#BUT FR I UNDERSTAND YOU ANON.... why must i have things like responsibilities
marlahey · 4 years
Hi it’s the person “making assumptions”. Not making assumptions, but when I see someone being praised for using a condescending tone in relation to something that I, as a black woman, care deeply about I take issue. Didn’t say people were right to send hate, but his response was poor and misjudged. Just making my judgment off the behaviour I see as we all do. I do expect better from a white guy with power who demeans the legitimate concerns of those who were asking for more politely. Be kinder.
Hi anon, while I appreciate an important discourse, I am surprised that you’ve come to my blog when I see that the same message you seem to have copied and pasted into multiple asks in the skam tag and have gotten support for your claims. just so there’s no confusion, I’ve copied you entire message to Chris below. I’m also kind of riled up today so this will probably be stupidly long.
_Not true, when people with approx 400 followers post links on social media for protests it usually generates 3 more signatures. Imagine if someone like Maxence, with 500k followers, posted a link to a petition. His silence is privilege, his silence is choosing the side of the oppressor. He stands for no one but the white man if he can’t do the bare minimum. Coming from a black girl who works in charity, and knows first hand the impact that social media can have on protesting. Don’t make excuses.
(2) I’m just real tired of white people excusing themselves with “I was learning” (axel) when the black community don’t have a CHOICE. This is our reality, and you’re either with us or against us. Silence means you’ve chosen the side of the oppressor, to paraphrase Desmond Tutu. Not aiming this just at you, but all Skam fans defending their behaviour. It is bad. Don’t excuse white men for being lazy and ignorant.
(3) Maxence wants to scold people for not going to a protest? His tone is condescending, and shows more of his privilege and ignorance. Oftentimes it’s unsafe for PoC and queer people to go to protests. His safety is guaranteed, he’s a straight white man. The whole point of BLM is to fight for the safety of the black community globally, including France which is racist as fuck (Burka ban?!), so for a white guy to not realise why some people don’t go to protests is just ignorance. Educate him.
(4) it’s not shifting responsibility btw. People are allowed, especially minorities, to ask for white people to do their bit. People with large influence should do better, especially if their career is made on a show that supposedly address social problems through TV (mental health, islamophobia, homophobia etc.) you really can’t sit there and scold people for asking for better. Sometimes the language and approach is poor, but the point is often correct. Please think before you defend them.
no one is excusing maxence, especially when he did exactly what you asked: posted a link to a petition for all of his followers to see. that’s not silence. I’m east-asian and I have a masters degree in media studies and communication. while I agree social media can be a great tool, I would argue that posting on it is more of a ‘bare minimum’ than anything else; without anything actionable (petition signing, donating, self-educating, voting) then it’s just virtual signalling. it’s not concrete. since maxence was literally at a protest tonight, he seems to be on the right track with his support. he’s not against you.
the systemic and historical roots of racism around the world are awful. no one denies that, including in france. canada in particular is no exception. I agree that the pasty men of the world have more work to do. but to deny them the time and opportunity to educate themselves seems counterproductive. I’m not sure what sort of timeline you have that everyone must meet, but it takes a long time to learn new things, and longer to unlearn everything you thought you understood about an issue or yourself. I literally have cerebral palsy and I knew so little about disability studies and activism prior to taking a class on it. am I a bad cripple? I didn’t start coming out as bi till last year and don’t do much activism there yet either. am I lazy and ignorant?
more precisely, how are you or I supposed to dismantle racism or oppression without their help? in my opinion, your tone here is equally if not more condescending towards them, and chris. quite frankly, if I were maxence I would’ve probably said something very similar. I don’t know how it feels to be inundated with strangers telling you what to do, and how to feel, and how much of an asshole you were being because of something as ridiculous as instagram posts. 
I’m a former teacher of junior high and high school. that’s not education. it’s being a dick because the internet protects you from real repercussion. the person axel replied to wasn’t asking, they were demanding and being rude as hell about it. you’re free to dislike his or maxence’s tone as you will, anon. but you are assuming that maxence doesn’t understand why people may not attend protests. he’s not an idiot; all of s5 of skam fr was dedicated to disability awareness and representation. he literally plays a queer, mentally ill character. pretty sure he has basic human decency and knows not everyone can go marching into physical danger. to call him ignorant because he’s not writing an academic essay in his stories about the struggles of every minority group is a bit of a reach and frankly just mean. you also seem to assume he’s not done anything else because...what? he didn’t post about it?
I also have to disagree with the idea that  “sometimes the language and approach is poor, but the point is often correct.” you’re not going to get anyone onside by belittling and insulting them. that’s just a fact. just as you didn’t draw chris onside, you’d never bring maxence if he wasn’t already here, protesting. if you allow all these people on his socials that grace of a poor approach, why do you not give it to maxence in his response? because he’s right. copy/pastes and hashtags are not enough. there is more work to do and everyone’s capable of it. I truly respect your position and I empathize deeply with the enormous struggles that you and your community face daily. you’re free to expect whatever of maxence, but it doesn’t mean you’ll get it. he does not have to document and prove his allyship to anyone. if you’re unhappy with it, then I’d suggest stop following him or blocking his name. venting your anger at other people doesn’t affect him. 
your anger at him in general doesn’t really affect me either, despite this essay. you ordering me to do or feel things doesn’t seem kind. but I’ll never have the same stake in this fight as you do, so it’s not up to me to tell you what to do or how to feel. you came into my inbox expecting a response, so here’s mine. I hope that this renewed rage and energy around the world is the turning point of all of this. I’m sorry you even had to send any of these asks in the first place. 
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clan-fuildarach · 6 years
breaking: ursus caught being sincere on main
skip this post if u just want dragon content and if, much like myself, you would rather self-combust than see the words ‘ace discourse’ on a fr blog again
but we have to clear up some misconceptions. for 2 years i sat down here at my desk and created content that i thought would entertain myself and others, with my primary goal being a safe and positive space for lgbt content. writing about our experiences, especially those that normally don’t get media attention (see: every lesbian character i’ve ever written about), with a secondary theme of mental illness and how sometimes it doesn’t always look how u expect it to look. since my break in august for animal care purposes (i got to foster kittens!), this blog and fr in general are no longer my primary creative outlet so things have been admittedly slow. 
in those years since joining fr i’ve met a lot of amazing people, some of whom have different opinions on cishet ace inclusion than me, which i don’t mind about. i still wholeheartedly consider them friends. i remember i got an anon on my old blog in 2015 asking me my stance on the matter and my response was ‘i don’t care’ because that is how i feel. i don’t believe cishet ace discourse is an appropriate hill to die on and i don’t believe it really matters irl. if you’re not a homophobe, ur good in my books. and on a related note, hatred towards asexuals is also extremely shitty. i just don’t believe that saying that an apple isn’t an orange means that u hate apples. if u get what i mean. and yes, i am allowed to make jokes about ace people, because i am an ace people.
this entire debate has trapped people into taking sides and fighting on an issue that holds absolutely no importance to greater lgbt activism. people who describe themselves as inclusionists or exclusionists and run entire blogs dedicated to fighting are people i find very hard to take seriously. i don’t really get why u would do nothing but argue and fight online. i guess ppl just don’t have better things to do. and i know the reason people have crusaded so hard against me and my friends here is because they find it entertaining, which, again, is something i don’t understand. 
throughout this entire one-sided debate i want you to remember who went out of their way to foster a hostile environment for young lgbt people specifically (let’s be real here, there are no cishet people being hounded as aphobes, and discoursers tend to be young), and who did not. if i dislike who someone is reblogging from, i unfollow or block like a grown up and i don’t send harassing anons. the few occasions in the past i’ve made PSAs were about serious issues, like people who fetishise gay ppl. meanwhile, certain people have been all over my personal blog, have sent me truly vile anonymous messages (most unpublished, to save ur eyeballs, but yes there was suicide bait among them), wanked endlessly on anonymous websites about me, whatever. at this point it should be obvious that the drama-starters are in it for the thrill of it and not for any sort of noble reasons.
now to clear up the misconceptions. no, i don’t hate ace people. yes i am ace. yes i am a lesbian who believes straight ace or aro people are not Lesbian Gay Bi or Trans. no i am not going to burst into flames if i see an ace pride dragon. no i am not ok with sexual abuse (??? lads? cmon?). no i am not a harasser. no i am not positing myself as some kind of leader (the fact that u think i am says more about ur attitude towards these online spaces than it does about me tbh). no i don’t care if u dislike me. no i am not going to debate or argue with you, this is a fandom blog. and no, i will not apologise for blandly stating my opinion in a neutral tone in response to an anon 7 months ago. 
i have been treated like a faceless art dispenser for years now and i want u to understand: just because ppl reblog my art doesn’t mean that i’m some sort of public figure who must be polite 24/7 or my ratings will go down or whatever. i’m an amateur artist who shits around on a blog, and ur not entitled to a stranger’s kindness on the internet. if you’re the type to write a Hot Take going “wow :/ ursus is mean i expected better” after i respond snappishly to a rude message, i want to let you know that i don’t care. i’m not here to perform for you, i’m here to participate in my hobby, which i do for fun. 
thanx for reading, enjoy 
if u have questions u can message me. if ur asking in good faith i can explain whatever 
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