#BTW the first person Tronzler scares for fun is Alan
murderbees · 1 month
silly tron hc
Tron likes to sneak up on people and scare them. Like hiding around corners and showing up behind people.
Was looking at clips of Uprising(again) and when he pops up to talk to Able, he always surprises him. Like, turn around see him and wonder if you'll die for a second, but no it's just Tron.
He likes to scare his friends. He's a security monitor so I'm sure he's more than capable, and he thinks it's funny. He won't laugh or smile, but his shoulder shake just slightly.
He does the same thing to Beck, but justifies it and calls it training. They both know he just likes to scare him a bit. As Beck gets better, sometimes he just pretends not to notice. Beck attempts to sneak up on Tron, but it rarely works. Tron's happy because it's the first time someone has done it back.
It's a sign of affection because he is genuinely scary. Tall, strong, and more than capable of killing most programs. If he scares you, it's because he trusts that you know he would never actually hurt you.
Flynn hated this btw. Not genuinely, but he got way too many scares since he was closest to Tron. It's endearing in the I don't know why you're like this way. During his exile, Quorra would sometimes sneak up on him. It made him nostalgic, man, he really misses Tron.
Clu hated this, genuinely. He's the system admin, why would Tron try to scare him? It also reminded him that Tron would always be the better fighter. As Clu and Tron drifted apart, he stopped scaring Clu. There's an odd part of him that misses it.
Rinzler doesn't do this, not on purpose. By accident he'll still sneak up on people. He's not sure whether or not he enjoys their fear.
Tronzler doesn't do this, until much later. By accident, he'll sneak up, but it just reminds him of all the things he did. It takes a lot of healing for him to start scaring people for fun again.
Yori thinks it's funny. Since they were counterparts, she always had some sense of him. He can't completely sneak up on her, so he had to get creative. He'd follow her around, wait until she got impatient to see him, and then he'd pop out of some weird place no one knew he could get too.
Ram loves it. Yeah it's a little scary but Tron would never really hurt him. And besides, it's fun to wonder where he'll appear next. It's nice getting visited by his friend. He likes to rate how scared he gets, on a scale from 1-10. Tron is always aiming for 8, just enough to scare but not enough to genuinely distress someone. Unfortunately, since Ram enjoys getting scared, it's hard to hit above a 6.
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