "Ghetsis wandered the lands of this world all over, collecting knowledge of all kinds while searching for like-minded people. From the moment we met, he understood what I desired."
What is this person like? / Family and friends? Zinzolin(Pkmn BW, Cold Storage): ". . .Breathing. Having a heart that beats. That is simple existence and nothing more for a living being. That may be the definition of living, but I don't think that defines life. The experiences of joy and suffering are a vital part of being alive. Ghetsis gave me the sensation of being truly alive. . . What did he mean to accomplish? That isn't important."
What is this person like? / What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, Tubeline Bridge): "From his infancy, I provided [N] with the education required to become the hero of legend. Indeed, he has been so acknowledged by the legendary Pokémon. . . .Such purity of purpose is his."
Favorite kind of Pokémon? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "Use your head. What's to be gained from letting go of useful things like Pokémon? Certainly, manipulating Pokémon helps people expand their possibilities. That much, I can agree with. So it naturally follows that only I should be able to use Pokémon!"
Favorite kind of Pokémon? Ghetsis(Pkmn B2W2, Plasma Frigate): "Kyurem is an empty being. The remnants of a certain Pokémon when it split into Reshiram and Zekrom. . . My desire is absolute rule of Unova! That's right! Kyurem will be the vessel into which my desires will be poured!"
Favorite kind of Pokémon? Ghetsis(Pkmn B2W2, Plasma Frigate): "What's this? Your Poké Balls are trembling. Could your Pokémon be trembling with rage? (slams cane) No! That's not possible! Simple tools don't have emotion or thought!"
Family and friends? Ryoku(Pkmn BW, Relic Castle): "I was planning to catch the Pokémon called Volcarona that lives in this relic castle and present it to Ghetsis. But the Shadow Triad said that Ghetsis has gone somewhere, right? The Seven Sages. . . We always said we were complete when the seven of us were together. Now I don't know the meaning of those words anymore. I guess I don't mind, even if we were being used"
What does this person do? Zinzolin(Pkmn B2W2, Undella Town): "I have papers that Lord Ghetsis left behind. With these, you can read the ancient scripts in the Abyssal Ruins."
What does this person do? Rood(Pkmn B2W2, Route 6): "So the reach of Ghetsis's ambition and malice is growing ever wider and warping the lives of all it touches. . ."
What is this person like? / What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn USUM, Episode RR): "You see, I have been thinking long and hard about the reason I have been sent to this world. And now. . .I believe I finally have the answer! My purpose. . . It is to travel between the worlds, freeing all Pokémon from foolish people. . . And at the same time, consolidate all the power in all the worlds to myself! "In order to achieve this beautiful ideal, however, I have need of a useful pawn. . . And that man, the leader of Team Rocket, is a man of pure evil! If I can make good use of him, and set him up as king, I shall be able to reign supreme above all existence!"
Family and Friends? / What is this person like? Giallo(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "Ghetsis called us the chosen ones. He chose us and gathered us here so we can change the world!"
Family and Friends? / What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "After all of that, do you think you're still worthy of sharing the name Harmonia with me? You good-for-nothing boy! [...] "After saying you had to put your beliefs on the line and battle to see which one chosen by the legendary Pokémon was the true hero. . . You lost to an ordinary Trainer! There is such a thing as being too stupid! Add it up, and you are nothing more than a warped, defective boy who knows nothing but Pokémon. . . ."
What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "a Pokémon, even if it's revered as a deity, is still just a Pokémon. [...] So what if [Reshiram] chose you! That doesn't mean you're a threat. Come on! Now you'll face ME in battle! I can't wait to see the look on your face when you've lost all hope! "I won't allow anyone to stop me! No matter who does what!"
What is this person like? Rood(Pkmn BW, Route 18): "When it comes to Ghetsis, I cannot separate the truths from the lies."
There’s a rumor… Ghetsis(Pkmn BW, N's Castle): "Now that the stage is set, we can seize people's minds and hearts. We can bring into being the world that I--no, that Team Plasma--desires more easily than you can imagine! We and only we will use Pokémon, and we shall rule the powerless populace! "I've been waiting so long for this! I've kept my silence so no one could piece together what I planned. Now, those painful days are at an end!"
What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn B2W2, Giant Chasm): "Excellent! That was a moving expression of your determination! So the education I provided to make you king wasn't a complete waste, then! But I still haven't forgotten that even though I was kind enough to find you when you were living in the forest with Pokémon, and take you in, and care for you, in the end you were selfish and disrupted my plans. I was supposed to use your abilities to rule Unova! "But I'll forgive you for that as well."
What is this person like? Ghetsis(Pkmn B2W2, Giant Chasm): "You fool. . . Last time, I was going to use you to capture people's hearts and minds to rule them! But this time, I'm simply going to use overwhelming power and rule with an iron fist! Do you understand? If you had simply become king, Unova would have remained beautiful!" 
What is this person like? / What does this person do? Ghetsis(Pkmn USUM, Episode RR): "This cannot be possible. . . I will not accept this! "Myah-ha-ha! No, no, no, no, no! You don't get it, do you? I can't be defeated! I won't be! IT. CANNOT. BE. ALLOWED! You, tiny intruder! If you value this girl's life, throw aside all your Poké Balls, at this moment!" (When obeyed): "Myah-ha-ha! Good, good. . . That's a good little [boy/girl/child]. Do as your elders command you! Victory only suits perfect leaders, after all. . . Such as myself!"
There’s a rumor… Rood(Pkmn B2W2, Giant Chasm): "Ghetsis's real plan was to take over the Unova region! Liberating Pokémon was nothing more than an excuse!"
There’s a rumor… Zinzolin(Pkmn B2W2, Undella Town, after reaching innermost chamber of Abyssal Ruins): "An extremely wonderful king was laid to rest in those ruins. If that king has descendants, maybe those special powers were passed down. . ."
Message from Ghetsis to [player] Ghetsis(Pkmn B2W2, Plasma Frigate): "That aside, this is my gift to you to show my respect for making it this far. I'll freeze you solid right here so you can watch my glorious ascent!"
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
Placeholder page
I was using this post to store my tags on, but then i started putting them on pastebin and cba to keep up with this post anymore. Maybe i'll make use of it for something else?
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
Profile | One For The History Books
This profile is the short version of what's able to be found on the full profile and rules page google doc! Please feel free to check that out if you'd like more details--or, perhaps even better, send an ask!
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Name: Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius Apparent Age: late 50's or older, depending on health Trainer Class: Sage; Team Rainbow Rocket? Occupation: Unemployed, disabled, retired Current Location: Unknown, presumably Unova Apperance: Very tall--6'6", 200cm. Long, slightly curly greying green hair, a cowlick on the top and both sides of his head. Red eyes, with only his left one visible, the other covered by a red-glassed eyepiece, an eyepatch, or bandages up to or somewhat past his elbow. Often dressed in some sort of cloak. Right arm is never visible--if not within his cloak, it's covered by a glove and/or bandages. Usually walks with a cane, most often one bearing the Team Plasma shield on a wheel in the center. Health leads to varying posture and moving ability. Generally gives off a warm and trustable feeling, like a friendly old man, but also a subtly menacing and intimidating one. One has a good chance of feeling inclined to trust or even obey him. . . . Notoriety: Would likely be recognizable by anybody over the age of 13 who'd been in or near Unova during the events of BW, B2W2, and XY, and some may recognize him from time leading up to BW. Would likely be remembered for Team Plasma and its efforts to separate humans and Pokémon, attempting to freeze Unova, and generally attempting to dominate Unova. Because his reach didn't extend far outside of Unova and because other things were happening in other regions at the same time, it's possible/probable that he wouldn't have the same notoriety in other regions, or the details would be less understood. Personality: Most anybody who's ever known him finds his personality hard to pin down. In general, his person seems erratic and unstable, prone to changing unpredictably. People's perspectives of who he is depend on why, when, and how long they'd known him.
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oppressiveliberator · 6 years
Rules | A King’s Iron Fist
Last Updated: January 17, 2019 - made it a bit shorter and linked to the google doc hosting the page information This is the short form of my rules. If you want a longer and probably more thorough version, click here to check out the About and Rules google doc for this blog.
Honestly, the big things are:
Refusal to separate IC and OOC and fiction and reality and mun and muse. Difficulty is fine, it isn't easy for everybody, but do understand that what's real is real and what's not real is not real, and the parties directly affected by the contents of this blog are fictional in 99% of circumstances.
I enjoy fictional content that may be triggering, unsettling, problematic, toxic, and just generally considered 'bad'. This includes ships, backstories, scenarios, kinks, etc. You don't have to like it. I'll try and keep it tagged. But if it comes up and behooves me, I'm going to write it. This does not mean I condone or would do any of the things presented fictionally.
Your content intake is your responsibility. I'm willing to tag, things will definitely be warned for and put behind readmores, I'm more than willing to alter replies to you if there's a problem with them. But I'm going to create what I want to.
OOC homophobia, transphobia, etc. IC is fine, not every muse is gonna be good or openminded. But the mun should keep asshattery to a minimum where possible.
Being unreasonable about rules and tagging. If I make a mistake or two or accidentally make you uncomfortable say something. I'm not a mind reader and I can't remember every single rule or trigger everybody has. Even if I didn't have memory problems I don't think I would.
I'm somewhat lacking in social polish. I don't always understand what's considered 'normal' or 'acceptable' or 'concerning' or 'too far' or anything like that. If I do something off, let me know, please and thank you.
Rushing me, demanding replies, etc. Checking in now and then is okay, but nothing'll get done if you're unpleasant about it.
Reblogging threads that aren't yours without the approval of everyone involved.
In general this blog is semi-selective. I'm totally up to trying things with just about anybody, but I reserve the right to refuse anything as well.
Occasional magic anons
Self-insert muses
Muses who're the child, significant other, etc of a canon character as part of their base character--i.e. it's not a ship you have with somebody or somebodies in particular, but by default your muse is X's spouse/partner/etc
Dash comm interception--that is, you can commentate on whatever you want, but I reserve the right to refuse interruption or interception of activities where it wouldn't make any sense otherwise, or make them commentary only rather than accepting any actions.
New RPers, old RPers, ESL rpers--pretty much everybody.
Pokémon muses, gijinka muses, Pokémon AU crossover muses, child muses, aged up muses, multiples, AUs--as already stated, I'm semi-selective, but I love variety and the varied ideas of the community.
Anons, non-RPers/personal blogs--I'll even allow a certain amount of IC interaction, because everyone should get to have fun playing with favorite characters, I feel. Maybe you'll be friends! But maybe not. . . . IC and OOC rule remains in effect here.
Asks of all sorts, at any time--IC questions, OOC questions, scenario asks, drabble ideas, commentary, headcanon requests, rp ideas, constructive criticism, etc.
Blocking, softblocking, etc--control your content input! I'd appreciate talking to me to either let me know what the cause was or making sure you understand things accurately, but I fully understand not doing so.
In character aggression, negativity, etc--of course, combat needs to be left open for response, autokilling, automoving, godmodding, powerplaying, and so on aren't allowed, and so on, but I fully welcome consiquences and negative reactions and relationships--and, of course, positive ones!
Preestablished relationships, so long as major ones are discussed or laid out for me in advance so I can approve of, request changes to, understand, etc them in advance.
I'm probably missing a lot of things but. If you're uncertain, you can always ask! And, as linked at the top, the About And Rules google doc has a more thorough version of the rules.
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