#Aw cutie you feel bad because it’s taking you an hour write a letter
arleneworld22 · 3 months
Hello, how are you?
How was your weekend? How was with your in-laws? They sound like a very friendly family. How are you going playing with your father in-law? Is he still “kicking your asses”? lol
My weekend becomes more busy as I expect, yesterday in the morning my boss call me and asked me if I can cover someone at the emergency department again today and I just say yes by instict *subs* but I really wanted to go to this plant event today at Vicente’s park with my family to buy some flowers but *long sigh* well, there will be more events to go for a walk together.
Yesterday I get a little late at sign class so I couldn’t ask for the notes from the last class, but fortunately the teachers always start doing a small review from last session and there weren’t too many new signs for me, actually I was able to learn all of them at that very moment #wujuu
Something funny was that I just missing last class and I find out that we’ll do a rally next Saturday, and they commissioned some support books, like when you missing a class and it happens from everything :’D
And at the end this classmate borrowed me her book that we talked about the last time “Before December” (I forgot to bring her Little Woman, so it’s for the next time) and I saw that she is the kind of person that likes to put on note sticks, write on the book and make some little drawings!! <333333333 I almost cried with emotion. I DEFINITELY going to enjoy very much her book.
My bestie calls me and he agree to go to the FIL with me on Friday! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH  I’m very very excited!!! because last year we couldn’t go together and also because it’s the first time we meet in months and finally not from a video call! *cries with hyperactivity*. If you go to the FIL… is it bad to admit that I truly hope I can see you there at least a few seconds? Maybe it is, sorry I don’t want you to make you feel uncomfortable. But also I know it’s a little big place with maaany people, so.. who knows, maybe I can’t, but I hope you can enjoy your day with your best friend and you can find something you like. <3
Talking about Piledriver waltz, I love the whole submarine soundtrack, (some day I want to buy the vinyl disc) but this song has an especial place in my heart because in that time when I had nightmares I always looked for you just to talk and forget that bad feeling I had and it didn’t matter if you were sleeping or awake, you always responded my messages or calls (sometimes was very late and it gets me a little worried tbh) one night I asked if you could sing me something, anything, and you send me audios of you singing that song; I want to admit that I kept those audios in the highlight messages so I listened Piledriver waltz by you maaany many times. Now I don’t remember how your voice sounds when you talk, I have a glimpse of how your laugh sounds but, I remember almost 100% how you sound when you sing and most of the time I just can remember if I put on Piledriver waltz. Also, thank you very much for explain me your songs, now they have soooo much sense, I remember you always respected bug’s life’s but I thought it was because you are someone who likes to respect any living being, well, that’s true but I didn’t know you love bugs, it’s very nice to know that!
My brother… we didn’t know that too loool, he told us his feelings on 2020 so with all what we were living that time I have  to confess that first I was in shock and then I get veeeeeeeeeery worried about him for how our family could be with him, but now is kind of normal I guess(?); my brother it’s more open about that with me than my parents; they know, my mom is still on grief for that, I can see it in her eyes, but she is trying to not get minded by that, and my dad just avoid the topic but still respects him, the rest of our family don’t know, so he talks to me about other boys and how they treat him, we made jokes about som random imaginary scenarios and about silly moments he has when he gets nervous when they are close to him, or sometimes we talk about situations when they tell him things that he doesn’t understand. His teenager era changes him A LOT, he takes more seriously his studies, he express everything he thinks and feels (sometimes is very mean but it’s not his intention sound in that way), he starts to practice volleyball, he is really into quizzes and test from internet and psychology topics (I already explained him that those things are not always are truth), he reads more, he is an extrovert person with introvert boundaries and sensitive soul, he is 18y/o (my baby is a man now! 😭) and after many talks, and some discussions with our mom, we negotiated that better to him if he is going to take a break after his graduation to prepare more himself before applying to the university next year, and we are so glad that she accepted!!, so yeah that’s a victory for us; I understand the big brother senses are always on, I trust that he is going to choose nice people to be around him and if it doesn’t work how he expects I will always be there to hug him as much as he need.
Now talking about the treasure’s planet, I didn’t know you loved that movie, it’s amazing! Also I remember that you told me that you both love him so much, never explained to me the reason, but also I didn’t want to ask because sounds to me like it was a very sensitive topic and didn’t wanted to make you feel uncomfortable told me something that looks very personal.
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purekesseltrash · 3 years
My Fic List
Whelp, decided I should do one of these.  I have mostly written for Hockey RPF and BNHA, as you have likely already seen!
My BNHA Fics
Bury Them Deep
- “Shouji Mezou's entire life has revolved around being a goalie and playing hockey since he was five years old. After being drafted in the third round in the NHL, Shouji has two more years of college before moving on to playing professional hockey like he's always wanted. Or at least like he always thought he wanted. An injury that ends his season throws him into a tailspin, forcing him to take a look at his life and how he is going to live it, especially after meeting his fascinating new goth history tutor.”
(This bad bitch is 81k total and is chock full of my red hot hockey takes and midwestern references.  I love it very much and it is a sweet baby.)
The Rooftop Necromancy series AKA my black metal band AU:
Downhill from Here 
- “ Hizashi just wants to tour the country with his best friends with their metal band in their shitty van like they've been planning for years. He'd successfully hidden his crush on one of them for years, after all, he would definitely be able to make this work and keep things fun and uncomplicated. Until Aizawa decided to start acting weird. “
(In which I take you all on a nostalgic trip to 2006-2008 metal culture and you can see the black metal love song that my dumb ass wrote.)
The Perfect Mistake
- “ It wasn't as though Hizashi had planned on breaking up with his boyfriend while they were on tour in a tiny cargo van with no room and no peace. He would have much rather preferred to do it when they were home and he could easily go and crawl back into his mom's basement. But he didn't have a choice. “
(As relationships tend to do, theirs goes through problems.)
Rooftop Necromancy
-"He’d even ended up leaning into the crowd when someone’s elbow had connected solidly with his nose and thrown him back. They’d gone quiet as Hizashi got himself up to his feet, ripped off his now bloody ‘Within Temptations’ tshirt from 2004, whipped his hair back from his face and screamed, “That’s what I’m FUCKING talking about.” into the mic.
They went wild for it, cheering as blood ran down his nose, past his mouth and dripped onto the stage, leaving him feeling like an otherworldly monster performing an occult ritual. Metal, he thought dazedly to himself, why in the fuck had he ever stopped doing metal."
(I hyperfocused so hard at the idea of Mic as a metal head that I wrote this in seven straight hours and WROTE THROUGH THE ATTEMPTED COUP ON DEMOCRACY WITHOUT KNOWING IT.  It’s a bit rough, but it’s got some good parts and it spawned the whole damn series.)
Hands Up
- "But of course he had, they had always been able to read each other and what they meant. That had often been their problem, if he was going to be honest."
(In which they figure their shit out.  Basically it was written when I was thinking alot about how my own mental health had evolved through the years.  It’s basically the story of two people who are both very good for each other and also very bad and how they deal with that.  It’s probably the most personally meaningful thing I’ve ever written.)
The other BNHA fics:
Waking Up With Ghosts
-"Hizashi opened his eyes to a world that belonged to ghosts. His headphones were gone and the gray, grimy world that he felt more than saw was muffled and still. This was bad, he hazily thought."
In which we follow Hizashi shortly after the events of 296. How he's found, how he finds out and how he has to tell.”
(I fished this one out of the garbage of my Google Docs because I’d written most of it and forgotten about it.  I dragged it out, prettied it up a little and threw it up on AO3.  It is by far my most well read BNHA fic, go figure.)
Leave Her Johnny
-”Captain Hizashi Yamada has combed the Seven Seas looking for the elusive smuggler Eraserhead. He has spent years searching for him, tracking his movements and trying to anticipate where he would be next. But he had never considered what would happen when he finally found him. “
(I wrote a paragraph of this and was immediately like ‘I MUST CREATE THIS’.  I take some chances writing wise in this as the whole thing is done in a Victorian Era ish style of writing.  But I think it’s effective and the ending is likely one of the best that I’ve ever managed.  I’m proud of it.)
Gold Rush
-”"That earned him a laugh and Mashirao’s smile made something in his chest ache, something that made him want to hurt. Why had he ever left?
“I’m really not,” Mashirao was saying but Shinsou just shook his head and kissed him once, twice and wished he could take the sunny afternoon and make it stay forever. Make it stay forever like Mashirao somehow had, while the neighborhood had adjusted without Hitoshi’s permission.
“You are,” he said, “And I love it.”
I love you, he should have said.  But as Mashirao’s eyes softened and the blonde pushed him back against the bed, Hitoshi knew he didn’t need to say it."
(You know how sometimes you listen to a Death Cab for Cutie song about gentrification over and over until a fic comes out?  Because that’s basically what happened here.)
Black Sun
‘"But then he remembered the way that Shouji had eaten the night after, one hand curled into his hair as he hung back in the corner. Shouji hid when something was wrong, like a wounded cat trying to find a dark place to either live or die and he was being released tomorrow. Now was the time to push or he’d find Shouji right back on his bed, staring at nothing."
Something happened to Shouji on the beach. Tokoyami is sure of it.‘
(Aaaaaand Death Cab for Cutie strikes again.  But heyo, my first published ShouToko and it is SOFTTTTT)
In the Far and Mighty West
Mic came closer and despite himself, Shouta could not find it in him to feel afraid. “You won’t understand, not really. I’ll try, though. I’m like Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan or a jackalope or that fish that your friend caught that he swears he brought in but that you’ve never seen proof of. I’m the herd of dogies moving sweet and steady in the right direction, I’m no stragglers to worry about, I’m that perfect dog that’s there to keep them in line. I’m that group of good friends that you would kill for, I’m the woman who you’re dying to come home to, I’m that promised home of milk and honey. I’m Mic.”
Shouta stared at him dazedly and licked his lips, feeling drunk and stupid as he stared at the man. “You’re… magic?”
“I suppose you could call me that.”
(Cowboy!Erasermic.  Inspired heavily by American Gods and my own love of folk heroes.)
In Your Violence
- “'Mezou frowned, eyes narrowing. “Are you trying to say that you’re scared that I’ll be killed by having faith in you?”
“It would be in your best interest to stay away from me,” Fumikage finally said, his voice falling flat and quiet. “I am destined to be a monster.”
'Mezou gets the call he fears, the one that says that Fumikage has lost control again. But this time it's different, in more ways than one.”
(I listened to Silence by Marshmello until I went insane in this is the result.  Featuring some of my super depressing headcanons about Shouji!  But it’s not awful.)
My hockey fics that I still like:
Hufflepuff Halfwit  
- ““Zhenya, the wind is coming from the west, I will not remind you again. You shut that window before the house stinks of factories!” She snapped and Geno stared at the owl as though maybe it would know what to do. But instead, it had given a little hoot and wiggled inside, only to drop it’s letter on the counter.
He turned his head very slowly back to look at his mother, who had suddenly gone very quiet. “It… just showed up, Mama. And um. It brought a letter.” He waited again, looked back at the owl who had begun to nose at the pirozhkis in interest and then looked back at his mother with the best puppy dog eyes he had ever attempted. “Can I keep it?”
(This is a part of my hockey/Harry Potter au that still legitimately haunts my dreams.  It’s basically a Sid/Geno in Hogwarts but I really love the world building I got to do with Koldovstoretz, the Russian school of wizardry.  Don’t read ‘On the Word of a Slytherin’ though, I’m not as proud of that one.)
The Prince  
- “What the fuck.” Matt breathed out, sitting back heavily onto his hotel bed as he stared at his phone.
‘This is Henrik.’ The text read. ‘I would like to meet you. I will book a room in Pittsburgh at your convenience. Let me know what time will work for you.’  - 
(Listen, it’s Henrik Lundqvist/Matt Murray smut, I feel like that is novel and interesting and worth your attention.  I wax poetic on goalies in this, as you do.)
The Zoo of Toronto 
- “No one missed it when a massive porcupine had shuffled in between the reporters with a single minded focus, pushing media away until it was able to grip onto Phil’s suit pants and try to pull itself up. He hadn’t been able to do more then besides pick the animal up before it could shred his pants to shreds and walk out of the locker room before the decision had been made with the Toronto media.
Phil Kessel was guilty.” 
(Not gonna lie, this is probably my favorite of the hockey fics I’ve written.  And it’s Phil/Carl, which is never found anymore but it was a good pairing.)
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msjr0119 · 4 years
We Belong
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*Read this part before reading below*
Between Drake and Maxwell they were taking it in turns to babysit their nephew that they shared, whilst their siblings were on their honeymoon.
Since the wedding yesterday, Bianca’s words kept roaming through his mind- she seemed sincere yet slightly spooked. If he hadn’t have already been in the doghouse with Evie he would have berated her forgiving his mother. Spending this time with Bartie, made him think about what kind of father and mother they would have been if things were different. Making his mind instantly linger towards her- the need to talk to her was always there.
Hey, what are you doing? X
Hi, nothing much. How’s babysitting? X
Going better than expected. I’ve managed to bath him without drowning him. I’ve fed him. I’ve played with him. Now the biggest task is to get him to sleep. X
Without drowning him- Oh Drake! Have more faith in yourself. Read him a story. I’m sure he will be tired after his bath anyway. X
He sure is, do you fancy coming over? I mean you don’t have to. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to. X
Drake waited for a response, but didn’t get one straight away. Regretting asking her, he had hoped that she was just busy and not shutting him out again.
“Come on little man, lets get you to bed.” Placing Bartie in bed, he laid next to him- comforting him before beginning to imagine up a story to tell him. “Once upon a time, there was a beautiful woman called... Evie...”
“Yes, Bartie. Evie. There was a handsome Prince who fell in love immediately with Evie...”
After finishing the story, Bartie was fast asleep. Drake looked at his nephew in awe.
“You’re going to break a few hearts when you’re older kid. Uncle Drake loves you so much.” Bending down to kiss him, he wrapped him up- ensuring that he was warm enough.
“So if I’m the beautiful woman.. that must make you the ruggedly handsome commoner?” Her presence made him jump to begin with, as he stood up- a smile crept onto his face.
“Evie? What are you doing here?”
“You invited me over. My phone went dead, and I wasn’t sure if the texting was a plea for help with babysitting duties so I didn’t charge it up.”
“No, I’d have asked for help outright. I’m glad you came. Do you want a drink?” Evie nodded, as he lead her out of the room and into the kitchen. Handing her a cup of coffee, there was silence surrounding them. Neither knowing who was going to break the silence first.
“So. I had a visit from Liam this morning once you had left.”
Hearing a knock at the door, she couldn’t believe that Drake was back again- knowing that he was sincere in winning her trust and love back- he couldn’t keep away.
“Li?” Her smile soon faltered into a disappointed expression.
“Sorry Evangeline, was you expecting a tall dark handsome man instead?” He asked winking at her.
“No. Maybe. Can I help you?”
“Just a quick question. Did you find the present that Savannah left you the other night on your bed?”
“I haven’t slept in my bed for a few days. Why?”
“We all have a surprise for you and Drake, a little break that the two of you deserve. The flight leaves the day after tomorrow. I hope the two of you will go- it’ll do you both some good.”
“What if Drake doesn’t want to go with me? I mean we’re technically not together.” Liam cupped her cheek, he knew that she would use any excuse she could to avoid going.
“He loves you dearly. That dance proved he loves you. His eyes never left you yesterday, Evie the man is totally in love with you. Give him a chance, you two are perfect for each other- again the dance proved that, the interaction between the two of you.”
“Would you be saying all that if you didn’t meet Riley?” Knowing that this was a slight dig at his antics when she had first arrived back in Cordonia- he felt ashamed.
“Evie, I love you. I always will. It’s a different type of love that I have for you compared to the love I have for Riley. Even though you rejected me for my commoner best friend - which I am highly offended with by the way- I am happy for the two of you. As is everyone else. Now go home, and find that surprise!”
“Yes, your Majesty. Li? I love you too.” Pulling her towards him, he held her tightly and kissed her on the forehead before exiting the room.
“I assume you had one from Riley?”
”Yeah I did.”
Hearing a knock at the door, Drake had hoped that it was Evie- they had kissed and cuddled all night but never elaborated from that.
“Hey, can I come in?” Drake opened the door wider allowing her in.
“How’s my little niece doing?” Drake rubbed his hand along Riley’s bump, as he did this she noticed tears in his eyes.
“She’s fine, although she wouldn’t want to see her uncle cry though.”
“I’m sorry, I daren’t cry in front of Evie - my heart is breaking, Riley. I lost two of the most important people in my life in the matter of twenty four hours. We’re talking now, we’ve shared kisses, we’ve even slept next together in the same bed. But is that all it’s going to be?”
“I’m sure Evie is feeling the exact same, Drake. I’m so sorry, I keep blaming myself for her defending me all the time. Has she mentioned anything that Savannah left on her bed for the two of you?”
“No. But Li asked a similar question at the bachelor party.”
“Between us all, we organised for the two of you to have a break leaving the day after tomorrow. You both deserve it, and this break could help the two of you. We’ve all done this because we all love you both. I love you, and I want you to be happy.”
“What if she doesn’t want to come with me?”
“She will.. after that kiss on the dance floor, she would be a fool to not go.”
“If she doesn’t want to go then I’m not going either. Thank you brooks, I love you too.” Riley pulled him in for a hug before leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Handing him the letter and the tickets, Drake shook his head after reading it.
Hey you two,
So you are both wondering what is going off? Between everyone we decided that you both needed a break away from Cordonia. Savannah still technically owns the apartment in Paris that I bought her- why don’t you both go to the city of looovvveee? We all love you both so much, and are hoping that you two are going to stop being so stubborn and be together. Please go because if not I’ll have everyone wanting to kill me. Maxi x
“We don’t have to go. I know you don’t want to rush into anything. I’m surprised they trusted Maxwell to write the letter.”
“I... don’t make me feel bad Drake. I love you, I truly do. I don’t want to be heartbroken. It’s always going to be in the back of my mind. What would have happened if I was still pregnant? A single parent Duchess would have caused a scandal.”
“You wouldn’t have been a single parent, I’d have been by your side.”
“How do I know that Drake? You unexpectedly ended our relationship.”
“I was a dickhead for doing that. I regretted it the moment those words came out of my mouth. If we were lucky enough to still have our baby I’d have taken you both away from Cordonia. I’d have protected you both until I died. We’d have been a family even if you didn’t want to be in a relationship with me. This break that everyone has organised, could be the making or breaking of us...” Seeing him begin to cry, she felt awful. Deep down she knew he would do anything and that in his own stupid way it was to protect her.
“Don’t cry, you’re going to set me off. I’m sorry, I just have to explain my worries.. this break is going to be the making of us.”
“You want to go?”
“I told you in Vegas that I’d like to go one day. You’ve already been with court, so you can show me around.”
“I’d love to show you around, I’ve got so many plans for us.”
“Oh really? Care to share them with me?”
“I’d rather not, incase we don’t have time to do it all. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“You wouldn’t..” Stepping closer to her, he ran his fingers through her hair. Resting his forehead against hers, their lips were inches away from each other.
“Mama. Dada.” Sighing, he knew that his nephew was his main priority.
“I better go and see to him. How long are you staying for?”
“I don’t know? I’ll wait for you to settle him down again.”
“If you want to stay a bit longer, we could watch a film?”
“Okay. I’ll see what’s on.” Evie flicked through the tv seeing what was on. Not really knowing what to watch- not knowing what Drake would chose.
“Eeevie.” Drake smiled at his nephew, who was now wide eyed. Knowing he wasn’t going to be going back to sleep anytime soon. He decided to carry him in the lounge.
“He asked for you. Eeevie is his new favourite word. Auntie Evie has a nice ring to it.”
“Auntie?” Drake began to get flustered regretting calling her that. He just said it in an innocent way.
“Yeah, I meant because you are close to Savannah and Bertrand so they would like Bartie to call you auntie. Like with the heir, and Maxwell’s and Hana’s future kids... I meant it like that.”
“I knew what you meant. Do you want to watch peppa pig with Auntie Evie, Bartie?”
“It’s the first time he’s been without Savannah he’s going to be unsettled.”
“I don’t mind cuddles from this little cutie pie.” Drakes heart sunk, watching Evie interact with a child she had only just met recently. After a few episodes of Peppa Pig, he eventually fell asleep in Evie’s arms. “Sweet Dreams little boy. Do you want me to take him to his bed?”
“I’ll do it, Evie. You’ve done enough. I thought he was going to become a night owl.”
“I’m glad he decided to not be one, I don’t think I could go through anymore Peppa pig. She’s an annoying little bitch.” The two of them laughed, before Drake carried Bartie back to bed.
Evie made them both a coffee whilst waiting for Drake to return. Drake snuck behind her, and held her waist whilst snuggling into her.
“Thank you for coming.” He whispered into her ear, his hot breath lingered around her.
“You don’t need to thank me.” Turning around to face him, he lent down kissing her on the forehead. Closing her eyes as he did this, her heart wanted more but her mind still had those lingering thoughts. Opening them, Drake never took his eyes off her- keeping eye contact at all times as he softly smiled at her.
“You’re so beautiful.” Her heart began to flutter erratically- he was a charmer when he needed to be, he had always complimented her. Cupping his cheeks, she stood on her tip toes and forced a kiss on to his lips, beginning slowly it soon became more demanding. Lifting her up onto the table, his hands roamed around her body as they continued to kiss. Breaking the kiss, they were both breathless. “I’ve missed you. I know we kissed at the wedding, and last night in bed but I want these moments back- being able to hold you and touch you. Making love to the woman that I love.”
“Touch me, Drake.” Without hesitating, he placed gentle kisses on her neck and shoulder. Evie pulled his shirt off in a matter of urgency, her hands roamed along his muscled body. Unbuttoning her top slowly, his eyes watched hers for any indication that she didn’t want this. Removing it, he discarded it on the floor along with his top.
Carrying her over to the sofa, he laid her down softly as he hovered over her. Admiring her beauty, he kissed her once more before deciding to spoon her.
“What are you doing?” She asked feeling confused, she thought that this was the start of them getting back to what they once were.
“I want you, I really do. I’ve missed you so much. But...”
“But what Drake?” Sitting up, she knew she shouldn’t have given into temptation so easily. “I should go.”
“Don’t go, I haven’t got any protection. Look at what happened last time. You still got pregnant on the implant. You didn’t want to rush anything and I respected that.” Feeling guilty that her insecurities had taken over again, she realised he was thinking about her wishes.
“Pull out before?”
“It’s too risky, what if I don’t pull out in time?”
“Then we will deal with the consequences. Together.” Straddling him, she thrust against his hard cock- needing him, wanting him. “You’re going to have to remove those tights, Duchess. I’m not superman.” Smirking at her, she stood up and did as he commanded. “Your turn Sir Walker..” Biting her lip, as she watched him remove the remainder of his clothes- he pulled her down onto him. “Fuck any foreplay, I just need to you.” She said, hoping he wouldn’t be disappointed.
“Oh my god... Drake...” Evie panted, as she rode him- taking full control.
“I’ve missed you so much baby.” Placing a sloppy kiss on her, he switched positions- wanting to prevent releasing so soon. Missionary position, he began slowly thrusting in and out but making sure that he did it deep, hitting that spot.
“Drake, don’t stop.” Her words encouraged him to continue pleasing her.
“I love you Evie... Be my girl again? Please.” Not pausing his movements, it felt like an eternity before she answered. “Promise that you wont hurt me again?”
“I’m not going to, if anyone tries to come in between us- we will move away. I want you to be the mother of my children, one day I hope you’ll become my wife. I want a future that includes you.”
“You want all that?” Drake kissed her slowly, as she questioned him. “One day, I want all that. If you do too, Evie.”
“I love you my handsome boyfriend.”
“I love you too baby girl. I’m not gonna fuck up again.” Regaining his movements, he thrust harder and harder, seeing her on a high, moaning his name over and over again. Knowing he was close, he pulled out immediately- Evie watched his hand stroke his length until he finished. Not being able to move due to her body trembling, she passed him her tights to clean up.
“I don’t think you’ll want them back, I’ll buy you some more.” He said as he held her in his embrace. The two of them fell asleep in other’s arms, both content - and hopeful for their future.
“Honeyyy I’m home!” Maxwell shouted as he barged through the cabin doors. He was drunk, no intoxicated as a result to the dancing competition that he had won. In his drunk mind, he decided to check up on Drake with his babysitting duties. Noticing some tights and Drakes top on the floor, Maxwell wondered what had gone off- he could only see Drake on the sofa. Maybe he split up with Evie because he’s a drag queen? That would explain why he allowed them to turn him into a girl as kids. Picking the tights up, they felt all sticky- immediately throwing them onto Drakes head due to the shock of what was on them, he was awoken from his slumber.
“Beaumont what the fuck?”
“You allowed me to touch clothing with spunk all over it? Did you enjoy your wank whilst looking after our nephew?”
“I didn’t allow you touch anything! One, Bartie has been asleep for hours. Two, why the fuck are you here? Three, it wasn’t a wank. If you’d open your eyes, you’d see that Evie is asleep next to me.” Peering over the sofa, he saw a half naked Evie snuggled into Drake.
“Ohhh... you two... kissed and made up then? But I don’t understand the tights? Is this some type of new kinky 50 shades shit?”
“I had no condoms. I had to pull out, and she passed me them to clean my dick with. I’m being sensible this time.”
“I’ve got loads in my pocket, here knock yourself out. If she became pregnant it wouldn’t be a problem would it?”
“Yes, it would. She didn’t want to rush things. That went tits up. I asked her to be with me again during sex. So I don’t need anything to fuck it up.”
Climbing over Evie, Drake stood up attempting not to wake her up. Kissing her on the forehead, he placed a blanket over her.
“So you still didn’t answer my question as to why you are here....”
“I thought you’d want some company, obviously someone bet me to it.” Pouting his lips impersonating kisses, Drake shook his head at Maxwell’s drunken pout.
“Do you want me to take Bartie back to Ramsford... you’ve got condoms now, you can both take advantage of being alone.”
“No, don’t disturb him. You wasn’t due to have him until tomorrow anyway.”
“Okay, well I’ll stay. We can celebrate me winning the competition.”
“Don’t you have a girlfriend to celebrate with?”
“It’s a bit late to disturb her...” Drake shook his head again, now knowing that he was now lumbered with the younger Beaumont.
“I’ll carry Evie to my bed, then I’ll celebrate with you if you don’t pass out before then.”
Bastien heard a knock on Olivia’s door, it was now early hours in the morning so he knew it must be important. Slipping out of bed, he attempted to not disturb her, however his plan failed. Feeling her nails dig into him, her eyes were wide- waiting for an explanation about why he was about to leave.
“Someone’s at the door Liv.”
“Fuck them. Ignore it. Now I’m awake, I want to take full advantage of you.” Pulling him back onto the bed, she straddled him. Kissing his bare skin, for a moment he forgot about the disturbance, until the knocking continued.
“What the fuck do you want?” Olivia shouted, feeling frustrated. Bastien rolled her off of him, he had a slight erection so decided to get rid of whoever it was.
“What? This better be important Glen.” The guard gulped as he saw Olivia provide him with dagger eyes.
“It’s about Duke Tobias. When the guards checked on him a few hours ago, he gave them a letter to pass onto Duchess Evangeline. Usually he would be pleading his innocence throughout the night, begging for the guards to let him free. However, he has been suspiciously quiet tonight....”
“Glen! Just spit out what you need to say. What’s happened?” Gulping, the younger guard began shaking, images of what he had seen were still stuck in his mind.
“Duke Tobias is dead.”
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
ahhh it is embarrassing how my siblings find me in the most candid moments,, i'm just glad that the video didn't spread too far among my friends,, because i know for a fact that if it reached far enough, someone would end up posting it here!! at least they always threaten to do so... 😖💫 oh my, and morgy dear, you are one sly fox, don't think i missed where you called my existence "ethereal" in tags... you are way too sweet to me!! but really, the only thing ethereal here is you~ 💞 (2/9)
"i started watching playthroughs of the ace attorney games today (since i can't afford to buy any of them) and i really enjoy it so far!! i can't wait to watch more, and this coming week, i plan to set a day aside to watch more of our show 😉 (3/9)
ooh, something quite funny has happened today,, i put out this question on instagram asking if any of my friends want to go out for dinner with me sometime (since i was bored and i think it's a nice idea hehe) and now i have TONS of people saying yes!! oh gosh, it's quite crazy! i feel bad for it but i think i have to pic just a few people, since the amount of contenders is overwhelming,, ahhhh i do hope they'll take it well!! 😅 (4/9)
today was spent working,, tailoring clothes and cleaning the house to be exact,, it was all so tiring, and unfortunately i was the only one who was able to do it since everyone else was "busy",, mamma mia,, but i did end up having to do more food shopping today, and it started to storm super hard while i was out! i am scared of thunderstorms, so being out and about during one is truly a nightmare for me!! (5/9)
they are so beautiful but terrifying at the same time,, oh gosh, it was even worse since i was out by myself,, no one to latch onto for safety 😖 i think the thunderstorm may be related to a hurricane that is incoming towards my country,, it most likely won't hit as bad in the north (where i am) since the storms tend to die down and wash out in the atlantic by the time they reach here, so we'll probably just get more thunderstorms,, (6/9)
though in return, we get these awful storms that we call nor'easters, which are basically wintry hurricanes they are truly awful for me to live through since i do not do well with cold at all,, my friends and i actually got caught in one by accident last year, and we were stuck outside for 3 whole hours... ah that was such a scary situation!!!!we all ended up going to the hospital to get checked out since we were trapped for so long... (7/9)
everyone i know in person always talks about how we're "survivors", but i'm not sure if that's the right term to use... i guess it's the law of equivalent exchange? a hurricane for a nor'easter hehe ☁ speaking of storms, when the rain died down, i went to check on the bunnies,, and the poor cuties were soaked and shivering! i offered them my raincoat and umbrella to stay under, but i guess they were desperately cold, to the point where they cuddled up to me! (8/9)
i ended up laying there for half an hour, trying to warm the little bunbuns up,, and even though i came home shivering myself, i'm so happy that sacrificing my body heat was enough to help them!! 😊 oh my stars, i feel the tiredness hitting me, I guess that means sleepy time hehe! goodnight dolcezza, i'll see you tomorrow!! sending sweet dreams your way 💕 - love always, your adoring waifu 💋🌺💘💌🌠 ps: we must definitely go out to dinner together,, no if's and's or but's about it~! 😘 (9/9)"
Ok so before i say anything else tungle mighr have eaten the first part to ur letter and im boutta throw fists 🗿🗿🗿🗿 but either way i gotta say darling my eyes read over the words "sly fox" and i immediately c r e a s e d jhdusuxhdjs im only stating facts alright🤪🤪🤪 it wouldn't be the first time someone calls me sly but i take that as a compliment really👁️
And before we dive d e e p e r lemme tell u a lil secret....i myself did not buy the aa games so if u acc want to play em hmu👀👁️👀👁️
Ok so as for the storms thing i gotta say thats fuckin wild ur life really does sound like a move darling u know rhshxhd i do know its esp bad lately from another american friend of mine who told me that it also heavily rained in her area (she's on the east coast) so🗿🗿🗿 but ig u would be called survivors since technically u made it thru a natural disaster which is fuckin w i l d
Its nice to see that u were more productive again ofc (and also u warming those poor bunnies up? Icon 11/10 disney princess right fuckin here) but i gotta say once more idk how u do it....i'd be burning up the house when attempting to cook and shredding the clothes in less than a second🤡 my day was spent writing (smth non jojo related) then i went out and played football until my legs gave in and pain shot thru my entire body since my dumbass can go at it for h o u r s completely ignoring if i scrape some skin or shit like that just bc i wanna push thru and keep playing a h a
On another note, im p sure ur friends would all want to go out w u (i myself the most but shh) 👁️
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