#Blackthorn Bluegum and Butternut
pushing500 · 2 months
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I bet T'au hooves make a satisfying clicking noise when they're being tapped impatiently...
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At long last, welcome to the cult Baby Butternut Buckeye!! Once again, Magic Man is apparently not listed as her father, though I can assure you he is.
More importantly... This means, at last, we're ready to go.
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... And not a moment too soon! Adiós, mechanoids!
There isn't very much to see at the Landed Ship, but the small makeshift colony will still be shown off, as is tradition:
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A small colony backed into a teeny-tiny valley, close to the seaside with not much to see. Randy Random was nice enough to allow the snow to melt for the colony tour, not that there was much to see underneath the snow.
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The centre of the colony is a cobbled-together room around a campfire, where everyone huddles together for warmth on the cold tundra nights. None of them are happy about it, but they all lived (all the important ones lived, anyway. Curly can kick bricks). There's also a sauna, a closet, a guest room (formerly a prison cell) and some bathrooms.
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We don't really talk about the Ecthuctu-forsaken storage situation.
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The nursery/laboratory is the only room kept at a consistently warm temperature.
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We have a barn for our animals, another little bathroom area, our temple, and a deathrest chamber for newly-turned sanguophage Vasso that will never be used.
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There's a field of haygrass for the animals, alongside an itty-bitty hospital for emergencies.
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The colony's entrance is sealed with a chain-link fence and dutifully guarded by several turrets and spike traps—and that's it! I told you there wasn't much to see.
Next up: The End At Last...
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