#Bastard‚ Orphan‚ Dead Kid Walking [Aurey]
insolent-creations · 1 year
Yall ever have character thoughts randomly
Anyway, Pride based ones
Sarah IDs more with the gay flag than the lesbian one <3
Aurey spent .3 seconds looking at a genderfluid flag and went "wow me too"
Sam can and will be the loudest mfer at a pride festival
Abbot Peak High School Marching Band always marches in the parade. Sam, being center snare, can and will make everyone dress up in pride colors for it. He always has a trans flag for a cape. Always. Gay flag on his snare too.
Jessica quietly holds up a little demisexual flag at her first pride in Abbot Peak bc yeah thats her but shes not gonna be loud about it
Jordan's just there to support!
Ricky definitely owns one singular nonbinary flag. Just one. They dont actually care THAT much? They're just here y'know.
Justin does not go to pride. Its too loud, even in a small town. No thanks <3
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insolent-creations · 2 years
🏹 Aurey
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insolent-creations · 2 years
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“Probably dumb question. What’s this Valentine’s Day I keep seeing mentioned?”
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insolent-creations · 3 years
A little test animation!! Sassy child
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insolent-creations · 3 years
A Child- NO!
Ah. Heck, here we go again. A child has fallen out of a portal with a little “oof-!”, hitting... Snow? Snow. 
Aurey sits up, wiping the snow off their face. “Um...?” Abbot Peak doesn’t GET snow... They stumble to their feet, glancing around. “.... Am I in a cave.” They deadpan.
To any other person, this kid just looks like a human. Who happens to have cat ears. Oh dear, this could go poorly for the kid. Wait- Is that a DOG!? They have to stare. Because that dog is standing on it’s hind legs and wearing armor. That’s new.
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insolent-creations · 4 years
G7 with Aurey, *please*-
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insolent-creations · 4 years
D4 Aurey??
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“Do you HONESTLY believe I’m this f**king stupid?”
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insolent-creations · 4 years
💀 - for Aurey
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“Did Sarah ever even care?”
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insolent-creations · 4 years
💀 Aurey!
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“What happens when everyone forgets me?”
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insolent-creations · 5 years
@superawesome-rp reblogged for a starter with a ghost kid!
Strange things appearing in the forest was nothing new to Aurey. However, some sort of portal leading to a completely different place opening right beneath their feet is most definitely new. 
And so is the city that the little ghost landed in. This certainly wasn’t Abbot Peak. Unfortunately, that meant Aurey had absolutely no clue where they were. Well, okay, they had some idea. Somewhere very loud. 
After probably years of being in a mostly quiet forest, the sudden shift in atmosphere is a bit overwhelming. Their ears go flat against their head in an attempt to block out some part of the sound of the bustling city. It’s not very successful, so they pull their vest over their ears too, tears in their eyes.
Hell, Aurey’s not even sure anyone can see them, but that’s the least of their worries, as they attempt to find somewhere to hide and calm down. Unfortunately, it seems they’re at least partially corporeal here, as they keep bumping into people. 
At one point, they’re bumped into hard enough that they hit the wall, making them cry out, sliding down against the wall. Tears falling, Aurey attempts to spot anyone to ask for help, but being short wasn’t helping, and neither was all the noise. 
Hopefully someone noticed when Aurey got bumped.
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insolent-creations · 4 years
💀 Aurey
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“What else can I say? The fact that I’m scared that Dash got away scot-free? The fact that I’m scared that no one really cares about me? The fact that I still have nightmares about everything that happened back then? The fact that I still see Sarah’s murderous expression from that night?” They’re shaking, trying not to cry. Seems that might have pushed them to their limit.
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insolent-creations · 5 years
A Forest Home
@fix-the-broken-pieces reblogged for a starter!
Well within the forest near Abbot Peak, lies a young ghost. Now, to be fair, not many believe in ghosts. In fact, this tiny town doesn’t even believe in them for the most part.
But, they do exist. And this young kid was undead proof. The only reason people didn’t know about them, is because most people can’t see them! 
To be fair, Aurey was stuck here. And that sucked! They wanted to make friends, do normal kid stuff.
They pause, staring at the canopy above, putting a hand to their chin. “What even IS normal kid stuff?” They weren’t sure! 
The sound of someone landing in the underbrush makes them jump, looking around in confusion. 
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insolent-creations · 5 years
Headcanon that Aurey will just say "i dont exist" whenever someone asks about them in front of them
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insolent-creations · 5 years
Aurey in b5 maybe?
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Basically, they're baby
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insolent-creations · 5 years
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Subject Name: Aurey Kazuraba Subject 4, Classified Project [REDACTED] Status: Deceased
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insolent-creations · 5 years
“Just because your sister might’ve never care about you doesn’t mean we don’t care! Or at least I care! You’re a good person and you didn’t deserve to die!” Friska has entered the chat (fix-the-broken-pieces)
“….. Thanks, Friska.” Aurey gives a tense smile. Seems the greyfaces were getting to them. “….. I don’t always feel like it, though.” They really didn’t. In fact, most of the time they felt like their anger was…. unjustified.
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