#Ben and Night is interesting duo am i wrong πŸ˜”
night-rhea Β· 3 years
Do you have any no-magic AU ideas that involve Night? Like a college AU or a coffee shop AU? -🍦
I do πŸ™ˆ
Im a sucker for Coffee shop au, and i want it to be Ben x Night... Little bit suprise huh? But late or not i must talk about them... So this is the day... Now!
Pls imagine, there is a lovely small town. And Ben is studying to be lawyer. He lives here and goes to univercity here. Its not the best uni in country but eh not the worst one either. He is repeating his last year in uni, and this year he r e a l l y wanna graduate and finally get faaar far away from this tiny town. Not that town itself isnt beautiful, its actually very lovely place to live. His problem is with people.
You might think in small town people must be lovely. At least thats how i imagine, as a person who lives in big city. But ho boy, Ben can talk about how shitty it is. Especially for a people like Ben... He was never the bravest guy okay? He never wanted trouble. Whats wrong with living a calm life and enjoying it? He didnt get into fights, he stayed away from troublesome people, he didnt wanted to be any chaos in highschool, in uni. But the chaos always find its way to him.. He never actually be able to stay away from bullies. He doesnt even know how many time he wished Merula would just, dissapear... He was just so tired, his whole soul was so tired of that life.
But one day, everything just changed. He lost his dad. No no his dad didnt die, his dad left him and his mother. Suddenly, just like that his dad was gone. Ben was the only child, so now only thing he had was his mother. His poor heartbroken mother.. With that, he changed. He realized he has been living in fear. Fear of getting bullied, fear of having bad grades, fear of his father coming home drunk again and fear of seeing his mother cry again. Thats why he was so tired, always. So, he decided to not live like that.
'New' Ben was as alone as old Ben. But now, no one was daring to look at him wrong, calling him names. Now he was feeling free, powerfull.
What he didnt know is, that he wasnt happy.
'Why he is so damn happy in seven am?' was the first thing he had in mind about Night, when he entered his fave coffee shop. He knew shop has new employee but damn he wasnt in the mood to talk with that energetic person. Especially in seven am. He just wanted to order his (as black as his soul) coffee and be right in time for class-
"Good morning! What can i give to you this morning sir?"
Okay thats the au im daydreaming about so often 😌 but besides i have Ballet Talbott and Boxer Night au which is still wip but surely exciting πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ my other aus are mostly alternative lifes in hp universe πŸ˜‚
Thanks for the ask i feel so relieved to finally say something about coffee shop au ✨
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