#Because it's not explicit? Idk
mlarayoukai · 6 months
Funny thing is I was living in Japan when Yuri on Ice aired and I was wondering why so many people were so confident that it aired in the early evening. I mean I remember having to learn how to use my TV’s built in DVR because there was no way I was staying up that late. Like there were a lot of PG13 tier at most shows airing in the AM hours too because the schedules are so jam packed and DVRs were already a standard feature for TVs there for a while
Yeah that's something westerners aren't familiar with (idk about Europe but America doesn't air shows that late) so I do not blame people for thinking that. A teenage girl (or grown Canadian man that doesn't do his research) is going to believe that yoi aired at 7pm or something. 2am is infommercial and 00s show reruns. I don't even blame people for not Googling, 2:30am sounds insane for something to air
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suchawrathfullamb · 2 months
okay but realistically speaking I am TERRIFIED of a season 4 because I am old and hopeless and I don't actually expect them to give us hannigram explicitly and I know it will be fatally disappointing.
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monster42069 · 9 months
Her name is Happy Bunny, and she was an integral part of my childhood 💖
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stormartsies07 · 8 months
So a couple of days ago Gacha Life 2 came out. I'm no gacha fan but I do use it to make little designs once and awhile. So here's One Integer XFOHV in Gacha Life 2. The art is not mine it is unedited from the game.
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This is kinda my way of showing I'm still active on here. The hands are metal because One has no arms.
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