#Big time F in the chat for my Fallen Division duo. you were just another statistic and nothing else. sorry
orbdotexe · 1 year
yknow what no. I just really like characters doomed by the narrative. Hm. I mean, I've got so many versions of it
Iris and Tk', in a setting that would otherwise have them as best friends, maybe would-be-heros, but they just don't get that option. They meet, they have some banter, they get set up to be close friends, and then they just die. He sees her head blown apart, and he closes his eyes against the barrel of a rifle.
Garron, whose soul was fractured and is driving her insane as her memory fragments over the course of centuries she hardly remembers. Her closest friend that she never remembers meeting knows they've been in this dance for thousands of years, but can't bring himself to remind her again that it's been more than a few centuries. There's only two paths for them: Either he kills the husk of her, or holds her as she finally succumbs to her corruption.
don't get me started about Ruin again. I won't shut up about them, you can't make me
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