#Bess soul mommy
dominarianplowshare · 10 months
For What and Why? Thoughts on Centering and Motivation in Color Pairs
More color pie thoughts!
Most of the time when we analyze color philosophies, we try to squish together different phrases that give apparently equal footing to both colors (Selesnya is peace through acceptance, Mardu is freedom through self expression, Bant is gradual progression through order), but I wonder whether these do a disservice to the different valences that color philosophy can take. Every color combo has heroes, villains, and civilians involved—so what might be a better way of approaching things?
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One approach (perhaps with more to come!), I think, is to consider color combinations through the principles and purpose of a character’s alignment—the for what that adds complexity to their way of doing things or that motivates them at their core. Instead of thinking about colors by mashing together methods or aims, we might think from the reverse—what gives further grounding to their feelings?
We can take, for example, Green-White. GW is one of my favorite color combos, and I think often limit think of through phrases like “peace through acceptance” or “harmony through law.” It sounds right in principle, but if we think of the range of GW characters—Ajani, Sigarda, Cadira, Caller of the Small, Bess, Soul Mommy Nourisher, Kaherra, the Orphanguard, and many more—these phrases start to feel less sufficient. Does Ajani have Green’s ambivalence about change? Does Bess seem to have white’s emphasis on order? Doesn’t seem so.
Food is meant to be enjoyed, meant to be loved. For Bess, cooking was never about impressing people — it was about feeding people. That her food happens to be some of the best in the city is, in her opinion, added proof of the righteousness of her mission: to cook for the people
Of course, the reality is that these characters aren’t just 50/50 mixes of both their colors. There centered in one or the other. Ajani, for example, is centered in White. Centering has appeared in the MTG storyline in really productive ways—I’m thinking of Rootha’s and Killian’s stories in Strixhaven, which revolves around characters who had enemy colors but ultimately centered in one (Rootha in Red and Killian in White). But despite this generative potential, our formulations of color philosophy don’t leave much room for centering: if I say that Ajani is GW centered in white, does that mean he believes in peace through acceptance but cares more about peace? Something’s lacking there.
“You are all part of my pride. As long as I live, I will protect you.”
But if we think about Green-White as a complex expression of principle and purpose, we might arrive at something different. Green and White provide lenses for one another, principles that answer the question: for what?
A mono white character might labor for the law because they believe it to be good in itself or because their highest aspiration is peace. But by adding green, they gain a special emphasis on a principle beneath the principle: maybe it’s joy for life, or a love of existence itself, or the natural goodness of people. A green-white hero might believe in justice (White), not for its own sake but because they believe that all people, as they are, deserve to be cared for (Green). This sheds some light, I think, on why Green-White has as many caretaker characters—more of these, in fact, than proselytizing hive mind members of Selesnya. Ajani, for example, believes in uplifting the meek, fighting tyranny, and embracing others in community (white) because he believes in the sanctity of each person’s truest self (green). It might go in the reverse direction: Maja, Bretagard Protector is interested in harmony, but ultimately for the sake of preserving peace and order.
Her people look up to her to protect their clan, and she has not let them down…Many from all five clans come to her to solve their disputes, and she has gained a reputation as a powerful and respected leader, both on and off the battlefield.
The idea, ultimately, is to consider how a second color might represent deeper motivation, an actual hierarchy of values, rather than a perfect blend of idea and method.
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Nancy Drew and The Did I Miss Something or Was This a Totally Unconnected and Meaningless Episode Title?
So I was a little disappointed by this episode. Not in terms of anything significant really, but in terms of being let down by the buildup from the trailer and episode descriptions. For one thing, I was teased with ‘the group goes to a fancy masquerade and dramatic things happen’ which is one of my Favorite tropes, and then 1) it was only a small part of the episode and 2) it wasn’t a very good masquerade since the actual masks were obviously optional. For another, descriptions made it seem like the “deal” between Nancy and Ryan was going to be something much more sinister.
Those are small complaints though. I like that this episode largely focused on the inter-character relationships than just “here’s a clue and a half dozen new questions.” 
These commentaries are my answer to not having someone to actually talk about the show with, so here’s our one-sided conversation for the week
Learn to use some basic English Lit class analysis of those metaphors, duh
Thank your antipsychotics for kicking in?
Abandoned breakfast? No answer when you call out? Suspicious. Ooh maybe somebody killed him!
Don’t snoop so blatantly. Geez.
I really like the opening credits. I really appreciate their commitment to spook.
Aww, nervous Bess is adorable
If you already know this stuff, why are you asking?
She is impressed and turned on by his snooping. As it should be.
Go away Owen!
Are his cheekbones actually that nice? I haven’t noticed.
Also if Owen knows Nick-not-Ned was following him, that could be a problem if he turns out to be evil/shady
That’s actually 3 questions Nan
The fuck Ryan?! That was the worst jump-scare so far in the entire show
So you broke into the Drew residence and gave the teen Detective a heart attack? That’s not helpful
Talking to Nancy will probably solve your problems faster than Carson will. Just with the side effect of insensitive questions
That’s twice you’ve ignored Nick’s calls
You deserve it. Get fucked. Also your father is a dick who should do the same. Also also, you were having money problems before Daddy cut you off so quit lying if you want help
Surely you know about her reputation, is that really a question you need to ask? – smart decision retracting your question or she might have told you about the number of times she’s broken into your home (at least twice)
Aww, Ace is trying to help, badly. Love a supportive dumbass friend
Both? I mean we all know Nancy can be trusted…and yet…
Blatant questions to suspected murderers while you are alone with them is a bad plan. We’ve talked about this.
It’s not what it looks like…
I completely agree with George.
Or she didn’t want to admit it because it sounds nuts, she was Camp Skeptic, and ghosts should not be real
That face says you’re lying Nick
Aw, that’s kinda mean. Poor harbormaster guy
Stop breaking into things with your obvious DNA/identifying traits exposed woman!
Ooh, love a good smuggling/insurance fraud. Did he use an orphaned orca to bring the coins up from the seafloor?
Or he’s stupid. Or both.
Sup Lucy…
Ookay. Lucy is a super powerful pissed off ghost. Got it.
No Ace. It doesn’t.
Aw. She’s so awkward, poor baby. And is trying so hard to help/be supportive but actually kinda probably making it worse by hovering
Or there’s an actual person trying to kill him. Or both.
Went off the deep end? Elaborate on that please.
He literally just said they were the key to bringing down the Hudsons. So yes, they well could help solve Tiffany’s murder. Or at least put you one step closer. Listen when people talk
Oh no. That’s not a good sign. I wanted this date to go well…
Oh no, poor Lisbeth! (if it’s true, I mean that sounds like a ‘get me out of this terrible date code from a friend’) and either way, Poor Bess!
That’s not going to help things between them
Aw, see, they do like each other. Nothing cheers someone up after a disaster date like a fancy dress and encouraging their kleptomania
He might actually be trying to warn you. And when the worst person ever offers you a genuine warning, it may be wise to listen. Or maybe he’s just trying to cover something up/feeling guilty. I’m honestly 50/50
Oof, once again, they all look amazing in formalwear. Including Ace in his driver disguise. Though I don’t love his hat.
Weren’t expecting them to show up, were you Nance? Maybe if you worked WITH them instead of just including them when it’s convenient you wouldn’t be so blindsided by it
Is it a masquerade or not?
Kraken is a kind of rum?...or masks, we’re talking about masks. And now it seems like there weren’t actually metaphors in the poem. Boo.
She witnessed adultery and was killed for it maybe?
Something is definitely going to go down, and nobody wants Nancy there for it…The suspense!
So the affair was between Sebastian Marvin and Mommy (didn’t catch her actual name) Hudson
Ooh, that’s a suspicious exchange. Is there anyone in the Hudson family that isn’t shady af?
What exactly do you do for the Hudsons? It seems to be a lot. And all of it requiring…discretion
Huh. I didn’t think I’d actually be right or that we’d get to that answer so quickly
Oh good. Now you’ve been caught. Nice going.
Nancy! Subtlety! Try it.
That’s not 6.5 kilos of anything.
Focus Bess?
No part of this was a good plan ever. Less than half-assed
Just going to ignore the guy passed out in the hall? Okay (I definitely thought it was Ryan and someone had knocked him over the head)
Actually, this time might be good timing for a confrontation. Good choice asking while he’s literally down. You’re learning
The wedding ring being the ‘source’ of the haunting actually lends some, admittedly shaky, ground back to it not being a real ghost
Because you Dad’s a massive dick
Are you actually trying to make me feel something other than contempt and distaste for Ryan Hudson? Because I won’t
Catching his mother in an affair was bad…but was it enough to traumatize or scare her away?
So Carson used to be the Hudsons’ fixer? Really? I mean I believe it, but I don’t like it or get why
Why bother with a video call?
…or your Mom did…
That’s not a positive thing Bess…
Unnecessary drama is unnecessary. Let’s go back to being a team and friends and stuff.
Go away Owen.
True friendship! Offering to kneecap a guy
Good! Glad they got a happy ending to their date, even if it did require a few detours
In your face, Owen. Except that from Nick’s perspective at the moment, he’s very unlucky. Nancy, maybe you should TALK TO HIM
Floaty spooky coins are probably not a good thing… They’re going to turn out to contain the souls of the sailors killed in the ship ‘accident’ aren’t they? I mean they’re burial coins and there just happens to be the same number of them as the number of people killed. And it’s not like we don’t have enough supernatural shit going on already
Side note: looking up Mommy Hudson’s name led to the discovery that Owen is played by a Miles GastonVillanueva. I refuse to believe that is coincidental. Or maybe I just don’t like him because he is a non-Frank Hardy or Dave Gregory character interfering with this iteration of my lifelong OTP
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