#Avalon Waterways
cruisebay2020 · 1 year
Book Avalon Waterway Cruises from Cruisebay
Book Avalon Waterway Cruises from Cruisebay to experience 80-plus years of travel expertise. Hop on to the newest, quietest, and most spacious river cruises and small-ship cruises, with state-of-the-art resort-style amenities, and incomparable service. Avalon lets you cruise Europe, Egypt, China, and the Galápagos Islands in a world-class way.
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mwktravelservices · 2 years
Awesome Wellness Experiences at Resorts and on Cruise Ships
Awesome Wellness Experiences at Resorts and on Cruise Ships
Rosewood Mayakoba:  Before your arrival at this stunning resort in Riviera Maya, a team of wellness consultants will work with you to create a personalized agenda for your stay. Choose to focus on inner balance, fitness and nutrition, or adventure; the team will plan three custom activities for your wellness experience. BodyHoliday St. Lucia: This holistic all-inclusive resort set on the…
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goforlesstours · 5 days
Are you ready to embark on a journey through one of the world's most renowned wine regions? Avalon Waterways is thrilled to announce their latest addition to their river cruise itineraries for 2025: Bordeaux, France. Prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating beauty, rich history, and exquisite flavors of this iconic destination.
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luxebeat · 2 years
The Avalon View Sets Sail On The Danube With Meredith Vieira As Godmother
The Avalon View Sets Sail On The Danube With Meredith Vieira As Godmother
Avalon Waterways has launched its 16th panorama suites river ship with U.S. broadcaster Meredith Vieira on hand as the ship’s godmother, offering a blessing for the luxury ship now known as the Avalon View. Avalon View’s Christening Was Delayed By Pandemic The christening and ship launch was two years in the making, delayed by the pandemic that put cruising on hold for more than a year. But the…
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bcacstuff · 8 months
Anyone up for a river cruise on the Rhine from Basel to Amsterdam next year?
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That's the minimum price, for the Deluxe State Room, you can upgrade to a Panorama Suite for $5,398. The Royal Suite is sold out.... 😳
At least Uncle Graham knows where to find the people with huge bank accounts. Bet he (and Garance) will leave a few business cards here and there on the table for their merch. Perhaps better than bar tending at the Hamptons ^^
btw. I checked and compared prices for a similar cruise, found 13 days, 4 countries, starting at €1895,- for a normal room, €2060,- for a normal room on the promenade deck, and €3810,- for a suite on the promenade deck. Just for comparison...
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shinycomputerqueen · 2 years
Here’s a familiar face!
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stranotizie · 23 days
Claude Monet descrive, nelle poche parole di sopra riportate, quello che è il principio cardine del suo modo di intendere l’analisi e la riproduzione in arte di quanto percepiamo e osserviamo intorno a noi: viene definita Impressionismo, la corrente pittorica che ebbe sull’arte che va dell’Ottocento ai giorni nostri un effetto dirompente. Era il 1874. Un vero e proprio anno 0, per le arti figurative.La città di Parigi, ad appena tre primavere dalla tragica conclusione dell’esperienza della Commune, è alla ricerca di una nuova identità nel contesto di un dopoguerra che segue un doppio conflitto, quello contro la Germania, prima, quello civile poi. Una situazione di crisi e incertezza, ma anche di fermento e spinta creativa, che muove alcuni giovani artisti alla ricerca di nuove vie. Si cominciano a ritrarre scene di vita quotidiana all’aperto o en plein air, come si dice sempre più spesso, ottenendo risultati straordinari esposti, per la prima volta, proprio nell’aprile del 1874 in quella che è passata alla storia come la prima mostra del gruppo. Tra le opere esposte, all’atelier del fotografo Nadar in Boulevard des Capucines 35, sarà l’operaImpression, soleil levant di Claude Monet a dare il nome all’intero movimento. Impressionismo. Sono passati 150 anni da quando Monet, Pissarro, Degas, Morisot, Renoir e colleghi rivoluzionarono il modo di concepire l’opera d’arte e il ruolo stesso dell’artista all’interno della società. Avalon Waterways omaggia questa straordinaria stagione con tre crociere a regola d’arte lungo il corso della Senna, che dal cuore di Parigi taglia il nord-ovest della Francia fino a sfociare in Normandia. Durante la sua lunga vita, Monet ebbe modo di ritrarre diverse località affacciate su questo fiume, in quelle che sono diventate alcune delle sue opere e serie più famose e amate. Le crociere Avalon Waterways ne ripercorrono le orme, dando agli appassionati un punto di vista privilegiato: quello del fiume, di quella Senna tante volte ritratta nelle opere impressioniste, in cui si entra, insieme alla nave Avalon Waterways, a far parte del paesaggio. Lungo le sue rive, costeggiate lentamente e senza fretta, si possono ancora vedere, con un po’ di fantasia, tela, cavalletto, berretto e pipa del grande maestro della luce. Da Parigi a Le Havre, passando per Giverny e RouenE come non partire da Parigi? La Ville Lumière, le cui luci con il fiume che gli fa da specchio scintillante, è il porto d’imbarco delle crociere Avalon Waterways lungo la Senna. Di luoghi legati a Monet e all’Impressionismo, qui, nel centro culturale più importante della Francia e del Continente, ce ne sono una miriade. Dall’Orangerie, che conserva alcune delle tele più famose dell’artista, fino alla mostra tematica ospitata dal Musée d’Orsay a un secolo e mezzo di distanza da quella del 1874: quest’anno si respira Impressionismo tra le strade di Parigi, da Montmartre alla Senna, passando per il Moulin de la Galette e per il Folies Bergère.Ma i luoghi più significativi dell’esperienza di vita e di arte di Claude Monet sono sicuramente quelli che si incontrano a bordo dei Avalon Waterways sui due fianchi della Senna, fuori dalla Capitale: da Vernon e Giverny, dove il pittore visse per 40 anni e coltivò la sua grande passione per il giardinaggio (avete presente le ninfee? Lo stagno del pittore è ancora visitabile in tutto il suo splendore insieme alla sua casa-museo!), fino alla Cattedrale di Rouen, che Monet ritrasse per 30 volte alle diverse ore del giorno nell’omonima serie. La crociera si conclude nel luogo in cui l’Impressionismo è cominciato: proprio a Le Havre, dove la Senna incontra l’Oceano, Monet aveva realizzato quell’ Impression, soleil levant che nel 1874 aveva battezzato questa nuova corrente pittorica.Non di solo Impressionismo…Ma questo non è che uno spunto: ecco 5 altri motivi per partire con Avalon Waterways alla scoperta della Senna.Visitare il Castello di ChantillySe i più golosi hanno aguzzato la vista alla lettura di questa parola, ci hanno visto giusto! Tra le attività del terzo giorno di crociera, in cui la nave Avalon Wateways sarà ancorata a Conflans, c’è anche una visita alla località dove la deliziosa crema Chantilly è nata. All’interno del castello, i pasticceri della Cofrérie des Chevaliers Fouetteurs de crème Chantilly vi insegneranno tutti i segreti della ricetta.Auvers-sur-Oise, l’ultima casa di Van GoghIn alternativa alla visita a Chantilly, è possibile visitare un luogo simbolo dell’arte di fin de siècle: Auvers, che si trova sull’Oise, affluente della Senna. Qui terminò la tormentata esistenza di Vincent Van Gogh, tra l’auberge Ravoux, la chiesa di Notre Dame e i corvi dei campi di grano: come attraversare la cornice e camminare nei suoi più celebri dipinti.Opulenza napoleonica allo Château de MalmaisonIl recente successo cinematografico del Napoleone di Ridley Scott ha senz’altro, semmai ce ne fosse bisogno, riacceso i riflettori sull’intramontabile figura dell’Imperatore. Ma molto, molto di più, sul fascino misterioso della sua prima moglie Giuseppina: donna di intelligenza e carisma fuori dal comune, Giuseppina trascorse gli ultimi anni della sua vita nel Castello di Malmaison, opulenta residenza alle porte di Parigi dove tutto parla dell’Imperatrice, del suo rapporto con Bonaparte e, sicuramente, anche del suo gusto. Avalon Waterways propone questo Castello tra le attività facoltative del terzo giorno di crociera.Rivivere a Rouen gli ultimi giorni di Giovanna d’ArcoAveva appena 19 anni, Giovanna d’Arco, di gran lunga la figura femminile più celebre, amata e studiata del Medioevo, quando un giorno di maggio del 1431 fu condotta al rogo della place du Vieux-Marché a Rouen. Era l’epilogo di una vicenda umana che ha sbalordito i contemporanei e continua ad affascinare chi si approccia oggi alle gesta di questa giovane donna del Quattrocento, che riuscì da sola (o meglio, con l’aiuto di Dio) a determinare le sorti della guerra dei Cent’Anni e dell’intera storia di Francia. È un’ottima idea trascorrere il quinto giorno, durante la sosta a Rouen della nave Avalon Waterways, ripercorrendo i passi della pulzella d’Orléans, tra la Cattedrale, la Tour Jean d’Arc dove fu processata e tenuta prigioniera e la stessa place du Vieux-Marché.Le spiagge dello sbarco in NormandiaTra i momenti decisivi dell’ultimo conflitto mondiale, uno di quelli maggiormente entrati nell’immaginario comune, grazie anche a una vasta produzione letteraria e cinematografica, è senza dubbio lo sbarco in Normandia. Avalon Waterways, per il sesto giorno di crociera, propone un tour di un’intera giornata nei luoghi più significativi dello sbarco alleato tra cui Omaha Beach, il monumento di Pointe du Hoc e il cimitero americano, o in alternativa una visita guidata dei siti commemorativi britannici e canadesi, tra cui il cimitero britannico, il Pegasus Memorial, la città balneare di Arromanches, il centro di Juno Beach e il cimitero di guerra canadese di Bény-sur-Mer.Le partenze: date e tariffeCome anticipato, le crociere Avalon Waterways lungo la Senna nel 2024 saranno 3, in partenza a bordo della nave Avalon Tapestry II il 14 maggio (a partire da 3.031€ a persona in cabina doppia), il 25 giugno (a partire da 3.031€ a persona in cabina doppia) e il 20 agosto (a partire da 2.712€ a persona in cabina doppia). Tutti i prezzi sono per persona in cabina doppia, e includono tasse portuali e mance Fonte
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lewisconrada · 29 days
The Best River Cruise Lines in Europe
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Embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary and delves into the heart of Europe's most captivating landscapes and cultures. The enchanting rivers of Europe are the veins through which the continent's rich history, breathtaking scenery, and diverse cultures flow. In 2024, the premier river cruise lines — AmaWaterways, Avalon Waterways, and Uniworld — are set to elevate your cruising experience.
AmaWaterways invites you into a world where luxury meets adventure. Step aboard and find yourself in staterooms and suites that are havens of comfort, with contemporary décor and panoramic windows that frame Europe's stunning vistas. Culinary journeys crafted from locally-sourced ingredients await, capturing the essence of each region you visit. Wine enthusiasts will revel in the Wine Cruises, offering an odyssey through Europe's famed vineyards.
Avalon Waterways transforms your suite into a viewpoint for Europe's enchanting landscapes. Their focus on wellness and active exploration ensures a balanced journey of indulgence and invigoration, all while granting unparalleled access to the continent's most charming and intimate ports.
Uniworld sets the stage for a river cruising experience that is as unique as it is luxurious. Distinctive accommodations blend elegance with local flair, and exclusive shore excursions offer deep dives into the culture, history, and traditions of each destination. Committed to environmental stewardship, Uniworld ensures that your journey enriches your life while respecting the places you visit.
Viking River Cruises emerges as a trailblazer in river exploration, offering a sophisticated journey through Europe's iconic waterways. Known for its modern Scandinavian-designed Longships, Viking provides a seamless blend of comfort, cultural enrichment, and eco-friendly practices. Passengers can indulge in spacious accommodations and enjoy exclusive "Privileged Access" excursions that grant unparalleled insights into historical landmarks. Environmental sustainability is at the core of Viking's operations, ensuring a harmonious experience with the destinations explored.
Ready to find your dream cruise? Contact The Cruise Web team today at 1-800-377-9383 and let the experts tailor the perfect river cruise experience for you.https://cruiseweb.com/
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cruises-trips-news · 3 months
Avalon Waterways to make Garonne and Dordogne debuts in 2025
Avalon Waterways will offer new one, two and three-week sailings through Bordeaux with cruises on the Garonne and Dordogne, and combinations that also include the Seine, Saône, Rhône and Rhine.Pam Hoffee, president of Avalon Waterways, said: “Wine-lovers aren’t the only cruisers raising a glass to Avalon’s new Bordeaux itineraries.“Along the shores of the Garonne and […] The post Avalon Waterways to make Garonne and Dordogne debuts in 2025 appeared first on BOAT CRUISES TRIPS NEWS. https://boat-cruises-trips.news-6.com/avalon-waterways-to-make-garonne-and-dordogne-debuts-in-2025/
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travelbookingnow · 3 months
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Uncover Europe's Treasures with Avalon Waterways: Free Airfare & Savings of $700!
Embark on a remarkable journey through the heart of Europe's most iconic rivers with Avalon Waterways. For a limited time, select river cruises come with the incredible offer of free airfare and savings of $700 per stateroom when you book by March 2, 2024. Immerse yourself in the timeless beauty of Europe as you cruise along the legendary Danube, Rhine, or Rhône rivers, and experience the unparalleled luxury and comfort that Avalon Waterways is renowned for. From the stunning landscapes to the captivating culture and history, this is your opportunity to elevate your European river cruise experience while enjoying exceptional savings. Don't miss out on this exclusive offer - secure your booking now and get ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime with Avalon Waterways!
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cruiseplan · 4 months
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Imagine waking up to this view! Cruise one of Europe’s storied rivers in your Panorama Suite complete with wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows. Only on Avalon Waterways. https://www.cruiseplantravel.com/deals/AVA/source:fb_partner/campaign_id:65dc48c?
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go-bodysolution1 · 7 months
Avalon Tranquility you need to know. Please Subscribe To Us:    / @luxurycruisetips   This video is presented by the Luxury Cruise Tips YouTube Channel. This video is for Avalon Tranquility you need to know. Welcome aboard the enchanting journey of Avalon Waterways, where tranquility comes alive! With a reputation for providing exceptional river cruises, Avalon Waterways offers a truly immersive experience for travelers seeking relaxation, beauty, and cultural exploration. In this article, we will delve into the key things you need to know about Avalon Waterways' Tranquility cruise, designed to whisk you away on a remarkable voyage. Imagine waking up every morning to breathtaking views through your wall-to-wall panoramic window, allowing you to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and picturesque cities along the river. On Avalon Waterways' Tranquility ship, luxury knows no bounds. Its contemporary design and state-of-the-art amenities ensure an unrivaled experience as you navigate the most scenic waterways of the world. Embarking on a Tranquility cruise means experiencing top-notch service from highly trained crew members, whose sole purpose is to make your journey as smooth and memorable as possible. From the moment you step onboard, you'll be welcomed with open arms, greeted by a warm smile, and treated like royalty throughout your entire voyage. Prepare your taste buds for an incredible culinary journey on the Avalon Waterways Tranquility ship. Expert chefs will tempt your palate with exquisite dishes inspired by the destinations you visit. Whether you prefer international cuisine or local specialties, every meal will be a delightful experience filled with flavors that excite and satisfy. Embarking on an Avalon Waterways Tranquility cruise guarantees a journey filled with serenity, luxury, and unforgettable experiences. Indulge yourself in the floating oasis of tranquility, where exceptional service, exquisite cuisine, personalized itineraries, and breathtaking landscapes await. Don't miss out on the chance to unlock the magic of Avalon Waterways' Tranquility – book your dream cruise now and prepare for an extraordinary Some of Our Most Popular Uploaded: Luxury Cruise Deals and News for August 2023 #luxurycruising   • Luxury Cruise Deals and News for Augu...   Nile River Cruise-Learn what an Egyptologist Does    • Nile River Cruise-Learn what an Egypt...   Uniworld SS Sphinx cabin tour    • Uniworld SS Sphinx Cabin Tour - THE M...   Uniworld River Tosca ship tour with suites    • Uniworld River Tosca ship tour with s...   Please don't forget to Like, Comment + Share Our videos and Subscribe To Our Channel:    / @luxurycruisetips  #luxurycruisingtips#luxurycruising#LuxuryCruise#CruiseTips#cruising#AvalonTranquilityThingsyouneedtoknow#AvalonTranquilityyouneedtoknow#AvalonTranquilityThings#AvalonWaterwaysTranquilityThings#TranquilityWaterways#AvalonTranquility#cruising#River#Cruise#luxurycruising
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regalgutter01 · 8 months
Sustainable Gutter Cleaning Practices: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Sustaining your home is really a responsibility that moves turn in hand with taking care of the environment. Sustainable practices not just benefit your living space but in addition contribute to the entire well-being of our planet. In regards to gutter cleaning , adopting eco-friendly approaches will make a positive impact. In that website, we'll explore sustainable gutter cleaning techniques that stick to the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Lowering your environmental footprint begins with reducing waste and applying resources wisely during gutter cleaning.
Use Small Water: Instead of using extortionate water for cleaning , go for a high-pressure nozzle in your garden hose. This helps conserve water while effectively removing dust from gutters.
Choose Environmentally Pleasant Cleaning Alternatives: If you want to wash more tenacious dirt from gutters , choose green cleaning solutions. Prevent hard chemicals that will damage the surroundings once they run off into the soil or waterways.
Prevent Dirt Buildup: Standard maintenance and preventive steps, such as adding gutter pads or cutting overhanging divisions, may help reduce the total amount of dirt that accumulates in your gutters.
Reuse: Reusing materials and gear during gutter cleaning may somewhat reduce waste.
Use Biodegradable Bags: If you're gathering dirt in bags, choose biodegradable ones which will breakdown over time. This decreases the environmental influence of spend disposal.
Reuse Gathered Debris: Some normal trash, such as for instance leaves and twigs, could be repurposed as compost or mulch for your garden. This minimizes the requirement for disposal and enriches your landscaping.
Reuse Gear: Purchase quality gutter cleaning tools and equipment that may be used for several years. This decreases the need for frequent replacements, which can cause waste.
Recycle: Recycling components is really a basic facet of sustainable techniques, actually during gutter cleaning.
Separate Recyclables: In the event that you collect non-organic debris in bags, separate recyclables such as for instance plastic and metal from the remaining portion of the waste. Dump recyclable components effectively according to the local recycling guidelines.
Reliably Get rid of Waste: If you're selecting experts for gutter cleaning Avalon service , ensure they get rid of collected waste responsibly, often by recycling or using eco-friendly spend administration methods.
Repair and Repurpose: If you experience broken gutter areas during cleaning , consider restoring them as opposed to instantly exchanging them. Additionally, repurpose old gutters into innovative DIY projects about your home.
Employ Sustainable Services : If you choose to hire experts for gutter cleaning Avalon service , contemplate firms that prioritize sustainable practices. Enquire about their spend removal strategies and if they use green cleaning solutions.
Sustainable gutter cleaning techniques certainly are a responsible way to keep up your home while minimizing your impact on the environment. By staying with the rules of reducing, reusing, and recycling, you're adding to the well-being of one's living space and the planet as a whole. From using minimal water and eco-friendly answers to reusing collected debris and equipment, every small energy counts. By making sustainable choices throughout gutter cleaning Avalon service, you're setting an illustration for aware living and showing that also daily jobs may be done with environmental mindfulness.
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sandratognarini · 9 months
Mosella: la crociera di Avalon Waterways tra storia e gusto
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Mosella: la crociera di Avalon Waterways tra storia e gusto   Scopri il fascino del fiume Mosella che attraversa tre paesi europei e offre panorami indimenticabili, castelli medievali e vini pregiati La Mosella senza tempo di Ausonio “Tetti di ville che si ergono sulle rive dei declivi, colli verdeggianti Vuoi vivere una #crociera indimenticabile tra #storia #natura e #gusto ? Scopri la #Mosella con #AvalonWaterways . Da #Remich a #Francoforte passando per #Treviri , #Bernkastel , #Cochem , #Coblenza e #Rüdesheim . https://ramingare.com/?p=8008 🚢🍷🏰🌊 ... Read the full article
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Avalon Waterways River Cruise Ship Tour
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amazingcruisenews · 1 year
Avalon Waterways
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