dnangelic Β· 2 months
" Daisuke, look what I got~. " Holding and presenting a small, box-shaped object, Sirin shows off a movie -- a horror movie. A devious little smirk grows on her face and she even tilts the movie left and right for emphasis sake.
" Something like this would be best served with popcorn and other snacks late at night. What do you say? Wanna watch it with me? " Can he stomach the horror..? (she can't. she's a big baby. but she thinks it'll be fun)
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... movie tickets ? he can make out the title even from the distance between his eyes and her hands : it's one of the newest ones , promising a once-in-a-lifetime level thrill and top grade special effects . as soon as the surprise of it has worn off , daisuke's expression can't help but retain some gentle worry and concern .
' sirin , did you ... like horror ? i mean , i hear this one's really scary . are you going to be okay ? ' even with the way she's grinning at him and fanning those tickets like he should be whining and shaking , terrified out of his wits and clinging to her , he's still blankly asking something like this ! after all , he couldn't quite recall whether or not he had ever seen sirin show a deep interest in far more hardcore horror like this , and with his own life already filled with near-fatal moments , genuine blood and even violent , supernatural curses that he himself had to confront and tame ...
well , unlike wiz , who certainly wouldn't have been able to go five minutes without tearfully squeaking and frantically hopping away , the niwa would be able to remain ( perhaps all too shockingly given his usual nature , ) completely , unflappably calm . once upon a time he might have fret over something like sharing popcorn and their hands brushing , or abruptly stood up and ran away to the bathroom using terror as an excuse to hide his transformations --- but right now , he could only imagine them being close , close enough to lean heads onto shoulders and hold hands in the cool , safe dark of the theater .
a small smile sets across his lips as daisuke lastly nods at her --- really , if it was being able to spend time with sirin , then anything would have been amazing . ' it sounds great ... ! since you got the tickets , let me pay for the snacks and drinks , okay ? ' ... ( was it too much to hope for a shared dessert at a diner afterwards , too ? )
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