glacecakes · 3 years
Alchemy Lullaby (17/17)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did… helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
Varian reunites with his real family. Fred gets dunked on. Eugene and Rapunzel surprise each other.
WE ARE AT THE END OH MY GOD ;-; sorry this took so long I have not been vibing but yknow. It be like that. First off, a big thanks to everyone who has helped me on this crazy journey. The scar and 7K server being my serotonin machine (if you wanna join dm me), AJ and Gues for helping me with ideas, and of course Finn, my partner in crime, the platonic love of my life, without who this crazy mess would probably not have been completed. And of course, all of you who have commented and kudos'd and bookmarked. This fic just passed Only as Strong in hits and that totally blows my mind.
I have so many lil baby ideas that were either too short to go here, or happen after AL, or didn't go with the story flow that I want to write! I'm debating whether to do it like VVO where they're all in one fic or just spam the varian tag. As always please leave a comment if you enjoyed this, thank you so much! If you have any specific requests for baby oneshots I'm always open!
Ok ok enough rambling
The moonstone clattered to the ground, dull and quiet like any other rock.
For a few moments, no one spoke. The only sound was Quirin’s heavy breathing, exhausted, as he slumped over Ulla’s slowly cooling body.
“Well…” Eugene finally breathed. “That was… something.” The adrenaline finally began to wear off, replacing a feral desire to protect with burns and shaky hands. In his arms Varian doesn’t stir, the soft breath against his arm the only sign he’s still alive.
“Understatement of the fucking century,” Cassandra groans. The decay incantation settled deep into their bones, making every movement painful. The only one unaffected was Rapunzel, protected by the golden pulse in her chest. She moves her hand to reveal a golden stone, similar to the moonstone.
“Millennium ago, a phenomenal event had divided an ancient power in two. The Sundrop and Moondrop fell to Earth; two elements waiting to be reunited…” She glanced up at Quirin, confusion written all over her face.
Slowly, shakily, she stood up and stumbled over. This was the one time she wanted shoes, what with the blood pooling at her toes. The man at her feet said nothing, simply staring down at the body with empty eyes. She heard whispers of soft footsteps behind her, indicating Eugene had followed with Varian in tow.
Quirin’s mind was a whirlwind, chattering faster than he’d ever spoken. What ifs, curses, screams, but despite all that…
He didn’t feel guilty. Not in the slightest.
Was that wrong of him? He just killed the mother of his child, the only woman he ever loved, and he felt nothing. Well, he felt relief. But regret, guilt, sorrow? None. Was this fatherly protection? His devotion to his king? Did he fall out of love? Maybe it was a mix of three. But then again, the woman he fell in love with and the woman he just killed were two wildly different people. Had she always been crazy and he’d just been blind, or did the moonstone corrupt her from its place in her womb?
It seems parenthood can change you for better or worse.
The princess kneeled down next to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. When he glanced up she smiled briefly, before glancing down at her breast. “Is this…?”
“The sundrop,” Quirin breathed, awe-stricken. “But how?” He glanced down at the woman (corpse) at his feet, and then over to Eugene and Varian.
With a grunt, Rapunzel ripped it free from her body. It hummed faintly, bathing her in a golden glow that illuminated her hair back to blonde. How magnificent and haunting all at once; the source of her power that caused so much pain to her family, that caused her kidnapping… that caused her to meet the love of her life.
It would be so easy to simply… reclaim it. To reabsorb its magic and regain the power to heal. But when she glanced around, at the destruction caused by its counterpart…
“The only way to destroy the moonstone.” She said with an air of finality, clutching it tightly in her fist. “Is to reunite it with its equal.” Quirin nodded in agreement. It was kind of amusing, that the destruction of a cosmic entity was merely an afterthought in this scenario.
Just tying up loose ends.
In another reality, maybe Rapunzel and Eugene and Varian would have sought the moonstone out. Maybe they would have debated whether or not to reunite the stones, unsure of the damage it would cause to Rapunzel.
But maybe someone else would have stolen it, harnessed it, and caused even more suffering untold. To her, to her friends, to her family…
A moan came from Eugene’s arms as Varian squirmed. His eyes remained shut, but he reached out a tiny hand for his dad to grasp. Internally, Eugene gave a massive sigh of relief. He’d been so worried that his son was gone, that he wouldn’t wake up without the moonstone. If that had been the case… god, he didn’t know what he’d do. Well, actually, Eugene knew exactly what he’d do (that being to reinsert the moonstone), but whether or not Quirin would let him is a whole other story.
“Bluebird? Can you hear me?” He whispered, gently shaking the boy. It was weird to see him without his signature hair stripe, almost as weird as long-haired-brunette Rapunzel.
“Daddy… m’ tired,” Varian whined, curling into a warm chest and breathing in familiar cologne. He sighed, content. He would’ve fallen back asleep if not for Eugene gently rustling him.
“Sorry bud, I need you to wake up for a little bit,” he whispered, biting back a smile. With an overdramatic groan, Varian opened his eyes. It was a familiar routine. Almost as if they were back home and he was just waking Varian up for the day. “How do you feel? Does anything hurt?”
“My throat...” he was cut off by a weak cough.
“Aw bud, I’m sorry, we’ll get you checked out at home, ok?” At Varian’s nod Eugene let out a massive sigh of relief. “I think Rapunzel needs you for a second.” He raised his eyes up to his girlfriend, who was now trailing a finger down Varian’s cheek.
With a small smile, she helped Varian out of his dad’s arms and placed him onto the ground by her side. “Would you like to help me get rid of the rocks?” She asked, and he bit his thumb while nodding shyly. His eyes had trailed over to Quirin and… Rapunzel was quick to move her hair in the way. He didn’t need to see that.
With a heavy, shaking hand, Quirin’s gloved hand reached out for the moonstone. He hesitated briefly, anxiously. What if it was absorbed by him? No, he couldn’t falter. He’d waited this long, salvation was within reach!
He grasped it tight. It didn’t react. Perhaps it knew the sundrop was close? Or maybe it knew Quirin didn’t want to use it? Regardless, he didn’t question it. Shaking, he stood up to his full height and ambled over to mother and son. He and Varian locked eyes for a moment. The boy’s eyes were troubled, clouded with hazy fear, confusion, but also… acceptance?
Quirin smiled. He held the stone out. “Would you like to do the honors, young man?” He whispered.
“Um. Yea, ok.” Varian said and took it into his tiny hands. He was so small, what was dwarfed in Quirin’s hands required both of Varian’s to hold. He looked up at Rapunzel, who’s own stone began to flare with power as it sensed its other half.
Eugene placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Are we sure this is a good idea?”
“Nope!” Cassandra snorted at the kid’s candor.
“But whatever happens…” Rapunzel said, “We’ll face it together, as a family.” She looked pointedly over at Cassandra, who rolled her eyes.
“Alright alright, I’m coming,” She said.
“Yes, Auntie Cassie, join us!” Eugene chimed, earning an elbow in the arm.
She stood on Rapunzel’s side, supporting her best friend as she held out the sundrop. Eugene readjusted so he was holding onto Varian from behind.
Quirin stood aside, finally content.
The stones touched.
Varian skipped down the hallway with Ruddiger and cart in tow. The raccoon reached his tiny hands out, determined to swipe an apple from a nearby display. Just a little closer…!
The raccoon blinked as the apple vanished. He could’ve sworn it was there just a second ago… confused beady eyes glanced up at his best friend, only to chitter in delight when he saw Varian had stolen it. The child took a bite before handing it to Ruddiger to finish.
“Excuse me!” Varian said to one of the maids (Faith? Felicity? Names are hard) “Have you seen mommy and Auntie Cassie?”
The maid giggled. “In her highness’s room, I believe.”
“Thank you miss!” He called. Faith shook her head, smiling. That boy was awful at sleight of hand, considering his father, but no one would care about a single apple.
Things had been pretty quiet since coming home, in all honesty. In Varian’s opinion, a bit boring even.
Well, the first few days home weren’t so quiet. Upon arriving at the palace all had been rushed to the infirmary, only to be let go with minor injuries. The only exception was Varian, who was confined to bed rest for a week. Getting poisoned half to death will do that to you.
He’d spent the week constantly in the presence of his family who rotated out. He’d wake up to Rapunzel’s soft voice with breakfast handmade by Lance, light exercise with Cassandra (that usually involved learning how to use a wooden sword). Then Arianna would come teach him something, either basic Coronian history or math. He’d nap with Ruddiger, and finally Eugene would spend the rest of the day with him, from dinner to bedtime. It was paradise to the little boy.
At some point during the week, Hugo came by with a get well soon gift. He’d gushed to Varian nonstop about all they’d done in school, how cool the castle was, and hey is that a raccoon?
Hugo’s mom (who apparently knew Ulla, judging by her crestfallen face upon hearing her fate) watched over the boys while the king and Quirin got chewed out. Less so Quirin, since he already made up for it by, y’know, killing his ex.
“Let me get this straight, you changed the law after my kidnapping so birth parents always have primary custody?” Rapunzel rubbed her temples, frustrated. Frederick, for his part, at least looked guilty.
“I wasn’t sure if you would’ve wanted to stay with whoever was raising you…!”
“I feel like any little girl who finds out they’re a long lost princess would rather live with her birth parents,” Eugene muttered.
“I was so worried about getting found out, that once it happened, I didn’t bother to actually look into it, I just… UGH! You should’ve at LEAST repealed it the second I came home!”
“I… forgot?”
In the end, it was agreed that the law not only hurt Varian, but dozens of other abandoned kids who could never be adopted now. Suffice to say, it did not survive the day. In fact, Rapunzel immediately got to work creating a service for saving abused kids, and appointed Eugene in charge.
“There’s no one here who could do better than you,” She said. “You suffered under our systems, and then saved our boy from the same fate. Twice. I trust that you’ll figure it out.”
Eugene smiled wetly, pressing his forehead to Rapunzel’s. “Sunshine, you’re going to be an amazing Queen, you know that?” He brushed a lock of hair out of her face. Now that her hair was breakable, she’d debated whether or not to cut it. Long hair was a part of her identity, after all, but without it’s magic she wasn’t sure it was worth the upkeep. In the end, she decided to cut it back, not as short as before, but rather a comfortable bob.
“And you’ll be amazing by my side.” She said, placing a kiss.
Eugene wasn’t the only one to get an upgrade. Apparently Cassandra and her dad working together on the breakout plan meant he got to see her in action, as well as her dedication to protecting the royal family. Now, she was officially a royal guard, training to replace her father someday.
Which meant Lance, as instructor, was her boss.
Eugene feared for his life.
Varian turned a corner before lifting Ruddiger out of the cart. He was getting heavy, and the cart couldn’t do stairs well on its own. Together they bounded up the steps into his mom’s room.
“Hi Mama!” he cheered, running into her embrace. She easily scooped him up and twirled him around, prompting delighted squeals. Ruddiger curled around Rapunzel’s neck, joining Pascal.
“How’s my baby boy today?” She chimed.
“I’m good! Miss grandma said to come here,” He had no clue what to call Arianna; between the queen insisted she be grandma, the king wanted her to be addressed by title, and Eugene calling her ma’am, it all jumbled up in his head.
“Yes, we need your help!” She said.
Cassandra grimaced. “You need his help, I want no part in this.”
“Aw, don’t be like that!”
“Listen, Raps, I adore you, but your taste in men is atrocious. And coming from me that’s a low blow.” She stuck her tongue out at the little one who let out a squawk of protest. With a wave, she left the room.
“What’s wrong with daddy!?” He cried after her, raising a fist. “Fight me!”
“Let’s not fight family, ok? Remember how well the last time turned out?” Rapunzel hissed between her teeth. Varian cocked his head, confused.
“But I won last time.”
Can’t argue with that.
“Speaking of that…” Rapunzel hummed, carrying Varian over to her walls. From floor to ceiling paint covered nearly every surface, detailing her life and all the people in it. Front and center was a portrait of their family. Varian was nestled in between his mom and dad, with a beaming smile. “I know you won our fight for Eugene’s love but, I still love him. You know that, yea?”
“Well…” Her eyes trailed over to another drawing, this one much smaller; that of her coronation, when she’d turned down his proposal.
It’d been about six months since that fateful day, six months that Varian has been with them. In that time Varian turned five. While they didn’t know his exact birthday, Quirin had been helpful in estimating around when Varian had been born, and they picked a random date around late March. It had been a pretty small party, what with everyone still reeling a bit. But it was nonetheless momentous for two reasons: one, Eugene’s gift to Varian had been his official adoption papers, and two, Rapunzel had decided she was ready to marry Eugene. Seeing her son so happy in the man’s arms… she wanted that. She wanted it forever.
Hence why she asked Varian to come see her.
“You know what marriage is, right bud?” At his confirmation, she continued. “Well, me and your dad aren’t married… but I want to change that. If we got married, I’d become your mom officially, like how Eugene adopted you. Do you… would you like that?”
Varian blinked a few times. The gears in his head whirred to life, slowly cranking out a response. Finally, his sky blue eyes lit up in understanding and happiness. Mama wanted to stay with him forever! He nodded so fast it hurt, and he had to stop after a few seconds.
“Thanks, baby,” Rapunzel said, overcome with joy. “Now, you can’t tell anyone about this, ok? I want it to be a surprise for daddy.”
“Can I tell Ruddiger…?”
“Yes, you can tell him.”
“What about Hugo?”
“I mean if you want…”
“Uncle Lance?”
“No, he’s terrible with secrets.”
Eugene hummed under his breath as he helped Varian get ready for the day. Both mother and son had been all giggly and whispery the day before; clearly they had a secret between them. “You gonna tell me what you and mom were talking about?”
Varian cocked his head in confusion. Oh gosh, it never got old, still just as cute as the first time!
“Last night,” Eugene clarified.
Varian gasped, covering his mouth. He shook his head in despair. Daddy didn’t like keeping secrets from him, he said it was good to tell the truth… but mommy asked him to keep it to himself! Would she be mad if he told him?
“Don’t wanna spill?” Eugene teased, chuckling. He helped Varian into his new shirt. He never did find out what happened to Varian’s sailor outfit, the one he wore when he was with Ulla, but when the house blew up there was no way it survived. Now Varian wore a dark purple school uniform, with white buttons and ascot. His shoes were shiny and black, the pristine boarding school kind. There was a hat that went with it but Varian never wore it for more than a few minutes.
Varian shook his head.
Eugene smirked. “Alright, how about I share a secret with you, hm? Maybe then you’ll tell me?” He took the silence as an invitation. “I’m gonna ask Rapunzel to marry me.” He almost said again, but Varian wasn’t there the first time, and he still wanted the kid to think positively of him. It felt nice to tell someone; he’d tell Lance but he was terrible with secrets.
Varian looked like he was gonna explode.
His dad burst out laughing. The kid’s cheeks were so puffed up you’d mistake him for a blowfish, and his face burned red. He opened his mouth, but bit down on his hand to muffle his words, and stomped his feet in frustration. Frustrated tears bubbled up and, had it not been for his dad’s calloused hands, would’ve fallen down.
“Oh, bud,” Eugene wheezed. “It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me, alright? But I wanted to tell you that. I was going to propose tonight.”
Tonight!? Rapunzel and he were planning for tonight too! He was gonna sing a song! At his distraught face, Eugene quickly backpedaled.
“Bluebird I still love you! I know you technically won that fight but I’m still gonna love her, but you’re still my little boy! Are you mad?”
“No!” Varian whined. He hated that he couldn’t tell him why he was upset! Daddy was so good at cheering him up.
Exasperated, Eugene picked his son up and left his bedroom for the day. “Well when you’re ready to tell me, you come get me, hm? No pouting.”
He pouted the rest of the day.
It sucked.
Eugene could tell it was stressing Varian just as much as it was stressing him, but because Varian refused to talk, it made the whole situation that much worse. He thought maybe he was just mad at him, but apparently he wouldn’t even talk to Lance! And he loved Lance!
Varian hated being quiet! He was the biggest chatterbox when he wanted to be! The last time he was this quiet towards his family was back when he first moved in. But still the boy held his tongue. If he didn’t, he might accidentally tell someone! And he couldn’t even tell Rapunzel or Cassie, since they were busy all day!
Maybe today’s just an off day, Eugene thought as Varian pushed his food around at dinner. He looked so miserable, like he was near tears, and it pulled at his heartstrings. Eventually Varian gave up on trying to eat, and that was Eugene’s cue for an early bedtime.
For his part, Varian didn’t really complain all that much. But then again, if he complained, he might slip up!
“Just double checking, bud.” Eugene said after he tucked the boy in. Varian’s little onesie was so precious, covered in clouds and a sun on his chest. “You’re not upset about me proposing to Rapunzel?”
In all honesty, he was more worried about nightmares. All of their hard work building up Varian’s confidence had crumbled like a stack of cards thanks to Ulla. He was wary of guards and staff, unsure if any of them would turn them back over for experiments.
Even though Eugene had explained to Varian that his momma could never hurt him again, that he was safe and no one would ever take him away from him, that really wasn’t true. For one, Rapunzel was living proof of that. But more importantly, Ulla’s claws dug deep into the boy’s mind, haunting his dreams. At least once a week, even now, Varian would wake with horrible screams and visions of electric chairs and amber formulas and rocks. He was bouncing back a lot faster than the first time around, but there was a reason he’d started looking around Corona for a child psychiatrist.
“No…” Varian sighed. He may be bummed about their plans, but if the end result was the same, he couldn’t really be too upset. Right? He picked at his sheets. “Just wanted to see mama…”
Eugene smiled sadly. “I’ll have her come see you after our date, ok?” With a kiss to the forehead, the father left the room.
Varian waited a few moments.
Then he slipped out of bed.
Regardless of whether or not his and Rapunzel’s plans were ruined, he’s not missing this proposal! Honestly he was a little offended Eugene didn’t ask him to help. He could’ve been like, “Will you be my mommy?”. But then again, Rapunzel already was his mommy. So maybe not those exact words.
Whatever! The point remained!
He peeked down the corner, where Eugene and Rapunzel were talking. Ruddiger’s tail swished in Varian’s face, making it impossible for him to make out what they were saying. But judging by the box Eugene hid behind his back, and the chest Rapunzel hid behind hers, it was something about a surprise on their date tonight.
Man, adults were weird. Why all the secrets and cryptic speech?
They walked side by side, neither looking at the gifts hidden away, nor at Varian trailing behind them like a lost puppy.
“I heard Varian was cranky today,” Rapunzel snickered at the face her boyfriend made in response. He looked like he’d swallowed a lemon. Which, to be fair, wasn’t too far off from his “smolder”. And he wondered why she didn’t fall for it.
“Yea, a bit,” he said. “He didn’t want to tell me what you two have been up to.” At this, she raised an eyebrow. In all honesty, she expected him to cave. Her sweet little boy kept it together! Well, maybe not emotionally. She’ll grab a cupcake for him later.
“Well, I think he’ll be in a much better mood tomorrow,” she hummed. “I was surprised you wanted to go on a boat ride instead of our other plan.”
“Yea well, I had an idea.”
“A good one?” She shrieked when he jokingly poked her stomach.
Varian followed them quietly, his padded footsies keeping him undetected. The night chill nipped at his cheeks, turning them red as an apple. But he didn’t care. He kept following until his parents approached a boat and rowed out a small ways. It was far enough that Varian probably couldn’t swim it, but he could still see them. The soft sound of waves filled his ears, the moon’s lullaby trying to soothe its kin. But Varian’s focus was solely on his family.  
“To think, about a year ago we were out here…” the princess glanced up at the starry sky. “And now…” She glanced over to see Eugene’s warm, loving smile.
“So, are we going to share gifts now or later?” Eugene joked. “It’s kinda funny, since today’s not really anything special, but we still got each other gifts.”
Rapunzel hummed, smiling. “This one isn’t just for you.” She glanced down at the box, an ornate, mahogany chest her mom gave her for the occasion. “It was supposed to be ready at Varian’s birthday but I figured I’d just give both of them to you.” Eugene’s smile turned even softer, if that was even possible. His heart was so warm, he half expected to burn from the inside out. The chest creaked open, and he gasped.
“Oh, blondie…”
There were two crowns sitting on plush blue velvet. Eugene’s was a dark silver, almost black under the moon’s shine. It had three prongs, not unlike Rapunzel’s tiara, though these were much pointier. Embedded on the middle prong was a gleaming violet stone, reflecting the color of Corona. Varian’s was relatively simple, more of a circlet. Also silver, it had the same loops as Rapunzel’s, with a myriad of blue stones instead of her red.
Eugene let out a shaky breath, almost nervous to touch them. “Rapunzel, these are…!” It felt almost wrong to have them. A year ago he’d tried to steal hers, and now he’s getting one of his own? But he couldn’t deny how much he wanted this. Not the crowns per say (well, that’s a lie; he may not be a thief anymore but he still loved the finer things in life) but to belong, to match with the loves of his life.
There was one nagging question though. “How’d you get your dad to agree?”
Rapunzel snorted. Around the same time she’d blown up at her dad, she’d found out about the nobility’s haggling in regards to him and Varian. “I told him we’d give him another grandkid.” Eugene choked on his own spit. “Uh, can we, um, raincheck on that? Varian’s already enough,” He wheezed. With his anxieties soothed, he reached out, fingers brushing against the cool metal. “I gotta say, these are pretty nice. Just big enough to not mess up my hair! Aw, blondie, you think of everything.” He struck a pose. “How do I look?”
“Like a king,” Rapunzel beamed. She reached into her pocket, ready to give him the other gift. “Speaking of king-”
“Hold that thought, it’s my turn!” Eugene said, holding up a finger. He missed his girlfriend’s pout.
Across the bay, Varian pouted as well. “This is boring,” he whined to Ruddiger.  
“So, speaking of kings,” Eugene said, and Rapunzel rolled her eyes fondly, but softened when Eugene’s face turned more serious. “I know the last time I asked was… less than perfect. And in the time since that… so much has happened,” that was an understatement, and they both knew it. “You asked me to wait, and I just want you to know that I am fully willing to wait still. But… I just wanted to… check in?” He opened the box to reveal a cupcake. But before Rapunzel could question it, Pascal grabbed the cherry, revealing a ring on top of the frosting. She gasped.
“Rapunzel… will you marry me?”
Her eyes brimmed with tears of joy. She sniffled, reaching into her pocket. “Only if you marry me,” she laughed, revealing the golden band she had. Eugene’s face lit up, and smiled harder than he ever had. The night was full of silence, just the two of them as they swapped bands.
Eugene burst into silent laughter, burrowing his face onto Rapunzel’s shoulder as his own shook with mirth. Honestly, he didn’t know why he expected any less. Of course Varian would try and follow them. His fiance (!!) grabbed the oars, rowing back to shore where their son bounced up and down with impatience.
The moment they stepped out onto the dock, they got an armful of child. “Oof!” Eugene wheezed. “I thought you went to bed, young man?”
Rapunzel hummed. “But didn’t your daddy put you to bed?”
“Uhuh. I just got up again.”
Eugene barked out a laugh, sweeping Varian up into his arms, much to the boy’s delight. He shrieked with joy, clutching his dad’s neck tight. Rapunzel couldn’t help but join in, wrapping both of them into a bear hug.
The small family’s laughter rang out into the night air, up towards the moon.
It shined just a bit brighter.
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kivaember · 5 years
what about a date? Where would aza go for a date vs where would aym go? Aza trying to be romantic and cater to aym shenanigans ensue...I hope you writing juices flow freely at any rate
IT DID INDEED HELP thank you ;;w;; here you go! 
“You… made a reservation at the Bismark…?”
Aza looked a little disgruntled at Bluebird’s open displayof shock, crossing his arms over his chest as he tilted his chin stubbornly, “Yeah,for a romantic dinner.”
Bluebird reeled at the revelation that Aza even knew what a romantic dinner was – thiswas the same person who thought a good first date for him and Aymeric was to fighta pack of Behemoths (which ended as disastrously as one would expect) – and squinteda little suspiciously at him. Aza didn’t just do these things unprompted. Something was afoot here.
“How’d you even geta reservation?” she asked, “Would’ve thought they’d take one look at your scruffy,blood-stained mess of an outfit and kick you out before you got a word inedgewise.”
“Lyngsath owed me a favour,” Aza huffed, “Also, hello?Warrior of Light here?”
“Ah,” Bluebird nodded slowly, “Exploiting your fame. Verynice.”
“Moving on,” Aza sighed, “I didn’t tell you about it so youcould mock me. I told you because,um, well, you’re right about the scruffy outfit…”
Bluebird perked up, utterly delighted, “Is this happening?Are you asking me for fashion advice?Me?”
“It was either you or Tataru, and I’m not opening myself tobe ambushed by a pack of tailors again!” Aza hissed, looking adorably flusteredat that memory. That’s right, Tataru had arranged for him to be fitted for alovely outfit – too bad he got spooked by the, uh, aggressiveness of the tailorsand hid up a tree for six hours, so that nice outfit still remained a conceptin Tataru’s ambitious little mind, “Just help me!”
“Okay, okay…” Bluebird rolled her eyes, “Though, you’reasking a lot. You’re gonna whine no matter what I pick.”
“I won’t whine.”
“Oh?” Bluebird raised her eyebrows, “What if I say, ‘noarmour’?”
Aza, predictably, made a face, “But-”
“No armour,” Bluebird repeated, unable to hold back thelarge, shit-eating grin curling her mouth, “No breastplate, no gambeson, no leatherand no weapons.”
“What if-”
“If you can sneak it into your breeches without anyone beingthe wiser, then sure,” Bluebird relented, because Aza was probably going toslip in an entire armoury in his smallclothes otherwise. She long learned thatsome things you needed to make concessions on, when it came to Aza, “But you’renot bringing that stupid meat cleaver.”
“Fine,” Aza said sullenly.
Bluebird tapped her bottom lip in thought then, looking herbrother up and down. He was wearing his usual adventurer fare – all darkleather with a few suspicious stains here and there, as well as clear signs ofhasty repair, topped off with a pitted, old breastplate that had seen betterdays. His gear was well-worn, but reliableand well cared for – but to the less experienced eye, he looked like some hoboadventurer that didn’t have two coins to rub together. Definitely not the outfit for a romantic date in a high-endrestaurant.
The problem was, understandably, Aza disliked being vulnerable in open, public spaces. He had anxietyproblems, and being clad in sturdy, protective clothing mitigated that. Puttinghim well out of his comfort zone, in an unfamiliar situation, while alreadybeing mildly anxious for things to go right… it was a disaster in the making. Probablynot as bad as the Behemoth Date, but… disastrous in a different way.
Bluebird smiled. There was no way she was going to miss witnessingthis dumpster fire.
“Right, I’m not an expert on fine dining,” she said slowly, “ButI think I can rustle up an outfit that won’t immediately peg you as some crazy mountain hermit.”
“Unless you wanna go to Tataru?”
“… I’m fine, thanks.”
Bluebird clapped her hands together, smiling brightly, “Great! So, c’mon! We’re gonna go shoppingfor your perfect date outfit.”
The Bismark was theplace to go, if you had the patience to wait for a reservation opening and themoney to back it up. It boasted a diverse menu, with dishes from all over thestar made by skilled, experienced chefs from the Culinary Guild. Commonly, ithosted people of great import from the city states, which, naturally, began toinclude Ishgard now that they had opened their frozen gates to the EorzeanAlliance at large, be they successful merchants, famous mercenaries or even Ul’dahnpoliticians.  
Still, despite the time it had been since Ishgard’s slowacceptance into Eorzea as a whole, this was still Aymeric’s first visit to theplace. It was both familiar yet strange – parts of it reminded him of the sophisticateddining halls for the Ishgardian nobility, yet it wasn’t stiff about it. Set out on an open deck with a lovely view of theLimsa Lominsan decks and the coast of Vylbrand, the smell of salt air on awarm, coastal wind despite the late hour, the stars above glittering bright ina purple-blue streak across the navy blue sky… it was leagues above any grey-stonedIshgardian dining hall, stifled with traditional formality.
But what reallymade it was Aza. His partner hadreally come through for him tonight.
“So, um, how do you like the place?” Aza asked him almost shylyafter their starters were served and their wine glasses filled, “I know it’snot as fancy as that Ishgardian place…”
“I love it,” Aymeric said easily, “Far more relaxing, forone.”
Aza smiled, clearly relieved, and Aymeric took a moment toadmire the look on him. For once his partner wasn’t stubbornly clad in armour(though, no doubt armed, as he had the disconcerting ability to smuggle in allmanner of knives in his smallclothes without detection) and was dressed in arather simple yet flattering affair of shirt and trousers. It looked distinctlyGridanian in some way, but Aymeric couldn’t place the exact style.
Whatever it was, it looked nice. Aza looked nice – not to say he normally didn’t, but even Aymeric wanted to see him in something that wasn’twell-worn, blood-stained armour from time to time.
“You look lovely,” Aymeric murmured, “Who dressed you?”
Aza’s smile eased into something wry, “Couldn’t I havedressed myself?”
Aymeric just looked at him.
“…okay, fine, itwas Bluebird,” Aza grumbled, his bottom lip jutting out just so. Aymeric had a fleeting urge to nip at it.
“She did a finejob,” Aymeric purred, picking up his wine glass and hiding his smile behind itsrim, “Very fine. I do love how thatshirt hugs your chest. It leaves naught to the imagination, and I want to-”
“Alright, lusty,” Aza interrupted, his cheeks slightly pink,“Stow that talk for later. We’re being romantichere.”
“Ah, sorry. Remind me to continue that thought after a fewmore wine glasses,” Aymeric said a mite impishly, “Do you have anything plannedfor after the meal?”
“Got a room we can crash in the Drowning Wench,” Aza said,then quickly added, “Don’t let the name fool you. The rooms are nice, and Iknow Baderon, the guy who owns it. He makes an amazing breakfast.”
An amazing breakfast… why does Aymeric feel like he’s heardthat before? Ah, wait. He knew where. “Is it that ‘La Noscean toast’ you made afew weeks ago?”
“Yes!” Aza perked up, delighted as always whenever Aymeric remembereda culinary dish of his, “I don’t make it as well as Baderon, though. So, if youthought mine was nice, wait ‘til you try his!”
Aymeric smiled, something warm and fuzzy brimming in hisheart at Aza’s clear, pure happiness, “Hmm, I’m looking forward to it.”
The meal proceeded from there. It was… nice. Aymeric triednew things, Aza happily explained the more obscure dishes in the menu, and theyspoke about trivial and mundane and simple things while steadily drinking theirway through three wine bottles. It wasn’t as strong as the paint stripperIshgardians normally passed off as alcohol, in fact it was weak as far as wineswent, but it was enough to make him a bit woozy and flushed while Aza leaptstraight into drowsy by the time their desserts came round.
“Aza, darling, your cheesecake isn’t a cushion.”
“Mmff…” Aza mumbled, barely keeping himself fromfaceplanting said cheesecake by propping his cheek on an upturned palm, hiseyes squinted half-shut, “It looks… soft enough too.”
Aymeric chuckled, reaching out to carefully tug theuntouched dessert out of faceplanting range, “Should I order us some coffee?”
Aza didn’t look much better after an emergency shot of espressowas delivered, but he did perk up enough to eat his cheesecake, luckily enough.Whilst it looked very appetising, Aymeric himself was too stuffed to try andput that away by himself, and it would be a shame to waste the whole thing onaccount of Aza’s drowsiness.
“You might… have to carry me to the inn,” Aza mumbled aroundhis fork, the silverware bouncing up and down from the movement of his lips. Itwas a shocking lack of table manners that would’ve scandalised any Ishgardiannoble. Aymeric simply found it adorable, “M’sleepy…”
“Quite a distance to carry you,” Aymeric hummed teasingly, “You’requite heavy, after all, I might end up dropping you.”
“You callin’ me fat?”
“Muscular, more like,” Aymeric muttered, “And incrediblydense.”
Despite Aza’s fears, however, once the bill was paid andthey made their unsteady way out of the restaurant towards the Aftcastle, Azawas able to move under his own power… albeit he had to cling tight to Aymeric’sarm, pressed close to his side and letting out a low, rumbling purr thatsignalled his utter contentment.
Around them, Limsa Lominsa was well awake, despite the latehour, the distant clang of bells and horns, the murmur of crowds and sailorshitting the taverns or skulking back to their ships – and above, the starstwinkled bright, with the splash of the galaxy stark against the night sky.Aymeric soaked it all in, and all the tension he had brought with him to LimsaLominsa just… seeped out of him, relaxed in a way he rarely felt nowadays, whatwith… everything happening.
“Thank you,” he murmured softly to Aza, who merely hummedsleepily at him, “Tonight was lovely.”
“’nythin’ for you, han’some…” Aza mumbled, “M’happy youenjoyed.”
With that, they continued on to the Drowning Wench, lookinglike any other couple stumbling back from a successful date at the Bismark,rather than the famed Warrior of Light and the Lord Commander of Ishgard. Foronce… they had a night of utter romantic normalcy, and it was nice.
Yet it remained to be seen, how many of these nice datesthey had left, with how things continued with Garlemald, and the Ascians…
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