#Best Software In Romania
soft-reviews · 10 months
Software Development in Romania: A Step-by-Step Guide
Romania is a country with a rich history, culture, and natural beauty. But did you know that it is also a hotspot for software development? In this article, we will explore why Romania is an attractive destination for software development in Romania projects, what are the benefits and challenges of working with Romanian developers, and how to find and hire the best talent for your needs.
Why Romania?
Romania has a number of advantages that make it a competitive and appealing location for software development. Some of these are:
High-quality education: Romania has a strong tradition of education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and ranks among the top countries in Europe for the number of graduates in these fields. According to the World Economic Forum, Romania has the highest percentage of women in STEM occupations in the EU, at 29%. Many Romanian universities offer courses in computer science, software engineering, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and other related disciplines and collaborate with international partners and companies to provide students with practical experience and exposure to the latest technologies.
Skilled workforce: Romania has a large pool of talented and experienced software developers who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. According to Stack Overflow, Romania has over 100,000 developers, who are active on online platforms and communities, and participate in hackathons, competitions, and events. Romanian developers are also fluent in English, as well as other foreign languages, such as French, German, Spanish, and Italian, which facilitates communication and collaboration with international clients and teams.
Cost-effectiveness: Romania offers competitive rates for software development in Romania services compared to other European countries or the US. According to PayScale, the average salary for a software developer in Romania is around $25,000 per year, while in Germany it is around $60,000, and in the US it is around $75,000. This means that you can get high-quality work done at a fraction of the cost without compromising on quality or efficiency.
Innovation and entrepreneurship: Romania has a vibrant and dynamic tech scene, with many startups, incubators, accelerators, and hubs that support innovation and entrepreneurship. Some of the most successful Romanian tech companies include UiPath, Bitdefender, Softvision, Avangate, and eMAG. Romania also hosts several tech events and conferences throughout the year, such as Techsylvania, DevTalks, How to Web, and Bucharest Technology Week, where you can network with local developers, entrepreneurs, and investors.
Geographical proximity and cultural compatibility: Romania is located in Eastern Europe, within the same time zone as most European countries, and only one or two hours ahead of the UK. This makes it easy to coordinate and sync with your Romanian team members or partners without having to deal with significant time differences or delays. Romania is also a member of the European Union (EU), which means that it follows the same laws and regulations regarding data protection, intellectual property rights and consumer rights as other EU countries. Moreover, Romania shares many cultural values and norms with Western countries, such as professionalism, creativity, flexibility and openness.
How to work with Romanian developers?
If you are interested in working with Romanian developers for your software development in Romania  project, here are some steps that you should follow:
Define your project scope and requirements: Before you start looking for developers, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your project, what features and functionalities that you need, what are the technical specifications and standards that you expect, what are the deadlines and milestones that you have set, what is your budget and payment method, etc. Having a well-defined project scope and requirements will help you communicate your expectations more effectively to potential candidates or partners.
Search for developers or agencies: There are several ways to find Romanian developers or agencies that can help you with your project. 
Benefits of working with Romanian developers
Romania has a lot of advantages when it comes to software development, such as:
High-quality education: Romania has a strong tradition of excellence in mathematics, science, and engineering, which translates into a high-quality education system that produces well-trained and proficient software developers. According to the International Mathematical Olympiad, Romania ranks 11th in the world in terms of medals won. Romania also has several prestigious universities that offer degrees in computer science, software engineering, and related fields.
Large talent pool: Romania has a population of about 19 million people, of which about 433 software development in Romania companies employ around 120,000 IT professionals. According to the European Commission, Romania ranks 6th in the EU in terms of the share of ICT specialists in total employment (6.4%). Moreover, Romania has one of the highest rates of female participation in the IT sector (26.3%), which contributes to the diversity and innovation of the industry.
Cultural compatibility: Romania is a member of the European Union and NATO, which means that it shares common values and standards with other Western countries. Romanian developers are familiar with the business culture and expectations of their foreign clients, and they can easily adapt to different work styles and methodologies. Romanian developers are also fluent in English, as well as other languages such as French, German, or Spanish.
Innovation and creativity: Romania is a hub for innovation and creativity in the IT sector, as evidenced by the numerous startups, accelerators, incubators, and events that support the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Romania is home to some successful global companies such as UiPath, Bitdefender, or Softvision (now part of Cognizant). Romanian developers are also known for their problem-solving skills and ability to deliver complex and challenging projects.
We have seen how software development in Romania can help you achieve your business goals with high-quality software solutions. We have discussed the benefits of outsourcing software development in Romania, such as cost-effectiveness, talent pool, cultural compatibility, and strategic location. We have also introduced Microdeft, a leading software development in Romania company that offers a wide range of services, from web and mobile development to cloud computing and artificial intelligence. Microdeft has a proven track record of delivering successful projects for clients across various industries and regions. Whether you need a simple website, a complex enterprise system, or a cutting-edge innovation, Microdeft can help you turn your vision into reality. If you are interested in working with Microdeft, please contact us today and let us know your requirements.
If you want to check their reviews, visit Microdeft
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cindylouwho-2 · 10 months
Etsy Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Report - Get Ready For More Pressure To Discount
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Above - Slide 9 from Etsy's Second Quarter 2023 report. © Etsy
Etsy's second quarter 2023 results beat projections, but the outlook for the third quarter was weak, and that has led to a sharp drop off of the stock. No doubt investors were unimpressed that Etsy has no convincing plans to begin increasing sales and profits again. The call announced nothing truly new in that vein.
First, the resources for this post:
the press release
transcript of the conference call
slides from the conference call
video of the call (click on “Webcast” under "Latest Quarterly Results")
my summaries of the second quarter 2022, and the first quarter 2023 for comparison
The basic numbers (covering April to June 2023, compared to the same period in 2022):
Sales on Etsy were $2.6 billion, down 0.7% 
Total sales for all 4 marketplaces (Etsy, Reverb, Depop, Elo7) were $3.0 billion, down 0.6% 
Etsy’s revenue (including all 4 sites) was $628.9 million, up 7.5%
Seller service revenue was up a whopping 20.8% to $175.9 million, while marketplace revenue was up 3.1% to $453 million
Net Income was $61.9 million, down 15.3% (in part due to the impairment charge from the impending sale of Elo7)
Active buyers on Etsy alone stand at 90.6 million, an all-time high
Active sellers on Etsy alone are 6.3 million, the second large jump in a row compared to the previous quarter; numbers had been stagnant through the end of 2021 and all of 2022 [Note that “active” means one charge or transaction in the past 12 months; many “active” shops currently have nothing for sale.]
Sales where the buyer and/or the seller was not in the United States were 47%, up from 44% last year, but most Etsy buyers are still in the US
Sales on mobile are now at 68%, up from 66% last year [this includes both the buyer app and mobile browsers]
I'll cover the points of the biggest interest to sellers below, with my comments in square brackets.
Advertising (On and Off Site)
Etsy Ads (the onsite ones) again helped increase the services income. CFO Rachel Glaser mentioned that "XWalk, our real time retrieval engine" was now a part of the Ads algorithm. [It was previously introduced in search results, to help draw connections between multiple sets of data rapidly as someone is searching.] They are now able to show ads in more places, increasing site profit.
Offsite Ads (aka performance marketing) cost roughly the same in the quarter, due to testing which led to Etsy reducing money spent on some platforms.
From the press release: "We expanded performance marketing investments from 13 to 20 non-core countries, now including the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia."
Etsy Search
CEO Josh Silverman feels Etsy has made progress in search relevancy (Slide 6). Therefore, the next step is to "better identify the quality of each listing, so that from this relevant result set, we bring the very best of Etsy to the top. Our data shows that high quality listings attract a higher value buyer than our average listings, attract more repeat and habitual buyers, and most importantly, they often convert over 2 times better than other listings." No actual definition of "high quality listings" is provided. [This may be a refinement of the listing quality score.]
Etsy is training its machine learning software on "...a best of Etsy library, which is curated by expert merchandisers based on the visual appeal, uniqueness, and apparent craftsmanship of an item." (Slide 7) The models are then expected to find the best items out of large search results, and return those for searchers. [I hope these aren't the same human curators who supposedly selected the "Etsy's Pick" listings, as my only Etsy's Pick listing is a commercial pendant on my hand-cut chain. Totally Etsy-legal, and even appealing and well-made, but hardly unique - there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of these pendants on Etsy right now. (In my defense, there were a lot fewer when I started selling them.) Only my chain falls close to the realm of unique, due to the clasp.]
Etsy is also working on "collapsing" similar items on the first few search pages into sets, and offering shoppers several different sets to choose from, "showing you just the very best of each of a set of very different items". [I believe I have seen a test like this, where several rows of slightly different search results are shown for some queries. It could also mean an expansion of the "more like this" link under individual listings on the search page.]
[It appears to be time to accept that Etsy is not interested in being a site for niche searches any more; management only cares about the large searches converting. I understand what the engineers were trying to do with training the systems by adding more items in and letting the customers signal which results were good, but small and niche searches have only gotten worse over the past 3-4 years, and they've now effectively told us we can't expect any more improvement in this area. Search effort is now going to winnowing down large searches, not improving very small ones.]
Upcoming Promotional Plans & Focus
As usual, Etsy is focussed on retaining existing buyers as well as adding new ones. Hitting an all-time high in active buyers this quarter shows some progress in this area.
Given that "[t]here's no question this is a very promotional environment," we should expect to see more features around sales and discounts, as shown in Slide 9 at the top of this post. Those 3 boxes are part of a scrolling banner at the top of the Etsy home page in the US right now. [If you have tried to run a sale lately, you have already noticed that the lowest percentage off sale is 25%. You can enter a custom amount, but 25% is the default if you don't click for more options.]
They are already testing "a new price discovery functionality utilizing buyer demand data to help sellers think about how to price their items and when or how they might best use promotions as part of their mix." An example is shown in the top right corner of Slide 11 - see below:
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[If this works as badly as the old tool from years ago - the one that compared hammered sterling silver pendants to plastic ones - then it will be a waste of time. And don't forget the tool that tells us our shipping for large heavy items is overpriced because it is comparing the listing to the shipping rates of the smallest items in the same category. The list goes on... However, many sellers would appreciate knowing more about what similar items are actually selling for, and it is possible Etsy heard that request, so we shouldn't write this test off before we see it.]
The new wedding registry has been doing well, with 14% of sales coming from first-time buyers. Etsy is opening a baby registry in August, and more categories may follow.
Silverman said that the Purchase Protection Program (PPP) "...reduced the issue resolution time for cases by approximately 85%". [I guess when there are rarely humans involved in adjudicating cases, that does tend to save time.] The site will soon mention this in even more places, to increase buyer confidence and bring them back more often.
Also on the way: "Buyers will see some new AI assisted ways to find crafted quality gifts for the loved ones at great value with even more confidence that these gifts will arrive on time." Gifting will continue to be a promotional focus.
Payment Reserves
Following the recent media attention to payment reserves, one analyst asked what the policy was meant to do in terms of benefiting the marketplace, and how the company is addressing the complaints. Silverman fell back on the "sellers not able to fill a rush of sales" example [even though that hasn't been the main reason for most of the recent reserves], and mentioned the previous day's announcement that reserves would be changing.
Depop, Reverb, and the Exit of Elo7
Etsy is selling Elo7, and is apparently taking a loss on it.
Depop's sales and revenue grew this quarter (year over year); new ideas and developments are detailed on Slide 16.
Reverb is still doing better than the general musical instrument market; details on Slide 17.
sales were down this quarter due to the month of April; May and June were both up, as was July [so the third quarter is up so far, but they noted the company traditionally has lower sales in August and September]. Silverman stated that the economy is in a down cycle, but that cycles change.
sales are declining in United States zip codes where the average household income is below $100,000 a year, and are growing in the zips above $100K a year.
the increase in marketplace revenue was partially due to having more non-US transactions, which usually have higher payment processing fees charged.
"advances in ML capabilities have enabled our enforcement models to detect an increasing number of policy violations." Slide 10 states they've "...removed 29% more listings for violating our Handmade Policy in 1H 2023 vs. 2H 2022". It's not clear if this includes all the ones they removed in error and later had to reinstate. [It's not just handmade takedowns that were mostly wrong. They caught my 2 "drug paraphernalia" listings earlier this year, as well as many top selling item from big shops, for no reason. As I explained in my coverage of the annual transparency report, only 5% of items Etsy reviews for violations actually need to be removed from the site. Increasing takedowns is a bad thing when they are almost all wrong, and especially when real and easy-to-find violations - such as boxes of commercial potato chip packages and actual roach clips - remain up. This initiative continues to get an F.]
almost 20% of vintage shops are choosing to use the new "Make an Offer" option.
Why Etsy Needs To Do More To Impress Investors
If you watch or read these calls every quarter, or even just read my summaries, you will note that there was very little new here, and certainly not much new that one would expect to substantially increase sales across the site. I think the upper brass recognized that, as the "challenging" times were stressed repeatedly, and they are still occasionally comparing numbers to the pre-pandemic stats.
Yes, it is great that Etsy has basically retained all of its pandemic growth; many other platforms - such as Wayfair and eBay - did not. However, analysts seem to be over that now, and are looking to future growth. Etsy's response seems to be that any substantial increase in marketplace sales will have to wait until the current uncertain world economic cycle improves. While they talk about incremental increases in sales expected from some current projects, their own projections for the third quarter aren't reflecting that growth, given Etsy now has more active buyers and sellers than ever before.
Have they possibly lost too many successful shops due to overreaching with payment reserves? Are buyers expressing concerns on that topic? Now that many more sellers can opt out of Offsite Ads, is that dragging down the company's income at all? Are they truly out of new ideas? These are questions that the analysts and the media need to be asking.
Perhaps Etsy is planning on another release that will lift marketplace sales, but right now they are keeping it secret. The company probably can't afford to wait on this much longer, though, if it cares about the stock price.
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marketinsight1234 · 4 months
Cloud Migration Market: Forthcoming Trends and Share Analysis by 2030
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The Global Cloud Migration is expected at USD 136.65 Billion in the year 2021 and is predicted to reach USD 539.38 Billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 21.67% over the forecasted period.
The practice of moving all of an organization's on-premise data, workloads, and applications to a cloud infrastructure is referred to as cloud migration. The approach enables a business to host data and applications in the best feasible IT environment in terms of cost, performance, and security. A business may expand by using cloud migration to handle heavier demands. It successfully closes the gap between the organization's IT capability and business needs. An organization may migrate to the cloud in several ways. Data and programs may be moved from a nearby on-premises data center to the public cloud using a common approach. A cloud migration, or cloud-to-cloud migration, is a process that involves transferring data and applications from one cloud platform or provider to another.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Cloud Migration market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Cloud Migration industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Cloud Migration market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Cloud Migration Market include:
Oracle Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, Amazon Web Services, Google Inc., Cisco Systems, RiverMeadow Software, Rackspace US, Informatica, OVH US LLC 
If You Have Any Query Cloud Migration Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Cloud Migration Market:
By Service
By Deployment
By End Users
IT & Telecom
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Highlights from the report:
Market Study: It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, product range offered in the years considered, Global Cloud Migration Market, and research objectives. It also covers segmentation study provided in the report based on product type and application.
Market Executive Summary: This section highlights key studies, market growth rates, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to macro indicators.
Market Production by Region: The report provides data related to imports and exports, revenue, production and key players of all the studied regional markets are covered in this section.
Cloud Migration Profiles of Top Key Competitors: Analysis of each profiled Roll Hardness Tester market player is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis of individual players, products, production, value, capacity, and other important factors.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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About us:
Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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Introspective Market Research
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toptenthing · 9 months
10 Emerging Markets for Business Expansion
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10 Emerging Markets for Business Expansion #GlobalExpansionOpportunities
In the ever-evolving landscape of global business, identifying emerging markets can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs and established companies alike. These markets not only offer the potential for substantial growth but also provide unique opportunities for innovation and market disruption. Here are 10 emerging markets that are capturing the attention of business leaders and investors: - Vietnam: Rising Dragon of Southeast Asia With a young and tech-savvy population, Vietnam's economy is experiencing rapid growth. The manufacturing sector, especially electronics, and textiles, is booming. As the country continues to attract foreign investment, its market potential is hard to ignore. - Nigeria: Africa's Economic Powerhouse Nigeria's population and economy make it a promising market for various industries. Sectors like fintech, agriculture, and telecommunications are seeing significant growth due to a rising middle class and increased access to technology. - Colombia: Gateway to South America Colombia has shed its turbulent past and is becoming an attractive destination for investors. With a growing middle class and a focus on renewable energy, agribusiness, and tourism, this South American nation offers diverse opportunities. - Bangladesh: Textile and Beyond Beyond its reputation as a textile exporter, Bangladesh is making strides in industries like pharmaceuticals, technology services, and agribusiness. Its competitive labor costs and government incentives are catching the eye of international investors. - Ukraine: Tech and Agriculture Synergy Ukraine's IT sector is flourishing, thanks to a highly educated workforce and lower costs compared to Western Europe. The agricultural sector is also on the rise, offering opportunities in ag-tech and sustainable farming practices. - Kenya: African Hub for Innovation Nairobi, often referred to as "Silicon Savannah," has become a tech hub in Africa. Mobile payment solutions and fintech innovations have gained global recognition. The growing e-commerce sector is also a sign of Kenya's potential. - Indonesia: Archipelago of Opportunities Indonesia's large population and growing middle class make it an appealing market for various industries. E-commerce, digital services, and renewable energy projects are among the sectors gaining traction. - Peru: Riches Beyond Resources While Peru is known for its mineral resources, sectors like gastronomy, textiles, and ecotourism are thriving. The government's commitment to sustainable development adds to its allure as a potential business destination. - Ghana: West African Gem Stable governance and increasing foreign investment are propelling Ghana's growth. Agriculture, energy, and infrastructure are among the sectors offering enticing business prospects in this West African nation. - Romania: European Tech Haven Romania's tech talent and cost-effective environment have made it a European destination for IT outsourcing and software development. The startup scene is also gaining momentum, indicating a shift toward innovation. Expanding into emerging markets can be both rewarding and challenging. Understanding local cultures, regulations, and consumer behaviors is crucial for success. While these 10 emerging markets hold immense potential, thorough market research and a well-defined strategy are essential for any business looking to capitalize on these opportunities. In the ever-connected world of today, expanding your business into these emerging markets might just be the key to unlocking unprecedented growth and carving out a niche on the global stage. The Ten Best Camping Sites for Families and Their Pets 2023 Top Ten Unbelievable Facts About the Universe 2023 Read the full article
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rajuahmed13 · 11 months
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garudabluffs · 11 months
“The Palestine Laboratory”: Antony Loewenstein on How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation
Israel's military industrial complex uses the occupied, Palestinian territories as a testing ground for weaponry and surveillance technology that they then export around the world to despots and democracies. For more than 50 years, occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has given the Israeli state invaluable experience in controlling an "enemy" population, the Palestinians. It's here that they have perfected the architecture of control.
Best-selling journalist Antony Loewenstein, author of Disaster Capitalism, uncovers this largely hidden world in a global investigation with secret documents, revealing interviews and on-the-ground reporting. This book shows in-depth, for the first time, how Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex: surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration and brutality to the hi-tech tools that drive the 'Start-up Nation'. From the Pegasus software that hacked Jeff Bezos' and Jamal Khashoggi's phones, the weapons sold to the Myanmar army that has murdered thousands of Rohingyas and drones used by the European Union to monitor refugees in the Mediterranean who are left to drown. Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defence hardware that fuels the globe's most brutal conflicts. As ethno-nationalism grows in the 21st century, Israel has built the ultimate model.
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"In 1965 and 1966, under the authoritarian rule of General Suharto, Indonesia killed hundreds of thousands in a blood-soaked anti-communist purge.
Nicolae Ceausescu, notoriously anti-Semitic, began his steel-fisted rule of Romania in 1965, a 24-year tenure that included blocking Holocaust survivors from leaving.
Over nearly 29 years, the Duvalier family mass murdered and exiled political opponents in Haiti until their regime's belated collapse in 1986.
In all three cases, the dictatorships in question enjoyed warm - and politically lucrative - relationships with Israel.
But you don't have to crawl too far back in history to find such grim examples. From the European Union's borders to the US-Mexico frontier, and from Myanmar's violence against Rohingya to India's assaults on Kashmir, Israel has played a part in supplying its weaponry or technology later used in violations of human rights."
Loewenstein takes a hard look at Israel's support for autocrats across the world
READ MORE https://www.middleeasteye.net/discover/palestine-laboratory-israel-antony-loewenstein-book-review
ANTONY LOEWENSTEIN: Thanks so much for having me on, Amy.
"What I mean by that is that the occupation of Palestine by Israel is now the longest occupation in modern times, 56 years and counting. There’s obviously been an occupation of sorts since 1948, but particularly since 1967. And during those years, what Israel has done, very successfully, from its perspective, is find various tools and technologies to maintain and control Palestinians. And what they’ve done during that time, what Israel has done, is increasingly export those tools and technologies, but also those methods, those so-called counterinsurgency methods."
"So, what I look at in the book, both being on the ground in Palestine for many years and also through declassified documents and various interviews across the world, is that you find in over 130 countries across the globe in the last decades, Israel has sold forms of anything from spyware, so-called smart walls, facial recognition tools — a range of tools of occupation and repression, that have initially been tested in Palestine on Palestinians. So, in other words, what I’m saying is that the occupation of Palestine is not staying there. It’s not a conflict that remains geographically based just in Palestine. It’s become so-called global Palestine.
ANTONY LOEWENSTEIN: "Look, what India is doing under Modi, of course, is not solely because of Israel. But traditionally, Israel and India were not particularly good friends. But in the last 10 years or so, since Modi took power in 2014, there’s been a real ideological alignment.
But the relationship is really twofold. One, it’s a defense relationship. So India buys huge amounts of technology, defense equipment, spyware. I interview a number of people in my book, individuals in India, lawyers, others, who are spied on by Israeli spyware, particularly Pegasus by NSO Group. But also, there’s an ideological alignment, a belief that many Indian officials in the Hindu fundamentalist government there are openly talking about admiration for what Israel is doing in the West Bank, and wanting to do something similar in Kashmir.
And what I mean by that is, they say that — two reasons. One, because Israel gets away with it. No one’s stopping it. There’s a complete state of impunity that Israel has globally, really. But secondly, this idea of bringing in, according India’s view, huge numbers of Hindus to Muslim-majority Kashmir to settle that territory, to build so-called settlements akin to what Israel is doing in the West Bank. And I think there’s a really disturbing ideological alignment. I would actually make the comparison between Israel and India today to Israel and apartheid South Africa back in the day — nations that were very, very close ideologically and got inspiration from each other, in the belief, in Israel’s case, of course, being a Jewish supremacist state, in India’s case, being increasingly a Hindu fundamentalist state. And that, to me, is something that should concern people, including the U.S. president."
AMY GOODMAN: Antony, we were talking about the horrific shipwreck last week of migrants, maybe up to 700 dead. Can you talk about Israeli technology used by the European Union to surveil and target asylum seekers?
ANTONY LOEWENSTEIN: "This really shocked me, you know, years ago, when I started doing some work on this issue. The short version is that the European Union in the last years after 2015, when they were, in their view, overwhelmed by particularly Muslim refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere, didn’t want to ever repeat that. And they put in place almost a fortress-type Europe, which has occurred in the last years, which is a range of tools and technologies to keep people out — mostly Muslim and Brown and Black bodies, of course.
And part of that arsenal is using Israeli drones. They’re unarmed, but they are flying over the Mediterranean 24/7, and they’re used mostly by Frontex, which is the EU’s sort of border security arm. And they’re the eyes in the sky, essentially. So, they are sending back all these images 24/7 to Warsaw, which is where Frontex is based. And the EU has made a decision — of course, they don’t admit this, but this is the reality — of letting people drown. This is the new policy. There are very, very few rescue boats. The EU barely rescues anyone. There are some NGOs that are trying to do so, and I deeply admire what they’re doing. So, the Israeli drone becomes a key arsenal in part of this infrastructure of essentially allowing people to drown. And to me, it really goes to the heart of why Israeli drones are used by the EU, because they were battle-tested in Palestine over Gaza in a number of years in the last 15 years.
And you see this almost Israeli border-industrial complex exported across the U.S.-Mexico border, for example. There are massive amounts of Israeli surveillance towers, made by Elbit, which is Israel’s leading defense company, dotted across the border. It’s a key part of the U.S. arsenal across its border with Mexico. And why was that company chosen by the U.S.? Because, of course, it was tested first in Palestine."
"And a huge amount of evidence, through declassified documents and interviews, much of which is in the book, virtually goes to the heart of showing that the U.S. and Israel became almost like invaluable partners during that period, to the point where today — look, America remains the world’s biggest arms dealer. Forty percent of the world’s arms is sold by the U.S. Israel is now 10th. And just last week, in fact, Israel released its 2022 arms figures: $12.5 billion U.S., the biggest amount ever. And 25% of that was going to Arab autocracies, after the so-called Abraham Accords, the Trump deal from a few years ago. So we’re talking about Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and others. So, what are they selling? They’re selling repressive technology, spyware, intelligence gathering, a range of other tools, to prop up U.S.- and Israeli-backed dictatorships in the Middle East. So, this is what the Israeli arms industry is about. Like, this, to me, is not just a moral failing, but a really dark stain on the Jewish legacy 75 years after the Holocaust. Like, this is what we’ve become — “we” meaning the Jewish population of the world. The legacy seems to be backing and supporting and arming the worst regimes in the world. Forty percent of the world’s arms is sold by the U.S. Israel is now 10th. And just last week, in fact, Israel released its 2022 arms figures: $12.5 billion U.S., the biggest amount ever. And 25% of that was going to Arab autocracies, after the so-called Abraham Accords, the Trump deal from a few years ago. So we’re talking about Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and others. So, what are they selling? They’re selling repressive technology, spyware, intelligence gathering, a range of other tools, to prop up U.S.- and Israeli-backed dictatorships in the Middle East. So, this is what the Israeli arms industry is about. Like, this, to me, is not just a moral failing, but a really dark stain on the Jewish legacy 75 years after the Holocaust. Like, this is what we’ve become — “we” meaning the Jewish population of the world. The legacy seems to be backing and supporting and arming the worst regimes in the world.
+"_ _when, in fact, companies like Pegasus actually are only private in name. They are basically arms of the state. Netanyahu and the Mossad, who have been going to various countries in the last 10 years — I document this in the book, and this has also been shown by Haaretz, the Israeli newspaper — often go to nations, like Saudi Arabia, Rwanda and others, and they hold Pegasus and other tools as a diplomatic carrot: “If you support us in the U.N. or elsewhere, we will sell you the most powerful spyware in the world.” And it works, because it’s been sold in UAE, in Saudi, in Rwanda and many other repressive states. So, unless there is a complete ban or massive regulation, which currently does not exist at all, these technologies will continue. And even if NSO Group disappears tomorrow — and it’s currently in financial crisis — many other companies do exactly the same thing, and which is why Israel is now one of the leading spyware exporters in the world."
LISTEN READ MORE Transcript https://www.democracynow.org/2023/6/23/the_palestine_laboratory_author_antony_loewenstein
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Back-end developer (PHP 7, Symfony 4, PostgreSQL) - Remote
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Company:Text Magic TextMagic AS is a Nasdaq listed SaaS technology company. Our flagship product is the A2P SMS messaging platform used by over 25,000+ business customers worldwide. In 2021, the total number of SMS messages sent on the TextMagic platform reached 250 million. In 2023 we will launch a new customer engagement software called Touchpoint. At the end of 2021, our company held a successful IPO - an initial public offering on the Nasdaq First North Tallinn market, in which 15,410 investors subscribed to TextMagic shares for a total of 49.5 million euros. Hi, we are TextMagic’s development team. TextMagic is an international SaaS technology company. Our flagship product is an SMS messaging platform used worldwide (including the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia). Our platform enables customers to send notifications, reminders, confirmations, and marketing campaigns via SMS and we already have more than 50 000 active business users. Last year almost 250 million messages were sent through our platform and our aim is to grow that volume to 1 billion messages per year. Our team We are constantly growing and there are already more than 90 of us in Estonia, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Montenegro. As a developer at TextMagic, you can work in a comfortable office or remotely. Main technologies we use: - PHP 7, Symfony 4, Codeception, PHPUnit, OpenAPI - PostgreSQL 10, Memcached, MongoDB - Beanstalk - jQuery, Vue.js - socket.io - Node.js for the parallel processing - SIP/Asterisk - Docker What you will do - Develop new features and improve platform architecture. - Design and build REST API. - Integrate with third-party services using API. - Refactoring and code optimization. - Scale the project for increasing loads. - Participate in the team’s product logic development. - Undertake code reviews of other team members’ work. - Optimize database queries. What we expect from you: - Excellent knowledge of and experience with the technologies listed above. - A clear understanding of the architecture of a web application and its separate components. - An understanding of how the HTTP request lifecycle works. - Experience in building REST API. - An understanding of the principles of SOLID and OOP. - Experience in working with high-load systems. - An understanding of how to build efficient, scalable database architecture. Experience with PostgreSQL or MySQL (writing complex queries; understanding EXPLAIN; optimizing slow queries without changing the database structure; changing schemas of large tables without downtime, etc.) - Excellent knowledge of English or Russian is a must. Project documentation - in English. What we offer: - Flexible hours for an optimal work-life balance. - Any equipment you need for productive work. - The opportunity to bring your vision to the project. - Cozy office in the city center, or remote working. - Daily lunches at TextMagic’s expense (when working at the office). - A professional and friendly team, ready to help you. - Paid vacation (28 calendar days a year). Why you’ll love it here - We offer employees company share options to enjoy the fruits of their labor. - Your friendly and responsive teammates are always there to help you with anything you need. - We always provide room and opportunities to grow - on your own and with your teammates. - We provide equipment and resources to support your growth, productivity, and wellbeing. - You will always have the time to recharge and the flexibility to get your best work done. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 21st Jun 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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valentinesdaygift · 1 year
Best Top 10 Software Companies In Romania
Romania has become one of the go-to destinations for software development outsourcing. With a well-educated workforce, lower costs than many Western European countries, and a growing tech ecosystem, Romania has attracted many top software companies. In this article, we will highlight the best top 10 software companies in Romania, including Microdeft.
Endava: With a strong presence in Romania, Endava is a global technology company that provides software engineering, quality assurance, and digital consulting services. They work with clients in industries such as finance, insurance, healthcare, and retail.
Luxoft: Luxoft is a global software development company with a strong presence in Romania. They specialize in automotive, healthcare, finance, and energy industries. Their services include software engineering, application development, and quality assurance.
Pentalog: Pentalog is a global IT engineering company with offices in Romania. They offer software development, digital transformation, and IT outsourcing services to clients in various industries, including e-commerce, finance, and healthcare.
Fortech: Fortech is a Romanian software development company that specializes in enterprise software solutions for clients in industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. Their services include software development, quality assurance, and software maintenance.
3Pillar Global: 3Pillar Global is a software development company that operates globally, with an office in Romania. They specialize in software product development, working with clients in industries such as media, healthcare, and education.
Evozon: Evozon is a Romanian software development company that provides services such as custom software development, software testing, and cloud computing. They work with clients in various industries, including healthcare, education, and finance.
Arnia: Arnia is a Romanian software development company that offers web development, mobile development, and software testing services. They work with clients in industries such as e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.
Codehouse: Codehouse is a Romanian software development company that specializes in software development, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. They work with clients in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and transportation.
Microdeft: Microdeft is a Romanian software development company that offers software engineering, quality assurance, and IT consulting services. They work with clients in industries such as finance, insurance, and healthcare.
AgileTech: AgileTech is a Romanian software development company that specializes in web development, mobile development, and software testing. They work with clients in industries such as e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.
In conclusion, Romania has become a hub for software development outsourcing due to its well-educated workforce and lower costs. The top 10 software companies in Romania, including Microdeft, offer a range of services to clients in various industries. If you are looking for software development services in Romania, consider working with one of these top companies to help you achieve your goals.
If you want to for info and rating you can go rating facts they are give valuable information about best software development company in romania.
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evolutioncasino · 1 year
Advantages of Playing at Evolution Casino
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The Evolution Casino is a top-notch online casino that offers a wide variety of games, including live tables. They also offer bonuses and promotions that can help players earn big cash prizes.
This company has a strong presence in many regions and has been making great progress since it was founded in 2006. They are also known for their high-quality video and audio. It's no wonder that so many people love playing Evolution games.
They make roulette, baccarat and poker varieties that are popular with players around the world. They are constantly adding new games and winning awards, so there's always something exciting to play.
Most of their games are licensed and regulated by gambling authorities in Alderney, Malta, the UK, Belgium, Romania, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Latvia, and New Jersey. These authorities work together to keep this game studio on the right track and to ensure that all their games are fair and trustworthy.
In addition to developing great games, Evolution has a very good reputation for customer service and excellent support. This is why so many players choose to play at Evolution casinos instead of other companies.
Their croupiers are very professional and courteous, and they offer an outstanding experience on desktops and mobile devices alike. In addition to live casino games, Evolution has a diversified portfolio of slot games produced by some of the top developers in the industry.
The 에볼루션카지노 is fully mobile-ready and runs on all major mobile operating systems. In fact, it is one of the most reliable and secure casino software providers on the market today.
Moreover, they have a huge range of payment options available for their customers. This includes bank transfers, prepaid cards and e-wallets. This makes them a great choice for any player.
Most of the games from Evolution are backed by the best security measures on the market, and all transactions are secured with encryption techniques that are similar to those used by financial institutions. This means that your personal information and banking details are safe at all times, even if you're not at home or at the office.
These games are also regulated and checked by the world's leading gaming authorities. This includes the Alderney Gambling Control Commission and the UK Gaming Commission.
Another advantage of playing at Evolution casinos is that you get a chance to meet real dealers and other players in real time, which makes the games feel more human. This is a welcome change from playing on virtual tables, where you can't interact with other players in the same way you can at land-based casinos.
When you're playing live games, it's best to use a high-speed internet connection. This is because you'll be using a lot of data while streaming high-definition videos. You'll also want to limit your bets as the maximum amount will vary depending on the game.
In addition to offering a huge variety of table games, Evolution also has a very diverse selection of slots, which are popular among both professional and casual gamers. Having recently bought NetEnt, the company can now boast an even wider catalogue of games.
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Report Management System - A Solution For Insurance Agents
Executive Summary
The insurance based client firm had a vision of possible application which could help meet the requirements of a largely ignored user base, i.e., the sales and marketing people, who are the primary responsible people for actual content in much significant documents. The fundamental requirement was to give the sales people a much easier and user friendly and quick access application.
To achieve what they aimed, the client firm approached Mindfire Solutions. Mindfire took the responsibility to provide the best solution. The client was very much impressed with Mindfire’s experience in insurance based product and awarded the project. Mindfire responded well and stood up to the client’s expectations by delivering them with a feasible and robust application.
About Our Client
Client: Leading Insurance Company
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Industry: Software
Business Situation
Client approached Mindfire and shared it’s thoughts for building an application for their agents. They were looking for someone to explore the thought and come up with a more advanced and better solution for their requirement. Mindfire’s application development experience along with rich technical expertise helped the Client firm in building viable system architecture and design for their prerequisite.
The Client Company had different type of business engines on variety of insurance policies. The engines were all built with Excel applications, which were driving the complete business logic. The entire business logic was present in the Excel application. These engines have their own interface (worksheet) to take the input parameters. Once these Engines get the data, the business logic transforms the information to a series of processes and shows up the vast and variety mass result as output sheet.
The primary challenge for Mindfire was to create an application which can bring required interfaces for their engines dynamically according to the Client firm’s choice at any point of time and also that the application gives the output results from their Excel Engines in report format.
ASP.NET, C#.NET, Ajax, Excel, SQL Server 2005, Powupload
Download Full Case Study
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bcmgroup · 1 year
Emerging Job Trends for Overseas Job Consultants in Pune
Overseas job consultants in Pune constantly seek to provide their candidates with the best job opportunities in European countries. However, as the job market evolves, these consultants must stay up-to-date on emerging job trends to provide job seekers with the most accurate and practical guidance. In this article, we will share a few of the emerging job trends that overseas job consultants in Pune need to be aware of.
First and foremost, consultants need to know which countries currently offer the best job opportunities for Indian job seekers. One such country is Croatia, which is currently experiencing a shortage of skilled workers in certain industries, such as hospitality, engineering, and healthcare. Similarly, European countries like Romania and Sweden also have job openings for Indian professionals in various sectors.
Secondly, overseas job consultants in Pune should know about the new technology used in their industry. For example, some companies now use AI software to help them hire people faster. This means job seekers might need to change how they look for jobs. Consultants can help job seekers make their resumes, and online profiles look better for these AI solutions. This can help them get noticed by people who want to hire them.
Finally, consultants need to be aware of the latest visa regulations and immigration policies of different countries. The process of getting a work visa can be complex and time-consuming. So consultants need to be well-equipped to guide their clients through the process. For example, with Brexit, immigration policies in the UK have undergone significant changes, and consultants need to stay up-to-date with these changes. This way, consultants can help navigate job vacancies in Europe countries for Indian candidates.
In conclusion, staying up-to-date with emerging job trends and industry developments is essential for overseas job consultants in Pune. By being familiar with the latest job opportunities, technological advancements, and immigration policies, consultants can better guide their clients towards successful career opportunities in European countries. Candidates who seek guidance from the best consultancy in India for abroad jobs can get accurate information and support from the BCM Group to land their dream job overseas.
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vlinkinfo · 1 year
Comparison Guide: Software Developers Hourly Rates by Top Regions Worldwide
Today’s IT marketplace gives businesses the flexibility to outsource software development services to an overseas team. Offshoring opens new opportunities to select from a global talent pool while saving costs. However, the hourly rates for hiring a software developer vary greatly from country to country across different continents. 
Here we have put together relevant facts and data to help businesses make a confident choice.
Current State of Outsourcing Software Development Worldwide
The outsourcing industry came into being in the early 2000s and has since grown exponentially transforming different sectors. Let’s look at some latest trends that show the current state of offshoring software development.
The value of the IT outsourcing market stood at USD 526.6 billion in 2021 and is expected to touch USD 682.3 billion by 2027, growing at a rate of about 4.13% a year. 
The business process outsourcing market is forecasted to grow by a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of over 7% a year reaching USD 76.90 billion during the forecast period of 2023-2027. 
The recent trends show that more and more organizations are partnering with software outsourcing companies to onboard highly skilled professionals. The goal is to enhance core organizational processes, reduce costs, improve service quality, and facilitate transformation.
How Software Development Rates Have Changed over the Previous Years
The market trends have evolved drastically over the past couple of years and so have the software development rates globally.
In fact, there will be a 4% rise in the compensation sought by app developers for their software development services, and it will continue to rise for all technologies. Among these technologies come ReactJS, Python, React Native, NodeJS, Java and PHP.
Global Region-Wise Hourly Rates of Software Development 
If you are looking to hire a software development team, this quick snapshot of hourly rates for software developers across the globe will come in handy. 
Outsourcing Rates
Countries Included
$18 – $40
China, India, Philippines
Latin America
$30 – $50
Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Peru, Mexico
North America
$38 – $63
Canada, United States, Mexico
Eastern Europe
$25 – $50
Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary
Western Europe
$20 – $45
Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Germany
$20 – $40
Kenya, Morocco, South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria
Software Development Hourly Rate in the United States
With $38-63 per hour, the U.S. has the highest software development rates in the world. You can expect to pay salaries ranging from  between $137k to $173k (inclusive of taxes and benefits).
Despite the high cost, the U.S. software developers are worth considering for the additional skills they bring to the table along with almost no language barrier and complete time zone availability.
Average per-hour rate
San Francisco
Los Angeles
New York
Software Development Rates in Asian Countries
Asia is home to a huge number of software developers, making it a leading IT outsourcing destination. However, the hourly rates differ drastically from country to country. China, India, and the Philippines are the top three Asian countries offering high-value software and website development services.
In India, you can hire developers starting at about  $18 an hour for a junior developer and reaching $40/hr for highly experienced professionals. The country is one of the most preferred outsourcing countries because of its affordability. 
The Philippines is touted as the second-best country to put together your external software team. You can hire junior software developers at an hourly rate of:
             Manila - $7-$12
             Cebu - $9-$13
The third-best country to outsource software development projects to  is China. Chinese developers rank 1st in all the HackerRank.com platform challenges, and the country today boasts over 50 science and technology industrial parks.
Average hourly rates
Software Development Rates in Europe
Europe is known for its  qualified IT professionals available at cost-effective rates. For instance, Ukrainian developers are likely to be more budget-friendly in Poland. However, the average hourly salary for junior developers across Europe is $25 – $50 per hour. Belarus, Russia, Poland, The Czech Republic, and Romania are the top European countries to hire offshore development teams. 
Western Europe
You can find dedicated offshore developers in Western Europe but the rates will be higher due to the high cost of living and taxation systems. You can expect to pay $20 – $45 per hour, amounting to an annual cost of about $60k.
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe is a hotbed for start-up businesses. Plus, the market is full of developers skilled in software technologies and programming languages.
You can hire custom software development services in this region at $11-$25 per-hour rate. The average salaries that software developers make range from $40k to $70k (Poland being the most expensive). 
In Ukraine, software developers offer their services for an average hourly rate of $26, paying  $25 to $50 per hour for a software engineer. The time zones don’t vary much across most Western European countries. 
Average hourly rates
The United Kingdom
Software Development Rates in Latin America (Nearshore)
The cost of hiring a software development team in Latin America is higher than the APAC and European regions, but still offers a cost savings over Onshore development costs.  
Junior Developer: $25 – $34 per hour
Mid-level Developer: $50 – $80 per hour
Senior Developer: $100 – $120 per hour
Since Argentina has its cultural and economic ties to Europe, European trends influence its IT market. The country is the most expensive destination for 
hiring offshore development teams as their developers are highly experienced in working with western countries.
Colombia’s IT market receives an additional batch of nearly 13,000 software developers every year.  Most of these developers join offshore companies. The country benefits from American influence and has CMMI-certified companies.
Brazil is often a clear choice for offshoring software and website development services. 8 of the top 10 technology universities are in Rio de Janeiro, and the global IT center is in Brazil. These universities graduate 14 thousand students in a year. 
Average hourly rates
Software Development Rates in Africa
Africa’s IT industry may have just begun to take shape but is growing rapidly. Therefore, the country has gained significant attention in the global IT outsourcing market.
Recent reports predict that Africa’s IT business is expected to reach $180 billion by 2025. The industry will further contribute $712 billion in revenue, contributing 8.5 % of the continent’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Top companies look for talented offshore software engineers (with Python, Ruby, and SQL expertise) in North African countries like Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.
South African developers often have high proficiency in English, German, Dutch, and other languages. Also, many developers skilled in C++, PHP, and SQL are available at reasonable hourly rates.
The highest number of software developers is in East Africa’s Kenya. Its capital, Nairobi, has an impressive IT infrastructure to support start-ups for technical innovation. Moreover, the software developers are skilled in SQL, Java, and mobile development.
Average hourly rates
Tips to Recruiting the Right Offshore Software Developers
When deploying your offshore product development team, recruiting the right software developers is crucial. Managing an outsource team is never similar to managing an in-house team. Here are some areas to consider when selecting your offshore software development services provider.
Create a specific list of your expectations and requirements, like the tech stack they use, personal skills, experience, and knowledge of certain tools/frameworks.
Screen and evaluate potential developers for their core technician skills, like their ability to write codes efficiently in real-time. Check your candidates’ problem-solving approach by giving complex real business cases to solve.
Cultural compatibility can make all the difference, ensuring that their ethics and values align with yours.
Give your potential candidates strong reasons to pick you to work with. This approach will help you attract and retain highly talented professionals.
Engage your potential software developers in two-sided conversations where they feel free to exchange their ideas. This will promote their involvement in the project and make them feel excited to work with you.
More and more businesses today are choosing to outsource custom software development The reason: you gain access to a larger talent pool, a competitive edge, and the skills needed to develop robust digital products at a bargain. 
VLink, headquartered in CT, with our other branch office located in Massachusetts and Global tech talent delivery centers in India, Canada and Indonesia is your reliable
offshore software development
company that brings an impressive package of experience, skills, and the ability to innovate and produce according to our clients’ unique ideas and requirements.
Let's connect
to discuss how we can add value to your business as your extended IT team.
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dvtuk · 1 year
Custom Software Development Companies App Development Services
Those are just a few of the benefits of working with Romanian software development firms. Romania presents a secure business surroundings, with well-cultured and prepared IT specialists and with thriving local business companions. Since 2005, Romania is considered business analytics to be probably the most attractive IT outsourcing vacation spot of Eastern Europe. The industries in search of software development companies shouldn't exclude Romania from a market prospection.
The finest place to get the best expertise is Freelancer.com.Freelancer.com is one of the best place for a software developer to supply design, analysis and testing software companies to companies. Many developer jobs are posted for individuals who don't concern putting in some real time to freelancing. With no expenses like travel prices, advantages and insurance to consider, the freelance software development experts will at all times cost decrease costs application modernisation. The good thing is that there is a lot of work for everyone on freelancer.com, it does not matter what their ability is. If you may be very good, likelihood is that you'll get a great long run software development job. At Netmatters, we are a bespoke software development firm that builds custom software for all sorts of purposes – from easy web and mobile software integrations to bespoke ERP software development solutions.
"The developers despatched by way of have been actually nice … Overall, DVT stands out as a fantastic firm which I will proceed to make use of." "The quality of the testers work and their work ethic is consistently good. They all work in the course of the widespread project objective as one team." Our client business intelligence required a solution to automate their catastrophe restoration failover. Passionate engineer who loves talking about Machine learning and ways to improve Software development practices. We will execute the solutions to complete your --' project and transfer knowledge, while defending your intellectual property.
In reality, all types of third-party homes exist to offer software options to businesses in want of extra customisable software. As a quantity one world custom application development company, Laminar supplies scalable and secure end-to-end know-how solutions. This is an important part of custom software development to make certain that your concept is workable. The idea behind this stage is to create a streamlined model of the custom application which includes the smallest quantity of features and functionality potential. Application modernisation is the redevelopment or enhancement of legacy software methods to align them with changing business needs to be able to create renewed and future business worth from present purposes. Ballard Chalmers is an skilled in consulting on implementing application modernisation programmes in order that on-premises systems proceed to deliver worth and save on the prices of alternative.
Learning from earlier statistics helps enhance future performances in both real-life and fantasy sports. Our ML-driven custom software for sport offers you a aggressive edge by enabling you to forecast possible recreation or season outcomes primarily based on players’ earlier in-game performances. Adactus software options address your immediate challenges or opportunities then grow with you over time. Many of our shoppers have been with us for 10 years or more-talk to us to search out out why.
Analyse the issue, understand the business requirements and supply business and software solutions specifically for you. Utilise product-based solutions and uniquely a UK based onshore development group that competes with offshore prices, to drive down costs and shorten the time to deployment. By automating the process, generating data-driven selections, and bettering business processes, our corporate mobility providers custom software development might help you enhance productivity, enhance income, and improve customer experience. Digital know-how can make the inconceivable potential, and revolutionise a business. Digital transformation is about having an open minded strategy that seeks for opportunities to leverage this expertise effectively.
And in the competitive business world of right now, expertise is an enormous issue if leveraged properly. If you’re excited about getting a greater sense of the benefits of bespoke software, Rezaid has some extra materials on why so many corporations are investing within the custom software development process. Bespoke software is software tailored for a selected business and its needs agile consulting. Instead of being created to be used by most of the people or a wider audience, it’s a custom software development course of that literally caters to simply you – if you’re a business-owner. We’re experts in bespoke software development, having labored with many businesses in varied industries. Our programmers perceive how necessary it is to have a product that caters to your specific needs.
The key to success in custom software development is communication – to make absolutely certain that the development team really and truly understands what the shopper desires the software to do. Trying to keep data synchronised in several unconnected software purposes may be time consuming and prone to error if accomplished manually. Custom software Integration will provide the link to allow these merchandise to run seamlessly collectively, whether or not for Accounts, Contact Management, Client Relationship Management , or other applications. Microsoft Access can also hyperlink into software methods developed in-house. If, nevertheless, current packages are too limiting, the greatest choice is to rent bespoke software development professionals to develop a custom resolution that meets your requirements.
Take our white-label sports software resolution and model it as your own! We ship 100 percent customizable high-end sports software merchandise that let you jumpstart your new sports activities business in the shortest possible time. By figuring out the targets and the wants of your own business, professionally developed bespoke software provides mobile app development you with a substantial aggressive advantage. With elevated efficiency and improved reporting you'll more easily predict and meet the wants of your clients. At Laminar, our custom application development staff believes in developing long-term relationships with our shoppers.
They have very particular challenges due to the means stock is delivered vs bought. Solarcrest provide full retrofit of MVHR methods to domestic and business properties. The era of estimates and quotes for each system was becoming very time intensive and consuming priceless admin time. That's before you consider the setting cost of paper or indeed time wasted looking down the proper spreadsheet information. Spreadsheet and paper primarily based techniques can be unwieldy and error inclined, with knowledge scattered all over.
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ajosoph · 1 year
A helping hand for the talents of Sri Lanka
Definitely, Sri Lanka is in a huge crisis. The economy has fallen, food, petrol, and every basic need of human beings are at stake right now. Students, youngsters, and many professionals have lost the chance to shape their careers. Sri Lanka is going through its worst phase. People have lost their jobs. Due to Sri Lanka's worst economic crisis since gaining independence in 1948, the majority of its petrol stations are now empty.
The Sri lankans are migrating to different countries for jobs to sustain their livelihood. Being so knowledgeable it is difficult for the candidates to get a job and earn well. AJEETS has now extended its services to candidates who are looking for job opportunities abroad. AJEETS is the best manpower agency in Sri Lanka working tirelessly day and night to provide the best jobs. We are in this business for the last 16 years and our whole team is well aware of the process. 
Our team of experts selects the best candidates and recruits them from the best companies.  A team of effective workers at AJEETS exclusively serves our clients and potential customers. In several countries, including the Middle East, the Far East, and Europe, we have a wide network. AJEETS is the most reputable employment agency in Sri Lanka.
This year has seen a significant shift in the human resources sector as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, the economic downturn, and expanding technological innovations. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and software-as-a-service, businesses are now more productive and competitive. Additionally, it is challenging to find work right now. However, AJEETS, the best manpower agency in Sri Lanka, has done everything possible to provide its services. These days, it can be challenging to obtain acceptable employment because of competition and a shortage of openings. We hire manpower for industries like Construction, Steel, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Hospitality, Medicine, railways, Marine, IT, hotel and catering, dairy farms, chemicals and pharmacy, and many more industries. Good employees are difficult to find and keep. The lengthy and difficult hiring process begins with the advertising of a company's numerous job openings and ends with the selection, evaluation, and employment of a qualified applicant. Our experts work day and night to make this happen. Our experts handle all necessary steps, including screening applicants, setting up interviews, and training interviewers. As the best manpower agency in Sri Lanka, along with hiring candidates, we also help them with their international migration. We help them when they migrate by getting them their visas and other essentials. Businesses may use specific frameworks to assist new hires in getting to know one another and feeling like they are a part of a caring team. All businesses should use an employee on boarding process to make sure newly hired staff members are not only comfortable with their tasks but also happy and productive while carrying them out. AJEETS team recruits skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower to countries like Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, the Maldives, and China in the Far East; and the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Romania, and Serbia in Europe.
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stellardigital · 2 years
Best software development company in Gurgaon
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Simform is a best software development company that was established in 2010. They have helped a variety of businesses, including Fortune 500 organizations, NGOs, and start-ups. A dedicated software development team, services for artificial intelligence, API integration, and software testing are all provided with the assistance of the team, which is made up of more than 250 people.
It provides clients with design and development capabilities in addition to an eCommerce booking software service to accomplish projects on their web application. While QA develops new features, the Simform team patches bugs.
It is among the best software company situated in Warsaw, Poland, and was founded in 2001. Their 350+ member team offers expertise in artificial intelligence, cloud consulting, BI & Big data consulting, and blockchain services. To assist in the development of the Adobe Experience Manager platform and its frontend components, this company increases the staff of the product development company.
For development, they employ JavaScript, SCSS, and static HTML.
One beyond:
With its main office in London and engineering centers additionally in Madrid (Spain), Budapest and Szeged (Hungary), and Bucharest(Romania), it is a business that specializes in developing bespoke software and undergoing digital transformation. 
Additionally, they have a team of over 350 individuals operating at numerous foreign locations, developing specialized software, web and mobile applications, and undergoing major digital transformation for a range of clients. Through venture capital funding, this group aids large, well-established businesses, nonprofits, governmental organizations, and start-ups.
It is the best software development company in Denver, Colorado. They have created customized internet and mobile applications since their 2012 launch for businesses ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 firms. They currently have 20 employees. They provide software, web, and mobile application development in addition to UI & UX design.
This company offers assistance in the creation of specialized software for the customers of financial services firms. Their adaptability and expertise led to their selection for this project. For the clients of a financial services company, this business provides support for the development of custom software. They were chosen for this project due to their versatility and knowledge.
Stellar Digital:
Stellar Digital has also established itself as a best software development company. The company's primary areas of focus include application development, digital marketing, and web design and development. The company's main objective is to offer solutions to growing businesses using a variety of digital services. The following services are their areas of expertise:
Website design and development:
Mobile app development services:
Digital marketing services:
Conclusion: These are some of the best software development companies in the globe. There are many more, though, that may be included in this list. But if I covered them all, the article would go on forever. If you're thinking of creating software for your business, selecting the correct partner is crucial. Stellar Digital, the best software development company in Gurgaon, provides services for website design and development, mobile app development, and digital marketing. For further conversation, send us an email at [email protected], and a member of our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] Keeping your Android telephone safe with out safety software program is doable, but it surely’s additionally dangerous. That’s very true in case you liberally obtain apps from the Play Store or use your telephone to open quite a lot of information from e mail or messaging platforms. If you wish to ensure that your Android gadget is safe from these threats, an antivirus app is the best way to go. In reality, there are a bunch of utterly free companies in Google Play, however you wish to be sure to’re getting safety from a recognized and respected firm. Because there’s just one factor worse than getting pwned by an app you downloaded: getting pwned by an antivirus app you downloaded as an alternative. Fortunately, virtually each main antivirus maker has an Android app with the flexibility to maintain your gadget safe, and a few of them are even free. And by free we imply actually free—not simply 30-day-trial free. Some could have extra restricted options (typically the trade-off for not having to pay something), however if you wish to maintain your gadget safer with out paying for a subscription you don’t in any other case want, these are the apps we advocate. To fortify your smartphone even additional, try our roundup of the best free VPNs for Android—an effective way to guard your privateness and guard your knowledge whereas utilizing public Wi-Fi. 1. Avira Security for Android – Best general Pros Offers superb worth Excellent antivirus safety MSRP: Free, Pro prices $11.99 Our high choose is Avira for a number of causes. First, it will get high marks from each AV-Test and A-V Comparatives. From the previous it earned 99.9 p.c on each the real-time assaults and widespread malware assessments in March 2022. Over at A-V Comparatives Avira acquired 100% detection utilizing practically 3,700 samples within the 2021 Mobile Security Review. Avira additionally has a wider variety of options. Beyond the virus scanner, it has 100MB of VPN utilization per day, some storage-optimizing options, id safety, and a permissions supervisor. It’s a pleasant set of options together with top-notch safety, at this writing. 2. Bitdefender Antivirus for Android – Simpler choice Pros Affordable Scans are quick and efficient Cons Malware scans require web connection If you need one thing a lot easier, and that has equally good safety rankings look no additional than Bitdefender. The Romania-based firm truly has two apps within the Play Store. The free one is Bitdefender Antivirus, not Bitdefender Mobile Security. The free model does precisely what it says: scans your telephone whenever you ask it to. There’s additionally some minimal automated scanning from Auto-pilot whenever you obtain a brand new app—a possible assault vector for Android telephones. Bitdefender earned 100% from AV-Test for real-time assaults and widespread malware assessments for March 2022. It additionally had a 100% detection score from AV-Comparatives’ 2021 Mobile Security Review. 3. AVG Antivirus Free for Android – Honorable point out
Pros Easy-to-use interface Nice set of options for a free service Cons Malware safety is not excellent Another high safety choice is AVG Antivirus & Security for Android. It acquired high marks from AV-Test with 100% safety for the real-time and widespread malware assessments. Over at AV-Comparatives, nevertheless, the detection price was 99.6 p.c, with one false optimistic. That’s partially why we’re placing it down right here in third place. Another draw back is that it makes use of customized promoting to help it, whereas the others don’t. Despite that annoyance, nevertheless, there’s so much to love about AVG’s free Android app. It can scan apps and information, clean-up junk information, and scan your present Wi-Fi community. it additionally has malicious web site safety, a “RAM booster” that kills background apps, a Wi-Fi pace take a look at, and an anti-theft characteristic for monitoring and securing your telephone remotely. That final characteristic requires an AVG account. If you like Avast, which owns AVG, that app is sweet too. It had the identical safety scores as AVG and just about the identical characteristic set without cost. 4. Sophos Intercept for Mobile – Ad-free Pros No adverts Good risk detection Cons Support is a little bit tough to succeed in Sophos was not analyzed on Android by A-V Comparatives, as the corporate opted for under a rating from AV-Test. AV-Test gave it 99.8 p.c in March 2022 for the real-time malware assaults. For the widespread malware take a look at, in the meantime, Sophos earned 100%. For main options, Sophos affords so much together with malware scanning for apps and information, malicious internet web page blocking, a hyperlink checker for cover towards malicious hyperlinks, Wi-Fi community scanning, and a privateness advisor. While it has a barely decrease rating than the opposite apps for real-time response it’s nonetheless an excellent service and it has quite a lot of good options. Plus, it doesn’t have any adverts. How to decide on a free antivirus for Android We’ve already touched on this briefly, however you must all the time get your antivirus from a widely known safety firm. It’s additionally a good suggestion to see what third-party testing corporations are saying of their studies about varied Android apps. After that, you must see if the corporate is utilizing adverts of their app and whether or not you’re okay with it or not. Finally, see if it has the options you’re searching for. Pretty a lot all of the options you'll be able to anticipate in a free app are like those we highlighted right here. If you’re searching for lively real-time scanning, for instance, that may be a paid choice from most companies. How we examined For these antivirus apps we put in and ran the app for every choice, in addition to consulted with third-party testing corporations to see what sort of safety scores the apps obtained. We additionally filtered out any “free” apps from main antivirus distributors that have been solely restricted free trial since a free service and a free trial aren't the identical factor. A free service must be a long-term service with an choice to improve to a greater model of the app with a subscription. There are an absolute ton of antivirus selections for Android customers, however these 4 must be on the high of your listing. FAQ 1.
Will antivirus software program decelerate my telephone? Maybe, however most likely not. Antivirus software program scans information and functions to make sure there aren't any dangerous threats or malware current. The longer the timeframe between every scan, the extra issues the AV might want to verify. While these intensive scans are working, it could have some noticeable impact in your telephone’s pace. It is beneficial that you just set your scans to run extra regularly and even at evening in order to not have an effect on your telephone utilization. Nowadays, the most effective antivirus software program even comes with options that assist mitigate these results resembling cloud-based scanners, sensible scan expertise, fast scans, and the automated scheduling of extra intensive scans. 2. Will a cellular antivirus expend quite a lot of battery? Yes, a cellular antivirus will regularly run within the background slowly draining your battery. This is one unlucky tradeoff for the added safety that a cellular antivirus software will present. In order for the antivirus to be efficient at trying to find bugs and different threats, it must repeatedly function within the background whereas your telephone is turned on. This is not going to solely eat some battery energy, however it is going to additionally take up some processing energy, slowing down your telephone to some extent. These are sometimes pretty minor drains in your telephone and the added safety that cellular antivirus functions carry usually far outweighs these inconveniences. 3. What ought to I do if my antivirus detects a risk? In an ideal world, your antivirus software program will halt any malicious apps or downloads and clear the contaminated information for you. However, this largely relies on which antivirus software you’re utilizing. Typically, the antivirus will notify you of the risk and attempt to quarantine the contaminated file to be able to maintain it from spreading. Once remoted, the software program offers you the choice to attempt to take away the an infection or delete the file altogether. [ad_2] Source link
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