#Baelor my beloveddddd
dulcewrites · 1 year
I was thinking since Baelor’s birth won’t go… great in fcc, I would like to think his birth and the immediate aftermath goes much better bc of modern medicine and all that for aemyrah’s modern day counterparts. Also I was thinking if hotd was a completely different story and myrah was in the show, I would obviously trust ramin djawadi to give their love story a sickening score. BUT if modern fcc was a show of its own, I’d probably get Nicholas Britell to do the score. I would need the most beautiful, soul crushing music for all their big moments. The moment they realize they love each other, their wedding, and ofc each kid being born 🫶🏽
“At what age do you think you’ll start balding?”
“I rubbed your huge feet, and you’re asking me that,” Aegon looks at her in disgust.
“My feet are not huge, they are pleasantly plump at the moment. Also I’m thinking around 40. If you live that long of course,” Myrah shrugs.
“Remind me why I agreed to came over here?”
“Because you love me.”
“Or your husband would choke me out otherwise.”
Myrah rolls her eyes as she twist the yarn around her needles. Her mother tells her it is blessing to have a husband and future father as attentive as Aemond. Myrah supposes she’s right; there have been too many horror stories of men being involved then flipping on a dime as soon as a baby comes along. Hell, she has a cautionary tale as a mother in law now.
Aemond managed to put together a schedule that involved Myrah not being alone for too long. Someone always checking in for the past week till he gets back from his business trip later that night.
Aegon came over with beer for him and freshly squeezed mango pineapple juice for her. They shared a big thing of carbonara. He even let her pick what they watched, and Aegon was strict about his television privileges. Now, they are giggling over his Raya options.
“Maybe you should go back to meeting people the old fashion way.”
She feels a pang settled in her lower stomach. It was one of a couple that pulsed throughout her the last hour and a half. Assuming it is indigestion from the pasta, she shifts a bit before continuing to scroll on Aegon’s phone. Not impressed by his options, she hands the phone back.
“You could sent me up with your cousin I met at the wedding. The one with green eyes,” Aegon grins.
“I love her far too much to put her through that. But I do have an great aunt on my dad’s side that would love someone to pay her mortgage in exchange for companionship.”
When Aegon looks like he is actually considering it, Myrah scoffs. “I’m joking, you freak.”
He shrugs. “The women in your family are hot. I’m still waiting for your mom to realize I would make an excellent controversially young second husband.”
Myrah goes to laugh but the pain that was in her abdominal shifted to her back.
“I think I have to pee… or shit.”
Aegon wrinkles his nose, but helps her up off the couch. Myrah barely makes it to the master bathroom and closes the door before she feels a slight snap and liquid gushes down her leg.
No… no. She can’t possibly be having this baby early.
Myrah freezes for a moment, standing there in wet sweatpants. “Aegon…”
Her voice comes out shaky.
“Don’t tell me Aemond wipes for you too,” he calls back from the bedroom. “I love you guys but the codepency is a lot.”
“Aegon, please get in here.”
Dropping the humor and sensing something is wrong, he opens one of the double doors and peaks his head in. He takes one look at her wet pants and the startled look on her face, and frowns.
“Did you pee on yourself.”
She shakes her head no slowly. His already wide eyes get impossibly big.
“So, is that…”
She nods her head. Despite possibly being on the verge of becoming a mother, she’s never felt more young. Like she’s a young girl again, going to her mother to tell her she started her period. Scared of her own body. Aegon come in and swallows hard.
“Ok um maybe I should call my mom or your mom. Fuck, Aemond’s on a plane.”
“No,” he repeats confused.
“I’ll call my doula and my midwife,” she begins to walk towards the bathtub. “And take a shower.”
“A shower,” Aegon panics. “Shouldn’t we get you to the hospital?”
No, she cannot have this baby without Aemond. She refuses.
“No, I think it’s ok. He will wait.”
“He will wait?”
“Will you stop repeating me,” she sighs. “And yes, I’m his mother. He will listen to me.”
She rubs her belly. You have to work me here kid.
“Just go get me phone.”
Aegon gives her a skeptical look, eyes trialing the wet floor, before leaving. Myrah tries to blink away tears. It is not even the slow throbbing pain that occurred that scares her, it’s everything after that. Aegon comes back with her phone. With shaky hands, she calls Lynesse, her midwife.
When she first became pregnant, Alicent insisted Myrah go to Alicent’s aunt. Siting that she delivered all of the kids, including Aemond.
“I think we may have a… situation.”
“Her water broke,” Aegon pipes up bruntly.
Myrah explains the pain she’s been having, ignoring Aegon muttering in the background that Aemond will kill him for giving her eggy pasta. Lynesse tells her to take the shower, make sure her bag is ready, and call her if the contractions get worse or closer together.
“And sweetheart, you’ll be ok.”
She will ok. She will ok.
“I think I’m going to do my makeup.”
Aegon gives her an exasperated look. “You will more than likely sweat it off Myrah.”
“Not true. My Urban Decay All-Nighter setting pray is amazing. Now be a dear and go get me some towels to clean this mess.”
Aegon shoos her away as she tries to get on her knees to clean the bathroom floor.
“You know for all of this, you guys should’ve considered naming the ankle bitter after me.”
“I’d rather not. I have a feeling there will be too many Aegons in the world when things are said in done.”
She is confused and slightly perturbed by the naming in their family. There’s homages, and there is whatever the fuck Targaryens like to do. But when in Rome…
When Aegon is done cleaning the mess, Myrah finally gets in the shower. The relaxation of the warm water is cut short with a contraction. Sharp and sizzling throughout her body. She had to grip the tile wall for a moment to catch her breath. Despite the effort that will go in for it, she opts to wash her hair and do a face mask. Knowing it may be the last time she gets to do some self care for a minute.
The pain does not subside but at least she feels a bit more prepared.
“You know we really should text Aemond so when he gets off the plane he knows what is going on.”
Myrah makes eye contact with Aegon in her vanity mirror in the master bedroom. “You know how Aemond is. He will be awful on the road. Best to wait till he gets here to let him know.”
It could a bit for her sake too. Honestly more. For some reason, she’d wants to see Aemond in this space. In their home as just Aemond and Myrah before they become ‘Aemond and Myrah, parents’. Before everything completely changes. The more people she tells, the more real it is. If he can just hold off a little bit longer.
“Help me pick a palette.”
“I highly doubt a newborn will care if your eyeshadow is sparkly enough.”
“Your mommy issues has made you cold, I think.”
Aegon flips her off, but nevertheless picks a palette.
“Oh, we need music,” Myrah claps her hands, gesturing for Aegon to look at her phone on the charger. Aegon is scrolling till he looks up with a smirk.
“Ewwww, you and Aemond have a sex playlist,” Aegon laughs. Myrah throws an eyeliner pencil that he doges.
She turns to look at herself in the mirror.
You can do this Myrah.
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Something Aemond learned quickly about Myrah is that she is not a texter. At least not in the traditional sense. Where someone else would send a ‘Good. How are you?’ in reponse back to a simple question like ‘How are you doing?’, Myrah would much rather send a picture to show she’s doing well.
Or a detailed voice note about how she got free drink from Starbucks, and that’s why her morning is going splendid.
So, when Aemond lands and gets the notifications from Myrah, one selfie of her drinking some sort of bright juice and the other a picture of her and Aegon with ladybug hair-clips in their hair, he assumes everything is alright with her and baby.
It makes him breathe easier. He’d been in a foul mood the whole week. Pissed he even had to travel. Myrah had waved off his reservations.
“I’m the one on maternity leave. It will be over before you know it. Bean and I will be fine.”
It began to set in why some people he works with, men like his father, are always fucking miserable. Putting work before your family is shit.
It is not until gets a phone call from Aegon that anxiety comes back.
“Hey, so how was your flight? Did you get any of those good cookies,” Aegon sounds a bit distant and nervous. “Any hot flight attendants I should know about?”
“Aegon, what’s going on,” sighs Aemond.
“I don’t want you to be upset or scared,” it makes Aemond sit up in his seat. “But… we are at the hospital, Myrah is in labor.”
Aemond feels his stomach lurch into his throat. “What?”
“The midwife said she’s moving along ok. But her contractions started getting worse so we had to come in.”
“Fuck fuck fuck.”
“Don’t freak out,” Aegon raises his voice. “Amal is on the way. So is mom.”
“Tell him that I’m fine. My tarot cards showed good things!”
Aemond hears Myrah’s voice chime up in the background.
“Just get here, man.”
He babbles almost incoherently to the driver, asking him to essentially find a way to go the opposite direction towards the hospital. He can feel himself starting to sweat on the way there. It almost makes him wish he would’ve had time to change out of the suit he was wearing into something more comfortable. He hopes he has time to at the hospital.
He hopes he doesn’t miss the birth of his first child. Aemond might actually commit arson in his office if that’s the case.
Aemond finally gets to the hospital. All but jogging down the hall to the maternal unit of the hospital, bags in hand. He is relived to see that it seems Myrah is still in labor. He walks in to see Aegon sitting in the couch in the large room, Myrah is laid in the bed, a contraption in her mouth till she sees Aemond.
“Pookie bear,” she smiles lazily.
Aemond doesn’t think he’s ever been happier to hear that terribly embarrassing nickname. He drops his bags immediately and crouches down near her.
“Are you ok,” he brushes a hair back from her face.
“They gave her some gas and air. She’s on top of the world,” Aegon laughs. Myrah’s sweet disposition shifts when another contraction comes. Aemond is quite surprised by how strong his wife is by how hard she squeezes his hand.
“I’m never letting you impregnate me again,” Myrah winces.
“That’s ok,” he laughs, kissing her. “You giving me one is enough. I love you.”
“You better.”
Lynesse comes in with a smile. “Ah papa is here. Great, just in time for me to check how far she’s coming along
She puts Myrah in the stirrups, putting on her gloves.
“Oh,” Aemond questions in a panicked. “What does ‘Oh’ mean.”
“Looks like she’s progressing a lot quicker than I thought she would be,” she grins. “We should be having a baby soon.”
Aemond, in peak curiosity, takes a look himself. He tilts his head to the side trying to imagine a baby coming out.
“Stop staring,” Myrah lifts her head off the pillow.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
Aegon goes to make sure his mom and Amal know the way in.
“Do you think he’ll look more like you or more like me,” Myrah whispers.
Aemond twist his mouth in thought. “Targaryen genes are pretty strong.”
“That would be nice. A tiny Aemond running around,” she smiles tiredly. Her finger gentle traces his face, ending on his nose. “I’m really happy to have a kid with you.”
“Aw labor made you soft,” he jokes. He grabs her hand and kisses it. “Thank you for making me a father.”
Her eyes flutter shut when she feels another contraction.
“Thank me again after he gets here.”
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Baelor Targaryen comes into the world, wailing and red faced.
Myrah was sure part way through the labor that he was never coming out. Hot tears flushed on her face.
“He must’ve inherited the Targaryen big head too.”
People come in and out of the room to see him.
“I think he kind of looks like me,” Aegon cooes which receives pinch in the arm from Aemond.
Alicent and Amal marvel over their first grandchild.
“Your father and Esme will be coming into town soon,” Amal kisses Myrah on the forehead. “You did so good sweet girl. He’s beautiful.”
Between the people, nurses come in to check on him on Myrah.
“I can’t believe we made a human,” Aemond whispers when they are finally alone.
Baelor yawns, wide eyes fluttering. A tuff of dark hair already on his tiny head.
“He’s so perfect. He could be a Gerber baby,” Myrah sighs in agreement. Aemond looks up from Baelor with a perplexed look.
“Hello, they only hire the cutest babies for Gerber commercials.”
“Ah,” Aemond nods.
“I changed my mind,” Myrah runs a finger over her son’s soft cheek. “I’ll let you get me pregnant again.”
Aemond laughs.
“And I’ll give you as many as you let me.”
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